Source Material and Bibliography used in the development ...

Source Material and Bibliography used in the development of “Things to Know About …” documents, and the Forgotten Lore Manual of the Planes include those indicated below. In some cases the source material, particularly the Monster Manual has been closely adhered to, when contradictory or perceived mutually exclusive material exists I, Phil Knopp with the assistance of Michael Jones, have decided what will be, for the Forgotten Lore, the correct interpretation. It has been a primary concern that the least possible deviation from core AD&D 1st edition portrayal of any race occurs, following the line of best fit for not only each individual race, but for all races coming together as a whole in the contained multiverse of Forgotten Lore.

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, 1st edition books:

1. Monster Manual. Basic source for monster statistics.

2. Monster Manual II. Basic source for monster statistics.

3. Fiend Folio. Basic source for monster statistics.

4. Dungeon Masters Guide.

5. Deities and Demigods. Non-Human Mythos only.

6. Players Handbook. Source for spell and psionic list crosswalk tables.

Forgotten Lore Documentation.

Dragon Magazines. Used for inspiration, though not as official material and so are freely deviated from when deemed inconsistent with other material. Although many such articles are used, ones that have significant prominence in this documentation include.

1. Point of View Articles, DM #58-#63.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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