
VolumeLicensing服务提供商使用权利2020 年 9 月 1 日目录 TOC \h \z \t "Product List - Section Heading,1,Product List - Offering Group Heading,2,Product List - Offering 1,5,Product List - Offering 1 Heading,3,Product List - Offering 2 Heading,4,Product List - Offering 2,6,Product List - SubSubSection Heading,5" 目录 PAGEREF _Toc48199827 \h 2简介 PAGEREF _Toc48199828 \h 3关于本文档 PAGEREF _Toc48199829 \h 3本文档包含的内容 PAGEREF _Toc48199830 \h 3产品条目 PAGEREF _Toc48199831 \h 3对本文档的澄清及更改摘要 PAGEREF _Toc48199832 \h 3许可条款 PAGEREF _Toc48199833 \h 4一般许可条款 PAGEREF _Toc48199834 \h 4许可模式条款 PAGEREF _Toc48199835 \h 6每内核(应用程序) PAGEREF _Toc48199836 \h 7每内核(管理) PAGEREF _Toc48199837 \h 7每内核 (OS) PAGEREF _Toc48199838 \h 7每处理器 PAGEREF _Toc48199839 \h 7服务器软件的订户访问许可 (SAL) PAGEREF _Toc48199840 \h 7管理服务器的订户访问许可 (SAL) PAGEREF _Toc48199841 \h 8桌面应用程序的订户访问许可 (SAL) PAGEREF _Toc48199842 \h 8主机/客户机 PAGEREF _Toc48199843 \h 8产品条目 PAGEREF _Toc48199844 \h 9Advanced Threat Analytics PAGEREF _Toc48199845 \h 9BizTalk Server PAGEREF _Toc48199846 \h 9核心基础设施服务器 (CIS) 套件 PAGEREF _Toc48199847 \h 10Microsoft Dynamics PAGEREF _Toc48199848 \h 11Microsoft Dynamics AX PAGEREF _Toc48199849 \h 11Microsoft Dynamics 365 PAGEREF _Toc48199850 \h 12Microsoft Dynamics NAV PAGEREF _Toc48199851 \h 13Microsoft Dynamics GP PAGEREF _Toc48199852 \h 14Microsoft Dynamics SL PAGEREF _Toc48199853 \h 15Office 应用程序 PAGEREF _Toc48199854 \h 15Office 桌面应用程序 PAGEREF _Toc48199855 \h 15Project PAGEREF _Toc48199856 \h 16Visio PAGEREF _Toc48199857 \h 16Office 服务器 PAGEREF _Toc48199858 \h 17Exchange Server PAGEREF _Toc48199859 \h 17Project Server PAGEREF _Toc48199860 \h 18SharePoint Server PAGEREF _Toc48199861 \h 18Skype for Business Server PAGEREF _Toc48199862 \h 19SQL Server PAGEREF _Toc48199863 \h 21套件 PAGEREF _Toc48199864 \h 22Cloud Platform Suite PAGEREF _Toc48199865 \h 22Productivity Suite PAGEREF _Toc48199866 \h 23System Center PAGEREF _Toc48199867 \h 23虚拟化托管 PAGEREF _Toc48199868 \h 25Microsoft Application Virtualization Hosting for Desktops PAGEREF _Toc48199869 \h 25Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Hosting for Desktops PAGEREF _Toc48199870 \h 25Visual Studio PAGEREF _Toc48199871 \h 26Visual Studio PAGEREF _Toc48199872 \h 26Azure Dev Ops Server PAGEREF _Toc48199873 \h 27Windows Server PAGEREF _Toc48199874 \h 28词汇表 PAGEREF _Toc48199875 \h 30属性 PAGEREF _Toc48199876 \h 30定义 PAGEREF _Toc48199877 \h 30索引 PAGEREF _Toc48199878 \h 32简介关于本文档本服务提供商使用权利 (SPUR) 提供了通过微软服务提供商许可协议 (SPLA) 可以获取的微软产品的相关信息以及这些产品的使用方式信息。SPUR 中列出的产品自 SPUR 封页上的日期起可用。SPUR 的早期版本位于 。已停用的微软产品和服务的信息位于 。要查找所需版本,客户可以与其经销商或微软客户经理联系。本文档包含的内容SPUR 包含以下部分:简介,包括近期变更的列表。许可条款,列出了适用于产品的通用许可条款和许可模式条款。产品条目,列出了通过 SPLA 获得的、自 SPUR 封页上的日期起可用的所有产品。词汇表,定义了属性以及 SPUR 中使用的其他术语。索引,列出了 SPUR 中引用的所有产品及其所在位置。 产品条目每个产品条目包括通过 SPLA 可获得产品的列表、属性表和任意产品特定许可条款。属性表标识每个产品的常规使用权利信息,例如,产品何时初次面世、产品是否包含任何附加软件、产品的购买和使用是否有任何附加条件、每个产品的许可条款,同时还包括一般许可条款和适用的许可模式。29210020320带下划线的蓝色文本表示“超链接”,可重定向到更多详细信息灰色单元格表示该属性不适用于产品将光标悬停在蓝色文本上方可显示附加信息0带下划线的蓝色文本表示“超链接”,可重定向到更多详细信息灰色单元格表示该属性不适用于产品将光标悬停在蓝色文本上方可显示附加信息4082415-5411AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。00AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期: 2014 年 6 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款:通用;每内核AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款: Standard Edition 和 Branch EditionAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:BizTalk Server 2013AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:所有版本(包括附加软件)符合 DCP:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:Office Web AppXE "Office Web App";Windows 软件组件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用对本文档的澄清及更改摘要下面是最近对 SPUR 所做的添加、删除和其他更改。此外,下面还列出了对 Microsoft 政策的澄清,以回答客户提出的常见问题。新增内容删减内容Azure DevOps Server 2020 (SAL)Azure DevOps Server 2019 (SAL)Azure DevOps Server 2020 Basic (SAL)Azure DevOps Server 2019 Basic (SAL)目录 / 一般条款 / 索引许可条款适用于每个许可产品的使用的许可+条款包括通用许可条款、适用的许可模式条款以及产品条目中的任何产品特定许可条款。一般许可条款这些许可条款适用于客户对所有根据客户的 SPLA 获得许可的微软软件的使用。1. 定义在本文档中使用但未定义的术语沿用其在客户的 SPLA 中的含义。2. 客户的使用权利如果客户遵守其 SPLA(包括 SPUR),客户可以使用 SPUR 中明确允许的相关软件。客户需要为某个设备上使用的或某位用户使用的每个产品及单独许可的功能分别获得AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可。3. 使用其他版本的权利对于任何许可的副本或 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例,客户可以在取代现有许可版本的情况下创建、储存、安装、运行或访问早期版本、不同许可语言版本、不同的可用平台版本(例如,32 位或 64 位)或允许的较低版本的副本或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例。许可版本的使用权利仍然适用。早期版本和较低版本的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可不满足产品的许可要求。4. 适用的使用权利如果客户最初使用某个版本的产品提供软件服务,则当时的 SPUR 中的许可条款在客户的 SPLA 的期间仍然有效,但这些许可条款受下列条件的制约:(1)如果微软推出新版本的产品,而且客户使用新的版本,则客户必须遵守新版本的许可条款;(2) 如果客户利用产品的早期版本(以下简称“降级”)提供软件服务,并且该降级包含的组件不属于适用的 SPUR 中标识的产品版本的任何部分,则与该降级最近相关的 SPUR 中的组件的特定 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 将适用于降级中的组件。5. 灾难恢复权利对于客户在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "实例是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例创建的软件映像。"实例或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 中在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 上运行的在“每处理器”、“每内核(应用程序)”、“每内核(操作系统)”或“每内核(管理)”许可模式下许可的每个合格服务器软件的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "实例是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例创建的软件映像。"实例,客户可以在专用于灾难恢复的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE 或 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上临时运行备份AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE。该软件的许可条款及以下限制适用于客户在灾难恢复服务器上对该软件的使用。5.1 使用的允许期限灾难恢复服务器只能在下列异常期间运行:在每隔九十 (90) 天进行一次的一周内灾难恢复测试的短暂期间。在灾难恢复期间,恢复中的生产服务器性能下降时。短暂的灾难期间以便帮助在主生产服务器和灾难恢复服务器之间进行传输。5.2 使用条件若要依据灾难恢复权利使用软件,客户必须遵守下列条款:不得在上述期间之外的任何其他时间运行灾难恢复服务器。灾难恢复服务器不得与生产服务器位于同一群集中。在灾难恢复服务器上使用软件必须遵守软件的许可条款。灾难恢复过程完成并且生产服务器恢复后,灾难恢复服务器不得在此处允许的时间之外运行。5.3 Windows Server 的使用如果满足下列条件,则灾难恢复服务器不需要 Windows ServerAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可:Windows Server 中的 Hyper-V 角色用于将位于主站点生产服务器中的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 复制到灾难恢复服务器。灾难恢复服务器仅用于:运行硬件虚拟化软件,如 Hyper-V、提供硬件虚拟化服务、运行软件代理以管理硬件虚拟化软件、充当复制目标、接收复制的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE、测试故障转移以及等候 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 的故障转移,以及运行如上所述的灾难恢复工作负荷。6. 第三方软件该软件可能包含根据安装期间提供给客户的单独条款或者在软件附带的“第三方声明”文件中提供的单独条款,许可给客户使用的第三方专有程序或组件。该软件可能还包含根据微软的许可条款由微软(而非第三方)许可给客户使用的第三方开放源代码程序。7. 预发行代码、更新或补充、附加功能微软可能会提供产品的更新或补充。客户可以使用产品的更新或补充、产品的预发行代码、附加功能和可选附加服务,前提是要遵守这些内容附带的特定条款(如果有)。某些产品要求自动更新,如“产品特定许可条款”中所述。8. 限制客户不得(未获得许可)出租软件、解决产品中的任何技术限制或产品文档中的限制,或者拆分软件以便仅凭单一AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器就在多个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中使用(即便AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器位于同一物理硬件系统上),除非得到 Microsoft 的明确许可。有权访问任意设备上的软件,并不意味着客户有权在该设备本身或者任何其他软件或设备中实施微软专利或其他微软知识产权。9. 许可分配和重新分配在客户依据某个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 使用软件之前,必须将该AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 许可分配给一个设备或用户(视情况而定)。客户可以将AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 重新分配给其他设备或用户,但是不得在同一日历月内,除非重新分配是由于 (i) 永久性的硬件故障或丢失,或 (ii) 临时重新分配 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL,以应对用户请假或设备无法使用的情况。客户必须从之前的设备或之前用户的设备中删除软件或阻止访问软件。10. 技术措施某些产品受技术措施保护,要求激活或验证才可进行安装或访问,例如产品密钥。10.1 激活和验证成功的激活或验证可以确认该软件产品已正确安装,产品密钥未失窃,并且未对软件的验证、许可或激活功能进行任何更改。除非激活该软件,否则在软件产品中指定的时间之后,客户对该软件的使用权利将受限。如果未能成功激活,则客户则不具备继续使用该软件的许可。每个未能被密钥管理服务 (KMS) 激活的设备必须使用多激活密钥 (MAK)。客户不得避开验证或激活。10.2 产品密钥必须拥有分配的产品密钥才能获得对软件的使用许可。所有产品密钥属于微软机密信息。即使客户的批量许可协议中有任何相反的规定,客户也不能向第三方披露产品密钥。客户不得通过未受控制的网络向其 KMS 计算机提供不安全的访问。如果出现未经授权的使用或披露产品密钥或 KMS 密钥,微软可能会阻止进一步激活,取消或阻止产品密钥进行激活或验证,并采取适当的措施。11. 声明在每个产品条目中指示的位置,以下声明适用:11.1 基于 Internet 的服务。软件产品可能包含这样的功能,无需向客户提供附加声明,即可通过 Internet 连接并发送信息到微软的系统及其关联公司和服务提供商的系统。对该信息的使用在每个软件产品的隐私声明中进行了说明。11.2 Bing Maps产品包含 Bing Maps 的使用。任何通过 Bing Maps 提供的内容,包括地理编码,只能在通过其提供内容的产品内使用。客户对 Bing Maps 的使用受位于 的 Bing Maps 最终用户使用条款以及位于 的 Bing Maps 隐私声明的约束。11.3 关于 H.264/AVC 视频标准、VC-1 视频标准和 MPEG-4 Part 2 视频标准该软件可能包括 H.264/AVC、VC-1 和 MPEG-4 Part 2 视频压缩技术。MPEG LA, L.L.C. 要求做出以下声明:该产品受 AVC、VC-1、MPEG-4 PART 2 视频专利组合许可限制,仅供消费者个人使用和用于非商业用途,以便 (i) 对符合上述标准(以下简称“视频标准”)的视频进行编码;(ii) 对消费者在从事个人和非商业活动过程中编码的 AVC、VC-1、MPEG-4 PART 2 视频和/或自授权提供 AVC、VC-1、MPEG-4 PART 2 视频的视频提供商处获得的此类视频进行解码。不授予或默示授予其他任何用途的许可。可以从 MPEG LA, L.L.C. 获得其他信息。请参阅 。请注意,此声明不限制或约束将该软件用于个人的普通业务目的情况,但此类使用不包括 (i) 将该软件再分发给第三方,或者 (ii) 使用符合视频标准的技术创建内容并将所创建内容分发给第三方。11.4 恶意软件防护Microsoft 会尽力保护客户的设备,使之免遭恶意软件的损害。如果未设置其他防护措施或其他防护措施已经过期,该软件将会开启恶意软件防护。为此,其他反恶意软件的软件会被禁用,或者可能须被删除。12. 字体组件、图像和声音当客户运行该软件时,它只能从 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可设备 是指分配了 许可 的单个物理硬件系统。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的设备."许可设备 是指分配了 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means the right to download, install, access and use a Product. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利."许可 的单个物理硬件系统。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的设备访问并使用该软件附带的图标、图像、声音和媒体,可使用该软件包含或安装的字体来显示和打印内容。只有在字体嵌入限制允许的情况下,客户才能在内容中嵌入字体,但可以将字体临时下载到打印机或其他输出设备以打印内容。13. 所含技术产品可能包含其他微软技术组件,需要受其许可条款的约束,如产品条目中所示。如果特定产品许可条款中未提到这些组件的单独条款,则可能会在产品的安装目录或通过产品的统一安装程序中的单独文件夹找到这些条款。14. 基准测试客户必须先征得 Microsoft 的书面许可,然后才能将AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器产品的任何基准测试结果披露给第三方。此规定不适用于 .NET Framework。15. 软件附加服务微软可借助通过 Internet 与微软或服务提供商的计算机系统连接的软件功能随产品提供服务。并且可能随时更改或取消这些服务。客户不得以任何可能损害这些服务或妨碍他人使用这些服务的方式使用这些服务。不得利用这些服务,来试图以任何手段擅自使用任何服务、数据、帐户或网络。16. 第三方 Internet 站点客户及其客户可以通过使用产品链接到第三方 Internet 站点。微软不会对第三方站点施加控制,也不对任何第三方站点的内容、第三方站点中包含的任何链接以及第三方站点的任何更改负责。微软提供这些到第三方站点的链接只是为了您的方便。包含任何链接并不意味着微软对使用第三方站点的认可。17. 多路技术多路技术或组合连接减少与软件的直接连接,不会减少所需的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 数量。18. 在服务器或存储介质上创建和存储实例对于客户购买的任何许可,客户可以创建和存储相应软件的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例s,目的仅限于按本文档的许可行使在该 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 下运行该软件 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例 的权利。19. 可分发代码软件可能包括允许客户在其开发的程序中分发的代码,前提是客户必须遵守下述条款。在本小节中,“客户”还包括客户的最终用户。19.1 使用权利和分发权利下列代码与文本文件为“可分发代码”。REDIST.TXT 文件:客户可以复制和分发 REDIST.TXT 文件和 OTHER-DIST.TXT 文件中列出的对象代码形式的代码以及标记为“Silverlight 库”、Silverlight“客户端库”和 Silverlight“服务器库”的对象代码形式的代码;示例代码、模板和样式:客户可以修改、复制和分发标记为“示例”、“模板”、“简单样式”和“草图样式”的源代码形式和对象代码形式的代码。第三方分发:客户可以允许其程序分销商将“可分发代码”作为这些程序的一部分进行复制和分发。镜像库:客户可以根据软件文档中的说明复制和分发镜像库中的镜像、图形和动画。19.2 分发要求如果客户分发任何可分发代码,客户必须:仅随客户的程序一起分发,其中客户的程序为可分发代码提供最主要的功能;要求分销商和外部最终用户同意至少能够像客户批量许可协议(包括 SPUR)一样保护该可分发代码的条款;对于与分发或使用客户程序有关的任何索赔(包括律师费用),赔偿微软,为微软辩护,使微软免受损害,仅针对客户程序中包括的可分发代码提出的索赔除外。19.3 分发限制客户不得:改变可分发代码中的任何版权、商标或专利声明;在客户的程序名称中使用微软的商标,或者以某种方式暗示客户的程序来自微软或经微软认可;在任何恶意的或欺骗性程序中或以非法的方式分发可分发代码;或者修改或分发任何可分发代码的源代码,致使其任何部分受到“排除许可”的制约。“排除许可”指符合以下使用、修改或分发条件的许可:以源代码形式披露或分发代码,或者其他人有权对其进行修改。HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引许可模式条款每个产品的许可模式会在产品条目中进行标识。根据产品条目中的规定,许可模式条款适用于在该许可模式下获得许可的所有软件产品,并且受产品特定许可条款中说明的任何例外情况和其他条款的约束。每内核(应用程序)对于按每内核(应用程序)许可模式获得许可的产品,客户必须选择是按AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理处理器是指物理硬件系统中的处理器。"物理处理器上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核是物理处理器中的内核。"物理内核许可还是按单独的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器许可。每种情况的条款规定如下。服务器许可(每内核)– 按服务器上的物理内核分配许可客户可在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上使用服务器软件,前提是其按如下所述获得了充足的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可。所需的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可数量等于AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理处理器是指物理硬件系统中的处理器。"物理处理器中的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核是物理处理器中的内核。"物理内核数量,但受每AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器的每内核AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器至少四个许可的约束。对于 Enterprise 版本,客户可在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "实例是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例创建的软件映像。"实例上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器中使用任意数量的服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"运行实例和/或任意数量的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器。对于其他版本,客户只能在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "实例是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例创建的软件映像。"实例中使用任意数量的服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"运行实例服务器许可(每内核)– 按单个虚拟 OSE 分配许可客户可以在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 上的任意 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 中使用服务器软件的任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Running Instance means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例,前提是按如下所述购买了足够的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE。所需的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 数量等于 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 中的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟内核 是指虚拟硬件系统中的处理能力单元。虚拟内核 是一个或多个Hardware Thread的虚拟表示形式."虚拟内核 数量,但受每个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 四个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 的最低要求的约束。如果在任意时候将任意 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟内核 是指虚拟硬件系统中的处理能力单元。虚拟内核 是一个或多个Hardware Thread的虚拟表示形式."虚拟内核 映射到多个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Hardware Thread means either a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a core in a Physical Processor. "Physical Core or a hyper-thread in a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "Physical Processor.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "硬件线程 是指 物理处理器 中的 物理内核或超线程.硬件线程,对于映射到该虚拟内核的每个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Hardware Thread means either a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a core in a Physical Processor. "Physical Core or a hyper-thread in a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "Physical Processor.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Hardware Thread means either a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a core in a Physical Processor. "Physical Core or a hyper-thread in a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "Physical Processor.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "硬件线程 是指 物理处理器 中的 物理内核或超线程.硬件线程,客户都需要一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可。每内核(管理)服务器管理许可(每内核)客户可在任何AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器上使用软件在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 上AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理 OSE,前提是其按如下所述获得了充足的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 许可。所需的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可数量等于AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理处理器是指物理硬件系统中的处理器。"物理处理器中的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核是物理处理器中的内核。"物理内核数量,但受每AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器至少 8 个许可的约束。标准版本标准版本允许使用该软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上的最多一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE。标准版本允许AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE(除了一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 以外),前提是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器仅用于托管和AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可。客户可以将附加标准版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可分配给等于上述 2 中指定数量的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器并 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理一个附加 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE。数据中心版本允许在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 上使用服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE。运行AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器操作系统的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 需要服务器管理许可。客户可以使用该软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理 OSE,仅运行服务器操作系统。每内核 (OS)服务器许可(每内核)客户可以在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上使用服务器软件,前提是按以下规定获得了充足的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"服务器许可。所需的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可数量等于AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器中的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核是物理处理器中的内核。"物理内核数量,但受每AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理处理器是指物理硬件系统中的处理器。"物理处理器 8 个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可的最低要求的约束。Standard 版本Standard 版本允许在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上的一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中使用服务器软件。如果AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 仅用于托管和AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE,那么除一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE 以外,Standard 版本还允许在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 中使用服务器软件的一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"运行实例。客户可将额外的 Standard 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可分配给满足上述第 2 条中数量要求的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器,并在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上一个额外的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中运行服务器软件。Datacenter 版本允许在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中使用服务器软件。每处理器服务器许可(每处理器)如“产品特定许可条款”中所述,客户可以使用 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器 是指分配了 许可 的单个 服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的 服务器."许可服务器 上的服务器软件,前提是按如下所述购买了足够的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."许可证。在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器 是指分配了 许可 的单个 服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的 服务器"许可服务器 上每个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. " AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 物理处理器 是指物理硬件系统中的处理器."物理处理器 需要一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可。每个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 允许在一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 中使用服务器软件的一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例。服务器软件的订户访问许可 (SAL)访问许可在为软件购买一个或多个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 的前提下,客户可以使用该服务器软件的任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Running Instance means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例。客户必须为每个用户或每个客户授权的设备获取 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL,才能访问服务器软件,而不管他们是否实际访问软件。管理服务器的订户访问许可 (SAL)访问许可在为软件购买一个或多个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 的前提下,在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Manage OSE means to solicit or receive data about, configure, or give instructions to the hardware or software that is directly or indirectly associated with the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"OSE. It does not include discovering the presence of a device or AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"OSE." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在." 管理 OSEs 或 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 使用的设备上,客户可以使用软件的任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Running Instance means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例 来 管理 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 。客户必须为每个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 或客户使用软件管理的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 的每个用户获取一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 不允许AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理任何运行着服务器操作系统的 OSE。桌面应用程序的订户访问许可 (SAL)访问许可在购买一个或多个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 的前提下,客户可以使用该软件的任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Running Instance means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例。客户必须为每个用户或每个客户授权的设备获取 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL,才能访问桌面应用程序,而不管他们是否实际访问软件。 用户 SAL 的并发连接客户必须为连接到运行软件(包括同一用户从多个设备上使用)的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器 的每个并发连接获取一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。Windows Server 远程桌面服务的使用如果桌面应用程序(如 Office)的使用是通过直接或间接访问托管图形用户界面的服务器软件(如 Windows Server)来进行的(使用 Windows Server 远程桌面服务功能或其他技术),则该桌面应用程序的交付需要 Windows Server 远程桌面服务 SAL。主机/客户机在主机/客户机许可模式下,访问某些客户机软件功能的用户需要同时获得主机许可、客户机许可,以及 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。对于客户的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "主机结构 是指作为一个单元进行配置和操作以提供虚拟化、网络、管理和文件服务的 物理 OSE和 虚拟 OSE 组合。"主机结构 需要主机许可。对于客户的客户机 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 需要客户机许可。分配许可在为 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "主机结构 是指作为一个单元进行配置和操作以提供虚拟化、网络、管理和文件服务的 物理 OSE和 虚拟 OSE 组合。"主机结构 使用软件以前,客户必须为 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器 中的每个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. " AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 物理处理器 是指物理硬件系统中的处理器."物理处理器 在其 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Host Fabric means a collection of physical and virtual OSEs that are configured and operated as a unit to provide virtualization, networking, management and file services."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "主机结构 是指作为一个单元进行配置和操作以提供虚拟化、网络、管理和文件服务的 物理 OSE和 虚拟 OSE 组合。"主机结构 中的每个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器 分配一个主机许可。客户向其分配了所需数量的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 的每台 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器 即为“许可主机服务器”。软件使用主机软件客户按照主机许可所许可的软件称为“主机软件”。在客户分配了所需数量的主机许可后,可以运行任意数量的主机软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例,来部署、配置、管理和操作其 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Host Fabric means a collection of physical and virtual OSEs that are configured and operated as a unit to provide virtualization, networking, management and file services."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "主机结构 是指作为一个单元进行配置和操作以提供虚拟化、网络、管理和文件服务的 物理 OSE和 虚拟 OSE 组合。"主机结构。对主机软件的使用受“产品特定许可条款”中所规定的限制的制约。客户机软件客户按照客户机许可所许可的软件称为“客户机软件”。客户机软件包括服务器软件和附加软件。客户只能在许可主机服务器上使用 Microsoft Cloud Platform Suite XE "Cloud Platform Suite"的 Hyper-V 虚拟功能托管的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 中运行客户机服务器软件。对于客户获取的每个客户机软件许可,客户可以运行一个客户机服务器软件 XE "Cloud Platform Suite" 和任意数量的附加软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例。附加软件可以在任意数量的设备上的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 和 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 中运行,也可以仅与客户机服务器软件结合使用。HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引产品条目Advanced Threat AnalyticsAdvanced Threat Analytics 2016XE "Advanced Threat Analytics 2016" 客户端 (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year. For software, it is the earlier of the date Microsoft makes licenses available for ordering or available for download from the Volume Licensing Services Center (VLSC)."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2015 年 8 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;管理服务器的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:SQL ServerAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits license reassignment outside the standard timelines; refer Universal License Terms, License Mobility, for details.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问订户访问许可Advanced Threat Analytics 2016XE "Advanced Threat Analytics 2016" 客户端 OSE SAL(设备或用户)2. 需要 SAL 的使用情况只有位于由 Advanced Threat Analytics 托管的 Active Directory 进行身份验证的最终用户设备上或通过此类最终用户设备访问的客户端 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE running a client operating system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端 OSE 是指运行客户端操作系统的OSE。"客户端 OSEs(或运行服务器操作系统的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 并且用作 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端 OSE 是指运行客户端操作系统的OSE。"客户端 OSE)才需要使用许可。3. 国家/地区限制客户或任何最终用户均不可在中华人民共和国境内使用 Advanced Threat Analytics 2016XE "Advanced Threat Analytics 2016"。HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引BizTalk ServerBizTalk Server 2020 EnterpriseXE "BizTalk Server 2020 Enterprise"(内核许可)BizTalk Server 2020 StandardXE "BizTalk Server 2020 Standard"(内核许可)BizTalk Server 2020 BranchXE "BizTalk Server 2020 Branch"(内核许可)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2020 年 2 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款: 通用;每内核(应用程序)AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款: Standard Edition 和 Branch EditionAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:BizTalk Server 2016XE "BizTalk Server 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:所有版本(包括附加软件)AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Windows Software Components means components of Windows software, including Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Data Access Components, PowerShell software and certain .dlls...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Windows 软件组件 是指 Windows 软件的组件,包括 Microsoft .NET Framework、微软数据访问组件、PowerShell 软件以及某些与 Microsoft Build、Windows 身份验证基础、Windows JAVAScript 库、Debghelp.dll 以及 Web Deploy 技术相关的 .dll 文件"Windows 软件组件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. BizTalk Server Standard 和 BizTalk Server Branch 的附加条款1.1 使用限制客户不能在网络群集内的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器上使用该服务器软件(包括主密钥服务器),也不能在同一AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器上的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 网络群集内的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中使用该软件。1.2 Office Web 组件客户只能使用 Office Web 组件查看和打印用该软件创建的静态文档、文本和图像副本。客户无需为组件副本获取单独的许可。2. BizTalk Server BranchXE "BizTalk Server Branch" 的附加条款客户只能在位于内部网络的端点(或您的组织的边缘)的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例上使用该软件的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Running Instance means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例 以将业务事件或事务与端点上处理的活动连接。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Licensed Server means a single AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a physical hardware system capable of running server software. "Server to which a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means the right to download, install, access and use a Product. "License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Licensed Server means a single AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a physical hardware system capable of running server software. "Server to which a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means the right to download, install, access and use a Product. "License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器 是指分配了 许可 的单个 服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的 服务器"许可服务器不得:在“中心辐射型”联网模式中充当中心节点;将与其他 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器或设备的企业范围的通信集中;或跨越部门、业务部门或分支机构实现业务流程的自动化。3.Host Integration Server (HIS) 的使用许可根据使用 BizTalk Server 核心许可的每内核(应用程序)许可模式的条款和条件,客户可以使用 HIS 服务器软件和附加软件。客户仅可以将 HIS 附加软件(例如 HIS 客户端)与获得许可的 HIS 服务器软件结合使用。适用于此用途的权利由客户分配给服务器的 BizTalk Server 许可的版本决定(例如,无限虚拟化权利需要 BizTalk Server Enterprise 许可)。如果在 BizTalk Server Branch Edition 许可下使用 HIS 服务器软件,则仅可用于分支机构部署。4. 附加软件管理和监视工具与 BizTalk Server 相关的架构和模板业务活动监视 (“BAM”) 客户端为 SQL 通知服务提供的 BAM 警报BAM 事件 API 和侦听器及管理工具业务活动服务业务规则组件开发工具HTTP 接收适配器主密钥服务器/企业单一登录MQHelper.dllMQSeries 代理MSXMLSOAP 接收适配器软件开发工具包SQLXMLUDDIWindows Communication Foundation 适配器Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Web Service HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引核心基础设施服务器 (CIS) 套件Core Infrastructure Server Suite StandardXE "Core Infrastructure Server Suite Standard"(内核许可)Core Infrastructure Server Suite DatacenterXE "Core Infrastructure Server Suite Datacenter"(内核许可)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期: 请参考组件产品的可用日期AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 : 通用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件: 不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用符合 DCP:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复: 不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术: 不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 适用的使用权利客户访问和使用 CIS 软件时应受适用的组成 CIS 软件的具体产品的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款的约束,并应根据这些AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款对 CIS 软件的访问和使用权利进行修改。2. CIS Suite Standard 包括的软件CIS Suite Standard 包括 Windows Server StandardXE "Windows Server Standard" 和 System Center StandardXE "System Center Standard" 最新版本。对于客户运行 CIS Suite Standard 软件的每个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器,所需的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可数量等于AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器中的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核是物理处理器中的内核。"物理内核数量,但应符合每个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理处理器是指物理硬件系统中的处理器。"物理处理器 8 个许可的最低要求。对于每个已分配有所需数量的 CIS Suite Standard AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器,客户在任一时间都可以在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上:在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 中(除了一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE 以外)使用一个 Windows Server Standard 服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"运行实例,前提是该AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 仅用于托管和AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE使用 System Center Standard AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE(除了一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE 以外),前提是该AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE仅用于托管和AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE。使用或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上任意数量的实例化为 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器是 Windows Server 软件的一项功能” 无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "OSE 是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 客户可以将额外的 CIS Suite Standard 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可分配给符合上述数量要求的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器,然后在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上一个额外的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "OSE 是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中运行服务器软件并AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理一个额外的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "OSE 是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 。 3. CIS Suite Datacenter 包括的软件CIS Suite Datacenter 包括 Windows Server DatacenterXE "Windows Server Datacenter" 和 System Center DatacenterXE "System Center Datacenter" 最新版本。对于客户运行 CIS Suite Datacenter 软件的每个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器,所需的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可数量等于AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器中的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核是物理处理器中的内核。"物理内核数量,但应符合每个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理处理器是指物理硬件系统中的处理器。"物理处理器 8 个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可的最低要求。对于每个已分配有所需数量的 CIS Suite Datacenter AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器,客户在任一时间都可以在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上:在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "OSE 是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中使用 Windows Server Datacenter 服务器软件。使用 System Center Datacenter 服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "OSE 是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE。使用或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上任意数量的实例化为 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器是 Windows Server 软件的一项功能” 无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "OSE 是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE。4. 管理许可为将 System Center 的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款应用于客户对 CIS Suite 软件的使用,客户被认为已为AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器分配了与AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。"服务器所分配的 CIS Suite AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可数量相同的 System Center AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可。5. 附加条款按照 SPUR 中适用于该产品的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款,客户可以运行 CIS Suite 中包括的各个产品的早期版本或降级版本。SPUR 中规定的关于获取并向用户或设备分配 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL 以用于访问和管理的所有其他要求仍然具有完全效力。HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Microsoft DynamicsMicrosoft Dynamics AXMicrosoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" (SAL)Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Standard Commerce Server Core XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Standard Commerce Server Core"(内核许可)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2014 年 6 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款: 通用;每内核(应用程序),SAL – 服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:Dynamics AX 2012 R2XE "Dynamics AX 2012 R2"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Dynamics AX 2012 R2XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:SAL 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:Dynamics AX 2012 R3AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:Dynamics AX 2012 R3(包括所有附加软件)AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:Dynamics AX 2012 R3AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Standard Commerce Server CoreAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Standard Commerce Server CoreAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问 – Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3"1.1 自助服务 SAL访问服务器软件,以仅出于工资单处理目的记录时间结果;仅出于补偿目的记录费用;管理个人信息;创建和管理与这些活动相关的预算订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" 自助服务 SAL(设备或用户)1.2 任务 SAL按自助服务 SAL 的许可访问服务器软件,记录并审批任何类型的时间和费用;审批发票;审批所有与自助服务相关的事务;操作销售点设备或仓库设备;以及操作商店经理设备。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" 任务 SAL(设备或用户)1.3 功能 SAL按自助服务 SAL 和任务 SAL 的许可访问服务器软件,使用软件提供的既定的运营周期和业务流程;创建和更新 (a) 职位申请或 (b) 与应用程序、员工、客户、供应商或部件目录相关的主数据记录;审批所有与任务和自助服务相关的事务。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" 功能 SAL(设备或用户)1.4 Enterprise SAL按功能 SAL 的许可访问服务器软件,在整个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案 中完全不受限制地访问服务器软件中的所有功能的权利。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" Enterprise SAL(设备或用户)1.5 商店 SAL对存储服务器软件的访问。每个商业网点或商店均需要存储服务器 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" 商店 SAL1.6 SAL 弃权客户无需为第三方雇佣的任意用户获取并分配 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL:仅为提供与审计过程相关的补充专业会计或记帐服务而访问 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" 的用户。2. 降级权利根据通用许可条款中“使用其他版本的权利”的许可,客户只能使用当前版本之前的那个版本。3. 修改权利软件可能包括插件、运行时和印刷文档或联机文档中列出的其他组件,使客户能够扩展其功能。客户可为这些组件修改或创建衍生作品,并使用这些衍生作品,但只能与软件一起使用,并且仅用于客户的内部用途。4. Microsoft Dynamics AX Standard Commerce Server Core -- 内核系数每处理器的最低许可不适用于 Microsoft Dynamics AX Standard Commerce Server Core。所需的许可数量等于AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 物理处理器 是指物理硬件系统中的处理器."物理处理器 中的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核 是指 物理处理器 中的内核."物理内核 数量乘以位于 中的适用 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器 是指分配了 许可 的单个 服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的 服务器."许可服务器。5. 附加软件Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3XE "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" Windows Rich Client SoftwareManagement Reporter 2012 for Microsoft Dynamics AX Designer 客户端软件HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Microsoft Dynamics 365Microsoft Dynamics 365 服务提供商XE "Microsoft Dynamics 365 服务提供商" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "可用日期:这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2017 年 2 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款:通用;SAL - 服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指明约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Dynamics CRM 2016XE "Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指明必须满足哪些额外条件才能购买产品许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求:指示当用户和设备访问服务器产品时是否需要提供 SAL。"访问许可要求:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件:允许客户与服务器软件配合使用的软件。 附加软件:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指明按客户端软件许可的产品组件,该术语在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:包括所有附加软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "合格 DCP:允许客户将软件服务交付给最终用户时使用数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。"合格 DCP:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "灾难恢复:提供给客户使用软件进行有条件灾难恢复的权利;请参阅“一般许可条款,灾难恢复权利”了解详细信息。"灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本对应的获准的较低版本。根据通用许可条款的规定,客户可以使用获准的较低版本来替代已取得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "故障转移权利:允许客户在预料到出现故障转移事件的情况下,与许可服务器上运行的软件一起运行该产品的被动故障转移实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义) 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指明产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参阅通用许可条款中的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在标准时间表之外的时间里重新分配许可;有关详细信息,请参阅通用许可条款中的“许可移动性”。许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识产品的相应声明;请参阅通用许可条款中的“声明”部分了解详细信息。"声明:基于 Internet 的功能1. 服务器软件访问1.1 团队成员 SAL供团队成员使用的服务器软件访问权限。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Team Members SAL(用户)1.2 销售 SAL用于销售用途的服务器软件访问权限,以及安装和使用 Unified Service Desk (USD) 的权利。使用 USD 的权利限于已分配AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL 的用户。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales SAL(用户)1.3 客户服务 SAL用于客户服务用途的服务器软件访问权限,以及安装和使用 Unified Service Desk (USD) 的权利。使用 USD 的权利限于已分配AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL 的用户。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics 365 fo Customer Service SAL(用户)1.4 SAL 弃权对于通过 Microsoft Dynamics 2016 GUI 客户端以外的任何应用程序/图形用户界面 (GUI) 访问 Microsoft Dynamics 2016 2016XE "Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016" 的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "外部用户 是指不属于客户的最终用户或其关联公司的员工,也不属于客户或客户关联公司的现场承包商或现场代理商的用户。"外部用户,您不必为其获取AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。此弃权不适用于客户或其关联公司的承包商或代理机构。2. 降级权利根据通用许可条款中“使用其他版本的权利”的许可,客户只能使用当前版本之前的那个版本。3.合格优惠的资格如果客户在 2017 年 2 月 1 日后续签包含 Microsoft Dynamics CRM SAL 许可的协议,那么在 2019 年 10 月 31 日之前,客户可以在协议续签中获得 Microsoft Dynamics 365 SAL 合格优惠许可。4. YammerMicrosoft Dynamics 365 可以实现某些客户数据与 Yammer 的共享。客户购买 Yammer 所依据的使用条款适用于此客户数据的传输和使用。5. Dynamics 365 for Team Members SAL根据 中的 Dynamics 365 服务说明,在 2019 年 5 月 1 日之前获得 Team Members 许可的现有客户可以在其现有协议期限内以及在 2020 年 12 月 31 日之前开始的任何后续订购期限内,使用其现有的和新获得的 Dynamics 365 Team Members SAL。6. 附加软件适用于 Microsoft Outlook 的 Microsoft Dynamics 365适用于 Microsoft Dynamics 365 的 Microsoft 电子邮件路由器和规则部署向导适用于 Microsoft Dynamics 365 的 Microsoft Dynamics Reporting 扩展Microsoft Dynamics 365 报表创作扩展Microsoft Dynamics 365 多语言用户界面 (MUI)面向受支持设备的 Microsoft Dynamics 365目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Microsoft Dynamics NAVMicrosoft Dynamics NAV 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018"(处理器许可)Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2017 年 12 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;每处理器、SAL – 服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Dynamics NAV 2017XE "Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:包括所有附加软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:Dynamics NAV (SAL)AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性: 不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问1.1 完整用户 SAL访问AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案 中服务器软件中的 Starter Pack 和 Extended Pack 功能。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 完整用户 SAL(用户)1.2 标准用户 SAL访问 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案 中服务器软件中的 Starter Pack 功能。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 标准用户 SAL(用户)1.3 受限用户 SAL访问 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案:“读取”访问AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案中所包含的数据,或者使用 Microsoft Dynamics NAV API 通过任何客户端“写入”访问AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案。“写入”访问权限最多允许访问三个表对象,但以下情况例外:(a) 未授权受限用户写入以下任何表对象:“总帐条目”(表编号:17)、“权限集”(表编号:2000000004)、“权限”(表编号:2000000005)或“访问控制”(表编号:2000000053);以及 (b) 在第 1.3 条中,软件许可密钥的“受限使用范围”一节中定义的表对象(标记为“包含在‘受限表访问权限’列中”)不计入这三个表对象中。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 受限用户 SAL(用户)1.4 由最终用户分配的 SAL客户必须向最终用户的用户分配标准用户 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 或完整用户 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。客户不得向同一最终用户同时分配完整用户 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 和标准用户 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。客户也可以向最终用户的用户分配受限用户 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。1.5 SAL 弃权对于每位最终用户,客户可以允许第三方雇佣的一位用户在无 SAL 的情况下访问:仅为客户的最终用户提供与审计过程相关的补充专业会计或记帐服务。如果用户通过 Web 服务访问 Microsoft Dynamics NAV 且属于最终用户的客户,则客户无需为该类用户获取并分配 SAL,除非最终用户以其客户业务流程外包供应商的身份来使用 Microsoft Dynamics NAV。2. 自定义包(每处理器)每份处理器许可允许客户为使用以下六种对象类型(含数量)之一的最终用户自定义 NAV:表 (10)、Codeunit (100)、页面 (100)、报表 (100)、查询 (100) 或 XML Port (100)3. 附加软件Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 Windows Rich Client SoftwareMicrosoft Dynamics NAV 2017 SharePoint Client适用于 iPad 和 iPhone 的 Microsoft Dynamics NAV 应用Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 Web ClientMicrosoft Dynamics NAV for Modern Windows 应用程序适用于 Android 平板电脑和手机的 Microsoft Dynamics NAV 应用目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018"(处理器许可)Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2017 年 12 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款:通用;每处理器,SAL - 服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Dynamics GP 2016 R2XE "Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用符合 DCP:Dynamics GP (SAL)AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问1.1 完整用户 SAL在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案 中访问服务器软件中的 Starter Pack 和 Extended Pack 功能。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 完整用户 SAL(用户)1.2 标准用户 SAL在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案 中访问服务器软件中的所有 Starter Pack 功能。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 标准用户 SAL(用户)1.3 有限用户 SAL访问自助服务功能:对AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案 中包含的数据进行“读取”访问;通过时间和费用功能进行“写入”访问;访问 Management Reporter Viewer;或访问 Business Portal(Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 以及更高版本不可用 XE "Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2" )。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018有限用户 SAL(用户)1.4 自助服务用户 SAL访问“ESS 雇员”、“ESS 雇员 – BSS”、“ESS PTE 雇员”、“ESS 雇员经理”和“ESS 采购申请人”,这些都是为输入和检索该用户的个性化数据而预定义的安全角色。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 自助服务用户 SAL(用户)1.5 由最终用户分配 SAL客户必须向最终用户的用户分配标准用户AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 或完整用户AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。客户不得向同一最终用户同时分配完整用户AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 和标准用户AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。客户也可以向最终用户的用户分配有限用户AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。1.6 SAL 弃权对于每位最终用户,客户可以允许第三方雇佣的一位用户在无 SAL 的情况下进行访问,以向客户的最终用户提供与审计过程相关的补充专业会计或记帐服务。2. 每处理器许可的托管定制除了AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL,客户必须在运行托管定制之前获取 Dynamics GP 处理器许可。不论使用多少个处理器,客户仅需为每个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案 获取一个处理器AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利."许可。3. 附加软件Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018" Windows Rich Client 软件Management Reporter 2012 for Microsoft Dynamics GP Designer 客户端软件Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018" Web Client目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Microsoft Dynamics SLMicrosoft Dynamics SL 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018" SALAutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2018 年 5 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;SAL - 服务器软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Dynamics SL 2015XE "Microsoft Dynamics SL 2015"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:包括所有附加软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:Dynamics SL 2018 (SAL)AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复: 不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性: 不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问1.1 完整用户 SAL对 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案 的完全访问权限。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018" Advanced Management 完整用户 SAL(用户)Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018" Business Essentials 完整用户 SAL(用户)1.2 精简用户 SAL允许通过 Microsoft Dynamics 丰富客户端以外的方式对 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案进行受限访问的许可类型。Microsoft Dynamics 丰富客户端使用启用了 Microsoft Dynamics 中提供的所有功能的完整产品用户界面。订户访问许可Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018" Advanced Management 精简用户 SAL(用户)Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018" Business Essentials 精简用户 SAL(用户)1.3 由最终用户分配的 SAL客户必须向最终用户的用户分配 Business Essentials AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SALs 或 Advanced Management AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SALs。客户不得向同一最终用户同时分配 Business Essentials 和 Advanced Management AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SALs 的组合。1.4 SAL 弃权对于每位最终用户,客户可以允许第三方雇佣的一位用户在无 SAL 的情况下访问:仅为客户的最终用户提供与审计过程相关的补充专业会计或记帐服务。2. 降级权利根据通用许可条款中“使用其他版本的权利”的许可,客户只能使用当前版本之前的那个版本。3. 附加软件Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018XE "Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018" Windows Rich Client SoftwareMicrosoft Dynamics SL 2018 XE "Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018" Web AppsManagement Reporter 2012 for Microsoft Dynamics SL Designer 客户端软件HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Office 应用程序Office 桌面应用程序Office Professional Plus 2019XE "Office Professional Plus 2019" (SAL)Office Standard 2019XE "Office Standard 2019" (SAL)Office 多语言包 2013XE "Office 多语言包 2013" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2018 年 10 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款: 通用;桌面应用程序的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:Office 套件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Office 2016XE "Office 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提: Office 多语言包 2013 SAL 需要 Office 套件 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术: Office Online ServerXE "Office Online Server"(仅 Office 套件)AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:Bing Maps(Excel 和 Office Professional Plus);H.264/MPEG-4 和/或 VC-1 (Skype for Business);基于 Internet 的功能1. Office Professional Plus 2019XE "Office Professional Plus 2019" 和 Office Standard 2019XE "Office Standard 2019"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Suite means a Product that is comprised of components that are also licensed separately. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "套件 是指包含还可单独许可的组件的产品。套件根据分配给单个用户或设备的单个 许可 进行授权,并允许在该单个设备上或由该单个用户使用其所有组件。Suite的组件不得分散到不同的设备上使用,也不得由不同的用户使用。"套件 中的组件产品可以通过单独的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 单独获得。2. 桌面应用程序访问2.1 Office Professional Plus 2019XE "Office Professional Plus 2019" SAL订户访问许可Office Professional Plus 2019XE "Office Professional Plus 2019" SAL(用户)2.2 Office Standard 2019XE "Office Standard 2019" SAL订户访问许可Office Standard 2019XE "Office Professional Plus 2019" SAL(用户)2.3 Office 多语言包 2013XE "Office 多语言包 2013" SAL订户访问许可Office 多语言包 2013XE "Office 多语言包 2013" SAL(用户)3. Office Online ServerXE "Office Online Server" - Office 套件Office AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 包括 Office Online ServerXE "Office Online Server"的使用。无论 Office Online Server 软件随附的许可条款中有何相反规定,客户为其获得 Office 2019 用户 SAL 的每一位用户均可以访问并使用 Office Online Server 软件。2016 版本之前的软件版本不包含 Office Online Server 权利。目录 / 一般条款 / 索引ProjectProject 2019 StandardXE "Project 2019 Standard" (SAL)Project 2019 ProfessionalXE "Project 2019 Professional" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期: 2018 年 10 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 : 通用;桌面应用程序的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Project 2016XE "Project 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性: 不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:基于 Internet 的功能1. 桌面应用程序访问 – Project 2019 StandardXE "Project 2019 Standard"订户访问许可Project 2019 StandardXE "Project 2019 Standard" SAL(用户)2. 桌面应用程序访问 – Project 2019 ProfessionalXE "Project 2019 Professional"订户访问许可Project 2019 ProfessionalXE "Project 2019 Professional" SAL(用户)HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引VisioVisio 2019 Standard XE "Visio 2019 Standard"(SAL)Visio 2019 ProfessionalXE "Visio 2019 Professional" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2019 年 10 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;桌面应用程序的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Visio 2016XE "Visio 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 桌面应用程序访问1.1 Visio 2019 Standard订户访问许可Visio 2019 Standard SAL(用户)1.2 Visio 2019 Professional订户访问许可Visio 2019 Professional SAL(用户)目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Office 服务器Exchange ServerExchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange BasicXE "Exchange Server 2019 Basic" (SAL)Exchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange StandardXE "Exchange Server 2019 Standard"(SAL 和适用于软件保障的 SAL)Exchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange Standard Plus (SAL)XE "Exchange Server 2019 Standard"Exchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange Enterprise(SAL 和适用于软件保障的 SAL)Exchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange Enterprise PlusXE "Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期: 2015 年 10 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;服务器软件的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Exchange Server 2016XE "Exchange Server 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:适用于软件保障的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:包括所有附加软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问1.1 Basic SALOutlook Web Access 功能可以实现以下功能:E-Discovery、Exchange 防垃圾邮件和多邮箱搜索;消息发送以及个人文件夹访问;通过任意客户端进行 Internet 邮件协议(SMTP、POP、IMAP)和 Web 浏览器访问;个人邮件文件夹、地址列表、日历和任务(不与其他用户共享); 支持单个用户或用户组织的单个、次级域;全局地址列表订户访问许可Exchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange Basic SAL(用户)1.2 Standard SAL(或等效)与 Basic SAL 相关的功能;支持单个用户或用户组织的单个、次级域;Outlook Web Access 功能可以实现以下功能:MAPI 网络协议;共享文件夹、地址列表、联系人、任务和日历;公共文件夹;分组计划,包括查看其他人的空闲/忙碌时间;移动通知、浏览和同步;统一的消息传送订户访问许可Exchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange Standard SALXE "Hosted Exchange Standard SAL"(用户)Productivity SuiteXE “Productivity Suite” SAL(用户)适用于软件保障的 Hosted Exchange Standard SALXE "Hosted Exchange Standard SAL"(用户)适用于软件保障的 Productivity SuiteXE “Productivity Suite”(用户)Exchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange Standard Plus SAL(用户)1.3 Enterprise SAL(或等效)与 Basic 和 Standard SAL 相关的功能;合规性管理;防止数据丢失;保留原状和归档。订户访问许可Exchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange Enterprise SAL(用户)Exchange Server 2019 Hosted Exchange Enterprise Plus SAL(用户)适用于软件保障的 Hosted Exchange Enterprise SAL(用户)2. 适用于软件保障的 SAL 合格 CAL适用于软件保障的 SAL合格的 CALExchange Server 2019 StandardXE "Exchange Server 2019 Standard" CALHosted Exchange Standard SALXE "Hosted Exchange Standard SAL"核心 CALXE "核心 CAL" SuiteEnterprise CALXE "Enterprise CAL" SuiteExchange Server 2019 StandardXE "Exchange Server 2019 Standard" CAL 和 Exchange Server 2019 EnterpriseXE "Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise" CALXE "Enterprise CAL"Hosted Exchange Enterprise SAL核心 CALXE "核心 CAL" Suite 和 Exchange Server 2019 EnterpriseXE "Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise" CALXE "Enterprise CAL"Enterprise CALXE "Enterprise CAL" Suite3. SAL 弃权 – 所有版本未经过 Active Directory 或 Exchange Server 直接或间接身份验证而访问服务器 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 的任意最终用户的用户或设备均不需要 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。4.Outlook 2019 和 Outlook for Mac 2019客户可以允许在由任何具备 Enterprise Plus or Standard Plus 用户 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL 的用户使用的单个设备上的一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE中使用 Outlook 2019 或 Outlook for Mac 2019 客户端软件的一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"运行实例。5. 附加软件Exchange 管理工具HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Project ServerProject Server 2019XE "Project Server 2019" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2018 年 11 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;服务器软件的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Project Server 2016XE "Project Server 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件: 是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:包括所有附加软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复: 每处理器版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性: 每处理器版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问订户访问许可Project Server 2019XE "Project Server 2019" SAL(用户)Project 2019 ProfessionalXE "Project 2019 Professional" SAL(用户)2. 附加软件软件开发工具包目录 / 一般条款 / 索引SharePoint ServerSharePoint Server 2019 StandardXE "SharePoint Server 2019 Standard"(SAL 和适用于软件保障的 SAL)SharePoint Server 2019 Enterprise(SAL 和适用于软件保障的 SAL)SharePoint 2019 HostingXE "SharePoint 2019 Hosting"(每处理器)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2018 年 11 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;每处理器、适用于服务器软件的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:SharePoint Server 2016XE "SharePoint Server 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:SharePoint Standard (SAL)AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:包括所有附加软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:仅 SAL 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:每处理器版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:每处理器版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问订户访问许可SharePoint Server 2019 Standard SAL(用户)Productivity SuiteXE "Productivity Suite" SAL(用户)适用于软件保障的 SharePoint Server 2019 Standard SAL(用户)1.1 附加功能Business Connectivity Services 业务线 Web 部件、Office 2013 业务连通服务客户端集成、Access 服务、InfoPath 表单服务、Enterprise 搜索、E-discovery 和 Compl、Excel 服务、PowerPivot、PowerView、Visio 服务、PerformancePoint 服务、自定义分析报告、高级图表订户访问许可SharePoint Server 2019 StandardXE "SharePoint Server 2019 Standard" SAL/适用于软件保障的 SAL(用户)和 SharePoint Server Enterprise SAL/适用于软件保障的 SAL(用户)Productivity SuiteXE "Productivity Suite" SAL/适用于软件保障的 SAL(用户)和 SharePoint Server 2019 Enterprise SAL/适用于软件保障的 SAL(用户)2. 适用于软件保障的 SAL 合格 CAL适用于软件保障的 SAL合格的 CALSharePoint Server 标准XE "SharePoint Server Standard" CALSharePoint Server 2019 标准XE "SharePoint Server Standard" SAL核心 CALXE "核心 CAL" SuiteEnterprise CALXE "Enterprise CAL" SuiteSharePoint Server StandardXE "SharePoint Server Standard" CAL 和 SharePoint Server Enterprise CALXE "Enterprise CAL"SharePoint Server 2019 Enterprise SAL核心 CALXE "核心 CAL" Suite 和 SharePoint Server Enterprise CALXE "Enterprise CAL"Enterprise CALXE "Enterprise CAL" Suite3.允许的 SharePoint Hosting 使用活动外部用户访问 SharePoint Server 服务器软件上托管的内容、信息和应用程序时,以及内部用户访问 SharePoint Server 服务器软件上托管的可供AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "外部用户指除以下用户之外的任何用户:客户的最终用户或其关联公司的员工,或者客户的最终用户或其关联公司的现场承包商或现场代理商。"外部用户访问的内容、信息和应用程序时,均不需要具备 SharePoint Server 2019 SAL。访问 SharePoint Server 软件上托管的仅供内部用户访问的信息和应用程序时,必须通过 SharePoint Server 2013 SAL 获取许可。4.SharePoint Hosting – 基于使用的处理器进行许可4.1 物理 OSE如需在服务器上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE中运行服务器软件的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "实例是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例创建的软件映像。"实例,您需要为AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 使用的每个物理处理器分配一份许可。4.2 虚拟 OSE要在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器上的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE 中运行服务器软件的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "实例 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像。"实例,您需要为各个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE 所使用的每一个虚拟处理器* 获取一份许可。如果AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE 仅使用虚拟处理器的一部分,则所使用的部分计为一个完整的虚拟处理器。*虚拟处理器是虚拟(或称“仿真”)硬件系统中的处理器。虚拟 OSE 使用虚拟处理器。仅在进行许可时,虚拟处理器被视为与基础物理硬件系统上的每个物理处理器具有相同数量的线程和内核。因此,如果服务器上的每一个物理处理器提供 X 个逻辑处理器,则对于该服务器上的任何给定AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE,所需的许可数量为下面 A) 和 B) 的总和:a.该AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE 所使用的每 X 个逻辑处理器一份许可b.一份许可,如果虚拟 OSE 所使用的逻辑处理器数量不是 X 的整数倍以上所用“X”,相当于核心处理器,或每个处理器线程的相关数量。5. 附加软件软件开发工具包HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Skype for Business ServerSkype for Business Server 2019 StandardXE "Skype for Business Server 2019 Standard"(SAL 和适用于软件保障的 SAL)Skype for Business Server 2019 EnterpriseXE "Skype for Business Server 2019 Enterprise"(SAL 和适用于软件保障的 SAL)Skype for Business Server 2019 PlusXE "Skype for Business Server 2019 Plus"(SAL 和适用于软件保障的 SAL)Skype for Business 2019 Enterprise PlusXE "Skype for Business 2019 Enterprise Plus"(SAL 和适用于软件保障的 SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2018 年 11 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;服务器软件的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Skype for Business Server 2015XE "Skype for Business Server 2015"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:适用于软件保障的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:包括所有附加软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术: AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Windows Software Components means components of Windows software, including Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Data Access Components, PowerShell software and certain .dlls...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Windows 软件组件 是指 Windows 软件的组件,包括 Microsoft .NET Framework、微软数据访问组件、PowerShell 软件以及某些与 Microsoft Build、Windows 身份验证基础、Windows JAVAScript 库、Debghelp.dll 以及 Web Deploy 技术相关的 .dll 文件"Windows 软件组件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:VC-11. 服务器访问1.1 Standard 版本功能所有 Instant Messaging 功能、所有状态显示功能、所有 Group Chat 功能、所有计算机到计算机音频和视频功能订户访问许可Skype for Business Server 2019 StandardXE "Skype for Business Server 2019 Standard" SAL(用户或设备)Productivity SuiteXE “Productivity Suite” SAL(用户)适用于软件保障的 Skype for Business Server 2019 Standard SAL(用户或设备)1.2 Enterprise 版本功能与 Standard SAL 相关的功能;所有 Audio、Video 和 Web Conferencing 功能所有 Desktop Sharing 功能、聊天室系统功能、多高清视频流功能订户访问许可Skype for Business Server 2019 EnterpriseXE "Skype for Business Server 2019 Enterprise" SAL(用户或设备)Productivity SuiteXE “Productivity Suite” SAL(用户)适用于软件保障的 Skype for Business Server 2019 Enterprise SAL(用户或设备)1.3 Plus 版本功能与 Standard SAL 相关的功能;所有 Voice Telephony 功能,所有 Call Management 功能订户访问许可Skype for Business Server 2019 PlusXE "Skype for Business Server 2019 Plus" SAL(用户或设备)适用于软件保障的 Business Server 2019 Plus SAL(用户或设备)1.4 Enterprise Plus 版本功能与 Standard SAL、Enterprise SAL 和 Plus SAL 相关的功能订户访问许可Skype for Business Server 2019 EnterpriseXE "Skype for Business Server 2019 Enterprise" Plus SAL(用户或设备)1.5 SAL 弃权 – 所有版本未经过 Active Directory 或 Skype for Business Server 直接或间接身份验证而访问服务器 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 的任意最终用户的用户或设备均不需要AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL。2. 适用于软件保障的 SAL 合格 CAL适用于软件保障的 SAL合格的 CALSkype For Business Server 2019 Standard SALSkype For Business Server 2019 Standard CAL XE "Skype For Business Server 2019 Standard CAL"核心 CAL XE "企业 CAL" Suite企业 CAL XE "企业 CAL" SuiteSkype For Business Server 2019 企业 SALSkype For Business Server 2019 Standard CAL XE "Skype For Business Server 2019 Standard CAL" 和 Skype For Business Server 2019 企业 CAL XE "Skype For Business Server 2019 企业 CAL"核心 CAL XE "核心 CAL" Suite 和 Skype For Business Server 企业 CALXE "企业 CAL"企业 CAL XE "企业 CAL" SuiteOffice 365 企业版 E3、E4、或 E5XE "Office 365 企业版"、教育版 A3、E4、A5,或者政府版 E3 或 E4 用户 SLMicrosoft 365 E3 和 E5 XE "Microsoft 365" Skype For Business Server 2019 Plus SALSkype for Business Server 2019 Standard CAL 和 Skype For Business Server 2019 Plus CAL XE "Skype For Business Server 2019 Plus CAL"核心 CAL XE "核心 CAL" Suite 和 Skype For Business Server Plus CAL企业 CAL XE "企业 CAL" Suite 和 Skype For Business Server Plus CALOffice 365 企业版 E4、E5、或XE "Office 365 企业版"、教育版 E4、A5,或者政府版 E4 用户 SLMicrosoft 365 E5 XE "Microsoft 365" 3.Skype for Business Web App3.1 服务器角色客户仅可出于为其使用 Skype for Business Server 交付的软件服务提供支持之目的,在服务器上使用 Skype for Business Web App Server 角色。3.2 应用程序每台具备设备 SAL 的设备和每位具备用户 SAL 的用户均可仅出于为“通过访问和使用 Skype for Business Server 2019 来查看(而非编辑)文档”这一活动提供支持之目的,访问和使用 Skype for Business Web App 软件。4.Skype for Business 2019 和 2015客户可以在 (a) 任何具备设备 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL的设备或 (b) 由任何具备 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL 的用户使用的单个设备上的一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理OSE或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE 中创建和运行 Skype?for Business 2019 或 2015 的一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "实例是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例创建的软件映像。"实例。5. 附加软件Skype for Business 2015 Web App 插件管理工具Skype for Business 2015 Group Chat 管理工具Topology BuilderPowerShell Snap-inSkype for Business Server 2015 AttendantHYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引SQL ServerSQL Server 2019 Standard CoreXE "SQL Server 2019 Standard Core"(内核许可)SQL Server 2019 Enterprise CoreXE "SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Core"(内核许可)SQL Server 2019 Web CoreXE "SQL Server 2019 Web Core"(内核许可)SQL Server 2019 StandardXE "SQL Server 2019 Standard" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "可用日期:这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2019 年 11 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款:通用;每内核(应用程序),服务器软件的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指明约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:SQL Server 2017XE "SQL Server 2017"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指明必须满足哪些额外条件才能购买产品许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求:指示当用户和设备访问服务器产品时是否需要提供 SAL。"访问许可要求:SAL 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件:允许客户与服务器软件配合使用的软件。附加软件:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指明按客户端软件许可的产品组件,该术语在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "合格 DCP:允许客户将软件服务交付给最终用户时使用数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。"合格 DCP:仅 SAL 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "灾难恢复:提供给客户使用软件进行有条件灾难恢复的权利;请参阅“一般许可条款,灾难恢复权利”了解详细信息。"灾难恢复:Core 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本对应的获准的较低版本。根据通用许可条款的规定,客户可以使用获准的较低版本来替代已取得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:Enterprise 降级至 2008 R2 Datacenter、2019 或早期版本的 Standard、Workgroup 或 Small Business 或 2014 或早期版本的 Business Intelligence;Standard 降级至 2014 或早期版本的 Workgroup 或 Small BusinessAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "故障转移权利:允许客户在预料到出现故障转移事件的情况下,与许可服务器上运行的软件一起运行该产品的被动故障转移实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义) 故障转移权利:Core 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指明产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参阅通用许可条款中的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Windows 软件组件指 Windows 软件的组件,包括 Microsoft .NET Framework、Microsoft 数据访问组件、PowerShell 软件以及某些 .dll 文件...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"Windows 软件组件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一个日历月中,将许可从一个客户服务器重新分配到同一服务器场中的另一个客户服务器。"许可移动性:Core 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识产品的相应声明;请参阅通用许可条款中的“声明”部分了解详细信息。"声明:基于 Internet 的功能1. 服务器软件访问1.1 SQL Server Standard订户访问许可SQL Server 2017 Standard(用户)2. SQL Server Web Core 的附加条款本软件只能用于支持可公开访问以及可通过 Internet 访问的网页、网站、Web 应用程序和 Web 服务。本软件不能用于支持行业应用程序(例如,客户关系管理、企业资源管理,以及其他类似的应用程序)。3. 对早期版本 SQL Server 的自动更新如果将此软件安装到运行 SQL Server 2012XE "SQL Server 2012" 之前的任意受支持版本的 SQL Server(或上述任意版本的组件)的服务器或设备上,则此软件将使用其文件自动更新并替换这些版本所含的特定文件或功能。无法关闭这一功能。删除这些文件可能导致软件错误,原始文件也无法恢复。将此软件安装到正在运行这些版本的服务器或设备上,即表示客户同意对运行于该服务器或设备上的 SQL Server 的所有这些版本和副本(包括上述任意版本的组件)进行这些更新。4. 使用反馈SQL Server 将按照隐私声明的规定(但有一处变动,即:只有最终用户可以关闭发送使用反馈和故障转储的功能)发送使用反馈和故障转储。进行部署时,客户必须表明:所部署的 SQL Server 实例已依据 SPLA 协议获得许可。5. 客户端软件文档组件客户端工具连接性6. 附加软件Client Quality 连接性客户端工具向后兼容性客户端工具连接性客户端工具 SDKData Quality ClientDistributed Replay Client文档组件管理工具 – 基本管理工具 – 完整用于 SharePoint 产品的 Reporting Services 外接程序SQL 客户端连接 SDK 目录 / 一般条款 / 索引套件Cloud Platform SuiteXE "Cloud Platform Suite"Cloud Platform SuiteXE "Cloud Platform Suite"(主机许可)Cloud Platform GuestXE "Cloud Platform Guest"(客户机许可)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2014 年 8 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;主机/客户机AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:客户机AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:仅客户机(Windows Server StandardXE "Windows Server Standard"、Windows Server Enterprise、Windows Server DatacenterXE "Windows Server Datacenter"、Windows Server Essentials、Windows Web Server、Windows HPC Server 操作系统的 2012 版本或早期版本)AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:Windows Server, SQL Server、System Center、Windows Azure Pack、AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Windows Software Components means components of Windows software, including Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Data Access Components, PowerShell software and certain .dlls...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Windows 软件组件 是指 Windows 软件的组件,包括 Microsoft .NET Framework、微软数据访问组件、PowerShell 软件以及某些与 Microsoft Build、Windows 身份验证基础、Windows JAVAScript 库、Debghelp.dll 以及 Web Deploy 技术相关的 .dll 文件"Windows 软件组件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:基于 Internet 的功能、H.264/AVC 和 VC-11. 软件组件的使用限制Cloud Platform SuiteXE "Cloud Platform Suite" 软件包括以下组件:Windows Server 2012 R2XE "Windows Server 2012 R2"、System Center 2012 R2XE "System Center 2012 R2"、Windows Azure Pack for Windows ServerXE "Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server"、SQL Server 2012XE "SQL Server 2012" Standard。2. 附加条款 – Cloud Platform Suite(主机)如果获得了 Cloud Platform SuiteXE "Cloud Platform Suite" 软件许可,则客户您不会获得上述各个软件组件的许可。客户只能按照本部分所述使用这些软件组件。2.1 System Center 2012 R2XE "System Center 2012 R2"客户必须使用此组件仅用于管理 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE中的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE 和 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 以管理 Cloud Platform GuestXE "Cloud Platform Guest"(单独许可)的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 和/或在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Host Fabric means a collection of physical and virtual OSEs that are configured and operated as a unit to provide virtualization, networking, management and file services."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "主机结构 是指作为一个单元进行配置和操作以提供虚拟化、网络、管理和文件服务的 物理 OSE和 虚拟 OSE 组合。"主机结构 上托管的非微软操作系统的实例。2.2 Windows Azure Pack客户必须使用此组件在其 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE中配置和部署任意 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE 或 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE。2.3 SQL Server 2012XE "SQL Server 2012" Standard客户仅可以出于支持 System Center 2012 R2XE "System Center 2012 R2" 和/或 Windows Azure Pack 的目的使用该组件。客户不得使用该组件来创建、部署、查询、修改或以其他方式使用 System Center 2012 R2 和/或 Windows Azure Pack 未直接使用的数据库。2.4 Windows Server 2012 R2XE "Windows Server 2012 R2"客户必须使用此组件作为在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE上运行的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE 和AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 的操作系统。在任何将该组件用作操作系统的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 中,您可以使用该组件的所有可用功能来部署、配置、管理和操作 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Host Fabric means a collection of physical and virtual OSEs that are configured and operated as a unit to provide virtualization, networking, management and file services."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "主机结构 是指作为一个单元进行配置和操作以提供虚拟化、网络、管理和文件服务的 物理 OSE和 虚拟 OSE 组合。"主机结构。但是,在任何将该组件用作操作系统的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE 或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 中,客户只能运行以下应用程序且只能用于以下目的:出于上述目的运行 System Center 2012 R2XE "System Center 2012 R2";出于上述目的运行 Windows Azure Pack;出于上述目的运行 SQL Server 2012 StandardXE "SQL Server 2012"。客户不得在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE主机结构中将 Windows Server 2012 R2XE "Windows Server 2012 R2" 组件用作其操作系统的任何 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE或AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 中,出于任何其他目的运行任何其他应用程序。2.5.SAL 弃权对于访问 Cloud Platform SuiteXE "Cloud Platform Suite" 软件的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 的其他设备,不要求AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"SAL。3. 附加条款 – Cloud Platform Suite(客户机)3.1 单独的客户机许可客户必须为托管于 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 上的 Microsoft Cloud Platform GuestXE "Cloud Platform Guest" 的每个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 获取单独的 Microsoft Cloud Platform Guest 许可。3.2.服务器软件访问适用于访问 Windows Server 产品条目中的 Remote Desktop Services、Application Virtualization for Remote Desktop Services、Rights Management Services 和 Microsoft Identity Manager 功能的许可条款适用于访问 Cloud Platform GuestXE "Cloud Platform Guest" 中的这些功能。3.3 附加软件有关附加软件列表,请访问 目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Productivity Suite XE “Productivity Suite”Productivity SuiteXE “Productivity Suite”(SAL 或适用于软件保障的 SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 : 通用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:适用于软件保障的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. Productivity Suite 的附加条款XE “Productivity Suite”Productivity SuiteXE “Productivity Suite” SAL 和 Productivity SAL for SA 提供与以下 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 相同的权利:Hosted Exchange Standard SALXE "Hosted Exchange Standard SAL"、Skype for Business Server 2019 StandardXE "Skype for Business Server 2019 Standard" 和 Enterprise SAL, and SharePoint Server 2019 StandardXE "SharePoint Server 2019 Standard" SAL。请参见这些产品的产品条目。2. 适用于软件保障的 SAL 合格 CAL适用于软件保障的 SAL合格的 CALProductivity SuiteXE “Productivity Suite” SAL(适用于核心 CAL Suite SA)核心 CALXE "核心 CAL" SuiteEnterprise CALXE "Enterprise CAL" SuiteProductivity SuiteXE “Productivity Suite” SAL(适用于 Enterprise CALXE "Enterprise CAL" Suite SA)Enterprise CALXE "Enterprise CAL" SuiteHYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引System CenterSystem Center 2019 StandardXE "System Center 2019 Standard"(内核许可)System Center 2019 DatacenterXE "System Center 2019 Datacenter"(内核许可)System Center Configuration Manager 1606 (SAL) XE "System Center Configuration Manager 1606"System Center Endpoint Protection 1606XE "System Center Endpoint Protection 1606" (SAL)System Center 2019 Data Protection ManagerXE "System Center 2019 Data Protection Manager" (SAL)System Center 2019 Operations ManagerXE "System Center Operations Manager" (SAL)System Center 2019 Orchestrator (SAL) XE "System Center 2019 Orchestrator"System Center 2019 Service Manager (SAL)AutoTextList \t "可用日期:这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"有效日期:2019 年 3 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款: 通用;每内核(管理),管理服务器的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指明约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:System Center 2016XE "System Center 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指明必须满足哪些额外条件才能购买产品许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求:指示当用户和设备访问服务器产品时是否需要提供 SAL。"访问许可要求:SAL 版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件:允许客户与服务器软件配合使用的软件。 附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指明按客户端软件许可的产品组件,该术语在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "合格 DCP:允许客户将软件服务交付给最终用户时使用数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。"合格 DCP:仅限 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "灾难恢复:提供给客户使用软件进行有条件灾难恢复的权利;请参阅“一般许可条款,灾难恢复权利”了解详细信息。"灾难恢复: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本对应的获准的较低版本。根据通用许可条款的规定,客户可以使用获准的较低版本来替代已取得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "故障转移权利:允许客户在预料到出现故障转移事件的情况下,与许可服务器上运行的软件一起运行该产品的被动故障转移实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义) 故障转移权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指明产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参阅通用许可条款中的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术: SQL Server 技术;AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Windows 软件组件指 Windows 软件的组件,包括 Microsoft .NET Framework、Microsoft 数据访问组件、PowerShell 软件以及某些 .dll 文件...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"Windows 软件组件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一个日历月中,将许可从一个客户服务器重新分配到同一服务器场中的另一个客户服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识产品的相应声明;请参阅通用许可条款中的“声明”部分了解详细信息。"声明:Bing Maps;基于 Internet 的功能1. 不得复制或分发数据集 – 所有版本客户不得复制或分发软件中包含的任何数据集(或某个数据集的任何部分)。2. 许可免责声明 - 所有版本对于以下用途,客户不需要获得内核AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可或 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL:没有软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"运行实例的任何 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE,任何仅用于传送网络数据且未运行 Windows Server 的客户网络基础结构设备,将 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 从AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE 是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统实例将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分。"物理 OSE 转换为AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE 是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE。"虚拟 OSE,或任何受监视或管理仅用于监控硬件组件的状态(例如,系统温度、风扇速度、电源开/关、系统重置、CPU 可用性)的设备。3. System Center Datacenter 和 Standard 的附加条款客户可以使用 System Center Endpoint ProtectionXE "System Center Endpoint Protection" AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE,但受到许可模式条款的约束。4. 无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器客户可以AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在。" 管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上任意数量的实例化为 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器是 Windows Server 软件的一项功能” 无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "OSE 是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE。5.适用于 System Center Configuration Manager、System Center Data Protection Manager、System Center Operations Manager、System Center Orchestrator 和 System Center Service Manager 的附加条款客户必须将AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端 OSE 是指运行客户端操作系统的 OSE。"客户端 OSE SAL 分配给由一个或多个用户共享的设备,除非为所有用户分配了客户端用户 SAL。6.服务器软件访问 -- System Center Configuration Manager订户访问许可System Center Configuration Manager 1606XE "System Center Configuration Manager 1606" SAL(客户端 OSE 或用户)7.服务器软件访问 -- System Center Data Protection Manager订户访问许可System Center 2019 Data Protection ManagerXE "System Center 2019 Data Protection Manager" SAL(客户端 OSE 或用户)8.服务器软件访问 -- System Center Endpoint ProtectionXE "System Center Endpoint Protection"订户访问许可System Center Endpoint Protection 1606XE "System Center Endpoint Protection 1606" SAL(用户或设备)9.服务器软件访问 -- System Center Operations Manager订户访问许可System Center 2019 Operations Manager XE "System Center 2019 Operations Manager"SAL(客户端 OSE 或用户)10.服务器软件访问 -- System Center Orchestrator订户访问许可System Center 2019 Orchestrator XE "System Center 2019 Orchestrator"SAL(客户端 OSE 或用户)11.服务器软件访问 -- System Center Service Manager订户访问许可System Center 2019 Service Manager XE "System Center 2019 Service Manager"SAL(客户端 OSE 或用户)12.SQL Server 技术客户可以在一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中运行产品所包括的任意 SQL Server 数据库软件的任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "实例是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例创建的软件映像。" 实例,但仅限于支持此产品和其他任何包括 SQL Server 数据库软件的产品。13.扫描引擎的替换 – System Center Endpoint ProtectionMicrosoft 可能会用相似的软件和文件替换 System Center Endpoint ProtectionXE "System Center Endpoint Protection" 的反病毒和反垃圾邮件软件、签名文件和内容过滤数据文件。14.客户端软件14.1 客户端软件 – System Center Data Protection Manager、System Center Operations Manager、System Center Orchestrator、System Center Service Manager 和 System Center Configuration Manager 1606如果产品包含任何下列组件,则应将该组件视为该产品的客户端软件。Configuration Manager 客户端设备管理点自定义更新发布工具分发点回退状态点Microsoft Updates 库存清单工具PXE 服务点审核收集服务软件Power ShellBusiness Intelligence Development Studio早期组件 通知服务客户端组件Reporting Services 共享工具软件开发工具包管理点报告点辅助站点服务器服务器定位点软件更新点状态迁移点System Health Validator 点Out of Band Service Point连接器框架Analysis Services 共享工具连接组件管理工具数据仓库管理服务器SQL Server 共享工具SQL Server 在线丛书Service Manager 控制台AVIcode Incident Snapshot 实用程序AVIcode Intercept 代理AVIcode SharePoint Application CartridgeAVIcode Advisor 5.7AVIcode Intercept uX Management Pack for Operations ManagerAVIcode SharePoint Application Management Pack for Operations Manger快速集成工具包Opalis Integration ServerData Protection Manager 远程命令行SQL XML 客户端功能SQL Server Mobile 服务器工具数据仓库数据库自助式门户AVIcode Incident Upload 实用工具AVIcode Intercept SE-ViewerAVIcode BizTalk Application CartridgeAVIcode Reporting Services CartridgeAVIcode .NET Enterprise Management PackAVIcode BizTalk Application Management PackAVIcode Reporting Services Management PackOpalis Operator Console InstallerData Protection Manager 代理Virtual Machine Manager 自助式门户服务器应用程序虚拟化VMRC 客户端物理到虚拟代理14.2 客户端软件 -- System Center 2019 Datacenter 和 Standard客户端软件包括除以下产品组件以外的所有组件:Unified InstallerConfiguration Manager 控制台设备管理点管理员控制台Service Manager 控制台Opalis Operator Console InstallerSQL Server所有其他管理控制台目录 / 一般条款 / 索引虚拟化托管Microsoft Application Virtualization Hosting for DesktopsXE "Microsoft Application Virtualization Hosting for Desktops"Microsoft Application Virtualization Hosting for DesktopsXE "Microsoft Application Virtualization Hosting for Desktops" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year. For software, it is the earlier of the date Microsoft makes licenses available for ordering or available for download from the Volume Licensing Services Center (VLSC)."AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2015 年 11 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;服务器软件的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product and their Date Available."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2XE "Dynamics NAV 2013 R2"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits license reassignment outside the standard timelines; refer Universal License Terms, License Mobility, for details.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问订户访问许可Microsoft Application Virtualization Hosting for Desktop SAL(用户)2. 应用程序虚拟化与微软产品或微软产品的组件一起使用以下微软产品可以与 Microsoft Application Virtualization Hosting for DesktopsXE "Microsoft Application Virtualization Hosting for Desktops" 或其他第三方应用程序虚拟化技术一起使用:Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2XE "Dynamics NAV 2013 R2"。目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Hosting for DesktopsXE "Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Hosting for Desktops"Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Hosting for DesktopsXE "Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Hosting for Desktops" v2.1 (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year. For software, it is the earlier of the date Microsoft makes licenses available for ordering or available for download from the Volume Licensing Services Center (VLSC)."AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2015 年 3 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;服务器软件的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product and their Date Available."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:是AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits license reassignment outside the standard timelines; refer Universal License Terms, License Mobility, for details.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问订户访问许可Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Hosting for Desktop v2.1 SAL(用户)2. 附加条款Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Hosting for DesktopsXE "Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Hosting for Desktops" v2.1 版只能与根据 SPLA、使用 Windows Server 和 Windows Server 远程桌面服务 (RDS) 或类似技术、作为服务交付的台式计算机一并提供。该软件不能与 Windows 桌面操作系统结合使用。客户使用 Windows Server 和 Windows Server 远程桌面服务 (RDS) 向其交付台式计算机的用户同样需要 Windows Server RDS SAL。目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Visual StudioVisual StudioVisual Studio Enterprise 2019XE "Visual Studio Enterprise 2019" (SAL)Visual Studio Professional 2019XE "Visual Studio Professional 2019" (SAL)Visual Studio Test Professional 2019XE "Visual Studio Test Professional 2019" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year. For software, it is the earlier of the date Microsoft makes licenses available for ordering or available for download from the Volume Licensing Services Center (VLSC)."AutoTextList \t "Date Available: The date a Product is first available, designated as month/year."AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2019 年 4 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Terms: Terms and conditions governing deployment and use of a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款 :通用;桌面应用程序的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Product-Specific License Terms: Indicates that Product-Specific terms and conditions governing deployment and use of the Product.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prior Version: Earlier versions of Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:Visual Studio 2017XE "Visual Studio 2017"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Prerequisite: Indicates that certain additional conditions must be met in order to purchase Licenses for the Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Access License Requirement: Indicates whether or not a Server Product requires SALs for access by users and devices."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Additional Software: Software that Customer is permitted to use in conjunction with its use of server software. AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Client Software: Indicates components of a Product that are licensed as Client Software, as that term is defined in Customer’s SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " DCP Eligible: Permits Customer to use Data Center Providers in the delivery of Software Services to End Users, as described in the SPLA."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down Editions: Permitted lower editions corresponding to specified higher editions. Customer may use the permitted lower edition in place of a licensed higher-level edition, as permitted in the Universal License Terms." AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights cell."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “Down-Edition Rights: Customer may use a permitted lower edition in place of the licensed edition. Permitted lower editions are identified in the Down-Edition Rights”:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights: Permits Customer to run passive fail-over Instances of the Product in conjunction with software running on the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a single Server, dedicated to Customer’s use, to which a License is assigned. For purposes of this definition, a hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate Server. "Licensed Server, in anticipation of a fail-over event. (Refer Glossary for full definition) AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Included Technologies: Indicates other Microsoft components included in a Product; refer to the Included Technologies section of Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:SQL Server 技术、Windows 软件组件、Microsoft SharePoint、Windows SDK、Microsoft Office 组件、Microsoft Advertising SDKAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License Mobility: Permits AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."License reassignment from one of Customer’s Server to another one of Customer’s Servers in the same Server Farm during the same calendar month."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Notices: Identifies the notices applicable for a Product; refer to the Notices section of the Universal License Terms for details."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明:基于 Internet 的功能、Bing Maps、H.264/MPEG-4 AVC 和/或 VC-11. 桌面应用程序访问1.1 Visual Studio Enterprise 2019XE "Visual Studio Enterprise 2019"订户访问许可Visual Studio Enterprise 2019XE "Visual Studio Enterprise 2019" SAL(用户)1.2 Visual Studio Professional 2019XE "Visual Studio Professional 2019"订户访问许可Visual Studio Professional 2019XE "Visual Studio Professional 2019" SAL(用户)1.3 Visual Studio Test Professional 2019XE "Visual Studio Test Professional 2019"订户访问许可Visual Studio Test Professional 2019XE "Visual Studio Test Professional 2019" SAL(用户)2. 生成设备和 Visual Studio 生成工具客户可以将来自 Visual Studio Professional、Visual Studio Enterprise 或来自 Visual Studio 生成工具的文件的副本安装到生成设备上,包括物理设备以及位于这些设备上或托管在面向客户的 Microsoft Azure 上的虚拟机或容器(统称为“生成设备”)。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可用户是指分配了许可的个人。" 许可用户只可将客户的生成设备上的这些文件用于编译、生成和验证通过使用 Visual Studio Professional 或 Visual Studio Enterprise 开发的程序,或者用于在生成过程中对这些程序运行质量或性能测试。3. 实用程序客户仅可出于调试和部署AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可用户是指分配了许可的个人。" 许可用户利用 Visual Studio Professional 和 Visual Studio Enterprise 开发的程序和数据库的目的,将 中列出的实用程序复制并安装到其设备上。实用程序只能临时使用。Microsoft 不能脱离 Visual Studio 软件单独修补或更新实用程序,而且一些实用程序因其性质导致其他人可能访问安装有实用程序的设备。完成对AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可用户是指分配了许可的个人。" 许可用户的程序和数据库的调试或部署后,客户应删除设备上安装的所有实用程序。对于任何第三方使用或访问安装有实用程序的设备或其程序或数据库的活动,Microsoft 不承担任何责任。4. 适用于开放源代码组件的第三方许可条款 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可用户是指分配了许可的个人。" 许可用户不得对此软件进行反向工程、反向编译或反汇编,或者以其他方式试图推导出此软件的源代码,但约束对此软件中可能包含的某些开放源代码组件的使用的第三方许可条款要求进行前述行为的除外。5. 开发扩展扩展限制。客户不得开发或促使他人开发 Visual Studio Professional 或 Visual Studio Enterprise(或 Visual Studio 产品系列的任何其他组件)的扩展来规避软件中实现的技术限制。如果 Microsoft 在技术上限制或禁用软件的可扩展性,客户不得通过以下等手段扩展软件:将任何非 Microsoft 加载项、宏或包加载或注入到软件;修改软件注册表设置;或者增加与 Visual Studio 产品系列具备的特性或功能等效的特性或功能。不降级软件。如果客户开发 Visual Studio Professional 或 Visual Studio Enterprise(或 Visual Studio 产品系列的任何其他组件)的扩展,客户必须对其扩展的安装、卸载和运行进行测试,确保这些进程不会禁用或损害 Visual Studio Professional 或 Visual Studio Enterprise(或此等组件)或其任何早期版本的特性或功能。6. 可分发代码Visual Studio Professional 和 Visual Studio Enterprise 包含代码和文本文件,此类代码和文本文件允许客户在使用此等软件期间,在其AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可用户是指分配了许可的个人。" 许可用户所开发的程序中进行分发。使用权利和分发权利下列代码与文本文件为“可分发代码”。可分发代码列表。客户可以复制和分发在位于 的可分发列表中列出的代码的对象代码形式。示例代码、模板和样式。客户可以复制、修改和分发源代码形式和对象代码形式的标记为“示例”、“模板”、“简单样式”和“sketch 样式”的代码。第三方分发。客户可以允许其程序分销商将“可分发代码”作为这些程序的一部分进行复制和分发。 HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录" 目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Azure Dev Ops ServerAzure DevOps Server 2020XE "Azure DevOps Server 2020" (SAL)Azure DevOps Server 2020XE "Azure DevOps Server 2020" Basic (SAL)AutoTextList \t "可用日期:这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期:2020 年 9 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款:通用;服务器软件的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指明约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本: Azure DevOps Server 2019 XE "Azure DevOps Server 2019" AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "先决条件:指明必须满足哪些额外条件才能购买产品许可。"先决条件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求:指示当用户和设备访问服务器产品时是否需要提供 SAL。"访问许可要求:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件:允许客户与服务器软件配合使用的软件。 附加软件:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指明按客户端软件许可的产品组件,该术语在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:包括所有附加软件AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "合格 DCP:允许客户将软件服务交付给最终用户时使用数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。"合格 DCP:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "灾难恢复:提供给客户使用软件进行有条件灾难恢复的权利;请参阅“一般许可条款,灾难恢复权利”了解详细信息。"灾难恢复:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "降级版本:与指定的较高版本对应的获准的较低版本。根据通用许可条款的规定,客户可以使用获准的较低版本来替代已取得许可的较高版本。" 降级版本:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "故障转移权利:允许客户在预料到出现故障转移事件的情况下,与许可服务器上运行的软件一起运行该产品的被动故障转移实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)故障转移权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指明产品中包括的其他 Microsoft 组件;请参阅通用许可条款中的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:SQL Server 技术AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一个日历月中,将许可从一个客户服务器重新分配到同一服务器场中的另一个客户服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识产品的相应声明;请参阅通用许可条款中的“声明”一节,了解详细信息。"声明:不适用1. 服务器软件访问权限订户访问许可Azure DevOps Server 2020 Basic SAL(用户)1.1 附加功能测试计划附加访问许可Azure DevOps Server 2020 SALVisual Studio Test Professional 2019 SALVisual Studio Enterprise 2019 SAL(用户)2. SAL 弃权以下情况下,用户不需要 SAL:查看、编辑或输入工作项,访问 Azure DevOps Server 报告,XE "Azure DevOps Services"通过 Azure DevOps Server 代理访问 Azure DevOps Services,作为发布管理渠道的一部分对阶段提供审批,以及通过来自另一个集成的应用程序或服务的池连接访问 Azure DevOps Server。3. 适用于开放源代码组件的第三方许可条款 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可用户是指分配了许可的个人。" 许可用户不得对此软件进行反向工程、反向编译或反汇编,或者以其他方式试图推导出此软件的源代码,但约束对此软件中可能包含的某些开放源代码组件的使用的第三方许可条款要求进行前述行为的除外。4. SQL Server 技术客户可以在一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE 中运行产品所包括的任意 SQL Server 数据库软件的任意数量的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "实例是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例创建的软件映像。" 实例,但仅限于支持此产品和其他任何包括 SQL Server 数据库软件的产品。5. Azure DevOps Server Build Services如果客户拥有一位或多位 Visual Studio Enterprise 或 Visual Studio Professional AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可用户是指分配了许可的个人。" 许可用户,则客户还可以安装 Visual Studio 软件并允许客户的 Azure DevOps Server AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可用户是指分配了许可的个人。" 许可用户将其作为 Azure DevOps Server Build Services 的一部分加以访问和使用。6. 附加软件Azure DevOps Build Services目录 / 一般条款 / 索引Windows ServerWindows Server 2019 EssentialsXE "Windows Server 2019 Essentials"(处理器许可)Windows Server 2019 StandardXE "Windows Server 2019 Standard"(内核许可)Windows Server 2019 DatacenterXE "Windows Server 2019 Datacenter"(内核许可)Windows Server 2019 远程桌面服务XE "Windows Server 2019 远程桌面服务" (SAL)Windows Server 2019 Active Directory Rights ManagementXE "Windows Server 2019 Active Directory Rights Management" (SAL)Microsoft Identity Manager 2016XE "Microsoft Identity Manager 2016" (SAL)AutoTextList \t "可用日期:这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"有效日期: 2018 年 10 月AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:约束产品的部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款: 通用;每内核(操作系统) – 所有版本(Essentials 除外),每处理器 - Essentials,服务器软件的 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指明约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本: Windows Server 2016XE "Windows Server 2016"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指明必须满足哪些额外条件才能购买产品许可。"前提:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求:指示当用户和设备访问服务器产品时是否需要提供 SAL。"访问许可要求:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件:允许客户与服务器软件配合使用的软件。 附加软件: 所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指明按客户端软件许可的产品组件,该术语在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "合格 DCP:允许客户将软件服务交付给最终用户时使用数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。"合格 DCP:仅限 SALAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "灾难恢复:提供给客户使用软件进行有条件灾难恢复的权利;请参阅“一般许可条款,灾难恢复权利”了解详细信息。"灾难恢复:所有版本AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "降级版本:与指定的较高版本对应的获准的较低版本。根据通用许可条款的规定,客户可以使用获准的较低版本来替代已取得许可的较高版本。" 降级版本:由 Datacenter 降级至 Standard 或 Essentials;由 Standard 降级至 EssentialsAutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "故障转移权利:允许客户在预料到出现故障转移事件的情况下,与许可服务器上运行的软件一起运行该产品的被动故障转移实例。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)故障转移权利:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指明产品中包括的其他 Microsoft 组件;请参阅通用许可条款中的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一个日历月中,将许可从一个客户服务器重新分配到同一服务器场中的另一个客户服务器。"许可移动性:不适用AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识产品的相应声明;请参阅通用许可条款中的“声明”一节,了解详细信息。"声明:基于 Internet 的功能,H.264/MPEG-4 AVC 和/或 VC-1,恶意软件防护1. 与使用用于承载图形用户界面 Windows Server 相关的必要披露作为服务交付的台式计算机可根据使用 Windows Server 和远程桌面服务 (RDS) 的 SPLA 获得支持。如果客户选择交付此类型的服务,则必须在行销材料中明确说明该基础结构正用于服务交付。Windows 桌面操作系统XE "Windows 桌面操作系统"不能作为服务用于托管客户端、托管图形用户界面或台式计算机。2. 测试、维护和管理访问 -- Windows Server Datacenter 和 Standard对于上的 中的每个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Running Instance means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例,如 SPLA 中“服务器管理和维护”部分所述,除了那些默认获得许可的数据中心管理用户之外,最多还允许两位用户使用或访问服务器软件,以使用 Windows Server 远程桌面服务功能或其他技术直接或间接地承载图形用户界面。但只能用于测试、维护和管理依照客户的 SPLA 许可的产品。这些用户不需要获得 Windows Server 2012 远程桌面服务 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a physical hardware system capable of running server software. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器。3. Windows Server Essentials 的附加条款3.1 运行实例客户可以在一个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例中使用该软件的一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Running Instance means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例,除非 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Running Instance means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例 中使用的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE仅用于托管和管理AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. " AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例,在这种情况下,客户可以在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE中使用一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE,在 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE中使用一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE。客户在其中运行服务器软件的域必须满足条件,即AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE的 Active Directory 被配置为:(i) 域控制器(包含所有灵活单主机操作 (FSMO) 角色的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Running Instance means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance of software that is loaded into memory and for which one or more instructions have been executed. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例),(ii) 域林的根,(iii) 不是子域,且 (iv) 与任何其他域没有信任关系。3.2 使用服务器软件用户帐户是通过 Windows Server Essentials 控制台所创建的独一无二的用户名及其相关的密码。客户最多可以使用 25 个用户帐户。每个用户帐户允许一位指定用户访问和使用该 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器 上的服务器软件。客户可以将一位用户的用户帐户重新分配给另一位用户,但前后两次分配的时间间隔不得低于九十 (90) 天。3.3 Windows Server Essentials Connector客户可于任意时刻在不超过 50 台设备上安装和使用 Windows Server Essentials Connector 软件。客户只能将该软件与服务器软件一起使用。4. 带 Windows Server 2019 Standard 和 Datacenter 且无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器客户可以在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器是指分配了许可的单个服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的服务器。"许可服务器上使用任意数量的实例化为 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器是 Windows Server 软件的一项功能” 无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "OSE 是指一个操作系统实例的全部或部分,或者虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统实例的全部或部分...(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"OSE。5. 服务器软件访问 – Windows Server Datacenter 和 Standard除了要求的内核AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可是指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。"许可,客户还必须为有权访问一个或多个以下功能的用户获得相应的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL:5.1 Windows Server 远程桌面功能订户访问许可Windows Server 2019 远程桌面服务XE "Windows Server 2019 远程桌面服务" SAL1(用户)1使用 Windows Server 托管图形用户界面同样必需(使用 Windows Server 远程桌面服务功能或其他技术)。5.2 Windows Server Active Directory Rights Management 功能订户访问许可Windows Server 2019 Active Directory Rights ManagementXE "Windows Server 2019 Active Directory Rights Management" SAL(用户)5.3 Microsoft Application Virtualization for Remote Desktop Services 功能订户访问许可Windows Server 2019 远程桌面服务XE "Windows Server 2019 远程桌面服务" SAL(用户)5.4 Microsoft Identity Manager 功能订户访问许可Microsoft Identity Manager 2016XE "Microsoft Identity Manager 2016" SAL1(用户)1对于为其发放软件的个人或管理身份信息的个人,AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL 也是必需的。5.5 仅限同步服务使用情况 – Microsoft Identity Manager如果仅使用 Microsoft Identity Manager 同步服务,则不需要 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " SAL 是指订户访问许可,可能由用户或设备分配,视情况而定。(请参阅词汇表了解完整定义)"SAL。6 .附加软件AD 迁移工具GBUNIECN.EXE 实用程序目录 / 一般条款 / 索引词汇表属性属性在每个产品条目的表中予以标识,指示购买或使用产品所适用的权利或需要遵守的条件。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "访问许可要求 :指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 服务器或桌面应用产品提供 SAL 才能进行访问。"访问许可要求:指示用户和设备或托管 OSE 是否需要为 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器或桌面应用产品提供 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 才能进行访问。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。附加软件 :允许客户在任意设备上与服务器软件共同使用的软件。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端软件:指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。"客户端软件 :指示许可为客户端软件的产品的组件,该条款在客户的 SPLA 中定义。AutoTextList \t "可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。"可用日期 :这是产品首次发布的日期,显示形式为月/年。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。. 符合 DCP:允许客户在向最终用户交付的软件服务中使用 AutoTextList \t "数据中心提供商 是指提供软件服务的实体,通过使用根据其自身的 SPLA 从微软处获得许可的产品,向其他服务提供商提供基础设施服务。"数据中心提供商,如 SPLA 中所述。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Disaster Recovery: Rights available to Customer to use software for conditional disaster recovery purposes; refer to Universal License Terms, Disaster Recovery Rights, for details."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。."灾难恢复 :客户出于有条件的灾难恢复目的使用软件的权利;请参阅通用许可条款、灾难恢复了解更多详细信息。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。" 版本降级:与指定的较高版本相对应的允许较低版本。按通用许可条款中的规定,客户可以使用允许的较低版本代替获得许可的较高版本。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Fail-Over Rights:允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 实例。被动故障转移许可服务器 可以在 许可 上的单独 服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移OSE所需 实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。 故障切换权利 :允许客户在预计出现故障转移事件的情况下,与 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 上运行的软件一起运行产品的被动故障转移 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例。被动故障转移AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器 是指分配了 许可 的单个 服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的 服务器。"许可服务器 可以在AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 上的单独 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器中运行,或者在客户专用的不同 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例上运行。仅在运行被动故障转移AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE所需 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 的数量不超过运行相应生产 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器的所需 许可服务器的数量时,故障转移权利才适用。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。"所含技术:指示产品中包括的其他微软组件;请参考通用许可条款的“所含技术”部分了解详细信息。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可移动性:允许在同一日历月内将 许可 从客户的 服务器 重新分配到同一 服务器场 中客户的另一服务器。"许可移动性 :允许在同一日历月内将AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 从客户的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器 重新分配到同一 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server Farm means a single data center or two data centers each physically located either in time zones not more than four hours apart, and/or within the European Union and/or European Free Trade Association. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"服务器场 中客户的另一AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."服务器。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。"许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的条款和条件。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "前提:指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买 许可。"前提 :指示必须满足某些附加条件才能为产品购买AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "早期版本:产品的早期版本。"早期版本:产品的早期版本。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "声明:标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。"声明 :标识适用于产品的通知;请参考通用许可条款中的“通知”了解详细信息。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "产品特定许可条款:指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。产品特定许可条款 :指示约束产品部署和使用的产品特定条款和条件。HYPERLINK \l "TableOfContents" \o "目录"目录 / 一般条款 / 索引定义本 SPUR 中使用但未定义的所有术语应沿用其在 SPLA 中提供的定义。以下定义同样适用:AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "客户端 OSE 是指运行客户端操作系统的OSE。"客户端 OSE 是指运行客户端操作系统的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "内核系数是指一个与特定 物理处理器 有关的数值,用于确定为 物理处理器上的所有 物理内核 获得许可所需的 许可 数量。"内核系数是指一个与特定AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. " AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 物理处理器 是指物理硬件系统中的处理器."物理处理器 有关的数值,用于确定为AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. " AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 物理处理器 是指物理硬件系统中的处理器."物理处理器上的所有 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核 是指 物理处理器 中的内核."物理内核 获得许可所需的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 数量。AutoTextList \t "数据中心提供商 是指提供软件服务的实体,通过使用根据其自身的 SPLA 从微软处获得许可的产品,向其他服务提供商提供基础设施服务。"数据中心提供商 是指提供软件服务的实体,通过使用根据其自身的 SPLA 从微软处获得许可的产品,向其他服务提供商提供基础设施服务。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “ERP Solutions means the components of the software that control Customer’s End user’s users and financial reporting units.”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。”ERP 解决方案 指控制客户的最终用户的用户和财务报告单位的软件组件。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "外部用户 是指不属于客户的最终用户或其关联公司的员工,也不属于客户或客户关联公司的现场承包商或现场代理商的用户。"外部用户 是指不属于客户的最终用户或其关联公司的员工,也不属于客户或客户关联公司的现场承包商或现场代理商的用户。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Hardware Thread means either a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a core in a Physical Processor. "Physical Core or a hyper-thread in a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "Physical Processor.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "硬件线程 是指 物理处理器 中的 物理内核或超线程.硬件线程 是指AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. " AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 物理处理器 是指物理硬件系统中的处理器."物理处理器 中的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核 是指 物理处理器 中的内核."物理内核或超线程。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "主机结构 是指作为一个单元进行配置和操作以提供虚拟化、网络、管理和文件服务的 物理 OSE和 虚拟 OSE 组合。"主机结构 是指作为一个单元进行配置和操作以提供虚拟化、网络、管理和文件服务的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE和 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE 组合。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 创建的软件映像。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利."许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可设备 是指分配了 许可 的单个物理硬件系统。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的设备."许可设备 是指分配了 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means the right to download, install, access and use a Product. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利."许可 的单个物理硬件系统。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的设备。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可服务器 是指分配了 许可 的单个 服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的 服务器."许可服务器 是指分配了 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means the right to download, install, access and use a Product. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利."许可 的单个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器。在本定义中,硬件分区或刀片被视为单独的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server means a physical hardware system capable of running server software."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Licensed User是指分配了许可 许可 的个人." 许可用户 是指分配了许可 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "License means the right to download, install, access and use a Product."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means the right to download, install, access and use a Product. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利."许可 的个人。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 OSE直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 OSE 是否存在." 管理 OSE 是指请求或接收有关与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件的数据、配置与 OSE 直接或间接关联的硬件或软件,或向与 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE直接或间接关联的硬件或软件发出指令。这不包括检查设备或 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE 是否存在。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个 物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE"操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理内核 是指 物理处理器 中的内核."物理内核 是指AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. " AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 物理处理器 是指物理硬件系统中的处理器."物理处理器 中的内核。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 将被视为AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Physical OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an OSE that is configured to run directly on a physical hardware system. The operating system Instance used to run hardware virtualization software or to provide hardware virtualization services is considered part of the Physical OSE. "Physical OSE."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "物理 OSE是指配置为直接在物理硬件系统上运行的 OSE。用于运行硬件虚拟化软件或提供硬件虚拟化服务的操作系统 实例 将被视为物理 OSE 的一部分."物理 OSE 的一部分。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " Physical Processor means a processor in a physical hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 物理处理器 是指物理硬件系统中的处理器."物理处理器 是指物理硬件系统中的处理器。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。"运行实例 是指被加载到内存中并为其执行了一条或多条指令的软件 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例。(客户将软件的实例加载到内存中并执行其一条或多条指令即为“运行实例”。)实例一经运行,那么在从内存中将其删除之前,该 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Instance means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "Instance."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means an image of software that is created by executing the software’s setup or install procedure or by duplicating an existing Instance. "AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " 是指通过执行软件的安装程序或复制现有实例 实例 创建的软件映像. "实例 将被视为一直在运行(不管其指令是否继续执行)。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "适用于软件保障的 SAL 是指可以为以下用户获取并分配 SAL:已根据微软批量许可计划获分配了带有效软件保障(或 SA)的合格客户端访问许可(或 CAL)的用户,或使用已分配了带有效软件保障的合格设备 CAL 的用户。在合格 CAL 软件保障范围期满时,向用户或设备分配适用于软件保障的SAL 的权利同时也会过期 适用于软件保障的 SAL 只能(而且必须)在转让合格的 CAL 时进行转让。"适用于软件保障的 SAL 是指可以为以下用户获取并分配 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL means Subscriber Access License, which may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL:已根据微软批量许可计划获分配了带有效软件保障(或 SA)的合格客户端访问许可(或 CAL)的用户,或使用已分配了带有效软件保障的合格设备 CAL 的用户。在合格 CAL 软件保障范围期满时,向用户或设备分配适用于软件保障的AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "SAL是指订户访问许可,可以由用户或设备分配(视情况而定)。用户 SAL 允许由一位用户从任意设备访问相应软件,或者允许管理由一位用户使用的任意客户端 OSE。一个设备 SAL 允许任何用户从一台设备访问相应软件。一个 OSE SAL 允许管理由任意用户访问的一个 OSE。学生 SAL 可以分配给合格教育客户附加条款中定义的合格教育最终用户"SAL 的权利同时也会过期 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "适用于软件保障的 SAL 是指可以为以下用户获取并分配 SAL:已根据微软批量许可计划获分配了带有效软件保障(或 SA)的合格客户端访问许可(或 CAL)的用户,或使用已分配了带有效软件保障的合格设备 CAL 的用户。在合格 CAL 软件保障范围期满时,向用户或设备分配适用于软件保障的SAL 的权利同时也会过期 适用于软件保障的 SAL 只能(而且必须)在转让合格的 CAL 时进行转让。"适用于软件保障的 SAL 只能(而且必须)在转让合格的 CAL 时进行转让。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统."服务器 是指一种能够运行服务器软件的物理硬件系统。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Server Farm means a single data center or two data centers each physically located either in time zones not more than four hours apart, and/or within the European Union and/or European Free Trade Association. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器场 是指一个数据中心或两个数据中心,每个数据中心的物理位置或者在不超过四个小时的时区内,和/或在欧盟 (EU) 和/或欧洲自由贸易联盟 (EFTA) 范围内。数据中心可以从一个 服务器场 移动到另一个,但是不得在短期内进行移动"服务器场 是指一个数据中心或两个数据中心,每个数据中心的物理位置或者在不超过四个小时的时区内,和/或在欧盟 (EU) 和/或欧洲自由贸易联盟 (EFTA) 范围内。数据中心可以从一个 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "服务器场 是指一个数据中心或两个数据中心,每个数据中心的物理位置或者在不超过四个小时的时区内,和/或在欧盟 (EU) 和/或欧洲自由贸易联盟 (EFTA) 范围内。数据中心可以从一个 服务器场 移动到另一个,但是不得在短期内进行移动"服务器场 移动到另一个,但是不得在短期内进行移动。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Suite means a Product that is comprised of components that are also licensed separately. (Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "套件 是指包含还可单独许可的组件的产品。套件根据分配给单个用户或设备的单个 许可 进行授权,并允许在该单个设备上或由该单个用户使用其所有组件。Suite的组件不得分散到不同的设备上使用,也不得由不同的用户使用。"套件 是指包含还可单独许可的组件的产品。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "套件 是指包含还可单独许可的组件的产品。套件根据分配给单个用户或设备的单个 许可 进行授权,并允许在该单个设备上或由该单个用户使用其所有组件。Suite的组件不得分散到不同的设备上使用,也不得由不同的用户使用。"套件 根据分配给单个用户或设备的单个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "许可 指下载、安装、访问和使用某个产品的权利。" 许可 进行授权,并允许在该单个设备上或由该单个用户使用其所有组件。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "套件 是指包含还可单独许可的组件的产品。套件根据分配给单个用户或设备的单个 许可 进行授权,并允许在该单个设备上或由该单个用户使用其所有组件。Suite的组件不得分散到不同的设备上使用,也不得由不同的用户使用。"套件 的组件不得分散到不同的设备上使用,也不得由不同的用户使用。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual Core means the unit of processing power in a virtual hardware system. A Virtual Core is the virtual representation of one or more hardware threads."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟内核 是指虚拟硬件系统中的处理能力单元。虚拟内核 是一个或多个Hardware Thread的虚拟表示形式."虚拟内核 是指虚拟硬件系统中的处理能力单元。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟内核 是指虚拟硬件系统中的处理能力单元。虚拟内核 是一个或多个Hardware Thread的虚拟表示形式."虚拟内核 是一个或多个AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Hardware Thread means either a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a core in a Physical Processor. "Physical Core or a hyper-thread in a AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means a processor in a physical hardware system. "Physical Processor.AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "硬件线程 是指 物理处理器 中的 物理内核或超线程.硬件线程 的虚拟表示形式。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Virtual OSE means an AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t " means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition) "OSE that is configured to run on a virtual hardware system."AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 OSE."虚拟 OSE是指配置为在虚拟硬件系统上运行的 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Operating System Environment means all or part of an operating system Instance, or all or part of a virtual (or otherwise emulated) operating system Instance...(Refer Glossary for full definition)"AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "操作系统环境 (OSE)是指一个操作系统 实例,的全部或部分,或一个启用单独计算机标识(主计算机名称或类似的唯一标识符)或单独管理权限的虚拟(或称为仿真)操作系统 实例 的全部或部分,以及配置为在该操作系统实例或上述部件上运行的应用程序(如果有)的 实例 。物理硬件系统可以包含一个物理 OSE 和/或一个或多个 虚拟 OSE。"OSE。 AutoTextList \s NoSyle \t “带 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器是一项可以利用虚拟操作系统环境的 Windows Server 功能。每个带 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器均被视为一个虚拟 OSE。” 带 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器(以前称为“Hyper-V 容器”)是 Windows Server 中的一项可以利用虚拟操作系统环境托管一个或多个 Windows Server 容器的容器技术。每个用于托管一个或多个 Windows Server 容器的 Hyper-V 隔离实例均被视作一个虚拟操作系统环境。 AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t “无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器是 Windows Server 软件的一项功能” 无 Hyper-V 隔离的 Windows Server 容器(以前称为“Windows Server 容器”)是 Windows Server 软件的一项功能。AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Windows 软件组件 是指 Windows 软件的组件,包括 Microsoft .NET Framework、微软数据访问组件、PowerShell 软件以及某些与 Microsoft Build、Windows 身份验证基础、Windows JAVAScript 库、Debghelp.dll 以及 Web Deploy 技术相关的 .dll 文件"Windows 软件组件 是指 Windows 软件的组件,包括 Microsoft .NET Framework、微软数据访问组件、PowerShell 软件以及某些与 Microsoft Build、Windows 身份验证基础、Windows JAVAScript 库、Debghelp.dll 以及 Web Deploy 技术相关的 .dll 文件。目录 / 一般条款 / 索引索引 INDEX \c "2" \z "1033" Advanced Threat Analytics 2016, 9Azure DevOps Server 2019, 27Azure DevOps Server 2020, 27Azure DevOps Services, 27BizTalk Server 2016, 9BizTalk Server 2020 Branch, 9BizTalk Server 2020 Enterprise, 9BizTalk Server 2020 Standard, 9BizTalk Server Branch, 9Cloud Platform Guest, 22Cloud Platform Suite, 8, 22Core Infrastructure Server Suite Datacenter, 10Core Infrastructure Server Suite Standard, 10Dynamics AX 2012 R2, 11Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, 25Enterprise CAL, 18, 19, 23Exchange Server 2016, 17Exchange Server 2019 Basic, 17Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise, 17, 18Exchange Server 2019 Standard, 17, 18Hosted Exchange Standard SAL, 17, 18, 23Microsoft 365, 20Microsoft Application Virtualization Hosting for Desktops, 25Microsoft Dynamics 365 服务提供商, 12Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, 11Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, 11, 12Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Standard Commerce Server Core, 11Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, 12Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2, 14Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2, 14Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, 14, 15Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017, 13Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018, 13Microsoft Dynamics SL 2015, 15Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018, 15Microsoft Identity Manager 2016, 28, 29Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Hosting for Desktops, 25, 26Office 2016, 15Office 365 企业版, 20Office Online Server, 16Office Professional Plus 2019, 15, 16Office Standard 2019, 15, 16Office Web App, 3Office 多语言包 2013, 15, 16Productivity Suite, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23Project 2016, 16Project 2019 Professional, 16, 18Project 2019 Standard, 16Project Server 2016, 18Project Server 2019, 18SharePoint 2019 Hosting, 18SharePoint Server 2016, 18SharePoint Server 2019 Standard, 18, 19, 23SharePoint Server Standard, 19Skype for Business 2019 Enterprise Plus, 19Skype for Business Server 2015, 19Skype for Business Server 2019 Enterprise, 19, 20Skype for Business Server 2019 Plus, 19, 20Skype For Business Server 2019 Plus CAL, 20Skype for Business Server 2019 Standard, 19, 20, 23Skype For Business Server 2019 Standard CAL, 20Skype For Business Server 2019 企业 CAL, 20SQL Server 2012, 21, 22SQL Server 2017, 21SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Core, 21SQL Server 2019 Standard, 21SQL Server 2019 Standard Core, 21SQL Server 2019 Web Core, 21System Center 2012 R2, 22System Center 2016, 23System Center 2019 Data Protection Manager, 23, 24System Center 2019 Datacenter, 23System Center 2019 Operations Manager, 24System Center 2019 Orchestrator, 23, 24System Center 2019 Service Manager, 24System Center 2019 Standard, 23System Center Configuration Manager 1606, 23, 24System Center Datacenter, 10System Center Endpoint Protection, 23, 24System Center Endpoint Protection 1606, 23, 24System Center Operations Manager, 23System Center Standard, 10Visio 2016, 16Visio 2019 Professional, 16Visio 2019 Standard, 16Visual Studio 2017, 26Visual Studio Enterprise 2019, 26Visual Studio Professional 2019, 26Visual Studio Test Professional 2019, 26Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server, 22Windows Server 2012 R2, 22Windows Server 2016, 28Windows Server 2019 Active Directory Rights Management, 28Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, 28Windows Server 2019 Essentials, 28Windows Server 2019 Standard, 28Windows Server 2019 远程桌面服务, 28, 29Windows Server Datacenter, 10, 22Windows Server Standard, 10, 22Windows 桌面操作系统, 28企业 CAL, 20核心 CAL, 18, 19, 20, 23 ................

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