Karen’s 3rd Class Learning at Home ScheduleMonday 30th March to Friday 3rd April, 2020MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYDia duit ar maidin!Morning stretches everyone! Do some Yoga if you know any.9 – 9:05 Daily Journal *See below9:05 – 9:45 Planet Maths Folens online p.119 2D Shapes - Copy exercise B into your maths copy.If you don’t have access to the internet then please do yourSatellite Maths p.62 Tessellate means that shapes go together without any gaps. Triangles put together works but circles won’t work as there are gaps where the curves are.9:45 – 10 Tables Practice counting in 9’s. After saying them out loud three times, write the division of 9’s in your maths copy.10 – 10:15 Sos beag (little break)Have a healthy snack!Movement Break - 10:45 – 11:45English 1) Spellbound Unit 25, write out new spellings into your copy and complete ex. A and B 2) Ex Your English: p86, Write answers to ex. A and B in your copies 3) Reading 15 minutes with your Mam/ sister/ brother11:45 See how many jumping jacks you can do in 1 minute!Lunch Break:12:15 - 1Irish: 1) Write today’s news like we did in class (in Irish!) Now practice saying it out loud. 2)RíRá: Write out your new spellings and do exercise A and B 3) Duolingo1-1:45SESE: Go out into your garden and see if you can find 4 different types of flowers or plants. Listen and see what kind of sounds you can hear. When you come back inside, describe the sounds you heard and the things you found, names if you know what they are and draw a picture for me. Your title is “Plant Life in my Garden”.Conas atá tú inniu?Morning stretches everyone!Daily Journal *see belowEnglish 1) SpellBound: write out new spellings into your copy and do ex. C and D 2) Ex Your Eng: p87, write all the rules from the yellow box into your copy 3) Now pick 5 words you don’t know in exercise A. Write them under the rules and explain why they are one of the silent letter words.Movement Break!Irish 1) P86 Scríobh amach the verbs Glan and Cuir into your copies exactly as you see it in your book. 2) P88 Scríobh liosta cheart don phicnic (write the list in the correct order for the picnic). 3) RíRáMovement Break!Planet Maths: Folens online p.120 (Hexagons, regular and irregular) orSatellite Maths: p.63Write out division of 9 tables into your copy. Say them out loud 3 times each.Music: Practice the tin whistle. If you play another instrument, practice that one too! See if you can make up your own tune! Art: Make your bedroom out of a cereal box, milk bottle lids, yoghurt cartons, or anything you can find in the kitchen that is going into the recycling bin! It doesn’t have to be your bedroom, it can be your living room, kitchen, back garden or your dream bedroom. You can use paint, markers, cellotape, bluetac, Get creative!!!An bhfuil sásta ort inniu?Morning stretches everyone!Daily Journal *See belowIrish 1) P90 Léigh an sliocht agus freagair na ceisteanna. 2) Duolingo, 5-10 mins 3) Write out the verbs again (glan and cuir) remember that glan = clean and cuir = put.Movement Break!Satellite Maths: p64, Planet Maths online p.121: write out what Regular and Irregular shapes are (see the blue shaded box at the top of the page). Answer q’s 1 +2. Next, write out what tessellation is (see the blue shaded box in the middle of the page. Answer q’s B + C. Draw examples of some tessellating patterns in your maths copies. See if you can find anything in your house that has a tessellating pattern (example: tiles in the kitchen).Movement Break!EnglishSpellbound, write out your spellings while spelling them out loud as you write them. Then do exercises E and F.Music: Practice the tin whistle. If you play another instrument, practice that one too! History:Interview your grandparents about the past. Here are some questions but feel free to ask more if you can think of any! What kind of breakfast did you have? How did you travel to school? How many bedrooms were in your house? What was your favourite game or toy? How did you heat the house? Was education important when you were a child?Cén lá é inniu?Morning stretches!Daily Journal *See belowMaths 1) Planet Maths online p122 Complete ex. A, B and C 2) Get a piece of A4 paper and divide it equally into 12 pieces. Now write out your division of 9 times tables in big writing. Now cut them up, mix them up and see if you can put them back in order! 3) How many facts can you find about the different shapes? For example: How many angles are there in a rectangle?Movement Break!English 1) Spellbound G Don’t forget to write them out in your copy as well! 2) Ex Your Eng. P88. Read the story and ans questions 1-8, Ex AMovement Break! Irish 1)RíRá 2) P92 “Ag Campáil” 2) DuolingoArt: Do you remember the net of the triangle based pyramid I showed you in class? See if you can make your own net using another piece of cardboard from the recycling bin in your house. It doesn’t have to be the same one, it can be a cube, a cone, a cuboid or a cylinder.Learn Together:Write down 5 things that you can’t do right now because of the Corona Virus. Now remember that you are not the only one who is affected by this. Try to be kind to everyone in your house. We all have to stay at home and try to work together with your family to do the chores around the house.An bhfuil stocaí agat?Morning stretches!Daily Journal *See belowEnglish: 1) How many words can you spell correctly from this week’s spelling list? 2) Write a journal about how you felt about doing all your school work at home this week! What did you like/dislike about it? What worked well for you? What would you do differently is you were in charge? Ex Your Eng. P.89 Ex C – dictionary workMovement Break!Irish 1) Get someone to test your spellings or see how many you can remember on your own! 2) Make a list of all the words you know that describe the weather. Example: fuar = cold, ag cur báistí = raining. (Hint: look in your Irish book!)Challenge:see how many sentences you can write using the weather words.Maths: Test yourself by doing a division test and then complete the Check Up p123 (Folens online). Scientific Investigation /Physical Education:Today you are going to investigate how exercise effects your heart rate. You need a stopwatch, a piece of paper and a pen. Before you begin you need to place your 2nd and 3rd fingers on your neck and take your pulse for 1 min.Write down your Resting Pulse Rate. Now jog for 2 minutes. Take your heart rate again and write this down as Pulse rate after 1 minute. Now take your heart rate again and write the result down as Pulse Rate after 2 minutes. Do this again until heart rate is the same as it was before you did your 2 minute exercise.*Pick one target items from the Daily Targets list and make that your target for today. You have to pick a different one each day. Write it down into your Daily Journal (along with the date!) and post it back to me with the rest your written work. Some of you do all of these things already! The most important thing is that you try and do your best. Trust me, you will be very proud of yourself if you are honest with yourself and meet your daily target. Remember, I will be very proud of you too!My Daily TargetsToday I am going to work on my handwriting.Today I am going to be as creative as I can.Today I am going to improve in my tables.Today I’m going to challenge my PE skills.Today I am going to work on my spellings.Today I am going to do my best in ________ (you pick something!) ................

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