1. Projects Committee Activities

Minutes of Meeting16 March 2017Thon Hotel EU – Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 BrusselsParticipantsNameCompanyRapha?l Rinaldi (Vice-Chairperson)e-distribuzioneFlorian Gonzalez (Secretary)EDSO for Smart GridsGareth Bisselle-distribuzioneChristophe BoisseauEnedisMarkos ChampakisHEDNOEfrosini DelliouHEDNOChristian DumbsEnedisEdwin EdelenbosNetbeheer NederlandMaciej G?ombiowskiEnerga OperatorPedro Godinho MatosEDP Distribui??oVaclav Janousek?EZ DistribuceRadek Lamich?EZ DistribuceFrederic LefevreORESSantiago Otero Pe?ae-distribuzionePeter de PauwEandisBram SiebenAllianderHenning TwicklerEDSO for Smart GridsMaximilian UrbanNetz Nieder?sterreich Jakub VancuraPRE DistribuceJesus Varela SanzIberdrola Distribución EléctricaKatharina VolkNetze-BWThomas WiedemanninnogyNot in attendanceNameCompanyRichard Vidli?ka (Chairperson)?EZ DistribucePeter SoderstromVattenfallRobert HeiligerE.ONAll documents related to the Projects Committee are available on EDSO’s Member Intranet at the following link.1. Projects Committee Activitiesa.Approval of minutes of last meeting and of agendaRapha?l Rinaldi (e-distribuzione) opened the meeting and welcomed the participants.Decision: Minutes of previous meeting and agenda of meeting approved.b.Approval of Projects Insight Paper #1 StorageThe Projects Committee unanimously approved the first Projects Insight Paper on Storage, which was later officially circulated to EDSO Policy and Technology Committees. It was agreed that this paper could be used as input to further EDSO activities on this topic.Decision: Projects Insight Paper #1 Storage approved.c.Next topics and meetings Topics for next meetings were discussed as well as locations. It was proposed that the next meeting take place in Amsterdam on the topic of micro-grids on 21-22 June (to be confirmed). Decision: Next Projects Committee meeting (end of June 2017) shall focus on micro-grids and the following one (end of September 2017) on EV charging. Decision shall be taken at the next meeting.2. Presentations on Flexibilitya.Presentation by Netze BWOn 15 March, Katharina Volk (Netze BW) presented two projects as well as the traffic light concept: Flexible-Power-To-HeatGrid-Controlb.Presentation by EDP Distribui??oOn 15 March, Pedro Godinho Matos (EDP Distribui??o) presented four projects:SuSTAINABLE, dealing will LV control with flexibility from local DEREvolvDSO, researching DSO flexibility for TSO supportUpgrid, investigating LV flexibility from residential consumer through DSMInteGrid, on grid operation with industrial customer flexibilityc.Presentation by AllianderBram Sieben (Alliander) presented Alliander’s vision on flexibility, then the Universal Smart Energy Framework (USEF) and the Energy Frontrunners project.d.Presentation by CEZ DistribuceRadek Lamich (CEZ Distribuce) presented a pilot scheme involving the upgrade of the existing District Ripple Load Control (DRLC) system.e.Presentation by EnedisChristian Dumbs (Enedis) presented the InterFlex project. f.Presentation by IberdrolaJesus Varela (Iberdrola Distribucion) presented three projects:The Spanish demonstrator of Grid4EUIGreenGridAddressg.Presentation by innogyThomas Wiedemann (innogy) presented the traffic light concept. 3. Workshop on FlexibilityMembers of the Projects Committee discussed the topic of Flexibility through the angle of the Clean Energy Package. In particular, discussions focused on three questions:Shall each aggregator be allowed to enter the market without consent from other market participants? (related to Article 17 of the Electricity Directive)What basic rights and obligations shall be set for aggregator to maintain ability of DSOs to provide reliable power supply? (related to Article 32 of the Electricity Directive)Under what conditions DSOs might be allowed to provide flexibility on its own for network purposes?The drafting team of the Projects Insight Paper #2 Flexibility will be composed of Bram Sieben, Jesus Varela, Pedro Godinho Matos, Rapha?l Rinaldi and Vaclav Janousek.4. Policy and Technology Update a.Update on EDSO Committees work programme for 2017Florian Gonzalez (EDSO) presented the proposed Work Programmes for the three Committees of EDSO. b.Presentation of EDSO activities on the Clean Energy PackageFlorian Gonzalez presented the main positions elaborated by the Policy and Technology Committees and endorsed by the Board of Directors on 14 March. The position paper can be found at the following link.5.Update on EDSO projectsa.EvolvDSO and Grid+Storage – end of projects Florian Gonzalez reported on the end of the EvolvDSO and Grid+Storage projects. EDSO is committed to making use of the promising results of EvolvDSO and to further work on Grid+Storage through participation in INTENSYS4EU.b.FLEXICIENCYFlorian Gonzalez reported that FLEXICIENCY’s Advisory Board and General Assembly will meet respectively on 29 and 30 March. Decision: More information and updates on the FLEXICIENCY Project will be forwarded to the Projects Committee by EDSO Secretariat.6.INTENSYS4EU Project / ETIP SNET a.Presentation of activitiesFlorian Gonzalez presented the INTENSYS4EU Project. EDSO is involved in this project with a potential budget of 400.000€ over 4 years. Seven EDSO members participate in the Project as Linked Third Parties: Alliander, CEZ Distribuce, EDP Distribui??o, e-distribuzione, HEDNO, Iberdrola Distribucion and innogy. The project will focus on supporting two platforms installed by the European Commission: the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) and the BRIDGE initiative. Within the project, EDSO will mainly contribute to the drafting of documents that will serve as basis for the elaboration of energy calls related to smart grids within the Work Programmes of the Horizon 2020 and its successor (Framework Programme 9). The main contributions from EDSO experts will feed the following deliverables:Vision & Scenario for the European energy system by 2030 and 205010-year Roadmap for research and innovation in the field of smart gridsImplementation plans related to the roadmap aboveb.Update on Working Group 1 & Working Group 4 of ETIP SNETRapha?l Rinaldi reported on the activities of Working Group 1, which relates to the overall integration within the energy system. The latest activities of Working Group 1 were:Input to Implementation Plan 2017-2019Comments to the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for Energy for the period 2018-2020Santiago Otero Pe?a (e-distribuzione) reported on the activities of Working Group 4, dealing with consumer participation and Demand Response. c.Vision & ScenarioFlorian Gonzalez presented the “Vision & Scenario” deliverable of the INTENSYS4EU project, which shall be endorsed by the ETIP SNET. It is supposed to provide an overview of the energy sector by 2030 and 2050 and to underline the most extreme scenarios in terms of needs for the energy system. The drafting will be realised in two phases: First phase will be the vision at system level, deriving from the ENTSO-E documents “e-Highway 2050” and “TYNDP 2018”. Second phase will deal with the distribution system and identify the most extreme scenarios in terms of technology needs.Jesus Varela will be involved in the first drafting team for this deliverable on behalf of EDSO. The Projects Committee will be associated to this drafting process whenever needed in order to gather as much input as possible, and especially from a large number of experts. d.EDSO inputs to the ETIP SNET deliverablesGareth Bissell (e-distribuzione) presented some ideas to involve EDSO Projects Committee into the activities of the ETIP SNET and INTENSYS4EU project. The most important contribution could relate to the roadmap and the implementation plans, in order to identify technology gaps in various companies and countries. Decision: EDSO Secretariat will keep the Projects Committee involved in the drafting of EDSO positions within the ETIP SNET Platform and INTENSYS4EU Project.7. Tour de table on smart grids projects and EU funding opportunitiesa.Presentation of upcoming EU funding opportunitiesRapha?l Rinaldi presented the upcoming calls & funding opportunities at EU-level. It was proposed that EDSO consider participating in Horizon 2020 projects EE06 or EE09. Assessment of proposal will be first conducted by EDSO Secretariat and then by the Projects Committee.b.Round-tableMembers of the Projects Committee reported on their companies’ new and ongoing projects in the field of smart grids. Next meeting will take place in Amsterdam on 21-22 June and will focus on micro-grids(to be confirmed) ................

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