
NumberQuestionAnswer1Has the Department identified a funding source for this effort; and if so, are you able to indicate which source may be used?Budgetary information pertaining to this procurement is confidential.2Is there an estimated cost associated with this project?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 1.3Will the Department contract for any additional services as part of this effort, but not within the scope of the Software, such as: staff augmentation, systems integration, data migration, QA, PMO, IV&V, etc. If so, please provide the procurement method and time frame for each subsequent procurement. Also, please indicate if any of the services will be combined or if each will be acquired individually.This response is not needed for Contractors to submit a response.4Are you able to disclose the Departments top 5 technology initiatives?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 3.5How many servers comprise the SharePoint farm?Please refer to Appendix O, SharePoint Sites—Topology.6Are the systems located in Pennsylvania or within a commercial cloud?In Pennsylvania7Are the systems physical or virtual?The systems are virtual.8Must the Contractor personnel report on site for the hours of coverage or may they remotely support the farm?Part III, Section III-3. E defines “Core hours” as “onsite support Monday through Friday from 8am – 5pm ET. Therefore, only onsite support may be provided during core hours. Virtual Private Network (VPN) access will be available for after-hours support.9Does the Commonwealth offer a VPN or other remote software to access the systems?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 8.10How many people offer tier 2/3 support to your current SharePoint farm?Presently, 2 people offer Tier 2/3 support.11What version of SharePoint On Premise do you currently have? If older than SharePoint 2013, do you have intentions to upgrade the current environment to a newer version? When? The current version of SharePoint is 2013. The Commonwealth anticipates upgrading to SharePoint 2016 in two years.12Are there any special authentication requirements? Examples include Active Directory / ADFS / Azure / SAML.Windows Claims-based authentication (Microsoft NTLM) using Microsoft issuer Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).13Do you have an internal ‘Portal’?Yes, there is an internal “Portal.”14Do you have an external 'Portal'?Yes, there is an external “Portal.”15How many site collections currently exist?Approximately 390.16How many internal users do you support in this environment?Approximately 80,000.17Is there a governance policy in place?Yes, there is a governance policy in place.18How many external users/customers do you currently support and/or intend to support?Currently support 128,000+, and there is the potential of twice the amount that may be supported in future. 19Do you currently use any custom SharePoint solutions?Yes, there are over 30 custom SharePoint solutions ranging from reporting to time tracking to data processing.20Do you currently use any custom SharePoint branding?Yes, several sites have custom branding.21What are the existing storage needs and intended growth over the next 3 years?No existing storage needs, growth upon demand22What type of files do you need to store? Examples include Video Files / Office Files / Acrobat Files / Other special file types.All except access or video or exe.23Do the servers that host SharePoint host other applications or services as well? Examples include Fileserver, DNS server, Active Directory Controller, IIS web hosting, etc.No, the SharePoint servers do not host other applications or services.24Is your DR site established and completely redundant?No.25Is the contractor responsible for covering the expense of the MSDN license(s) and valid SharePoint Client access license(s) Please refer to the revised RFQ attached as part of Addendum Number 3. This section has been amended by requiring the selected Contractor to provide/have its own license(s) for MSDN only.26It says "This is a restricted solicitation under the Master IT Services ITQ, Invitation to Qualify (ITQ), - Contract # 4400004480. Only those contractors qualified in the following service category(s) under Contract # 4400004480, prior to the bid opening date, may submit a quote in response to this RFQ."However in the webpage which it refers to it says "After a supplier has successfully registered its organization with the Commonwealth the next step in the qualification process is to develop and submit an electronic proposal via the PA Supplier Portal website by following the steps below:"The question here is: (a) Are we to submit the proposal online also? In the RFP it is mentioned to submit ONLY Hard copy of proposal.(b) Is it required to submit electronic proposal in the PA Supplier portal - JUST TO QUALIFY to submit the proposal?(c) It is mentioned "please note that you will not be able to submit your proposal until all of your references have completed the Client Reference Survey Form" so is it required that you have a CLIENT REFERENCE CHECK to be done EVEN BEFORE we submit the proposal?(a) No. The instructions you refer to are located on the Invitation to Qualify (ITQ) Web Site , and pertain to the steps to follow for becoming a qualified vendor under an ITQ. They do not apply to this RFQ.(b) Yes. In order to be able to submit a response to an RFQ, you must first have an ITQ contract. Follow the directions at the ITQ website, and submit an electronic proposal via PA Supplier portal to become qualified. Once you have a contract and are qualified in the appropriate category, you may submit a quote in response to an RFQ. If you are already qualified in the appropriate category, you do not need to requalify.(c) Please refer to the answer to (b), above.27Only those contractors qualified in the following service category(s) under Contract # 4400004480- What is the Contract No referred to?Contract #4400004480 refers to the Master IT Services ITQ. 28We are a NJ based full service IT provider - can we submit a proposal against this RFQ- Is there a requirement to be a PA based organization? If not would there be preference for a PA based organization? There is not a requirement or preference to be a Pennsylvania-based organization. Contractors with contracts issued under Contract #4400004480, Master IT Services ITQ, and qualified under the appropriate category may submit quotes in response to this RFQ. Please refer to , for further information on the ITQ.29What is the (a) Version (b) No of licenses for (1) MSDN and (2) SharePoint CALs required to be provided by us?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 25.30What is the level of custom development on current SharePoint environment? Please provide documentation if possibleSome sites are default, some highly complex and customized.31What is the complexity of Workflows (Simple, Medium, Complex) Complex32Is your on-prem installations hosted on infrastructure owned by you or by another hosting provider?The infrastructure is hosted by the Commonwealth.33Is there any custom development done by any other 3rd Party vendor? Do you have the source code, business requirements, design document, installation guidelines, and test cases for the changes?Yes. Agencies provide code as required34Do you have applications that accept email?No35Do you require multi-lingual support?No36How many applications do you have?18 web applications371. Total users for each SharePoint Site on Production (Top level)100,000 plus382. Number of Top level sites390393. What is the size of Content DB?600 gb404. What is the peak site usage in last one month?Not monitored415. Please share the Backup and Recovery Process?Database backed up via sql. Servers backed up by tape42How many servers do you have?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 5.43Please provide details or preferably Physical and Logical Architecture Diagrams for Production, Staging and Development Environment (Farm Topology, deployment diagrams, Virtual environment, SharePoint version details, Directory Services)Please refer to the answer to Question Number 5.44Is there any other Content Management or Document management tool in place along with SharePoint?Yes45Please enlist all Integration points (Interfaces) with LOB and other applications/ Software (Ex: imaging solution)CRM connector, SQL databases46Please give a brief about all Web Applications and SSPs in scope.All web apps are in SSP. Currently only one content source for all web applications47Please provide the list of all 3rd party software (BPM, Search, Analytics, and BI – integrated to SharePoint) installed?None48Is any sort of load balancing done for the intranet?Yes49Is there any mirroring done on SharePoint DBs?No50Are there any secured sites? (Using SSL, encryption)Yes51What is the current Authentication mechanism? (Windows Authentication, Forms based Authentication or Kerberos, AD, LDAP)Please refer to the answer to Question Number 12.52Who is supporting the existing environment? Please provide existing SLA and priorities for incident management.This is team effort between Commonwealth staff and a contracted resource. SLAs are based on the incident response notifications, as described in the RFQ and Appendix H, Service Level Agreement.53Do you have a distributed development team across multiple locations/geographies? Please provide details.No, the Commonwealth does not have a distributed development team across multiple locations/geographies.54Can the support be provided off-site i.e. remotely?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 8.55You have asked us to provide Hourly rate during Core Hours at 160 Hours per month and After office hours at 10 hours per month. What will happen if the number of hours consumed in a particular month exceed 160 / 10 hours in case of Core hours / After-office hours?A revised Appendix L, Cost Submittal, has been posted as part of Addendum 3.56What is Turnover task? Do we need to provide some Hourly rate/hours for this task?Please refer to Pat III, Section III-8. B., Turnover Task, for a description. A flat fee is required. Please refer to revised Appendix L, Cost Submittal, posted as part of Addendum Number 3.57There seems to be some problem with the formula: Total estimated cost for After Hours Support: It should be =SUM (E13, E17) - however it is showing as =SUM(E13*E14) resulting in a huge number which is incorrect.Please refer to the answer to Question Number 55.58It is mentioned as "submit two (2) complete and exact copies of the entire quote … on CD-ROM or Flash drive" Does this mean that we need to submit TWO CD-ROMs or Flash Drives? Or can we put two folders with identical documents in SAME CD-ROM of Flash drive?Yes. Please submit two CD-ROMS or Flash drives containing the complete and exact copies of the entire quote.59Do you require on call support? If so:(i) during your business hour only or(ii) 24 x 5 or(iii) 24 x 7Please refer to the answer to Question Number 8.60" The Contractor will be expected to provide onsite support during core hours so as to not cause a disruption in service. “ - what will be the advance notice period in Hours given in order to have a resource available onsite during core hours.Please refer to the answer to Question Number 8.61Items (7) to (11) are not SharePoint related tasks? Are you expecting contractor to resolve issues related to these areas? These tasks would require non-SharePoint related skill sets. Are we expected to deploy such resources?Yes, the successful Contractor is expected to resolve issues related to those areas. Yes, those skills are required.62Where will the consultant(s) report when onsite?555 Walnut St, 7th floor, Harrisburg, PA63How much onsite time per day is required?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 8.64How many hours per month has COPA budgeted for consultant time?A revised Appendix L, Cost Submittal, has been posted as part of Addendum 3. Additionally, please refer to the answer to Question Number 1. 65When consultants work offsite will they have access to the COPA network, SharePoint environment etc.?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 8.66Key Performance Indicators "The Contractor shall provide a response as defined in the Appendix H, Service Level Agreement." Are you looking for the contractor to agree with the terms of the SLA in Appendix H or are you looking for the contractor to purpose terms for an SLA, or other?Agreement to the terms of Appendix H, Service Level Agreement. 67How will COPA handle multiple contractor staff access for emergency, sickness, and out of office coverage?Access will be provided to alternate staff68Where should staff park, and will COPA provide parking in their garage?There are parking garages and metered parking available nearby. The Commonwealth will not supply or reimburse for parking.69Is the Purchase Order resulting from this solicitation intended to be fixed-price or Time and Materials? Fixed Priced70Does the Commonwealth anticipate a monthly billing cycle for invoices and associated payments? If not, what is the expected billing frequency?Yes, the selected Contractor shall invoice monthly.71Section I.19 indicates that final payment will not be made until all Project work has been completed. How will the Commonwealth assess work completion under this initiative?Part III, Section III-8. B. refers to Turnover Plan and Section III-9 refers to Reports and Project Control. Please review, specifically in the area of Final reports. All products for turn over must be completed and provided. Details will be addressed with selected Contractor.72Does the requested day-to-day support include site collection, and management of sites, pages, lists, libraries, and web parts, or is the support limited to farm administration services including licensing, software patching, and health monitoring?Day-to-day support includes all aspects of SharePoint.73What licensing is established for the on premise and online solutions - SharePoint Foundation, SharePoint Standard, or SharePoint Enterprise?Is FAST search in use?Are there any 3rd party tools in use such as Nintex Forms?The Commonwealth has licensed SharePoint Enterprise.No, FAST search is not in use.Nintex online74What role is the contractor to play in the potential upgrade from SharePoint 2013 to 2016?Key role in the process75What are the expectations of the contractor for providing disaster recovery support services for the SharePoint Farm environment?Verify servers are running after restore. Restoration is handled by another team.76It is possible for a resource to meet the 4-year experience requirement without having specific experience in the prior SharePoint 2010 version. Which would be a priority to the Commonwealth, years of experience or appropriate version knowledge?No, knowledge of 2010 is required. Equal priority for both 77How widely used is InfoPath today? Will the resource be required to develop or migrate InfoPath as Microsoft sunsets the product?Extensively in a few sites. Assistance will be needed with migrations78What is the scope of usage for the client access license(s) to be provided by the contractor? How many licenses are required?MSDN licenses are to accommodate proposed resources ability to perform the tasks of this RFQ. Specialized tools for unanticipated initiatives will be covered by the Commonwealth. Please refer to the answer to Question Number 25.79Please clarify the support staffing requirements. Section III-5. C. identifies requirements for one (1) full-time technical support resource and one (1) account manager to be available upon request. However, the Cost Submittal Worksheet only includes line items associated with the hourly rate for the support specialist resource. Is the account manager resource required under the contract? What are the Commonwealth's expectations for the account manager role?The account manager is a resource the Commonwealth might need to utilize during the project.80Please clarify the training requirements for this initiative. Section III-6 indicates that the Commonwealth is requesting no training. However, Section III-8. A.32 (Page 20) requires the contractor to conduct ongoing knowledge transfer, training and mentoring for OIT staff. If training is indeed required, what is the expected class size?A revised RFQ is included as part of Addendum Number 3. Part III, Section III-6 has been amended to clarify that the only training requested is training as set forth in Section III-8A.32.a81Core Hours support costs under Appendix L are based on 160 hours of support services per month. Will the contractor be able to invoice more than 160 core hours in a given month, as required, in order to meet requirements for onsite coverage Monday through Friday from 8:00am through 5:00pm?A revised Appendix L, Cost Submittal, has been posted as part of Addendum 3.82After Hours support costs under Appendix L are based on 10 hours of after-hours support services per month. Will the contractor be able to invoice more than 10 hours of after-hours support services in a given month, as required, to address business needs approved by the Commonwealth? A revised Appendix L, Cost Submittal, has been posted as part of Addendum 3.83Appendix H includes SLAS for Incident Response Times to Call/Ticket and to SharePoint Operations Team. Can the Commonwealth provide any clarification or differentiation on the types of incidents that flow through these two streams? Does the contractor need to monitor two different incident reporting sources? Incidents vary, scope is for all possible issues related to SharePoint. There are multiples way of being notified of an incident.84Is it mandatory to be a SDB/ SB to bid on this RFQ?No, it is not mandatory.85Please some light on what you mean by the below #H which says selected contractor will provided the licensing?H. License RequirementsSelected Contractor shall provide the following licenses required to perform the tasks identified in this RFQ:1. MSDN license(s)2. Valid SharePoint Client access license(s)Please refer to the answer to Question Number 25.86Instead of the financial Capacity can we submit a reference letter from bank stating the good standing of the account along with the number of years? The Contractor is required to submit financial capacity in accordance with Part II, Section II-5, B.87Please confirm the current environment is SP2013 and plan is to migrate to SP Online.Please refer to the answer to Question Number 11.Additionally, there is currently an SP Online environment; however, there is no intention to fully migrate SP2013 to SP Online. The Commonwealth will continue to support both types of environments.88Do you have any existing tools, systems and / or processes for creating support tickets or reporting incidents? If yes, do you expect the vendor to continue to use such existing tools, systems and / or processes?Yes, support tickets and incident reporting are handled through Service Now.The successful Contractor will be required to utilize ServiceNow.89Do you have any current monitoring, health check, scanning or management tools for your SharePoint environment? If yes, can you please provide more details?Yes, the Commonwealth uses Health Analyzer.90Do you use any tool for migration?No, the Commonwealth does not use any tools for migration.91How many farms do you have right now like Dev, Test, Prod?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 5.92Do you currently have Disaster Recovery farm?No, there is not currently a Disaster Recovery farm.93Is there a current backlog of support requests or incidents? Do you have a plan to complete such existing requests or cure any outstanding incidents? If yes, could you please describe the plan?There is not a backlog of support requests or incidents, therefore obviating the need for a plan to cure.94Is the SharePoint environment subject to any regulatory compliances? If yes, can you please provide details?There is no regulatory compliance from a state or federal program. The Contractor is required to comply with the Commonwealth's ITPs as defined in Part I, Section I-23. 95Can you please provide a list of 3rd party products, solutions, components or services deployed and used as a part of your current SharePoint environment? This information will be provided to the successful Contractor as the need arises.96Please provide the following details on your current SharePoint environment setup:a. Number of web applications and site collections in current use.b. Number and size of content database(s) in current use.c. Custom UI, Templates & Branding deployed in the current environment.d. Number of custom or 3rd party forms (please detail).e. Number of custom or 3rd party web parts (please detail).f. Number of custom or 3rd party workflows (please detail).g. Number of service applications (please detail)h. Number of any other custom or 3rd party components, services etc. a. 18, 390b. 50, 600 gbc. Unknownd. None.e. 11: Apptex Designer; Bright Banner; Current Weather; FAQ Page; Photoswipe Touch Gallery for SharePoint 2013; Picture Library Photo Wall; Room Reservation; Scalable Video for SharePoint; SelectedItemPrint; SP Glossary; Spotlight Announcements Slider for SharePoint.f. Unknown.g. 21h. None.97Is the SharePoint Farm Hosted in Dedicated Data Center or Co-location?Co-location.98If it is a Dedicated Data Center, is it a Tier 3 or 4 Data Center?N/A99If it’s a Dedicated Data Center what is the support SLA's for any reported tickets?N/A100If it’s a co-location Data Center what is the SLA for reported tickets?N/A101What is the network connectivity provided to SharePoint Farm?Unable to answer this question without additional information.102Is the farm under a DMZ zone or NAT SECTION?The Farm is behind NetScaler103What is the bandwidth provided to SharePoint Farm?1Gbps104What is the network fail safe configuration for SharePoint Farm?N/A105What is the internal server bandwidth?Unknown106What is the external accessing SharePoint sites bandwidth?1Gbps107Is the SAN storage provided to SharePoint farm under same network or a Fiber connectivity?Unknown108If there are any external sites / hosted sites, how is the bandwidth provided to them?Unable to answer this question without additional information.109What are the network bandwidth monitoring in place for SharePoint Farm?N/A110How many incidents happened due to network issue in last 6 months?>10 incidents happened due to network issues in last 6 months.111What is the ticket volume and resolution time for any incidents reported related to SharePoint network issues?The ticket volume and resolution time for any incidents reported related to SharePoint network issues varies.112How does Firewall or security configured for SharePoint farm?Checkpoint113Is there any proxy services in place for SharePoint Farm?No, there are no proxy services in place for SharePoint Farm.114Is there any 3rd party security solution implemented for security?Third party security solutions are McAfee and FireEye.115How many total servers are in place for SharePoint Farm?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 5.116Are total servers, virtual or physical or a combination of both?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 7.117What is the OS version?The OS version is 2012R2118How often servers are patched?The servers are patched monthly.119Is the storage internal to server or SAN or NetApp?The storage is SAN120What is server configuration?The server configuration varies.121How many NICS on each server?There are 2 NICS on each server.122How are servers are monitored?Servers are monitored via SCOM custom scripts123How many incidents are reported due to Server Issues?>20% of incidents reported are due to server issues.124What is AD version?Unknown125How AD connectivity is established?Unable to answer this question without additional information.126How users are authenticated?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 12.127How many total site collections are there?There are 390 total site collections.128Is there any external accessible site?Yes, there are over 300 external accessible sites using ADFS.129How many sites are hosted?1800+ sites are hosted.130How many internal sites are hosted?1800+ internal sites are hosted.131How many customizations are made currently?Extensive 132How many plugins are used currently?None133How many work flows?Unknown134How many managed solutions are being hosted?50+ managed solutions are hosted.135How many non-managed solutions are hosted?Unknown136How many applications are hosted?18 web applications are hosted.137Is PWA being used?Yes138Is K2 being used?No.139Does HR use SharePoint?HR uses SharePoint.140Is content and Search 2 farms or single farm?Content and Search are a single farm.141How many my Sites are there?None.142How many blogs are there?None.143How many sites are activated and how many are not activated?All sites are activated144What is the content farm size?600 gb145What is the search farm size?The size is approximately 1.3 million items146How frequently search farm is indexed?It is indexed as needed; crawled monthly147How content farm is managed?Unsure of what question is being asked.148How many issues reported for SharePoint Farm?>10 issues reported for SharePoint Farm.149What is change process used for SharePoint?There is an Internal Change Management Process that will be shared with the successful Contractor.150How is branding used in SharePoint?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 20.151How does governance placed for SharePoint?Governance is posted on site152What is the DR for SharePoint?The DR is Backup sql by server team153How many load balancers configured for SharePoint farm?One load balancer is configured for the SharePoint farm.154Does any port mapping or nat in place?No155What is the SQL version? How is the SQL Configured?SQL 2012 configured to SP standards156How frequently is SQL updated?unknown157What is the number and size of DB's?unknown158How many SQL jobs running for SharePoint farm?unknown159How is SQL backed up?unknown160Does SQL get SAN HDD or NetApp?unknown161Is SQL cluster A-P / A-A-P?No. it is not.162How many total integrations are in place with external system?There are 2 total integrations.163Does any data push points in place?Yes164Does any system pull data from SharePoint Farm?Yes165Does SharePoint frame pull data from any external system?Yes166How many total connections in place of BAI?There are 2 connection in place of BAI.167Any 3rd party connectors used for hosted app?No third-party connectors are used for hosted applications.168Any connectors for DATA pull or push?Yes, there are connectors for DATA pull or push.1691. What is the current Service Pack of the 2013 deployment?5/1/20161702. Who installed / configured / designed the current deployment?The Commonwealth SharePoint Team installed, configured and designed the current deployment.1713. Is the Information Architecture documented? Are there any system documents (specifications, designs, etc.)? If so, please provide copies.Please refer to the answer to Question Number 5.1724. If customizations have been deployed, please describe the nature of the customization and supporting technologies.a. Does OIT have the source code for customizations?WSP. The source code will be provided to the selected Contractor as necessary.1735. If 3rd party solutions are used, please describe the solution each providesNone1746. What other applications / systems have interdependencies with the SharePoint deployment?a. What do these applications do?CRM.The Microsoft Dynamics CRM List component for SharePoint enables Microsoft Dynamics CRM to automatically create folders that will be used to store documents related to Microsoft Dynamics CRM records on SharePoint1757. What native Enterprise solutions have you deployed?a. For InfoPath forms or workflow, please provide (high level) what business solutions are addressed.UnknownAutomation services1768. Who is performing current system management? What in their approach is positive and what is negative?Contracted staff.This response is not needed for Contractors to submit a response.1779. What Commonwealth agencies are using SharePoint under this contract?a. For enhancements, will the vendor work directly with these agencies? If not, please explain the process you have in mind for gathering business requirements.Multiple Agencies.For enhancements, selected Contractor will work directly with agencies.17810. How does OIT envision filtering of Tier 1 calls to the Tier 2/3 vendor?a. Will the response times begin at the start of Tier 1 or at Tier 2?Over the past year, how many Tier 2/3 calls have you logged?c. Could you provide information on the nature and types of Tier 2/3 calls?How many Tier 1 calls over the past year?Who is responsible for Tier 1 today?f. Will OIT consider an offer to cover Tier 1 calls?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 88.A. Tier 2B. >100C. Anywhere from critical tickets where the service is unavailable to simple help with a web part.D. >100E. OA-OIT Help DeskF. No, beyond the scope of the RFQ.17911. Where is the server farm located and how is it physically managed?In Harrisburg, managed by server team18012. Are there any restrictions with installing monitoring tools of our choice?Yes, must use tools provided.18113. Are there any clearances required by OIT for vendor employees?Yes; any on-site resource which will have access to Commonwealth systems will be required to submit a PATCH report.18214. Does OIT require an onsite presence, and if so what is your expectation?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 8.18315. As stated, in II.H.2, the contractor is to provide a valid CAL. Can OIT provide this?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 25.18416. When will OIT be considering a migration to 2016?Please refer to the answer to Question Number 11. ................

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