
NamasteI P.Pawan Puthra assistant professor Dept of EEE from Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering(A)LED 1.1DATE : 05-08-2017 Time: 6:40PMQuestion What happens in a physical classroom?AnswerThere will be a teacher , who utilize a course content to deliver it to a student (learner). Inorder to have effective delivery there should be information flow in the three phasesTeacher Learner Course ContentQuestion Think and WriteCan you list various interactions between these three components learner, content and the teacher in a physical class room?Answer Teacher is delivering content to the students using a discussion/ power point or slides referring various books and papers. The learning here is teacher cedntricIf it is a online classroom environmentFacilitatorLearner Course ContentThe course content can be video, course material and problems The learner watches the videos and solve the problems related to itHere the learning is not teacher centric but it is student centricHere the learner can solve problem by course content or by exchanging information by discussion forumsLED 1.2DATE : 05-08-2017 Time: 08:00PmPedagogic AdaptionLearning Dialogues: (LED”s)Reflection Spot Think and writeQuestionWhat is the equivalent of instructor videos in a physical classroom?AnswerTeacher giving lecture in a class room with a slide/ chalk and talkQuestionWhat is the additional features does the video in a online setting haveAnswerIn a video based learning is a self passed course the reasons are as follows Can be paused whenever necessaryVolume can be controlledSpeed of the video scan be controlledScreen size can be controlledNavigation of the lecture can be controlled One can have subtitles/ transcripts coming below or can be side viewed It can be a time script Some portion can be highlightedOne can use reflection spots or markers so that the video can be more interactiveLED 1.3DATE : 06-08-2017 Time: 06:00PmPedagogic AdaptionLearning by Doing(LOD’s) it means to choose which one is right which one is wrong by its explnationReflection Spot Think and writeQuestionWhat advantage do you see in answering practice question immediately after LED’ videos?Answer Reinforce key concepts discussed In this learning one should know which multiple choice is good which is not inorder to know it one has to know the exact explanation for good and bad choices as wellLED 1.4DATE : 07-08-2017 Time: 06:00PmPedagogic AdaptionLearning By Extension Resources(LXT’s) it means of enhancing your knowledge by using external sources which include a short video, research article , links , books and documentsReflection Spot Think and writeQuestionWhat is the function of assimilation Quiz (AQ)?AnswerTo test the key concepts that we have assimilatedLED 1.5DATE : 08-08-2017 Time: 06:40PmPedagogic AdaptionLearning Experience Interaction (LXI’s)When a teacher enquires about the learner experience of the course by detailed discussion by asking the student a specific questionReflection Spot Think and writeQuestionWhat is the advantage of having a structured group discussion with a focus question and specific instruction?AnswerGenerally a discussion can go out of bound if it is focused the discussion will be at a core and it will not get out of boundDiscusson can be engaging if it revolves in focus pointLXI’s has focused discussion (specific instruction what and how to discuss)If we have a focused discussion the learner will have exposure to the context and collaboration with the learnersDATE : 08-08-2017 Time: 07:40PmSelf Exploration Course about ICT by Prof.V.Prabhakar from IIT Kanpur:QuestionWhat is ICT?Information Technology with fast computation and large data systemsIt can be wired or wireless Data will be at one place and one csn share data and do computation from another placeApplication of ICT:Buying a Cell phone Go to E commerce site LoginChoose phone Make paymentlogoutHardware: Computer using http connects to ecommerce site by using Hubs, switches and routers and the communication is given to servers and depending on your preferences Generally entire data will be stored in the servers from inquiry to cash payments the communication will be done by servers using business logicsSoftware: It needs an application which has a browser connected to it through the routing connected to business logic where the history is storedDATE : 08-08-2017 Time: 07:40PmResource CreationRead Course JournalRecollect the content discussed Reflection Spot Think and writeQuestionWrite one advantage of maintaining course journal?AnswerIt gives the information how much we have learnt by structured viewIt is a series of writing made by a learner in resonse to questions asked by the content as it is both process and a record Process; forcing the writer in right path which include videos, content and various activities and it contains learners view .Record: It provides the process of thinkingResource Creation Course JournalA course journal is a process and a recordProcess of creation course journal:select a particular document editor (Msoffice/notepad etcCreate a outline structure i.e journal can be a day wise or week wiseRecord time of entries (text, videos Ask good reflective Questions:QuestionWhat are the central orcrucial points the instructor is trying to makeQuestionWhat have I learned from the content or the specific discussions ?QuestionWhat have I been asked to think about hadn’t occurred to me beforeQuestionHow does an activity help me explain things that I have not previously understoodQuestionDoes does understanding contradict my previous learningQuestionWhat are the implications of tese ideasQuestionCan I think some examples from my own experienceLearning Experience InteractionPosting a dialogueDiscussion forumNamasteI P.Pawan Puthra assistant professor Dept of EEE from Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering(A)Week-2 Course Journal FDP101x Foundation program in ICT for educationWEEK 2: WEB PRESENCE FOR TEACHERSDate: 14-08-2017 Time : 06:00PMSELF EXPLORATION RESOURCESINTERNET: BY GEOFFREY CHALLEN Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering , University of Buffalo)What is internet: Geffrey Challen spoke about what is a internet and also specified that it consists of large network of wires connecting computers with large data Internet can be defined in three ways:First Level : Huge computer physical networks connecting all over the world using infrastructure. Second level :Set of protocols (procedure how a computer communicate) which define how computer communicates with each other to exchange information such as images etcThird level: space created /human related /People communicating and sharing resources. How internet works (Animation Video):Internet is a huge computer network and each network is connected to other forming a interconnected network. It is a physical network that brings billions of people together. Information flow is designated as internet traffic with wires as fast as 5 times the earth per secondMobile signals sent through mobile mast can be connected to internet through cable. The data is transmitted as 0 and 1, the computer changes the digital data to messages. The information flows through data centers which is series of servers Internet is a collection of data centers servers. Each appliance or a computer connected to internet has an IP address. IP address is like address of a home IP address are made of numbers and are converted to web address for ease of use. Address with letters are called as domain names. iiiis.se is called internet address registryAddressCountry.seSwedenTopLevel Domains .dkDanish.fiFinland.noNorwayIn the world over 300 top level addressesWEB PAGES AND WEBSITES:WEB BROWSER: It is a program on computer to allow sites to open , translate codes to graphical view Making it simpler to understand.Internet explorerEdgePhantomMozilla firefoxApple safariNu introMDNNetscape navigatorGoogle chromeOpera desktopPages that are opened in web browser are called as webpages WEB PAGE: It is a document that contains the information, links & codes some of which are displayed to visitor of the page.*Website is collection of web pages*.WEBSITE: collection on webpage groupedWEBSERVER: computer in which the website is hosted on internet SEARCH ENGINE: finds other webpages for example Google, Bing, yahoo, Yandex and DuckDuckgo EXTENSIONS: Addons and other extra features Google Chrome deleted two addons i.e Add to Freely and Tweet the pageDate: 15-08-2017 Time : 07:00PMLED 2.1TOOLS FOR WEBSITE CREATIONNeed:Consumption to creativeResumeResearch workPublicationsInternshipsGroup memberTopic surveyTeaching material blogsWebsites are classified in to 2 typesSimple WebsiteMulti functional WebsiteSimple websites can be used when we have lesser number of pages and blog. Ex: WordpressMulti Functional:Pages with well structured content Publications which have multiple fields such as author, title , etcPages linked with each other Research topic, publications in which people worked on itDepartment websites with people research area, curriculum etc For conference Websites which has a large data such as Login, Registrations , Abstracts , Fee Payment and Logout Ex: DrupalCode for wordpressPackage from Other hosting sitesDownloadxxHostedLocalLocal3rd Party3rd PartyCostFree FreeFree Medium SpaceUnlimitedUnlimitedLimitedLimitedSetupModerate Easy Easy Easy MaintenanceModerateModerateEasyEasyDrupal and wordpress both are open source resources and can be downloaded easily.Date: 16-08-2017 Time : 07:00PMLED 2.2BASIC CUSTOMIZATION IN WORDPRESS:Steps for customization in word press:1. Login to your website. 2. Click on mysite for customization. 3. Header image, fonts, colour can be edited. 4. Widgets –small application that runs within the website can be added based on the need. 5. Order of widgets can be changed. 6. Front page lists all the blogs. 7. If blog is not needed it can be changed to static page. 8. Customize option can be used to edit the website when ever needed. Date: 17-08-2017 Time : 07:00PMLED 2.3ADDING BASIC CONTENT IN WORDPRESS:PAGES AND BLOGSBLOGS: web log it is like a diary on web. it is periodic (time bound ) Categorized by date of release and keywordsPAGES:It is genericIt is not time boundIt can be an object such as list, images and videos as wellCREATE BLOG IN WORDPRESS: Log in to wordpress account ->My site->wp-admin->dashboard->Blog->Add Blog->Edit Title->Write content ( your thought ) in the body part->Preview or publish.CREATE PAGES IN WORDPRESS:Log in to wordpress account ->My site->wp-admin->dashboard->Pages- ->Add Pages->Edit Title->Add images, ppts, videos in body part by add Media->Select Slug option (provides URL link of page)->Publish.LED 2.4MANAGING CONTENT IN WORDPRESS :Steps for managing:Control panels manages blogs, media etcGo to website->my site->wp-admin->dashboardDashboard Displays menu for posts, pages. Click on postPosts will be displayed with status such as published or draft copy.Any post will always appear on a top.Pages can also be managed with options such as quick edit, edit, delete,publish ,unpublish and sticky.Date: 17-08-2017 Time : 07:00PMLED 2.5 ADVANCED CUSTOMISATION IN WORDPRESS:Wordpress stores all files uploaded in media library. Menu leads us from home page to different pages. Topics can be added and reordered in menu. Look and feel of the website can be changed by means of different themes. Theme must be customised to change font ,colour, content etcLEARNING EXTENSION RESOURCEINTRODUCTION TO DRUPAL: It is CMS (Content Management System).It is open source and free. It is flexible. It is mobile ready.Fantastic for big projects.Friendly, social and searchable. Can be extended if munity provides help.Used by large and experienced companies.DRUPAL HISTORY: It is invented by Dries Buytaert in the year 2000 first used as chat platform.Drupal means VolunteersYEAR OF RELEASEDrupal VERSIONS20001.0, 2.0 and 3.020024.020075.020086.020117.020158.0It is used by US president , weather report , lady gaga etcNamasteI P.Pawan Puthra assistant professor Dept of EEE from Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering(A)Week-3Course Journal FDP101x Foundation program in ICT for EducationDate: 19-08-2017 Time : 07:00PMVisual presentation by Prof. Sameer Sahasrabudhe IIT Bombay:In this first video lecture Sameer Sahasrabudhe lectured about how to get best power point presentations and what should be doneSteps for nice presentation:PLANEXECUTEIMPRESSOutlineColor schemesAnalyzeBullteted belowTypographyOrganizegraphsVisual effectsAppealVISUAL EFFECTSGRAPHICSSTATIC GRAPHICSMOTION GRAPHICSDrawing or illustrationsVideosPhotographsAnimationsCharts or tables or graphsIn this second video lecture Sameer Sahasrabudhe lectured on color usage on presentation.colors as use of color is very important and it is so because it Color are used communicates a mood.Colors are used for expressionColors are used for conventionColors are used for meaningCOLOR GUIDELINES: More contrast = More readabilityDim lit room = white text on black backgroundBright room = black text on white backgroundVivid / Pale color = less readability should be avoided Color scheme ti suit the particular topicGenerally use of fashion colors like pink, violet and magenta etc should be avoided and use of normal colors such as grey, brown and blue etc TYPOGRAPHY: It is nothing but fonts.Do not mix all the fonts in one sentence.TYPOGRAPHY GUIDELINES: Use minimum fonts two are advisable and more than two is chaoticUse font options to emphasize one is advisable two can be rarely usedUse alignment feature left is preferable but depends on the frame template at timesUse grid and ruler for content alignmentUse proper template Use phrases or abbreviations rather than full sentenceUse 6X6 method i.e 6 points in not more than 6 wordsUse sans serif font with 24pt or higherIMPRESS GUIDELINES If content is correct and presentation is not good it will be lousyIf the presentation is good and content is incorrect then also it will be chaotic.Content for a given audience should govern the decision of choosingAn informative visualAn appropriate designA suitable strategyDate: 21-08-2017 Time : 07:50PMWEEK 3: LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSExploring MOODLE as a "Student"Step 1: Access the MOODLE Demo Site (See fig below) by clicking on this?link.)Step 2: Login to the site using the?following credentialsUsername: studentPassword:?moodleStep 3: Select the course "Digital Literacy" from the courses (see fig below)Step 4:?Do all the activities in the course and experience the various type of learning features available in MOODLE. Make sure that you specifically go through the activity "Forum Netiquette" ABOUT THIS COURSEThis course explores Digital Literacy and its importance for teachers and students. How confident are you? (1)ChoiceLearning survey: Help us to help you study more effectivelyLearner databaseHow confident are you? About digital literacy: In this a choice question is asked about confidenceLearning survey: Help us to help you study more effectivelyLearner database: Creation of the student databaseBACKGROUND READING :Video: In this a small video about Digital Literacy & why does it matters by Beverly Amer (Northern Arizona University): in this video she hs spoken how to use computer and how advanced search helps the students to be more productive and more effective in utilizing communication technology Join the digital literacy discussion forum: Posted a discussion forum in the postONE APPROACH TO DIGITAL LITERACY:MODELS OF DIGITAL LITERACY:If you google 'digital literacy' you will soon find that there are many definitions and models.?You'll also find that some people call it 'digital literacies in the plural because the term is so wide ranging.We have decided to focus on one model, that of Dr Doug Belshaw, who proposes 8 elements.?YOUTUBE VIDEO: Dr Doug Belshaw, proposes 8 elements in his lecture those are as followsCognitiveConstructiveCommunicativeCivicCriticalCreativeConfidentCulturalThe difficult task is to mix all (Remix)CULTURAL: This element relates to our ability to know how to?behave?and?speak?in different environments online. We wouldn't sent emojis or holiday pics to our boss, for example. And if I?share?my breakfast with you on Twitter or Instagram, you won't be eating anything!COGNITIVE: This relates to our knowledge and understanding. Our basic IT skills come in here. Can I use a hashtag? Do I know how to 'tap to select'?CONSTRUCTIVE: This relates to building, adapting, remixing content - and appreciating copyright and MUNICATIVE: This relates to awareness of the different ways in which we can communicate online, from Face time to Skype to Whats-app to ?-email!CIVIC: This relates to global citizenship, to how we can use our online identity in a positive way in society. We need to be aware of the differing needs of others and be inclusive.CRITICAL: This relates to ?searching for and evaluating information and sifting the fake from the real.CONFIDENT: This relates to how comfortable we are with our digital identity and how well we understand and appreciate the similarities and differences between our online and offline lives.CREATIVE: This relates to using digital technologies in imaginative and innovative ways, not only creating original works but curating and sharing.Date: 22-08-2017 Time : 08:00PMIn this Forum netiquette in the discusson forum is Use of reflection spots and learning dialoguesnot to use all capital letters in communicatingbe discerning with emojis & emoticonsuse meaningful subject titlesUse Granny Test: Do not say or do anything online that you wouldn’t wish your grandmother to know aboutmind your languagewatch your picturesDon’t argue with your self with facilitators and moderatorsRespect the decisions of the moderators at all timesThou shalt not steal: Take the permission of the image and things you want to useDate: 22-08-2017 Time : 08:00PMNamasteI P.Pawan Puthra assistant professor Dept of EEE from Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering(A)Week-4'SPOKEN TUTORIAL TECHNOLOGY'.SCREENCASTING OR SCREEN RECORDINGIn this week we will be focusing on?creation?of video resources using a methodology known as "Screencasting" or "Screen Recording". CamStudio is an open source software that is available for windows.This tutorial explains, how one can use CamStudio to create a spoken tutorial. So let's scroll down.The next tutorial uses a software called record My Desktop. Record My Desktop is a software available on Linux systems but using another recording software called 'Kazam'.The next tutorial talks about dubbing a spoken tutorial using Movie Maker.So this is in the Windows system, editing it in movie maker and dubbing it on Linux. What about editing on Linux? So there is an excellent software called OpenShot,under the creation tab there is a link called 'Creation Process'.If you click this you will come to, this page. So this page has information on creating spoken tutorials. In order to make a screen casting is to create a checklist, first, It says that you have to satisfy the requirements in a checklist Learning activity Outline for the whole series of spoken tutorials. Write the script. Remember, we write the script first pass it through the novice before we accept it for recording. So that script undergoes admin check, novice and domain expert check and then we go for video recording and then we come to timed script. So timed script is useful if you want to dub the spoken part from one language to another. Spoken tutorials are based on demonstration, for example, we insist that 75% of every tutorial is devoted to demonstrations that learner has to reproduce. Remember, the learners learn on their own that is through self-learning and so we believe that this requirement is important.. Remember this for IT tutorials and then how to keep it simple? How to time the length of a tutorial? How to use grammar?How does one use the slides? Okay. What to put in slides? and of course, we have a lot of other things like punctuation,novice check, before novice check, what you have to do? What happens during the novice check stage? How do you prepare for recording? How do you choose the screen size? Recording speed, font size, for example, we insist on 24 point font size..SCREEN CASTING SOFTWARES:The softwares marked with GPL?(GNU General Public License)?in this list come under the? HYPERLINK "" \t "[object Object]" Copyleft, allowing users to freely distribute and modify the original program.?The following non-GPL softwares are also popularly used.Screencast-o-matic Techsmith Jing (for Windows and OSX)Techsmith Camstatia (for Windows)Quicktime (for OSX)The other softwares include Camstudio (Windows)Freeseer (Windows & Linux)Open broadcaster software (Windows, Mac & Linux)Peek (Linux)Recordmydesktop (Linux)shareX (Windows)SimplescreenRecorder (Linux)virtualDub (Windows)VLC media player (Windows, Mac & Linux)XVidCap (Unix)LEARNING EXTERNSION RESOURCE: In the first video lecture tutorial Matt Gerberick?talks about three principlesRedundancy principleCoherence principleSpacial Contiguity principleREDUNDANCY PRINCIPLE: People learn more deeply from graphics and narration than from graphics , narration and onscreen textCOHERENCE PRINCIPLE: People learn more deeply from multimedia messages when extraneous material excluded rather than includedSPACIAL CONTIGUITY PRINCIPLE: People learn more deeply from multimedia when corresponding words and pictures are posted near rather for o the page or screen.In the second video lecture interview with Prof. Richard E Mayer . He Mayer is chief contributor behind the "Multimedia Principles". He is an American educational psychologist and has contributed in the general areas of cognition and learning.??Prof. Mayer is answering the question: "How might we best design video to achieve its learning objectives in a higher education setting?"It is not the video that causes but the instructional method that causes learning. It not the video or textbook or any other is bestWhat are the best instructional methods to incorporate in video Keeping in view of three principlesSynchronization of video with voiceSegmenting principle : divide the big topics into smaller onesProf. Mayer answers:"What do teachers or lecturers need to know in order to be able to use video and/or multimedia effectively?"Just giving technology to people does not run very wellTechnology has to be integrated in to the programme.For teacher Good instructional design and method starting with clear objectives what we need students to learn.What is the change in knowledge we trying to promoteVideo directive to objectives Prof. Mayer answers: "How should we produce video in order to increase the odds of it achieving its learning objectives for those who use it?"Short videos rather than long videosFocused on specific learning objectives that is clear to the learner Video which is particularly good at personalization (if possible),animation.Good production quality i.e pedagogically soundDate: 05-09-2017 Time : 08:00PMNamasteI P.Pawan Puthra assistant professor Dept of EEE from Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering(A)Week-5UNDERSTANDING THE LEARNING PURPOSE OF ACTIVITIESDuring the A-VIEW interaction, one remote center had requested for tools that can assist in Smart Classrooms (with an interactive whiteboard). Here is a list of Open Source applications that can assist in such a classroom.Open Sankore?for Interactive WhiteboardsMediawiki?for asynchronous collaborationsGithub?for collaborations particularly useful for CS TeachersThe above tools are?free?and open source. If you are looking at paid/proprietory applications the following might be useful:?Concept Board?or?Real time board?for real time collaborations?Confluence?by Atlassian as?a team collaboration softwareWeek 1 It was an introductory week where we familiarized you with the format of the course, and the basic pedagogy and how various features of IITBombayX is used for achieving this. In terms of learning goals, we had also introduced you to the idea of keeping a course journal using the technology of Document Editors like, MS Word, Libre Office, Google Doc to upload this course journal in a file sharing site by using Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive etc.Week 2we focused on web presence of the faculty. The larger goal was to familiarize you with the content management systems that are available online and the technology of WordPress and - Drupal, that is increasingly becoming a popular choice for creation of multifunctional websites.Week 3 focused on learning management which goes beyond mere content management. As MOODLE, an open source Learning Management Systems.first set of synchronous interactions at remote centers,The idea of User Story technique to develop your web presence and gave some initial ideas on aspects of Visual Design that you need to focus while preparing slideshow presentations.Week 4 focused on a tool for audio-video content creation- Camstudio for screen casting.The practice activity in Week 4 focused on creating a screencast in your own vernacular language.Also kick-off of mentor-mentee interactions through A-VIEW. ................

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