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Marketing PlanLawrence Carter, Kenisha Hickman, Bianca MooreAET/552August 20, 2014Dr. Howard HallMarketing PlanKLB ConsultingKLB Consulting, established in 2012, has been hired by VSP Global to create a learning program for its employees who are in positions in which international relations, travel and business are required. KLB will develop a three phase marketing plan to allow VSP to utilize every aspect of opportunity, increasing staff productivity through cultural awareness and language development. Phase IOrganizational Product or ServiceKLB Consulting is a private professional consulting firm that specializes in guiding companies through the transition of globalization by managing, guiding, and recommending global expertise. This is accomplished by using areas of global business transition and expansion, international training and development, content management, integration of marketing communications strategies along with language translation services for clients with international travelers. Vision Service Plan Global (VSP Global) states on their website that they are “a complementary group of leading companies, working together to meet and exceed the needs of eye care professionals, clients, and our 70 million members worldwide.” As VSP Global moves from a national vision insurance company to a leader in global eye care, it is vital for them to develop an international training and development team. VSP Global will begin by sending account managers to their international areas of interest/expertise to meet with eye care professionals requiring cultural knowledge and language translation. Having an understanding of healthcare laws in those countries prior to establishing business relationships and satellite offices for VSP is essential to expansion success. In addition to the staff needed to travel to various countries, VSP Global will need to develop an international customer service presence with a department that will handle the service calls for things from general information to customer concerns. As VSP expands its company globally to meet the eye care needs of people throughout the world, the expansion process will include training and developing staff throughout the world to interact with eye care providers, patients and vendors. At KLB Consulting, we are not language specialists; however, we have partnered with Rosetta Stone Ltd. which offers the ability to learn as many as 30 different languages through language immersion software. Rosetta Stone provides interactive software tools to allow individuals to have one on one language learning sessions. KLB Consulting and VSP have entered into a six month contract in which KLB will develop an International Travelers Training and Development program to benefit the global growth of VSP. When a job description states international travel or relocation is required, selected employees will first have to attend the in house training program which will equip the employee with tools needed to effectively communicate and conduct business with international companies. As part of this process, KLB will develop an international traveler’s checklist to ensure employees to know step by step what is necessary to prepare themselves for international travel. Employees will be required to successfully complete two Rosetta Stone software training sessions to be considered for early travel ability prior to completing the full language program. There will be a required timeframe given to employees to ensure that the program is completed within a timely manner. Historical Organizational Information“VSP Global is a complementary group of leading companies, working together to meet and exceed the needs of eye care professionals, clients and over 70 million members worldwide” (VSP Global, 2014). In 1955 VSP was formed in Oakland, California by a group of optometrists who had a dream to provide high-quality, cost-effective eye care benefits. In 1970 VSP opened an optical lab in Sacramento, California to better serve its stakeholders. In 1990, membership in VSP rose to over 31 million members, 2004, VSP achieved $2 Billion in revenue, and in 2009 the VSP Global enterprise brand was launched, representing the collective strengths of VSP and its member companies (VSP Global, 2014).Another big year for VSP was 2013, in which VSP announced the global launch of their Eyes of Hope program geared to provide free eye care and eye wear to those in need. The Eyes of Hope Program is focused on making eyewear and eye care accessible around the globe. VSP Global funds other programs such as VSP Mobile Eyes, and Sight for Students, which have paved the way and created expectations for the Eyes of Hope program. As of 2014 VSP Mobile Eyes, and Sight for Students have invested over 165 million dollars in free eye care services to over 900,000 adults and children. VSP Global, in their efforts to provide eye care services to global children and adults in need, will also need assistance in how the will communicate with potential members and clients. Language, understanding, reasoning, learning styles and communication styles are all potential roadblocks that VSP Global employees may run into when conducting international business through multiple modes of communicating and spreading the message of free eye care to the public. KLB Consulting seeks to create a program using selected Rosetta Stone products to increase language learning and communication skills for VSP Global employees. KLB Consulting was created in 2012 with the idea of creating business solutions and determining training needs. KLB Consulting specializes in consulting non-profit organizations and aligning their program goals and operational needs. KLB Consulting also has partnerships with other companies such as Google, Apple, Rosetta Stone, Amazon, and Twitter. These companies have partnerships with KLB Consulting based on their proven track record of assisting these companies while expanding or confronting training needs. In the year 2014, KLB Consulting began working with VSP Global to improve their language services, for the purpose of increasing employee communication with potential clients as VSP Global expands globally. Organizational SizeVSP Global consists of 5 major branches including VSP Vision Care, Marchon Eyewear Incorporated, Allure Eyewear, Eye Designs, and VSP Optics Group. VSP Vision Care was the first branch of the company, created in 1955 and providing pre-paid, non-profit vision benefits. In 2008 VSP acquired Marchon Eyewear Incorporated, which manufactures and distributes eyewear. Allure Eyewear was also acquired in 2008 by VSP, which is the company manufacturing the frames for the eyewear. In 2008 VSP also acquired Eye Designs as a condition of their ownership of Marchon Eyewear Incorporated and Allure Eyewear. Eye Designs is a firm focusing on custom interior designs of the glasses, as well as merchandising systems. While furthering research and developing Eye Designs, VSP Global purchased Ultra Lens Optical Labs, and partnered with Perfect Optics, creating the VSP Optics Group. As far as VSP Global employees there are about 2,400. There are 5000 employees that are a part of VSP Global companies. In order to increase communication and decrease the communication barriers that present themselves when conducting business globally it would be of great benefit for the employees of VSP Global to understand multiple languages, communication styles and basic background information about their clients and members.StakeholdersThe goal of marketing is to make sure that product knowledge is given so that a desired group of individuals can see themselves utilizing whatever product or service is being offered. KLB has taken the time to complete a market analysis to determine who the stakeholders are for the current marketing plan being developed. According to "Investopedia"?(2014), a stakeholder is “a party that has an interest in an enterprise or project. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its investors, employees, customers and suppliers” (Stakeholder). In this instance the stakeholders are VSP, its employees, members, vendors, Rosetta Stone, and KLB Consulting. Future stakeholders include customers around the globe who will benefit from the ability for VSP Global employees to communicate fluently regarding needs and desires. KBL understands that VSP engages its stakeholders by listening to their ideas, concerns and perspectives which contribute to the success of the overall business. While identifying stakeholders at a national level, it has become more important to engage global stakeholders as well ensuring rounded outreach and success. Stakeholder NeedsAfter establishing who the stakeholders are, it is necessary to determine what their needs may be. Some of the most common needs include: review working requirements, needs and wants, participation in the formation and implementation planning of the project, providing them knowledge of project evaluation criteria and risk, regular communication and feedback throughout the project, development of a committee they feel considers and respects their views, and project completion evaluation and reporting back ("Change Management Consultant",?2014). The biggest and most important need to consider is how will this project effect every individual who comes in contact with VSP Global in any way? If this need is not part of the foundation of VSP Global’s then the desire to grow in international relationships will defeat the company’s desired goal.Phase IIEnvironmental and contextual analysisSocialIn addition to the KLB Consulting’s contract agreement to develop the international training and development division of VSP Global, KLB has collaborated with VSP in the corporate sponsorship of the Sacramento Kings (Kings), informally advises VSP regarding the potential partnership with Google Glass and KLB has become hands-on with VSP’s Eyes of Hope charity program and mobile donation events. KLB recognizes that marketing and community partnerships often go hand-in-hand, therefore, KLB continues to make every effort to market its services through corporate sponsorships. An example of KLB targeting a larger market through corporate sponsorships would be the partnership KLB has with VSP Global as one of many corporate sponsors for the Sacramento Kings (Kings). VSP and KLB Consulting both recognized that a high percentage of their targeted market attend social events like Kings’ games or other events located at Sacramento’s Sleep Train Arena (Sleep Train). Sleep Train, which seats just over 17,000 attendees, has many visual marketing ads throughout the arena, on advertising materials and on through other media channels throughout the arena which includes VSP and KLB’s website, and logos attract current and potential customers. Earlier this year, VSP Global began negotiations with Google for a new Google Glass product (internet-connected eyewear) to design a prescription lens for the Google Glass eyewear. Because VSP Global is so new to its international business expansion effort, KLB has agreed to assist VSP informally with their international marketing efforts which inadvertently builds longevity in the VSP and KLB business partnerships and opens doors for KLB to network with VSP’s other partnerships. KLB will work alongside VSP to be sure they design a patented lens option for the Google Glass and works with the negotiations team to be sure VSP is not collaborating on a product that could potentially go against privacy laws. Economic KLB Consulting was created with large corporate contracts in mind, however, over the years KLB has discovered there are smaller businesses and individuals who are also in need of KLB’s quality services. KLB now offers consulting services to individuals and they may go online to or for a list of services and to customize a consulting service plan to meet their individual consulting needs. Now that KLB offers individual consulting plans, KLB has created a Facebook fan page as an inexpensive way to market the individual plans. Even with large corporate contracts, KLB has a team of account managers who evaluate the corporate contract to ensure the continuation of quality services offered at the most-competitive rate in an effort to keep long-term business agreements. If the companies KLB services locate the similar services at a lower rate, KLB’s accounting team will draft an amended contract to match the competition service rate so KLB’s consulting services are never a reason for a company’s financial hardship.PoliticalKLB Consulting does involve itself in political preference or influence when it comes to products and services. After considerable political and legal research, KLB’s contracts continue to be in compliance with state laws. However, VSP Global is one of KLB’s largest business contracts, and KLB is indirectly impacted when VSP or other companies are involved in political matters. VSP considered moving outside of California to escape political matters. For instance, in 2012 VSP considered moving its headquarters from California to Texas due to political conflict due to Obama’s Affordable Care Act and the Covered California Project. Essentially, there was a possibility of VSP being “locked” out of California vision care online market; however, after many healthcare board meetings and support by Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, VSP opted to stay in California. (Kasler, 2012) VSP Global leaving California would have economically impacted KLB’s business partnership with VSP indirectly. TechnicalCurrently, KLB Consulting agreed to advise VSP Global with their potential negotiations with Google. The New York Times reported the potential collaborative project between VSP Global and Google to develop a prescriptive lens for Google’s new internet eyeglass product known as Google Glass (Miller, 2014). KLB is responsible for being present at the discussions of the potential product and advise VSP Global of the appropriate terms of the agreement for this potential new business deal. KLB’s role in the negotiations is to consult VSP as to how this potential business deal could increase business, expand target market, reach a new generation of clients and the financial impact this deal could do for business. KLB was happy to be considered to advise VSP in such a ground-breaking business deal in this technology eyewear. In addition, the original reason KLB was hired to consult VSP had to do with developing international training and development division with the use of Rosetta Stone language service software which could be downloaded to company computers and accessed through a user account online or through a Smartphone application to be sure VSP’s international employees have 24/7 access to the Rosetta Stone materials and quick reference guides.ResourcesKLB Consulting primarily offers services to corporations through mass networking and company referrals. Additionally, KLB services can be purchased online or , which makes quality professional consulting services easily accessible. Through the websites, individuals may access online 24/7 assistance through instant chat with a KLB operator for questions or to request a quote regarding consulting services. KLB advertises on popular social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to market its services. When corporations request the consulting services of KLB to develop training and development divisions, KLB’s technical staff offers to set up language service software on company computers with software training.Program ObjectivesKLB Consulting seeks to create a program that benefits VSP Global employees in the form of a language learning service. By participating in this program employees will learn basic language skills and cultural customs of language beneficial when communicating with clients or employees in other parts of the world. KLB Consulting would like to focus on three primary objectives, which will aid the KLB Consulting staff in developing this program, as well as benefit the VSP Global employees. Learners will be able to determine and distinguish between languages studied or depending on job specificity. Learners will feel comfortable communicating with people who speak different languages than them in face-to-face or digital communication mediums. Learners will be able to translate a five-sentence conversation, from a given studied language to English. The KLB Consulting objectives for this program are in place to benefit VSP Global employees in their language learning skills, as employees gain more experience, and their learning needs change the objectives and strategies to meet goals and objectives will also change. Target MarketKLB Consulting language services program will serve three primary markets within VSP Global employees. Based on the constant expansion and growth internationally, VSP Global employees participating in international business or international service must participate in the program. Employees of VSP Global that are looking to advance themselves in the company also will be very interested in the language services program since they will need to participate in the program in order make themselves more attractive for promotions and advancement. Last but not least the language services program will attract employees who would like to improve their language learning skills for their own personal benefit. DemographicsKLB Consulting language services program will target the demographic of adult’s age 18 and older that are currently employed by VSP Global. Demographics are characteristics of the people in your target market. Due to the fact that there are many positions, departments and factions of VSP Global it is difficult to classify variables such as itemized ownership, interests, ethnic background or political preference. The demographic information should follow classifications for employment of VSP Global, also due to the fact that VSP Global is mandating this language services program certain employees involved in international business will have to comply. Other employees involved will include employees looking for career or personal knowledge advancement. PsychographicsThe psychographic information in relation to the VSP Global employees relates to how they feel about things, what type of attitude they have, and what aspirations they may also have. Employees of VSP Global are people who must enjoy basic elements of communication and human interaction in order to be successful in their position at VSP Global. Employees are responsible for constant communication between internal and external staff as well as clients. Employees also must have a general interest in helping people since VSP Global seeks to help people with vision care, eyewear and other services. In other words, it would be difficult for someone who is not comfortable communicating, or who doesn’t care about helping people to enjoy employment for VSP Global. Other characteristics of employees involved may include employees aspiring for career or personal knowledge advancement.BehaviorsThe behaviors of VSP Global employees will include employees who are consistent, professional, and enthusiastic. Before each employee was an employee they had to be interviews, screened, checked, and agreed upon. In some instances based on need, an employee may be hired as quickly as three weeks, or the process may take a few months. Once employed in order to maintain employment employees must be consistent, prompt, and develop a passion for completing their job in the best way and interest of the public. Specific tendencies of employees enrolled in the language services program would be employees looking for career advancement, mandated by VSP Global or looking for personal enrichment.Geographic ConsiderationsVSP Global is constantly expanding and has 2500 domestic and 2500 international employees. The language services program created by KLB Consulting will target the 2500 domestic employees, participating employees will consist of those mandated to participate, those seeking career advancement and those who simply want to learn a language. Competitive AnalysisIdentifying your competitors and evaluating their strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses relative to those of your own products and services ("Entrepreneur",?2014).Identification of competitorsMobile applications have become the way in which the world learns and develops. According to?"MindSnack"?(2013),?"MindSnack is a San Francisco-based company that builds the best mobile educational games for students and lifelong learners on the go” (What is MindSnack?). This application is available via iPhone and iPad applications. MindSnack offers a fun learning environment wherever you are via a mobile device. Offering games for the brain and an expertly designed program that tracks your progress, there are seven languages as well as U.S. Geography, SAT vocabulary, kid’s vocabulary, and math and claims to be great for all ages. The ability to access learning in any environment makes for very convenient experience. The main selling point for this program besides it mobility is that it claims to be completely free of cost. Duolingo is a global community of language learners. It is believed that everyone should have access to free language education ("Duolingo",?n.d.). Duolingo offers six languages to study in a mobile application like setting. The applications are available via both apple and android applications. The lessons are split into small games and you can lose a life or gain points during the learning process. The company does not give very much background on its development on its website. It tells us what they offer and how the process works and that is the extent. Competitor’s strategiesMindSnack strategy is to market primarily to those who use apple products like iPhones and iPads. The application can be downloaded to the device and used anywhere the learner is. Making the learning process a fun game like environment appealing to multiple age ranges in many categories alongside language. The strongest marketing strategy for this product is that it is a free product for anyone who desires to utilize it. Duolingo has a similar strategy to MindSnack in that it uses mobile applications to allow users to access the learning experience on the go at any time. Duolingo promotes its community based environment to make sure that even though it is fun there are individuals for the learning to interact with. As with MindSnack this product to is free to those who wish to utilize it. Learning programValue proposition and unique selling pointsVSP Global employees required international travel, understanding of business and international law, culture, and language. Most staff do not have the ability to converse with a given country without having a translator. VSP Global is implementing a requirement for employees who work internationally that they participate in a language program. The language program will be an excelled program that will immerse staff into both language and culture to prepare them to conduct business relations. KLB Consulting is unique in the way that we have become the first consulting firm to partner with Rosetta Stone Inc. with intentions of developing a program to benefit the nation’s largest independent vision care provider in their quest for international growth. This is innovative in the aspect that VSP Global will have its own in-house language learning program to promote professional development not only for current international employees but, also employees who are looking to advance from other parts of the company. This will promote additional internal growth and employee longevity. Although the language program will be developed for all VSP branches, it will not only be accessible from VSP offices. Employees who participate in the program will have a secure VSP internal profile page which can be accessed from anywhere the employee might be. Ensuring that the program is secure will create a barrier to entry protecting against unauthorized access and possible unfair competitive advantage. KLB’s creation of individualized program for VSP Global shows commitment to its employee’s professional development, but it also show’s a commitment to excellence with its customers and their communication, culture, and business needs giving a VSP a competitive edge.Unique selling pointsThe development of this program allows for a tailored fit to what it is that VSP is looking to accomplish. A one-on-one approach with learners, ability to develop a learning plan that works best for each individual within company desired timeframes, access based on employees’ whereabouts, and the ability to allow multiple employees to benefit from multiple language programs. Rosetta Stone has a business based program that we at KLB Consulting are very familiar. KLB consultants will be able to train and guide the VSP as a company on a way to best utilize all aspects to best fit the company. Positioning or differentiation strategiesKLB will develop a language based program for VSP that will position the company above its competitors. This program will be the first of its kind in this industry that will benefit not only VSP but also its current and future customers. This language program allows for individual company representatives to develop skills necessary to communicate without a third party. This will help elevate additional costs, as well as confusion. This program will also continue to reflect VSP’s belief that loyalty to its employee’s professional growth benefits the company as a whole, as well as the employees as individuals and now customers and their communication efforts. Program featuresThis program will feature the ability to educate employees on language and culture in not only as business aspect but a community aspect. It also offers one-on-one learning ability to promote individual success. According to?"Rosetta Stone"?(2014),?it usually takes 40-50 hours of what they call “Dynamic Immersion. This activates your own natural language-learning ability” (FAQ Home). The program can be built toward current language preferences, and additional language options are available for future expansion. Program is developed to fit company’s specific current needs and will not require a great deal of change when expansion is necessary.Phase IIIMessageKLB Consulting is a private professional consulting firm that specializes in full service business consulting, training and software development and transition assistance through the process of globalization. Whether you are a large corporation or an individual in need of healthcare, international or business consulting, KLB Consulting is here to assist you. We have providing top quality services since 2012, but our firm consists of individuals with over 30 years consulting experience. Our headquarters is located in Sacramento, California, however, our professional staff will travel globally to meet your business needs. At KLB Consulting, we provide 100% customer satisfaction to the individual or the large corporation as we have with successfully done with our larger clients like VSP Global, HealthNet and Google. At KLB Consulting is to provide professional consulting services to our clients at a lower rate than our competitors. We are the nation’s leader in international consulting and training development services. Creative StrategyAt KLB, we have many ways to reach our target market through sponsorships of the Sacramento Kings games and Sleep Train Arena events in which potential clients will receive promotional materials with our logo and view digital advertisements on the jumbo-tron throughout the event. We recognize the importance of companies having a strong presence on social media so KLB will make full use of a Blog, Facebook Fan Page which will have our biography and list testimonials of our larger clients to establish integrity. On the KLB Facebook fan page, we will post short videos to remind individuals and companies of the importance of having professional consulting services. To encourage people to LIKE our Facebook page, we will occasionally do raffles for one hour free consulting service. We will develop a social media marketing team who will create a smartphone application to draw more attention to our consulting services with a strong emphasis of the international services we munication methodsAdvertisingAdvertising is a form of communication used to inform or influence people about a certain product or service. It happens all around us even if we do not notice. This form of communication happens on television, newspaper and magazine ads, radio, internet, and direct selling to name a few. Direct response communicationDirect response marketing is designed to evoke an immediate response and compel prospects to take some specific action. KLB Consulting will develop an internal direct response marketing campaign for VSP. This will first start with the executive staff who contacted with KLB’s firm to ensure that an understanding of the desired product is being developed. This first stage will be found on the company’s internal internet under the section for executives. A survey will be developed that will require a hotspot to click ("Business Dictionary",?2014) that based on the response will lead them to another question. There will be a total of 20 questions that will peak the information of the participant as well as gather information about the desired language program set up. After compiling information from the direct response of the executive staff, a direct response marketing campaign will be rolled out to VSP Global staff. Because these staff members are the staff who are directly affected and in need of the language program, the idea will be to ask questions that will prompt employees to determine how helpful and important a program like this is to their jobs. It will also give feedback to the executive staff on employees who would like to be placed in another type of position because they would rather not be required to participate in the language program. Through this process we will be able to determine how many individuals are familiar with the Rosetta Stone product and what it has to offer. Once the direct response marketing campaign is rolled out to the executive staff and VSP Global staff, non-global VSP staff would be the next participants. Because VSP is a company that believes in internal advancement the staff who are looking to advance to the global side will have the opportunity to participate on a voluntary basis in the Rosetta Stone language program so that as positions become available they will meet the qualifications and be able to start out if hired at a higher rate of pay because of the secondary language. Blog communicationVSP and all of its subsidiaries have a connected internal intranet. This is a place where company information is shared. From industry updates to open positions to a forum for communication. KLB Consulting will develop a language program blog to be accessed on the company intranet. According to?"Business Dictionary"?(2014), a blog is a website, similar to an online journal that includes chronological entries made by individuals. Because blogs typically focus on a specific subject this is a great place to provide information about the language program (Blog). Staff members have complete access to the blog and up to date information on what will be offered through the Rosetta Stone program. The company will have multiple roll-out of the program starting with employees who directly work with international companies as VSP is making this program mandatory for these individuals. The first step to the blog will be giving a background not only on VSP as a whole but also about KLB Consulting, the firm they have contracted with to develop the language program. Most important a background on Rosetta Stone as their product has been chosen to deliver the language program in a professional manner. The second step will be to give an overview of what languages will be offered first and what the guidelines of the program are. Third will be to allow for feedback from employees to make sure that every aspect of the program meets the needs of the employees in order to provide the best service possible to the customers. The blog will allow for more two way conversation and input for better productivity. BudgetKLB Consulting will provide a budget to VSP Global outlining the costs and fees for services, products and training related materials. The budget will be developed with the objective task budgeting method, although it will be customized for the specific purposes of KLB Consulting. Due to the fact that there may be a variety of motivations for participating and varying numbers of participants in a given month, quarter or year, it is impossible to determine exact costs. Marketing Plan Budget201520162017Cost of Rosetta Stone$179 per participant$ 179 per participant$ 179 per participantPaid by VSP GlobalDigital Apps$ 0 (with $99-499 In App Purchases)$0 (with 99-499 In App Purchases)$0 (with 99-499 In App PurchasesPaid by VSP Global (with administrative approval) Or paid by participant (without administrative approval) Prices vary depending on length of commitment. Facility Costs$0 $0 $0 The facilities used to facilitate language learning services will take place at 3333 Quality Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA, 95670Facilitation Costs$35 Per hour$30 Per hour$0 VSP Global will pay a KLB Consulting trainer to facilitate the language learning services program. In 2015 VSP Global will pay $ 35 dollars an hour, in 2016 VSP Global will pay $30 an hour for maintenance and evaluation. During 2015 and 2016 a chosen representative from VSP Global will be trained on how to facilitate and will be assuming the role of understudy to the KLB Consulting trainer. In 2017 VSP Global will have a fully functioning language learning services program and they will have their own trainer to offset costs and insulate the process. Consulting Fee$ 15,000$10,000$0 In 2015 VSP Global will pay KLB Consulting $15,000 for creating, implementing and correcting the marketing plan. In 2016 VSP Global will pay $10,000 to KLB Consulting. In 2017 VSP Global will pay zero dollars to KLB Consulting since the plan has been implemented, created and KLB Consulting has trained a VSP Global representative to maintain, analyze and evaluate the program. Total 3,580+ 1,980+1,050+15,000=$21,6103,580+1,980+900+10,000=$16,4603,580+1,980+0+0=$ 5,560Over the course of 2015-2017 as proposed by the KLB Consulting marketing plan VSP Global would pay in total $43,630 for a completely insulated and revisable language learning services program. Totals are based on 20 participants in the program, 3 months of digital application access ($99) and 30 hours of facilitation. Evaluation TechniquesKLB Consulting will be evaluating the marketing plan for VSP Global quarterly to ensure the success of the marketing plan. Evaluation techniques used to evaluate the marketing plan involve three fundamental ideas including evaluation of plan goals, return on investment, and the production of direct responses. Marketing plan goals may need to change as the need for the plan changes and the demand for the services change. Return on investment according to Ayling (2004), “Return on investment asks does it bring in enough new and repeat business to justify the costs” (Ayling, para 7, 2004). According to Patel (2012), “To measure ROI you’ll need to track two different variables; the amount invested (time and finances) and financial benefits” (Patel, para 5, 2012). Direct responses are essentially a call to action response exhibited as a result of the marketing. Direct response in the case of VSP Global will be measured for effectiveness through the efforts of the VSP employees as will return on investment and plan goals.ConclusionKLB Consulting successfully contracted with VSP Global to establish their international training and development program with the help of our software partner Rosetta Stone language services. KLB’s services consists of professional consulting to help globalize VSP and provide the framework for the international training unit so VSP can continue to develop their staff who are required to travel and those staff who one day plan to travel internationally for the company. Through KLB’s three phase marketing plan, VSP will be able to increase staff productivity, globalize their brand as the leader in eye care services and make their staff culturally aware and further developed in a variety of languages. ReferencesAyling, S. (2004). 7 Ways to Evaluate Your Marketing Plan. Retrieved from Dictionary.?(2014).?Retrieved from Management Consultant.?(2014).?Retrieved from .?(n.d.).?Retrieved from Entrepreneur.?(2014).?Retrieved from .?(2014).?Retrieved from , D. (2012, October 30). Rancho Cordova's VSP threatens to leave state over health insurance decision. Sacramento, California. Retrieved from , C. C. (2014, January 28). Google Glass to be Covered by Vision Service Care Insurer VSP. New York. Retrieved from .?(2013).?Retrieved from Business Journal. (2008). VSP buys Marchon Eyewear Inc. for 735M. Retrieved from , S. (2008). Vision Insurer to Ask Justices to Restore Its Tax Exemption. Retrieved from Global. (2014). What is VSP Global? Retrieved from ................

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