Every kid in our communities

strategy session #2 highlights

February 1, 2012

revision o


Kevin Kapler -- Children’s Mental Health Leeds-Grenville (Cochair)

Jane Hess -- LLG Health Unit (Co chair)

Keith McPhee – Volunteer

Dave Huether –Volunteer

Sueling Ching – YMCA

Dixie O’Reilly –Infant and Child Development

Sue Poldervaart – RNJ Youth Justice Services

Candace Kaine – MCYS – Youth Justice

Allan Hogan – Family and Children Services

Kim Little – United Counties Leeds-Grenville

Elizabeth Mensen – Connect Youth

Sue Watts – Employment and Education Centre

Sue Turnbull – Country Roads Community Health Centre

Michelle Murray – Health Unit (Triple P Coordinator)

Margaret Van Beers – Child Development Centre Hotel Dieu

Loretta Corbeil – Volunteer Centre

Donna Vanderkloet Hanna – BDACI

Laurie Bourne MacKeigan – ARCC

Lesley Benderavage – MCYS

Kaylee Van Haren – SCC

Jackie Schoemaker Holmes Girls Inc

Sara Hammel TriCAS

Margaret Fancy EKIOC

In Association with:

Queen’s University Executive Decision Centre

Facilitator: Erik Lockhart

Ph#: 613 533-6681


Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3

Path Forward 5

1.0 – Vision of Success 6

2.0 - Priorities 7

3.0 – Working Group Updates 8

4.0 – Action Plans 9

4.1 – Community stakeholder engagement 9

4.2 – Youth engagement 10

4.3 – Education sector 11

4.4 – EKIOC structure 12

4.5 – Healthy development over lifespan 14

Appendices 16

A – Session Overview 16

B – Highlights of 1st Session (September 6, 2011) 17

Executive Summary

Attached are meeting proceedings from the strategy session held on February 1, 2012 in Brockville. The purpose of the overall initiative was to develop the initial major elements of a strategic plan for the next three years. Our intent on February 1 was to build on the energy and momentum from our first session by fleshing out further some of our priorities and action steps. We will get updates from the working groups and then agree on what is required and feasible in 2012.

Vision of EKIOC in 2016

Our vision for EKIOC in the next five years is to have realized the following:

1. Cross-sector coordination. There is more effective collaboration amongst community agencies - no more silos;

2. More youth engaged in their community and more activities across the counties;

3. Parenting/Family success. There is a community wide schedule of Triple p being offered throughout the community with all groups filled to capacity. There are fewer children at CAS;

4. Sense of belonging & healthy relationships. Every child experiences a high level of acceptance and belonging and has access to positive healthy adult relationships;

5. Awareness. EKIOC is a "household name" in L&G and everyone (parents, business owners, clergy, farmers etc.) know how they can participate;

Our key Priorities in the next 18 months are:

1. Developing a shared plan to respond to community stakeholders (e.g. municipalities) for assistance in planning (coordination) for children and youth in their communities

2. Youth engagement / Further develop youth window of focus: asset building, empowerment, definition, access to meaningful activities

3. Create shared plan to increase collaborative work with education sector

4. Review EKIOC structure, functioning, (e.g. cccf funding allocation process)

5. Healthy development over lifespan: healthy relationships, mental health and substance abuse...Developmental screening & pre-school

Objectives for each priority follow:

1. Community engagement

1. Municipal needs identified

2. 13 "overview community profile" presentations to Municipalities by Dec 2013

3. One pilot (our response) completed by Dec 2012 (our responses based needs)

4. Presentations on EKIOC to other community groups #TBD (Rotary, Schools etc.)

2. Youth engagement

1. See youth voice and presence increased to align with EKIOC vision

2. Value every youth

3. Develop listing every youth engagement and initiatives to ensure inclusiveness

4. Get youth involved in positive, meaningful community decision making/engagement

5. Define our goals: what do we want from our & from youth perspective

6. Determine buy in - youth and agency

7. Direct involvement by youth

8. Balancing youth perspective with early years priorities in EKIOC

9. Define what does youth engagement look like

2. Create shared plan to increase collaborative work with education sector

1. Success: Integrate plans from both partners to optimize resources

2. Celebrating what is already working

3. Establish communication pathways between board and EKIOC

4. Active representation from UCDSB at lead table

5. Active representation from both school boards at Triple P

6. Official statement from board to schools to engage in TP

7. Map and share current connections with Education and Community

3. Review EKIOC structure, functioning, (e.g. CCCF funding allocation process)

1. Understood by anyone in the community

2. Structure diagram needs to be developed to show how form informs function

3. Process map required to show how processes work

4. Ensure coordinator job expectations are realistic and clear

5. Need terms of reference for all committees and subcommittees

6. Lead table is needed to plan for the broad community needs for kids

7. Become ambassadors for kids

4. Healthy development over lifespan:

1. Achieve consistent ways of working and evaluate progress

2. Build awareness for parents and caregivers about programs & services available

3. Build awareness and usage of developmental screening tools i.e. Nippising and 18 month well baby visit

4. Develop logic model, template and framework for Child and Family Centres/System

5. Add the middle years and youth work and efforts in relation to this priority, but our group did not have representation for this input today.

Path Forward

Task Resp/Date

a. Results from today

b. Working group action plans on website -> Keith

c. Call for support from people beyond LT to join working groups

Editor’s Notes:

a. The symbol // indicates that two similar ideas have been merged together.

b. This document contains the meeting proceedings and is not intended as a “Final Report”

1.0 – Vision of Success

Our vision for EKIOC in the next five years is to have realized the following:

1. Cross-sector coordination. There is more effective collaboration amongst community agencies - no more silos;

2. More youth engaged in their community and more activities across the counties;

3. Parenting/Family success. There is a community wide schedule of Triple p being offered throughout the community with all groups filled to capacity. There are fewer children at CAS;

4. Sense of belonging & healthy relationships. Every child experiences a high level of acceptance and belonging and has access to positive healthy adult relationships;

5. Awareness. EKIOC is a "household name" in L&G and everyone (parents, business owners, clergy, farmers etc.) know how they can participate;

6. Asset building recognized and incorporated into all programming for children & youth

7. There is an accessible and affordable transportation service across L&G that considers all aspects of transportation for rural communities;

8. Less children and their families reside in poverty in Leeds and Grenville and all children have access to safe and affordable housing and healthy food;

9. Affordable, quality childcare is available for all children who need it;

10. Effective Transitions. Ability to be inclusive of youth aged 18-24 who fall between cracks and are in transition.

In particular items 1-5 are critical areas of focus over the next two years. This is reflected in our five priorities over the next year.

2.0 - Priorities

What must be our EKIOC priorities over the 12-18 months? What do we need to “get done” by December 31, 2012?

1. Developing a shared plan to respond to community stakeholders (e.g. municipalities) for assistance in planning (coordination) for children and youth in their communities

2. Youth engagement: Further develop youth window of focus: asset building, empowerment, definition, access to meaningful activities

3. Create shared plan to increase collaborative work with education sector

4. Review EKIOC structure, functioning, (e.g. cccf funding allocation process)

5. Healthy development over lifespan: healthy relationships, mental health and substance abuse.. Developmental screening & pre-school

NOTE: It was agreed these are still our 18 month priorities

3.0 – Working Group Updates

Each of the working groups gave progress briefings.

Below are some notes on issues raised.

Priority 1: Respond to community stakeholders for assistance for C&Y

• Need help getting on the agenda (e.g. Brockville)

Priority: Youth engagement / Further develop youth window of focus: asset building, empowerment, definition, access to meaningful activities

• Meeting next week to develop “youth day”

• YCC Merrickville Les Volkes?

• Kingston (City, UW, CF of Kingston) Anna Lee Audare?

• Need to outreach youth at risk

• Note: UWay youth strategy? Annual forum?

• Definition of youth? 18, 25? Depends on $. Need to agree on range

Priority: Create shared plan to increase collaborative work with education sector

• Need reference to Stud support leadership

• #3. need a map (GIS?) what is happening relevant to EKIOC in each school that shows interconnectedness/collaboration

• Student nutrition fits here


Priority: Review EKIOC structure, functioning, (e.g. cccf funding allocation process)

• Need something more specific on exactly how we do business and what is the function/role of our table (e.g. planning or service or ??)

• Who does what? Functions, roles, agreements, accountabilities etc.

• Constellation Collaboration Model

• Centre for Social Innovation - Tonya Surman

• Community Engagement

Priority: Healthy development over lifespan: healthy relationships, mental health and substance abuse...Developmental screening & pre-school

4.0 – Action Plans

4.1 – Community stakeholder engagement

Working Group:

Kevin, Candace, Kaylee, Marg, Jessica,


1. Municipal needs identified

2. 13 "overview community profile" presentations to Municipalities by Dec 2013 (3 completed)

3. One pilot (our response) completed by Dec 2012 (based on the needs, how can we respond?)

4. Presentations on EKIOC to other community groups #TBD (e.g. Rotary, Probus, Schools etc.)

Key Initiatives in next 18 months:

a. Consult with municipalities to identify key issues and needs

- Work with DAC to develop a community-based presentation template and "Data for dummies" cheat sheet

- Templates currently under development

- develop a method to gather the information needed to make decisions

- identify how to address barriers to working with certain municipalities

- Development/communication of implementation plan for pilot with Merrickville/Wolford municipality

- Complete pilot by ???

- Recruit and train competent team of presenters by end of 2012

- Begin roll out to other municipalities in 2013

b. Link with Healthy Communities Charter (HCP) to develop criteria for municipalities to meet 'Healthy Community' designation

- input to Healthy Communities via Mental Health Initiatives working group

- suggest to Healthy Communities to seek input from EKIOC re same

4.2 – Youth engagement

Priority: Youth engagement / Further develop youth window of focus: asset building, empowerment, definition, access to meaningful activities

Working Group:

Sue W, Sue P, David, Loretta, Jackie, Sara, Elizabeth, Laurie, Beth S, David Patterson


- see youth voice and presence increased to align with EKIOC vision

- Value every youth

- develop listing every youth engagement and initiatives to ensure inclusiveness

- get youth involved in positive, meaningful community decision making/engagement

- Define our goals - what do we want from our perspective and from youth perspective

- Determine buy in - youth and agency

- Direct involvement by youth

- balancing youth perspective with early years priorities in EKIOC

- define what youth engagement looks like

Key Initiatives in next 18 months:

- Feb 7 organizing meeting

- facilitate a youth engagement day within 4 months

- Information and awareness process

Need for Success:

- Decision regarding definition of youth

- need this document for Feb 7 work group meeting

- Long range plan to ensure no feeling of disenfranchisement of youth

- decide if virtual vs. in person presence of youth or both

- Expenses covered

- Clear goals for the day/meeting with youth and for follow up

4.3 – Education sector

Priority: Create shared plan to increase collaborative work with education sector

Working Group:

Keith, Michelle, Margaret V, Marg, Sueling, School Board rep (Tom Jordan), UCDSB (tbd?)



a. Success - Integrate plans from both partners to optimize resources and leverage opportunities

b. Celebrating what is already working

c. Establish communication pathways between board and EKIOC

d. Active representation from UCDSB at lead table

e. Active representation from both school boards at Triple P

f. Official statement from board to schools to engage in TP

g. Map and share current connections with Education and Community

Key Initiatives in next 18 months:


1. Every Kid presentation to school boards - update and thank you

2. Mar 20: planning for SSLI community collaboration celebration - engage school boards

3. Look for ways to support school in the Student Nutrition Program and Mental Health Initiatives

4. Invite UCDSB Superintendent of Customer Satisfaction to present to the Lead Table

5. Explore additional opportunities for Public Health Nurses on the school teams to support EKIOC initiatives

6. Advocate Health Unit to increase PHN school capacity if necessary



1. Continue to work with SSLI (Checkered Flag Training)

2. Identify educators presently involved on an EKIOC initiative

3. Use triple p avenues to create partnerships

4. Partnership with Girls Inc., Health Unit and Country Roads to support Value Every Kid

5. Support the Boards in developing school readiness programs

6. Involve elementary schools in Read to Every Kid Project

7. Promote the Special Needs Resource committee to the school boards, especially their SEAC

4.4 – EKIOC structure

Priority: Review EKIOC structure, functioning, (e.g. cccf funding allocation process)

Working Group:

Planning & Coordination Committee (Keith, Jane, Allan, Margaret V)


a. understood by anyone in the community

b. structure diagram needs to be developed to show how form informs function(process)

c. process map required to show how processes work

d. Ensure coordinator job expectations are realistic and clear (note: opportunity for volunteer dvlpmt to assist)

e. need terms of reference for all committees and subcommittees

f. lead table is needed to plan for the broad community needs for kids

g. become ambassadors for kids

Action for March lead table meeting:

at next meeting have all members of the lead table draw a diagram of EKIOC structure and function

Key Initiatives in next 18 months:

a. Review and update CCCF allocation structures and criteria

b. Complete governance document and in-service Lead Table and working group members … Structure of lead table - review size and function - is there a better way

c. Task force (meet only 1x or 2x) to review membership, meeting frequency, work assignment and approval work committees etc. and propose recommendations back to table

Questions and further discussion required

a. ? how do community agencies get involved with EKIOC? relates back to the partnership agreements that different agencies sign when the join EKIOC

b. there needs to be internal agency discussions

c. the issue of legitimacy( what does this mean?) is important; i.e. this is informed by those that willingly spend their time at the table

d. function: who is at the table is important, one vote regardless of size of organization or participant group represented

e. what does and doesn't come to the table; what stays here, what goes to a committee; how do committees tie back to EKIOC or individual organizations and ultimately the needs of the community( philosophical)

f. how do we do the business piece; how do we use coordinator; rules around membership attendance; how does business get done; are we planning or delivering service-what criteria do we use to decide: supports the members to deliver service (through concentration of effort or grant application)

g. Coordinator's function; what value added by coordinator’s role. Are we nurturing or sending on their way or helping in the sustainability of EKIOC? what does coordinator role add to sustainability that members are not able to add; would job description criteria and expectations support coordinator in allocation of time and in using volunteers to take on some of the coordinator’s many roles- eg could take on the role of presenting to the municipalities; communication volunteers;

h. using results based accountability framework and using EKIOC goals as societal goal look at the work of subcommittees and individual agency programs and mandates to inform how they contribute to the overall goals of EKIOC( societal goals)need process and outcome objectives

i. Note: opportunity for volunteer development

4.5 – Healthy development over lifespan

Priority: Healthy development over lifespan: healthy relationships, mental health and substance abuse ..Developmental screening & pre-school

Working Group:

Dixie, Sue P, Sue T, Kim



1- To achieve consistent ways of working and evaluate progress

2- To build awareness for parents and caregivers about programs and services available

3- To build awareness and usage of developmental screening tools i.e. Nippising and 18 month well baby visit

4- To develop logic model, template and framework for Child and Family Centres/System

Revisit the outcomes and action plan from 2011 Northumberland presentation,

5- Need to add the middle years and youth work and efforts in relation to this priority, but our group did not have representation for this input today.

Key Initiatives in next 18 months:

1. To achieve consistent ways of working and evaluate progress

1. Implement Service Coordination Guidelines throughout Leeds and Grenville

2. Training scheduled to occur in Feb 2012; Training modules to be available as an end product to sustain training for new people, etc. going forward.

3. Evaluate effectiveness and use of training

4. Training will lay foundation for establishing a mentoring process to further sustain the training and use of same

5. Resources: Need people to participate in the training; need follow-through and use/application of training. Training development and delivery already resourced through Innovation funding.

1. To build awareness for parents and caregivers about programs and services available

1. Multi agency/partner brochure and display board to be developed; in stage of gathering the content for inclusion

2. Develop a plan for distribution

3. Resources: Commitment somewhat already secured from agencies to purchase/participate should fund the development. Participating agencies may need to plan for ongoing resources for revisions, replenishment over time. Distribution costs will likely be assumed by the individual agencies within existing budget and distribution means/channels.

2. To build awareness and usage of developmental screening tools i.e. Nippising and 18 month well baby visit

1. Screening clinics will continue for third year at existing gatherings such as community festivals

2. Host screening clinics with advanced screening via multiple providers/services accessible

3. Survey of primary care professionals to be conducted on usage, challenges, areas needing assistance around use of Nippising

4. Resources: Staffing to deliver -- agencies are finding it presently within current resources however, capacity to sustain is limited.

5. Buy in of primary care professionals may be a challenge requiring resources to overcome

3. To develop logic model, template and framework for Child and Family Centres/System

1. Revisit the outcomes and action plan from 2011 Northumberland presentation, check progress in relation to the to do's identified and determine next steps from there. Guiding principles have been identified; identify core components versus peripheral components; physical space versus virtual space.

2. Resources: Need messaging from the province around expectations, governance, etc.

3. Funding for building such; best start hubs were not funded and this became a barrier to implementation; collaboration costs time, money and resources. Some things can occur within current resources, but the communities/agencies have been working from that perspective for some time.

4. Need to add the middle years and youth work and efforts in relation to this priority, but our group did not have representation for this input today.

Key Initiatives in next 18 months:


a. Work with Best Start & others to develop the template for Child and Family Centers for Leeds and Grenville. One principle to be inclusive when developing child and family centers - holistic and wrap around approach to service 

b. Implement the 18 month strategy and developmental screening plan

- Work with stakeholders to identify barriers to community inclusion and services for children and youth with disabilities and identify and implement inclusion strategies e.g. Autism


c. Support the implementation of persuasion

d. Work with HCP


A – Session Overview

This is a follow up to our first strategy session in September where we developed a draft vision, five priority areas, and some preliminary action plans. Our intent is to build on the energy and momentum from our first session by fleshing out further some of our priorities and action steps. We will get updates from the working groups and then agree on what is required and feasible in 2012.

The objectives for February 1st are to:

• Review and upgrade the main findings from our September session;

• Hear updates from the five working groups;

• Agree on key actions for 2012 and who else needs to be involved;

• Identify next steps.


30. Overview/Update Marg

9.40 Agenda and review of 1st session Erik

9.50 Working group updates

• Community engagement Kevin, Keith

• Youth engagement Sue, Sue

• Education sector Michelle, Margaret V

• EKIOC structure Keith, Kevin

• Healthy development over lifespan Dixie, Cathy

10.30 Key initiatives in 2012

12.00 Working Lunch

12:30 Session close

B – Highlights of 1st Session (September 6, 2011)

Attached are meeting proceedings from the strategy session held on September 6, 2011 in Brockville. The purpose of the workshop was to develop the initial major elements of a strategic plan for the next three years. The group began by creating brainstorming what success would look like in five years. Then the group conducted a current state analysis by identifying major opportunities and threats. Based on this, five priorities were agreed upon. Initial action plans were created for each priority.

Vision of EKIOC in 2016 includes the following elements (we will have been successful when the following are in place): Note – xxx indicates critical in next 3 years.

6. XXX x-sector coordination. There is more effective collaboration amongst community agencies - no more silos

7. XXX More youth engaged in their community and more activities across the counties

8. XXX Parenting/Family success. community wide schedule of Triple p being offered throughout the community with all groups filled to capacity … fewer children at CAS

9. XXX Sense of belonging & healthy relationships. Every child experiences a high level of acceptance and belonging and has access to positive healthy adult relationships

10. X Branding/Awareness. EKIOC is a "household name" in L&G and everyone (parents, business owners, clergy, farmers etc.) know how they can participate

11. X Asset building recognized / incorporated into all programming for children & youth

12. Transport x L&G. an accessible and affordable transportation service that considers all aspects of transportation for rural communities

13. Less children and their families reside in poverty in Leeds and Grenville… all children have access to safe and affordable housing and healthy food

14. Affordable, quality childcare is available for all children who need it //affordable childcare available to all

15. Effective Transitions. Ability to be inclusive of youth aged 18-24 who fall between cracks and are in transition.

Our key Priorities in the next 18 months are (with champions):

6. Developing a shared plan to respond to community stakeholders (e.g. municipalities) for assistance in planning (coordination) for children and youth in their communities

• Champion: Marg / Kevin & Keith

7. Youth engagement / Further develop youth window of focus: asset building, empowerment, definition, access to meaningful activities

• Champion: Sue & Sue, David

8. Create shared plan to increase collaborative work with education sector

• Champion: Keith, Michelle, Margaret V, Marg

9. Review EKIOC structure, functioning, (e.g. cccf funding allocation process)

• Champion: Planning & Coordination Committee (Margaret V & team)

10. Healthy development over lifespan: healthy relationships, mental health and substance abuse ..Developmental screening & pre-school

• Champion: Dixie, Cathy M., Shannon, Sue & Sue

Environmental Scan: the big issues that we need to monitor are:

1. Funding opportunities and limitations ...government influence-reduction in funding, increasing demands ...Funder driven - mission drift

2. Taking collaboration to the next level .. increased understanding, willingness and need to collaborate (including advocacy)

3. Capitalize on the interest expressed by municipalities...multiple requests from municipalities for guidance

4. Lack of participation of education sector, increasing complexity of education sector, decline in effective results for some populations (PWD)

5. Child & Family Centres (opportunity)

6. Poverty-community stability ..increasing number of families in receipt of social assistance (OW & ODSP)

7. Current focus on children's mental health and increased demand

8. Use of data-stats re population etc.(EDI) overload and in some areas under load both in research and under load as related to the profile of kids

9. Pervasive interest in child and youth sense of belonging

10. Isolation (living rural) and access to resources

End of Session Commitment Survey

At the conclusion of the session, the team was asked to consider the plans developed and answer the following:

|Question |Group Average |

| |(1=Low….. 10=High) |

|1. Agreement & Commitment. I agree with and am committed to the plans we have developed |8.5 |

|2. Likelihood of Success. I believe we will be successful in implementing our plans |8.00 |

Next Steps

Task Resp/Date

1. Distribute results of Brockville session to Lead Table members and request feedback

Erik / Marg 9/12

2. Share one pager communiqué of highlights with MCYS, member agencies

Marg, Jane 9/20

3. Flesh out 2011-12 work plan (initiatives, milestones, champions)

see champions 10/5

4. Strategy session #2 (Reality check, flesh out champions and work plans, overlaps?)

Marg 11/15

5. Distribute strategy document to LT Marg 12/7







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