Biography Questions of Import

Landmark Supreme Court Cases PowerPoint Project

Cases Assigned:

Instructions: You are going to be assigned one supreme court cases to summarize in detail. In addition you are going to be assigned the supreme court cases to summarize below. The cases are as follows:

Case Categories

|Rights of the Accused |Student Speech |

|Gideon v. Wainwright (right to an attorney) |Tinker v. Des Moines |

|Miranda v. Arizona (due process) |Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier |

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|Cases Involving Presidents/Elections |Other Cases |

|U.S. v. Nixon |Marbury v. Madison |

|Bush v. Gore |Plessy v. Ferguson |

| |Brown v. Board of Education |

|Juvenile Rights | |

|In re Gault (due process for juveniles) | |

|*Resources on these Landmark Supreme Court cases can be found at can be found at: |

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Mandatory Slides:

Order of Slides:

Slide 1: Title slide- Name of the Landmark Supreme Court Case with date of case, and student names and period number.

Slide 2: Video Summary of Landmark Supreme Court Case video clip (6 minutes or less)

Slide 3: Facts of the Case- briefly summarize the case

Slide 4: Constitutional Connection(s)- List the amendment(s) and/or rights relevant to the case

Slide 5: Questions Before the Court-

Slide 6: Case Significance-

Slide 7: Case Outcome-

Slide 8: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 9: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 10: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 11: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 12: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 13: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 14: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 15: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 16: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 17: Brief summary of supreme court case

Slide 18: Sources Page-

***Be sure to include at least 1 video summary, 5 images, some transitions, and some filters to make your Powerpoint project more interesting***


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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