Notes for Analysts and Programmers

INSTRUCTIONSIQI AND PSI RATES GENERATED BY THE AHRQ SAS PROGRAMS Guidance for Using the SAS Programs and an Example of Output for One HospitalWhat is this tool? To work with the Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQIs) and Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) for assessing its own performance, a hospital needs to calculate rates for these Indicators, using the SAS programs provided by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). This tool provides three sets of information to help you work with the SAS programs to calculate rates for your hospital and use the output from those programs:An outline of the steps and programs used to calculate rates for the IQIs and PSIs. Notes for analysts and programmers on issues to manage in working with the SAS programs. An example of the output from the SAS programs for one hospital. Who are the target audiences? The primary audience for this tool is the programmers or analysts who will perform the calculations of rates for the IQIs and PSIs. How can the tool help you? The examples and guidance provided by this tool should help you work more easily with the SAS programs used to calculate the IQIs and PSIs for your hospital, and to read and use the output from the programs. How does this tool relate to others? This tool should be used together with the B.1 tool on Applying the Quality Indicators to Hospital Data, which explains the different types of rates calculated for the IQIs and PSIs.. Indicator Data Generated by the SAS ProgramsThe following steps are taken to produce the rates for both the IQIs and PSIs:1.Identify outcomes in inpatient records.2.Identify populations at risk.3.Calculate observed (raw) indicator rates.4.Risk adjust the indicator rates (where applicable).5.Create smoothed rates using multivariate signal extraction (where applicable).The SAS programs provided by AHRQ for calculation of the IQIs and PSIs, as well as documentation on how to use the programs, can be found in a zip file on the AHRQ Web site: The documentation is provided in separate software documentation guides for the IQIs and PSIs. Each guide includes instructions for variable definitions and for calculating observed, expected, risk-adjusted, and smoothed rates for the indicators. Rates for the IQIs and PSIs are calculated using the same six programming steps, each of which uses a separate SAS program. The names and descriptions of the SAS programs involved are summarized in the following table. IQI ProgramsPSI ProgramsProgram DescriptionCONTROL_IQI.SASCONTROL_PSI.SASContains SAS statements that run the remaining programsIQFMTSPSFMTSDefines a format library that contains the diagnosis and procedure screens necessary for assigning outcomes for each IndicatorIQSAS1PSSAS1Processes hospital discharge abstract data and flags records if they contain the outcomes of interest for each IndicatorIQSASP2PSSASP2Calculates the observed (raw) rates for the IndicatorsIQSASP3PSSASP3Calculates expected rates, risk-adjusted rates, and smoothed rates for each IndicatorIQI_COMPOSITE.SASPSI_COMPOSITE.SASCalculates the composite rate for the set of indicators (PSIs or mortality IQIs)Notes for Analysts and ProgrammersThe documentation provides guidance on how to set up the files and run the programs. However, as is usually the case when applying new programs to a data file, several issues have been identified that you will need to manage as you work with the AHRQ SAS programs. The identified issues are discussed here to help ease your first application of the programs to your data. Once you have run the programs successfully, any use of them on subsequent data should proceed smoothly. One issue that affects the ability to begin to use the programs is the need to obtain a file that is not included in the zip files with the other AHRQ QI SAS programs. This is the population file, POPFILE, which you must locate separately on the AHRQ Web site: Getting Your Data ReadyWhen preparing data for the SAS PSI and IQI software programs, you should be aware that a few steps are essential for running the programs without errors. Format and structure your dataset so that it matches the structure specified in the documentation. If you try to run the program without first structuring and formatting the data to the exact specifications listed, the program will not run properly. All numeric variables must be specified as numeric, and all character variables must be specified as character. In some cases, you may not have a variable in your dataset that is required by the program. If it is not essential for calculating the rates, you may create an empty variable so that the program will run (e.g., AGEDAY, DQTR, and PAY2 may be created and set to missing).The KEY variable is the unique case identifier. It is important that this variable be a unique numeric identifier for each record. You may create this variable in SAS using the built-in case counter (KEY = _n_;).For the IQI programs, to obtain risk-adjusted rates, you must run APR-DRG software first and indicate this with the flag variables APR_DRG, APRDRG_RISK_MORTALITY, and XPRDRG_RISK_MORTALITY. If you are not interested in obtaining risk-adjusted rates, you may adjust these variables so that the program will still run without errors. Specific directions are listed in the documentation (Section 5.3). Modifying the AHRQ SAS ProgramsThe control files used to specify the programs’ parameters are CONTROL_PSI.SAS and CONTROL_IQI.SAS. Each command in this file is preceded by a comment and brief instructions. For some of the commands, the control file states that the user “MUST modify” the code. In other cases, the control file states that the user “MAY modify” the code. However, depending on the structure of your data, sometimes you must address these seemingly optional modifications. This is not clearly explained in the code. For example, the number of diagnosis codes (Dx) or procedures must be changed if it does not match your data exactly. If you have 20 diagnosis code variables, the default number of diagnosis codes (30) must be changed or the program will not run properly. Errors may not appear until you run the PSSAS1.SAS or IQSAS1.SAS files. When troubleshooting, check the structure of the data and the control file first. Example of SAS Program OutputAn example of the output from the SAS programs for the PSI rates is provided on the following pages. This output was generated from a run of the programs on the data for one large hospital, which had a large set of discharge records that would have the best chance of finding events for the numerators in the observed rates. Even in this case, however, you will see that zero events were found for some of the Indicators. NOTE: Refer to tool B.1, Applying the Qis, for definitions of the four types of rates. This output consists of three tables, each of which was generated by one of the following SAS programs: PSSASP2, PSSASP3, and PSI_COMPOSITE.SAS. In each table, the first line of output for each set of measures involved is highlighted in light gray, to assist you in navigating the table. For example, the line in the first table for TPPS02 DEATH IN LOW MORTALITY DRGS (numerator) is highlighted; this line is followed by additional numerator data for all the other PSIs. Then the line for the population (denominator) for this indicator is highlighted, again followed by data for the remaining PSIs.The output from PSSASP3, which calculates the expected, risk-adjusted, and smoothed rates, first lists the numerators, denominators, and observed rates for the Indicators. This replicates the output from PSSASP2. Then the other rates are presented in a group for each indicator in turn. The values reported on each line are the minimum, maximum, mean, and sum for each measure (numerator, population, rate). Because this output is for one hospital, all the values on each line are the same. If the programs had been run for a group of hospitals, these values would differ because the results would be for a distribution of results across hospitals. In the example below, Num (numerator) refers to the number of events. Pop (population) refers to the number of individuals in the population at risk for the event. Obs (observed) refers to the observed rate. PSSASP2.SASAHRQ PATIENT SAFETY INDICATORS: CALCULATE OBSERVED PROVIDER RATESSUMMARY OF PROVIDER-LEVEL RATES (_TYPE_=16)VariableLabelNN MissMinimumMaximumMeanSumhospid10190125190125190125190125AGECATPATIENT AGE01....SEXCATPATIENT GENDER01....PAYCATPATIENT PRIMARY PAYER01....RACECATPATIENT RACE/ETHNICITY01...._TYPE_STRATIFICATION LEVEL1016161616TPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORTALITY DRGS (Numerator)100000TPPS03PRESSURE ULCER (Numerator)1053535353TPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Numerator)100000TPPS05FOREIGN BODY LEFT IN DURING PROC (Num)101111TPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Numerator)101111TPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Num)1013131313TPPS08POSTOPERATIVE HIP FRACTURE (Numerator)100000TPPS09POSTOP HEMORRHAGE OR HEMATOMA (Num)101111TPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABOL DERANGEMENT (Num)01....TPPS11POSTOP RESPIRATORY FAILURE (Numerator)01....TPPS12POSTOPERATIVE PE OR DVT (Numerator)1014141414TPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Numerator)01....TPPS14POSTOPERATIVE WOUND DEHISCENCE (Num)100000TPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION(Num)105555TPPS16TRANSFUSION REACTION (Numerator)01....TPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (Num)1011111111TPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INSTRUMENT (Num)1036363636PPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORTALITY DRGS (Pop)103460346034603460PPPS03PRESSURE ULCER (Pop)101016101610161016PPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Pop)1039393939PPPS05FOREIGN BODY LEFT IN DURING PROC (Pop)101111PPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Pop)103865386538653865PPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Pop)105220522052205220PPPS08POSTOPERATIVE HIP FRACTURE (Pop)10444444444444PPPS09POSTOP HEMORRHAGE OR HEMATOMA (Pop)10812812812812PPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABOL DERANGEMENT (Pop)01....PPPS11POSTOP RESPIRATORY FAILURE (Pop)01....PPPS12POSTOP PE OR DVT-NO PRDAY (Pop)10817817817817PPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Pop)01....PPPS14POSTOPERATIVE WOUND DEHISCENCE (Pop)10200200200200PPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION (Pop)104020402040204020PPPS16TRANSFUSION REACTION (Pop)01....PPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (Pop)1079797979PPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INSTRUMENT (Pop)101814181418141814OPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORTALITY DRGS (Observed)100000OPPS03PRESSURE ULCER (Observed)100.05216540.05216540.05216540.0521654OPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Observed)100000OPPS05FOREIGN BODY LEFT IN DURING PROC (Obs)101111OPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Observed)100.000258730.000258730.00025870.0002587OPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Observed)100.00249040.00249040.00249040.0024904OPPS08POSTOPERATIVE HIP FRACTURE (Observed)100000OPPS09POSTOP HEMORRHAGE OR HEMATOMA (Observed)100.00123150.00123150.00123150.0012315OPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABOL DERANGEMENT (Obs)01....OPPS11POSTOP RESPIRATORY FAILURE (Observed)01....OPPS12POSTOPERATIVE PE OR DVT (Observed)100.01713590.01713590.01713590.0171359OPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Observed)01....OPPS14POSTOPERATIVE WOUND DEHISCENCE (Obs)100000OPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION(Observed)100.00124380.00124380.00124380.0012438OPPS16TRANSFUSION REACTION (Observed)01....OPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (Obs)100.13924050.13924050.13924050.1392405OPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL WO INSTRUMENT (Obs)100.01984560.01984560.01984560.0198456PSSASP3.SASPROGRAM P3 PART IIAHRQ PATIENT SAFETY INDICATORS: PROVIDER-LEVEL MERGED FILESSUMMARY OF PROVIDER-LEVEL RATES (_TYPE_=16)VariableLabelNN MissMinimumMaximumMeanSumhospid10190125190125190125190125AGECATPATIENT AGE01....SEXCATPATIENT GENDER01....PAYCATPATIENT PRIMARY PAYER01....RACECATPATIENT RACE/ETHNICITY01...._TYPE_STRATIFICATION LEVEL1016161616TPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORTALITY DRGS (Numerator)100000TPPS03PRESSURE ULCER (Numerator)1053535353TPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Numerator)100000TPPS05FOREIGN BODY LEFT IN DURING PROC (Num)101111TPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Numerator)101111TPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Num)1013131313TPPS08POSTOPERATIVE HIP FRACTURE (Numerator)100000TPPS09POSTOP HEMORRHAGE OR HEMATOMA (Num)101111TPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABOL DERANGEMENT (Num)01....TPPS11POSTOP RESPIRATORY FAILURE (Numerator)01....TPPS12POSTOPERATIVE PE OR DVT (Numerator)1014141414TPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Numerator)01....TPPS14POSTOPERATIVE WOUND DEHISCENCE (Num)100000TPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION(Num)105555TPPS16TRANSFUSION REACTION (Numerator)01....TPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (Num)1011111111TPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INSTRUMENT (Num)1036363636PPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORTALITY DRGS (Pop)103460346034603460PPPS03PRESSURE ULCER (Pop)101016101610161016PPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Pop)1039393939PPPS05FOREIGN BODY LEFT IN DURING PROC (Pop)101111PPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Pop)103865386538653865PPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Pop)105220522052205220PPPS08POSTOPERATIVE HIP FRACTURE (Pop)10444444444444PPPS09POSTOP HEMORRHAGE OR HEMATOMA (Pop)10812812812812PPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABOL DERANGEMENT (Pop)01....PPPS11POSTOP RESPIRATORY FAILURE (Pop)01....PPPS12POSTOP PE OR DVT-NO PRDAY (Pop)10817817817817PPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Pop)01....PPPS14POSTOPERATIVE WOUND DEHISCENCE (Pop)10200200200200PPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION (Pop)104020402040204020PPPS16TRANSFUSION REACTION (Pop)01....PPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (Pop)1079797979PPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INSTRUMENT (Pop)101814181418141814OPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORTALITY DRGS (Observed)100000OPPS03PRESSURE ULCER (Observed)100.0521650.05216540.0521650.052165OPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Observed)100000OPPS05FOREIGN BODY LEFT IN DURING PROC (Obs)101111OPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Observed)100.0002590.000258730.0002590.000259OPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Observed)100.002490.00249040.002490.00249OPPS08POSTOPERATIVE HIP FRACTURE (Observed)100000OPPS09POSTOP HEMORRHAGE OR HEMATOMA (Observed)100.0012320.00123150.0012320.001232OPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABOL DERANGEMENT (Obs)01....OPPS11POSTOP RESPIRATORY FAILURE (Observed)01....OPPS12POSTOPERATIVE PE OR DVT (Observed)100.0171360.01713590.0171360.017136OPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Observed)01....OPPS14POSTOPERATIVE WOUND DEHISCENCE (Obs)100000OPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION(Observed)100.0012440.00124380.0012440.001244OPPS16TRANSFUSION REACTION (Observed)01....OPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (Obs)100.1392410.13924050.1392410.139241OPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL WO INSTRUMENT (Obs)100.0198460.01984560.0198460.019846EPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORT DRGS (Expected)100.00020.000199920.00020.0002RPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORT DRGS (Risk Adj)100000VPPS02101.34E-071.34E-071.34E-071.34E-07SPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORT DRGS (Smoothed)100.0002950.000294640.0002950.000295XPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORT DRGS (Smthe SE)106.54E-056.5425E-056.54E-056.54E-05LPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORT DRGS (Lower CL)100000UPPS02DEATH IN LOW MORT DRGS (Upper CL)100.0007170.000716710.0007170.000717EPPS03PRESSURE ULCER-NO PRDAY (Expected)100.022510.02250950.022510.02251RPPS03PRESSURE ULCER-NO PRDAY (Risk Adj)100.0427520.04275150.0427520.042752VPPS03101.45E-051.4494E-051.45E-051.45E-05SPPS03PRESSURE ULCER-NO PRDAY (Smoothed)100.0402350.04023490.0402350.040235XPPS03PRESSURE ULCER (Smthe SE)100.0036050.00360460.0036050.003605LPPS03PRESSURE ULCER (Lower CL)100.035290.03528970.035290.03529UPPS03PRESSURE ULCER (Upper CL)100.0502130.05021330.0502130.050213EPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Expected)100.1341690.13416920.1341690.134169RPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Risk Adj)100000VPPS04100.0023470.00234710.0023470.002347SPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Smoothed)100.1147290.11472870.1147290.114729XPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Smthe SE)100.014580.01457980.014580.01458LPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Lower CL)100000UPPS04DEATH AMONG SURGICAL (Upper CL)100.0949560.09495590.0949560.094956EPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Expected)100.0006490.000649310.0006490.000649RPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Risk Adj)100.0001870.00018750.0001870.000187VPPS06108.81E-088.81E-088.81E-088.81E-08SPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Smoothed)100.0004440.000444450.0004440.000444XPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Smthe SE)109.01E-059.0125E-059.01E-059.01E-05LPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Lower CL)100000UPPS06IATROGENIC PNEUMOTHORAX (Upper CL)100.0007690.00076940.0007690.000769EPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Expected)100.0016640.00166440.0016640.001664RPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Risk Adj)100.0024080.00240780.0024080.002408VPPS07102.97E-072.97E-072.97E-072.97E-07SPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Smoothed)100.0018180.0018180.0018180.001818XPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Smthe SE)100.0002790.000278850.0002790.000279LPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Lower CL)100.0013390.0013390.0013390.001339UPPS07CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BSI (Upper CL)100.0034770.00347660.0034770.003477EPPS08POSTOP HIP FRACTURE-NO PRDAY (Expected)100.0001590.000158720.0001590.000159RPPS08POSTOP HIP FRACTURE-NO PRDAY (Risk Adj)100000VPPS08103.66E-073.66E-073.66E-073.66E-07SPPS08POSTOP HIP FRACTURE-NO PRDAY (Smoothed)100.0001570.000156740.0001570.000157XPPS08POSTOPERATIVE HIP FRACTURE (Smthe SE)109.31E-059.3074E-059.31E-059.31E-05LPPS08POSTOPERATIVE HIP FRACTURE (Lower CL)100000UPPS08POSTOPERATIVE HIP FRACTURE (Upper CL)100.0011850.00118540.0011850.001185EPPS09POSTOP HEMOR OR HEMAT-NO PRDAY (Exp)100.0026490.0026490.0026490.002649RPPS09POSTOP HEMOR OR HEMAT-NO PRDAY (RA)100.0011970.00119650.0011970.001197VPPS09103.07E-063.07E-063.07E-063.07E-06SPPS09POSTOP HEMOR OR HEMAT-NO PRDAY (Smthd)100.0025010.00250070.0025010.002501XPPS09POSTOP HEMORRHAGE OR HEMATOMA (Smthe SE)100.0004030.000403380.0004030.000403LPPS09POSTOP HEMORRHAGE OR HEMATOMA (LL)100000UPPS09POSTOP HEMORRHAGE OR HEMATOMA (UL)100.0046310.00463110.0046310.004631EPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABO DE-NO PRDAY (Exp)01....RPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABO DE-NO PRDAY (RA)01....LPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABOL DERANGMNT (LL)01....UPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABOL DERANGMNT (UL)01....SPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABO DE-NO PRDAY (Smthd)01....XPPS10POSTOP PHYSIO METABOL DERANGEMENT (SmtSE)01....VPPS1001....EPPS11POSTOP RESP FAILURE-NO PRDAY (Expected)01....RPPS11POSTOP RESP FAILURE-NO PRDAY (Risk Adj)01....LPPS11POSTOP RESPIRATORY FAILURE (Lower CL)01....UPPS11POSTOP RESPIRATORY FAILURE (Upper CL)01....SPPS11POSTOP RESP FAILURE-NO PRDAY (Smoothed)01....XPPS11POSTOP RESPIRATORY FAILURE (Smthe SE)01....VPPS1101....EPPS12POSTOP PE OR DVT-NO PRDAY (Expected)100.0107520.0107520.0107520.010752RPPS12POSTOP PE OR DVT-NO PRDAY (Risk Adj)100.0162190.01621910.0162190.016219VPPS12101.16E-051.1638E-051.16E-051.16E-05SPPS12POSTOP PE OR DVT-NO PRDAY (Smoothed)100.0128480.01284840.0128480.012848XPPS12POSTOPERATIVE PE OR DVT (Smthe SE)100.0022690.00226850.0022690.002269LPPS12POSTOPERATIVE PE OR DVT (Lower CL)100.0095330.00953250.0095330.009533UPPS12POSTOPERATIVE PE OR DVT (Upper CL)100.0229060.02290560.0229060.022906EPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Expected)01....RPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Risk Adj)01....LPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Lower CL)01....UPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Upper CL)01....SPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Smoothed)01....XPPS13POSTOPERATIVE SEPSIS (Smthe SE)01....VPPS1301....EPPS14POSTOP WOUND DEHISCENCE-NO PRDAY (Exp)100.0018280.00182830.0018280.001828RPPS14POSTOP WOUND DEHISCENCE-NO PRDAY (RA)100000VPPS14101.32E-051.3203E-051.32E-051.32E-05SPPS14POSTOP WOUND DEHISCENCE-NO PRDAY (Smthd)100.0021750.00217490.0021750.002175XPPS14POSTOPERATIVE WOUND DEHISCENCE (SmtSE)100.0003860.000386240.0003860.000386LPPS14POSTOPERATIVE WOUND DEHISCENCE (LL)100000UPPS14POSTOPERATIVE WOUND DEHISCENCE (UL)100.0071220.00712190.0071220.007122EPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION(Expected)100.0028180.00281760.0028180.002818RPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION (RA)100.0013490.00134910.0013490.001349VPPS15108.21E-078.21E-078.21E-078.21E-07SPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION(Smoothed)100.0024230.00242330.0024230.002423XPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION(Smthe SE)100.0005520.000551790.0005520.000552LPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION (LL)100000UPPS15ACCIDENTAL PUNCTURE/LACERATION (UL)100.0031250.00312520.0031250.003125EPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (Exp)100.142190.14218950.142190.14219EPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INST (Exp)100.0244280.02442770.0244280.024428RPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (RA)100.1392410.13924050.1392410.139241RPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INSTRUMENT (RA)100.0198460.01984560.0198460.019846SEPS18100.038950.03895020.038950.03895SEPS19100.0032750.00327460.0032750.003275VPPS18100.0015170.00151710.0015170.001517VPPS19101.07E-051.0723E-051.07E-051.07E-05SNPS18100.9984850.99848520.9984850.998485SNPS19100.9999890.99998930.9999890.999989SPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (Smthd)100.1392450.1392450.1392450.139245SPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INST (Smthd)100.0198460.01984570.0198460.019846XPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (SmtSE)100.0389210.03892070.0389210.038921XPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INST (SmtSE)100.0032750.00327460.0032750.003275LPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (LL)100.0628980.0628980.0628980.062898LPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INSTRUMENT (LL)100.0134270.01342740.0134270.013427UPPS18OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W INSTRUMENT (UL)100.2155830.2155830.2155830.215583UPPS19OB TRAUMA - VAGINAL W/O INSTRUMENT (UL)100.0262640.02626390.0262640.026264PSI_COMPOSITE.SASPATIENT SAFETY INDICATOR COMPOSITEVariableLabelNMeanCOMP1PATIENT SAFETY FOR SELECTED INDICATORS21.298COMP1VARCOMPOSITE VARIANCE20.008517COMP1SECOMPOSITE SE20.092289COMP1WHTCOMPOSITE WEIGHTED DENOMINATOR22483.88 ................

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