August, 2004


|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| 3 |4 |5 | 6 |7 |

|Our Comm. Kicthen @ 10am |YMCA Basketball @ 11am (6) |Park Walk at Wick Park 10:30a |Our Community Kitchen (10a) |National Donut Day |

| |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |Whitehouse Fruit Farm @ 10am |

|Coaster Making at Michael Kusalaba Library @|Community Exploration (MP) |Group- 1 @ 10:30a/ Group 2 @ 11a |Dunkin Donuts senior coffee |Dunkin Donuts 10:30am |

|10:30am |1pm | | |Valley Marketplace 11am |

| | | | |[pic] |

|Job Exploration at DQ @ 10:15am | | | | |

|(Goup of 4) | | | | |

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| | |ART CLASS (1p) (Floor) | | |

|10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

|Our Comm. Kitchen 12pm |SOV – Howland 11:30am |Park Walk- “Let’s Move” – 10am |Our Comm. Kitchen (10a) |Fishing & Picnic Trip @ 10:30am |

|Job Exploration & Snack Outing at Dairy |It’s A card Party!! – (6) |[pic] |Senior Story Telling @ 11am: Main Library |Mosquito Lake Park |

|Queen (4) |[pic] |MC Park Tennis Fun 10:30a |(6-8 peeps) |[pic] |

|[pic] | |(Group of 6) |[pic] |Senior coffee at Panera 12p |

| |McDonald’s coffee chat 10:30a | |Austint. Hobby & Raceway – 1pm | |

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|17 | 18 |19 | 20 | 21 |

|Our Comm. Kitchen @ 10a |YMCA Swim @ 11am |Steak N’ Shake Lunch -12p |Our Community Kitchen -10a |Story Telling for mixed group @ 10:30am: Main|

|Job Exploration and snack outing at DQ |[pic] | |Senior Day @ Board. (9:30a) |Library (6-8 peeps) |

|@10:15am (4) | |Art Cafe in Southern Park Mall |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |Handles Ice Cream @ 12:45pm |[pic] |Austint. Hobby & Raceway (1pm) | |

| | |(12pm) | |YMCA swim/ lunch @ 11a |

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|24 |25 | 26 | 27 |28 |

|Our Comm. Kitchen 12pm |YMCA Workout 10:30a (4) |Senior Stroll: 12pm |Our Comm Kitchen (10a) |Eastwood Mall 12pm |

| |[pic] [pic] |MC Park Goldfish Pond (6) | |[pic] |

|Fishing Trip@ Mosquito Lake 11a |(12pm) |[pic] |Whitehouse Fruit Farm 11:30a | |

|[pic] | |Sit N’ Sticth at the Canfield Library @ |[pic] |Regal Cinema (11:30am) |

| | |10:30am – 12:30pm |Austin. Hobby & Raceway 1pm |[pic] |

| | |(2-3 peeps) | | |

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