FRONT-LINE SUPERVISOR PROGRAMMANAGER NOMINATION FORM(Insert a field for) Nominee Name: To Manager: Your nomination for the Front Line Supervisor program is the most important part of the application process. Please forward your nomination form along with the staff member’s completed application to PDA Director and cc the HR representative in your area. If you are unsure of the appropriate representative for your area, please contact Staff & Labor/HR at 684-2808 or 684-5557. Nominations will be reviewed by HR leadership for your entity for support.In order to assist in the selection process, please provide the following information regarding your staff member. This information will be used solely for the purpose of program selection, and the application will not be considered if incomplete or not returned by the 5pm on April 16, 2021 deadline.Nominee Name:Click or tap here to enter text.Please rate the applicant according to the frequency that he/she exhibits the following behaviors:N/ANever(0%)Rarely(up to 30%)Sometimes(up to 60%)Usually(up to 90%)Consistently(>90%)Demonstrates consistent high standards in work behaviors??????Completes assignments within established timelines??????Uses resources effectively, including time, materials and equipment??????Demonstrates concern for work quality ??????Demonstrates flexibility in response to new or improved work processes??????Demonstrates willingness to learn new information; shows initiative??????Follows appropriate work procedures??????Demonstrates potential for advancement into a position one level up from current supervisory role ??????Demonstrates ability to apply conceptual knowledge in the workplace??????Works collaboratively with co-workers to accomplish departmental goals??????Please review the Manager FAQ before completing the following questions.1. By your nomination, you believe that this staff member would benefit from ongoing supervisory development. What characteristics does the nominee exhibit that supports your belief?Click or tap here to enter text.2. A. Has this staff member received at least a “Fully Achieves/Succeeds” or “Exceeds Expectations” on his/her most recent performance review?? Yes ? NoPlease share at least four highlights of his/her performance review.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.B. In what areas does your staff member need to improve?Click or tap here to enter text.3.Individuals in the program will participate in up to two work days of training per month, beginning with orientation, in May. At the beginning and end of the program, more time will be needed for orientation and final projects. In addition, participants will need time away from work for coaching appointments, mentoring appointments, and working with your department on a project. The detailed class/meeting schedule will be provided to those accepted in to the program, at a later date. Are you willing to support the nominee by providing a flexible work schedule to accommodate the program?? Yes ? NoIf not, please explain:Click or tap here to enter text.4.A department project is required of each participant and details regarding the nature of the project will be collected at a later date. Are you able to identify one or two projects that your nominee could lead that would enhance his/her development?? Yes ? NoIf not, please explain:Click or tap here to enter text.Mentor CriteriaManager must identify at least one mentor (experienced manager/supervisor with at least five years of service at Duke).Mentor nomination will be based on his/her role in the organization, commitment to meet with participant at least once per month, and willingness to participate in required training and check-in sessions.Mentors will:Provide guidance on setting and achieving developmental goals.Share insight into building and maintaining effective professional relationships.Reinforce and expand classroom content and concepts.5.Mentoring is a key component of this program. Mentors from the participant’s department or area have proven effective in providing additional perspective. In order for the nomination to be complete, please provide the name(s) and phone number(s) of a staff member(s) from your department/area who has committed to be a mentor, if your nominee is accepted into the program. Please refer to mentor selection criteria above.NamePhone NumberDepartmentClick or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.6.Have you gained commitment from and notified the mentor of your recommendation?? Yes ? NoIf you have any questions or need additional information to complete this form, please contact the Professional Development Academy at 613-2161 or by e-mail at you for your nomination.Name:Click or tap here to enter text.Signature:Click or tap here to enter text.Title:Click or tap here to enter text.Department:Click or tap here to enter text.Work Address/Mailbox:Click or tap here to enter text.E-mail:Click or tap here to enter text.Work Phone:Click or tap here to enter text.Entity:Click or tap here to enter text.Date: Click or tap here to enter text. ................

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