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6.4 “Global Economic Development”Objective Key Developments: Explain how various environmental factors contributed to the development of the global economy from 1700-1900.1. Why were economies among the most influential of the motives behind imperialism? Explain specifically what certain countries were looking for. GIVE EXAMPLES DO NOT JUST PUT ‘RESOURCES’.Technological Developments2. RailroadsDescribe transportation before the introduction of railroads to colonies.How did the introduction of railroads impact transportation of raw materials to Europe and markets in colonies?How did Europeans use railroads to justify imperialism? Who did railroads actually help the most?Cecil Rhodes● Who was he:● What did he want to build:● Why:● Why did it not work:3. SteamshipsWhy were steamships limited at first?Why were they important in trade?What allows them to go larger distances - what major products does this impact?4. TelegraphExplain how the telegraph impacted communications.Agricultural Products5. Explain the difference between subsistence farming and cash crops. Give examples of each.6. As the European middle classes grew, they demanded meat. How did this impact various forms of trade?7. What is Guano? Why was it mined?Raw Materials8. Why did imperial attention focus on tropical climates?9. Explain how the following materials impacted imperialism:A. Cotton● Why did Britain ban these textiles from India?● Where did Britain start to get their cotton from? What event disrupted this?● Who benefited from this disruption?B. Rubber● Who was Charles Goodyear and what products did he impact?● Where is rubber obtained from? Describe the difficulties with this product/conditions.● Explain how did the British office try to obtain more rubber.C. Palm Oil● What was palm oil used for?● Where was it found?● How was it obtained?D. Ivory● What is ivory? Why did people like it?● What was it used for? Which came first - the scramble for colonies or for ivory?E. Minerals● Mexico produced: _________________________.● Chile produced _____________________, used for telegraph cables and electrical power lines.● Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) and the Belgian Congo produced ____________.● Bolivia, Nigeria, Malaya, and the Dutch East Indies produced ______ for food products.● Australia and South Africa (and West Africa and Alaska) produced large deposits of _______.F. Diamonds● Who was Cecil Rhodes? What company did he form?● We know his dream of building a railroad failed, but how did his role as prime minister impactSouth Africa?Global Consequences10. How did the growth of urban populations impact nations?11. Describe the environmental consequences of industrialization.12. Describe the lingering impact of monoculture on former colonies.6.5 “Economic Imperialism”Objective Key Developments: Explain how various economic factors contributed to the development of the global economy from 1750-1900.1. Explain the contextual importance of cotton and opium for Britain.The Rise of Economic Imperialism2. What was economic imperialism - what is exploited?3. What is the role of colonies in type of imperialism?Economic Imperialism in Asia4. English defeats the Spanish Armada, meaning they have proven they have a strong navy. What does this lead to for the British and Dutch?5. Answer the following questions about each region:A. India:● Explain the challenges faced by the East India Company.● How did they become successful?B. Dutch East Indies:● Explain how the Dutch East India Company’s role changed over. Time.● Explain the Culture System and how it impacted villagers.C. China:● Why was there a lack of trade between China and Britain early on?● How did the East India Company try to fix this issue?● What was the Chinese emperor’s response? Explain how effective it was.● What was the result of the Opium Wars? How did this ‘reveal the fate of non-industrializednations’?● Explain the Treaty of Nanking. What does it do and why is no one satisfied?6. Explain the system of spheres of influence. Who had trading rights? How did this impact China?Economic Imperialism in Africa7. Describe the unequal trading structure between European and African markets.8. How did cash crops impact Africa?9. Explain how cash crops impacted the following:A. Egypt● What was their cash crop? What did it replace as a chief export?B. Kenya● Explain the changes made to native groups in Kenya.● What became a major cash crop? Where else was it important?● What else was traded from West Africa?10. How did slave labor stay the same or change over time in Africa?11. What was it used for specifically - how did many companies react?Economic Imperialism in Latin America12. What was ‘new imperialism’? How does this impact Latin America?13. Describe the role of the united states in Latin America - how did they imperialize?14. How did Argentina turn into the richest country in Latin America? What investments were made there?15. Explain how Spain colonized Chile.16. How was Brazil impacted by the rubber industry’s shift?17. Explain the significance of the United Fruit Company in Central America and the Caribbean.Economic Imperialism in Hawaii18. Explain how Hawaii is annexed by the US.Contextualizing Economic Imperialism19. Explain how the industrial revolution led to economic imperialism.AMSCO 6.4 Multiple Choice 1. ________________ 2. ______________ 3. _____________AMSCO 6.5 Multiple Choice 1. ________________ 2. ______________ 3. _____________AMSCO 6.4 Question 2 SAQ A, B, CAMSCO 6.5 Question 1 SAQ A, B, C ................

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