McQueen High School

Spanish Syllabus ’18- ‘19

Señora O’Neill- room 113, McQueen High School

Spanish 3-4 and 5-6

boneill@ (website to email me at) senoraoneill. (website for day by day homework information)

senoraoneillcolombia. (website for information about my trip to Colombia)

Classroom Expectations

1. Be in your seat with all required supplies when the bell rings.

2. Follow and do directions. (Silent transitions)

3. Stay on task. Know where we are in the class.

4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. No side conversations.

5. No food or drink in class.

6. Remain seated. If you need to get up for any reason, raise your hand and ask in Spanish! Refer to your immersion handout.

7. Respect others, school property, and yourself.

8. No electronic devices, headphones, or ear buds are to be seen or heard before you enter or leave the classroom.

The Consequences (per semester)

1st offense: Verbal reteach

2nd offense or more: citizenship lowered 5 points for each recurring offense. 5th offense will be a referral to the office. I will enforce citations issued by a substitute teacher. I reserve the right to assign any of the above consequences based on the severity of the situation.

Unexcused Tardies

Every unexcused tardy will be noted in Infinite Campus and citizenship will be lowered 5 points. Excessive tardiness will result in school wide consequences. If any work has been already been collected, you won’t be able to turn it in.

Electronic Devices

Turn off all electronic devices and put them away before entering the class. Do not take them out again until you exit through the classroom door.

1st offense: Taken and you must pick up from me at the end of the day.

2nd and thereafter offenses: Pick up from the SRO Office.


Cheating will not be tolerated. Students will receive no credit for an assignment and/or test. Parents will receive a phone call.

Materials needed

1. Text.

2. Spanish-English dictionary. No electronic dictionaries.

3. Three- ring binder divided into:

A. Las Esponjas (Sponges)

B. Los Apuntes (Notes)

C. Las Copias (Copies)

D. Las Pruebas (Quizzes)

E. Los Proyectos Culturales

Write the date at the beginning of each sponge or note taking entry. Place a spiral notebook in the note taking section. Have the notebook organized in the above manner by 8/13 for a participation grade.

4. Notebook paper,#2 pencils, one red pen, package of 8 crayons, small scissors, small pencil sharpener, a hi-liter, and a small hole puncher.

5. One jumbo stretchy book cover

6. I strongly recommend Duo Lingo, , an interactive on line site to improve your Spanish. I do it myself!


Grading Scale

A 90-100

B 80- 89

C 70-79

D 60-69

F 59 and lower

Semester Grading

Tests/Quizzes 30%

Assignments 35%

Immersion (Spanish) 15%

Final Exam 20%

There is one required cultural project per semester that is worth 100 points and will be in the tests/quizzes category.


*Homework is due at the beginning of class the day after it was assigned.

*Late homework is only accepted due to an excused absence or excused tardy.

*Students won’t be issued passes to return to their lockers for forgotten materials or assignments once class has begun.

*Homework must have the following heading to receive credit (on the right side of the paper):

Full name

Class period


Assignment (page number and act. number)

*You have the number of days absent plus one to make up an assignment. You have one week to make up a test.

*Almost all homework/classwork/ quizzes/tests are formative in nature, meaning how the students perform modifies how and what I teach. Almost all feedback occurs in class.

Spanish 3-4: All work is designed to prepare students for fluency and success on the AP Spanish test in three years. This work includes: vocabulary, grammar, story writing, and reading, speaking, and listening.

Spanish 5-6: All work is designed to prepare students for fluency and success on the AP Spanish test in two years. This work includes: vocabulary, grammar, story writing, and reading, speaking, and listening. Students will watch a telenovela every Wednesday in class and complete Yabla, online videos and documentaries, every two weeks, outside of class.


The preferred method of communication is via email for students, parents, and myself. (See the top of page 1.) If a student is absent, check my weebly website. (see the top of page 1) You may also email me. I have found that email is also the best method for communicating with parents when students are struggling. Office hours will be Tuesday and Thursday from 2:35- 3:15 p.m. in my classroom.

Make –up work

If you are absent, check my weebly website or the homework binders on the table next to the door.

Bathroom Passes

You will have 3 bathroom passes per semester. Use your planner for your passes and fill it out and have it open to the current week before I sign it.

Attendance Policy

The new wcsd policy for 2018-2019 states that students are required to attend class every day or to participate in instruction by obtaining and completing make-up work. Once make-up work has been accepted, an absence will be changed to exempt and will not count toward absenteeism. However, students who miss 9 or more unexcused days of instruction without completing make-up work will fail due to absenteeism. Please refer to the wcsd attendance policy for additional information.

Please return signed portion by 8/13. All materials are due by 8/13. Place this syllabus in the front section of the notebook.

My son/daughter_______________________________________________, has brought home the Spanish syllabus. We agree to follow the rules stated in the contract.

_______________ _____________ ____________ __________

Phone number Parent signature Student signature Class period


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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