Concept Note # 09 of ARAI, Pune, Maharashtra State, India

1.Name / Organisation The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), Pune, Maharashtra State, India (Research Institute – Indian not-for-profit organization)2.Email address / Phone numberName: Dr. S. S. RamdasiEmail: ramdasi.edl@ Mobile: +91 9822869899 Landline: +91 20 676214383.Title of ProjectDevelopment of Cost Effective Full Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power Train (HEV-P3) and light weight chassis / Aluminium body for Small Commercial Vehicle Application (BS VI Platform) to get 22 – 25% Improvement in Fossil Fuel Economy4.Application for ICF ClusterFuture Mobility, Maharashtra 5.Co-Members of the Consortium *(Type – Indian Academia, Indian Business, International Academia, International Business, Indian non-commercial organisation, International non-commercial organisation, Other - specify)* Information not mandatory for the concept note stage.#OrganizationType1.Vasudhaiva Engineering Pvt. Ltd (VEPL)Indian Business2.UNIVERSITY OF WARVICK, UKInternational Academia6.If you do not already have agreed consortium members, please indicate here the kind of partners you would like to hear from. Not Applicable7.Are you content for us to publish your concept note on our web platform in order to encourage potential consortium members to reach out to you? Yes8.Funding Requested (up to ?250k)?250k9.Co-funding provided (if any) and sourceNo10.Please summarise your Innovation Challenge Fund research project in one sentence. 350 character limitHybridization of existing diesel fuel based Small Commercial Vehicle (SCV) through development of P3 type HEV power train to get fossil fuel economy (FE) improvement in the range of 22- 25% without affecting driveability of the base vehicle and testing of the vehicle on chassis dynamometer and on the test tracks. 11.Please describe your project further. What problem does your pilot seek to address? Who are the potential beneficiaries and other stakeholders? What are the inputs and activities, and what are the outputs? What does success look like after 12 months of funded research? How will your solution reach the market place? 2500 character limitHybridization of existing BS VI diesel fuel based Small Commercial Vehicle (SCV) through development of P3 type HEV power train to get fossil fuel economy (FE) improvement in the range of 22 - 25%. Vehicle performance with increase GVW (due to hybridization) and current payload viz. accelerations, max velocity and grad ability will be maintained same as of base vehicle. Emission norms of the base BS VI vehicle will be retained with minimum modifications in existing engine control unit and after treatment device calibration. Prototypes of 7 speed AMT based transmission along with indigenous AMT controller is already being developed for the SCV under consideration having BS IV as a platform. Already developed 7 speed AMT based transmission will be used during execution of this project. Project involves development of indigenous supervisory control functions, AMT controller functions and BMS controller software. In order to compensate weight increase due to hybridization, a new chassis will be developed for light weighting by optimizing its mass and stiffness distribution. On similar lines aluminum body will be designed and fabricated along with new light weight chassis development.Finally, HEV power train will be fitted on the vehicle by an integration of engine, transmission, motor, battery pack, power electronics, various control units and wiring harness for performance optimization on chassis dynamometer viz. FE, emissions, accelerations, max velocity and cycle trace. Performance evaluation and demonstration of HEV power train fitted vehicle will also be carried out on test track for FE, acceleration, max velocity, grad ability, EMI / EMC compliance check. A very typical driving pattern is observed for small commercial vehicles in many cities in Maharashtra state in India. When small commercial vehicles segment is considered, operating cost becomes a prime factor. Improving fuel economy by introducing hybridization in this segment will not only help in reducing the operating cost but also will help is reducing emissions at account of lesser usage of fossil fuel for operation.12.What is ‘technological’ about your proposed solution and why might this be appropriate to the challenge areas?1000 character limitPresent BS VI diesel vehicle will be converted into full parallel HEV with P3 architecture with automated manual transmission. Efficient control logic functions will be developed to optimising use of both the power plants, improving fuel economy in the range of 22-25% (proportional reduction will be in the CO2 emissions). Also due to narrow bound control of charging and discharging of battery due to on board charging by engine, life expectancy of battery is supposed to extend considerably. Developed HEV powertrain will be mounted on the vehicle and tested on chassis dynamometer and on test tracks. 13.Is your proposed solution a response to the impacts of COVID-19, or an effort to contain the pandemic? If so, please explain. 1000 character limit NOThis technology can be effectively being used in society in all kind of scenarios irrespective of this pandemic situation.14.Does your proposed solution contribute to combatting climate change or promoting a greener planet? If so, please explain. 1000 character limitYes. The proposed architecture comes under category of full parallel hybrid electric vehicle. With the development of efficient energy management strategy, engine can be operated always in its best efficiency zone taking remaining power from the battery. Engine also used for charging the battery without having dependency on external grids. The total improvement in the FE economy of the vehicle in the range of 22-25% (approx.) can be achieved and hence in moreover in same % reduction in CO2 emissions over base IC Engine driven vehicle can be obtained. As at source fuel can be cut by shifting engine driven operations on the electric motor, fossil fuel can be conserved and emissions will be reduced. 15.How is your proposal relevant to the development challenges of India? 1000 character limitFrom Indian context, CAPEX and OPEX are the most decisive factors followed by flexibility in operations, durability and overall performance of the vehicle. The proposed technology will offer at par advantages with OPEX but with 20 to 30% rise in CAPEX over base EV version. However, this delta rise can be compensated due to more business hours that will be available for operation of the bus due to present on board range extender facility. All other benefits are on top this viz. flexibility, durability and life due to the technical advantages mentioned above. 16.What consideration have you made of gender in developing your concept? Could your project address gender inequality or other kinds of inequality? 1000 character limitTechnology developed in this project is beneficial to all persons irrespective of financial status or social background and has no gender bias.Notes: Please be kindly reminded of the primary criteria: relevance to the environmental and/or C19 agenda. See boxes 13 and 14. Except box 5, all boxes require mandatory response.In the interests of fairness, proposals that exceed the character limits will not be considered. ................

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