Church of St. Ephrem

Church of St. Ephrem

929 Bay Ridge Parkway Brooklyn, New York 11228



St. Ephrem Catholic Church Dyker Heights

Parish Staff

Very Rev. Robert B. Adamo, V. F., KCHS, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Peter V. Kain, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Anthony S. Chanan, Parochial Vicar Mr. Robert Cote, Youth Minister Mrs. Michele James, Business Manager Rev. Msgr. Theophilus Joseph, Parochial Vicar Sr. Mary Ann Ambrose, C.S.J., Director of Faith Formation Mr. Thomas Marchesiello, Director of Music/Liturgy Deacon Kevin McLaughlin, Permanent Deacon Mr. Craig Mercado, Academy Principal Mrs. Lisa Pinsky, Parish Secretary Deacon Anthony Stucchio, Permanent Deacon

September 26, 2021 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Rectory Office

929 Bay Ridge Parkway

718-833-1010 Fax 718-921-5232

Faith Formation Center

Side Entrance of St. Ephrem Convent (off Bay Ridge Parkway)

718-745-7486 FaithFormation@stephremparish-

St. Ephrem Catholic Academy

924 74th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11228 718-833-1440

Schedule of Masses

Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12 Noon and 5:00 PM Weekdays Monday through Friday 7:00 AM & 8:45 AM Saturday 8:45 AM

Rectory Office Hours

Monday--Thursday: 9:00 AM--12 Noon

1:00 PM--5:00 PM


9:00 AM-- 12 Noon

1:00 PM--4:00 PM


No Office Hours


No Office Hours

Parish Registration

All are welcomed and invited to register at the Parish Office and participate in our parish.


Miraculous Medal Novena, Mondays following the 8:45 AM Mass Recitation of the Rosary at 8:15 AM before weekly morning Mass. Divine Mercy Chaplet every Friday following the 8:45 AM Mass First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following the 8:45 AM Mass and Benediction at 12:30 PM.


Parents should call the rectory to make an appointment. Please note that there are no baptisms during the season of Lent.


The Sacrament of Marriage requires a time of serious spiritual preparation. Couples should make arrangements for their marriage at least six months before the date of the wedding by making an appointment with a priest or deacon. Please log on to pre- for complete information about marriage preparation in the Diocese.

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

Saturday 3:30 ?4:30 PM. By appointment for all other times.

Anointing of the Sick/Communion

To make arrangements for communion to be brought to any parishioner who is seriously ill or confined to the house, or if they wish to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. To see a particular Staff Member, please call for an appointment.

Our Mission Statement

We, the parish family of St. Ephrem, baptized into the life of Jesus Christ and nourished by the Word and the Eucharist, strive to be a welcoming and responsive Roman Catholic faith community. Together we are committed to put our faith

into action by: Responding to the spiritual and physical needs of the community through service and charity. Reaching out to those who are searching for a faith community, including the young

and those seeking to re-kindle their relationship with God. Reaching out to all without distinction. Passing on our faith and traditions through teaching by word and example. Connecting to where people are on their faith journey.

Actively participating in the worship, sacrament and devotional life of the church.

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 26, 2021

"Whoever is not against us is for us. If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off."

Mark 9: 38-48


truthfully, and reverently.

Jesus seems to be inviting us to consider what situation or possessions tempt us toward sin in our everyday lives. Are there ways that we might remove these events or items from our lives so as to live greater freedom and holiness?

In the Good Shepherd,

Dear Parishioners:

In the gospel proclaimed today we hear exclusion spoken from the midst of the Twelve. John is their indignant spokesman, informing Jesus that a man who "does not follow us" is "driving out demons in your name." The real issue from John's point of view is not that this man is not following Jesus-after all, he is doing his healing acts in Jesus' name, which implies some faith in Jesus; the problem is that he is not following the Twelve! They tried to stop him, apparently unsuccessfully, since they make an implicit appeal to Jesus to do something about it. Jesus responds to John's indignation by telling him that they should see such a person not as a competitor but as a companion along the way, even if he is not physically travelling with the Twelve, because "whoever is not against us is for us." Work for the kingdom is not to be the jealously guarded preserve only of the disciples who are physically accompanying him.

Strong feelings evoke strong language, and the Jesus in Mark's gospel uses vivid images to heighten the impact of his words about the sin and scandal of those who are a stumbling block to the faith of others. Rather than concentrate on criticizing those whom we consider "outsiders," disciples need to be self-critical. The harsh words about self-mutilation are to be taken figuratively, not literally. It would be better, says Jesus, to go through life physically handicapped than to give scandal by our sinfulness and so become spiritually maimed and unfit for the kingdom of God. The final image of "Gehenna" (or "hell") refers to what was a valley outside the city of Jerusalem, and once the site of Canaanite human sacrifice. The Israelites had converted this into a garbage dump where the stench of the burning refuse became a constant reminder of corruption and a symbol of punishment. The alternative is the life of the new heaven and the new earth. As we have prayed in the responsorial Psalm 19, it is only by trusting in God's guidance as do the simple, those who are wise enough to know their own frailty, that we can live wisely,

COVID-19 Update September 2021

Just a Gentle Reminder:

Bishop DiMarzio encourages all to wear a mask. Those not vaccinated MUST wear a Mask!

Social Distancing is still required in the Church. While there are no ropes, every 6 Ft.

other pew is a good guide for seating.

Regarding Religious Exemption for the COVID-19 Vaccine:

There have been a few inquiries requesting a letter stating a `Religious Exemption' for the COVID-19 Vaccine. On July 30th, all priests of the diocese were informed of the following:

"Please be aware that there is no basis for a religious exemption for Catholics as the Vatican has determined that the COVID-19 vaccines are morally acceptable."

"Being vaccinated with vaccines authorized by the competent authorities is an act of love.

And contributing to ensure the majority of people are vaccinated is an act of love."

Pope Francis

Today's Special Second Collection is to assist the parishes in OUR Diocese who were greatly

affected by Hurricane Ida. These funds will help parishes and their parishioners.





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