Allowances Administration Procedures

AllowancesFor policy information regarding the provisions relating to the payment of the allowances below refer to the relevant topic on HRWeb. Set out below are the procedures applicable to payment of the following allowances: TOC \o "1-2" \n \h \z \u Higher duties (teaching service)Principals and Assistant PrincipalsOther school employeesCalculation and Payment of Higher Duties AmountSpecial payments (teachers, paraprofessionals and education support class)Leave Purchase Allowance (education support class)Pre-service teacher practicum payments (teachers)First aid allowance (education support class)Intensive Care Allowance (education support class)Special Schools Allowance (teachers and paraprofessionals)Remote schools allowance (teaching service)For details on entering an allowance, refer to the eduPay User Guide available on eduGate: AllowancesAny documentation should be placed on the employee’s personnel file.Higher duties (teaching service)Principals and Assistant PrincipalsHigher duties for an employee who is a substantive principal or assistant principal are not to be processed in the school but are to be forwarded to Schools People Services for processing.Step 1Follow the selection process described on the HRWeb page: Higher DutiesStep 2Where a principal is to be paid higher duties, forward the details to the Regional Director who will authorise the payment and advise Schools People Services to process the payment. The principal (or Regional Director in the principal’s absence) may authorise higher duties for the assistant principal. The principal advises Schools People Services for processing.Other school employees Schools are responsible for processing higher duties allowances for teaching staff acting in assistant principal, leading teacher and learning specialist positions and higher duties for education support class employees.The following points should be noted in relation to the processing and payment of higher duties:Effective from 1 July 2013 teachers acting in principal class positions, the higher duties amount that is paid is the difference between the employee’s substantive salary and 91.3% of the minimum remuneration level of the higher position.In some instances periods of leave may affect higher duty payments, and the necessary adjustments should be made on the payroll.When an employee’s salary changes due to a global salary increase, the higher duty amount will be automatically recalculated.When an employee’s salary changes due to salary progression (through the common progression cycle on 1 May), the higher duty amount is not automatically increased on eduPay. An employee acting in a higher position as at 1 May in a given year may progress at the higher level (effective from 1 May) provided the employee has at least 6 months (182 calendar days) of eligible service (aggregate or continuous) at the higher level and receives a satisfactory performance assessment at the higher level. A calculator is available to identify if an employee is eligible for progression at the higher level. This calculator is available on HRWeb at: Higher Duties Progression Calculator.If further assistance is required, contact Schools People Services.Where an employee (with the exception of a principal class employee) who is a member of the Revised or New superannuation scheme receives higher duties continuously for more than 12 months, the allowance becomes part of their superable salary; it is not necessary to use a specific code to record this on eduPay.Calculation and Payment of Higher Duties AmountStep 1Following the completion of the selection process, the principal approves payment of the allowance. A pro-forma that may be used by the school for this purpose is available at: Forms – Teaching Service.The Higher Duties – Teaching Service form is a guide only and the principal (or Regional Director for principals) may choose to use other forms of correspondence providing all required information such as the dates for the period of assignment, classification level of assignment, percentage of higher duties performed and the relevant charge code are included.Step 2Determine the appropriate HD payroll code information for the higher level position from the Appendix in the eduPay User Guide: Allowances.Step 3Update the payroll in the Higher Duties Message Text section only, with the Job Code, Step and Grade of the higher level position. The amount will be automatically calculated. No data entry is required in the Calculation Information fields. For details on inserting & amending a higher duties allowance, refer to the Allowances User Guide.Step 4Confirm correct entry in the certification messages the next day and verify any over or underpayments that may result.Back to topSpecial payments (teachers, paraprofessionals and education support class)Following the completion of the selection process for a task-related special payment or where it has been determined that an attraction or retention special payment is to be paid, the principal approves payment of the allowance. Step 1Check the current allowance details of the employee on the payroll to ensure duplicate payments are not made.Prior to recording a special payment, determine which of the following allowance codes is appropriate in the circumstances:Use SPECIAL PAY (Special Payment) where the employee is to receive a special payment paid fortnightly.Use SPECIAL LUMP (Special Payment – Lump Sum) where the special payment is to be paid in one or more lump sums (Note: if both start and end dates are entered, this will appear on the employee’s pay advice).Use SPEC ATTRACT (Special Payment (Attraction)) or SPEC RETENTN (Special Payment (Retention) as appropriate, where this is the type of payment to be made. Note:Where an employee who is a member of the Revised or New superannuation scheme receives a fortnightly special payment continuously for more than 12 months, the allowance becomes part of their superable salary; it is not necessary to use a specific code to record this on eduPay.Step 2Update the payroll using the appropriate allowance code as per Step 1.For information on entering a fortnightly special payment, refer to the eduPay User Guide available on eduGate: Allowances.For information on entering a lump sum special payment (processed as a one-off payment) refer to the eduPay User Guide on eduGate: One-off Payments. Back to topLeave Purchase Allowance (education support class)An education support class employee who is paid the leave purchase allowance will have his or her additional paid leave reduced accordingly. The leave purchase allowance would normally be paid on a fortnightly basis when attendance requirements are regular and known in advance. The leave purchase allowance would normally be paid as a lump sum when attendance is expected to be six days or less in any one year or is likely to be intermittent. The leave purchase allowance can be paid as a lump sum in any other circumstances where agreed between the principal and the employee. Where an attendance requirement was specified in the advertised vacancy or where the Principal and employee have agreed to a regular attendance requirement, a leave purchase allowance should be entered as part of the hire/rehire process on eduPay (refer to the eduPay User Guide on eduGate: Allowances).Step 1Determine the requirement for the Leave Purchase Allowance to be paid, and whether it is to be paid fortnightly (regular) or lump sum (ad-hoc) and the required hours.Step 2For the Fortnightly (regular) allowance, enter the annual attendance hours using Element Assignment. An end date for the allowance is only required for fixed term employees. Enter the full-time equivalent hours the employee is to attend (eduPay will adjust for time fraction).Step 3Where Lump Sum (ad-hoc) allowance is to be paid, retrospectively amend any leave that has already been recorded during the relevant school vacation period to reflect the employee’s attendance during that vacation period. Refer to the Annual Leave page and associated Administration procedures on the HRWeb page: Annual LeaveFor the Lump Sum (ad-hoc) Allowance, enter the allowance using the Positive Input page. Enter the actual hours the employee has attended.An employee cannot be paid the Leave Purchase Allowance for more hours than they are scheduled to work during any given fortnight. For example, an employee who works 38 hours per fortnight cannot receive more than 38 hours Leave Purchase Allowance (Regular or Ad-hoc).An employee cannot be paid the Leave Purchase Allowance, fortnightly or lump sum, individually or in combination, for more than 30 days (228 hours) pro-rata by time fraction in a year.The Ad-Hoc Leave Purchase Allowance cannot be paid for more hours than there are available entitlements. See the Leave Administration procedures above for further information. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Back to topPre-service teacher practicum payments (teachers)Step 1Where a pre-service teacher practicum payment is to be made to a teacher, update the payroll, using the Positive Input code TEACHER PRAC. The start and end dates used on the payroll should be within the current pay fortnight (the start date and end date can be the same).First aid allowance (education support class)Step 1The principal determines the recipient/s and period of the allowance to be paidStep 2Update the payroll, using the code FIRSTAID. The percentage of duties performed field will always be 100%. The allowance end date must be the expiry date of the employee’s first aid certificate. The first aid allowance is automatically paid proportionate to the employee’s total time fraction. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Back to topIntensive Care Allowance (education support class)Step 1Upon commencement of an employee in this role, the principal advises them of their eligibility for an allowance and authorises payment.Step 2Update the payroll, using the code INTENSCARE. The percentage of duties performed field will always be 100%.The allowance is automatically paid proportionate to the employee’s total time fraction. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Back to topSpecial Schools Allowance (teachers and paraprofessionals)Step 1Upon commencement of an employee, the principal advises them of their eligibility for an allowance and authorises payment.Step 2Update the payroll, using the code SPECIAL SCH. The percentage of duties performed field will always be 100%.The Department’s payroll system will automatically pro-rata the allowance based on the employee’s total time fraction. HYPERLINK \l "_top" Back to topRemote schools allowance (teaching service)Step 1eduPay will determine eligibility based on the base school’s location and will automatically commence the Remote Schools allowance (no dependants) on appointment to the school.Step 2Determine if employee is eligible for Remote Schools allowance (with dependants). Step 3Where applicable, update eduPay with the code REMOTE DPNDT to add the “dependants” remote allowance.Back to top ................

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