Group 2 Plan (00033545).DOC

The Finance Committee offers the following Substitute to File No. 2017-665:

Introduced by Council President at the Request of the Mayor:

ORDINANCE 2017-665

AN ORDINANCE related to city of jacksonville fees; Repealing Section 123.102 (Fees Established), Chapter 123 (Public Fees), Ordinance Code, in its entirety; CREATING a new Section 123.102 (Fees Established), Chapter 123 (Public Fees), Ordinance Code; Amending the following sections and chapters of the ordinance code to remove fee amounts and provide for an online webpage address: Section 37.111 (Schedule of Fees), Chapter 37 (Office of the Sheriff); Chapter 92 (Uniform Community Development Districts); Section 104.305 (Application for issuance of bonds; fees), Chapter 104 (Bonds); Chapter 122 (Public Property); Section 124.108 (Maps, plats, manuals, books and real estate records), Chapter 124 (Public Records); Chapter 150 (Adult Entertainment and Services Code), Part 2 (Administration); Chapter 151 (Dancing Entertainment Establishment Code), Part 2 (Administration); Chapter 158 (Emergency and Nonemergency Medical Transportation Services); Chapter 177 (Business Security); Chapter 179 (Mortgage Foreclosure Registration); Section 191.104 (Permit application), Part 1 (Special Events), Chapter 191 (Special Events and A. Philip Randolph Entertainment District); Chapter 220 (Vehicles for Hire); Section 230.102 (Wreckers required to register with Sheriff), Chapter 230 (Wreckers); Chapter 250 (Miscellaneous Business Regulations); Section 260.201 (License), Chapter 260 (Disposal of Waste Tires); Chapter 307 (Historic Preservation and Protection); Part 4 (Permits), Chapter 320 (General Provisions), Title VIII (Construction Regulations and Building Codes); Chapter 342 (Construction Trades Regulations); Section 368.109 (Special Noise Standards for Special Events at Metropolitan Park), Chapter 368 (Noise Control); Chapter 380 (Solid Waste Management); Chapter 462 (Animals); Section 482.106 (Clerk to record claim of lien), Chapter 482 (Hospital Liens); Chapter 518 (Jacksonville Property Safety and Maintenance Code); Section 650.413 (Schedule of Fees), Chapter 650 (Comprehensive Planning for Future Development); Chapter 655 (Concurrency and Mobility Management System); Chapter 656 (Zoning Code); Section 667.109 (Fees and Charges), Chapter 667 (Park Vending); Section 685.103 (Registration fee), Chapter 685 (Sexual Offender and Sexual Predator Regulation); Chapter 692 (Bingo), Part 2 (Administration); Section 714.106 (Initiation of neighborhood assessment program), Chapter 714 (Neighborhood Assessment Programs); Section 744.101 (Acceptance and naming of new streets; right-of-way requirements; changing names; construction inspection service fees), Chapter 744 (Street Construction Regulations); Section 745.232 (Appeals), Chapter 745 (Addressing and Street Naming Regulations); Section 754.106 (Authority for service charges, and for the levy, collection, payment and enforcement thereof), Chapter 754 (Stormwater Management Utility Code); Chapter 770 (County Business Tax); Chapter 772 (Municipal Business Tax); Section 796.103 (User fee imposed), Chapter 796 (User Fees); Chapter 802 (Public Parking); 804 (Jacksonville Traffic Code); Repealing and Reserving Part 5 (Recreational Excavations), Chapter 664 (Parks and Recreational Areas, Facilities and Activities), Ordinance code; Amending Chapter 630 (General Provisions; Limitations), Subtitle A (Offenses), Title XVI (Judicial Code), Ordinance Code, to repeal, reserve and provide for an editor’s note for Sections 630.101 (Service charge for civil actions, suits or proceedings—Legal aid program for Duval County), 630.102 (Same—Facilities for courts in Duval County), 630.103 (Additional service charge established and filing fees allotted), and 630.104 (Service charges for mediation and arbitration); providing for a current list of City of Jacksonville fees for historical and informational purposes only; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.

BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Jacksonville:

Section 1. Amending Section 37.111 (Schedule of Fees), Chapter 37 (Office of the Sheriff), Ordinance Code. Section 37.111, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 37. Office of the sheriff

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Sec. 37.111. – Schedule of Fees.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following Jacksonville Sheriff’s webpage:

The Office of the Sheriff shall charge the following fees:

(a) The costs of production, inspection, and/or duplication of records or documents requested by the public shall be collected by the Sheriff, consistent with the manner and amounts authorized by Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.

(b) Reserved.

(c) The Sheriff is authorized to collect a daily fee at the rate of $54 a day from each prisoner who is sentenced to serve his time on a part-time basis and who volunteers in the alternative to participate in the community restitution program.

(d) The Office of Sheriff-Correction's Division shall charge the following fees:

(1) Inmate Medical Co-Pay at the Pre-Trial Detention Facility:

(i)  Sick Visit ..... $5

(ii)  Emergency Visit ..... 10

(2) Inmate Dental Visit ..... 5

(3) Inmate Prescription ..... 5

(4) Inmate Subsistence Fee (per day) ..... 2

(5) Notary Services ..... 5

Section 2. Amending Chapter 92 (Uniform Community Development Districts), Ordinance Code. Chapter 92, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 92. Uniform Community Development Districts

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Sec. 92.06. - Local Petition filing fees.

Local Petitions filed seeking to establish a CDD shall be accompanied by a $15,000 filing fee and other Local Petitions shall be accompanied by a $1,500 filing fee found in fees. The City may decline to accept the filing of a Local Petition that is not accompanied by the requisite fees.

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Sec. 92.15. - Consent requests.

Consent Requests may be made by Local or State Petition, but are not effective until made or adopted by formal resolution of a CDD's governing board of supervisors and filed with Counsel Council together with a fee in the amount of $1,500 as found in fees, which resolution shall become a part of the Consent Request.

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Section 3. Amending Section 104.305 (Application for issuance of bonds; fees), Chapter 104 (Bonds), Ordinance Code. Section 104.305, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 104. Bonds

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Sec. 104.305. - Application for issuance of bonds; fee.

Application for the issuance of bonds pursuant to this Part shall be made in writing by the applicant to the Economic Development Officer and shall include the following information:

(a)  The applicant's name, its parent company's name, the names of the principal operating officers, business address and telephone number.

(b)  A description of the applicant, its history and operations, including the state(s) of incorporation.

(c)  A description of the proposed project, including its function.

(d)  A specific amount (in U.S. dollars) of the proposed industrial development revenue bonds and a statement by the applicant as to the allocation pool (state or County) from which the bonds are requested to be allocated.

(e)  A detailed schedule of the intended use of the bond proceeds with regard to land acquisition, renovation, construction, engineering and architectural fees, machinery and equipment and legal and financial fees.

(f)  A statement indicating the applicant's estimate of company performance as a result of new investment made possible by industrial development revenue bonds, including the number of new employment positions to be created. This statement shall include a listing of the types of new jobs to be created, including job title of the personnel to be hired, if known.

(g)  A statement indicating the proposed security for the bonds.

(h)  A statement as to the project's compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws, to the effect that interest on the bonds will be exempt from federal income taxation, together with an opinion of the applicant's legal counsel as to the project's compliance with all other applicable laws and regulations. This opinion shall also note under which definition of project in the Florida Industrial Development Financing Act the proposed project intends to qualify and shall contain statements as to whether the project is subject to the state allocation cap, whether the project qualifies as a priority project, and whether the project requires or would be eligible for carryforward consideration.

(i)  The economic and environmental impact of the project upon Duval County and the municipality, if any, in which the project is to be located, together with letters from the appropriate authorities giving evidence of the availability of all necessary utilities and other required public services.

(j)  Independently audited or reviewed financial statements for the applicant for the preceding three years or for such other period as may be required and a schedule of principal repayments of long-term liabilities for such period. In the event of a new company, a letter of commitment from a recognized bank and/or underwriter may be accepted in lieu of the financial statements or in the event the applicant is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a parent company, and no separate financial data is available for such subsidiary, the consolidated financial statements of the parent company may be accepted. All applications submitted shall include that financial information required by and in the detail specified in F.S. § 159.29(2).

(k)  The names and addresses of the attorney and certified public accountant who presently represent the applicant.

(l)  A statement as to the applicant's intent to go, or not to go, through validation proceedings as permitted by the Council, which statement shall also be included in all legal documents pertaining to the issue.

(m)  Copies of all proposed documents which will be utilized in connection with the sale of the bonds, which may be submitted after preliminary approval by the Issuer.

(n)  A draft of the resolution to be considered by the Issuer.

(o)  A draft of the resolution to be considered by the Council giving elected official approval of the bonds in a form approved by the Office of General Counsel.

(p) Application fee. The amount of the fee is found in fees.

The application shall be accompanied by payment to the Issuer of a nonrefundable application fee in the amount of $15,000. Applicants shall pay to the Issuer at closing an issuance fee of 0.25 percent of the principal amount of the bond issue, provided that with respect to an applicant that is a not-for-profit organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, (i) the issuance fee to be paid by such applicant shall not exceed $25,000 and (ii) to the extent that such applicant (including for this purpose affiliates of such applicant that are obligated to repay such bond issue) demonstrates that such applicant is a health care provider that provides indigent patient health care to residents of the City, an amount equal to one-sixth of the amount of such indigent patient health care provided during such applicant's most recent fiscal year for which audited financial statements are available shall be taken as a credit against the issuance fee. All applicants shall also pay at closing all fees charged by the Issuer's special review counsel for its review of the bond documents and representation of the Issuer. As provided in Section 490.108, Ordinance Code, the provisions of this Section 104.305, Ordinance Code, relating to the amount of the application fee, issuance fee and special review counsel fee, shall apply to all bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 490 (Jacksonville Health Facilities Authority), Ordinance Code, in the manner provided in Section 490.108, Ordinance Code. Should inordinate costs occur to the City in the review of the application, such as travel, express mailing or other such extended review costs, the applicant shall be responsible for reimbursement or payment of these costs. Both the application fee and the issuance fee shall be deposited into the City's Countywide Economic Development Fund. If it is intended that interest on the industrial development revenue bonds be excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, then the sum of the application fee and the issuance fee shall be reduced, if necessary, to the maximum fee permitted by applicable federal income tax laws and regulations, as advised by bond counsel for the issue.

Section 4. Amending Chapter 122 (Public Property), Ordinance Code. Chapter 122, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 122. Public property

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Sec. 122.202. - Parking rates at municipal parking lots.

a) The Economic Development Officer shall develop hourly, monthly and special event rates for each municipal parking lot facility managed by the Office of Public Parking as found in fees. Rates shall be designed (1) to be competitive with similar private facilities, (2) to provide for the most efficient use of facilities, and (3) to achieve other economic development and downtown revitalization goals as determined by the Office of Economic Development. The Economic Development Officer shall present any proposed rates for downtown, as defined in Part 3, Chapter 55, to the Downtown Investment Authority Board for review and for the Downtown Investment Authority Board to make an advisory recommendation with respect to such rates. The Economic Development Officer shall file the rate schedule and any subsequent change to the rate schedule with the Council Secretary and the Council Auditor and emailed to each Council Member, and such rates shall become effective 30 days after such filing, unless and until the Council enacts an ordinance to the contrary.

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Sec. 122.451. - Communication tower and antenna lease.

An application for a lease of City property for the erection of a communication tower or antenna shall be filed with the Real Estate Division and shall be accompanied by payment to the Real Estate Division of a $1,000 an application fee as found in fees. The Chief of the Real Estate Division is authorized and directed to establish:

(a) A lease application form for requesting permission to install communication towers and antennas;

(b) The information and documents required to be submitted to the City by applicants for leases.

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Section 5. Repealing Section 123.102 (Fees Established), Ordinance Code, in its entirety.

Section 123.102 (Fees Established), Ordinance Code, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1, is hereby repealed.

Section 6. Creating a new Section 123.102 (Fees Established), Chapter 123 (Public Fees), Ordinance Code. Section 123.102, Ordinance Code, is hereby created to read as follows:

CHAPTER 123. Public Fees

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Sec. 123.102. Fees Established.

Fees established for the Departments listed below are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provisions found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code. An updated fee schedule shall be maintained electronically and can be accessed at the electronic address noted below. A schedule of fees can be reviewed during business hours in the Finance and Administration Department.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

Downtown Investment Authority

1. New Construction (Section 656.361.9)

2. Downtown Sidewalk Vendors

3. Downtown Cafe Permits

4. Commercial Surface Parking Lots

5. Office of Public Parking

Finance Department

Fleet Management Division Motor Vehicle Inspection

Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department

1. Fire and Rescue Ambulance/Report Fees

2. Fire and Rescue Plan Reviews Fees

3. Fire and Rescue Inspections

4. Place of Assembly Fees

5. Marine Permits

Neighborhoods Department

Animal Care & Protective Services

Mosquito Control

Environmental Quality Division

1. Well Permit Type

2. EPB

3. Water Quality

4. Waste Water

5. Water Maintenance Inspection

6. Air Pollution Sources

Municipal Code Compliance Division

Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department

Senior Services Division

Recreation and Community Programming Division

1. Cecil Field

2. Legends Center

3. Tennis Courts

Natural and Marine Resource Division

1. Metropolitan Park Marina

2. Sisters Creek Marina

Huguenot Park

Hanna Park

County Extension Office

1. Canning Center

Planning Department

1. Construction in Right-of Way

2. Plat Review

3. Certificates of Appropriateness (COA)

4. Land Use Amendments - Small Scale

5. Land Use Amendments - Large Scale

6. Development Regional Impact - Related (DRI)

7. DRI Reviews

8. Conventional Rezonings

9. Planned Unit Development (PUD)

10. Zoning Counter

11. Review Group

12. Subdivision Infrastructure Inspection

13. Zoning & Rezoning Interpretations

14. Administrative Deviations

15. Cell Towers

16. Plans Examining Fee

17. Concurrency Management

18. CRC not preceded by CCAS

19. CRC preceded by CCAS

20. Application for Development Agreement

21. VPAC

22. Historic Preservation and Protection

Building Inspection Division

1. New buildings

2. Foundation only

3. New construction other than buildings

4. Alterations

5. Window/door replacement

6. Moving buildings

7. Roofing

8. Swimming Pools

9. Demolition of buildings

10. Demolition of structures other than buildings

11. Sign Erections

12. Site clearing with protected trees

13. Site clearing without protected trees

14. Removal or relocation of private protected trees

Electrical Permit Fees

Plumbing Permit Fees

Mechanical Permit Fees

Miscellaneous permit fees

Public Works Department

Engineering and Construction Management

Traffic Engineering Fees

Real Estate Division

Solid Waste Division

Sports and Entertainment

1. Ritz Theatre and Museum

2. Permit Application

Section 7. Amending Section 124.108 (Maps, plats, manuals, books and real estate records), Chapter 124 (Public Records), Ordinance Code. Section 124.108, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 124. Public Records

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Sec. 124.108. - Maps, plats, manuals, books and real estate records.

The Director of Public Works shall charge and collect the charges fees listed below for the indicated real estate documents. The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

|(a) |Plats |$5 for each page |

|(b) |Maps |2.50 for each page |

|(c) |Land Development Procedures Manual |50.00 per manual |

|(d) |City Standard Detail Manual |40.00 per manual |

|(e) |City Standard Specifications Manual |80.00 per manual |

|(f) |Street Code Listing Book |15.00 |

|(g) |Other real estate documents 8½ × 11 or smaller |$1 for each page |

|(h) |Other real estate documents larger than 8½ × 11 |2.50 for each page |

These documents shall be reproduced on paper for the above stated charges. Reproduction on Van Dyke (Sepia) shall be an additional $1 for each page and reproduction on cloth shall be an additional $2 for each page. Funds collected shall be accounted for and paid over to the Tax Collector daily for deposit into the General Fund. The fees contained within this Section are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code.

Section 8. Amending Chapter 150 (Adult Entertainment and Services Code), Part 2 (Administration), Ordinance Code. Chapter 150, Part 2, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 150. Adult entertainment and SErvices code.

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Sec. 150.205. - License application; application fee.

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(b) Each application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $500 as found in fees, or by a receipt of the Tax Collector evidencing payment of the fee, at the time the application is filed.

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Sec. 150.213. - Licensee moving to new location; changing name of business.

(a) A licensee may move his licensed premises to a new location and operate at the new location upon approval, by the Sheriff, of the licensee's application for the change of location. The licensee shall submit to the Sheriff an application for the change of location, accompanied by an application fee of $100 as found in fees, or by a receipt of the Tax Collector evidencing payment of this fee, at the time the application is filed. The application shall be identical to the application for new licenses. If more than one license has been issued to the regulated premises at the old location, the licensee shall state in his application for the change or location which of the licenses is being moved to the proposed new location. Upon approval of the application, there shall be issued to the licensee a license for the new location without the payment of any further fee.

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Sec. 150.215. - License fee.

(a)An annual license fee of $400 as found in fees, is hereby levied on each of the licenses required under this Chapter.

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Section 9. Amending Chapter 151 (Dancing Entertainment Establishment Code), Part 2 (Administration), Ordinance Code. Chapter 151, Part 2, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 151. Dancing Entertainment Establishment Code.

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Sec. 151.204. - Dancing entertainment establishment license.

(a) A person desiring to engage in the business of operating a dancing entertainment establishment shall file with the Sheriff a sworn application on forms supplied by the Sheriff. The application shall contain at least the following information and be accompanied by the following documents:

(1)  If the applicant is:

(i)  An individual, his name.

(ii) A partnership, the full name of the partnership and the name of the managing partner and the names of all other partners, whether general or limited, accompanied by the partnership instrument or a certified copy thereof.

(iii) A corporation, the exact corporate name and state of incorporation and the name of the chief executive officer and the names of all other officers, and directors, accompanied by the articles of incorporation and all amendments thereto and the certificate of incorporation, or certified copies thereof.

(2) If the business is to be conducted under another name than that of the applicant, the business name and the county of registration under F.S. § 865.09.

(3) Whether any of the individuals listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or whether the applicant has had a license under this Chapter or Chapter 150 previously revoked or has been a partner in a partnership or an officer, director or principal stockholder of a corporation whose license under this Chapter or Chapter 150 has previously been revoked.

(4) Whether any of the individuals listed pursuant to paragraph (1) has, within the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of the application, been convicted of a specified criminal act and, if so, the particular criminal act involved and the place of conviction. Conviction includes a plea of guilty, a plea of no contest, or withhold of adjudication of guilt upon being charged with a violation.

(5)  The proposed location of the business.

(6) Whether the applicant holds another license under this Chapter or Chapter 150 and, if so, the number and location of the licensed premises.

(7) A plan drawn to appropriate scale of the proposed licensed premises indicating all windows, doors, rooms, entrances and exits and the fixed structural features of the proposed licensed premises. The term fixed structural features shall include walls, immovable partitions, admission booths, concession booths or stands, immovable counters and similar structures that are intended to be permanent.

(8) Such other identification and information necessary to discover the truth of the matters hereinbefore specified as required to be set forth in the application. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny to the Sheriff the right to take the fingerprints and additional photographs of the applicant, officers, directors, or partners, nor shall anything contained herein be construed to deny the right of the Sheriff to confirm, by independent investigation, the truth and accuracy of the above information.

(9) Proof of proper zoning from the Planning and Development Department.

(10)Each application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $500.00 as found in fees, or by a receipt of the Tax Collector evidencing payment of the fee, at the time the application is filed. If the application for a license is approved and a license is issued, half of the application fee shall be applied as a credit towards the annual license fee required for the first year pursuant to Section 151.212.

(b) Within five days of receiving an application, the Sheriff shall determine whether the application is complete and shall either notify the applicant that the application is complete or identify to the applicant which information or materials must still be received in order for the application to be deemed complete.

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Sec. 151.211. - Licensee moving to new location; changing name of business.

(a)  A licensee may move his licensed premises to a new location and operate at the new location upon approval, by the Sheriff, of the licensee's application for the change of location. The licensee shall submit to the Sheriff an application for the change of location, accompanied by an application fee of $100 as found in fees, or by a receipt of the Tax Collector evidencing payment of this fee, at the time the application is filed. The application shall be identical to the application for new licenses. Upon approval of the application, there shall be issued to the licensee a license for the new location without the payment of any further fee.

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Sec. 151.212. - License fee.

(a) An annual license fee of $400 as found in fees, is hereby levied on each of the licenses required under this Chapter.

(b)  License fees collected under this Chapter are fees paid for the purpose of examination and inspection of licensed premises under this Chapter and are declared to be regulatory fees in addition to and not in lieu of the occupational license taxes imposed by Chapters 770 and 772. The payment of a license fee under this Chapter shall not relieve any licensee or other person of liability for and the responsibility of paying an occupational license tax where it is required by Chapters 770 and 772, and for doing such acts and providing such information as may be required by those Chapters.

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Section 10. Amending Chapter 158 (Emergency and Nonemergency Medical Transportation Services), Ordinance Code. Chapter 158 (Emergency and Nonemergency Medical Transportation Services), Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 158. Emergency and Nonemergency Medical Transportation Services

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PART 2. Emergency Medical transportation services

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Sec. 158.204. - Application; contents; fee.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

a) Every person owning or acting as an agent for the owner of any emergency medical transportation service shall submit a written application to the Director along with a filing fee of $2,000 to obtain a certificate. If the certificate is not issued the applicant shall receive a refund as noted in refund of fees of $1,000.

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Sec. 158.309. - Release of emergency medical reports.

(a)  The Director/Fire Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department or his designee is declared to be the custodian of the emergency medical reports of the Fire and Rescue Department. Emergency medical reports shall be released by the Fire and Rescue Department in accordance with the following procedures:

(1)  The entire emergency medical report shall be released to a requesting party who presents an authorization for the inspection and release of the emergency medical report to the Fire and Rescue Department signed by the patient, the patient's parents, the patient's legal guardian or the patient's physician and makes a payment of a $3 research fee per report and a $5 copy fee per copy.

Emergency medical reports shall be released in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule to a requesting and legally authorized party who present a request and valid authorization to the Fire and Rescue Department for the inspection and release of the emergency medical report and who make a payment of a research and copy fee per report, as found in fees. The request for an emergency medical report must be signed by the patient or a person legally authorized to act on behalf of the patient, such as the patient’s parents, legal guardian, attorney, etc.

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Section 11. Amending Chapter 177 (Business Security), Ordinance Code. Chapter 177, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 177. Business security

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Sec. 177.301. - Security measures for grocery stores and restaurants.

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(b)Every grocery store and restaurant shall be equipped with a silent alarm to a private security agency, unless application for an exemption, from this requirement, is made to and granted by the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office. An application for exemption must be in writing and must be accompanied by an administrative fee of $25 as found in fees, for each establishment for which an exemption would apply. The Sheriff shall review and determine whether to grant said exemption.

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(d) For purposes of this part, any grocery store or restaurant that by this ordinance has implemented any of the security measures set forth in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) and has maintained said measures without any occurrence or incidence of the crimes identified by subsection (c) for a period of at least twenty-four months immediately preceding the filing of a notice of exemption, may file with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office a notice of exemption from these enhanced security measures specified in subsection (c). An application for exemption must be in writing and must be accompanied by an administrative fee of twenty-five dollars as found in fees, for each establishment for which an exemption would apply. The Sheriff shall review and determine whether to grant said exemption. This exemption will cease to apply upon any occurrence or incidence of the crimes identified by subsection (c) above, until another twenty-four months pass without incident of the crimes noted in (c) above.


Sec. 177.401. - Bank security.

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(b) For purposes of this Part, any bank may file with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office a notice of exemption from the video or other type of camera security measures specified in subsection (a) above. An application for exemption must be in writing and must be accompanied by an administrative fee of $25 as found in fees, for each establishment for which an exemption would apply. The Sheriff shall review and determine whether to grant said exemption. This exemption will cease to apply upon any occurrence or incidence of the crimes identified in 177.301(c) until another 24 months pass without incident of the crimes noted in 177.301(c).

Section 12. Amending Chapter 179 (Mortgage Foreclosure Registration), Ordinance Code. Chapter 179, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 179. Mortgage foreclosure registration

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Sec. 179.104. - Inspection and registration of foreclosed real property by mortgagee holding mortgages in default.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

(a) Any mortgagee who holds a mortgage on real property located within the City of Jacksonville shall perform an inspection of the property upon default by the mortgagor or prior to the issuance of a notice of default.

(b) Property inspected pursuant to subsection (a) above that remains in default, shall be inspected every 30 days by the mortgagee or mortgagee's designee.

(c) Within ten days of the date any mortgagee declares its mortgage to be in default, the mortgagee shall register the real property with the City of Jacksonville's Housing & Community Development Division, or its designee, on forms promulgated by the Housing & Community Development Division, or other manner as directed, and, at the time of registration, indicate whether the property is vacant, shows evidence of vacancy or is occupied, and shall designate in writing a Local Agent to inspect, maintain and secure the real property subject to the mortgage in default. A separate registration is required for each property, whether it is found to be vacant or occupied.

(d) Registration pursuant to this section shall contain at a minimum the name of the mortgagee, the mailing address of the mortgagee, e-mail address, telephone number, and name of the Local Agent and said person's address, e-mail address, and telephone number. The Local Agent shall be responsible to inspect, secure and maintain the property. The Local Agent named in the registration shall be located within 20 miles of the City of Jacksonville and available to be contacted by the City, Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., legal holidays excepted.

(e) At the time of registration each registrant shall pay a non-refundable annual registration fee of $250 for each registration. Subsequent annual registrations and fees in the amount of $250 are due within 30 days of the expiration of the previous registration. Said fees shall be used to offset the costs of (1) registration and registration enforcement, (2) code enforcement and mitigation related to blighted and deteriorating foreclosed properties that were owner-occupied, (3) post-closing counseling and foreclosure intervention limited to owner-occupied persons in default, which may include cash and mortgage modification assistance, and (4) may be used for any related purposes as may be adopted in the policy set forth in Section 179.110 below. Said fees shall be deposited to a special account in the Housing & Community Development Division dedicated to the cost of implementation and enforcement of this ordinance, combatting blight in affected neighborhoods consistent with the policy adopted by the Housing & Community Development Division in Section 179.110, and any registries so required. None of the funds provided for in this section shall be utilized for the legal defense of foreclosure actions.

(f) Beginning on July 1, 2015, each individual property on the registry that has been registered for 12 months or more prior to that date shall have 30 days to renew the registration and pay the $250 annual renewal fee. The anniversary date for annual renewal of registration for these properties shall be deemed to be July 1 each subsequent year. Properties registered less than 12 months prior to July 1, 2015 shall use the date of initial registration as their annual renewal date and shall pay the fee $250 annual renewal date on the anniversary of the initial registration each subsequent year.

(g) If the defaulted mortgage and/or servicing on a property is sold or transferred, the new mortgagee is subject to all the terms of this Chapter. Within ten days of the transfer, the new mortgagee shall register the property or update the existing registration and pay a registration update fee of $50. Any and all previous unpaid fees, regardless of who the mortgagee was at the time of registration was required, including but not limited to unregistered periods during the foreclosure process shall be the responsibility of the new mortgagee and are due and payable with the updated registration.

(h) If the mortgagee of a foreclosed real property sells or transfers the property in a non-arm's length transaction to a related entity or person, the transferee is subject to all the terms of this Chapter, and within ten days of the transfer the transferee shall register the property or update the existing registration and pay a registration update fee of $50. Any and all previous unpaid fees, regardless of who the mortgagee was at the time registration was required, including but not limited to unregistered periods during the foreclosure process, are the responsibility of the new owner of the foreclosed property and are due and payable with the updated registration.

(i) If the property is not registered and the registration fee is not paid within 30 days of when the registration is required pursuant to this section, a late fee of $50 per property shall be charged and shall be due and payable with the registration. This section shall apply to the initial registration and registrations required by subsequent owners of the defaulted mortgage and/or foreclosed property. Each period where the registration fee is late shall be assessed a late charge of $50. Registrations delinquent greater than 30 days are subject to additional fines as described by Section 179.106(g) herein.

(j) This section shall also apply to properties that have been the subject of a foreclosure sale where title is transferred to the mortgagee as well as any properties transferred to the mortgagee under a deed in lieu of foreclosure or by any other legal means.

(k) Properties subject to this section shall remain subject to the annual registration requirement, and the inspection, security, and maintenance standards of this section as long as the mortgage is under foreclosure or in default.

(l) Failure of the mortgagee and/or property owner of record to properly register or to modify the registration from time to time to reflect a change of circumstances as required by this ordinance is a violation of this chapter and shall be subject to enforcement by any of the enforcement means available to the City of Jacksonville.

(m) Pursuant to any judicial finding and determination that any property is in violation of this chapter the City may take the necessary action to ensure compliance with and place a lien on the property for the cost of the work performed to benefit the property and to bring it into compliance.

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Sec. 179.107. - Additional authority.

(a) If an appropriate City Code Enforcement Administrator has reason to believe that a property subject to the provisions of this Chapter is posing a serious threat to the public health safety and welfare, the Code Enforcement Administrator may bring the violations before the City's Code Enforcement Board or Code Enforcement Special Magistrate, or a court of competent jurisdiction as soon as possible to address the conditions of the property.

(b) If there is a finding that the condition of the property is posing a serious threat to the public health safety and welfare, then the Code Enforcement Board or Code Enforcement Special Magistrate or a court of competent jurisdiction may direct the City to abate the violations and charge the mortgagee with the cost of abatement.

(c) If the mortgagee does not reimburse the City for the cost of abatement within 30 days of the City sending the mortgagee the invoice, then the City may lien the property with the cost of abatement, along with an administrative fee of $500 as found in

fees, to recover the administrative personnel services.

Section 13. Amending Section 191.104 (Permit application), Part 1 (Special Events), Chapter 191 (Special Events and A. Philip Randolph Entertainment District), Ordinance Code. Section 191.104, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 191. Special Events and A. Philip Randolph Entertainment District

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Sec. 191.104. – Permit Application.

(a) All Applicants shall submit an application for a Permit to the Chief at least 90 days, and, unless in the best interest of the City as determined by the Chief, no more than 365 days, prior to the date of commencement of the special event. Subject to event application deadlines established by other approving authorities, including but not limited to the National Park Service, United States Coast Guard, and the Florida Department of Transportation, the 90-day and 365-day requirements may be waived with the approval of all of the following officials or their designees: the Chief Administrative Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Director of Sports and Entertainment, and the Sheriff. The application shall contain information as to the estimated attendance at the special event (including, if applicable, attendance totals from the preceding two years), and the time and place of the special event.

(b) To ensure that the public health, welfare and safety are protected, Applicants shall provide for compliance with all City plumbing and electrical code requirements; sanitation and sewage disposal facilities, as provided in Section 191.117; police services for security, crowd and traffic control as provided in Sections 191.113 and 191.115; fire rescue personnel for EMS coverage as provided in Sections 191.113 and 191.114, and insurance and indemnification as provided in Sections 191.105 and 191.106; and if the event will be held during hours of darkness, lighting complying with lighting standards prescribed in this Ordinance Code for streets and public property.

(c) Each Applicant shall submit a non-refundable application fee with the initial application, to help defray the City's cost of processing the application and coordinating the relevant City services and personnel. The fee for any proposed special event shall be as found in fees, and shall not $100 for the first calendar day, plus $50 for each whole or partial subsequent calendar day, not to exceed a maximum amount of $200.

Section 14. Amending Chapter 220 (Vehicles for Hire), Ordinance Code. Chapter 220, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 220. vehicles for hire

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Sec. 220.202. - Application for initial grant of permits and issuance of medallions.

(a) A person desiring to operate a vehicle for hire, who has not previously filed an application and received a medallion to operate a vehicle for hire in the City, shall file with the Director an application for the grant of (i) at least five permits for taxicab and shuttle applications; and (ii) at least one permit for all other vehicles for hire. The application shall contain the information deemed necessary by the Director but shall provide at least the following information:

(1)  If the applicant is:

(i)   An individual, his name and business address.

(ii) A partnership, the full name of the partnership and the names of all the partners, whether general or limited, accompanied by the partnership instrument or a certified copy thereof, and the business address of the partnership.

(iii) A corporation, the exact corporate name and state of incorporation and the names of all the officers, directors and stockholders owning ten percent or more of the outstanding voting stock, accompanied by the articles of incorporation and all amendments thereto and the certificate of incorporation, or certified copies thereof, and the business address of the corporation.

(iv) A limited liability corporation, the full name of the limited liability corporation, mailing and street address, the name and address of the registered agent, the name and address of the authorized representative, and the name of all members owning ten percent or more membership interest, a list of the names and addresses of all members and managing members and other individuals authorized to act on behalf of the limited liability corporation, accompanied by articles of organization and all amendments thereto, and the business address of the limited liability corporation.

(2) If the for-hire business is to be conducted under another name than that of the applicant, the business name and the County of registration under F.S. § 865.09.

(3) Whether the permits are for taxicabs, shuttle vehicles, limousines or prearranged vehicles for hire. An application may provide for both taxicab permits and shuttle vehicle permits to be issued.

(4) The number of permits of the type or types being applied for.

(5) The make, type, year of manufacture and passenger seating capacity of each motor vehicle to be permitted. This information shall be provided whether or not the applicant at the time the application is filed actually owns the motor vehicles.

(6) If any or all of the motor vehicles have been purchased as of the time the application is filed, the ownership of each motor vehicle purchased, accompanied by a copy of the motor vehicle tag registration issued by the Tax Collector indicating that each motor vehicle is currently registered under state law in the name of the applicant.

(7) If known at the time the application is filed, the motor vehicle identification number.

(8) Except for limousines, the distinguishing color scheme, business name or commercial identification to be used on the motor vehicles and, if desired, a description of the uniform to be worn by for-hire drivers when driving the vehicles.

(9) The proposed schedule of fares, rates and charges applicable to the vehicle for hire (which may be the same as an existing schedule filed with the Department).

(10)The financial information required by subsection (c) of this Section shall not be required unless recommended by the Director and specifically directed by resolution of the Council.

(b) If the motor vehicle is to be operated under a color scheme, business name or commercial identification already in use and registered with the Department, the for-hire business for which that scheme, name or identification is registered with the Department shall indicate on the application that the use of the scheme, name or identification by the applicant is agreed to by the for-hire business. If the for-hire business is the applicant, this agreement will be presumed from the fact of the application and need not be specifically noted on the application.

(c) Unless otherwise excused by law, each applicant shall file as a part of his application a financial statement showing his net worth, certified by a licensed certified public accountant who holds a current occupational license as an accountant in the City or another City in the state. The statement shall show all assets and all liabilities. Each applicant shall also file as a part of the financial information a statement of his actual or estimated annual income and expenses for his preceding fiscal year.

(d) With respect to the requested permits to operate vehicles for hire in the application:

(1) The application shall state what type of permit is being sought for each motor vehicle included in the application.

(2) The information required in subsection (a) of this Section with respect to the motor vehicle to be permitted shall be provided for each motor vehicle included in the application.

The Director, in the course of his investigation, may request or require the applicant to delete from the application one or more motor vehicles because (1) the applicant cannot demonstrate a capability to maintain all of the motor vehicles in accordance with Sections 220.211 and 220.213 or (2) the motor vehicle to be deleted cannot meet the requirements of Section 220.212 for equipment and safety.

(e) At the time the application is filed, the applicant shall pay a filing fee of $50 as found in fees, to defray the expense of the investigation.

(f) An application for an initial grant of permits under this Chapter may be considered by the Director only as part of the hearing as required by Section 220.219.

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Sec. 220.205. - Issuance of permit and medallion; fee.

When the permit has been granted and upon determination by the Director that:

(a) Except for limousines, the color scheme, business name or commercial identification is sufficiently distinctive as not to cause confusion with other for-hire businesses already operating in the City,

(b) The necessary insurance has been provided as required by Section 220.215, and

(c) The vehicle for hire meets the equipment and safety requirements of Section 220.212,

The Department shall issue a permit, in duplicate and in a form approved by the Office of General Counsel, reciting the fact of the filing and approval of the application and that the owner is authorized to operate the vehicles for hire described in the permit. The Department shall issue as many permits as are approved. One of the duplicates of the permit shall be forthwith filed by the owner in his records at his place of business and the other duplicate shall be securely attached to each vehicle for hire in such a manner as to be plainly visible from within the vehicle. The Department shall also issue for each vehicle for hire a numbered medallion to be fixed to the outside left rear portion of the vehicle for which the permit is granted, in plain view from the rear of the vehicle. A fee as found in fees, of $100 shall be paid before the medallion is issued. The fee shall be paid with respect to each medallion to be issued. The Department shall advise the Tax Collector of the name and address of the owner and the number of permits issued to him under each approved application. If the permits and medallions are not paid for and the medallions attached to the vehicles within 60 days after the permit is granted and the applicant notified, the permits and medallions shall be deemed abandoned by the applicant and shall thereupon be available for reissuance as if they had not been approved for issuance.

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Sec. 220.208. - Transfer of permit; application; approval by Director; fee.

(a) If an owner desires to transfer ownership of a vehicle for hire to another person, both parties to the transaction shall file a joint application with the Director. The application shall contain the information required by Section 220.202 for new permit holders with respect to the prospective transferee; the name of the prospective transferor; the permits currently held by the transferor, including the permit sought to be transferred; the details of the transaction, specifically including the consideration and method of payment and the date on which the transfer is desired to be consummated; and any other information that may be required by the Director in order to allow him to evaluate the transfer under the criteria prescribed in Section 220.203(b). The application shall be accompanied by a filing fee as found in fees, of $100 to defray the cost of the transfer proceedings. An application may include the transfer of more than one vehicle for hire and the accompanying permit and medallion for each vehicle transferred.

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Sec. 220.217. - Annual fee.

(a) Every permit and medallion shall be annually renewed on or before the last day of the month of January, except for temporarily deactivated permits or medallions as described in paragraph (c) of this Section. The Department shall charge an annual fee for the renewal is $100, plus a $10 per month extra fee for late renewals as found in fees. If a permit or medallion is not renewed after the expiration of three months, it shall be considered abandoned. Notwithstanding the preceding, any permit or medallion which is outstanding as of November 1, 1989, shall be considered abandoned as of January 1, 1990 if any renewal or late renewal charges are unpaid on such permit or medallion as of January 1, 1990.

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(c)Permits and medallions may be temporarily deactivated in the following manner for the purpose of being retained but not used or paid for by the owner until such time as needed. A permit or medallion owner may inform the Director in writing during the month of December each year that previously issued permits or medallions are being temporarily deactivated for the succeeding calendar year. The annual fee will not be required to be paid for identified permits and medallions thus temporarily deactivated, and the permits and medallions may not be reactivated until January of the year succeeding the calendar year of deactivation. Reactivation for the succeeding year must be requested in writing to the Director before the end of January of that year, and must be requested for blocks of ten or more permits and medallions. The cost to reactivate permits and medallions will be the $100 annual renewal fee, as found in fees, plus any fees outstanding on the permit or medallion from prior years. The reactivation request will be honored when payment is received by the City.

(d) No permit or medallion temporarily deactivated pursuant to this Section may be utilized during the calendar year for which it has been deactivated. An owner operating or leasing a vehicle for hire utilizing a temporarily deactivated permit or medallion for commercial purposes shall be subject to a fine of $500 for each such permit or medallion used illegally.

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Sec. 220.219. - Exclusive method of application for additional permits and medallions; annual application; protests; appeal.

(a) Additional permits and medallions, other than those initially applied for under Section 220.202, may be applied for and granted only as provided in this Section. It shall be unlawful for an owner to increase the number of permits and medallions under his ownership (other than those initially applied for under Section. 220.202) except as provided in this Section and, if an owner increases the number of permits and medallions under his ownership (other than those initially applied for under Section 220.202) contrary to the method provided in this Section, the permits and medallions so acquired are declared unlawful and forfeited to the City and shall be of no force and effect.

(b) An owner who is not ineligible under Section 220.211(a) or (b) to file a petition under this Section may file an application, on a form approved by the Department, to obtain an increase in the number of permits and medallions under his ownership. The application shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $100 as found in fees. The applicant shall file in support of his application an affidavit which shall contain the following information:

(1) The information required by Section 220.202(a)(1) with respect to initial applications, except that, in the case of a corporation, the names of all the stockholders owning five percent or more of the outstanding voting stock shall be stated, together with the names of all persons who are employees of the owner and who are not paid on an hourly basis.

(2) The distinguishing color scheme, business name or commercial identification used on the motor vehicles currently operated by the owner and, if used, a description of the uniform worn by a for-hire driver when driving the vehicles.

(3) With respect to each of the persons listed on the application as:

(i)  (A)  The sole proprietor;

(B)  Partners; or

(C)  Officers, directors and stockholders owning five percent or more of the outstanding voting stock; and

(D)  Limited liability corporation, the full name of the limited liability corporation, mailing and street address, the name and address of the registered agent, the name and address of the authorized representative, and the name of all members owning ten percent or more membership interest, a list of the names and addresses of all members and managing members and other individuals authorized to act on behalf of the limited liability corporation, accompanied by articles of organization and all amendments thereto, and the business address of the limited liability corporation.

(ii)  Persons who are employees of the owner and who are not paid on an hourly basis, a background check by the Office of the Sheriff; provided, that the background check need not reveal any crime or offense other than those listed in Section 220.203(b)(7) of which the person shall have been convicted. Each person subject to this paragraph shall also submit a sworn statement by at least two character witnesses as to his good character and reputation in the community; provided, that the same character witnesses may be used by more than one of the subject persons if, in fact, the character witnesses are familiar with each person's good character and reputation in the community.

(4) The number of permits and medallions which the owner currently is authorized, the number which have been issued and the number which are actually being operated. With respect to these permits, the owner shall state whether any of the permits is currently involved in a suspension or revocation proceeding.

(5) The number of permits and medallions which the owner is requesting to be authorized in the application.

(6) With respect to the motor vehicles that will be operated under the permits, should they be authorized, the information required by Section 220.202(a)(5), (6) and (7). If the motor vehicles have not yet been purchased, the owner shall provide, as a part of the application, the method by which the vehicles will be purchased or financed. If the motor vehicles are to be purchased, in part or in whole, for cash, the financial information required to be filed under paragraph (8) shall indicate that sufficient cash is unencumbered by other obligations of the owner to provide for the cash purchase; and if the motor vehicles are to be financed, in part or in whole, the owner shall attach to the application an affidavit from the supplier that he is ready and willing to finance the motor vehicles that are to be financed. The owner may state on the application that one or more of the motor vehicles will be acquired by transfer pursuant to Section 220.208, and the method of financing the transfer need not be specified until an application is filed under Section 220.208.

(7) The types of radios and taxi meters that will be installed in the motor vehicles. If the meters and radios are to be purchased, in part or in whole, for cash, the financial information required to be filed under paragraph (8) shall indicate that sufficient cash is unencumbered by other obligations of the owner to provide for the cash purchase; and if the meters and radios are to be financed, in part or in whole, the owner shall attach to the application an affidavit from the supplier that he is ready and willing to finance the meters and radios that are to be financed.

(8) If required by the Council, a current financial statement meeting the requirements of Section 220.202(c). The statement shall cover the owner's latest completed fiscal year; if it covers a period that ended more than 90 days before the date of submission, the owner shall submit a supplementary statement, which need not be prepared or certified by a licensed certified public accountant, to update the information.

(9) In addition to the information listed above, the owner shall file with the Director an amendment to the original application containing any new, supplemental or updated information not contained in the original application.

(10)All other terms and conditions of the original application shall apply to any permits or medallions issued pursuant to this Section.

(c) Within 20 days after the filing of the application, the appropriate Departmental employee designated by the Director shall make a decision, in the form of an administrative order, on each application and authorize the issuance of permits, in whole or in part, based on the following:

(1)   If the applicant is an existing permit holder in good standing with the Department, the Director shall use the criteria set forth in Sections 220.203(b)(3), (4), (5) and (7) to evaluate the application; or

(2)   If the applicant does not have a current application for a permit with the Department, then the Director shall use the criteria set forth in Section 220.203(b) to evaluate the application and in deciding whether to issue approval of the application, in whole or in part.

The provisions of Sections 220.204, 220.205, 220.206 and 220.207 shall apply to permits and medallions authorized and issued pursuant to an approved application under this Section.

(d) If an owner is dissatisfied with the decision by the designated employee under subsection (c) of this Section, he may file an appeal to the Director from the decision within 20 days after the decision is received by him from the designated employee. The Director shall reconsider the decision based on the information contained in the application and on any additional testimony and evidence requested or heard by the Director. A decision by the Director, in the form of an administrative order, following the conclusion of the appeal shall be final.

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Sec. 220.302. - For-hire driver's permit.

(a) Every person shall, before he drives a vehicle for hire, obtain from the owner of the vehicle for hire that he intends to drive an application, in a form prescribed by the Director, containing his name (including all nicknames and aliases by which he is or has been known), age, residence, description, photograph, signature and criminal record, if any. An application fee of $25 as found in fees, shall be paid at the time the completed application is submitted to the Department to defray the expense of the investigation of the applicant.

(b) Based upon the written application, the applicant's criminal record and the other information the Director deems relevant to determine the applicant's fitness to drive a vehicle for hire, the Department may approve or disapprove the application. The Department shall not approve the application of a person who has been convicted of a crime under F.S. Ch. 782; F.S. Ch. 784; F.S. §§ 787.01 or 787.02; F.S. Ch. 794; F.S. §§ 806.01, 806.031, 806.10 or 806.111; F.S. §§ 810.02 or 810.06; F.S. § 812.13; F.S. § 817.233; F.S. Ch. 837; F.S. § 316.027; F.S. § 877.11 (sale only); or F.S. §§ 893.13, 893.135 or 893.147; or of an offense under this Chapter; nor shall the Department approve the application of a person who, within the three years preceding the date of the application, has been convicted of a crime under F.S. §§ 326.193, 316.1931 or 316.1935; F.S. Ch. 796; F.S. Ch. 800; F.S. §§ 812.014, 812.016 or 812.019; F.S. §§ 817.234, 817.235 or 817.52; or F.S. § 877.11 (except sale). The Director may, upon request of the applicant, waive the disability for conviction of any of the crimes listed in this subsection if he is reasonably satisfied that the applicant has been rehabilitated and is not likely to be convicted of any of the crimes listed in this subsection. If the Director declines to waive a conviction, the applicant may appeal this decision to the Council.

(c) If the Department disapproves the application, it shall inform the applicant in writing, giving the reasons for the disapproval. The applicant may request the Director for a rehearing, by a written request filed within seven days after the applicant is notified of the disapproval. The Director shall review the application, other information considered by the Department and the reasons given by the Department for the disapproval; and the applicant shall have the right to be present at the hearing, be represented by counsel, to examine the information and material in the possession of the Department and to present evidence on his behalf. The decision by the Director shall be final.

(d) Upon request of an applicant, the Department may issue him a temporary for-hire driver's permit if the applicant has submitted the information required by paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of this Section. The temporary for-hire driver's permit shall be valid until the time as the Department completes a check of the applicant's criminal record, if any, in accordance with subsection (b) of this Section. If the check reveals that the applicant provided false information about his criminal record, the temporary for-hire driver's permit shall be automatically and immediately revoked and the Department may permanently disapprove the application on this ground.

(e) Every five years, all for-hire drivers shall renew each driver's permit by filing a renewal application with the Director. The renewal application shall include the information contained in Section 220.302(a). At the time of renewal, the Director shall conduct a criminal background check and may approve or disapprove the renewal application pursuant to Section 220.302(b) hereof.

Sec. 220.303. - For-hire driver to furnish current information and keep records; transfer fee.

Each holder of a for-hire driver's permit shall note any change in the information required in the application and the name of an owner for whom he drives or from whom he leases a vehicle for hire. It shall be the responsibility of each for-hire driver to keep a full and accurate record of all the information required by Section 220.302(a), which record shall be open to inspection by the Department. The for-hire driver shall keep his record in the place of business of the owner for whom he drives or from whom he leases a vehicle for hire and shall take the record with him when he drives for or leases from another owner. When a for-hire driver changes the owner for whom he drives or from whom he leases a vehicle for hire, he shall pay a transfer fee of $25 as found in fees, to the Department. Failure to keep records as required by this Section shall be ground for the imposition of an administrative fine as provided in Part 5.

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Section 15. Amending Section 230.102 (Wreckers required to register with Sheriff), Chapter 230 (Wreckers), Ordinance Code. Section 230.102, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:


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Sec. 230.102. - Wreckers required to register with Sheriff.

All persons owning or operating one or more wrecker trucks on the streets of the city shall annually register their towing vehicle and/or wrecker trucks with the Office of the Sheriff, in such form as the Sheriff may require. The Sheriff, or his designee, shall assign a renewable registration number for each such wrecker truck registered, and this number shall be permanently and prominently displayed on each side of the wrecker truck in the same manner as required in Section 230.101(a) for the name, business address and telephone number of the operator or owner thereof. The initial fee for wrecker company registration shall be $300. Each wrecker company shall pay an annual $100 renewal fee before an inspection sticker can be issued. In addition to the company registration fee, an annual registration fee of $25 shall be charged for each tow vehicle and/or wrecker truck registered. Failure to register trucks or companies with the Office of the Sheriff is unlawful and a class D offense for any person. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office shall charge fees as found in fees, for the following:

a. Initial fee for wrecker company registration;

b. Wrecker company renewal fee;

c. Annual registration fee for each tow vehicle and/or wrecker truck registered.

Section 16. Amending Chapter 250 (Miscellaneous Business Regulations), Ordinance Code. Chapter 250, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 250. Miscellaneous Business regulations.

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Sec. 250.107. - Fees and charges.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

(a) The Department is authorized to impose and the Tax Collector is authorized to collect the following fees and charges for peddlers, sidewalk vendors, motorized vehicle peddlers, transient merchants, auctioneers and door-to-door solicitors:

(1)  For the one-day permit of registration ..... $10

(2)  For the three-day permit of registration ..... 15

(3)  For the one-month permit or registration ..... 35

(4)  Replacement of lost, damaged or destroyed permit ..... 5

(5) Issuance of permit to additional individual member or employee of the group, organization or company ..... 5

(6)  For a six-month permit ..... 150

(7)  For a one-year permit ..... 250

(b) The funds collected by the Tax Collector under this Chapter shall be used by the City to defray the costs and expenses of administering this Chapter, including a reasonable allocation of personnel salaries and benefits.

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Sec. 250.517 - Types of permits, fees and charges.

The open air market individual vending booths shall be required to pay up to a $500 an annual market set-up fee as found in fees. This fee covers all vendors, person or entities operating in the open air market. The open air market operator shall be responsible for all fees required under Chapter 770 and 772.

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Sec. 250.803. - Permit fee.

The annual permit fee for operating a downtown sidewalk cafe or bar shall be $250 as found in fees, with this fee to become effective as of the date this Part becomes law. The permit fee shall be collected by the Tax Collector and shall be deposited into the revenue account of the DIA to cover the DIA's costs of administering this Part 8.

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Sec. 250.905. – Permit Fee.

(a) The annual permit fee for operating a sidewalk cafe shall be $100, with this fee to become effective as of the date this Part becomes law.

(b) Annual application fee shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable base application fee of $150.

(c) The permit fee(s) shall be collected by the Tax Collector and shall be deposited into the General Fund revenue account (account title and number to be designated by the Director of Finance and Administration).

The annual permit fee for operating a sidewalk cafe shall be as found in fees, with this fee to become effective as of the date this Part becomes law. The permit fee shall be collected by the Tax Collector.

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Sec. 250.1103. - Ice cream truck operator permits.

Beginning April 1, 2013, no ice cream truck operator shall undertake any vending activities unless and until such ice cream truck operator has obtained an operator permit pursuant to this section. Each person working on an ice cream truck, either driving or selling the products, must possess an operator permit.

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(b) Fee. Any fee for applying for a permit pursuant to this subsection shall correspond to the administrative costs of review and issuance as found in fees and shall be initially $100 adjusted annually, pursuant to Section 123.102, Ordinance Code.

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Section 17. Amending Section 260.201 (License), Chapter 260 (Disposal of Waste Tires), Ordinance Code. Section 260.201, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:


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Sec. 260.201. - License.

(a) Every person who transports more than eight waste tires shall file an application for grant of a license with the Chief on a form prescribed by the Chief. The application form shall contain the information deemed necessary by the Chief, but shall provide at least the following information:

(1) Proof of possession of a business tax license;

(2) Proof of bond as required under Part 2, Section 260.203;

(3) Proof of ownership or lease of a lot as required under Part 2, Section 260.206;

(4) Proof of permit issued by the Chief, Fire Prevention for storage of tires; and

(5) Each tire generator/transporter shall have a Certificate of Use (COU) at the time of permit application. A Certificate of Use is defined in Section 656.1601, Ordinance Code, as an official document issued by the City which verifies that a use of a structure, other than a single family residence or duplex, may be used or an existing use enlarged, or any new use made of land, body of water, or structure, complies with the Florida Building Code, the Zoning Code, the City Fire Prevention Code and Chapter 633, Florida Statutes.

(b)Upon the receipt of the application and a nonrefundable application fee as found in fees of $100, the Chief shall determine whether the application should be approved. If the applicant meets the criteria stated in this Section, the Chief shall approve the application and grant a license for transporting waste tires.

(c) The Solid Waste Division shall not be required to pay any application fee or submit a performance bond as required under Part 2, Section 260.203 in order to be licensed as a transporter under this Section. All other provisions of Part 2, Chapter 260 shall be applicable with respect to the City operating as transporters of waste tires.

(d) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to persons who use company owned or company leased vehicles to transport tire casings for the purpose of retreading between company owned or company franchised retail tire outlets and retread facilities owned or franchised by the same company.

Section 18. Amending Chapter 307 (Historic Preservation and Protection), Ordinance Code. Chapter 307, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 307. Historic preservation and protection

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Sec. 307.203. - Notice of appeal.

(a) The notice of appeal shall be filed with the Legislative Services Division and contain:

(1)  A copy of the written order to be reviewed.

(2) A statement of the interest of the person seeking review which is sufficient to show how that person is adversely affected.

(3) A statement which explains the specific error alleged as the grounds for the appeal.

(4) A written list, certified by the staff secretary to the Commission, of the complete names and mailing addresses of any and all persons who either provided a qualifying written statement to or testified before the Commission regarding the subject of the appeal.

(b) The notice of appeal shall be filed with the Legislative Services Division within 21 calendar days of the effective date of the decision, and shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the amount of $550, plus $2 for each a required notification fee as found in fees.

* * *

Sec. 307.208. - Fees established.

There are hereby established below, the indicated fees for the indicated permits, materials of services: The fees contained within this Section are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code. The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

(a) Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application requiring a review and action by the Commission for:

(1) Alterations or additions, and new construction 250 square feet or less ..... $100

(2) Alterations, additions and new construction greater than 250 square feet ..... 200

(3)(2) Relocations ..... 150

(4) (3) Demolitions ..... 250

(b) Any Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) application requiring a review and action by the Commission that is filed subsequent to the issuance of a notice of violation: Fees doubled after citation.

Section 19. Amending Part 4 (Permits), Chapter 320 (General Provisions), Title VIII (Construction Regulations and Building Codes), Ordinance Code. Part 4 (Permits), Chapter 320 (General Provisions), Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

TITLE VIII. Construction Regulations and Building Codes

CHAPTER 320. General provisions

* * *

PART 4. permits

* * *

Sec. 320.402. - Application for permit.

(a) If, in the opinion of the Building Official, the valuation of building, alteration, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing systems appears to be underestimated on the application, the permit shall be denied, unless the applicant can show detailed estimates to meet the approval of the Building Official. Permit valuations shall include total cost, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment and other systems, including materials and labor based on fair market value.

(b) The qualifications of an applicant shall be determined as follows:

(1) Except as provided in subsections (b)(2) and (3) of this Section, an application for a permit shall be accepted from and a permit may be issued only to a contractor who is qualified to perform the kind of work included in the particular permit for which application is made. Where applicable, the contractor shall be qualified by holding a current certificate of competency issued by the Construction Trades Qualifying Board pursuant to Chapter 342 and shall be registered with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, or hold a current certificate of competency issued pursuant to F.S. Ch. 489. Only a general, building or residential contractor (as defined in F.S. Ch. 489) who holds a current certificate of competency issued pursuant to F.S. Ch. 489 or who was registered pursuant thereto prior to September 17, 1973 or under a file number lower than RG0015500 shall be deemed to meet the qualification requirements of this Part as applied to general, building or residential contractors. Only a roofing contractor, commercial pool, residential pool or swimming pool service contractor who holds a current certificate of competency issued pursuant to F.S. Ch. 489, or who was registered pursuant thereto prior to the April 15, 1985 (or August 4, 1987 for a roofing contractor), or a commercial pool, residential pool or swimming pool service contractor who held a local occupational license as such as of April 15, 1985, shall be deemed to meet the qualification requirements of this Part as applied to a roofing contractor or commercial pool, residential pool or swimming pool service contractors; provided, however, in order for a roofing contractor, who is registered pursuant to F.S. Ch. 489, to obtain a permit after August 4, 1987, he shall be required to obtain the same types and amounts of insurance coverage as are required for a certified roofing contractor under the Florida Statutes and shall submit satisfactory proof of such insurance at the time the permit is requested. The insurance company providing such insurance shall notify the Chief at least 15 days in advance of the lapse or cancellation of any such insurance policy. Certified general contractors having a file number of CG007837 or less may be granted roofing permits without meeting the provisions herein contained if they are prequalified as both general and roofing contractors by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation under such file numbers. Where a master craftsman, qualifying agent or other person is specifically required by law to supervise or perform the work to be included under the permit, the application shall be signed by this person.

(2) A maintenance craftsman may obtain a permit for work to be done by him where the work is in the same category as the craftsman certificate held by the maintenance craftsman and where the work is limited to the maintenance and minor repairs to systems, apparatus and equipment, provided the work is limited to the premises at one location or one address owned or occupied by his employer.

(3) Stand Alone active permits of all trades and Base Building active permits that have gone over 180 days without an approved inspection will be suspended. Suspended permits may be reactivated for a maximum of an additional 180 days upon a showing of just cause and payment of a $20 reactivation fee as found in fees. The Building Inspection Division shall not accept applications for permit from contractors who have more than four suspended permits until such time as the contractor has reactivated all of the suspended permits, and the contractor's qualifier has appeared in person at the Building Inspection Division Office and paid a $250 Reinstatement Fee as found in fees. The Reinstatement Fee shall be separate from and in addition to any fees paid for reactivation of suspended permits. The provisions of this subsection may be waived by the Chief upon a showing of good cause.

(c) An application for a permit may be accepted from a contractor, however, no permit shall be issued for a use which requires a certificate of use, without first obtaining a valid certificate of use for the proposed use.

(d) In addition to the foregoing procedures, the following procedures shall further govern applications for sign permits required under Chapters 320 and 326:

(1) No person shall apply for a sign permit unless he or she first has obtained the written permission of the owner, authorized agent of the owner or other person(s) in lawful possession of the site designated as the location of the sign in the permit application; and the Division shall process no sign permit application without such written permission being attached to it.

* * *

Sec. 320.408. - Permits.

(a) A building, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or sign permit shall carry with it the right to construct or install the work, provided the same are shown on the drawings and set for in the specifications filed with the application for the permit. Where these are not shown on the drawings and covered by the specifications submitted with the application, separate permits shall be required.

(b) No building, construction, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, sign, miscellaneous or other permit issued by the Building Inspection Division shall be valid until the fees prescribed by Section 320.409 have been paid to the Tax Collector and evidence of the payment is marked on the face of the permit, except that permits issued in connection with construction, work or improvements to be done pursuant to a contract with a governmental agency or for work, construction or improvements on a land, building or structure owned by a governmental agency shall be exempt from the payment of the fees and the word "Exempt" shall be entered on the face of the permit.

(c) In all cases where work for which a permit is required is commenced before the permit is obtained, except where specific permission is granted to proceed by the Chief, Building Inspection Division, the permit fee due the City for a permit for the work shall be twice the amount of the regular permit fee specified in Section 320.409 which would have been due had the permit been obtained prior to commencing work. Payment of the increased fee shall not be a defense in a prosecution for doing the work for which a permit is required without having obtained the necessary permit.

(d) When extra inspection trips are made for a permit holder due to any of the following reasons, an additional fee to the fee for such permit as found in fees, of $45 shall be charged for each additional inspection:

(1) Wrong address given on the call for inspection.

(2) Work not ready for inspection at the time specified, including failed inspections.

(3) Required corrections not made within the time specified.

(4) Failure to request required inspections.

(5) Additional work done after the inspection has been made.

* * *

Sec. 320.409. - Schedule of permit fees.

Permit fees imposed and collected pursuant to F.S. § 166.222 and this Section shall be deposited into a segregated trust account of the City and shall be expended, as appropriated by the Council, only for the purpose of deferring the City's costs of inspection and enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter. Permit fees for required permits shall be as provided in the following schedule: fees can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

The fees contained within this Section are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code.

(a) Building or construction permit fees. For the purpose of determining fees, floor area shall be the gross overall, outside dimension, floor area of a building at each story, including all portions under roofs. Where a building permit fee is paid for a new building or addition, separate permits and fees shall not be required for fences, walls, dwelling, awnings, masonry fence walls, or other components normal to building construction. Separate fees shall be paid for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, miscellaneous or other permits shown elsewhere in this schedule.

(1) New buildings, shell buildings, accessory buildings, and additions—for each 100 square feet of enclosed area or fractional part thereof for each story:

(i) below grade and above grade up to and including the fourth story above grade:

Building Inspection Division (BID) permit fee ..... $6.375

Resource management fee ..... 1.60

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 2.125

(ii) Above the fourth story above grade:

BID permit fee ..... 6.94

Resource management fee ..... 1.60

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 2.31

(iii)For each 100 square feet of unenclosed area or fractional part thereof for each story:

BID permit fee ..... 0.75

Resource management fee ..... 0.16

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 0.25

(iv) Minimum BID permit fee for subsection (1) … 112.50 or 33.75 per required inspection, whichever is greater

Minimum Development Services Fee for subsection (1) … 37.50 or 11.25 per required inspection, whichever is greater

(v) Plan review fee for subsection (1) … 67% of BID permit fee or 90.00, whichever is greater

(2) Exceptions to subsection (1) are as follows:

(i) One-story portions of buildings with large undivided areas and used for storage occupancies only:

(A) For each 100 square feet of area or fractional part thereof up to 40,000 square feet:

BID permit fee ..... 6.375

Resource management fee ..... 1.60

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 2.125

(B) For each 100 square feet of area or fractional part thereof in excess of 40,000 square feet:

BID permit fee ..... 4.69

Resource management fee ..... 1.15

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 1.56

(C) Plan review fee for subsection (2) … 67% of BID permit fee or 90.00, whichever is greater

(ii) For residential accessory structures not exceeding 150 square feet and not requiring an inspection (includes plan review fee) ..... 45

Development Services Fee ..... 15

(iii)For residential accessory structures requiring only one inspection (includes plan review fee) ..... 75

Development Services Fee ..... 25

(iv) For residential accessory structures requiring more than one inspection, 112.50, or 33.75 per required inspection, whichever is greater

Minimum Development Services Fee for subsection (2) … 37.50 or 11.25 per required inspection, whichever is greater

(v) Residential single family accessory structures are exempt from a Landscape fee.

(3) Foundation Only—BID permit fee 25% of the BID permit fee as calculated in items (1), (2), or (4).

Development Services fee 8% of the BID permit fee as calculated in items (1), (2), or (4).

Minimum BID permit fee for subsection (3) … 112.50 or 33.75 per required inspection, whichever is greater

Minimum Development Services Fee for subsection (3) … 37.50 or 11.25 per required inspection, whichever is greater

Plan review fee for subsection (3) … 67% of BID permit fee or 90.00, whichever is greater

(4) New construction other than buildings, including water towers, pylons, storage tank foundations, masonry walls, awnings, structural elements of industrial complexes not within a building, sewage treatment plants and similar construction:

(i) For each $1,000 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof up to $500,000:

BID permit fee ..... 1.875

Resource management fee ..... 0.30

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 0.625

(ii) For each $1,000 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof greater than $500,000:

BID permit fee ..... 0.563

Resource management fee ..... 0.10

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 0.187

(iii)Minimum BID permit fee for subsection (4) … 112.50 or 33.75 per required inspection, whichever is greater

Minimum Development Services Fee for subsection (4) … 37.50 or 11.25 per required inspection, whichever is greater

(iv) Plan review fee … 67% of BID permit fee or $90.00, whichever is greater

(5) Exceptions to Subsection 4 are as follows:

(i) Tents greater than 800 sf, not used for cooking, fireworks, storage or sale of combustible material, and not considered an assembly occupancy per the Florida Building Code … 75.00 (includes plan review fee)

Development Services Fee ..... 25.00

(ii) Tents less than 800 sf, not used for cooking, fireworks, storage or sale of combustible material, and not considered an assembly occupancy per the Florida Building Code … No permit required

(iii)Awnings requiring no more than one inspection … 75.00 (includes plan review fee)

Development Services Fee ..... 25.00

(iv) Where the value of the work is less than $2500.00, and no more than two inspections are required … 93.75 (includes plan review fee)

Development Services Fee ..... 31.25

(6) Alterations, Tenant Build-Out and Converting Use (including major repair to buildings or other structures), for each $1,000 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof:

BID permit fee ..... 3.00

Resource management fee ..... 0.65

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 1.00

Minimum BID permit fee … 112.50 or 33.75 per required inspection, whichever is greater

Minimum Development Services Fee for subsection (6) … 37.50 or 11.25 per required inspection, whichever is greater

Plan review fee … 67% of BID permit fee or $75.00, whichever is greater

For Converting Use permit where no inspections are required the a BID permit fee is $80.00

(7) Exceptions to Subsection 6 are as follows:

(i) All wood/vinyl/aluminum/cementitious siding replacement, or stucco repair over wood frame construction is to be permitted. Where the work involves less than 20 percent of any wall larger than 100 sf (including doors and windows), or the work involves only walls less than 100 sf (including doors and windows) … 10.00 Auto expired permit, no plan review fee.

(ii) Any wood/vinyl/aluminum/cementitious siding replacement, or stucco repair over wood frame construction, greater than 20 percent on any wall larger than 100 sf (including doors and windows) … 150.00 or 45.00 per required inspection, whichever is greater, includes plan review fee.

(8) Window/door replacement:

BID permit fee, per $1,000 of construction cost ..... 4.00

No Development Services Fee for subsections (7) and (8)

Minimum BID permit fee for permits not requiring an inspection ..... 80.00

Minimum BID permit fee for permits requiring one or more inspections ..... 150.00

(9) Moving buildings on or across public thoroughfares: For each 100 square feet of area or fractional part thereof:

BID permit fee ..... 0.75

Resource management fee ..... 0.15

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 0.25

Minimum BID permit fee for subsection (9) ..... 112.50

Minimum Development Services Fee for subsection (9) ..... 37.50

Plan review fee … 67% of BID permit fee or 90.00, whichever is greater

(10) Roofing (excluding original roofing on new one and two family dwellings, and original roofing on additions and accessory buildings for single family dwellings), for each 1,000 square feet or fractional part thereof:

BID permit fee ..... 10.00

Minimum BID permit fee for roofing permits not requiring an inspection ..... 80.00

Minimum BID permit fee for roofing permits requiring one or more inspections ..... 150.00

Roofing repairs less than 500 square feet ..... 10.00

(11) Swimming pools:

(i) In-Ground Pools - For each 1,000 gallons capacity or fractional part thereof:

BID permit fee ..... 1.50

Resource management fee ..... 0.50

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 0.50

Minimum BID permit fee for subsection (11)(9) ..... 45.00

Minimum Development Services Fee for subsection (11) ..... 15.00

Building plan review fee … 67% of BID permit fee or 60.00, whichever is greater

(ii) Above ground pools (includes plan review) ..... 75.00

Development Services Fee ..... 25.00

(iii) Repair, renovation and alteration permit fee, where no inspection is required ..... 10.00

(12) Demolition of buildings:

(i) For single family residential buildings that are zoned residential:

BID permit fee ..... 37.50

Development Services Fee ..... 12.50

For all other buildings:

(ii) For each 1,000 square feet of area or fractional part thereof:

BID permit fee ..... 1.31

Resource management fee ..... 0.30

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 0.44

Minimum BID permit fee for subsection (12)(ii) ..... 60.00

Minimum Development Services Fee for subsection (12)(ii) ..... 20.00

Plan review fee … 67% of BID permit fee or 60.00, whichever is greater

(13) Demolition of structures other than buildings, BID permit fee ..... 112.50

Resource management fee ..... 20.00

Landscape fee ..... 12% of BID permit fee

Development Services Fee ..... 37.50

Plan review fee … 67% of BID permit fee or 60.00, whichever is greater

(14) Sign erections:

(i) For each 20 square feet of area (for each display face) or fractional part thereof up to 100 square feet:

BID permit fee ..... 7.50

(ii) For each additional 100 square feet:

BID permit fee ..... 12.50

Minimum BID permit fee for subsection (12) ..... 80.00

Plan review fee … 25% of BID permit fee or 35.00, whichever is greater

(iii) Banner signs (each sign) ..... 40.00

(15) Site clearing in connection with protected trees or Horizontal Development not associated with building construction, including parking lots, drainage improvements, landscaping and irrigation not associated with buildings:

(i) Less than ½ acre ..... 100.00

(ii) One-half acre to 1 acre ..... 150.00

(iii)For areas greater than one acre, plus 25.00 per each additional acre or fractional part thereof ..... 150.00

(iv) Trees Exempted by Section 656.1205(b)

(16) Site clearing without protected trees ..... 75.00

(17) Removal or relocation of private protected trees ..... 75.00

(b) Electrical permit fees. Service installations (conductors and equipment for delivering energy from the electrical utility supply system); each service or subservice requiring a utility-owned meter shall be considered a service for fee purposes.

(1) Residential:

(i) New single-family residential occupancy:

(A) 0—100 ampere service ..... 170.00

(B) 101—150 ampere service ..... 170.00

(C) 151—200 ampere service ..... 170.00

(D) For each additional 50 amperes or fractional part thereof ..... 20.00

(E) Temporary Service ..... 80.00

(ii) Multifamily, for each dwelling unit ..... 80.00

(iii) Service charge:

(A) 0—100 ampere service ..... 80.00

(B) 101—150 ampere service ..... 80.00

(C) 151—200 ampere service ..... 100.00

(D) For each additional 50 amperes or part thereof ..... 20.00

(iv) Room additions ..... 100.00

(v) Mobile home service ..... 80.00

(vi) In-Ground Swimming pools ..... 120.00

(vii) Above Ground Swimming pools ..... 60.00

(viii) Repairs and miscellaneous ..... 60.00

(ix) Single family low voltage with no inspections ..... 10.00

(x) Unmetered main service ..... 80.00

(xi) Safety inspection ..... 60.00

(2) Commercial and other permits:

(i) Services:

(A) 0—100 ampere service ..... 190.00

(B) 101—150 ampere service ..... 190.00

(C) 151—200 ampere service ..... 190.00

(D) For each additional 50 amperes or fractional part thereof ..... 20.00

(E) Temporary services ..... 80.00

(ii) Feeder, for each 100 amperes or fractional part thereof ..... 10.00

(iii) Signs, each, or minimum fee (whichever is greater) ..... 40.00

(iv) Switch and receptacle outlets (excepting new single-family and multifamily):

(A) Up to 30 amperes, each ..... 1.00

(B) 31 amperes to 100 amperes, each ..... 2.00

(C) 101 amperes to 200 amperes, each ..... 4.00

(D) Lighting outlets, including fixtures, each ..... 1.00

(v) Primary service ..... 80.00

(vi) Transformers, for each 20 kilovolt amperes or fractional part thereof ..... 10.00

(vii) Heat:

(A) 0.0—10 kilowatts ..... 10.00

(B) 10.1—15 kilowatts ..... 20.00

(C) 15.1—24 kilowatts ..... 30.00

(D) Over 24 kilowatts ..... 30.00

(viii) Air conditioning circuit:

(A) 0—60 amperes ..... 10.00

(B) 61—100 amperes ..... 20.00

(ix) Motors:

(A) 0—5 horsepower ..... 10.00

(B) For each additional 5 horsepower or fractional part thereof ..... 10.00

(x) Appliances, fixed or stationary:

(A) 0—30 amperes ..... 10.00

(B) 31—100 amperes ..... 20.00

(C) Over 100 amperes ..... 20.00

(xi) Smoke detectors wired into electrical systems (excepting single-family, multifamily and room additions), each ..... 2.00

(xii) For non-fire alarm low voltage work as part of a commercial permit ..... 30.00

For non-fire alarm stand-alone low voltage permits ..... 60.00

(xiii) Minimum fee ..... 60.00

(xiv) Swimming pools ..... 120.00

(xv) Repairs and miscellaneous ..... 60.00

(xvi) Late fee: ..... Double fee

(xvii) For misc. permits not requiring an inspection ..... 10.00

(xviii) Commercial safety inspection ..... 60.00

(xix) Unmetered main service ..... 80.00

(xx) Commercial additions, plus totals per items (i) thru

(xii) above ..... 100.00

(c) Plumbing permit fees.

(1) Roughing-in and setting fixtures or plugged outlets-for water closets (toilets), bathtubs, showers, lavatories, sinks, slop sinks, laundry tubs, urinals, gas and oil interceptors, floor drains, drinking fountains, indirect waste pipe fixtures, sterilizers, autopsy tables, autoclaves and other plumbing fixtures having a water supply or waste outlet or both, including hot water tanks or boosters, and washing machines with sewer connection, for each roughing-in and fixture or plugged outlet (fee for new roughing-in includes fixture) ..... 11.00

(2) Rainwater roof inlets, each ..... 11.00

(3) Sewer connection-for each building sewer connection to a public or private sewerage system (not including septic tanks) ..... 11.00

(4) Water piping-for each service connection to a supply system and for each connection to or outlet for an appliance or fixture not covered by a fixture permit ..... 11.00

(5) Repairs-extending, remodeling, addition to or repair of water pipes, waste, soil, vent, building drain or sewer pipe (this does not include faucet, valve or water closet tank repairs, unstopping fixtures, waste, building drain or building sewer pipes or cleaning septic tanks), for each $100 estimated cost or fractional part thereof ..... 11.00

(6) Water softeners ..... 21.00

(7) Solar water heater ..... 21.00

(8) Minimum fee for a plumbing permit, based upon the fee formulas contained in paragraphs (1) through (7) ..... 60.00

(d) Mechanical permit fees.

(1) Air conditioning and refrigeration (total capacity in single installation), each apartment or business being considered a separate system, for each ton of capacity or fractional part thereof:

(i) For one to ten tons ..... 11.00

(ii) For each ton over ten tons or fractional part thereof up to 25 tons ..... 7.00

(iii) For each ton over 25 tons or fractional part thereof ..... 6.00

(2) Furnaces and heating equipment (total capacity in single installation) for each apartment or business:

(i) For the first 200,000 Btu an hour capacity or fractional part thereof ..... 22.00

(ii) For each additional 50,000 Btu an hour of fuel used or fractional part thereof ..... 11.00

(iii) Burner (not in heating system), each ..... 9.00

(3) Boilers, including heating element:

(i) For the first 500,000 Btu an hour input of fuel ..... 28.00

(ii) For each additional 100,000 Btu an hour input of fuel or fractional part thereof ..... 9.00

(4) Air duct systems:

(i) For the first 2,000 cubic feet a minute capacity of air handled in duct system ..... 17.00

(ii) For each 1,000 cubic feet a minute over 2,000 cubic feet or fractional part thereof up to 10,000 cubic feet a minute ..... 7.00

(iii) For each additional 1,000 cubic feet a minute or fractional part thereof ..... 5.00

(5) Pumps, each ..... 6.00

(6) Tanks, all types, gasoline or LP:

(i) 0 to 600 gallons ..... 15.00

(ii) Over 600 to 10,000 gallons capacity or fractional part thereof ..... 22.00

(iii) For each additional 1,000 gallons or fractional part thereof ..... 4.00

(iv) For above-ground commercial tanks a Fire Marshal plan review fee of $150.00 will be charged in addition to the above fees.

(7) Service station automobile lifts ..... 17.00

(8) For gas piping ..... 80.00

(9) Fire residential sprinkler systems:

(i) For the first 40 sprinkler heads or fractional part thereof ..... 27.00

(ii) For each additional 10 sprinkler heads or fractional part thereof ..... 4.00

(10) Prefabricated fireplaces, each ..... 22.00

(11) Alteration or repair of boiler or non-fired pressure vessel ..... 22.00

(12) Solar collector system ..... 22.00

(13) Commercial hood installation ..... 22.00

(14) Commercial grease hood installation

(14)(15) Heat exchanger or coil in ducts ..... 8.00

(15)(16) Minimum fee for a mechanical permit ..... 60.00

(16)(17) For mechanical permits not listed above the fee shall be based on $7.00 per $1,000.00.

(e) Miscellaneous permit fees.

(1) Mobile home move-on permit ..... 100.00

(f) Miscellaneous fees.

(1) Temporary/partial certificate of occupancy-residential, each ..... 100.00

(2) Temporary/partial certificate of occupancy-commercial, each ..... 150.00

(3) Change of contractor, owner, address or contractor qualifier on an active permit:

(i) 1—5 permits, each ..... 40.00

(ii) 5.00 a fee for each permit over 5

(4) Register a new company ..... 50.00

(5) Add a new qualifier to a company ..... 40.00

(6)(4) Register to be a Private Provider ..... 150.00

(7)(5) Add a new inspector to a Private Provider ..... 100.00

(8) (6) After hours inspections: Hourly overtime cost for inspector

(9) (7) Plan review fee on any item will be quadrupled on fourth submission as per Florida Statute 553.80

(10)(8) Local Product Approval ..... 150.00

(11)(9) Open an escrow account ..... 50.00

(12)(10) Monthly escrow account maintenance fee for active accounts, per month ..... 8.00

(13)(11) Plan review fee for active permits:

(i) Residential, full size sheets (24″ × 36″), truss plans, or energy sheets ..... 40.00

(ii) Commercial, for 1—5 full size sheets (24″ × 36″) ..... 50.00

For each additional sheet ..... 5.00

(14) Quality Assurance re-inspection fee after being notified the deficiency has been corrected ..... 45.00

(g) Private inspection fees.

(1) Building permit fees for residential new buildings and additions shall be reduced by 100.00, but not below the BID minimum fee, when being inspected by a private inspector.

(2) Building permit fees for commercial new buildings and additions shall be reduced by ten percent, but not below the BID minimum fee, when being inspected by a private inspector.

(3) Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Roofing and Mobile Home permit fees shall be reduced by 31% when being inspected by a private inspector, but not below the minimum fee.

(4) Plan review fees shall be reduced by 31% when being reviewed by a private plan reviewer, but not below the minimum fee.

* * *

Sec. 320.412. - Renewal of sign permits for off-site signs.

(a) All sign permits issued for off-site signs shall be renewed every year starting on October 1 but not later than December 31 of every year. Sign permit renewal payment as found in fees, shall be made through the City of Jacksonville billing system and all fees collected expire on October 1 of each year as provided in Section 320.410(a)(2) above unless they are renewed for an additional year on or before their date of expiration. Renewals shall be accomplished by the filing of an application with the Division setting forth the information required under Section 320.402(c) in the initial application, and payment of a renewal fee of $35 per sign permitted. The application shall be filed no later than 30 days before the expiration date of a sign permit. The fees herein collected shall be paid into the Sign Enforcement Fund under Section 111.460. The Division then shall verify the information in the renewal application is true and correct and that the sign otherwise meets the requirements for approval required in Chapter 326, and if so, shall issue the applicant a renewal sticker color coded and numbered for the year of renewal on or before the expiration date. The applicant shall promptly affix the renewal sticker to the sign permit tag so as to be plainly visible to the public and inspectors, yet without covering the numbers and letters on the permit tag.

(b) If payment for permit renewal for an off-site sign is not received by accomplished and the sticker for the renewal is not attached to the sign permit tag no later than 30 days after October 1 December 31 of each year, the off-site sign involved shall be subject to immediate removal by the Division without further notice or the need to comply with Section 320.413 or Section 326.208(b) and without the City incurring any liability therefor.

* * *

Section 20. Amending Chapter 342 (Construction Trades Regulations), Ordinance Code. Chapter 342, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 342. Construction trades regulations

* * *

Sec. 342.105. - Contractor certificate.

A contractor certificate may be obtained in the following manner:

(a) The applicant shall apply on a form prescribed by the Board. The Board shall retain the application and supporting papers as a permanent record as long as the certificate issued thereon is valid and then in accordance with the records retention requirements of Part 2, Chapter 124.

(b)  The application shall include:

(1) The name, address and master craftsman certificate number of the qualifying agent together with a notarized statement that the qualifying agent is legally qualified to act for the business organization in all matters connected with its contracting business and that he has authority to supervise work undertaken by the business organization.

(2) If the applicant is:

(i)  A corporation, the name and address of the officers of the corporation and a certified copy of the certificate of incorporation.

(ii)  A sole proprietorship or partnership, the name and address of the proprietor or partners.

(3) Information showing the financial responsibility, credit and business reputation of the applicant as required by the State Department of Business and Professional Regulation including disclosure of the participation of a qualifying agent, principals, partners, officers or directors in a bankruptcy proceeding; a comprehensive financial statement; and a credit report on the applicant and the qualifying agent.

(4) A receipt from the Tax Collector evidencing payment of an application fee (which is not refundable) of $75 as found in fees.

* * *

Sec. 342.110. - Trades, crafts, contractors and subcontractors.

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(e)  Structural welding.

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, structural welding means the practice, materials and equipment used in the assembly of structural elements of a building or structure by an approved welding method.

(2) It is unlawful for a person to engage in the craft or trade of structural welding unless he holds a valid craftsman certificate issued by the Board as a journeyman structural welder. The certificate may be obtained upon application therefor presented to the Board, accompanied by a fee of $10 as found in fees, and a welder qualification test report from an approved engineering testing laboratory or an agency of the United States or the state, certifying that the welder has been tested and found competent in accordance with the requirements of the American Welding Society Structural Welding Code (AWS D1-72). A craftsman certificate as a journeyman structural welder shall be valid permanently unless revoked by the Board as provided in Section 342.116.

* * *

Sec. 342.113. - Examination of masters, journeymen, serviceman, and installers.

(a) In each category where a contractor or craftsman certificate is required by Section 342.110, the Board shall give examinations for contractors, journeyman, serviceman and installer craftsmen at least four times each year and for master craftsmen at least two times each year at times and places designated by the Board. The Board shall adopt a schedule for examinations in all required categories at its first meeting each fiscal year. The schedule shall be publicly posted in the office of the Building Inspection Division. The schedule for each type of examination in each category shall be evenly distributed throughout the year. No examination shall be given at a time other than as adopted in the posted schedule, except that the Board may authorize a special contractor examination if an applicant demonstrates that he will suffer an undue hardship if required to await the scheduled examination.

(b) To be eligible for a scheduled examination, an applicant must file his application with the Board at least 30 days before the date of the examination.

(c) Each application for examination certificate and renewal shall include a receipt from the Tax Collector showing payment of a nonrefundable fee., except as provided in subsection (k) of this Section, application fee as follows: The following application fees are found at the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees:

i) Contractor/administration examination ..... $ 65

ii) Special contractor examination ..... 150

iii) Master craftsman examination ..... 115

iv) Journeyman craftsman examination ..... 65

v) Serviceman examination ..... 65

vi) Installer examination ..... 65

* * *

(j) Each applicant who passes an examination will be issued a certificate of competency in the trade and category for which the examination was given,. The fee will be $25 for all categories. Ffor those who pass the examination in August or September of the first biennial year a renewal fee as found in fees shall be charged for the first biennial certificate. Applicants who pass the examination in August or September of the last biennial year will be issued a certificate of competency free of charge for the remainder of the biennial licensure period. A $25 fee shall be charged for the initial certificate of competency. Applicants applying for reciprocity shall pay the required reciprocity legislation fees found in Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, plus the required renewal fees.

(k) The Board has the right at its discretion, based on careful review of extenuating circumstances or Board error beyond the applicant's control, to refund the application fee.

(l) For purposes of a certificate of competency, a passing grade shall be valid only for a period of one year from the date the list of successful candidates is approved by the Board.

(m) Failure of a successful candidate to place the certificate of competency either on active or inactive status within one year from the date the board approved the successful candidate shall render the passing grade null and void requiring the candidate to take the examination again.

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Sec. 342.115. - Contractor certificate holders maintaining qualifications; revocation or suspension upon failure to maintain.

(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this Section, whenever the holder of a contractor certificate fails to maintain one or more of the qualifications required for the issuance of a certificate, he shall, within five days, report his lack of qualifications to the Board. His certificate is automatically suspended from the date on which he first failed to maintain all of the required qualifications until he reestablishes his qualifications. In lieu of suspension and on request of the holder, the Board may declare the certificate inactive for a stated period of time, otherwise inactive and suspended certificates under this Section become invalid after six months and shall not thereafter be renewed.

(b) Except for placing a certificate on inactive in lieu of suspension as stated under subsection (a) of this Section, a contractor may at any time place his certificate on voluntary inactive status for an undetermined number of renewal periods by paying one-half of the annual renewal fee as set for an active contractor certificate, but will not be required to carry any insurance. At the time of placing oneself on voluntary inactive status, the contractor shall relinquish his current contractor certificate and be issued a new certificate marked "Inactive." To return to an active status from a voluntary inactive status, a contractor must complete a new application and all supporting documents, including current insurance and documentation of a current "Inactive" license and appear before a hearing of the Board. Upon approval by the Board, the contractor shall relinquish his "Inactive" license and shall be issued a current active license and shall pay the current renewal fee.

(c) If a contractor fails to have a required qualifying agent for a period of 60 consecutive days, his contractor's certificate is automatically suspended. During the 60-day period, the contractor may complete all work for which any permits have been issued prior to the loss of the agent but he may not obtain a new permit or contract for new work. Upon suspension, the contractor shall cease all work. Until a suspended certificate becomes invalid under subsection (a) of this Section, but not thereafter, suspension automatically terminates when the Board approves a new qualifying agent.

(d) If the insurance required by Section 342.105(b)(7) has expired or has been terminated for any reason, the contractor certificate is suspended as of the effective date of the expiration or the termination of the insurance. For purposes of suspension, a copy of the valid certificate of insurance shall have been sent to the Board office by midnight of the effective date of expiration or termination of the certificate of insurance. The contractor shall cease all work upon suspension. The suspension automatically terminates when the contractor again files evidence of a sufficient certificate of insurance with the Board, submits the proper reinstatement form and pays a fee of $50 as found in fees.

Sec. 342.116. - Revocation or suspension of certificate of competency; denial of examination application.

(a) The Board may suspend or revoke a certificate of competency of a contractor or craftsman or a Certificate of Registration of a journeyman who is found guilty by the Board of any of the following:

(1) Violation of a provision of F.S. Ch. 455, F.S. Ch. 489, F.S. Ch. 553 or any other state statute pertaining to building regulations (or restrictions) or the construction trades.

(2) Attempting to procure a certificate to practice contracting or one of the trades governed by this Section by bribery or fraudulent misrepresentations.

(3) Being convicted or found guilty, regardless of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of a crime which directly relates to the practices herein regulated.

(4) Signing a statement with respect to a project or contract falsely indicating that the work is bonded; falsely indicating that payment has been made for all subcontracted work, labor and materials which results in a financial loss to the owner, purchaser or contractor; or falsely indicating that workers' compensation and public liability insurance are provided.

(5) Commission of an act which constitutes deceit, negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the practice regulated.

(6) Practicing on a revoked, suspended or inactive certificate.

(7) Wilfully Willfully or deliberately disregarding and violating the applicable building codes or laws of the state or City.

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(h) In order to reactivate a suspended contractor or craftsman certificate of competence under Section 342.116, the certificate holder will have to file a new application and pay a reinstating fee as found in fees Follows for the following:

Contractor ..... $75

Master ..... 50

Journeyman ..... 25

Serviceman ..... 25

Installer ..... 25

* * *

Sec. 342.118. - Certificates nontransferable; renewal.

(a) Beginning with the 1999 renewal year, each contractor certificate or craftsman certificate shall be renewed every two years. The Board shall be responsible for the mailing of the application for renewal. Contractor certificates and craftsman certificates are nontransferable and shall expire on the last day of September of the current licensure cycle. The Board shall renew these certificates biennially upon request and payment of the renewal fee; except the fee may be waived by the Board on a craftsman certificate that has been valid for 50 years or more if such certificate is not being used to qualify a company. Renewal fees are as follows: The Renewal fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

(1)  Contractor certificate ..... $160

(2)  Master craftsman certificate ..... 60

(3)  Journeyman craftsman certificate ..... 50

(4)  Serviceman certificate ..... 50

(5)  Maintenance craftsman or property maintenance craftsman certificate ..... 50

(6)  Installer certificate ..... 50

(7)  Registered alarm contractor ..... 50

(8)  Specialty subcontractor ..... 160

|(9) |Inactive (contractors and specialty subcontractors) |½ of biennial renewal |

|(10) |Late fee |Double fee for each late renewal cycle plus the appropriate application|

| | |fee |

The payment of a certificate renewal fee is required in addition to and is wholly unrelated to an occupational license fee required by any other law.

(b) Failure of a certificate holder to renew the certificate of competency prior to the expiration of the renewal cycle shall cause the certificate to become delinquent. The holder of a delinquent certificate of competency shall pay a fee equal to double the renewal fee when renewing the certificate of competency prior to the expiration of the current licensure cycle, plus the appropriate application fee. A holder of a delinquent or invalid certificate, as defined in Section (c), shall not be allowed to engage in contracting, including pulling permits. The use of a delinquent or invalid certificate of competency to engage in contracting is a violation of this Section, and may be punishable by the Board with an administrative fine of up to $2,000 for each occurrence.

(c) Failure of the holder of the delinquent certificate of competency to renew prior to the expiration of the current licensure cycle renders the certificate of competency invalid. The holder of the invalid certificate of competency must reapply in the same manner, including examination and all applicable fees. However, the Board may waive the examination requirements for good cause shown.

(d) If the contractor fails to renew his certificate and fails to apply for a new certificate within six months after expiration of the original certificate, his certificate shall become invalid.

(e) Lost certificates of competency or a structural welder's certificate will be replaced for a fee of $10 as found in fees and a written request including an explanation by the certificate holder.

(f) Contractors who are certified by either the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board or the Florida Electrical Contractors Licensing Board and whose license is active and valid, and who previously held a journeyman or master certificate of competency issued by the Construction Trades Qualifying Board, and who let such certificate lapse upon becoming certified with the state, may be reinstated as a journeyman in that trade without examination, upon providing proof of such certification, completion of an application for certificate of competency, payment of a $150 reinstatement fee as found in fees, and approval of the Board.

(g) Renewal fees for trades not requiring a master certificate of competency to qualify for a contractor certificate of competency shall pay a combined fee equal to the renewal fee of a master and contractor certificate of competency.

Sec. 342.119. - Existing craftsman certificates continued.

(a) A person who, on January 1, 1971, holds a valid certificate of competency issued by the City as a neon serviceman shall be issued, on request by the holder, a limited journeyman craftsman's certificate which authorizes him to continue to do electrical work on neon signs only. The Board shall continue to renew a limited certificate for a holder entitled thereto under this Section but shall not issue to any other person a new certificate as a neon serviceman.

(b) The work previously required to be performed by supervisors of elevator electricians and elevator electricians is not included in this Chapter as a craft requiring certified craftsmen. The names of persons holding certificates of competency in these categories on January 1, 1971 shall be filed in the records of the Board. A future regulation which establishes requirements for this craft shall recognize these certificates and provide for continuation of or exchange for a new certificate required without further examination of the holder.

(c) A person who, on March 15, 1973, held a valid certificate of competency (not including a temporary certificate of competency) or a business license or an occupational license issued by the administrative authority of the Second, Third, Fourth or Fifth Urban Services District as a master electrician, journeyman electrician, master plumber or journeyman plumber, the certificate of competency having been issued after completion of at least four years of practical experience and the person having passed a written examination administered by the issuing agency which is determined by the Board to have been equivalent to examinations given by the Second Urban Services District for that craft, shall be issued, on the request of the holder, a craftsman certificate by the Board in the same classification without further examination or evidence of competency and without payment of a fee within a reasonable time after submitting evidence to the Board of the examination and certification.

(d) Current HAR certificates as contractor, master and journeyman in effect on September 30, 1974 shall be renewed as provided in Section 342.118 in the class A classification and shall be renewable thereafter in this classification unless the holder requests assignment of another designated classification established by Section 342.110(d)(2).

(e) Current HAR Class B certificates as contractor, master and journeymen in effect as of March 1, 1991 shall be renewed as provided in Section 342.118 in the class A classification and shall be renewable thereafter in this classification. After March 1, 1991 certificates of competency for HAR Class B as contractor, master and journeyman will be issued based on the new qualifications as stated in Section 342.110(d)(2)(ii) and shall be renewable thereafter in this classification.

(f) A person who, on September 30, 1991, holds a valid certificate of competency issued by the City as a Class C HAR contractor, master, or journeyman shall be issued on request by the holder, a limited contractor, master or journeyman craftsman certificate which authorizes him to continue to do work on fired-pressure vessels and all appurtenances, apparatus or equipment used connection therewith. The Board shall continue to renew a limited certificate for a holder entitled thereto under this Section but shall not test anyone in this classification nor issue to any other person a new certificate as a Class C HAR contractor, master or journeyman.

(g) A person who, on September 30, 1991, holds a valid certificate of competency issued by the City as a Class D HAR contractor, master, or journeyman shall be issued on request by the holder, a limited contractor, master or journeyman craftsman certificate which authorizes him to continue to do work on low temperature equipment, commonly known as refrigeration, and all appurtenances, apparatus and equipment used in connection therewith. The Board shall continue to renew a limited certificate for a holder entitled thereto under this Section but shall not test anyone in this classification nor issue to any other person a new certificate as a Class D HAR contractor, master or journeyman.

(h) A person who, on September 30, 1991, holds a valid journeyman or master certificate of competency, and who has been registered with the Board as a maintenance craftsman, shall re-register, completing an application and all supporting documents without further examination but must pay an application fee of $50 as found in fees, and the current yearly renewal fee, within 90 days. After December 29, 1991, their right to draw any permits will be withheld until such time as they have completed the new application and all supporting documents. Thereafter, they shall be issued a certificate of competency as a maintenance craftsman stating their classification and place of employment, which shall be renewable thereafter in this classification unless the holder requests assignment as agent for another employer or property location, at which time this certificate would become void and a new application and all supporting documents would have to be filed. Anyone after September 30,1991, desiring to be registered with board as a maintenance craftsman who is not currently registered, must file an application and all supporting documents, pay an application fee of $50 as found in fees, and the current yearly renewal fee which shall be renewable thereafter in this classification unless the holder requested an assignment as agent for another employer or property location or ceases to work as a maintenance craftsman, at which time this certificate becomes void. He must also appear at a hearing of the Board for approval in this classification. This certificate as a maintenance craftsman shall be in addition to any other master or journeyman certificate of competency.

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Sec. 342.122. - Reciprocity/registration.

(a) Reciprocity may be granted for the written portion of any examination given by the Board to any applicant who has met the following requirements:

(1) Furnishes an original letter of reciprocity from the licensing official in the jurisdiction where the examination was administered stating the examination type and class, examination grade, years of experience prior to and after acquiring their Certificate of Competency, name of testing agency who prepared, proctored and graded the examination, the listing any disciplinary actions taken against applicant.

(2) The municipality or County, upon whose certification, applicant is basing his request for certification pursuant to this Section, extends the same certification privileges to persons certified by the Board.

(3) Obtained a minimum score of 75 percent on an examination prepared, proctored and graded by National Assessment Institute or Block and Associates, which examination is equivalent or similar to an examination offered by the Board.

(4) Applicant meets the eligibility requirements established in Section 342.110. Category of certificate issued by Board will correspond to practical experience requirements defined in this subsection.

(5) Applicant will be required to take, and score a minimum of 75 percent on, a practical examination given by this Board in those categories which required a practical examination in addition to the written examination.

(6) Applicants for a Contractor Certificate of Competency must meet the qualifications of Section 342.105 for the class and category for which he/she is seeking certification.

(b) Reciprocity will not be granted to anyone who has disciplinary charges or actions pending against them by the state, another licensing authority, municipality or County. Anyone with past disciplinary actions taken against them by the state, or other licensing authority, municipality or County, may petition the Board for reciprocity which may be denied under Section 342.116(a)(3).

(c) Applicants for reciprocity of a Craftsman Certificate of Competency will file an Application for Registration/Reciprocity in the category requested, pay the fees as required in Section 342.113(c) and (j), however, the examination will be waived upon meeting all other qualifications.

(d) Applicants for reciprocity as a Contractor will fill an Application for Registration/Reciprocity, pay the fees as required in Section 342.113(c), however, the examinations will be waived upon meeting all other qualifications, and an Application for Contractor Certificate of Competency with all supporting documents, and pay the fees as required in Section 342.104(4).

(e) The Board may issue Letters of Reciprocity to any County or municipality which extends the same privileges to Duval County or Letters of Certification of Experience to those bodies not reciprocating, for a fee of $25 as found in fees, to the applicant.

(f) A Certificate of Registration may be granted to any journeyman desiring reciprocity from another County who has met the following requirements:

(1) Furnishes an original letter of reciprocity from the licensing official in the jurisdiction where the examination was administered stating the examination type and class, examination grade, years of experience prior to and after acquiring their Certificate of Competency/License, name of the testing agency who prepared, proctored and graded the examination, and listing any disciplinary actions taken against applicant; and

(2) Furnishes an active and valid journeyman Certificate of Competency/License issued by the County or municipality in which the examination was taken and passed; and

(3) Has scored at least 70 percent, or after October 1, 1997, at least 75 percent, on a proctored National Assessment Institute or Block and Associates journeyman examination or other proctored examination approved by the Board for the trade in which he or she is licensed; and

(4) Has completed an apprenticeship program registered with the Department of Labor and Employment Security and demonstrates four years of verifiable practical experience in the trade for which he or she is certified/licensed, or demonstrates six years of verifiable practical experience in the trade for which he or she is certified/licensed; and

(5) Has not had a Certificate of Competency/License suspended or revoked within the last five years; and

(6) Completes an Application for Registration/Reciprocity, provides the required documentation including a current, active journeyman Certificate of Competency from the reciprocating jurisdiction, and pays a registration fee of $25 as found in fees.

(g) Registrations are only valid for the current biennial licensure cycle, expiring on the last day of September of the current licensure cycle. The Board shall renew these certificates of registration biennially upon request and payment of the renewal fee and proof of an active journeyman certificate of competency from the reciprocating jurisdiction.

(h) Failure of a registrant to renew the certificate of registration prior to the expiration of the renewal cycle, shall cause the certificate of registration to become delinquent. The holder of the delinquent certificate of registration shall pay a fee equal to double the fee for initial licensure when renewing the registration/reciprocity prior to the expiration of the current licensure cycle plus the appropriate application fee.

(i) Failure of the holder of the delinquent Certificate of Registration to renew prior to the expiration of the current licensure cycle renders the Certificate of Registration invalid. The holder of the invalid Certificate of Registration must reapply for registration/reciprocity in the same manner, including fees, as an applicant for initial registration/reciprocity and pay any additional licensure fees necessary to equal those imposed during the missed delinquent/invalid renewal period.

(j) The holder of a delinquent or invalid Certificate of Registration shall not engage in work of the trade without first renewing the delinquent or invalid Certificate of Registration and paying the appropriate fees.

(k) A lost Certificate of Registration will be replaced for a fee of $5 as found in fees, and a written request including an explanation by the certificate holder.

* * *

Sec. 342.123. - Notification of change of address and phone number of record.

(a) Each holder of a certificate of competency shall be solely responsible for notifying the Board in writing, within ten days, of any change in the certificate holder's current mailing address of record and phone number. If the mailing address is not the certificate holder's physical address, the certificate holder shall also supply the physical address.

(1) A certificate holder's failure to notify the Board of a change of an address and phone number of record shall result in the imposition of a change of address of record or phone number fees as found in fees in the amount of $20. Any such outstanding fee shall be paid prior to the renewal of any certificate of competency.

(2) The certificate holder shall be responsible for retaining proof that the certificate holder has notified the Board of the certificate holder's current address and phone number of record.

(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, service by regular and certified mail to a certificate holder's last known address of record, shall constitute adequate and sufficient notice to the certificate holder by the Board.

Sec. 342.124. - Alarm contractors.

(a) To be registered as an alarm system contractor I, an alarm system contractor II, or a residential alarm system contractor as defined in F.S. § 489.505(21), (22) and (23), the applicant shall apply for a registration in the appropriate alarm system category with the Florida Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board. As a prerequisite for acceptance of this registration by the Board, the Board required payment of an initial registration fee of $180 as found in fees, completion of the Contractor/Administration application, verification from the Florida Electrical Contractor's Board the applicant scored at least 75 percent on an examination approved by the Florida Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board, proof of at least three years technical experience in the trade as verified by the Florida Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board, and holding a valid occupational license.

(b) The renewal of this registration shall be governed by the procedures as outlined under Section 342.118, Ordinance Code, as well as F.S. Ch. 489, Part II.

(c) The biennial renewal fee shall be $160 as found in fees.

(d) The requirement of this Section shall not apply to persons making application prior to the effective date of this act.

* * *

Section 21. Amending Section 368.109 (Special Noise Standards for Special Events at Metropolitan Park), Chapter 368 (Noise Control), Ordinance Code. Section 368.109, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 368. Noise Control

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Sec. 368.109 – Special Noise Standards for Special Events at Metropolitan Park.

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(d)  Fine Structure: The first violation, as established under (b) above, shall result in a warning. Subsequent violations shall be issued according to the following graduated fine structure noted below and the fines can be found in fees:

i.   Greater than 105 dB(A) but less than 108 dB(A): $250 per occurrence;

ii.  Greater than 108 dB(A) but less than 110 dB(A): $500 per occurrence;

iii. Greater than 110 dB(A) but less than 112 dB(A): $1000 per occurrence;

iv.  Greater than 112 dB(A) but less than 115 dB(A): $1500 per occurrence;

v.   Greater than 115 dB(A): $2000 per occurrence.

* * *

Section 22. Amending Chapter 380 (Solid Waste Management), Ordinance Code. Chapter 380, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 380. Solid waste management

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Sec. 380.202. - Subscription to service within the First Urban Services District and residential service by the Division in defined areas outside the First Urban Services District.

(a) The occupant, unless the owner subscribes as set forth in this Section, or the owner, if the owner and occupant are the same, of every residential premises, multibusiness building, and multifamily residential premises as defined in Section 382.102, and office, institutional, commercial or industrial building in the City within the First Urban Services District where garbage, rubbish, refuse, noncombustible refuse or industrial waste is generated shall subscribe to a privately-operated garbage and rubbish collection system unless service is provided by the Division, unless the owner or occupant has received from the Department permission to dispose of his own garbage or rubbish in a sanitary manner approved by the Department. The fact that a residential unit, office, institutional, commercial or industrial establishment is occupied shall be prima facie evidence that garbage, refuse, rubbish, noncombustible refuse or industrial waste is being generated upon the premises.

(b) The Department will collect from all residential premises, and multifamily residential premises and multibusiness buildings, as defined in Section 382.102, and office, institutional, commercial or industrial establishments which have met the requirements of Section 380.202(d) within the Downtown Area as follows:

(1) Solid waste properly containerized in accord with Section 380.203 and placed at curbside for manual (as opposed to mechanical) collection will be collected six nights each week; provided, that the waste for an establishment does not exceed an average of six cubic yards each week.

(2) A nonresidential premises that generates more than an average of six cubic yards each week will not be eligible for service by the Department and will be required to subscribe to service by a private garbage company.

(c) The Department will collect from all residential premises and multifamily residential premises as defined in Section 382.102, and office, institutional, commercial or industrial establishments which have met the requirements of Section 380.202(d) outside the Downtown Area but within the First Urban Services District as follows:

(1) Solid waste properly containerized in accord with Section 380.203 and placed at curbside for manual (as opposed to mechanical) collection will be collected twice a week; provided, that:

(i) The volume of waste does not exceed an average of one cubic yard each week for commercial, office, institutional or industrial establishments.

(2) Commercial, office, institutional or industrial establishments generating more than an average of one cubic yard each week, and multifamily residential premises of more than ten units must subscribe to a private garbage service.

(d) Upon request, the City shall provide residential waste collection services to multifamily residential premises greater than four but not exceeding 15 dwelling units (however, service to residential premises containing 11 to 15 dwelling units must be conditioned upon the fact that such service cannot be provided due to space limitations which make it impractical or impossible to site a large volume garbage container) including apartment buildings, the majority of the units of which have separate kitchen facilities, including a sink, stove and refrigerator, and mobile home parks, and to office, institutional, commercial or industrial establishments and to multibusiness buildings having more than one but not exceeding ten business units, generating not more than one cubic yard of waste each week per residential unit, or equivalent, under the following procedures:

(1) The applicant for service shall apply to the Department for collection service. The Director of Solid Waste and Resource Management shall determine whether the applicant meets the criteria for service to office, institutional, commercial, industrial or multifamily residential customers set forth.

(2) Upon determination by the Director of Solid Waste and Resource Management that the applicant is entitled to residential waste collection service, the applicant for service shall pay to the Tax Collector the annual waste collection service charge as provided in Section 382.501(c) for each unit, except the applicants in the Downtown Area shall pay twice the amount determined in Section 382.501(c) for each unit. An applicant for residential waste collection service to office, institutional, commercial or industrial establishments and to multibusiness buildings (except those in the Downtown Area) whose facility generates more than ten "garbage receptacles" per week shall be required (either at the time of application for service or upon notice by the division that such service is necessary due to waste quantities which exceed the ten "garbage receptacle" limit) to subscribe for a "garbage receptacle" exceedence to allow up to ten additional "garbage receptacles" per collection day at an additional annual fee of $75 as found in fees, per unit, which fee shall be payable in advance.

(3) The Tax Collector shall issue to the applicant a receipt therefor and send two copies of the receipt to the Director of Solid Waste and Resource Management, who shall thereupon provide collection service.

(4) Upon written request from the Director of Solid Waste and Resource Management, or his designee, any owner and/or occupant of facilities described in Section 380.202(d) which are located in the Core City (excluding the Downtown Area) shall provide proof of solid waste collection service of at least once weekly from an entity legally authorized to provide such service. Failure to provide such proof within 30 days of the receipt of such written request from the Director of Solid Waste and Resource Management, or his designee, shall be a violation as set forth in Section 380.213.

(e) All multifamily residential and commercial establishments that do not currently receive yard trash service as defined in Section 380.202(b) or (c) will be eligible for service by the Department if all criteria as set forth in Section 382.402(e) is met.

(f) Residential premises (as defined in Section 382.102) and multifamily apartment buildings (as defined in Chapter 380), except those located in the Downtown Area, may obtain an optional second day of garbage weekly collection services upon advance payment of an annual fee of $50 as found in fees.

(g) The Department shall provide residential waste collection services to residential premises (not to include multifamily residential premises) in any area outside the First Urban Services District if such area is not within a service area set forth in Code Section 382.301.

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Sec. 380.303. - Rates for disposal.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

(a) The following basic rates and charges for each vehicle for the deposit of solid and liquid waste at a solid waste disposal facility provided with scales or when scales are not in service shall be charged by the City:

(1)  (i)  Rates charged with scales in service:

|Description |Operating |Resource |Per Ton |Special |Total |

| |Charge |Charge |Charge |Charge |Charge |

| |Mixed residential waste delivered by City and contract |$22.34 |$7.16 |$29.50 |$0.00 |$29.50 |

| |haulers | | | | | |

| |Nonresidential waste delivered by City agencies |22.71 |7.16 |29.87 |0.00 |29.87 |

| |Nonresidential waste/construction and demolition debris|22.71 |7.16 |29.87 |0.00 |29.87 |

| |Self haulers/non-franchise haulers |22.71 |7.16 |29.87 |0.00 |29.87 |

| |First 500 lbs. @ $1.00 Sat. Only (Private Residential |1.00 |0.00 |1.00 |0.00 |1.00 |

| |Waste) | | | | | |

| |Clean Dirt Approved for Cover |0.00 |0.00 |0.00 |0.00 |0.00 |

|Category I Waste | | | | | |

| |Manifested asbestos |274.89 |7.16 |282.05 |0.00 |282.05 |

|Category II Waste | | | | | |

| |Special waste |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |0.00 |41.00 |

| |Sludge |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |0.00 |41.00 |

| |Dead animals/spoiled food |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |0.00 |41.00 |

| |Incinerator ash |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |0.00 |41.00 |

| |Inspected waste |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |100.00 |141.00 |

|Category III Waste | | | | | |

| |Tires (each) | | |1.50 |12.00 |13.50 |

| |Lead acid batteries (each) | | |2.00 |24.75 |26.75 |

| |White goods (each) | | |5.00 |35.00 |40.00 |

|Category IV Waste | | | | | |

| |Tires—Passenger car (each) 0.50 1.00 1.50 | | | | | |

| |Tires—Truck (each) | | |5.00 |5.00 |10.00 |

| |Tires—Other (each) | | |18.00 |10.00 |28.00 |

| |Tires (bulk) |160.84 |7.16 |168.00 |0.00 |168.00 |

| |White goods (each) | | | |20.00 |20.00 |

| |Lead acid batteries (each) | | | |13.50 |13.50 |

 (ii)  Rate per ton charged with scales in service for waste generated at Duval County military installations.

|Description |Operating |Resource |Per Ton |Special |Total |

| |Charge |Charge |Charge |Charges |Charge |

| |Nonresidential waste |$ 23.84 |$ 7.16 |$ 31.00 |$ 0.00 |$ 31.00 |

|Category I Waste | | | | | |

| |Manifested asbestos |274.89 |7.16 |282.05 |0.00 |282.05 |

|Category II Waste | | | | | |

| |Special waste |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |0.00 |41.00 |

| |Sludge |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |0.00 |41.00 |

| |Dead animals/spoiled food |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |0.00 |41.00 |

| |Incinerator ash |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |0.00 |41.00 |

| |Inspected waste |33.84 |7.16 |41.00 |100.00 |141.00 |

|Category III Waste | | | | | |

| |Tires (each) | | |1.50 |12.00 |13.50 |

| |Lead acid batteries (each) | | |2.00 |24.75 |26.75 |

| |White goods (each) | | |5.00 |35.00 |40.00 |

|Category IV Waste | | | | | |

| |Tires—Passenger car (each) | | |0.50 |1.00 |1.50 |

| |Tires—Truck (each) | | |5.00 |5.00 |10.00 |

| |Tires—Other (each) | | |18.00 |10.00 |28.00 |

| |Tires (bulk) |160.84 |7.16 |168.00 |0.00 |168.00 |

| |White goods (each) | | | |20.00 |20.00 |

| |Lead acid batteries (each) | | | |13.50 |13.50 |

 (2)  (i)  Vehicular charge when scales are not in service:

|Waste Classification |Disposal |Program |Total |

| |Charge |Charge |Charge |

|Three-quarter-ton pickups |23.84 |7.16 |31.00 |

|Trailers and discarded autos |43.75 |11.83 |55.58 |

|Six-wheeled trucks |52.02 |13.87 |65.89 |

|Ten-wheel/tandem axle trucks |123.01 |31.46 |154.47 |

|Semitrailers |172.90 |43.82 |216.72 |

|Minimum charge special wastes (less than 1 cubic yard) |25.23 |4.08 |29.31 |

|Special solid waste/cubic yard |44.12 |15.70 |59.82 |

|Bulk liquid/sludge per 1,000 gallons and pro rata fraction thereof based on the capacity of |98.76 |13.32 |112.08 |

|the vehicle/container | | | |

|Rolloff, 20 cubic yards or less |104.07 |27.78 |131.85 |

|Rolloff, over 20 cubic yards |144.84 |36.88 |181.72 |

|White goods, each piece or unit |15.00 |0.00 |15.00 |

|Rearload packer, per cubic yard |9.92 |4.08 |14.00 |

|Frontload packer, per cubic yard |6.65 |4.53 |11.18 |

|Clean dirt approved for cover |0.00 |0.00 |0.00 |

 (ii) Vehicular charge when scales are not in service for waste generated at Duval County military installations.

|Waste Classification |Disposal |Program |Total |

| |Charge |Charge |Charge |

|Three-quarter-ton pickups—Commercial |14.14 |7.16 |21.30 |

|Trailers and discarded autos |50.06 |11.83 |61.89 |

|Six-wheeled trucks |59.51 |13.87 |73.38 |

|Ten-wheel/tandem axle trucks |140.73 |31.46 |172.19 |

|Semi-trailers |195.36 |43.82 |239.18 |

|Minimum charge special wastes (less than 1 cubic yard) |27.90 |4.08 |31.98 |

|Special solid waste/cubic yard |49.85 |15.70 |65.55 |

|Bulk liquid/sludge per 1,000 gallons and pro rata fraction thereof—based on the capacity of |111.59 |13.32 |124.91 |

|the vehicle/container | | | |

|Rolloff, 20 cubic yards or less |118.52 |26.78 |145.30 |

|Rolloff, over 20 cubic yards |165.71 |36.88 |202.59 |

|Rearload packer, per cubic yard |11.35 |4.08 |15.43 |

|Frontload packer, per cubic yard |7.61 |4.53 |12.14 |

|Clean dirt approved for cover |0.00 |0.00 |0.00 |

 (b) The following are basic rates and charges for waste from conditionally exempt business sources at the household hazardous waste facility:

|Description |Document |Unit |Unit |Minimum |

| |Fee |Disposal | |Per |

| | |Fee | |Container |

|Flammable Liquids |$ 2.00 |$ 1.25 * |Gallon |$ 0.50 |

|Fuel Blendable Materials |$ 2.00 |$ 4.25 * |Gallon |$ 1.00 |

|Latex Paint |$ 2.00 |$ 1.25 * |Gallon |$ 0.50 |

|Nickel-Cadmium Batteries |$ 2.00 |$ 1.25 * |Pound |N/A |

 * $0.25 of each unit disposal fee per unit shall be allocated and deposited in the Woodstock Park Development Trust Fund established in Section 111.775, to be utilized and expended as set forth therein.

(c) A minimum charge of $1 for each load shall be imposed on all vehicles.

(d) The following charges shall be imposed and collected to weigh vehicles using scales when no disposal of waste is included:

|WGT. Private citizen |$ 1 |

|WGT. Commercial 1 axle |2 |

|WGT. Commercial 2 axle |4 |

|WGT. Commercial 3 axle |6 |

|WGT. Commercial 4 axle |8 |

|WGT. Commercial 5 axle |10 |

(e) In addition to the aforelisted charges or in lieu thereof, as appropriate, there is hereby imposed a charge of $100 plus transportation charges to return a load of off-specification waste to the generator of such waste.

(f) In addition to the aforelisted charges, there is hereby imposed a charge of $200 plus all laboratory costs for a laboratory analysis of off-specification waste.

(g) Recycling of yard waste and white goods shall be governed by the following basic rates and charges:

(1) Rates when scales are present and operational (Wood and Yard Waste Recycling Facility):

|Yard Waste, per ton debagged |$25 |

|Bagged Yard Waste, per ton |27 |

|Pallets |25 |

|Yard Waste—debagged residential haulers |27 |

|Yard Waste—bagged residential haulers |25 |

|Private auto or truck |1 |

|(Up to 500 pounds, Saturday only) | |

 (2) Rates when no scales present or when scales are not operating (Wood and Yard Waste Recycling Facility):

| |Standard |Land |

| |Charge |Clearing |

| | |Charge |

|Private auto and trucks (Saturday only) |$ 1.00 | |

|Private auto and trucks |3.05 | |

|(Other than Saturday) | | |

|Private auto and trucks |5.10 | |

|(w/Trailer) | | |

|Commercial trucks |9.60 | |

|Commercial trucks |15.95 | |

|w/Trailer 2 wheel | | |

|Commercial trucks |22.30 | |

|w/Trailer 4 wheel | | |

|Dump truck/Single Axle |35.65 |178.35 |

|Dump truck/Dual Axle |76.40 |382.20 |

|Stake Body Truck/ |20.40 |101.90 |

|Single Axle | | |

|Stake Body Truck/ |30.55 |152.80 |

|Dual Axle | | |

|Tree Surgeon "Box" Truck/Single Axle |38.20 | |

|Tree Surgeon "Box" Truck/Dual Axle |53.00 | |

|Semi Truck 3-4 Axles Total |109.55 | |

|Semi Truck 5-6 Axles Total |305.75 | |

|Packers/Single Axle (18 CY) |178.35 | |

|Packers/Dual Axle (25 CY) |224.20 | |

|Packers/Dual Axle |285.35 | |

|(30 CY or more) | | |

|Roll-offs 20 CY or less |86.60 |433.15 |

|Roll-offs 30 CY |132.50 |662.45 |

|Roll-offs 42 CY |177.35 |891.75 |

|Packers/Single Axle (18 CY) bagged load |185.00 | |

|Packers/Dual Axle (18 CY) bagged load |185.00 | |

|Packers/Dual Axle (25 CY) bagged load |235.00 | |

|Packers/Dual Axle (30 CY and more) bagged load |300.00 | |

 (3)  Rates for White Goods (White Goods Processing Center):

|Commercial White Goods |4 |

 * * *


* * *

Sec. 380.605. - Procedure for granting franchises.

a)  Application submission.

* * *

(4) Each application must be accompanied by a cashier's check payable to the City for the franchise fee application as found in fees in the amount of $1,500. Any application fee received shall be nonrefundable and shall be deposited into the Solid Waste Disposal Enterprise Fund of the City. The City Department will notify an applicant of any deficiencies in its application; and, the applicant will have 15 days within which to provide supplemental information. If the applicant fails to provide the requested information within the time prescribed the application will be deemed insufficient and denied without further Council action.

* * *

Sec. 380.606. - Franchise term and conditions.

(a) Term. Each franchise shall be granted subject to annual registration by the franchisee. Such annual registration shall include that information required by the City Department. Franchisees shall be subject to the annual registration, suspension and revocation provisions of this Part. Ninety days before the anniversary date of the franchise agreement, the franchisee shall submit to the City Department, on a form prescribed by it, the annual registration along with the registration fee as found in fees of $1,500. If a franchisee fails to submit a complete and accurate annual registration and/or fails to pay the registration fee, the franchise up for renewal shall be deemed suspended, precluding the registrant from performing under the franchise until the noncompliance is corrected.

* * *

Sec. 380.609. - Franchise transfer.

(a) Any person desiring to transfer a franchise or the rights obtained under a franchise in whole or in part, or any franchisee desiring to transfer a controlling interest in such franchisee, shall petition the City Department for authority to transfer the franchise or controlling interest in the franchisee. The petition shall be submitted with the transfer application fee paid by cashier's check payable to the City in the amount of $500. The application fee for franchise transfer can be found in fees. Any transfer application fee shall be nonrefundable and shall be deposited into the Solid Waste Disposal Enterprise Fund of the City. The City Department shall report to the Council a franchisee's request to transfer its franchise within 30 days of the City Department's receipt thereof, and recommend approval, approval with specified conditions, or denial. The Council may disapprove any such transfer if the transfer would be contrary to Section 126.204, Ordinance Code, or it has reasonable grounds to believe that the transfer will result in a degradation of performance or service provided, such grounds to include, without implied limitation, issues relating to the moral character, commercial viability, credit worthiness or operational ability of the transferee or its principals. The City Department may defer reporting on the transfer request until all franchise fees owed by the franchisee to the City are paid. As used in this paragraph, the term "controlling interest" means 25 percent or more of the ownership or of the voting rights of the franchisee. Any change in ownership of a franchisee exceeding ten percent of the stockholder ownership, assets, or partnership interest shall be reported to the City Department within 30 days of the change.

(b) Prior to any transfer under this Section, the transferee must submit to the City an application with the application fee.

(c) Any person to whom a franchise is transferred, whether for a valid consideration or not, shall be responsible for all fees owed to the City by the original franchisee even though the obligation is incurred prior to the transfer.

* * *

Section 23. Amending Chapter 462 (Animals), Ordinance Code. Chapter 462 (Animals), Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:


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* * *

Sec. 462.1103. Hobby Breeder and Occasional Seller Permits.

All permits issued under this Section shall require verifiable proof that all required animals are current on rabies vaccination and licensing. Since such information is exempt from public records disclosure in accordance with F.S. § 828.30(5), such information shall not be disclosed to the general public consistent with and pursuant to that exemption. Hobby Breeder and/or Occasional Seller permits are limited to one per person, entity, corporation and location. If two or more hobby breeders and/or occasional sellers occupy one location or if any hobby breeder and/or occasional occupies or operates more than one location only one hobby breeder permit and/or occasional seller permit, in aggregate, shall be issued. If multiple locations are to be used or if multiple people are breeding in a location a Pet Shop and Animal Dealer permit may be required.

(a) Hobby Breeder Permit Required. A hobby breeder shall be person, entity or corporation not qualified as a pet dealer whose primary source of income is not derived from the breeding and/or sale of animals. ACPS shall issue, at no charge for a breeder that owns 30 or fewer unsterilized animals one year of age or older (if more than 30 are owned a per animal fee may be charged at the rate of $10 per animal as found in fees - there shall be no maximum number of animals established), an initial and subsequent renewal annual hobby breeder permit upon application by interested individuals if the following provisions are in place:

(1) A physical inspection of the property where ACPS has determined that the property is in compliance with Sections 462.1104 and 462.1105,

(2) All animals on the premises must be current on required rabies vaccination and City license, if required, and

(3) The applicant has not been found guilty of animal negligence, cruelty or abuse.

A permitted hobby breeder may sell, trade, exchange or otherwise place up to 20 animals (the litter that brings the total to 20 offspring born sale meet the requirement of the 20 animal maximum if the animals are being bred) per calendar year provided that the litters are registered with ACPS. Registration shall be in the form of a letter stating when the litter was born and the number of animals in the litter.

(b) Occasional Seller Permit Required. ACPS shall issue, at no charge for an occasional seller that owns 15 or fewer unsterilized animals one year of age or older (if more than 15 are owned a per animal fee may be charged at the rate of $10 per animal as found in fees - there shall be no maximum number of animals established), an initial and subsequent renewal annual occasional seller permit upon application by interested individuals if the following provisions are in place:

(1) All animals on the premises must be current on required rabies vaccination and City license, and

(2) The applicant must not have been convicted of animal negligence, cruelty or abuse.

An occasional seller must register the litters or other unsterilized animals to be sold, traded, given away or exchanged with ACPS by sending written notice before the animals are offered for sale or otherwise exchanged; providing numbers of animals to be sold, traded or given away. An occasional seller shall not be subject to the other requirements of this part.

* * *


* * *

Sec. 462.1301. - Permit Requirements.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

Any and all persons or businesses or other entities that have not secured a current, valid permit under Part 10 Pet Shops and Animal Dealers or Part 11 Hobby Breeders and Occasional Sellers shall be subject to the following requirements:

(a) No dwelling, residence, structure, or property may house more than five unsterilized cats and/or dogs over the age of six months, determined by the emergence of adult canine teeth, unless an annual "Excessive Unsterilized Animal Permit - Level One" fee has been paid to ACPS. The cost of the permit shall increase be $50 per animal (beginning with the sixth unsterilized animal) listed up to a total of 20 unsterilized animals.

(b) No dwelling, residence, structure, or property may house more than 20 unsterilized cats and/or dogs over the age of six months determined by the emergence of adult canine teeth unless an annual "Excessive Unsterilized Animal Permit - Level Two" fee has been paid to ACPS. The cost of the permit shall be $50 increase per animal (beginning with the sixth unsterilized animal) listed up to a total of 20 unsterilized animals, and $200 further increase per animal(beginning with the twenty-first unsterilized animal) listed over 20 up to 40 unsterilized animals.

(c) No dwelling, residence, structure, or property may house more than 40 unsterilized cats and/or dogs over the age of six months, determined by the emergence of adult canine teeth, unless an annual "Excessive Unsterilized Animal Permit - Level Three" fee has been paid to ACPS. The cost of the permit shall be $50 increase per animal (beginning with the sixth unsterilized animal) listed up to a total of 20 unsterilized animals, and $200 further increase per animal(beginning with the twenty-first unsterilized animal) listed over 20 up to 40 unsterilized animals, and $500 further increase per animal beginning with the forty-first animal.

(d) Permit holders complying with the requirements of this Section may breed animals without securing a hobby breeder or occasional seller permit in Part 11, provided that no more than four litters are sold, traded, exchanged or otherwise placed per calendar year provided that the litters are registered with ACPS. Registration shall be in the form of a letter stating when the litter was born and the number of animals in the litter.

* * *


* * *

Sec. 462.1803. Fee Schedule.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

|Fee Item/ Service/Function |First |

|Reclaim/Intake (1st Reclaim free for City licensed pets) |$25 |

|Daily Boarding |$15 |

|Quarantine Fee (10 days or any portion thereof) |$200 |

|Owner Surrender (per animal) |$25 |

|Owner Surrender (out of City) |$175 |

|Rabies Vaccination |$10 |

|Medical Expenses/Sterilization |At Cost/Varies |

|Spay/Neuter Deposit |$500 |

|Microchip (RFID) |$10 |

|Dangerous Dog Investigation (includes up to 14 days board) |$300 |

|Dangerous Dog Hearing Appeal (Paid only if appeal is upheld to cover fees) |$375 |

|Annual Dangerous Dog Permit |$200 |

|Annual Pet Shop Permit |$300 |

|Annual Guard Dog Registration Fee (per animal) |$75 |

|Annual Pet License |$20 |

|Replacement Tag |$6 |

|Late Permit/License |$25 |

|Cat Adoption Fee (does not include license fee) |$60 |

|Kitten Adoption Fee (does not include license fee) |$60 |

|Dog Adoption Fee (does not include license fee) |$80 |

|Puppy adoption Fee (does not include license fee) |$80 |

|Tough to Place Pet (over age 3 for dogs/over 1 year for cats) |Free |

|Pet Placement/Rescue Fee |Free |

|Cat Trap Deposit |$75 |

|Late Trap Return Fee (daily after 1st week) |$5 |

|Citation Education Diversion Program |$150 |

|Owner Requested Transport and/or Disposal Pickup Fee |$50 |

|Requested Euthanasia and Disposal |$40 |

Section 24. Amending Section 482.106 (Clerk to record claim of lien), Chapter 482 (Hospital Liens), Ordinance Code. Section 37.111, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 482. Hospital LIENS

* * *

Sec. 482.106. - Clerk to record claim of lien.

The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall endorse on a claim of lien filed under this chapter the date and hour of filing and shall record the claim of lien in the official records of Duval County upon payment of the service charge pursuant to §28.24, Florida Statutes as for other records received for filing. The Clerk shall receive from the hospital as his fee for filing and recording the claim, the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents.

Section 25. Amending Chapter 518 (Jacksonville Property Safety and Maintenance Code), Ordinance Code. Chapter 518, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 518. Jacksonville property safety and maintenance code

* * *


* * *


* * *

Sec. 518.336. - Licenses and fees.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

(a) For applicants applying for an initial license, the following fees are payable to the Division:

(1) Drug Site Decontamination Contractors initial training course.

(i)  Course registration and processing fee: $150;

(ii)  Initial examination fee (each time taken): $100;

(iii)  Refresher course fee: $100.

(2) Initial license application fee: $1,000.00 (if made on or before July 1, of even-numbered calendar years). If initial application is made before July 1, of any odd-numbered year: $500.

(b) Renewal of license:

(1) Renewal fee (must be made on or before July 1 of even-numbered years): $1,000. Licenses expire on June 30 of each even-numbered year and must be renewed on or before July 1 of each even-numbered year.

(2) Penalty for late renewal (if made after July 15): $100.

(c) Reciprocity fees:

(1) License application fee: $1,000 (if made on or before July 1 of even-numbered calendar years). If application is made before July 1 of any odd-numbered year: $500;

(2) Contractor license review fee: $200;

(3) Worker or supervisor certification review fee: $100.

(d) Decontamination fees:

(1) Site assessment review fee: $300;

(2) Work plan review fee — for each real property including all property associated thereto: $900. Work plan review fee - for vehicles, trailers, and boats not associated with real property: $100;

(3) Project completion review and certificate of fitness fee (for each property): $200;

(4) Issuance of additional copies of certificate of fitness:$5.

(e) No portion of any of the above fees is refundable unless the fee was submitted in error and the application is withdrawn by written request of the applicant within ten working days of submission.

* * *


* * *

Part ii. minimum standards for maintenance

* * *


* * *

Sec. 518.560. - Maintenance of Structure Exteriors.

* * *



Demolition Fees

The fees contained within this Section are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code. The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

|a) Administrative fee |$225 |

|b)  Title search and postage cost |Based on city's costs |

|c)  Reinspect cost |Based on city's costs |

|d)  Abatement cost |Based on bid or city's costs |

|e)  Cost of publication |Based on actual cost |


Nuisance Abatement Fees

|a) Administrative fee |$100 |

|b)  Title search and postage cost |Based on city's costs |

|c)  Reinspect cost |Based on city's costs |

|d)  Abatement cost |Based on bid or city's costs |

|e)  Cost of publication |Based on actual cost |

|f)  First repeated violation fee fine |$100 |

|g)  Second repeated violation fee fine |$150 |

|h)  Third repeated violation fee fine |$175 |

|i)  Fourth and subsequent violation fee fine |$225 |


|Maintenance Code Special Service Inspection |100.00 |

* * *

Section 26. Amending Chapter 630 (General Provisions; Limitations), Subtitle A (Offenses), Title XVI (Judicial Code), Ordinance Code. Chapter 630, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:



* * *


* * *

Sec. 630.101. – RESERVED Service charge for civil actions, suits or proceedings—Legal aid program for Duval County.

Editor's note — Repealed pursuant to Article V Florida Constitution and implementing law including but not limited to §931.185 and §28.241, Florida Statutes. See also Chapter 634 (Fines and Costs), Ordinance Code.

(a) In addition to all other service charges and filing fees authorized and imposed by law, the Council imposes a service charge of $1 for every civil action, suit or proceeding filed in the Circuit and County Courts in Duval County, this service charge to be used for the purpose of providing for a legal aid program in Duval County as hereinafter described. The Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts shall collect and remit this service charge at the same times and in the same manner as he collects and remits the filing fees and other service charges authorized and imposed by law.

(b) The service charge imposed by subsection (a) of this Section shall be deposited by the Treasurer in a special trust account for the use and benefit of Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc., a nonprofit corporation organized to provide legal services to those persons seeking legal assistance who cannot otherwise obtain the advice and assistance of lawyers. The moneys in the trust account (except the interest received from investments thereof) shall be paid over to Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc. in quarterly installments. The income from investments of the moneys in the trust fund shall belong to and constitute a part of the general revenues of the City. All payments to Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc. shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 118.

Sec. 630.102. - RESERVED Same—Facilities for courts in Duval County.

Editor's note — Repealed pursuant to Article V Florida Constitution and implementing law including but not limited to §931.185 and §28.241, Florida Statutes. See also Chapter 634 (Fines and Costs), Ordinance Code.

(a) In addition to all other service charges and filing fees authorized and imposed by law, the Council imposes a service charge of $25 for every civil action, suit or proceeding (including probate action) filed in the Circuit Court in Duval County and a service charge of $5 for every civil action, suit or proceeding filed in the County Court for Duval County, this service charge to be used to provide and maintain facilities for the courts in Duval County as hereinafter authorized. The Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts shall collect and remit this service charge at the same times and in the same manner as he collects and remits the filing fees and other service charges authorized and imposed by law.

(b) The service charge imposed by subsection (a) of this section shall be deposited by the Treasurer in a separate account in the capital project accounts. The moneys in this account (except the interest received from investments thereof) shall be used only for acquiring, constructing, maintaining and repairing the physical facilities and data processing equipment provided for the courts and their ancillary activities in the Duval County Courthouse and elsewhere in the General Services District. The income from investments of the moneys in the account shall belong to and constitute a part of the general revenues of the city. Except for capital improvement projects and capital equipment purchases not required to be authorized by the capital improvement program, disbursements from the account shall not be made except pursuant to specific appropriations by the Council and for specific projects contained in the capital improvement program, and the Director of Finance and Administration shall make such disbursements from this account only for projects certified by the Court Facilities Committee as provided in section 122.615.

Sec. 630.103. - RESERVED Additional service charge established and filing fees allotted.

Editor's note — Repealed pursuant to Article V Florida Constitution and implementing law including but not limited to §931.185 and §28.241, Florida Statutes. See also Chapter 634 (Fines and Costs), Ordinance Code.

(a) Upon the institution of any civil action or proceeding in the Circuit Court or County Court (except such actions or proceedings as are exempt by law) in Duval County, the Clerk of the Circuit and County Court shall charge and collect, in addition to the filing fee provided by law and all other service charges imposed by ordinance, an additional service charge of $10 for each action or proceeding in the County Court and $10 for each action or proceeding, including probate actions, in the Circuit Court and $5 for each action or proceeding, including probate actions, in the Circuit Court. This additional service charge shall be paid over to the City at the same time that other revenues of the Clerk's Office are paid over and shall be deposited in the Duval County Law Library Trust Fund for expenditure in accordance with Chapter 660.

(b) In addition to the service charge imposed by subsection (a), the following amount of the filing fees for civil actions imposed by F.S. § 28.241 and F.S. § 34.041 shall be allocated to the Duval County Law Library Trust Fund:

(1)  Circuit Court filing fees ..... $5.00

(2)  County Court filing fees:

(i) All claims less than $100.00 ..... $2.00

(ii) All claims of $100.00 or more but less than $1,000.00 ..... $2.50

(iii)All claims of $1,000.00 or more ..... $2.50

This portion of the filing fees shall be paid over to the City at the same time that other revenues of the Clerk's Office are paid over and shall be deposited in the Duval County Law Library Trust Fund for expenditure in accordance with Chapter 660.

Sec. 630.104. - RESERVED Service charges for mediation and arbitration.

Editor's note — Repealed pursuant to Article V Florida Constitution and implementing law including but not limited to §931.185 and §28.241, Florida Statutes. See also Chapter 634 (Fines and Costs), Ordinance Code.

Pursuant to F.S. Ch. 44, there is hereby imposed and levied as a service charge in addition to the service charges levied under F.S. § 28.241 and F.S. § 34.041, the below amounts for the below stated purposes:

(a) A service charge of $5 on each circuit court proceeding, which shall be deposited in the court's mediation-arbitration account fund under the supervision of the Chief Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit;

(b) A service charge of $5 on each County court proceeding, which shall be deposited in the County's mediation-arbitration account fund to be used to fund County civil mediation services under the supervision of the Chief Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit;

(c) A service charge of $45 on each petition for a modification of a final judgment of dissolution, which shall be deposited in the court's family mediation account fund to be used to fund family mediation services under the supervision of the Chief Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit.

For each service charge authorized in subsection (a), subsection (b), or subsection (c) of this Section, the clerk of the court shall forward $1 of each charge to the Office of the State Courts Administrator for deposit in the state mediation and arbitration trust fund as required by F.S. Ch. 44.

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Section 27. Amending Section 650.413 (Schedule of Fees), Chapter 650 (Comprehensive Planning for Future Development), Ordinance Code. Section 650.413 (Schedule of Fees), Chapter 650, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 650. Comprehensive Planning for Future Development

* * *

PART 4. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan

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Sec. 650.413. - Schedule of fees.

The following schedule of fees for comprehensive plan amendments shall apply. A receipt from the Tax Collector showing payment of the applicable fee shall accompany an application prior to consideration thereof. The fees shall not include the cost of notification, which cost shall be $7 for each notification and signage posting which shall be the actual costs of producing the signs and shall be paid to the City prior to the deadline established by the Department. The fees contained within this Section are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code. The fees listed above and below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

(a) Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments:

Base Application filing fee for a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the FLUMs ..... $4,848

Plus Acreage filing fee of $20 per acre, or part thereof up to a maximum of $15,000 for the combined base and acreage filing fees.

(b) Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments:

Base Application filing fee for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the FLUMs ..... $3,225

Plus acreage filing fee of $25 per acre, or part thereof.

(c) Application for a comprehensive plan amendment directly related to a DRI or FQD:

Base Application filing fee ..... $5,129

Plus Acreage filing fee of $5 per acre, or part thereof, for every acre over five acres, for a maximum fee of $15,000 for the combined base and acreage filing fees.

(d) For each Comprehensive Plan Amendment (either Small Scale or Large Scale), that is not processed as a part of the Department's regularly scheduled series, there shall be an additional publication and/or advertisement fee in the amount of the actual cost of publication and/or advertisement as required pursuant to Florida Statutes, including but not limited to F.S. §§ 163.3184(11), 163.3187(2), and 166.041.

(e) Application for a new Notice of Proposed Change to an Existing Development of Regional Impact ..... $3,715

(f) Amendments to Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs) ..... $2,494.63

Section 28. Amending Chapter 655 (Concurrency and Mobility Management System), Ordinance Code. Chapter 655, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 655. Concurrency and mobility management system

PART 1. general provisions

* * *

Sec. 655.116. - Schedule of fees.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

The following schedule of fees shall apply. The effective date and time of filing the application shall be upon receipt of the required fee by the Tax Collector.

(a) Application for a CRC not preceded by a CCAS:

(1) Formal review:

(i) For residential, new building: $19 a fee per dwelling unit up to 500 units, of which $4 an amount is designated for public school concurrency testing. $8 An amount per dwelling unit for any additional units over 500 units, of which $2 an amount is designated for public school concurrency testing.

(ii)  For nonresidential, new building: $15 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $6 An amount designated per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 500,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(iii)  For nonresidential, addition: $15 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $6 An amount designated per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 500,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(iv)  For nonresidential, alterations and/or repairs: $15 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $6 An amount designated per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 500,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(2) Informal review: $100

(b) Application for a CRC preceded by a CCAS:

(1) For residential, new building: $8 a fee per dwelling unit up to 500 units, of which $2 an amount is designated for public school concurrency testing, and an amount $3.40 per dwelling unit for any additional units over 500 units, of which $1 an amount is designated for public school concurrency testing.

(2) For nonresidential, new building: $6 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $2.40 An amount per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 500,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(3) For nonresidential, addition: $6 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $2.40 An amount per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 500,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(4) For nonresidential, alterations and/or repairs: $6 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $2.40 An amount per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 500,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(5)Informal Review.

(c) Application for CCAS:

(1) For residential, new building: $11 a fee per dwelling unit up to 500 dwelling units, of which $2 an amount is designated for public school concurrency testing. $4.60 An amount per dwelling unit for each additional unit over 500 units, of which $1 an amount is designated for public school concurrency testing.

(2) For nonresidential, new building: $9 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $3.60 An amount per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 500,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(3) For nonresidential, addition: $9 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $3.60 An amount per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 500,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(4) For nonresidential, alterations and/or repairs: $9 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $3.60 An amount per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 500,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(d) Application for VPAC:

(1) For residential development: $5 a fee per dwelling unit up to 1,000 dwelling units. $2 An amount per dwelling for any additional dwelling units over 1,000 units.

(2) For nonresidential development: $5 a fee per 1,000 square feet up to 1,000,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof. $2 An amount per 1,000 square feet for each 1,000 square feet enclosed or fraction thereof over 1,000,000 square feet of enclosed space.

(e) De minimis concurrency and mobility fee review: $15

(f) Appeals of CMMSO, Director of Planning and Development or reviewing division decision, plus hearing officer compensation to be determined by Office of General Counsel: $1,000 a fee for the appeal, $1,000 and a deposit on the hearing officer.

(g) Special trip generation or traffic study: $75 per hour or then current cost of consultant whichever is greater.

(h) Concurrency time extensions: $100.

(i) Mobility fee calculation certificate: $500 a certificate fee; $100 and an additional fee for an expedited mobility fee calculation certificate.

(j) Mobility Fee Contract application: $500.

(k) Transfer of mobility fee certificate transfer: $100.

(l) All agencies, independent authorities and departments of the City of Jacksonville, as well as all departments and agencies of the state and federal government, are exempt from the requirement to pay Concurrency and Mobility Management System fees.

(m) The CMMSO shall coordinate the transfer of the identified public school concurrency testing fees collected pursuant to this Section to the DCPS quarterly.

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PART 3. Fair share assessment procedures

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Sec. 655.302. - Extension of fair share assessment contracts.

a) In the event a developer or landowner wishes to extend the duration of a fair share assessment contract, the developer or landowner shall submit such request on the form available with the CMMSO and pay an application fee of $500 as found in fees.

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PART 5. mobility fee

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Sec. 655.503. - Mobility fee requirement, certificate, application process and calculation.

* * *

b) Mobility fee calculation application and fee. An applicant for a mobility fee calculation certificate shall file a completed application with the CMMSO on the form provided by that office. The applicant shall provide all the information requested on the application, to the extent applicable. The application shall be accepted by the CMMSO only if the application is completed in full and submitted with all supplementary information required. Upon the payment to the Tax Collector of the $500 application fee, or $100 fee for an expedited mobility fee calculation certificate per subsection (f) below, copies of the application shall be transmitted immediately to the Division. The fees noted above can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

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Sec. 655.508. - Mobility fee contract.

* * *

b) The CMMSO shall review the Mobility Fee Contract application for sufficiency and upon finding the Mobility Fee Contract application sufficient, deliver the $500 application fee as found in fees, to the Tax Collector and transmit the contract to the Division for review. The Division shall determine the applicable mobility fee payment schedule based upon the mobility fee calculated for the development, the mix of uses and the proposed development phasing schedule and any other relevant criteria. Once the Division has determined the applicable mobility fee payment schedule, the Division shall forward the contract to the Director for review and approval and execution.

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Section 29. Amending Chapter 656 (Zoning Code), Ordinance Code. Chapter 656, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 656. Zoning code

PART 1. general provisions

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Sec. 656.141. - Notice of appeal.

(a) The notice of appeal shall be filed with the Legislative Services Division and contain:

(1) A copy of the written order to be reviewed;

(2) A statement of the interest of the person seeking review which is sufficient to show how that person is adversely affected, if not within 350 feet;

(3) A statement which explains the specific error alleged as the grounds for the appeal;

(4) A written list, certified by the staff secretary to the Commission or Downtown Development Review Board, of the complete names and mailing addresses of any and all persons who either provided a qualifying written statement to or testified before the Commission or Downtown Development Review Board regarding the subject of the appeal; and

(5) A written list, certified by the staff secretary to the Commission or Downtown Development Review Board, of all owners of real property within 350 feet of the boundaries of the land which is the subject of the appeal, and, if the appeal concerns an application for a waiver of the minimum distance requirements from a church or school for a liquor license location, the list shall include all churches and schools within 1,500 feet identified pursuant to Section 656.804.

(b) The notice of appeal shall be filed with the Legislative Services Division within 21 calendar days from the effective date of the final decision of the Commission or Downtown Development Review Board, and shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the amount of $550 as found in fees, together with a notification fee of $7 for each required notification.

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Sec. 656.147. - Schedule of fees.

(a) The schedule of fees is posted on . the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees. A receipt from the Tax Collector showing payment of the applicable fee shall accompany an application prior to consideration thereof. The fees shall include neither the cost of a required advertisement, which shall be placed and paid for by the applicant, nor the cost of notification, which cost shall be $7 for each notification and shall be paid by the applicant to the City. The fees are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code.

(b) When the appropriate Committee of Council or the Commission or the Downtown Development Review Board, as the case may be, by the affirmative voice vote of a majority of Committee Members, Commissioners or Board members, as the case may be, determines that an application for rezoning, zoning exception, variance or waiver was submitted in good faith, without notice of impropriety, and withdraws such application from its consideration for such reason, the Zoning Administrator or designated DIA staff member, as the case may be, shall authorize the refund of 100 percent of the application fee, without further action by Council if the applicant thereof submits a written request for refund of the fees accompanied by a written certification from the Council Secretary or the Commission Secretary or staff to the Downtown Development Review Board, as the case may be, that such action was taken on a particular date; provided, however that no refund shall be made for application fees of $50 or less.

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Sec. 656.152. - Certificate of use application and fee.

* * *

(b) Except for those certificates of use issued solely for a change in name and/or ownership, the fee for a certificate of use is $100 as found in fees. An applicant for a certificate of use shall pay the fee to the Department upon receipt of the certificate of use. The fee for certificates of use issued for a change in name and/or ownership is found on line at as found in fees, and subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code.

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Sec. 656.361.24. - Certifying Commercial Surface Parking Lots within the Downtown Overlay Zone.

* * *

(c)  Certification Issuance.

* * *

(4) Certification Fee. Each application for certification shall be accompanied by a fee as follows as found in fees for the following:

i. For a commercial surface parking lot that has the designed and approved capacity to hold not more than 50 motor vehicles. ..... $150.00

ii. For a commercial surface parking lot that has the designed and approved capacity to hold 51 to 100 motor vehicles. ..... 300.00

iii. For a commercial surface parking lot that has the designed and approved capacity to hold more than 100 motor vehicles. ..... 450.00

The DIA is authorized to impose and to collect and deposit into the Downtown Economic Development Fund the aforementioned fees and charges and to issue the associated types of permits under this Section.

(5) Site Plan Review. Each subsequent certification application which includes a new or revised site plan, shall be accompanied by an application fee as found in fees, of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for a site plan review.

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Sec. 656.420. - Recreation and Open Space Standards.

(a) A residential subdivision development of 100 lots or more shall provide at least one acre of useable uplands for every 100 lots (and any fraction thereof), or 5 percent of the total useable uplands area to be platted, whichever is less, to be dedicated as common area and set aside for active recreation. There may be up to two areas for each 100 lots, and the areas shall be a minimum of 0.5 acres in size, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department, or by the City Council as part of a Planned Unit Development Zoning District.

(b) A residential subdivision development of 25 lots to 99 lots shall pay a recreation and open space fee as found in fees,of $250 per lot, or provide at least 435 square feet of useable uplands for each lot (and any fraction thereof), to be dedicated as common area and set aside for active recreation. The City shall use recreation and open space fees collected pursuant to this subsection to improve, enhance, expand, or acquire recreation areas within the same Planning District in which the fees are paid.

(c) A residential subdivision development of fewer than 25 lots is not subject to this Section.

(d) All multiple-family developments of 100 units or more shall provide 150 square feet of active recreation area per dwelling unit. There may be one area for each 100 units, or the areas may be combined, subject to approval by the Planning and Development.

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Sec. 656.422. - Chickens allowed by permit in certain zoning districts.

* * *

(b) A permit is required to ensure compliance with performance standards and development criteria. The application for permit must be submitted to the Planning and Development Department prior to placement of any chickens on the property. A one-time non-refundable $25 permit fee as found in fees, shall be required at the time of application. Prior to permit application, all residents wishing to have backyard hens must evidence the completion of a chicken keeping seminar from the Duval County Agricultural Extension Office. Upon submission of a completed application as determined by the Planning and Development Department, completion of the seminar, and payment of the $25 permit fee as found in fees, the Planning and Development Department shall issue the permit. If applicant has prior attended the chicken keeping seminar, applicant shall submit the permit application with fee, along with proof that applicant has completed the chicken keeping seminar at the Duval County Agricultural Extension Office.

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Sec. 656.1205. - Removal of protected trees prohibited; exceptions.

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(b) The following protected trees are exempted from the provisions of subsection (a). Where an exemption is claimed, an applicant must obtain a permit pursuant to Section 656.1206 for a fee as found in fees, of $25 and provide supporting evidence that the applicant is entitled to the exemption, as requested by the Building Inspection Division:

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Sec. 656.1508. - Application requirements.

(a) Application fees. The fees contained within this Section are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code.

(1) Track I applications. The base application fee for review of an application to construct a Track I camouflaged tower shall be $500 as found in fees.

(2) Track II applications. The base application fee for review of an application to construct a non-Track I camouflaged tower or low impact/stealth tower shall be $650 as found in fees.

(3) Track III applications. The base application fee for review of an application to construct a conventional wireless tower shall be $1,000 as found in fees.

(4) Technical consultants. The City shall have the right to retain independent technical consultants and experts that it deems necessary to properly evaluate applications for individual wireless communication towers. The applicant shall be responsible for paying the costs of said review, which costs shall be based upon a reasonable hourly rate not to exceed $150 per hour. In no event shall the applicant be required to pay a total sum in excess of $750 for the costs of the consultant. Payment is due upon receipt of the billing invoice, and proof of same shall be required prior to consideration of the application by the appropriate reviewing authority.

* * *

Sec. 656.1509. - Tower Review Committee.

There is hereby established a committee to be known as the Tower Review Committee ("TRC"). A waiver from the minimum setback and separation requirements, waiver from the landscape requirements of this Part 15, variance from the maximum height requirements for low impact/stealth towers, variance from the maximum height and projection requirements for side-mount and rooftop antennas, variance from the other maximum height requirements in this Subpart A, or declaration that a proposed tower or antenna qualifies as either a camouflaged or low impact/stealth tower or antenna may only be obtained from the Tower Review Committee. The Tower Review Committee shall be composed of three members of the appropriate committee of the City Council and two members of the Commission. The Chairman of the appropriate committee of the City Council shall appoint three members of that committee to serve on the Tower Review Committee. The Chairman of the Commission shall appoint two members of that commission to serve on the Tower Review Committee. Each Tower Review Committee member shall serve for a term of one year or until his successor shall have been appointed. The term of each committee member shall be from July 1 to June 30 each year, and members may serve for additional consecutive terms. All Tower Review Committee members must remain members of the appropriate committee of the City Council or the Commission, as the case may be, during their entire term as a member of the Tower Review Committee. When the Tower Review Committee acts on an application for a waiver from the minimum setback and separation requirements, a waiver from the landscaping requirements of this Part 15, a variance from the maximum height requirements for low impact/stealth towers, a variance from the maximum height and projection requirements for side-mount and rooftop antennas, a variance from the other maximum height requirements in this Subpart A, or a declaration that a proposed tower or antenna constitutes an acceptable low impact/stealth or camouflage design, such action shall be deemed the final action of the City of Jacksonville as of the effective date of the final action by the Tower Review Committee.

* * *

(e) Application fees. The application fee for a waiver, variance, or declaration of tower or antenna type under this Section shall be $350 as found in fees. The fees contained within this Section are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code.

Sec. 656.1510. - Wireless communication antennas.

The placement of a new wireless communication antenna on any structure within the City may be initiated only upon approval of an application in accordance with the relevant procedures set forth in this section; provided, however, "small cell antennas" to be mounted on "City improvements" as those terms are defined in Part 4A, Ch. 711, Ordinance Code, shall be governed by Part 4A, Ch. 711, Ordinance Code, and not by this Ch. 656, Ordinance Code. Applications shall be filed with the Coordinator by the owner of the structure upon which the proposed antenna is to be located, or his authorized agent. Within ten working days of receipt of an application, the Coordinator shall determine if the application form has been fully completed and all required items submitted. Upon making this determination, the Coordinator shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the status of the application. If the Coordinator determines that the application is incomplete, the Coordinator shall advise the applicant of those items that need to be submitted. If the Coordinator determines that the application is complete, the Coordinator shall advise the applicant of the estimated schedule for processing the application and projected date for obtaining either an approval or denial of same.

* * *

(e)Application requirements.

(1) Application fee. The application fee for review of an application to site a wireless communication antenna on an existing tower or structure shall be $300.00 as found in fees.

(2) Submittal information. Applications to site a wireless communication antenna on an existing tower or structure shall contain the following information:

(i) The identity of the wireless communication service provider, as well as the owner(s) of the structure and land upon which the antenna will be located;

(ii) A written legal description of the site and a boundary/improvements survey;

(iii)A site plan clearly indicating the antenna size, type and height, and the location of any accessory buildings;

(iv) A landscape plan showing specific landscape materials for accessory equipment located at ground-level;

(v) The method of fencing, finished color and, if applicable, the method of aesthetic mitigation and illumination.

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Sec. 656.1513. - Temporary towers.

Temporary antenna support facilities ("Cells on Wheels" or "COWS") shall be permitted at a maximum height of 130 feet and for a period not to exceed 90 days. Applications to permit a COW shall be filed with the Coordinator and shall be granted upon payment of the required application fee of $250 as found in fees. The fees contained within this Section are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code.

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Sec. 656.1524. - Broadcast tower permitting requirements.

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(d) The permit application fee for a new broadcast tower shall be $1,000 as found in fees, and the application shall include the following information, in a form approved by the Public Works Department:

(1) An inventory of the applicant's existing radio and television broadcast towers in the County, including specific information about the location, height, and design of each broadcast tower, along with existing and planned antennae. For purposes of this Section, the "applicant" means both the entity proposing to construct the broadcast tower and the broadcast carrier(s) whose antenna(e) will be located on the broadcast tower. The Coordinator shall create and maintain a single database for storing this information and identifying all radio and television broadcast towers, along with associated antennae, within the County.

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Sec. 656.1525. - Antenna permitting requirements.

A permit authorizing the placement of a communications antenna on an existing broadcast tower must be obtained from the Public Works Department prior to commencement of any such work. The permit application fee for any such antenna shall be $500 as found in fees, and the application shall include the following information, in a form approved by the Public Works Department:

(1)  An inventory of the applicant's communication antennae in Duval County;

(2)  The legal description of the land upon which the broadcast tower is located;

(3) The owner of the proposed antenna;

(4)  A description of the proposed antenna, including the specific type of antenna and its intended purpose (e.g., two-way radio, paging, PCS, cellular, etc.);

(5)  An elevation and design drawing of the proposed antenna, identifying the proposed placement of the antenna on the broadcast tower and specifying the elevation of the proposed antenna above the ground and mean sea level.

* * *

Section 30. Repealing and Reserving Part 5 (Recreational Excavations), Chapter 664 (Parks and Recreational Areas, Facilities and Activities), Ordinance Code. Part 5 (Recreational Excavations), Chapter 664 (Parks and Recreational Areas, Facilities and Activities), Ordinance Code, a copy which is attached hereto as Exhibit 2, is hereby repealed and reserved in its entirety.

Section 31. Amending Section 667.109 (Fees and Charges), Chapter 667 (Park Vending), Ordinance Code. Section 667.109, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:


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Sec. 667.109. - Fees and charges.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage: fees.

(a) The Division is authorized to impose and the Tax Collector is authorized to collect the following fees and charges under this Chapter:

(1) For the one-day certificate of registration, flat ..... $10

(2) For the three-day certificate of registration, flat ..... 15

(3) For the one-month certificate of registration, flat ..... 35

(4) Replacement of lost, damaged or destroyed certificate of registration ..... 5

(5) Issuance of certificate of registration to additional individual member of the group, organization, act or company ..... 5

(6) For a six-month certificate of registration, flat ..... 150

(7) For a one-year certificate of registration, flat ..... 250

Any person receiving a registration for a period of six-months or longer shall be required to actually occupy and utilize the registration site for at least 60 percent of the workable days of the registration or the site may be considered abandoned and reassigned to another vendor.

(b) The funds collected by the Division under this Chapter shall be retained by the Division to defray the costs and expenses of administering this Chapter, including a reasonable allocation of personnel salaries and benefits, and for this purpose the funds so collected are appropriated to the Division. At the end of each fiscal year, if there is a surplus of funds, the surplus shall be taken into the General Fund—General Services District as miscellaneous receipts.

Section 32. Amending Section 685.103 (Registration fee), Chapter 685 (Sexual Offender and Sexual Predator Regulation), Ordinance Code. Section 685.103, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 685. Sexual offender and sexual predator regulation

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Sec. 685.103. - Registration fee.

(a) A person who is required by Florida law to register as a sexual offender or predator shall pay to the Sheriff's Office upon registration $25 an amount as found in fees, per registration for the purpose of covering the costs associated with the identification and regulation of sexual offenders or predators. Persons required to register with local law enforcement shall register and remit the registration fee twice per year. The initial registration fee for first time sexual offender and predator registrants shall be waived.

(b) Failure of a sexual offender or predator to register and pay the fee as required in section (a) shall constitute a Class D offence.

Section 33. Amending Chapter 692 (Bingo), Part 2 (Administration), Ordinance Code. Chapter 692 (Bingo), Part 2 (Administration), Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 692. Bingo

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Sec. 692.205. - License application; fee.

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(b) Fee. Each application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of fifty dollars as found in fees, or by a receipt of the Tax Collector evidencing payment of the fee, at the time the application is filed.

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Sec. 692.214. - License fee.

(a) There are hereby levied the following annual license fees under this chapter. The licenses fees listed below can be found electronically on the following Jacksonville Sherriff’s office webpage fees:

(1)  Class A license—fifty dollars.

(2)  Class B license—fifty dollars.

(3)  Class C license—fifty dollars.

(b) The license fees collected under this chapter are fees paid for the purpose of examination and inspection of operators, lessors and premises under this chapter and are declared to be regulatory fees in addition to and not in lieu of the occupational license taxes imposed by Chapters 770 and 772. The payment of license fees under this chapter shall not relieve the payer thereof or any other person of liability for and the responsibility of paying an occupational license tax where it is required by Chapters 770 and 772, and for doing such acts and providing such information as may be required by these chapters.

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Section 34. Amending Section 714.106 (Initiation of neighborhood assessment program), Chapter 714 (Neighborhood Assessment Programs), Ordinance Code. Section 714.106, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 714. Neighborhood assessment programs

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Sec. 714.106. - Initiation of neighborhood assessment program.

Citizens of the City may petition the Council, a committee thereof or any Council member to initiate and introduce legislation to adopt a N.A.P. within a particular Neighborhood where authorized by a specific Program Area in the following manner:

a) Petition. The preliminary petition must follow the form on file with the Legislative Services Division corresponding to the particular Program Area (or such alternative form deemed acceptable by the City Council) and must contain a fact-based, rough estimate of the Cost of providing Improvements and of the Assessment to be levied against each property within the Neighborhood as set forth in the petition. The petition shall be filed with the Chief of Legislative Services along with a filing fee calculated as $10 per lot as found in fees, parcel or other unit of property contained within the Neighborhood as petitioned not to exceed $500 as found in fees.

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Section 35. Amending Section 744.101 (Acceptance and naming of new streets; right-of-way requirements; changing names; construction inspection service fees), Chapter 744 (Street Construction Regulations), Ordinance Code. Section 744.101, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 744.Street construction regulations

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Sec. 744.101. - Acceptance and naming of new streets; right-of-way requirements; changing names; construction inspection service fees.

a) Before the City accepts a street, it shall place or shall require the transferror transferor to place monuments or properly recorded points upon the ground so that streets can be properly located. Right-of-way for a street, drainage, sanitary sewer and utilities of a width which conforms to the standards of the Code of Subdivision Regulations and which intersects with a publicly-maintained street shall be required prior to acceptance. Narrower right-of-way, continuous or intermittent, may be required when, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, it will promote public convenience but not impair public safety or is deemed necessary as a result of physical circumstances. Additional right-of-way or other improvements may be required when necessary for public safety and convenience. Furthermore, prior to acceptance, the City shall review the proposed drawings for conformity to City Standards and Details and cause inspection to occur during construction. The transferor or developer may hire his own qualified professional engineer, licensed to do business in the State of Florida, to inspect and certify that the work has been entirely completed and that it conforms in all respects to the final plans of the paving, curb and gutter, drainage and water and sewer lines, where applicable or the City shall inspect the improvements for a construction inspection service fee as found in fees of $0.50 per running foot of roadway, payable upon receipt of approved plans.

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Section 36. Amending Section 745.232 (Appeals), Chapter 745 (Addressing and Street Naming Regulations), Ordinance Code. Section 745.232, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 745. addressing and street naming regulations

* * *

PART 2. Addressing and street naming deficiencies

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Subpart D. Administration

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Sec. 745.232. - Appeals.

(a) Property owners and occupants may appeal the final decision of the Committee to rename a duplicate street or reassign an out-of-sequence address to the City Council.

(b) The notice of appeal shall be filed with the Council Secretary together with a filing fee of $50 as found in fees, within 14 days of the issuance of the final decision of the Committee and shall state which criteria the Committee allegedly applied incorrectly in renaming a duplicate street or reassigning an out-of-sequence address.

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Section 37. Amending Section 754.106 (Authority for service charges, and for the levy, collection, payment and enforcement thereof), Chapter 754 (Stormwater Management Utility Code), Ordinance Code. Section 754.106, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 754. Stormwater management utility code

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PART 1. ESTABLISHMENT of utility, rates, and ENFORCEMENT

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Sec. 754.106. - Authority for service charges, and for the levy, collection, payment and enforcement thereof.

(a) Authorization. The City Council is empowered by this chapter to establish, upon recommendation of the Director, service charges for the use and discharge to the city's stormwater management system. Such service charges shall be based on the cost of providing stormwater management services to all properties within the General Services District of the Consolidated City of Jacksonville, as set forth in the Charter of the City of Jacksonville, excluding Urban Services Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5 being the Cities of Jacksonville Beach, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, and the Town of Baldwin. As of 2007, the annual cost of providing stormwater services is approximately $33,000,000.

(b) Rates for stormwater management service. There will be a charge for all Owners of real property in the city covered by this ordinance, who have improvements or uses thereon which contribute stormwater runoff to the city's stormwater management system, a monthly stormwater service charge. The basic stormwater service charge shall be $5 per month per SFU, or $60 per year per SFU, as found in fees, as follows:

|Single-Family detached residential 1549 or less square feet impervious area |.5 SFU |$2.50 per month |

|Single-Family detached residential with impervious area between 1550 and 4650 square feet |1.0 SFU |$5.00 per month |

|Single-Family detached residential with impervious area greater than 4650 square feet |1.5 SFU |$7.50 per month |

|Townhouse, duplex tri-plex, quad-plex and condominium |.49 SFU |$2.45 per month |

|Mobile home and mobile home park |.81 SFU |$4.05 per month |

|Multi-family dwelling units with 5—9 units |.32 SFU |$1.60 per month |

|Multi-family dwelling units with greater than 9 units |.44 SFU |2.20 per month |

 All nonresidential properties shall be calculated based on the following calculation: Square footage of impervious area divided by 3100 equals the SFU billing units. The fee calculation as found in fees will be multiplied by the number of billing units × $5 per month will be to calculate the property stormwater service charge per month.

(c) Application to certain developed properties. Service charges shall apply to all developed properties, except public right of way and roads developed in accordance with City standards in residential developments, covered by this ordinance within the city using the city's stormwater management system, including those properties classified as nonprofit or tax-exempt for ad valorem tax purposes, except those specifically entitled to User Fee Credits, User Fee Adjustments or User Fee Reductions as set forth herein. Service charges shall apply to all government properties, including properties of the city, including the city-owned buildings, parks, and other properties except as specifically provided for herein. In recognition of the fact that the Duval County School Board (DCSB) is a part of the Consolidated Government, and of the future construction needs of both the City and the DCSB relating to stormwater management systems; and in recognition that current land restrictions at some existing DCSB facilities preclude construction of adequate stormwater management facilities, the City and the DCSB will work together to create joint stormwater projects. In lieu of payment of the stormwater fee, the City and the DCSB shall work together to determine the credits that would otherwise be due the DCSB and shall develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), approved by the Council committee to which matters regarding utilities are referred, that will result in a Joint Stormwater Capital Improvement Program (CIP).

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Section 38. Amending Chapter 770 (County Business Tax), Ordinance Code. Section 770, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 770. County business tax

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PART 1. general taxing and ADMINISTRATIVE provisions

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Sec. 770.105. - Term of license tax; transfer.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following Tax Collector webpage:

(a) No license shall be issued for more than one year, and all licenses shall expire on September 30 of each year except as otherwise provided by law.

(b) All business licenses shall be transferred to a new owner when there is a bona fide sale of the business upon presentation of evidence of the sale, the original license for the transfer and a transfer fee of $3. Upon written request and presentation of the original license, a license may be transferred from one location to another location in the City upon payment of a transfer fee of $3.

(c) It shall be the duty of every person taking over or purchasing an existing business which is required to be licensed under this Chapter to notify the Tax Collector within 30 days of the takeover or purchase. Upon failure to do so the person shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Chapter and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable as provided by law for violation of City ordinances.

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PART 2. exemptions and exclusions

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Sec. 770.204. - Flea market, open air market operations; licensing alternative.

(a) As used in this section:

(1) Flea market is a location where an operator rents stalls, units, sections, spaces, booths or other operator-designated areas which are utilized by tenants for the purpose of selling, buying, bartering or trading new, used or secondhand articles or tangible personal property whose average inventory value does not exceed one thousand dollars for each tenant.

(2) Open air market, is a location where an operator rents stalls, units, sections, spaces, booths or other operator-designated areas which are utilized by tenants for the purpose of selling flowers, plants, plant materials, fruits, produce, vegetables, other food items, art, and hand-crafted items which are made by the vendor or the vendors' immediate family and who do not sell those items exclusively in compliance with the licensing and building regulations relating to permanent business establishments.

(3) Operator is a person engaged in the business of managing or owning a flea market or open air market.

(b) An operator shall have the right to pay a license fee of two hundred dollars as found in , that will entitle each stall, unit, section, space, booth or other operator-designated-area tenant to deal therein without obtaining individual licenses but individual licenses shall be required of the tenants unless the license is obtained for the flea market or open air market by the operator.

* * *

PART 3. occupational license taxes

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Sec. 770.311. - Home, garden, recreation and sports exhibits.

(a) Every person who is engaged in the business of producing or promoting a home, garden, recreation, sports or other similar exhibition, by renting stalls, spaces or booths to exhibitors whose primary purpose is the advertisement and good will promotion of a product or idea shall pay the occupational license tax required by this section.

(b) The producer or promoter shall pay a license fee of $225 as found in , for each engagement, plus $6.25 an amount for each exhibitor who will be in the business of trading, bartering, buying or selling items at the exhibit.

(c) The producer or promoter shall furnish a list, in the form of a sworn affidavit, of the exhibitors who will be so engaged to the Tax Collector at the time he applies for each license under this section.

(d) The license authorized by subsection (a) of this section shall be a blanket license which shall entitle the exhibitors to engage in the business of trading, bartering, buying or selling items at the exhibit without purchasing an occupational license.

(e) An exhibitor engaged in the business of trading, bartering, buying or selling items at the exhibit who has not made written representation of that fact to the producer or promoter so that he is included in the producer's or promoter's sworn affidavit shall be subject to the processes of section 770.124.

(f) A producer or promoter who fails to include an exhibitor in his sworn affidavit who has made written representation to the producer or promoter that he will be so engaged at the exhibit shall be subject to the processes of section 770.124.

(g) No license shall be issued under this section for a show lasting longer than 14 days.

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Sec. 770.313. - Insurance adjusters.

All persons acting as insurance adjusters in the General Services District shall pay a license fee of $15 as found in . The provisions of this section shall not apply to insurance agents.

* * *

Sec. 770.327. - Telephone systems.

Every person engaged in the business of owning or operating telephone systems in the General Services District for profit shall pay a license tax according to the following schedule:

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following Tax Collector webpage:

(a) On the first 1,000 phones or instruments, or fraction of 1,000—$0.19 an amount for each phone or instrument operated or installed.

(b) On the second 1,000 phones or instruments, or fraction over 1,000—$0.15 an amount for each phone or instrument operated or installed.

(c) On all phones or instruments over 2,000—$0.11 an amount for each phone or instrument operated or installed. However, a telephone company paying a franchise fee to the City shall pay a license tax according to the following schedule:

(a) On the first 1,000 phones or instruments, or fraction of 1,000—$0.15 an amount for each phone or instrument operated or installed.

(b) On the second 1,000 phones or instruments, or fraction over 1,000—$0.12 an amount for each phone or instrument operated or installed.

(c) On all phones or instruments over 2,000—$0.09 an amount for each phone or instrument operated or installed.

Owners or managers of telephone systems operated or having installed less than 100 phones or instruments shall not be required to pay a license tax.

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Section 39. Amending Chapter 772 (Municipal Business Tax), Ordinance Code. Chapter 772, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 772. Municipal business tax

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PART 1. general taxing and ADMINISTRATIVE provisions

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Sec. 772.104. - Term of license taxes; transfer.

(a) No license shall be issued for more than one year. All licenses shall expire on September 30 each year except as otherwise provided by law.

(b) All business licenses may be transferred to a new owner upon the presentation of a new application and a transfer fee, provided there is a bona fide sale of the business. The new owner shall present evidence of the sale, as reasonably required by the Tax Collector, and the original license for the transfer. Upon written request and presentation of the license, the license may be transferred from one location to another location in the City for a transfer fee of $3 as found in . The transferred license shall be of the same force and effect and for the same period as the original license.

(c) It shall be the duty of every person taking over or purchasing an existing business which is required to be licensed under this Chapter to notify the Tax Collector within 30 days. Upon failure to do so, the person shall be guilty of a class D offense.

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PART 2. exemptions and exclusions

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Sec. 772.204. - Flea market, open air market operations; licensing alternatives.

(a) As used in this Section:

(1) Flea market is a location where an operator rents stalls, units, Sections, spaces, booths or other operator-designated areas which are utilized by tenants for the purpose of selling, buying, bartering or trading new, used or secondhand articles of tangible personal property whose average inventory value does not exceed $1,000 for each tenant.

(2) Open air market, is a location where an operator rents stalls, units, sections, spaces, booths or other operator-designated areas which are utilized by tenants for the purpose of selling flowers, plants, plant materials, fruits, produce, vegetables, other food items, art, and hand-crafted items which are made by the vendor or the vendors' immediate family and who do not sell those items exclusively in compliance with the licensing and building regulations relating to permanent business establishments.

(3) Operator is a person engaged in the business of managing or owning a flea market or open air market.

(b) The operator of a flea market shall have the right to pay a license fee of $750 as found in that will entitle its stall, unit, Section, space, booth or other operator-designated-area tenants to deal therein without obtaining individual licenses, but individual licenses shall be required of the tenants unless the license is obtained for the market by the operator.

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PART 3. occupational license taxes

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Sec. 772.313. - Home, garden, recreation and sports exhibitions.

(a) Every person who is engaged in the business of producing or promoting a home, garden, recreation, sport or other similar exhibition by renting stalls, spaces or booths to exhibitors whose primary purpose is the advertisement and goodwill promotion of a product or idea shall pay the occupational license tax required by this Section.

(b) The producer or promoter shall pay a license fee of $200 as found in for each engagement, plus $6.25 an amount for each exhibitor who will be engaged in the business of trading, bartering, buying or selling items at the exhibit.

(c) The producer or promoter shall furnish a list, in the form of a sworn affidavit, of the exhibitors who will be so engaged to the Tax Collector at the time he applies for each license under this Section.

(d) The license authorized by subsection (a) of this Section shall be a blanket license which shall entitle the exhibitors to engage in the business of trading, bartering, buying or selling items at the exhibit without purchasing an occupational license. If the producer or promoter does not elect to comply with the procedure herein, every exhibitor so engaged must comply with Section 772.334.

(e) An exhibitor engaged in the business of trading, bartering, buying or selling items at the exhibit who has not made written representation of that fact to the producer or promoter so that he is included in the producer's or promoter's sworn affidavit shall be subject to the processes of Section 772.124.

(f) A producer or promoter who fails to include an exhibitor in his sworn affidavit who has made written representation to the producer or promoter that he will be so engaged at the exhibit shall be subject to the processes of Section 772.124.

(g) No license shall be issued under this Section for a show lasting longer than 14 days.

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Sec. 772.315. - Insurance.

The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following Tax Collector webpage:

(a) Each corporation or association engaged in the insurance business hereinafter stated shall pay a license fee for each agent or agency commissioned by it or its duly authorized agent and located or doing business in the City in the amount hereinafter stated, respectively and severally for each class of insurance:

(1)  Baggage ..... $ 20.00

(2) Casualty, including motor vehicle physical damage (fire, theft, collision, comprehensive), and inland marine ..... 150.00

(3)  Fire ..... 187.50

(4)  Marine ..... 100.00

(5)  Short-term accident ..... 20.00

(6)  Surety ..... 100.00

(7)  Motor vehicle warranty ..... 100.00

(8)  Title insurance ..... 150.00

(9)  All other insurance companies not listed herein ..... 150.00

(b) Each corporation or association engaged in the insurance business hereinafter stated shall pay a license fee for doing business in the amount hereinafter stated, respectively and severally for each class of insurance:

(1)  Accident or health, or both ..... $160.00

(2)  Life (all types) ..... 187.50

The Tax Collector may, if found necessary or desirable for keeping proper records, issue a certificate to each local agent or agency representing the accident or health or life insurance company licensed to do business in the City. All accident or health or life insurance agents shall be held severally and jointly responsible for payment of the insurance company license.

c) Each insurance agent or agency writing a type of insurance other than baggage and short-term travel accident insurance shall pay an occupational license tax of $50 as found in .

Sec. 772.316. - Insurance adjusters.

All persons acting as insurance adjusters shall pay a license fee of $15 as found in. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to insurance agents.

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Sec. 772.324. - Permanent exhibits.

Anyone who operates for a profit in the City a permanent exhibit shall pay a license fee of $125 for each exhibit as found in .

Section 40. Amending Section 796.103 (User fee imposed), Chapter 796 (User Fees), Ordinance Code. Section 796.103, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 796. user feeS

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Sec. 796.103. - User fee imposed.

For every ship which is anchored in storage on the St. Johns River for a period exceeding 48 hours, there shall be imposed a user fee on the ship which shall be found in fees computed at the rate of $0.50 a foot a day, but in no event exceeding $250 a day. This fee shall not be imposed on any ship which is a common carrier engaged in the normal course of business of receiving or delivering commercial cargoes at terminal facilities of the Port of Jacksonville.

Section 41. Amending Chapter 802 (Public Parking), Ordinance Code. Chapter 802, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 802. Public parking

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Sec. 802.103. - Installation and removal of parking meters and posts.

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(b) Parking meters and parking meter posts may be temporarily removed by the City to facilitate companies doing construction, insulation or repair work within the City. A company desiring such temporary removal of a parking meter and/or parking meter post shall apply to the Office of Public Parking for a permit and pay a permit fee as found in fees in the amount of $10 for each parking meter to be removed or a permit fee of $30 for each parking meter and parking meter post to be removed. Parking meters and parking meter posts shall only be removed by the City. In addition to the removal permit fees provided for herein, the permit holder shall pay to the Office of Public Parking the rental permit fee and the monthly or daily parking meter rental charge as set forth in Section 802.105(c).

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Sec. 802.105. - Metered parking charges; overtime parking; exemptions for certain officials; registry of "Public Official" seals; renting of parking meters, exemptions for vehicles displaying disabled placards and disabled veterans license plates.

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(c) The Office of Public Parking is hereby authorized to issue permits and to rent parking meters in the City to 1) construction, insulation and repair companies, only, for the purpose of facilitating the temporary needs of these companies for working space on City streets during the period of time in which such work is being performed 2) any business for a use other than for employee or customer parking. An application fee of $1 as found in fees, per parking meter shall be paid to the Office of Public Parking for issuance of either a monthly or daily rental permit. Meter bags to show this rental use shall be placed over each meter so rented and shall be issued by the Office of Public Parking at the rate as found in fees, of $120 per month per bag. Companies desiring to rent parking meters for a period shorter than one month may rent these bags at a daily rate as found in fees of $6 each per day, excluding City holidays and weekends. A $25 deposit as found in fees, shall be required for each meter bag issued under this subsection, which shall be refunded upon return of the meter bag in satisfactory condition to the Office of Public Parking.

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Section 42. Chapter 804 (Jacksonville Traffic Code), Ordinance Code. Chapter 804, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:

CHAPTER 804. Jacksonville traffic code

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Sec. 804.1012. - Unauthorized parking in disabled parking space prohibited.

(a) It shall be unlawful for a person to park, stop or stand a vehicle in a parking space designated in accordance with the provisions of F.S. § 316.1955 or F.S. § 316.1956 for use only by the disabled unless the vehicle displays a parking permit issued pursuant to F.S. § 316.1958 or F.S. § 320.0848 and the vehicle is transporting a person eligible for the parking permit. A person who is chauffeuring a disabled person shall be allowed, without need for an identification parking permit, momentary parking in the parking space for the purpose of loading or unloading a disabled person and no penalty shall be imposed upon the driver for this momentary parking. A person convicted of violating this Section shall be punishable by a fine of $250. A sign with a blue background and white lettering reading "$250 FINE" shall be attached to each permanent abovegrade sign indicating such restricted parking space; provided, however, that any failure to have any such space so signed, whether due to full or partial absence of a sign, improper colors, inaccurate amount of the fine, defacement or mutilation, or otherwise, shall not impede, restrict or otherwise prevent in any manner whatsoever the enforceability of any restriction, violation or fine set forth above or any other provisions relating to regulation of parking for disabled persons.

(b) Any person who fraudulently obtains or unlawfully uses such an exemption parking permit or who uses an unauthorized replica of such exemption parking permit, on a meter, in a time zone or in a handicap zone, with the intent to deceive shall be punishable by a fine of $250.

(c) If a citation for a violation of this Section remains outstanding on a motor vehicle for more than 20 working days and has not been disposed of as provided in Section 636.104, the Chief of Parking Facilities and Enforcement or his designee is authorized to attach an immobilizing device to such vehicle pursuant to Section 802.112.

(d) All fines collected for violation of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section shall be distributed as follows:

(1) Seventy percent shall be placed in a separate account of the City to be expended only to improve accessibility and equal opportunity to qualified physically disabled persons in the County and to provide funds to conduct public awareness programs in the County concerning physically disabled persons. These funds shall be appropriated by the Council prior to expenditure, but shall not lapse at the end of any fiscal year and shall remain available for expenditure for the purposes stated herein.

(2) The remaining percentage of the fines collected shall be distributed as provided by law.

(e) Pursuant to F.S. § 318.18(6), violations of subsection (a) shall be waived if a person provides to the law enforcement agency or parking enforcement specialist or agency that issued the citation for such a violation proof that a person committing the violation has a valid parking permit or license plate issued pursuant to state law or a signed affidavit that the owner of the disabled parking permit or license plate was present at the time the violation occurred and that such parking permit or license plate was valid at the time the violation occurred. Upon provision of the affidavit of compliance or other proof to the enforcing agency and payment of a dismissal fee of $7.50 as found in fees, the enforcing agency shall dismiss the citation. Pursuant to F.S. § 318.18(6), the Clerk has delegated responsibility to the City to perform these obligations and retain all dismissal fees.

(f) All fees collected for the dismissal of a violation of subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be placed in a separate account of the City to be expended to improve accessibility and equal opportunity to persons with disabilities, to facilitate public awareness, and to defray expenses for the administration of this section.

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Sec. 804.1202. - Application for rotating wrecker call list; fees and grounds for removal from rotating wrecker call list.

(a) All wrecker and towing firms, companies or corporations licensed to conduct business within the City may apply annually on or before October 1 for a listing by the Sheriff's Office on the rotating wrecker call list. A fee of $100 as found in fees, shall accompany the application, renewable annually, together with an annual permit fee of $25 as found in fees, for each wrecker. Each wrecker and towing firm approved for the rotating wrecker call list shall be charged a flat fee of $15 as found in fees, for each vehicle towed at the request of the Sheriff's Office. All of these fees and charges shall be utilized by the Sheriff's Office to administer this Part. The Sheriff's Office shall promulgate guidelines for qualifications to be on the rotating wrecker call list, so as to protect the public interest. Qualified applicants may be placed on the rotating wrecker call list, at the discretion of the Sheriff. The Sheriff is authorized to limit the number of wrecker and towing firms, companies, or corporations authorized to conduct business within each zone established by the Sheriff.

(b) If the Sheriff's Office determines that an applicant does not meet the qualifications to be on the list, it shall notify the applicant in writing stating the reasons for such disqualification and shall forward a copy of that letter to the Council Secretary.

(c) Any applicant that has been notified of such disqualification shall have the right to appeal that decision to the Council by sending a letter requesting an appeal to the Council Secretary within ten days of receipt of the disqualification letter from the Sheriff's Office.

(d) Upon receipt of such appeal request, the Council Secretary shall cause a resolution to be introduced into the Council, sponsored by the Public Safety and Judiciary Committee, to determine whether the applicant should be placed on the rotating wrecker call list. The Public Safety and Judiciary Committee shall hold a public hearing on the appeal resolution and make a recommendation to the Council as to whether the applicant should be placed on the rotating wrecker call list.

(e) In the event the Sheriff's Office receives two verified complaints within any six-month period that a wrecker and towing firm on the wrecker call list has failed to comply with the notice provisions set forth in Section 804.1107, then such wrecker or towing firm may be removed from the rotating wrecker call list for a one-year period. Upon the expiration of this removal period, the wrecker or towing firm shall be required to pay an additional fee of $300 as found in fees, to reapply for the rotating wrecker call list. This fee shall be in addition to the annual fee required herein.

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Sec. 804.1204. - Towing, other services and storage charges; notice by the Sheriff.

When a motor vehicle must be transported to a public storage lot or to a location within the designated towing zone, standard charges for towing and storage or other services shall be charged by wrecker and towing firms and by the City to owners of motor vehicles directed to be towed by the Sheriff's Office. Whenever a motor vehicle is directed to be towed by the Sheriff's Office, the towing firm shall within seven business days from the date of such direction notify in writing the registered owner of the motor vehicle and any and all lienholders of record (as appears on the motor vehicle registration or as disclosed by the records in the State Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles). The notice shall contain the date and time of towing, the name of the registered owner of the motor vehicle, the name of the towing company and the address at which the towed motor vehicle is stored. In the event the towed motor vehicle has a temporary license tag affixed to it, the towing firm shall, if possible, provide the same notice required herein within seven business days to the entity to which the temporary license tag was issued. At the request of an owner or driver for his vehicle to be towed to another location, charges shall be negotiated between the owner or driver and the towing firm. Charges for towing and storage or other services and the classification of wrecker service shall be determined by the vehicle to be towed or service to be performed, and shall not exceed the charges set forth in fees for the following schedules:


All classes applicable 24 hours a day seven days a week.

(a) Class A Wrecker:

(1) Motorcycles, cars, pickups (through light duty — one ton with single rear axles), small camper trailers, trailers with single axles, includes sling, rollback or dollies — $91.73, plus $2.62 rate plus amount per mile.

(2) Extra charges — $32.76 extra charge for rollover or additional winching.

(3) Extra time at scene — After the first 30 minutes at the scene, extra time at the scene may be charged at the rate of $78.62 per hour, in one-quarter hour increments, for such services as additional winching, recovery, cleanup, waiting for inventory or other similar services.

(b) Class A Storage (after the first six hours):

(1) Motorcycles — $13.11 rate per 24 hour day or fraction thereof inside or outside.

(2) All others:

(i)  Outside — $19.65 rate per 24-hour day or fraction thereof.

(ii)  Inside — $23.58 rate per 24-hour day or fraction thereof, only when customer or police officer specifies or when necessary for protection from weather.

(c) Class B Wrecker:

(1) One ton through two ton trucks, motor homes with dual rear wheels, tandem axles and camper trailers — $104.83, rate plus $3.28 an amount per mile.

(2) Extra charges — $45.84 extra charge for wheel lift, dollies, or rollover when necessary for protection of vehicle when requested or specified by customer or police officer.

(3) Extra time at scene — After the first 30 minutes at the scene, extra time at the scene may be charged at the rate of $104.83 per hour, in one-quarter hour increments, for such services as recovery, cleanup, winching, waiting for inventory or other similar services.

(d) Class B Storage (after the first six hours):

(1) Outside — $26.20 rate per 24-hour day or fraction thereof.

(2) Inside — $31.44 rate per 24-hour day or fraction thereof, only when customer or police officer specifies or when necessary for protection from weather.

(e) Class C Wrecker:

(1) Two and one-half ton trucks and up, semis, buses, mobile homes, and similar vehicle types — $375.00 rate per hour (no mileage charge). Time starts when wrecker leaves the shop; time ends when tow recovery is finished and wrecker returns to shop and is parked.

(2) Extra cleanup and recovery, when needed — $45.84 rate per on-site cleanup/recovery worker per hour and all loboy trailers, Class B or Class C recovery — rate $98.27, plus appropriate class wrecker charge.

(3) Class B or Class C rollover, special nylon recovery straps — $52.40 extra.

(4) Air cushion recovery, rollover loaded semis — $2,358.47, rate plus wrecker and equipment, if needed, to clean the highway (includes four hours at the scene), if over four hours at the scene, $524.11 an amount per each extra hour in one-quarter hour increments.

(5) Unloaded semis, buses, or similar vehicles — One-half of rates specified above.

(f) Class C Storage (after the first six hours):

(1) Semi-tractor—$32.76 rate per day or fraction thereof.

(2) Semi-trailer—$45.84 rate per day or fraction thereof.

(g) Administrative Fees:

(1) A towing firm may, after the first 72 hours, charge an administrative fee not to exceed $60 an amount for actual documented costs associated with notice advertising and with research for and mailing of certified notices to registered owners and lien holders of record as required by F.S. § 713.78(3), but the actual documented cost shall not exceed a rate found in fees.

(2) A towing firm may charge a fee for auction expenses as permitted by state law.

(3) A towing firm may charge a non-business hours (8:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m., seven days per week) access fee of $49.52 per visit. However, no such fee shall be charged for recovery of prescription medication or prescription glasses, child car seats, oxygen tanks or any type of medical equipment or life necessity items. No access fee shall be charged when complete payment is tendered for a vehicle being retrieved.

(h) Crash Wrap Fee: A towing firm may charge a crash wrap fee in the amount of $25 for vehicles which without the wrap cannot be sealed from water.

(i) Internet research fee: A towing firm may charge actual costs, up to an amount $5, for internet research fee per vehicle, but only when such research is necessary for notification. This amount is in addition to the administrative fee.

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Sec. 804.1306. - Establishment of rates.

(a) The maximum rates for towing a vehicle or for the storage of a towed vehicle when the point of origin of the tow is within the City limits of the City shall be as follows set forth in fees:

(1) Class A vehicles:

Towing of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of up to and including 10,000 pounds ..... $91.73

Plus $2.62 a rate per mile.

Maximum daily storage rate (after six hours) ..... 19.65

(2) Class B vehicles:

Towing of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of more than 10,000 pounds and up to and including 19,500 pounds ..... 104.83

Plus $3.28 a rate per mile.

Maximum daily storage rate (after six hours) ..... 26.20

(3) Class C vehicles:

Towing of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of more than 19,500 pounds (which are upright and in a towable condition), per hour, no mileage charges ..... 375.00

Maximum daily storage rate (after six hours)

Semi-tractor ..... 32.76

Semi-trailer ..... 45.84

(b) Non-business hours (8:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m., seven days per week) access fee of $49.52 per visit. However, access for the recovery of prescription medication or prescription glasses, child car seats, oxygen tanks and any type of medical equipment or life necessity items, or to pay for and retrieve the vehicle, shall be at no charge.

(c) The maximum rates established in paragraph (1) above shall be a flat fee which shall be all inclusive and, by way of illustration, no additional charges shall be made for:

(1) Any fees for special equipment or services such as double hook up, vehicle entry when locked, dropping transmission linkage, axle or drive shaft removal, dollies, trailer or flat bed, lifts, slim jims, go jacks, removing bumpers, airing up brakes, and mileage;

(2) Time spent at the scene of the tow; or

(3) Storage for the first six hours.

No other fees of whatever kind may be charged for services rendered during the first 72 hours that the vehicle is in the possession of the towing service, beginning from the time the vehicle is delivered to the storage facility. Storage fees as set forth above may be assessed after the initial six-hour period based on a 24-hour day, each day starting at the time of impound. An administrative fee not to exceed $60 for actual documented costs may be charged after the first 72 hours so long as the towing service has actually complied with the requirements of F.S. § 713.78 for actual documented costs, including execution and mailing of the lien notice, but shall not exceed the rate found in fees.

(d) Crash Wrap Fee. A towing firm may charge a crash wrap fee in the amount of $25 a rate for vehicles which without the wrap cannot be sealed from water.

(e) Internet Research Fee. A towing firm may charge actual cost, up to $5 a rate, for internet research per vehicle, but only when such research is necessary. This amount is in addition to the administrative fee.

* * *

Section 43. City of Jacksonville Fee List. For historical and informational purposes only for this legislation, a copy of the current City of Jacksonville fees listed in fees is On File with the Legislative Services Division.

Section 44. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon signature by the Mayor or upon becoming effective without the Mayor’s signature.

Form Approved:

/s/ Margaret M. Sidman

Office of General Counsel

Legislation Prepared By: Margaret M. Sidman



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