Dunkin donuts chocolate glazed cake donut nutrition


Dunkin donuts chocolate glazed cake donut nutrition

Home Blog Help Sign In Join Not all doughnuts are created equal You might think that a doughnut is a doughnut, and that none of them are on the healthy end of the spectrum. While you certainly won¡¯t find anyone claiming that doughnuts can be a health food, the offerings at Dunkin¡¯ Donuts actually run the gamut from decidedly artery-clogging to decidedly low-cal. There are plenty of offerings that contain

fewer than 300 calories, so if you¡¯re hankering for a doughnut but don¡¯t want to completely ruin your diet, here are the six healthiest (or least unhealthy) doughnuts from the Dunkin¡¯ Donuts menu, according to calorie count.#6 Chocolate Frosted Donut Calories: 270 Fat: 15 grams Saturated Fat: 7 grams Sugar: 13 grams#5 Bavarian Kreme Donut Calories: 270 Fat: 15 grams Saturated Fat: 7 grams Sugar: 9

grams#4 Apple n Spice Donut Calories: 270 Fat: 14 grams Saturated Fat: 6 grams Sugar: 8 grams#3 Glazed Donut Calories: 260 Fat: 14 grams Saturated Fat: 6 grams Sugar: 12 grams#2 Sugar Raised Donut Calories: 230 Fat: 14 grams Saturated Fat: 5 grams Sugar: 4 grams#1 French Cruller Calories: 220 Fat: 15 grams Saturated Fat: 7 grams Sugar: 10 grams When it comes to doughnuts, we are a

nation of Homer Simpsons. No matter how often the fried rolls are declared nutritionally bankrupt, their sweet, oily fragrance is overwhelming. Americans eat about 10 billion doughnuts each year, or about 40 for every man, woman and child in the country, according to industry estimates.The fried snacks are most likely descended from the Dutch olie-kochen, or fried cakes, which arrived on these shores

with Dutch settlers in the 1640s. A sea captain from Rockport, Maine, named Hanson Gregory claims credit for punching the first holes in the cakes, in 1847, to get rid of the doughy middle. By the 1920s the first doughnut-making machines had turned a kitchen craft into a growing industry.No one mistakes a doughnut for health food. The combination of flour, sugar and fat contains very little fiber, so its 200

to 300 calories are absorbed quickly, said Randi Konikoff, a dietitian at Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy in Boston.The body converts the simple carbohydrates in doughnuts to sugar, which prompts the release of insulin; insulin in turn converts excess sugar to body fat. And all that¡¯s on top of the large dose of dietary fat in the snacks themselves. At their best, doughnuts are

light pastries rather than heavy gut bombs. Dipped briefly in hot oil, the sculpted dough develops a delicate crispy skin. The moisture trapped within turns to steam, cooking the dough inside, said Ralph Primo, who with wife Celia founded Primo¡¯s doughnuts in West Los Angeles, in 1956.In a well-made doughnut, the oil does not penetrate far into the pastry, he said. When sprayed with a film of liquefied

sugar, a simple ring of yeast-raised dough becomes one of the most popular breakfast foods in the nation: the simple glazed doughnut.Of course, there are dozens of varieties, and each carries a different package of calories and fat. Besides the simple glazed, top-sellers include the chocolate-frosted cake doughnut, the jelly-filled and the old-fashioned.At Dunkin¡¯ Donuts, the heaviest of these is the

chocolate-frosted cake, which has 16 grams of fat and 300 calories, according to the company. At Krispy Kreme, the glazed devil¡¯s food old-fashioned leads with 24 grams of fat and 390 calories, while the chocolate frosted cake comes in at 13 grams and 270 calories.A jelly-filled falls somewhere in the middle, from 8 grams of fat and 210 calories (Dunkin¡¯ Donuts) to 14 grams and 290 calories (Krispy

Kreme). Any one of these doughnuts provides roughly 20% of USDA¡¯s recommended allowance for fat, and 15% of the day¡¯s allowance for calories.In a recent analysis, Tufts University researchers found that many blueberry muffins--including so-called low-fat varieties--had more fat and calories than a glazed doughnut. Even eating three of the little, fried doughnut holes can put you over the fat and calorie

count for a full-sized glazed, because of the amount of fried surface area, Konikoff said.¡°Most people have no idea,¡± she said. ¡°They think three of those little things only equals about a half a doughnut.¡± In the end, the lightest selection often is the most popular: the simple glazed, or raised, doughnut, which has about 200 calories and 8 to 11 grams of fat. Donuts have quite the calorie range, from a simple

donut hole to a cr¨¨me filled or peanut stick donut. All do contain a considerable amount of sugar and fat, therefore how many calories do these contain and how much physical activity would be needed to burn these calories? Please note that the nutrition information used to calculate exercise requirements may vary slightly, depending on where you get your donuts from. A glazed donut hole with 52 calories

would require 15 minutes of walking, 8 minutes of cycling, 6 minutes of jogging, or 4 minutes of swimming to burn off. A glazed chocolate donut would require 57 minutes walking, 31 minute bike ride, 23 minute jog or 17 minutes of swimming.A jelly-filled donut is 289 calories and a cr¨¨me-filled donut contains 307 calories and would require an 80-85 minute walk, 44-47 minute bike ride, 33-35 minute jog or

24-26 minutes swimmingA peanut stick contains 470 calories and would require a 131 minute walk, 72 minutes of biking, 54 minute jog or 39 minutes swimming. Verywell / Christian Alzate Are donuts your guilty pleasure? If your favorite fast-food spot is Dunkin Donuts, don't worry. Believe it or not, Dunkin' Donuts nutrition isn¡¯t all bad. You can make your trip to Dunkin' Donuts (sort of) healthy. We wouldn¡¯t

necessarily recommend regular visits to any fast food restaurant if you want to lose weight. But if you go to Dunkin' Donuts once in a while, you can keep your diet on track by choosing the lowest calorie donut and food choices. You're not likely to find truly healthy food at a donut shop, no matter which donut shop you visit. But you can still make better choices. Plan ahead: Your best bet is to check the

menu online before you go and then choose a small donut with water or black coffee to satisfy your sweet tooth. Keep it simple: If you don't have time to check the restaurant's website, keep in mind that donuts with multiple toppings and creme fillings are most likely to have more calories. Portions matter: Size also makes a big difference, too. Some donuts, like the Glazed Stick, are very large. If you choose

to enjoy one of the larger treats, either split a donut with a friend or take half home for another day. The standard glazed donut is a fan favorite at Dunkin Donuts¡ªand it won't completely derail your diet (unless you are on a low-carb diet). The following nutrition information is provided for one glazed donut at Dunkin' Donuts. Calories: 240 Fat: 11g Sodium: 270mg Carbohydrates: 33g Fiber: 1g Sugars: 13g

Protein: 4g If you enjoy a donut in the morning or afternoon, try to balance out your diet during the rest of the day by eating foods that are lower in sugar, higher in fiber, and provide lean healthy protein. Curious about other Dunkin' Donuts calories? We've divided them into categories. If you love their donuts, you've got plenty of varieties to choose from. Many of the popular donuts have calorie counts in the

300¨C400 range. But there are some treats that come in a little lower. Apple 'n Spice Donut: 230 calories Guava Donut: 240 calories Bavarian Kreme Donut: 240 calories Chocolate Frosted Donut: 260 calories Chocolate Frosted Donut with Sprinkles: 270 calories Glazed Chocolate Donut: 360 calories French Cruller: 230 calories Glazed Lemon Donut: 270 calories Jelly Donut: 250 calories Dulce de Leche

Donut: 270 calories Maple Frosted Donut: 260 calories Glazed Strawberry Donut: 280 calories Strawberry Frosted Donut: 260 calories Strawberry Frosted Donut with Sprinkles: 270 calories Vanilla Frosted Donut: 260 calories Vanilla Frosted Sprinkles Donut: 270 calories And the best healthy Dunkin' Donuts nutrition choice for dieters? The Sugared Donut provides 210 calories. If you can bypass the

donuts, choose a sandwich instead. The calorie counts for some sandwiches are about the same, but you¡¯ll get less sugar and more diet-friendly protein. Egg and Cheese Wake-Up Wrap: 180 calories Ham, Egg, and Cheese Wake-Up Wrap: 190 calories Veggie Egg White Sandwich on a Multigrain Thin: 240 calories Beyond Sausage Wake Up Wrap: 250 calories Egg and Cheese on English muffin: 340

calories Remember that the calorie count of your meal is not just about what you eat, but also about how much you eat. If you keep your visit to Dunkin' Donuts healthy, eat a small serving of whatever you love, then walk out the door satisfied. To order a Dunkin' Donuts healthy drink, your best option is black coffee or water. But there are a few other choices to satisfy your sweet tooth. Unsweetened Iced

Green Tea: 5 calories Cold Brew Latte with skim milk: Small: 60 calories Sweetened Iced Tea (small): 70 calories Iced Latte (skim milk): 70 calories Hot Latte with almond milk (small): 70 calories Which drinks should you avoid? A Vanilla Bean Coolatta can range from 390 to 790 calories with 83 to 167 grams of sugar. Or the Peppermint Mocha Swirl Frozen Coffee with Cream, which can clock in at up to

1,170 calories. So which donuts should you avoid if you want to keep your trip to Dunkin' Donuts healthy? Here's are some of the highest calorie-count donuts you'll find: Maple Creme Stick: 460 calories Bismark: 480 calories Lemon Stick: 470 calories Peanut Donut: 470 calories Apple Fritter: 510 calories Glazed Jelly Stick: 530 calories If you visit Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast, you'll still fare better with a

donut than you will with a breakfast sandwich. Many of the croissant varieties provide 500 calories or more. The sausage, egg, and cheese option, for example, provides a whopping 720 calories. Thanks for your feedback! What are your concerns?

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