Rochester City School District / Overview

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter One

1. Who is the author of the book? ______________ When was it copyrighted?_________

2. Is this book fiction or non-fiction? ___________________________________________________________________________

3. What is a prologue? ___________________________________________________________________________

4. Where is the setting? ___________________________________________________________________________

5. At the end of paragraph two, what is the mom’s mood? ___________________________________________________________________________

6. What is the “dumb” question that all kids ask? ___________________________________________________________________________

7. What is Jennings’ number?____________________ Why is it important? ______________


8. Explain the toothbrush error? ___________________________________________________________________________

9. What signal is used to tell the children what is happening?


10. Page 9 – Why does Jennings get nothing to eat?


11. Why do the kids find his name amusing?


12. How old is Jennings?______________ Who treats him well? __________________________

13. Where is Jennings? __________________________________________________________

14. What is the difference between a foster kid and an orphan?



15. Why (according to Mark) has nobody taken Mark?


16. What is rule #1?


17. Identify kid #26: ________________________________

18. What does Mark “steal” for Jennings? ____________________________

19. Who’s the tough kid?_______________ Why might a bully named Elmer be even tougher?


20. Name Jennings’ brothers; make a comment about each one:




21. Why doesn’t Jennings go to school?


22. Why the “no friends” rule?


23. Who gives out the animals? What happens to the animals?


Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Two

1. Can you picture the fence? Have you leaned on one like it? Where?

2. List four adjectives to describe Stacy:



3. What mistake does Stacy make with Jennings’ name?

4. Page 28, bottom third – What worries Jennings? (explain)

5. Page 29 – What is every kid doing?

6. What’s for dinner?

7. Who yells at Mark? ________________________ Why?

8. What new activity does Jennings start?

9. What two words does Jennings say all the time?

10. Who is responsible for Stacy being in the home?

11. Page 32, three lines from the bottom – Why “floated?

12. How does Mark handle Butch?

13. Who “comes to the rescue” of Mark?

14. What gift does Mark give to Jennings?

15. How do Butch and his buddies change?


16. Who takes Jennings home?

17. List the friends that Jennings leaves at the home.

List any unfamiliar vocabulary words from your reading of chapter two.

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Three

Who is the nicer of the Carpenters?

What “toys” does Mrs. Carpenter give Jennings?

Why do the Carpenters have Jennings?

What does Jennings draw?

What type of games did Jennings play with his brothers?

What was different about Jennings’ bedroom at the Carpenters?

What is “The Guiding Light”?

What happened to Jennings’ picture?

What meal is skipped at the Carpenters?

Name are two television shows that Mr. Carpenter would like to watch?

Why doesn’t Jennings get a hamburger?

Why does Mrs. Carpenter “go nuts” and throw Jennings down to the floor?

Bottom of page 45 – What shows that Mr. Carpenter does not really care very much about


Jennings finally eats some _________________________________ .

At the end of this chapter, who saves Jennings?

Page 47 – Find two good word choices on that page. (diction)

__________________________________ & _________________________________

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Four

Who seems least happy about Jennings’ return?

Who seems most happy about Jennings’ return?

What is the point of view in this book?

What is Mark’s opinion of Jennings’ drawing ability?

What is Jennings’ new number?

On page fifty-one, who shows a “softer side”?

Who is leaving home? Where is this person going?

On page fifty-three, three paragraphs from the bottom, what is the simile?

Where has Sister Clair been? What is that ?

Where is Sister Clair going?

How does Sister Clair help Jennings “do something wrong”?

In the middle of page fifty-six, there is an analogy. Explain the reference.

Where does Doggie spend his days?

Who hated Christmas? What story is he from?

What gift does Butch get?

Whom does Jennings hit? ______________________ Why?

What does Jennings write on back of his angel?

What is the hyperbole in the last paragraph on page sixty-one?

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Five

First paragraph, last sentence – who wouldn’t know?

What does his mother promise?

Who else stayed in a home?____________________________

Where were Walter and George?

Where can’t kids under twelve visit?

Page sixty-four, line fourteen an fifteen – what has happened?

Page sixty-four – Define “super.”

What makes Larry cry?

What present did he get?

List three negative things that are said by Larry on page sixty-six.




What ages are Walter and George?

Which one seems headed for trouble?

Who goes to St. Vincent’s? ________________________

What do they get?

Which two boys want to sing? ___________________ and ________________________

Page seventy-one – Who is the old man?

How does the family get a tree?

Describe Sister Ann Charles.

Page seventy-three, eight lines from the bottom – What does Jennings realize?

What was in the envelope?

What year is it?________________

Where does Sister Ann Charles go?


Who plans to run away?______________________________


Describe the man who comes for Jennings. Where does he take him?

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Six

Page seventy-eight, second paragraph – What are three things that appeal to the senses?

Page seventy-nine – “The room looked familiar.” Why?

Describe the sister who slaps Jennings.

Page eighty – Why does he look for big ears?

What is the name of Jennings’ new friend?

What was hard to drink?

What is the “tag trick”?

What is Stevie’s towel trick?

Why does Stevie run away?

Top of page ninety-one – What does Jennings do?

Page ninety-two – Who is Peter?

What does Jennings decide to do?

What food does he finally find?

Jennings gets a ride with ________________________.

What is Jennings’ fake name?

At the police station, what does Jennings eat?

What favor does Sarge to for Jennings at St. Teresa’s?

Who appears at the end of the chapter?

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Seven

Who waves to Jennings?

What promise did Jennings’ mother break?

What is the surprise?

Describe Jerome. (include age)

What does George say that shows his negative personality?

Jerome wants to play _________________. They play ___________________________.

Page one hundred and five – What upsets Larry?

What do Jennings and Larry do that Jerome would love to do?

Why do Jennings and Larry hate school?

Jerome is similar to ________________.

He is similar in what two ways? a.


What secret does Jennings keep?

According to George, why is Jerome home?

Who is Captain Video?

What two baseball players are mentioned?


What team do they play for?

What big step is George going to take?


Why does Walter get a job?

Who gets ill? _______________________

What does the last sentence of the chapter mean?

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Eight

In their new house, what passes unnoticed?

Describe the new house.

How far does Jennings walk to school?

In what respect would Jennings be “in style” according to current times?

Who embarrasses Jennings in front of the class? _______________________________


How does Larry get away with cutting school?

What does he do?

Page one hundred and eighteen - Why doesn’t Walter teach fractions to Jennings?

Walter sees to it that Jennings goes to ____________________ school.

Why the fake name on page one hundred and twenty?

What problem does it create?

Who helps Jennings after school each day?

Who will be Jennings’ “guardian”?

Jennings meets a __________ who grew up in orphanages. His name is __________________.

What is the key word in the first two lines, page one hundred and twenty-five?

What does Jennings want to be?

Where does the pet come from?

What is its name?

Page one hundred and thirty - What favor does Sister Gerard to for Jennings?

What is wrong with Jennings’ mother?

Who is taking Jennings home?

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Nine

Who is Fred

What can we figure out from that?

What can we learn from the last three lines of the first paragraph on page 133?

Who is Nancy?

Where is she?

List three descriptive things about Martha. a.

b. c.

Where (p. 134) had Jennings seen a house like this before?

Martha is a little like ______________________ or __________________________________.

Look at the first four words, p. 136. What one word shows that she lacks education?

How can Jennings tell which fork to use?

Who, Mr. or Mrs. Frazier, has a lower opinion of Donald?

What is Martha’s opinion of Donald?

Why does Jennings kiss Martha’s hand?

What time do Jennings and Donald leave the house?

What does Donald catch? __________________________

What does Jennings catch? _________________________

How does Donald con Jennings?

On the way to school, Jennings misses ____________________.

Who is Eddie Keegan?

Sister Gerard doesn’t want Jennings to _____________________ instead of ___________.

Last 3 lines, p. 149 – What is the double meaning?

How does Jennings feel when Sal drives away?

Why will the shark die?

What (shark) favor does Mr. Frazier do for Jennings?

How does Jennings get new clothes?

Why doesn’t it work out very well?

What cuts Jennings’ wrists?

Top of p. 157 – What does Jennings say to Sal?

25. Martha gets mad at __________________________________. Why?

Page 158 – What is something Jennings learned at the homes?

Page 159 – Why do Jennings and Sal get along so well?

Put a check mark here _______ after you carefully read the “old man story” on page 159.

29. Who apologizes at school?__________________________ How does Jennings react?

30. Why is Sal proud of Jennings?

31. Two people, _______________________ and ___________________________ tell Jennings to

let them know ifhe needs help.

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Ten

Who has picked up Jennings?

They now have a new ___________________________________________.

Jennings is worried about bus _________ and seeing _____________________.

What is George’s opinion of his mother’s illness?

Bottom of pg. 165, up 11 & 12 lines – What is odd about that?

What is the sleeping arrangement for Jennings, Gene, and Larry?

What is alike about Keys and Fraziers?

What (or who) is Captain Video?

Top of pg. 169 – What mistake does Jennings make concerning Walter?

How has the family changed?

Soon, Jennings will be ______ years old.

Who “leaves” Jennings’ life?

List at least five people who have “left” Jennings’ life.


Bottom of pg. 170 – Larry sounds like _____________________________.

_____________________ and _____________________ run away.

Jennings goes looking for _______________. Where does he visit?

What is familiar about this place?

17. What year is it? __________ Where do you get baseball cards


What is Jennings’ fist food?

Then, ____________________________ provides this food.

Where in the zoo is Jennings sleeping?

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Eleven

After waiting all weekend, _____________________ reunites with __________________.

What is Sal’s “better idea”?

How does Sal answer the idea of being hurt when someone leaves?

Sal feels that Jennings has a _______________. He’s being __________________, not _________________.

Sal is good for whom? (multiple answers)

Why would George dislike Sal?

According to Sal, George has a conflict between his ________________ and his


To where does Walter drive the family?

Jennings finally learns a little about ______________.

He discovers he also has a ______________________.

What is at the base of Walter and George disliking each other?

Why do drunks (or any other people who are alike) like each other?

What was a dream for Jennings?

What is Sal’s new job? What is bad about it?

What does Sal promise Jennings?

Describe the circumstances of the accident.

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Twelve

What agency is involved?

What is the hyperbole on page 191?

“She was either very new or blind.” Why?

What reminds Jennings of Larry?

Page 195 – Why does Jennings check the floor?

What is different about the fencing?

What word (middle of pg. 196) is a repeat?

Where are they?

Page 197 – There would be a four “person” reunion, except ___________ is missing.

What has Mark kept?______________________ Who brought it to him? __________________

What “make believe” did Mark do?

Top third of p. 199 – What short story are we reminded of?

Jennings inquires about staying with _________________________________.

Just below the middle of pg. 201 – What the “cold” statement?

Marks think he won’t leave with Sal or otherwise. Why?

By the end of page 204, what three gifts has Jennings given to Mark?

What does Jennings drink?______________________ What is the effect?

As punishment, where does Jennings stand?

Jennings begins to collect _________________ for an ________________________.

Page 212 – What is the hyperbole?

Jennings ends up in _______________’s office. Margaret is the _________________.

Margaret tell Jennings:

What burns his eyes?

Jennings saves Mark’s ____________________.

What is Jennings conclusion?

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Thirteen

Page 218 – Do people care?

What is Mom’s condition?

What has happened to Larry?

List three facts about Jennings’ father.




The most important thing you can have is ________________________________.

What things surprise Jennings about his new home?

What does Jennings “learn the hard way”?

Who is Uncle Mitty?

Who is Mike?

Name three nice things that George has done for Jennings?




Who makes a surprise appearance in the kitchen?

Why didn’t Sal get Jennings out of the home?

What regret does Jennings have about Mark?

Page 231 – What changed Larry?

What “came and went,” just like the previous year?

What is Sal’s “philosophy” about Larry?

Who is a surprise visitor on page 233?

What is Jerome’s thought about death?

Bottom of p. 234, top of 235- What do all people want?

Walter can only spell compassion. What does that mean?

At the park, Jennings meets _________________________. What speech habit returns?

What subject (middle of page 239) is confusing to Jennings?

Why don’t people say their love?

What verb (action word) on page 241 is a repeat from an earlier chapter?

Define instinct.

Stacy helps Jennings notice:

What is too far away to plan for?

Stacy leaves without Jennings’ _____________________________________________.

What does Jennings promise to Jerome?

Top of page 247 – Jennings realizes what?

What has happened to Mom?

What note does Jennings write?

Why does he crumple it?

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Fourteen

Where are Jennings and Gene?

Jennings thinks he is lying when he tells Gene –

To what city is Jennings taken?

What are the usual night sounds?

What is the question that wakes Jennings up?

Who is “the Butch” of this place?

Jennings has conflicting thoughts about being __________________________________.

How did Ronny get his scar?

Mrs. Abbott’s nickname is ___________________________.

What is juvenile delinquent?

Ronny is a little bit like ____________________________________.

Number _____________ laughs a little bit to himself (middle of p. 258). Why?

Aldridge is a ____________________ and does not know it.

Jennings treats Aldridge much like ___________________ treated ____________________.

Embarrassingly, Jennings has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Middle of pg. 264 – Why do the giggles die down?

After his punishment, Jennings ____________________. He heads for ________________.

Late in November in New York, why are pine bushes a good hiding place?

Again, Jennings first food is _________________________________.

What “forces” Jennings to leave the zoo?

If he can locate (landmark) _________________________, he can find (person) _______________________.

A delirious Jennings thinks he hears ___________________________________.

He runs into __________________________________________________.

______________________________, the policeman, seems nice.

What physical similarity to Jennings does he have?

What does the captain do that Officer Frank won’t do?

Officer Daily reminds Jennings of __________________________________.

Instead of jail, where does Officer Daily take Jennings?

Name: __________________________________________________

They Cage the Animals at Night


Chapter Fifteen

Egad! It happens again on page 276! What?

What makes Mrs. Daily cry?

Who is Bob? What is his advice about running away?

What “word” keeps Sal from taking care of Jennings?

What odd (odd is a good word here!) thing is Jennings’ bag?

Page 281 – Evidently, the Daily’s have no __________________________________.

What has the captain given Mr. Daily? What rule does that break?

Page 282 – What widens Jennings’ eyes?

Why is it difficult?

Page 283 Option #1 –

Option #2 –

What happened to Doggie?

What “something new” do stores have?

Top of page 284 – Jennings lies about what?

Bottom of page 286 – What mistake in reasoning is Jennings about to make?

Top of page 287 – What lie does Jennings tell Mrs. Daily?

Bottom of page 287 – What can’t Jennings do?

How can Jennings find Boston Road?

What gives Jennings a good food supply?

Where (and why) does Jennings stand all night?

Jennings is found by ___________________ and ____________________________.


Define epilogue:

Summarize the outcome for each character below:









How is the book’s title tied in at the end? EXPLAIN


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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