Marine Corps League Department of Georgia




A Quarterly Newsletter of the Department of Georgia Feburary 2009




League Members,

I have a couple of topics that I would like to bring to your attention. On October 31, 2008 an order was passed down from the National Leadership regarding a change in policy on rendering a salute whether in uniform or not. This was a result of a change Defense Authorization Act of 2009 and was signed into law on October 14, 2008. The change would allow veterans and active-duty military not in uniform to render the military-style hand salute during the playing of the national anthem and all events involving our nation’s flag.

However, General Conway, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, published ALMAR 52/08 which states in paragraph 3:




Section (2) of the Marine Corps League National Congressional Charter states “That the purposes of this corporation shall be: (a) to preserve and promote the interests of the Unites States Marine Corps.

I have just returned from the Mid-Winter conference of our Marine Corps League. This was but one of the topics of discussion. I learned a lot and have a great deal to pass along to all Detachments. Please make sure your Detachment has a representative at the Staff Meeting in Athens on Saturday, 28 February.

Semper Fi, Michael Clark, Commandant

Department of Georgia

Our Qtrly Staff Meeting will be in Athens on the 28th. We meet in LOGAN'S ROADHOUSE at 3668 ATLANTA HIGHWAY, starting at 1100. VSO Locke has arranged for quarters at the Navy School. Nine 2-roomsuites @ $50 a night and a few smaller units @ $40 are available. Reservations must be made by Feb. 23rd. No-shows will be charged cost of room same as hotel practices. You will need picture ID's, auto registration and proof of insurance to get on base if not retired with base stickers and retire ID cards.  Passengers will need picture ID cards. If questions? Contact Gary Locke at 706 248-2228 or email to garlo101@ .

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Savannah Detachment # 564


It is amazing at what can be done when all the member work together to accomplish the mission… “Patriotism!” Many of this detachment have been a group that has accomplished many things together. Some of this group went off to war together, helped to form 564 and still remain a unit that is dedicated to the service of our military, i. e. “young Marines; veterans, like ourselves; and the many in the community.

Still very active and some 87 members strong we find ourselves grieving the loose of 6 members this past year, but still pressing forward to stay very busy with community endeavors. As the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is still calling our men and women into harms way our members are actively present with the deployment and re-deployment of not only OUR Marines, but the U. S. Army (3rd ID infantry), Air Force, and Reservist that have been called to active duty abroad.

Probably, the majority of our nation is not aware that a large percentage of our soldiers deploy and re-deploy from Hunter Army Airfield located in Savannah, Georgia, but they do. As a result, we find ourselves at the DAAGA Center at all hours of the day and night saying “Good Bye” and opening our arms to say “Welcome Home” to the troops as they go and come to and from the Middle East. As we look into their faces, the greater majority have smiles, willing to go while some are somber with facing the unknown as they leave their families and friends behind. Our mission… to give encouragement and support as the majority of our group went off to Korea and Vietnam and yet with much pray and support from the home front we came home, but are able to offer that word of confidence. So, as they board the plane, loaded with equipment and their weapon on their back we give them an American Flag to remind their we are here and will be here when they return. Many that return, we too find ourselves hugging and reminding that we “told you” we would be here when you returned….”Welcome Home, soldier”!

Not only do our members serve at HAAF, but every Tuesday of the month there is a group that mans a station, sponsored by the USO at the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport. This group watches as the “young recruits” comes into Savannah heading for Parris Island, SC. Although, they are the same age as most of our members were when heading out to basic schools, but to us they look so young. We see the nervous fear of the unknown on their faces, not knowing what to expect for the first few weeks of preparation to be “The Few, The Proud, A Marine”. It is often said to them, “it not always easy, but look at us, we made it and you will to”, we are proud of you!

In October, the Albany, Marine Corps League Detachment, kicked off their “Toys for Tots” campaign, our detachment loaded a bus and made our way to western Georgia for the 8th & I Color Guard and Silent Drill Team as they performed at the Albany Civic Center. On our journey to Albany, we made a stop in Tifton, GA as one of the local middle schools was sponsoring the original Vietnam Memorial traveling Wall. On our stop, we were greeted by the many students of the history department to extend a hearty “Thank you” for our donation and support.

November found us hustling around for the various activities that took place throughout the month. We danced our way into the night as our active Marines, stationed at Hunter Army Airfield (I & I, 2nd Beach & Terminal Battalion), held their Marine Corps Birthday Celebration. To be precise there were some 35 of our members that wined, dined and danced along side the many YOUNG Marines for this special celebration.

Of course, it must be noted that the 233rd Anniversary of The United States Marine Corps, was also celebrated at the Plantation Club November 7, 2008, hosted by a group of former Marines that reside at this gated community, “The Landings”. It was not just any celebration, but was graced by the presence of our own, U. S Marine Commandant, James T. Conway and his lovely wife, Annette. There were several members of the Detachment 564 that were invited guests and were pleased to have had a time to engage in conversation with the General and his wife recalling war stories.

November 10th, the detachment held its own celebration by hosting a breakfast for all Marines and any veteran that may want to celebrate this anniversary. Following the breakfast, the group made its way to Forsyth Park, where a Marine Monument has been erected and is inscribed with the names of those from Savannah that paid the ultimate sacrifice for a memorial service. As tribute was paid, the names of those etched in the granite were call and a moment of silence was held in their honor.

And we are not finished yet, November 11, Veteran’s Day, the detachment participated in the parade with three unites; a replica of a Higgins Landing Craft that was constructed by the unit, a silhouette of Iwo Jima and a refurbished 1942 Marine Jeep that bears the identification numbers of a former member, Gordon “Sonny” Nelson. Sonny was in the Korean War and was wounded twice. The jeep bears the numbers of that jeep in which he was riding when taking on enemy fire. Sonny lost his battle with cancer, July 25, 2008. However, his memory still remains with our group today.

As always, our detachment participated in the Veteran’s Day Banquet, hosted by the Chatham County Veterans Council in which several of our group are members. In preparing for the parade, the council asks each military group that is an active member of the council to nominate someone from their organization to be considered as the “Veteran of The Year”. In keeping with tradition, Savannah Detachment 564 placed Donald Kent Shockey’s name as their nominee for that honor. Kent is a retired colonel for some 20 plus years in the corps.

In order to place a person’s name into nomination, a resume must be submitted to the council committee in order to be considered. Due the Kent’s many activities that he participated, it was not a difficult task. It was an honor to submit six pages plus listing his many accomplishments during his duties while serving in the U. S. Marines and after retirement. With great honor, Kent was elected and is serving as -the 2009 “Veteran of the Year” for Savannah-Chatham County, representing the league very well as well as the many veterans in the county.

November 13, some 40 Marines reservists that had been placed on active status, but returned from a 15 month tour of duty in Iraq were honored by the detachment with a steak dinner. It pleased the young guys to have an opportunity to engage in conversation with those who have been in tough spots just as they encountered. As a result, new memberships were gained in the league.

December finds us in the readying stage for the 2nd largest celebration to be held March 17, 2009, Savannah’s own St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Again, exhibiting the same unites that were involved in the Veteran’s Day Parade. We look forward to the event and will keep you informed in our next letter to you.

We may be aging, but we are still…

”The Few, The Proud, the Marines”

Semper Fi, B. G. “Bubba” Tedder, Adjutant

Greater Atlanta Det. # 647 Marietta


Upper Chattahoochee Det. #665


The Upper Chattahoochee Detachment had a very good Toys for Tots drive this past Christmas. What started out dismal turned out fortunate for many families in our area. Thousands of toys were collected and distributed to families through churches and our members. We are presently going through our election of officers for the year, names and their positions will be posted at a later date.

Stan Linder, our Senior Vice has just undergone a serious operation, I'm happy to report he is now home recuperating, it will be awhile before he is able to be out and about.

The Detachment meetings are the first Thursday of the month and are held at the VFW in Gainesville at 1900 sharp, come on by and pay us a visit. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the S.E. Conference in Tenn. next month.

Wally Calderon, Commandant

UNICOI Det. 783


Unicoi Detachment Commandant’s third quarter report for Year 2008/2009

December: Unicoi had to cancel their December meeting because there was a military funeral that day. All the elected officers and one appointed officer is part of the North Georgia Honor Guard. That left no officers to conduct a meeting and since it was too close to the holidays there was no time to reschedule.

January-February: We held our January and February meetings on Sunday afternoon. We had moved these meetings to Sunday afternoon because of the uncertainty of weather conditions affecting safe driving. These have been the most attended meetings in several years.

Upcoming Events:

The March meeting will move back to the third Monday at 1900 hours at the VFW Post in Hiawassee.

The April Meeting will be a regular meeting and a picnic with spouses and friends attending. It will be held on Sunday 19 April at 1400 hours at the home of member Lois Horne in Hiawassee.

Semper Fidelis! Walt Scott, Commandant

LtCol Jimmie Dyess Detachment # 921


The LtCol Jimmie Dyess Detachment's main effort has been focused on recruiting new members.  We had four new members join in the past four months.


The detachment was also heavily involved in the Toys for Tots program.  We worked with the Riverfront Detachment (North Augusta SC) and the Augusta Marine Corps Reserves.  We broke the record that was set last year by raising $27,010.87 in cash donations and 2079 assorted toys.  The detachment volunteered 35 hours to the Toys for Tots drive this year.


The detachment also presented the trophy to the winner of the JROTC Army/Navy Flag football game held on December 6th at Ft Gordon.


The detachment officers are as listed below:


Commandant:  Don Murray

Jr Vice Commandant:  Ray Schneider

Jr Past Commandant: Michael Shook

Adjutant:  Al McKee

Pay Master:  Karenann Amster

Sgt of Arms:  Jack Stoner

Chaplain:  Rev. Gregory Francisco

By Don Murray, Commandant

Georgia Black Sheep Det. #952


The Georgia Black Sheep participated in the Helen Christmas Parade with our award winning float, while it was cold indeed, the Iwo-Jima Reenactment float continues to be well received…


During toys for tots drive, thousands of toys and dollars were collected and distributed. Our next Toys for Tots meeting is in March, where we hope to name a new coordinator. One of our newest members is in local law enforcement and is an active drilling reservist in Marietta. He is also a veteran of the war in Iraq. We hope to begin better coordination of efforts with our toys for tots program, making a great program even better.

The Georgia Black Sheep “Marine in Need” program gave over 600 dollars to a local Marine In Need. A veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan seems to be suffering from a relapse possibly related to the IED that resulted in wounds to his head and a purple heart on his chest. While the VA and Emory continue to treat the Marine, he is on disability from the local police department. We are hopeful that he may return to “light duty” as soon as a month from now. We continue to monitor his financial needs and will do more as needed.

The Georgia Black Sheep Detachment has nine new members this quarter. Our newest member was discharged over forty years ago, and still has his original documents from separation! He was sworn in with a young reservist.

The National Fourth of July Parade Committee has forwarded a request for our Detachment to participate again in our Nations Parade in Washington, D.C. and we look forward to returning. We are hopeful that other Detachments will join us this year. During our inaugural appearance last July, we were the only Marine Corps League Entry. We have begun making initial preparations for our return.


The Georgia Black Sheep Detachment #952 held annual elections and elected the following slate for 2009-2010:

Commandant – Jeff Covert

Sr. Vice Commandant - Tony Tijerina

Jr. Vice Commandant – Lori Dashiel

Judge Advocate – Bill Gray

Adjutant-Paymaster  Trina Worthington

The new slate of officers intends to triple membership during this year. We are off to a good start and have made plans that will focus on membership and fund raising efforts. We are committed to doing a few things well, and restricting growth of our programs commensurate to our membership resources.

Jeff Covert, Commandant

Glynco Det. #716


Our final celebration for 2008 was our Christmas party. As all other events it was a great success. Several members of the league attended the party and enjoyed an evening of telling old Sea Stories and tails of different experiences in the service. Part way into the evening the members awarded Commandant Tito Ramirez a plaque for his dedication and service to the Marine Corps League. All members went home with a Christmas Gift from the Commandant.

At the January regular meeting the League recognized two life time members. Roy Green, a WW II Veteran who served in Tarawa, and Iwo. The other was Robert Tyrer, who served in Viet Nam. Nice going guys. The League presented Jim Cook, with a Plaque for the outstanding job he did when he filled in for WO 3 Dempsey (who is serving in Iraq) as the Toys for Tots representative for the Southeast area of Georgia. The final tally for Jim was; collect $12,692, and 7226 toys. The number of children receiving toys was 2,552. This would amount to about two toys per child. BRAVO ZULU JIM!

At the next meeting the league is schedule to have a representative from the VA hospital in Dublin come in and give us information on the new clinic which is going to be located in Brunswick. She will answer questions for anyone that may have them.

By Tito Ramirez, Commandant



Middle Georgia Detachment #970 enjoyed having a successful “Toys for Tots “campaign for 2008 by passing out more toys than in 2007. The chilly delivery helped improve everyone’s Christmas spirit. The economy may pinch, but there isn’t anything determined Marines and a community willing to share can’t accomplish.

The Detachment Color Guard and Honor Guard were very actively employed during the period around Veteran’s Day. We feel honored to participate in the salute to our veterans.

All Hands enjoyed our Christmas Party and Installation Banquet. Now the new slate of officers put their shoulders to the task of preparing for an enjoyable and successful 2009 by pushing together rather that pulling in 365 directions.

Semper Fi, G. V. GERBERT, Commandant

“Jake” Puryear Det. # 1020


Our Detachment meets the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Rome-Floyd County Library; Riverside Parkway, Rome, Georgia.

New officers for the year 2009 are as follows:

Commandant Dick Richter

Sr. Vice Vern Miller

Jr. Vice O. G. Morehead

Judge Advocate Jack Ballard

Our Detachment’s record of activity for this quarter:

At our Installation Banquet, awards were given to Marine Corps League members for their service during the year. James Moore was given the Marine of the Year for his untiring dedication and leadership of the Young Marines. The active duty Marines, and Reservists as well as civilian volunteers, who helped with the program received Meritorious Service Certificates also, at their own meetings.

Our Fallen Marine Program Chairman, Ron Johnson, reported our detachment has attended over 24 funerals of deceased Marines during the past year. “Certificates of Service and the appropriate lady’s pin or man’s pin were presented to survivors.”

Our Marine Corps League had a great turnout for “Toys for Tots.” This is most likely the last time the I&I Staff and Reservists will be here to help with this project as the Amory has been slated to close for some time now.

The 64th Anniversary Reunion of Iwo Jima Veterans will be held in Cartersville, Georgia, Thursday February 19th at the Quality Inn on Highway 41 South. The Commandant of the Marine Corps will be sending a General to represent him since he is unable to attend this event.

Semper Fi, Dick Richter, Commandant


During 2008, our detachment established The Greater Rome Georgia Young Marine Program. A great deal of planning and hard work went in to this outstanding program.

Marine James Moore and his cadre did an outstanding job developing, organizing and implementing the program. The entire detachment congratulates each of our Young Marine Staff for a Job Well Done!

The Greater Rome Georgia Young Marines thank each of you for your support! And, we are PROUD that our leader, Marine James Moore, was selected as the 2008 Detachment Marine of the Year.

By Dick Richter, Det. 1020 Commandant

PFC George Eiland Det. #1040



The PFC George Eiland Detachment #1040 voted to design, fabricate and erect signs at the four main highways into our city to notify motorists of our existence and to inform prospective members of our meeting date each month. These signs were installed at no charge by the City of LaGrange and are located adjacent to others for civic clubs and organizations. The magnetic MCL signs were permanently adhered to a heavy, white, aluminum backing plate. The lettering was then installed by a local sign shop using long-lasting vinyl letters. The finished product is an eye-catcher!

We believe that this is a good way to keep the Marine Corps League logo visible and show our community that we are active. We continue to work on membership and meeting attendance, both of which are full-time jobs.

Semper Fi, Bill Newman, Commandant

Sgt/Maj Louis Roundtree Det. #1048

East Point

One of the features in the most current edition (Jan Feb ‘09) of Semper Fi showed the special presentation to Mrs. William Hall and family. He was a former member of Sgt/Maj Louis Roundtree Detachment #1048 and was KIA in Iraq during the spring of 2008. We worked through Commandant Don Pechous, Det #1057, Murietta, Calif. who presented our Fallen Marine Certificate to the Hall family.


Over the Christmas period the Detachment sent donations of toys to the Loynes children in Marietta. Their mother was accidentally shot to death in her home while spending quality time with the family. (Shooters were captured)


Over the 2008 Christmas period the Detachment made a contribution to the fund to help a L/Cpl who had lost his job and income. He and his family were living in substandard conditions.


The Detachment recently agreed to support, financially and otherwise, The South Fulton Young Marines, training at the First Victory Baptist church, College Park. They are currently signing up young male and female members of the church with training to start the second week of February.


Recruiting of new members for Sgt/Maj Louis Roundtree Det #1048 will be one of our major objectives throughout 2009.

By Robert Mullins, Commandant

Joseph Schmittou Det. #1083


We have been busy since the last newsletter. We were proud to recognize the accomplishments of five Eagle Scouts with the awarding of five Good Citizenship Eagle Scout Certificates.

We have continued to send Operation “Support-A-Hero” boxes, now having sent in excess of 463 packages to the troops “serving in harms way.”

Our Toys for Tots Campaign for 2008 was very successful. Adjutant Ray Fairman was inducted into “The Chapel of the Four Chaplains” “Legion Of Honor” for his many humanitarian activities, including his annual immersion in our local Toys for Tots project. This year his personal collection effort was responsible for over 9000 toys and $3,500.00 of the total of 45,000 toys and $10,000.00 that was marshaled in our Area Of Operations.

This year’s Campaign effort required Ray and the local Active Duty USMC Coordinator Master Sergeant Anthony Rendon to extend the campaign 5 extra days and run a shortage media blitz which resulted in over 20 thousand toys donated during the extension period of the remaining 10 days before Christmas.

Ray and M/Sgt Rendon worked 12-14 hour days during the campaign which began with box distribution prior to Thanksgiving and it finally came to a successful completion in mid January. They are currently making the rounds with Certificates of Recognition for the corporate participants and will continue throughout January.

Marine Chet Mingledorf returned to the US from his mobilization to OIF just prior to Christmas and his daughter is readying to deploy to OEF shortly. To Chet we say “Well Done!” and to his daughter we wish “God Speed.”

General Ray Davis MOH Det. #1188



Maj. Stephen W. Pless Det. # 1196



Kings Bay Det. #1229

St. Mary

We have had a very successful Toy for Tots Drive with a smooth distribution day all to the credit of Regie Walters our coordinator.

Robert Shad has had heart problems and is recovering slowly at home.

Elections of new officers:

Commandant Frank Fornili

Sr. Vice Commandant Jerry Hitchcock

Jr. Vice Commandant James Dumas

Judge Advocate Reggie Walters

Adjutant Robert Wallace

Paymaster Carol Segovia

Chaplain Troy Wise

Sgt. at Arms Tommy Silcox

Public Relations Officer Bill Lynne

Web Sergeant Robert Wallace

We are currently working on our fundraiser.

By Frank Fornili, Commandant

Maj. Lawrence Desjardines det. 1260



North Georgia Mountains Det. # 1280


Our detachment held a party on the evening of Jan. 17th at the Sharptop Grill in Jasper to celebrate the holidays. Although it was snowing, we still had a good turnout. We enjoyed the evening so much that we intend to repeat it as soon as possible.

During the Toys for Tots drive, the Detachment collected 3,935 toys and distributed 3,580 toys to 1,186 children. This represents a lot of time and effort by the Detachment. Tom Connolly and Richard Wilson worked tirelessly to make this worthy program a success.

The Detachment is currently planning future fund raisers.

By Kenneth Bramlett

Currahee MOUNTAIN Det. 1303


Here is an update on what is happening at Currahee Mt. Det. 1303 here in Toccoa.

Newly elected officers:

Commandant - Richard Hack

     Sr. Vice Commandant - Larry Goodman

     Jr. Vice Commandant - Barry Mayer

     Judge Advocate - James Davis


     Adjutant - Don Alexander

     Paymaster (Interim) - Duane Goding

      Chaplain - Richard Crumley

      Sgt At Arms - Duane Goding

Toys for Tots went well. We were able to give out

Christmas bags to over 600 kids. We are running

about a 50% attendance at our meetings.

At our January meeting it was voted to utilize the "Calling Post" Telephone Notification System. We got the idea from our members who are members of the Toccoa American Legion. There are various plans you can select and we selected the plan which gives us 200 phone calls for $23.95. With a roster of 22 members that allows us about eight months of calls for this price. If any other detachment would be interested in this program they can go on line to "Calling ". It works real well and I recommend it.

At our February meeting we had as a guest, Army Lt. Col. Barker from the Stephens County High School. He has just come on board the school as the CO of the Jr ROTC and they already have 53 cadets. We voted to support

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 706-297-7427 (h) or 706-491-9310 (c).

Respectfully Submitted, Don Alexander, Adjutant

Dalton Detachment #1309



Woodstock Detachment # 1311


The Woodstock Detachment began forming in May, 2008 and the Detachment was presented their National Charter at a formal ceremony on September 21st, 2008.

Following the Charter Ceremony, the Leagues first official function was on November 10th, the 233rd Birthday of the United States Marine Corps. The traditional Birthday Cake Cutting Ceremony event was attended by over 70 people coming together to celebrate the Birthday of the Corps and enjoy the camaraderie with Detachment Marine Veterans, Associate Members, families and friends of the Corps.

In late November and December, the Detachment assisted in the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program by placing collection containers at various business locations throughout the Woodstock area. Detachment volunteers collected the donated toys and transported them to a central collection facility for later pick up by Marine Corps Reserve members.

In December Detachment members participated in the Annual Christmas Wreath Laying at the National Cemetery in Canton, Georgia.

The Detachment is preparing an ambitious calendar of events for 2009, which includes but is not limited to; assembling and mailing of care packages to deployed Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan; supporting of local Boy Scouts and JROTC units; Young Marines Program; visiting shut-in Marines and Marine Veterans at the VA hospital; participation in Memorial Day, Independence Day and Veterans Day celebrations as well as other community functions. To support the Detachments various endeavors, fund raisers such as a golf tournament and silent auction are being considered.

By John Newport, Commandant

Aubrey Gilbert Detachment #1312



By Hal Gosnell


The official report from National, showing Detachment and Department membership as of 31 December is in. Here is a summary of the Department Membership:

Total Total

As of: Paid Unpaid

12/31/2007 828 119

03/31/2008 841 114

06/30/2008 874 124

09/30/2008 934 121

12/31/2008 964 127

The good news: The Department is up 16.4% over the same time last year and 14.6% over the March 31st level. The Department added 30 new members without adding any new Detachments, which is great! In fact, for the last quarter, 14 of our 21 Detachments had a new add of paid members, one was the same, and only six showed a decline. Way to go, Department!

We still have a high number of unpaid members. Over half of those unpaid members (68) are from four Detachments. All Detachment Commandants and Junior Vice's are requested to contact those whose membership has lapsed and get them back into the fold. If we could have recovered just 36 of them, then we would had 1,000 members in the Department at the end of 2008.

New Detachments

In January, an Application for a Charter was received from 26 Marines in the Fayette and Coweta Counties area. This Detachment has requested to be named the Clyde Thomason Detachment. Sgt. Clyde Thomason was with Carlson's Raiders (2nd Raider Battalion) on the Makin Island Raid and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions there. An Atlanta native, he was the first enlisted Marine to receive the Medal of Honor in WW II. The chartering is in process at National.

We are still working on several other areas in the state and hope that two to four more will have their Charter Applications submitted in time to join us at the Department Convention in Albany on 15 – 17 May 2009.


Your Commandant and I attended the Department of Alabama Convention in early June. They, too, are a great group of Marines, and they, too, are trying to spread the word about the League around their state. In addition to inviting them to our Convention in Albany in May, we have jointly agreed to have a challenge award for the Department with the greatest membership growth (Paid Members, percentage-wise growth, as of 03/31 National Report) for the previous year. This award, entitled “THE GRITS BOWL”, will be presented to the winning Department by the losing Department Commandant at the winner's Department Convention. Alabama is trying to double their membership. So, if you want to protect your status as a winner and keep your Department Commandant from being embarrassed, actively seek out Marines and FMF Corpsmen who are not already members of the League and bring them into the fold.

Burkhardt Award

Here are the standings for the 18 Detachments eligible to compete for the Burkhardt Award. These standings reflect the changes from the March 31 to December 31 National Reports.


Detachment Growth/Loss

Upper Chattahoochee 66.67%

Glynco 29.41%

LtCol Jimmie Dyess 20.00%

Maj. L DesJardines 16.13%

"Jake" Puryear 2.42%

Maj Stephen Pless 1.52%

Greater Atlanta 0.00%

Eiland 0.00%

Georgia Black Sheep 0.00%

Sgt/Maj Louis Roundtree 0.00%

Gen Ray Davis MOH 0.00%

Savannah -1.39%

Middle Georgia -1.89%

Unicoi -3.77%

Schmittou -9.18%

Kings Bay -14.29%

North GA Mountain -15.15%

By the time you receive this newsletter, there will only be about 6 weeks to boost your numbers. The quickest way is to convert those “unpaid” into “paid”.


Death Notices- 2008

The following names are for the year of 2008. If some marines in your Detachment have received their final roll call and are not listed, this means your Detachment Chaplain did not send me the proper forms.

Our Final Taps honors these Marines:

Duross Fitzpatrick 1-06-08 Middle Georgia

Lee B. Mowry, Jr. 1-13-08 Jake Puryear

Grady Martin 1-22-08 Middle Georgia

Clifford Watts 2-06-08 Middle Georgia

Ray L. Cape 2-16-08 Jake Puryear

Frederick L. Merritt 3-01-08 Jake Puryear

Troy Lee 4-03-08 Kings Bay

George W. Crider 5-22-08 Jake Puryear

Gordon W Nelson, Jr. 7-25-08 Savannah

Michael J. Huff 8-27-08 Unicoi

Gene Gustad 8-31-08 Jake Puryear

Frank Near 9-01-08 Jake Puryear

David H. Cox 10-31-08 Jake Puryear

Charles B Place, Jr. 11-05-08 Middle Georgia

James Sprouse 11-09-08 Aubrey Gilbert

Marvin R. Gandy, Jr. 11-21-08 Savannah

Rev. Dalton L. Hammock, Dept. of GA Chaplain


By Gary Locke, Veteran’s Service Officer

House appropriators were buoyed by a Veterans Affairs Department briefing that outlined how fiscal 2009 funding will be used to enroll about 265,000 vets who have been denied VA health services since 2003. A $375 million provision was included in the fiscal 2009 VA spending bill measure (PL 110-329) to allow the department to bring into the system more “Priority 8” veterans — those who typically earn more than $30,000 a year. The funding aims to expand the enrollment of Priority 8 veterans by 10%. Priority 8 refers to a subcategory of veterans who can receive VA health care in exchange for modest co-payments, and also valuable discounts on prescription drugs. “Reopening the doors of the VA system to veterans who have earned these benefits sends a clear message that we honor and respect their service and sacrifice to country,” said Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Texas, chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Subcommittee. “This needed expansion of VA benefits to middle income veterans is just one example of how millions of veterans will benefit from the historic funding increases of the last two years.”

New Priority 8 veterans were blocked from enrolling for VA benefits in JAN 03 if their income exceeded approximately $30,000 annually. Priority 8 veterans who were already enrolled in the system before JAN 03 were allowed to remain in the system. The VA told members of the subcommittee 5 JAN that funding will be formally disbursed to VA hospitals and clinics later this month in order to implement the new enrollment plan by June. In the meantime, the VA will work with the Office of Management and Budget to author new regulatory authority and propose it as a rule in the Federal Register. As the regulatory authority is developed, the VA’s enrollment system will be modified to allow enrollment for veterans whose income exceeds the current threshold by 10% or less. Returning eligibility to Priority 8 veterans has been a priority for a number of high profile members of Congress, including Edwards and House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Bob Filner, D-Calif. President-elect Barack Obama also pledged during his campaign to return eligibility to all Priority 8 veterans.

The new income thresholds will range from $32,342 for an unmarried veteran and adding $2,222 for each dependent.  Geographic income ceilings also will rise. Vets meeting these income parameters 2008 incomes will be able to enroll in VA health care when revised regulations take effect sometime before 30 JUN.  Veterans who applied for VA enrollment on or after Jan. 1 this year, and were rejected as Priority 8 veterans, need not reapply.  Their applications, which already show their 2008 incomes, will be reconsidered and, if they fall under new higher thresholds, enrollment will be approved. Applicants denied enrollment for having Priority 8 income before 2009 will have to reapply because VA needs to see income information for 2008. More details on enrollment eligibility expansion are available online at healtheligibilityor by calling 1-877-222 VETS (8387).




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