VITA - University of North Florida


Vita (July 30, 2008)

Department of Economics 1236 Salt Creek Island Drive

University of North Florida Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 3208

1 UNF Drive Cell: 904-233-3732

Jacksonville, FL 32224

Phone: 904-620-1219

Education and Academic Interests


Ph.D. Economics University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Master of Science Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Bachelor of Science Business Administration, High Honors, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Primary Research Interests:

Public Finance, Economics of Education, Labor Economics, Applied Econometric Modeling

Primary Teaching Interests:

Economics and Business Statistics MBA and Undergraduate, Public Finance, Labor Economics

Professional Background

Associate Professor of Economics Graduate Faculty, University of North Florida, 2000 – Present.

Assistant Professor of Economics, 1994 - 1999

Research Fellow, Florida Center for Public Policy and Leadership, 2001- 2004

Teaching and Research Associate, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 1987-1993

Development Economist, Central Puget Sound Economic Development District, Seattle, WA, 1986.

Policy Analyst, State of Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, Olympia, WA, 1985.


Economic Damages, Statistical Modeling, Value of Life Calculations, Economic Impact Studies

Refereed Scholarly Journal Articles

“Evidence on the Relationship Between Economics and Critical Thinking Skills” (with Mary O. Borg) Contemporary Economic Policy, Forthcoming.

“School Grades Based on Standardized Test Scores: Are They Fair?” (with Rody Borg and Mary O. Borg) Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, 2008, Volume 2, pp. 38-56.

“E-tail Spending Patterns and the Importance of Store Familiarity” (With Dorota Kosiel, UNF Coggin College of Business MBA) Internet Research, 2007, Volume 17 (4), pp. 421-434.

“Plenty of Children Left Behind: High Stakes Testing and Graduation Rates in Duval County, Florida” (With Mary O. Borg and Patrick Plumlee) Educational Policy, 2007, Volume 21(5), pp.695-716.

“Does Lottery Advertising Exploit Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Markets?” (With Mary O. Borg) Business Ethics Quarterly, 2005, Volume 15 (1), pp. 23-35.

“Some Futures are Brighter than Others: The Net Benefits Received by Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Recipients” (With Mary O. Borg) Public Finance Review, 2004, Volume 31 (1), pp. 105-126.

“Personality Type and Student Performance in Upper Level Economics Courses: The Importance of Race and Gender” (With Mary O. Borg) Journal of Economic Education, 2002, Volume 33 (1), pp. 3-14.

“The Effect of Gender and Race on Student Performance in Principles of Economics” (With Mary O. Borg) Applied Economics, 2002, Volume 34, pp. 589-598.

“Lottery Funded Merit Scholarships: Some Lessons from the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program” (With Mary O. Borg) Journal of Business and Public Affairs, 2001, Volume 28 (1) pp. 60-73.

"Organizational Characteristics Associated with Hospital Chief Executive Officer Turnover" (With Nick Wilson) Journal of Health Care Management, 2000, Volume 45(6) , pp.395-405.

"Cost Driver Analysis in Hospitals: A Simultaneous Equations Approach" (With John MacArthur) Journal of Management Accounting Research, 1998, Volume 10, pp. 279-312.

"The Effect of Military Participation on Women's Wages with Double Correction for Selectivity Bias" Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 1998 Volume 38 (2), pp. 239-249.

"Horizontal Equity Implications of the Lottery Tax" (With Mary O. Borg) National Tax Journal, 1998 Volume 51 (1), pp. 71-82.

"Separating the Decisions of Lottery Participation and Lottery Expenditures: A Truncated Tobit Approach" (With Mary O. Borg) Public Finance Review, 1998 Volume 26 (2), pp. 99-117.

"The Effects of Casino Gambling on State Tax Revenue" (With Paul Mason) Atlantic Economic Journal, 1996 Volume 24 (4), pp. 336-348.

"Evaluating Returns to Post Harvest Research in the Florida Citrus Processing Sub-sector" (With Scott Shonkwiler) American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1986 Volume 68 (1) , pp. 88-94.

Other Non-Refereed Publications

"Education and Economic Development in the Producer Services," (With William Beyers and Eric Johnson) Economic Development Commentary Washington D.C.: National Council for Urban Economic Development, Volume 11, Winter, 1987

“The Service Economy: Understanding Growth of Producer Services in the Central Puget Sound Area” (With William Beyers, Eric Johnson, and John Toffelmire) 1986

“Modeling Technical Change in the Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice Processing Subsector” (With Scott Shonkwiler) Agricultural Experiment Stations, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida 1986

Awards, Grants and Other Activities

2008 Best Paper Award from the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 15th Annual Conference February, 2008

University of North Florida Grant Award for Undergraduate Student Research 2007, 2001

Who’s Who in America 2008

Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers 2005, 2004

University of North Florida Summer Research Grant Award 2008 2003 2000 1999

College of Business Research Grant for Data Collection 1999

Richard de Raismes Kip Research Grant 2001, 2003

UNF Summer Teaching Grant Award 1999

Grant for the Examination of the Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the Northeast Florida Region of the Jacksonville and Beaches Convention Center Expansion, Florida Center for Public Policy 2004 (with Jeffrey Will and Mary O. Borg).

Coggin College of Business Outstanding Teaching Award, University of North Florida 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999

Coggin College of Business Outstanding Research Award, University of North Florida 2007, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999

Oxford Round Table 2005, St. Anthony’s College in the University of Oxford, invited participant on ‘Economics, Politics and Financing of Education’

Oxford Round Table 2006, Harris Manchester College in the University of Oxford, invited participant on ‘Diversity in Society’

Argentina Study Abroad Faculty, 2000, 2001

Phi Kappa Phi, National Honor Society, March, 2001

UNF Research Grant for Data Collection 1998

College of Business Administration Teaching Grant 1998

Coggin College of Business Outstanding Teaching Award, University of North Florida 1998

Coggin College of Business Outstanding Research Award, University of North Florida 1998

University, College and Departmental Service

Liason, Department of Economics with Florida Community College at Jacksonville– Teaching Principles of Economics 2008

Chairperson, Department of Economics and Geography Bylaws Committee, University of North Florida 2008, 2007, 2006

Chairperson, Department of Economics New Faculty Search Committee, University of North Florida 2007, 2003,

Member, Department of Economics New Faculty Search #2 Committee, University of North Florida 2007, 2003

Member, Department of Economics and Geography New Faculty Search Committee, University of North Florida 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999

Member, Department of Economics and Geography Curriculum Committee, University of North Florida 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003

Chairperson, Department of Economics Statistical Software and Textbook Selection for Forecasting Component of MBA Statistics Course 2003

Liason, Department of Economics Textbook Selection for Undergraduate Statistics Course, University of North Florida, 2002

Faculty Advisor, Economics Club, Department of Economics, University of North Florida, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1999

Chairperson, Coggin College of Business Technology Committee, University of North Florida 2008

Member, Coggin College of Business E-learning Committee, University of North Florida 2006, 2007

Presenter, Coggin College of Business Research Brownbag Series, University of North Florida 2007

Member, Coggin College of Business Strategic Planning Committee, University of North 2006, 2005

Member, Coggin College of Business Scholarship Committee, University of North Florida, 2005

Member, Coggin College of Business Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2004, 2003,2002, 2000

Member, Coggin College of Business International Business Program Committee, University of North Florida 2002

Faculty Mentor, Coggin College of Business Master of Business, University of North Florida 5-16 assigned students 2003, 2002

Member, Coggin College of Business MBA Curriculum Committee, University of North Florida 2000

Member, Coggin College of Business Art Selection Committee, University of North Florida 2000, 1999

Member, Department of Marketing, Management and Logistics, New Faculty Search Committee, University of North Florida 1999

Member, University of North Florida Academic Standards Committee

2008, 2007, 2003, 2002,

Member, University of North Florida Research Proposal Evaluation Committee 2006

Member, Undergraduate Research Grant Selection, University of North Florida 2006, 2003

Member, Master of Science in Economics Feasibility Survey and Study, University of North Florida 2005, 2004

Member, University of North Florida University Appeals Committee 2004, 2003, 2000, 1999

Member, University of North Florida Promotion and Tenure Committee 2005, 2004, 2000

Member, University of North Florida United Way Campaign Committee 2005, 2004, 2003

Invited Participant, University of North Florida Junior Faculty Retreat 2004

Faculty Advisor, Economics Club, Department of Economics, University of North Florida, 1998, 1997, 1996

Chairperson, Department of Economics Statistical Software and Textbook Selection, University of North Florida 1998,1997

Member, Department of Economics New Faculty Search Committee, University of North Florida, 1998

Chairperson, College of Business Administration Research Committee, University of North Florida 1998, 1997

Member, Coggin College of Business MBA Curriculum Committee, University of North Florida 1998

Member, College of Business Administration Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, University of North Florida 1998, 1997

Member, College of Business Administration AACSB Assessment Committee, University of North Florida 1997

Member, College of Business Administration Technology Assessment Committee, University of North Florida 1996

Member, College of Business Administration AACSB Assessment Committee, University of North Florida 1997

Member, College of Business Administration Art Selection Committee, University of North Florida 1996

Member, University of North Florida Nominations and Elections Committee, University of North Florida 1998, 1997

Member, University of North Florida SACs Sub-Committee on Administration 1998

Member, University of North Florida University Student Appeals Committee 1998, 1997

Member, University of North Florida Academic Support Services Committee

1996, 1995

Member, University of North Florida Teaching Incentive Program Award Committee 1996

Member, University of North Florida Homecoming Committee 1996

Professional Service and Other Contributions

Referee for Scholarly Research including

Review of Educational Research, 2007

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2004

Contemporary Economic Policy, 2003, 1999

Journal of Economic Education, 2002, 1999

National Tax Journal, 2001, 1999

Southern Economic Journal, 1999

Journal of Economics and Finance, 1999

Guest Speaker Paxon High School Math Club 2008

UNF Press Release January, 2008 ‘Who Pays Property Taxes and Benefits from Assessment Caps and Homestead Exemptions in Duval County’

Performed the Statistical Analysis for “Evaluation of Limb Compartments with Increased Interstitial Pressure: An Improved Noninvasive Method for Determining Quantitative Hardness” by B. Steinberg, M.D. Journal of Biomechanics, 2006, Vol 38 (8), pp. 1629-1635

Supervisor of Report on Mayor’s Commission on the Status of Women, 1998

Referee for Scholarly Research including

National Tax Journal, 1998

Journal of Economic Education, 1996

Selected Paper Presentations

“Account Turnover: Which Investors Trade Too Much?” (with Seth Anderson), Eastern Finance Association Meetings, April, 2008.

“A Study of the Relationship between Strategic Cost Structure Choice and Stock Return Behavior in the Transportation Industry: Preliminary Results” (with John MacArthur and Robert Houmes), American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, March, 2008.

“The Incidence of the Property Tax and Property Tax Preferences” (with Mary O. Borg and William Voorhees) Southern Economic Association Meetings, 2007.

“Evidence on the Relationship Between Economics and Critical Thinking Skills” (with Mary O. Borg) Western Economic Association Meetings, June, 2006.

“Closing the Achievement Gap Between High-Need and Low-Need Schools: A Multi-level Modeling Approach” (with Mary O. Borg) Western Economic Association Meetings, June 2004.

“No Child Left Behind? A Statistical Analysis of School Effectiveness in Duval County, FL” (with Mary O. Borg) Western Economic Association Meetings, June 2002.

“Some Futures are Brighter than Others: the Net Benefits Received by Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Recipients” (with Mary O. Borg) National Tax Association Meetings, 2002.

“Personality Type and Student Performance in Upper Level Economics Courses: The Importance of Race and Gender” (with Mary O. Borg) American Economic Association Meetings, 2000

“Does Advertising Make the Lottery Tax More Regressive?” Southern Economic Association Meetings, 1999

“Student Research Papers and Publications: Increasing Interest and Understanding in Economics and Business Statistics Courses” 10th Annual International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, 1998

“Horizontal Equity Implications of the Lottery Tax” (With Mary O. Borg) Southern Economic Association Meetings, 1998

“The Effect of Parental Co-residence on Women’s Labor Supply” Southern Economic Association Meetings, 1997

“Mortgage Prepayment and Interest Rate Choice” Southern Economic Association Meetings, 1995

Professional Affiliations

American Economic Association, Southern Economic Association, Omicron Delta Epsilon, Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi


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