Resumen del curso paraEspa?ol IA?o escolar 2019-2020con el Se?or BoydOffice Hours: After school (except Wednesdays), office hours and by appointment.541-830-6727!Welcome to Spanish 1, this year you will begin learning how to use Spanish! This year your ability to communicate will increase as your proficiency will increase in speaking, listening, writing, and reading comprehension as well. This year, a lot of the class will take place in Spanish. You will not have to speak Spanish at all times, but there will be certain times during class where you will be required to speak Spanish. English will be used during the introduction of new grammatical concepts, vocabulary, and clarification. In order to improve your speaking proficiency, you will need to speak in Spanish! Hopefully, you will all take part in the activities and do your best to stay in Spanish. If you work at it, you will be more comfortable speaking it with native speakers, which is becoming more and more necessary each year. Program ObjectivesBy the end of each year we will have advanced in your fluency and speak at a Novice-Mid range. What does this mean? We will follow the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) language proficiency guide to set and reach goals related to the length and complexity of our communication in Spanish.ACTFL Proficiency GuideSpanish 1Spanish 2Spanish 3Spanish 4Students will be able to communicate in the Novice-Mid (NM) rangeStudents will be able to communicate in the Novice High (NH) rangeStudents will be able to communicate in the Intermediate Low (IL) rangeStudents will be able to communicate in the Intermediate-Mid (IM) to Intermediate High (IH) rangeListsPhrases (memorized)Chunks of wordsListsPhrases (memorized)Chunks of wordsSimple sentencesBeginning to create with the languageCreating simple sentencesExtending sentences-additional and varied vocabularyCreating simple sentencesExtending sentences-additional and varied vocabularyStrings of sentences with variety and detailSome evidence of past and future time framesSome narrationSpanish 1 Topics of StudyRepasoGreet peopleIntroduce yourselfSay where you are fromExchange phone numbersSay which day it isGreet othersIntroduce OthersSay where people are fromExpress likesDescribe othersGive others’ likes and dislikesDescribe clothingDescribe familyAsk and tell agesTalk about birthdaysGive datesExpress possessionDescribe classes and classroom objectsSay how often you do somethingDiscuss obligationsTalk about schedulesAsk and tell timeAsk questionsSay where you are goingRequest foodDiscuss plansSequence eventsTalk about places and people you knowExtend invitationsExpress feelingsSay where you are coming fromSay what just happenedTalk about sportsExpress preferencesSay what you knowMake comparisonsDescribe the weatherDiscuss clothing and accesoriesState an opinionDescribe how you feelThe course plans are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Similarly, the instructor is always available during lunchtime and after school if anybody should need help.Classroom rules (Las reglas del salón) These are three rules that everyone will follow:Respeto de todos y para todos. (Respect for everyone and from everyone).Sólo habla si levantas la mano o según las instrucciones. (Only speak if you raise your hand or according to the instructions).?Habla en espa?ol o no hables! (Speak in Spanish or don’t speak: In Spanish 1 you will not have to speak Spanish at all times, but you will have times where you are only allowed to speak in Spanish).ConsequencesAll of the students in my classroom will be in a positive and safe learning environment. That is why I will take the following steps to make sure that other students are allowed to learn without disruptions.Verbal warning and moved within the classroom.Student will be sent out of the room.Discipline Referral.Tarea (homework)Homework will not be busy work, but it will provide opportunities for practice and discovery.In order to increase your proficiency in Spanish, it is important that you do your homework. When you are writing, do not use translators because it is plagiarism and you will receive a zero on the assignment. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE and OTHER TRANSLATORS FOR ANY WORK!Even if no homework is given, it is important to study. You will retain more information if you study fifteen minutes each night, instead of several hours the night before the test. This year, you will be receiving a grade for employability, which will include homework and work completed during class time. If work is turned in late, your grade will be lower as a result. Final projects will be graded.Retaking tests/summative assessments:In order to retake a test, you will need to demonstrate that you have been working towards increasing your grade and that you have filled out an EPHS relearning plan with work stapled to it. This will demonstrate that you have been working towards increasing your proficiency. After you have completed the relearning plan, you can retake the summative assessment. You will need to complete a new relearning plan before each retake. You will also need to show proof of studying, like flashcards, test corrections, rewriting notes, etc…. You cannot simply say you studied. I highly recommend completing retakes or completing projects within 2 weeks of the test/project being passed back. After 2 weeks, the requirements for the summative will be more difficult.MaterialsAll students are to bring the following items to class every day:A three ring binder that has a Spanish section. (Never throw away Spanish notes from class!)Organized Spanish section of your binder.Technology and iPads are only to be used as instructed by the teacher. (In backpack or on the floor at the start of class)Paper. A SPIRAL NOTEBOOK OR A JOURNAL!!! (REQUIRED)!Technology and iPads are only to be used as instructed by the teacher. (In backpack or on the floor at the start of class). Bring your iPad every day. Several pens and pencils (Pencils should be sharpened).Textbook ?En Espa?ol! Uno McDougal Littell Publishers (school copy).Recommended Apps and WebsitesSe?or Wooly’s Website: Study Spanish website: Book Website: (A great resource for extra practice!)Duolingo (Spanish app)Chegg (Flashcards app) There are other awesome flashcard apps out there as well!Learn Spanish (Greg Vick) A great way to review vocabulary and learn new vocabulary.Spanish Department ExpectationsWe strive to create an environment in which everyone can learn and work together. Our classroom community values and expects: Respeto, Riesgo, Responsabilidad (Respect, Risk, Responsibility). Respeto: Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher by actively engaging in a group agreement. Speak appropriately; listen carefully, and be willing to support our shared purpose of learning.Riesgo: Learning a new language comes with its own set of risks. Learners must be willing to make mistakes, work with different classmates, ask questions, and participate.Responsabilidad: You are responsible for your own learning. Come to class prepared. Do your best, and get extra help from Sr. Boyd whenever you need it.Cheating and plagiarism are never acceptable. This includes the use of any electronic translation service or a Spanish-speaker to complete your work for you. Students caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment (no retakes). THIS MEANS THAT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE A TRANSLATOR TO TRANSLATE PHRASES!Absence: Students are responsible for collecting and completing work missed during an absence. You may do so by checking with other students. Please see Sr. Boyd at lunch, after school, or during NEST office hours with any questions or to schedule a time to take missed tests and quizzes. No office hours Wednesdays after school!Classroom Positive Behavior Expectation Matrix TemplateTeacher: Boyd Classroom: J1AreasBe SafeBe RespectfulBe ResponsibleClassroomEveryday, All the TimeRespect personal spaceInteract appropriatelyReport unsafe activities immediatelyFollow directions from all staff the first time & ?follow school expectationsUse appropriate language & tone of voiceRespect eachothers valuesUse technology tools appropratelyKeep Public Displays of Affection (PDA) appropriate Respect property and school facilitiesBe on time and where you are expected to beClean up after yourselfAdvocate for yourselfDress appropriatelyBe prepared with required materialsClassroomTake care of all classroom materials=chairs, desks, iPads, whiteboards, and iPadsKeep hands to yourselfBe on time. ??Be in your seat when the tardy bell begins to ring. ?Being in the room does not count as ‘on time.’ ??You need to be seated and ready to work.Take out your journal to work on your warm-up (principio)Don’t distract others from completing formative and summative assessments.The teacher will dismiss you, not the bellUse class time effectively for the completion of formative and summative assessments.Follow directions quickly and quietlyFollow procedures for moving desks, passing in papers, etc...Materials/Toolskeep hands to oneselfUse iPads only when directed to do soNo throwing items Use paper and pencil for writing onlyProperly clean and store materialsGet technology out only when instructed to do soPut your IPad in your backpack or on the floor at the start of classPut technology away at the start of classBring paper, pencil, pen, journal, and notes to classBring your Binder and paper notes to classIf you lose your notes, print them off from teacher website.Take out technological devices only when you are instructed to do soLay iPads flat on the table, when instructed to use themAsk a partner for pencil or paper before the start of class, if you need itProjects/AssignmentsUse tools and materials as instructedWork on projects when instructed to do soOnly work with a partner when you are instructed to do soWork quietly on your projects, unless otherwise directedwork on the warm-up at the start of class quietlycomplete work on timetake notes on new information, vocabulary, and questionsDiscussionsUse appropriate languageListen when others are sharingSpeak only in Spanish when instructed to do so.If you have questions, ask the teacherRaise your hand if you have a questionAsk a neighbor before you ask teacher.Participate fully in discussionsStay in Spanish!When others are speaking in English, tell them “solamente Espa?ol.”EPHS Reassessment Standards of PracticeThe teacher will construct the original assessment into separate sections by standard, whenever possible. ?The teacher will create a reassessment with similar formatting as original assessment OR give an alternate assessment that addresses the same standards for any student who wishes to improve their level of proficiency. ?Students should only be required to reassess ?the portion(s) of the assessment that they performed poorly in, not the entire assessment. The teacher reserves the right to give a reassessment pending future multiple opportunities offered. ?In the absence of future multiple opportunities, students must complete a plan for relearning in order to receive a reassessment. ?If a student continually requires a reassessment, something is wrong. ?Maybe the content is not developmentally appropriate, unseen home issues, attendance issues, or perhaps an undiagnosed learning disability. ?INVESTIGATE further, as well as reiterate to students that their performance on assessments/need for reassessments may be recognized by school staff as additional support needed.To report an accurate level of proficiency, replace the previous mark with the most recent reassessment score. ?An additional comment in the gradebook should be made to note this change. ?The teacher reserves the right to allow reassessments during the final week of the semester ?on original assessments previously given. If a student reassesses and reaches proficiency at a later date (even within a new quarter/semester) ?which alters the student’s overall grade, submit a grade change report to accurately portray the new level of proficiency. ?SCROLL DOWN for the Relearning PlanRelearning Plan Student Name:_____________________________________________Date:_______________Summative Assessment:_________________________________________________________ ?Alternate Assessment Proposal/Rationale: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Evidence of ReLearning: Student should generate a list of specific steps he/she will take to master content prior ?to reassessing.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Calendar of ReLearning: Student should create an intentional plan of when and how above evidence will be executed. Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Reflection Letter (to be completed after reassessment): This letter should be a brief comparison between the original assessment and the reassessment by answering the following:What is the difference from one attempt to the next? ?What was the learning that occurred as a result of this relearning process?Teacher Approval of Plan:____________________________________ ??Date: ___________Reassessment Due Date:_____________________________________________________* This form and completed work evidence must be submitted at the time you take the reassessment. ?In order for a reassessment to be scored, it must include all 3 pieces of the Plan for Relearning.Grading PolicyI - (Incomplete) If, in the judgment of the teacher, student work is in progress, but incomplete, an “I” grade may be given provided:the student has worked cooperatively with the teacher to create a reassessment contracthas attended help sessions, Office Hours, or other evidence of practicehas completed 50% of the courseworkA student is not eligible for a grade of “I” if they have not completed more than 50% of coursework by the end of the quarter. To clear an “I” (by working with the teacher to complete the necessary coursework), a student has ten school days after the end of the quarter. All “I” grades that are not cleared, automatically change to an “F.” There will be no I’s issued 4th quarter.Failing gradesIf the student has not completed 50% of the coursework or worked with the teacher to create a reassessment contract by the end of the quarter, then the grade will post as is.Showing ProficiencyWithin each standard assessed, a student must demonstrate a collection of evidence to receive a proficiency score. If a student misses a summative assessment, they will receive a 1, indicating no evidence of proficiency for that assessment. It is at the teacher’s discretion to determine if a student needs to complete all assessments.Reassessment PolicyThe purpose of retaking an assessment is to demonstrate improved knowledge and skillsrelated to course learning targets. Therefore, students must first demonstrate that they have invested additional time and practice to prepare for the reassessment. Examples of additional practice include: homework, classwork, study group, office hours, etc. These examples provide evidence that a student has increased learning and is prepared for reassessment. Guidelines for Reassessment Students must complete and submit evidence of additional practice/preparation before requesting to be reassessed.Reassessments will occur within the same quarterReassessments from previous quarters may occur per agreement (contract) with teacher.All reassessments must occur within the same school yearReassessment ContractsIf a student would like to retake a summative assessment, it is his/her responsibility to complete a reassessment contract. Students may pick up contract forms from the Eagle Center or a teacher. This contract will include the following:plan of evidence to demonstrate readiness to reassessteacher approval of the plan with a due datecollection of evidence and contract will be the “ticket” to reassessEPSD Performance Descriptors 2014-15SYMBOLDESCRIPTION/DEFINITION4ADVANCED (Exceeds Standard) Enhanced demonstration of knowledge and skills at grade level standard3 (THE TARGET)PROFICIENT (Meets Standard) ?Demonstrates knowledge and skills at grade level standard2DEVELOPING (Below Standard) ?Partially demonstrates knowledge and skills at grade level standard1BEGINNING (Far Below Standard) Minimal or no demonstration of knowledge and skills at grade level standardThis syllabus may be modified as needed to reflect the ongoing changes to proficiency grading in our district. Please maintain an open dialogue with your child.Dear Parents and/or Guardians,?Bienvenidos a la clase de espa?ol! Welcome to a new year of Spanish at Eagle Point High School. As a Spanish teacher, I want to provide all of my students with the opportunity to speak Spanish so that they are able to communicate more with native Spanish speakers living inside and outside their community. At the same time, I want to show them how different the cultures between Spanish speaking countries are and to provide them with the opportunity to discover something new about other cultures. Similarly, Spanish will help students with future work and education. Learning another language is only a part of learning about other cultures.When I was in middle school, I started taking Spanish classes and I have been speaking Finnish since my childhood. Currently, I am teaching my own children Finnish. During high school I became very interested in learning about history and other languages. That is why I double majored in history and Spanish at Southern Oregon University. I have been especially interested in studying the history of the United States and Latin American countries. My love of languages has come from a life time of traveling. During my childhood I spent many summers in Finland. After I graduated with two bachelor’s degrees, I acquired a Masters of Arts in Teaching with a focus in Spanish. This is my seventh year at Eagle Point High School and I even student taught here! I am very excited to be back and learn with a new group of students. As a language teacher, I hope to motivate my students to travel abroad and learn languages that are interesting to them. Once students have learned how to speak a second language, it is much easier for them to learn other languages as well. Not only will this allow students to speak more languages, but it will create more job opportunities for them and it will open the students’ minds to new ways of thinking. I hope that you and your child are able to take a few minutes to go over the syllabus and sign it. It can be found online at senorboyd. and it will also be emailed to you. It would be great, if the signed section below could be returned to me the next day of class. If you and/or your child ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or send me an email. Thank you,Jukka 541-830-6727---------------------------------------------cut along line--------------------------------------------Parent: Keep copy of letter.Student: Return this portion to class. The course syllabus can be found at senorboyd.. I have read and discussed the syllabus with my student. We understand and agree to the grading policy and classroom expectations._______________________________ _______________________________Parent/Guardian signature and date Student signature and date_______________________________ _______________________________Parent/Guardian name printed Student name printedActually, we have a question: ................

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