Discussion Questions for Hamlet

Discussion Questions for Hamlet. ENG4U

Instructions: Answer the following questions for each scene. Include specific quotations and references (Act, Scene, Lines) wherever possible to support your opinions. Be prepared to discuss the questions as a class and thus add to your own answers.

Act I, scene i. Ghost on the Battlements

1. As the play opens, what is the mood? Find words or phrases Shakespeare uses to establish this mood.

2. What does the Ghost look like? Do? Say? Use specific references.

3. Part of Horatio’s role is to provide exposition. What has happened in Denmark that might warrant a ghost stalking the castle?

4. How has Shakespeare established the credibility of King Hamlet? That is, how do we know that he was a good king?

5. As the scene ends, what is the mood? What has ‘hooked’ the audience?

Act I, scene ii. Claudius is King and Hamlet plans to see the Ghost

6. The scene opens with Claudius addressing the court. Examine his speech and answer the following:

a) How does he solidify his support for his marriage to Gertrude and his coronation?

b) How does his reaction to the Fortinbras situation demonstrate his effectiveness as a ruler?

c) What are his feelings towards Laertes and Polonius?

7. Hamlet’s attire and attitude is in stark contrast to the festivity of a coronation. How do Claudius and Gertrude treat his grief? Quote specific lines.

8. Why does Claudius not want Hamlet to return to Wittenburg?

9. Paraphrase Hamlet’s first soliloquy.

a) What does it reveal about his feelings towards Gertrude and Claudius?

b) What does it reveal about his personality?

10. What do Barnardo, Marcellus, and Horatio reveal to Hamlet? What does Hamlet plan to do and why does he think the Ghost may be appearing? Quote the specific line that indicates his suspicions.

Act I, scene iii. Advice for Ophelia and Laertes

11. How is Ophelia connected to the men in the play?

12. What ‘advice’ does Laertes give to Ophelia? What does his advice reveal about his own character?

13. Paraphrase four key points from the ‘advice’ Polonius gives to Laertes.

14. What ‘advice’ does Polonius give to Ophelia? What does his advice reveal about his own personal concerns?

15. Who would you describe Polonius’s family (i.e. close, distant, aloof, loving)? Provide specific evidence to justify your opinion. How does this family dynamic compare to the royal family?

16. How does this scene create sympathy for Ophelia and Hamlet?

Act I, scene iv. Hamlet follows the Ghost

17. What is familiar about the opening of this scene? Think of scene i.

18. Why is Hamlet upset about the cannon going off, signalling and old tradition?

19. Hamlet reveals mixed emotions after seeing the Ghost. Quote specific lines which demonstrate his confusion.

20. Why doesn’t Horatio want Hamlet to follow the Ghost?

21. Why would the Ghost beckon Hamlet aside?

Act I, scene v. Rumours and Murder

22. Explain why the spirit of Hamlet’s father cannot rest. Where is he “stuck”?

23. What really caused Hamlet’s father’s death? What has everyone previously been told?

24. What instructions does the Ghost leave for Hamlet? Quote Hamlet’s specific responses.

25. After the Ghost departs, how does Hamlet plan to handle this news? How does he treat his friends?

26. Upon what emotional note does Act I end?

Act II, scene i. Spying on Laertes and Counseling Ophelia

1. How long has it been since the Ghost appeared to Hamlet?

2. What has Polonius ordered his servant Reynaldo to do? What does this reveal about Polonius’s character?

3. Ophelia is greatly concerned over Hamlet's behaviour, almost frightened. Quote three specific things Hamlet does to show something is wrong.

4. How does Polonius explain Hamlet's behaviour? What responsibility does he take, if any?

Act II, scene ii.

lines 1-39 Old School Friends?

5. What is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's connection to Hamlet?

6. Why have Claudius and Gertrude invited them to Elsinore and what do they want them to do? Do you think they have chosen the right men for the job?

lines 40 - 84 Good News from Norway

7. What is the result of Claudius’s diplomacy with Norway? Do you see any potential flaws in signing the permission document?

lines 85-170 Polonius’s Solution

8. How do Claudius and Gertrude react to Polonius’s hypothesis about what is wrong with Hamlet?

9. What `plan' does Polonius suggest to test if his suspicions are correct?

10. What does this interaction reveal about Polonius’s relationship with his King and Queen?

11. The image of spying becomes important to the play from this point on. List who is planning to spy, on whom, and why.

lines 171-328 Hamlet's Wit versus Polonius and R+G

12. Choose one of the moments Polonius misreads Hamlet's comments and explain both versions: Hamlet's meaning and Polonius' interpretation.

13. Is Hamlet really mad or is he merely mocking Polonius? Justify your opinion.

14. At the end of Act 1, Scene 5 Hamlet says, "The time is out of joint; O cursed spite, / That ever I was born to set it right!" (1.5.187-8). What is further revealed about Hamlet's attitude toward Fate and Humankind in this scene?

15. How does Hamlet discover Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's motive in visiting him?

lines 329 - 548 Players Arrive!

16. What private request does Hamlet make of one of the players? What does Hamlet plan to add to the play?

lines 549 - 607 Hamlet's Plan - 2nd Soliloquy

17. Paraphrase Hamlet’s soliloquy.

18. To whom is Hamlet comparing himself in this soliloquy?

19. What has Hamlet planned by the end of the scene? Why does he feel it is necessary to 'test' Claudius?

Act III, scene i. “To be, or not to be” and Hamlet's encounter with Ophelia

1. Have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern discovered what is bothering Hamlet? Summarize the lies and truths they tell the king and queen.

2. Contrast Polonius and Gertrude's treatment of Ophelia in this scene.

3. What new part to Claudius's personality is revealed in his aside? (lines 49-54)

4. Paraphrase Hamlet's third soliloquy.

5. What is Hamlet's state of mind as revealed in the soliloquy?

6. Do the arguments he presents against suicide still have relevance today?

7. Why is Hamlet so angry with Ophelia? Of what does he accuse her?

8. In your opinion, do Hamlet and Ophelia love each other? Or did they once love each other? Justify your opinion with specific evidence.

9. What does Claudius plan to do with Hamlet? How does Polonius alter the plan?

Act III, scene ii. The Mousetrap

10. What does Hamlet ask Horatio to do during the play? Why?

11. Use specific references from Hamlet's speech (lines 58-89) to prove Hamlet trusts and admires Horatio.

12. Describe the 'roles' Hamlet plays as he sits in the audience. What messages may he be trying to send to Ophelia, Polonius, Gertrude, and Claudius?

13. Consider the dumb-show and the actual play. What do the actors do and say that mirrors previous events in Denmark? What is different?

14. How does Claudius respond to the play? Consider during the dumb-show, the play, and after.

15. Why does Hamlet feel his plan has been successful?

16. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern deliver a message that Gertrude wants to see Hamlet. What is Hamlet's response and what reason does he give them for that response?

17. Explain the symbolism of the recorders in this scene. (Hint: How does it relate to Hamlet's relationship with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?)

18. Does Hamlet seem sane or mad in the section after the play is over? Justify your opinion.

Act III, scene iii. King's ‘Confession’ and Hamlet's Chance

19. Why does Claudius want to send Hamlet to England? (Hint: Look at the notes for lines 1-7.)

20. How does Rosencrantz justify his loyalty to Claudius (and thus his disloyalty to Hamlet)?

21. What does Polonius expect to hear while behind the arras (tapestry) in Gertrude's bedroom?

22. Claudius believes he cannot pray, especially pray for forgiveness. Why? What were the three motives for his crime?

23. In your opinion, does Claudius have a conscience? Should we feel sympathy for him?

24. How does Hamlet find Claudius when he enters this scene? Is this a true picture or an act?

25. What arguments does Hamlet use to persuade himself to wait to kill Claudius?

26. Read the note for lines 73-98. Summarize the four analyses for why Hamlet plans to wait. In your opinion, which one is most logical?

Act III, scene iv. Conversation with Mother

27. Why is Gertrude afraid of Hamlet in this scene?

28. Why does Polonius reveal his hiding spot?

29. Who did Hamlet think he was killing by stabbing the arras? Is this possible time wise? (Consider what had happened immediately before this scene.)

30. Hamlet confronts his mother with several shocking statements. Of what does he accuse her? List the three major accusations in the order he makes them.

31. Why does the Ghost of Hamlet's father appear?

32. What is the reaction of Gertrude to the Ghost? What does she think is happening?

33. What promise does Hamlet ask of Gertrude? In your opinion, why does he ask this?

34. Somehow Hamlet already knows he is going to England. What does Hamlet tell his mother concerning the trip and his travelling companions?

Act IV, scene i. Find Hamlet and Polonius's body

l . Does Gertrude keep her promise to Hamlet? What does she reveal about Hamlet's actions?

2. What does Claudius decide he must do about Hamlet? Why does he want to talk to his "wisest friends"? (line 38) What is his justification for this drastic action?

Act IV, scene ii. R+G question Hamlet

3. Why is the metaphor of a sponge so effective to describe Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's actions thus far?

4. Explain the cryptic explanation Hamlet gives about where Polonius's body will be found. (lines 25-6)

Act IV, scene iii. Claudius orders Hamlet to England

5. Why does Claudius have to be careful about the way he 'gets rid' of Hamlet?

6. How does Hamlet act when the king asks him about the location of Polonius's body. Quote your favourite response.

7. What plan has Claudius set in motion regarding Hamlet's fate? What is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's role?

8. Explain the effect of these previous three short scenes.

Act IV, scene iv. Fortinbras arrives

9. Why does Fortinbras send his Captain to greet Claudius?

10. How does the Captain feel about Fortinbras's plan to invade Poland? What does this plan reveal about Fortinbras's character?

11. Paraphrase the soliloquy and then answer the following questions.

12. Why does Hamlet feel guilty about his "dull revenge" when he hears of Fortinbras's plans and preparations? Describe the contrasts between Hamlet and Fortinbras.

13. According to this soliloquy, what do you think is Hamlet's fatal flaw? Use a specific quotation.

15. By the end of the soliloquy what has Hamlet resolved to do?

Act IV, scene v. Effects of a father's murder: Ophelia and Laertes

16. Why are Horatio and Gertrude worried about the words Ophelia is speaking?

17. Why does Gertrude change her mind about seeing Ophelia?

18. In your opinion, why has Ophelia's madness been manifested in rowdy drinking songs?

19. What is Claudius's theory about why Ophelia is acting so oddly? List as many explanations as you can find. Do you think he is right? Justify your opinion.

20. Why has Laertes returned from France?

21. What welcome did Laertes receive from the people of Denmark? What does this reveal about the state of this country?

22. Contrast Laertes's response to his father's murder with Hamlet's response to his own father's murder.

23. How does Claudius calm Laertes down? What does he promise him?

24. Why doesn't Gertrude or Claudius tell Laertes who murdered his father?

Act IV, scene vi. Hamlet's letter to Horatio

25. What qualities of Hamlet are shown in the letter he has written? Has anything changed?

26. How will Hamlet's return affect the plot?

27. How does this scene allow for the passage of time?

Act IV, scene vii. Claudius plots with Laertes and Gertrude brings sad news

28. Summarize the results of Polonius' death as they appear in this scene.

29. What reasons are given by Claudius for not bringing Hamlet to a public trial? What further reasons may there be?

30. Summarize the three-fold plan that Claudius and Laertes will use to murder Hamlet. What is revealed about their personalities?

31. Show how Laertes's cause parallels that of Hamlet. Contrast their reactions. Why do you think they reacted so differently?

32. How does Ophelia die? Do you think she consciously committed suicide? If not, who do you think is more responsible for her death?

33. How does Ophelia's madness compare with that of Hamlet?

34. Compare your first impression of Claudius (speech to the court in Act 1, Sc 2) to now. What traits have been highlighted? What characteristics are new?

Act V, scene i. Graveyard Humour and Burial (starts line 131)

1. How does the First Clown measure the years he has been working as a grave-maker?

2. What clue is given as to Hamlet's age? Read the notes for lines 160-3. In your opinion, should Hamlet be played as 20 or 30 years old? Justify your choice.

3. What is ironic about the manner in which Hamlet speaks to Yorick's skull?

4. What does Hamlet notice about the ceremony being performed in the graveyard? According to the Priest, why have the funeral rites been altered?

5. How do both Laertes and Hamlet try to prove their love for Ophelia?

6. What is revealed about Hamlet's feelings for Ophelia?

7. Claudius hints at what is to come regarding Hamlet. Quote the specific line. Do you think Gertrude knows anything?

Act V, scene ii.

lines 1-79 Hamlet Brags to Horatio

8. How did Hamlet escape Claudius' plan? What were the consequences for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? Does Hamlet feel guilty about this?

9. Of what three crimes does Hamlet accuse Claudius?

10. How does Hamlet plan to act towards Laertes? Why?

lines 80-185 A Challenge!

11. Osric is usually portrayed as a courtier who aspires beyond his station and will do anything to please his 'betters'. Prove this is true with a specific example from the play.

12. What is Laertes' reputation with weapons?

13. What wager has Claudius made on Hamlet's behalf? (Read the note for line 163 for 'clarification')

Lines 186-255 Preparations for the Duel

14. Why is Horatio worried? How does Hamlet try to ease his mind?

16. Why does Hamlet accept the challenge?

17. How does Hamlet ask for Laertes' pardon? How does he justify his actions? Read the notes for lines 221-2. Do you believe Hamlet or not?

18. Laertes seems to accept his apology, so why does he insist on continuing with the duel?

lines 256-320 Final Tragedy

19. Why does Claudius put a pearl into his cup? Give the public and private reason.

20. How does Claudius's plan regarding the cup go awry?

21. What is significant about the fact that Laertes and Hamlet change rapiers and that "they bleed on both sides" (line 294)?

22. How noble is Claudius at the end of his life? Consider how he treats his queen. How noble is Laertes?

lines 321-393 Hamlet's Last Words

23. Why does Hamlet want Horatio to live?

24. Hamlet's last words are: "The rest is silence" (line 348). What do these words mean to you? Do you think Hamlet believes he is going to an afterlife or not?

25. Why is the First Ambassador in Denmark?

26. Read lines 370-376 and the accompanying notes. What stories is Horatio left to tell?

27. Why is it essential that Fortinbras appears when he does? Why does he have the last speech?

28. What are we to infer happens after all of the bodies are cleared away? Does Denmark come into a time of peace or are they headed for greater troubles? Justify your opinion.


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