Executive Committee GuidelinesWisconsin Farm Technology Days Revised 2015IntroductionIn cooperation with Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Inc., the County Board Agricultural and Extension Education Committee of a selected host county will provide the mechanism and leadership in selecting the host county Farm Technology Executive Committee. The county Extension agricultural agent will serve as executive secretary of the county Farm Technology Executive Committee. The General Manager of Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Inc. will represent Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Inc. in working with the county Farm Technology Executive Committee in the planning, development and operation of Wisconsin Farm Technology Days.Formation of Executive CommitteeThe formation of a sound, well balanced executive committee is crucial to the success of the show. The committee is typically comprised of 14-16 members. Since each of the executive committee members is usually assigned as a liaison to one of the show’s committees, an executive committee of this size allows a one-to-one pairing with committees. The Executive Committee is “officially” appointed by the host county Agriculture and Extension Education Committee (or its equivalent). It’s suggested that a slate of nominees be developed by the Agriculture Agent, and two or three other individuals such as another UWEX Office staff member, someone from a county ag agency such as FSA, Land Conservation or NRCS, or several long time and “well thought of” members of the county agricultural community. The slate of nominees is then presented to the local committee for approval. A few alternate nominees should be identified in the event that several individuals decline to serve.Potential Executive Committee members are personally contacted by the Executive Secretary and/or members of the selection committee who can explain the extent of the commitment and answer questions as needed.Characteristics of Executive Committee MembersExperienced working within community organizationsAbility to understand and appreciate diverse viewpointsAbility and willingness to delegate responsibility and authorityWell connected within the community on multiple levels (social, business, and governmental connections)Interested in the entire show – not just one facet of the showRepresent every geographic region of the countyRepresent a variety of areas of expertiseRepresent of variety of sectors - farm, agribusiness, governmental, etc.Represent a good cross section of age, race, gender, etc.Primary ResponsibilitiesThe Host County Farm Technology Executive Committee will meet to organize, select a chair, vice-chair and treasurer for Wisconsin Farm Technology Days. The committee will set meeting dates, develop a plan and timetable, set up procedures and policies, and identify what needs to be accomplished in preparation for holding Farm Technology Days in the county.Getting StartedIt’s suggested that the Executive Committee meet for the first time in June of the “selection year”. The first meeting could be chaired by the Executive Secretary or his/her designee. The first meeting should include a time for committee members to get acquainted, orientation and a time for questions and answers by the General Manager, a discussion of preferred monthly meeting dates and times, and a description of Executive Committee officer roles and responsibilities. The second executive committee meeting would include the election of chair, vice chair, and treasurer. One of the responsibilities of the Executive Committee is to choose a show theme and design a county logo. Although this is not required (the county could simply use the state logo) every county to date has created their own logo with the dates of the show and the show theme incorporated into the logo. WFTD policy dictates that the county logo design must incorporate the state logo but cannot cover up or obscure any part of the state logo. The official color of the logo is to be red (PMS – 185). All previous county logos can be viewed on the WFTD web site. The Executive Committee will select a farm(s) within the county to serve as a host for the show. Host Farm Selection ProcessThe process of advertising for a host farm typically begins in August and culminates with a tour of potential host farms by the entire executive committee in October. Others invited on this tour include WFTD General Manager, WFTD state board members, Individual from UW-Madison Biological Systems Engineering Dept. in charge of field demos.Considerations to be taken into account when selecting a host farm:* Location of the farm that will facilitate traffic into and out of the site* Availability of well-drained land for parking, tent city, and field demonstrations (tent city 70 acres, parking – 80 acres, field demonstrations 200-250 acres) * Quality of farming operation (will the host farm attract visitors?) * Ability and willingness of host farmer to work with Executive Committee over a period of 3-plus years in preparation for the show *Acceptance and involvement of the farm family in the community Host Farm PublicityUpon the selection of a host farm, show dates are established and a media day held to announce the host farm and show dates. The county Farm Technology Executive Committee appoints committee chairs, holds orientation session with committee chairs and provides leadership, supervision and guidance relative to committee activities and planning relating to Farm Technology Days activity.Executive Committee Members Function as Committee LiaisonsPrior to the selection of committee chairs, Executive Committee members should each align themselves with a committee as a liaison between the committee and the Executive Committee. Executive Committee members may have suggestions for individuals to chair the committee they will be involved mittee Chair SelectionThe selection of committee chairs is perhaps the most important action of the Executive Committee. The selection of chairs that combine leadership ability with a basic understanding of the roles and responsibilities of their respective committee is crucial to the success of the show. The process of selecting chairs typically begins with a slate of nominations developed by the officers of the Executive Committee. Nominations are vetted and modified by the entire Executive Committee. Some counties appoint a single chair for each committee, some appoint co-chairs, and other appoint a chair for each committee and allow them to choose their own co-chair. Potential chairs are contacted by the Executive Secretary. The process of selecting, contacting, and in some cases indentifying new candidates in the cases of individuals who decline to serve, may take up to two months. This process should be completed by February or March of the year following selection. Typical CommitteesHospitalityField DemonstrationsCommunications & PublicityTrafficFoodParkingFamily LivingUtilitiesYouthSignsGroundsAdmissionsTent City EducationEquineInnovation Square Fund RaisingDuring this same period of time, Executive Committee Members should be aligning themselves with the various committees as liaisons between each standing committee and the Executive Committee. The role of the liaison is to keep committees apprised of decisions made by the Executive Committee that will impact their work and to also serve as a conduit of information between committees. It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to orient and provide for the training of committee chairs. The Executive Committee typically hold “all committee nights” starting 6-8 months prior to the show. The purpose of the meeting is to give chairs an opportunity to learn what is happening in other committees that will impact their plans and activities. It also gives the chairs an opportunity to get to know each other and develop working relationships. The county Farm Technology Executive Committee will work closely with the Executive Secretary and General Manager of Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Inc. and the local county Extension staff.Leadership Development as a Primary GoalOne of the primary goals of WFTD is to foster leadership development within the host county. The Executive Committee working with the individuals named above need keep that goal foremost throughout the planning and implementation phases of the show.The county Farm Technology Executive Committee in conjunction with the Marketing Coordinator is responsible for exhibitor sign-up at the show prior to the year the show will be held in the county. Final exhibitor sign-up is the responsibility of the Marketing Coordinator.Role of Commercial Exhibits CoordinatorWhile the Commercial Exhibits Coordinator has the primary responsibility for all functions relating to show exhibitors, the Executive Committee, with intimate knowledge of the county, can assist in recruiting “local” exhibitors by providing a list of potential exhibitors to the Commercial Exhibits Coordinator and in some cases even making recruiting contacts. Anna Maenner, ACM Inc., located in Waterloo, Wisconsin currently serves as the Commercial Exhibits Coordinator. 7.The host county Executive Committee will establish Farm Technology Days committee budgets and maintain an accounting system for financial transactions relating to Farm Technology Days. Financial ManagementThe Executive Committee and each of the standing committees should develop a budget that will help to guide their activities. Budgets and actual income and expenses from previous year’s shows are available to assist in this process. Budgets should be established at least 18 months prior to the show. WFTD Inc. provides the treasurer and individual appointed to accounting with a standard template of accounts to be used in conjunction with QuickBooks to record all income and expenses related to the show. The treasurer normally provides a financial report at each Executive Committee meeting. 8.The host county Executive Committee pays expenses associated with planning and holding the show.Refer to Wisconsin Farm Technology Days “Timeline,” “Host County-Wisconsin Farm Technology Day Inc. Contract”, and “Guidelines for Treasurers” for dates of scheduled payments to providers of tents, insurance, electrical contractor, etc. 9. The Executive Committee in cooperation with Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Inc. General Manager establishes all policies/procedures regulating the role and responsibilities of volunteers and staff. WFTD Inc. has developed a list of policies which provide for uniformity and consistency from one year to the next. Each county needs to adapt similar policies which will help committee chairs understand the parameters under which they need to work. Many of the county guidelines will help establish protocols for financial transactions. Policies and guidelines need to be established by May 1 the year after selection. 10. The Executive Committee provides guidance and leadership to overall development of the show and to volunteer workers involved with Wisconsin Farm Technology Days.11. Provide all tents and trailers listed below. (All commercial exhibitors except those renting booths in the agri-business tents are responsible for securing their own tents). The host county pays for all tents, chairs, tables, and table skirting set up on the grounds except the tents that are ordered and paid for by commercial exhibitors. The tents the host county pays for include: * All food tents (which the county may require the non-profit groups to reimburse out of their profits) *Farm Progress Pavilion *Agribusiness Tents *Applied Technology Center *Field Demo Tent (if needed) *Admissions Tents *Conservation Tent *Information Tents *Youth Tent *Heritage Tractor Tent *Family Living Tent *All tents associated with Innovation Square 12. Additional details relating to the responsibilities of the Executive Committee are found in In the contract between the Executive Committee and Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Inc. ................

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