Class Syllabus 2008-2009

Pre-AP Physical Science Class Syllabus


Mr. Bonsignore

Email: abonsignore@

Room: 216 C


Welcome to Physical Science!

Physical science is the combination of two branches of science, Physics and Chemistry, studying matter and energy. A wide variety of learning strategies will be used throughout the year to help students master the concepts, including hands-on lab experiments and demonstrations. The topics to be discussed throughout the year are outlined below:

|1st Quarter |2nd Quarter |

|Basic scientific principles: scientific method, SI units, scientific |Electricity and magnetism |

|measurement, unit conversions |Fossil Fuels and renewable energy |

|Motion and forces |Waves |

|Work and machines |Sound |

|Energy |Light |

|3rd Quarter |4th Quarter |

|Mirrors and lenses |Chemical bonds |

|States of matter |Chemical changes |

|Classification of matter |Solutions |

|Atomic theory |Acids and bases |

| | |

My goal is to prepare you for other science courses that you will take in high school and college. Therefore, this will be a challenging course that must be taken very seriously. I want you to be successful and will try everything possible to make this happen.

Materials Needed: Due Date ____________________

➢ 3-ring binder with 4 dividers (Periodic Table/Handouts, Reading Logs, Labs, Notes)

➢ Clear sheet protector for periodic table

➢ Spiral notebook or paper

➢ Pencils, pens, and highlighters

➢ Scientific calculator—TI-30X

➢ Notecards

Grading Policy:

Your grade for the course will be determined as follows:

Classwork/Homework/Class participation/Lab: 20%

Quizzes: 30%

Exams/Chapter tests: 50%

I. Classwork/Homework: Classwork and homework will be assigned on a daily basis to help you prepare for quizzes and exams. This may include worksheets, textbook questions, study time, and/or reading textbook. Homework is posted in the classroom and online, so please check daily! Being successful in science requires a lot of practice. Therefore, it is very important that you complete all homework problems assigned. Homework will be checked (stamped) at the beginning of class and will be entered on the gradebook as a weekly homework grade. Participation points are earned daily for coming prepared (having all materials needed: pencil, pen, notebook, textbook, etc), having a good attitude, participating in class discussion, and completing assigned work. Failure to meet any of these expectations will result in no points for the day.

II. Lab: Lab work is an important part of the course. Pre-labs, demo notes and notes taken during performance of specific labs will be kept in your binder under its designated lab section.

III. Quizzes: Quizzes will be given at least weekly and will assess students on concepts studied in class and homework problems. These quizzes will prepare students for chapter and/or unit tests. Pop (unannounced) quizzes may be given at the teacher’s discretion to encourage daily review of concepts.

IV. Exams: An exam will be given at the end of each chapter/unit and will cover the material for that chapter/unit AND concepts learned in previous chapters or units. In preparation for the EOC, students will have a cumulative benchmark assessment at the end of each quarter.

Work that is turned in without a name or not legible will not be graded and entered as a zero. All work must be in pencil or blue/black ink only.






F= Below 59.9%

Please note I do not round off percentages. An 89.9% is a B, and a 69.9% is a D. I need to be fair with all students in a cut off point.

Absences & Late Work:

• No late work or make-up will be accepted, unless you have an excused absence. Students who are absent for an excused reason will be responsible for collecting missed work and turn it in the following class period. This only applies to homework/classwork assigned on the day the student was absent, but not to long-term projects, or assignments known in advanced. Long-term projects, lab write up/notebook, and lab reports will be due on the date discussed.

◦ Make-ups for tests and quizzes are before school ONLY from 7:30-8:15am. Students must schedule a time with the teacher for a make-up. If the student cannot make up their test or quiz during this time, a parent or guardian must contact me to make other arrangements (This is subject to my office hours during virtual learning).

◦ Failure to make up an assignment after 1 week upon the student’s return will result in a zero. Once I return papers, make ups are no longer allowed for that specific quiz or test.

◦ Students are responsible for asking the teacher for missed assignments and making arrangements for make-up quizzes or exams. There is ABSOLUTELY no make up work for lockouts, so be on time to class!

• For long-term absences (more than 2 days), please contact the teacher immediately so arrangements can be made for missed assignments, lab work, and/or exams.

Classroom Rules:

1. My main goal is to provide you with a positive and safe learning environment. Therefore, I will not tolerate any activity that will interfere with the learning opportunities of others.

a. Be punctual: Please be seated and ready to work before the bell rings. Always sit in your assigned seat. I take roll from the seating chart.

b. Be prepared: Always come prepared to class! This includes bringing all the materials required, having your homework ready to turn in at the beginning of class, and be prepared to start class immediately as the tardy bell rings.

2. Be RESPECTFUL: I will treat you with the utmost respect and in return I expect the same from you. Please, respect yourself, the teacher, your classmates, the classroom and its contents so we can all have a positive learning environment.

a. Use only your BEST English when in class! Obscenities from any language will not be tolerated.

b. Remain seated unless you have permission from your teacher to do otherwise.

c. Always raise your hand before you speak.

d. Do not write on school property (chairs, desks, computers, etc).

e. Do not chew gum in the classroom.

f. Please take off hoods, hats and sunglasses inside the classroom.

g. Listen quietly when I am talking or one of your classmates is speaking.

h. Do not be disruptive. If you have a question, please raise your hand and wait for a response.

i. Pick up after yourself and place trash in waste bins. We all like a clean and tidy classroom!!!

3. No eating/drinking/make-up in the classroom: This is a science classroom, and food/make-up and chemicals are not a good mixture!

4. Bathrooms are to be used during passing period. Bathroom passes will be limited during class time

5. Lab experiments are serious, and I expect your best behavior when performing an experiment. Always wait for instructions before beginning an experiment and treat everything as extremely harmful. In a lab the potential for bodily harm is real. Wear your safety goggles at all time and behave in a mature fashion. Proper clothing is required. Coming unprepared on lab days (either not properly dressed, or not having your pre-lab done) will result in losing participation points for that lab.

6. Cheating and/or plagiarism will NOT be tolerated and will be handled as outlined in the Student Handbook. If a student is caught cheating, the student will receive a zero in the assignment and will be referred to administration.

7. Cell phones and IPODS/music players are to be placed in the student’s appropriate number slot in the cell phone rack at the back of the classroom for the duration of the entire class

1st offense- Verbal warning and parent contact.

2nd offense- Device is confiscated and turned into administration.

8. Follow all school rules in the classroom.

a. 3 tardies = detention

b. There will be consequences when rules and instructions are not followed:

1st offense—Verbal warning

2nd offense—Parent contact

3rd offense—Detention

4th offense—Referral to administration

Please note that teacher reserves the right to skip steps according with

severity of infraction.

Zoom Expectations:

• Students attendance is mandatory during the times of their class periods

• Students must wear Doral Academy school shirt when attending a live cam session

• Students must be sitting in front of a desk, not lying in bed

• All assignments given will be graded and inserted in the gradebook

• Students are to continue their online learning assignments from Carnegie, Reading Plus, MathXL, Edgenuity, USA TestPrep, or other supplemental resources

• Students must be visiting Doral Academy website and teacher’s online homework page

• Administrators will be joining classroom live meetings

I have really high expectations of you because I know you are highly capable and responsible. Let’s all respect each other, have a positive attitude, and have fun learning!

How to be SUCCESSFUL in science:

1. GOOD ATTITUDE: Science classes require a lot of dedication and work. Be responsible and active towards class work. Come prepared and ready to learn. Ask for help when needed. Remember: My goal is to make you a successful student in science!

2. WORK THE PROBLEMS: Work as many problems as you can in an actively manner. By this I mean doing it yourself and understanding the process.

3. DO NOT MISS CLASS: Regular attendance is a must in your road to success. Use class time effectively by coming to class prepared and ready to work.

4. STUDY EFFECTIVELY FOR TESTS: Do not cram!!! Do not try to study for a test the night before; it will not work! This is a high school level class, and you must keep up with the pace. Do the reading and homework as assigned and review each night. Ask for help if you do not understand something.

5. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DUMB QUESTION: If you do not understand a concept, ask the teacher or classmates for clarification. We are all here to learn, and the best way to do it is by asking questions. I encourage you to be active and ask lots of questions.



I have read the class expectations as set forth on the syllabus for Pre-AP Physical Science. I understand that it is my responsibility to ask questions for any policy that seems unclear.

As a student, I understand that my success in this class is based on my performance. I also understand that I am to check the on-line portal and/or website on a daily basis for important information and refer to any hand-outs that I may receive.

As a parent, I understand that I am also responsible for my child’s success in this class. I further understand that it is my responsibility to ask for progress reports, monitor homework, and check my child’s on-line portal regularly for information about their progress in the class.


Students Name (Print): ___________________________________

Student Signature: ______________________________________

Date: ___________________

Student email: ________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (Print): _____________________________

Parent Signature: ________________________________________

Date: ___________________

Parent phone: ________________________________

Parent email: _________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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