Week & Date Homework for the Week Topic(s) for the Week ...

Week & Date Tuesday, Sep. 14th


Thursday, Sep. 16th

Tuesday, Sep. 21st


Thursday, Sep. 23rd Tuesday, Sep. 28th


Thursday, Sep. 30th

Tuesday, Oct. 5th


Thursday, Oct. 7th

Tuesday, Oct. 12th

Thursday, Oct. 14th

Tuesday, Oct. 19th

Homework for the Week q Review Course Syllabus q Review Film Response Instructions q Review Portfolio Assignment


q Review Monarchs q Review Neoclassicism Defined q Review Outline q Review Neoclassic Chronology (Text) q Read Article on Plague q Review Plague Notes q Read London Gazette Account q Review Great Fire Notes q Read "Annus Mirabilis" q Review "Annus Mirabilis" Notes


q Read "The Wife's Resentment" q Review "Wife's Notes" q Read "City Shower" q Review "City Shower" Notes


q Read "Modest Proposal" q Review "Modest Proposal" Notes q Watch Gulliver's Travels, write film response

* Not the Jack Black version! >:o|

* The Weebly one--Parts I & II * Yep, the whole enchilada

q Read "An Essay on Man" q Read "An Essay on Criticism" q Read "Ode on Solitude" q Read "The Dying Christian"


q Read Dictionary Plan (Weebly) q Read Dictionary Preface (Weebly) q Review Dictionary Notes q Read "The Deserted Village" (Weebly) q Review "Village" Notes q Watch Amazing Grace, write film response q Read "Rule Britannia" (Weebly) q Review "Rule Britannia" Notes q Read "Seasons" q Review "Seasons" Notes q Read "The Bard" q Read "Country Churchyard" q Read "Eton College" q Read "Death of a Cat" q Review Gray Notes

q Review Midterm Exam Study Guide

Topic(s) for the Week Intro. to Course Film Responses Portfolios


Intro. to Neoclassicism

Great Plague 1665 Great London Fire 1666


"The Wife's Resentment" Week o' Swift

Pope's Stuff


Johnson's Stuff Goldsmith's Stuff Thomson's Stuff

Gray Day

Prep for Midterm

Due Dates Legend: Blood red = due dates Royal blue = Weebly links (not hot-linked, sorry) British pasture green = film assignment Shock orange = alerts

GT film responses due in Canvas on the 5th

AG film responses due in Canvas on the 12th

Midterm due Thursday, Oct. 21st by 11:59PM

Thursday, Oct. 21st Tuesday, Oct. 26th


Thursday, Oct. 28th Tuesday, Nov. 2nd

q Review Romantic Chronology q Review Romanticism Defined q Review Comparison List q Review Comparison Chart q Review Outline q Review Blake Bio q Review Industrial Revolution q Read "Holy Thursday," p. 2 q Read "Holy Thursday" (Weebly) q Review "Holy Thursday" Images q Read "Nurse's Song," p. 2 q Read "The Little Black Boy," p. 3 q Read "The Clod and the Pebble," p. 6 q Read "The Chimney Sweeper," p. 6 q Read "Chimney Sweeper" (Weebly) q Review "Chimney Sweeper" Notes q Read "London," p. 8 q Review "London" Notes q Read "A Poison Tree," p. 9 q Read "Song: How sweet I roam'd," p. 9 q Read "Mock on," p. 10 q Read "Auguries of Innocence," p. 11 q Read "Proverbs of Hell," p. 18 q Read "And did those feet," p. 22


q Review Burns Bio q Read "A Red, Red Rose" (Weebly) q Read "Scots Wha Hae" (Weebly) q Read "To a Mouse" (Weebly) q View Dawn Steele's "Mouse" Recitation q Read "To a Louse" (Weebly) q View Dawn Steele's "Louse" Recitation q Read "Auld Lang Syne" (Weebly) q Read "Green Grow the Rashes" (Weebly) q Review Notes on Burns' Poems

q Review Wordsworth Bio q Review French Revolution q Read "We Are Seven," p. 23 q Read "Tintern Abbey," p. 25 q Review "Tintern" Notes q Read "Nutting," p. 29 q Read "Strange fits of passion," p. 30 q Read "She dwelt among," p. 31 q Read "I travelled among," p. 32 q Read "A slumber did my spirit seal," p. 32 q Read "Lucy Gray," p. 33 q Read "My heart leaps up," p. 35 q Read "Resolution and Independence," p. 35 q Read "Westminster Bridge," p. 39

Intro. to Romanticism Blake's Stuff


Burns' Stuff Week o' Wordsworth


Thursday, Nov. 4th

Tuesday, Nov. 9th


Thursday, Nov. 11th Tuesday, Nov. 16th


Thursday, Nov. 18th

Tuesday, Nov. 23rd

q Read "In London," p. 41 q Read "London, 1802," p. 41


q Read "The Solitary Reaper," p. 42 q Read "She was a Phantom," p. 43 q Read "I wandered lonely," p. 43 q Read "Happy Warrior," p. 48 q Read "The world is too much with us," p. 51 q Read "Ode: Intimations of Immortality," p. 51 q Review Premortality Poems q Read "Scorn not the sonnet," p. 58 q Review Wordsworth Notes q Read "Preface to Lyrical Ballads" q Review "Preface" Notes q Review French Revolution q Read "Michael" q Review Coleridge Bio q Review Opium Notes q Read "This Lime-Tree Bower," p. 60 q Review "Lime Tree" Notes q Read "The Dungeon," p. 62 q Read "Rime of the Ancient Mariner," p. 63 q Review "Mariner Notes" q Listen Ian's "Mariner" q Listen Burton's "Mariner"


q Read "Frost at Midnight," p. 100 q Review "Frost @ Midnight" q Read "The Pains of Sleep," p. 110 q Read "Eolian Harp" (Weebly) q Read "Good, Great Man" (Weebly) q Read "Receiving a Letter" (Weebly) q Read Moore Poems q Review Moore Notes q Read "Stilly Night" (Weebly) q Read "Empty Chairs @ Empty Tables" (Weebly)


q Review Byron Bio q Review Byronic Hero q Read "When we two parted," p. 112 q Read "She walks in beauty," p. 114 q Read "Stanzas for Music," p. 116 q Read "Stanzas to Augusta," p. 130 q Read "So we'll go no more a roving," p. 131 q Read "On This Day I Complete," p. 143 q Read "After Swimming" (Weebly) q Review Byron Notes q Watch Sense & Sensibility, write film response q Review Shelley Bio q Read "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty," p. 145

Week o' Coleridge

Moore's Stuff


Byron's Stuff

Shelley's Stuff

S&S film response due in Canvas on the 30th


Thursday, Nov. 25th Tuesday, Nov. 30th


Thursday, Dec. 2nd

Tuesday, Dec. 7th


Thursday, Dec. 9th

q Read "Ozymandias," p. 147 q Review "Ozy" Notes q Read "Song to the Men of England," p. 149 q Read "Sonnet: England in 1819," p. 150 q Read "Ode to the West Wind," 151 q Review "West Wind" Notes q Read "Love's Philosophy," p. 154 q Read "Mutability" (Flower) (Weebly) q Read "To the Virgins" (Weebly) q Read "Mutability" (Clouds) (Weebly) q Read "To Wordsworth" (Weebly) q Read "The Lost Leader" (Weebly)



q Read "To a Skylark," p. 157 q Read "Music, when soft voices die," p. 164 q Read "When the lamp is shattered," p. 180 q Review Other Poem Notes q Review Shelley Defense q Watch Dead Poets Society, write film response


q Review Keats Bio q Watch Bright Star, write film response q Read "Happy is England," p. 190 q Read "Ode to a Nightingale," p. 216 q Read "Ode on a Grecian Urn," p. 218 q Review "Grecian Urn" Notes q Read "Ode to Psyche," p. 220 q Read "To Autumn," p. 222 q Read "Ode on Melancholy," p. 223

q Read "La Belle Dame," p. 224 q Review "Belle Dame" Notes q Read "Ode on Indolence," p. 226 q Read "When I have fears," p. 228 q Read "Bright star," p. 229 q Read "On seeing the Elgin Marbles," p. 230 q Read "A Thing of Beauty" (Weebly) q Review Misc. Poem Notes


q Review Final Exam Study Guide

More Shelley


Keats' Stuff

Keats' Stuff


Prep for Final

DPS film response due in Canvas on the 7th


BS film response due in Canvas on the 10th

Final due Tuesday, Dec. 14th by 11:59PM Author portfolio due @ bruggerw@ by Wednesday, Dec. 15th by 11:59PM


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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