Project Background - Sacramento Area Council of Governments

Project BackgroundProject Identification Project TitleSACOG ID number (if available)PPNO and/or EA number (if applicable)Federal ID number (if applicable)Completion date of Project Study Report or equivalent (If applicable; Estimated completion date, if pending)Is this a phase of a larger project? If so, which project?Lead Agency Contact InformationNamePositionAgencyAddressPhoneE-mailPartner Agency Contact Information (if applicable)NamePositionAgencyAddressPhoneE-mailProject Funding Request (round costs to the nearest thousand dollars)Total funding request Total project costIf only part of project is eligible for SACOG funding, what is the total eligible project cost?Project Screening CriteriaProject Screening CriteriaYesNoIs your project listed in the 2016 MTP/SCS or a lump sum project category? Does your funding request include a minimum of 11.47% match in non-federal funds? Is your project eligible for CMAQ, RSTP, and/or STIP funding? For questions about fund eligibility, contact Caltrans D3 Local Assistance: Will you be able to begin construction no later than April 2025, with preliminary engineering and environmental analysis scheduled within three years?If you are requesting construction funding, can you demonstrate that the environmental, engineering, and right-of-way phases will be complete by the time construction funds are requested?If you are requesting construction funding, can you demonstrate financial ability for ongoing operations and maintenance?Project NeedFill in the table below to show which planning documents describe project need:Planning DocumentDescribes Need for Project? (check if yes)Last Updated (year, for those checked yes)Name & hyperlink(for those checked yes)Pavement management systemShort-range transit plan Capital and operations planActive transportation plan (e.g. Bicycle Master Plan, Trails Master Plan, etc.)Economic revitalization planOther local, regional, or state planning document(s) (identify each)Describe your community outreach for the project, including to resident, neighborhood, and/or business groups. Include any examples of how you incorporated this feedback into the final project. (suggested length: 1-2 paragraphs)Why is this project a priority for your agency? (suggested length: 1 paragraph)Project Scope Provide a 1-2 sentence description of your project.Describe your project's context-sensitive design features (i.e., features appropriate for surrounding land uses, transportation needs, and community vision). Consider in your response:Operational improvements (e.g., ITS/signalization improvements, traveler information, geometrical improvements, etc.)Active transportation facilities (e.g., bulb-outs, bike boxes, types of bikeways, etc.)Green street elements (e.g., permeable pavement, bioswales, tree plantings, etc.) Innovative/sustainable materials or treatments (e.g., energy efficient lighting, recycled pavement, etc.)(suggested length: 1 paragraph)How did you determine that the proposed project is the preferred alternative for the project area? (suggested length: 1 paragraph)What risks have you identified for the project? Describe:Risks that would change scope or schedule (e.g., community involvement, approvals, etc.)Cost overrun risks. What efforts have you made to ensure the cost estimates contained in this application are current, justifiable, and defensible, especially given the existing bid environment? Selected projects will be held to SACOG delivery policies at time of the funding award. Risks previously identified by outside agencies involved in permitting or clearance approvals(suggested length: 1-2 paragraphs. Answer each sub-element in the question)Provide a description that demonstrates the ability to absorb any cost overruns and deliver the proposed project with no additional funding from the Regional Program. For Caltrans implemented projects, Caltrans must demonstrate the plan to secure alternate source (s) to fund potential cost overruns. (suggested length: 1 paragraph)If SACOG could only partially fund your project, is there a reduced scope/usable partial stage of your project? Please describe the reduced or partial scope and cost(s). (suggested length: 1 paragraph)Project ImpactsPerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureDoes the project provide benefits to underserved populations?LIHM (low income, high minority) populationDoes the project serve a disadvantaged community?% LIHM populationHow will your project address the needs of disadvantaged communities and/or vulnerable populations? (e.g., as identified by LIHM, CalEnviroScreen 3.0, the Health Disadvantage Index, and/or other local assessments/studies/definitions of disadvantaged communities). Consider addressing:If the project was requested by and/or is supported by disadvantaged community residents If the project directly benefits disadvantaged residents in the project area, or extends benefits to disadvantaged residents beyond the project area(suggested length: 1 paragraph)How might the project have negative impacts (e.g., increased truck travel, traffic, air pollution, etc.) for the project area or residents? How will those negative impacts be addressed or mitigated? (suggested length: 1 paragraph)How will this project build upon/interact with planned transportation, land use, or other projects that will change or impact the project area in the next five to ten years? (suggested length: 1 paragraph)If the project adds roadway capacity in an area not slated for development in the 2016 MTP/SCS, what are the adopted access controls, land use policies, and other strategies your agency will use to avoid the urbanization of the corridor? (suggested length: 1 paragraph)Performance Outcomes & Selection ConsiderationsThe Regional Program requires applicants to select three of the seven program performance outcomes. Projects are evaluated on the three outcomes selected by the applicant. In the list below, select the three performance outcomes that are most related to the benefits of your project. Complete the following performance outcomes narrative section only for the three selected outcomes (deleting or leaving the sections on the other four outcomes blank). Also complete the Project Performance Assessment Tool summary output table and attach to your application. SACOG will merge the applicable PPA data indicators for the three selected outcomes into your application and remove the additional four measures from evaluation. SACOG considers applications that select more or fewer than three performance outcomes as unresponsive to the program guidelines. ? Attach Project Performance Assessment Tool Output Table (required for all projects except transit maintenance)or? Provide TAM Data per SACOG instructions (only for projects for transit vehicle replacements or equipment) Select three performance outcomes to be evaluated:? Reduce regional VMT/capita? Reduce regional congested VMT/capita? Increase multimodal travel options? Provide long-term economic benefit? Improve goods movement? Improve safety and security? Demonstrate state of good repairPlease see the Regional Program Guidelines for instructions on using the project performance assessment (PPA) tool, documentation of the data indicators, and evaluation guidance on how the reviewers will interpret the data indicators and narrative responses. You may include additional data not in the PPA tool in your narrative responses to the performance outcome questions. Outcome #1: Reduce regional VMT/capitaPerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureDoes the project serve an area that currently has low VMT per capita?VMT/capitaDoes the project serve an area with high employment and/or residential density?Net Jobs+ Dwelling Units/acreDoes the project serve an area significantly decreasing its VMT per capita through time?% change VMT/capitaDoes the project serve an area with planned increases in density?% change densityNarrative Response Provided by Applicant (suggested length: 1 to 2 pages)What are the features of your project and/or project area that will help to realize the projected VMT reductions? How will these features reduce VMT per capita? Consider addressing how your project:Improves, contributes to, and/or fills in a gap in the active transportation network Eliminates a physical barrier (e.g., highway, major arterial, rail line or river crossing) in the active transportation networkPromotes, preserves, provides, or encourages a shift from low occupancy to higher occupancy vehicles (carpooling, transit, etc.)?Provides new or improved transportation options in an area with a mix of residential, employment, education, and service uses Enables more direct travel to local or regionally-serving employment, housing, and/or amenitiesOutcome #2: Reduce regional congested VMT/capitaPerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureHow severe is current congestion in the project area?CVMT/VMT in buffer areaTo what extent is the project area projected to have growth that could increase future congestion?Percent dwelling unit and employment growth in buffer areaNarrative Response Provided by Applicant (suggested length: 1 to 2 pages)How are the proposed design elements/treatments the most cost-effective and appropriate for the surroundings to address current congestion? Consider addressing:Your use of operational/ITS improvements Your agency’s past successes with similar treatments and the evidence they were effective at addressing congestion (if applicable)Treatments your agency already tried or implemented to address congestion in the areaThe impact of the project on parallel facilitiesOutcome #3: Increase multimodal travel optionsThis outcome examines three transportation modes: biking, walking, and transit. Select up to three sets of indicators related to the modal options your project will improve (i.e., you can select one, two or all three of the modal indicators). Your answer to the narrative question below should respond to the modal sets selected here.? Set 1: Increase bikingPerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureTo what extent is the project in, or add to, an area supported by a network of dedicated bike facilities? Bike lanes and paths/total roadway mileageTo what extent is facility conducive to bike travel?Facility speed and AADTDoes project serve an area projected to increase Bike/Ped/Transit mode share?2036 mode share? Set 2: Increase walkingPerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureTo what extent is the project in, or add to, an area with high street connectivity to encourage walking? # of 3 or 4 intersections per acreDoes project serve an area projected to increase Bike/Ped/Transit mode share?2036 mode share? Set 3: Increase transit usePerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureTo what extent does the project support an area with productive transit service?Transit serviceDoes project serve an area projected to increase Bike/Ped/Transit mode share?2036 mode shareNarrative Response Provided by Applicant (suggested length: 1 to 2 pages)How does the project contribute to increased biking, walking, and/or transit use???Consider addressing: Design or scope elements focused on improving the user experience for people biking, walking, and/or taking transit?How your project connects origins and destinations that would encourage mode shifts for trips Outcome #4 Provide long-term economic benefitSelect one of the two sets of indicators that best suits your project’s contribution to economic benefits and outcomes (i.e., only select one of these two sets, not both).? Set 1: AccessibilityPerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureTo what extent does the project support job accessibility?Transit + Drive Job AccessTo what extent does the project support accessibility to educational facilities?K – university enrollmentDoes the project serve a fast growing employment area?% employment growth? Set 2: Agricultural EconomyPerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureTo what extent does the project support the agricultural economy?% of current ag acresDoes project serve an area projected in the MTP/SCS to stay in agriculture?% of ag acres convertedDoes the project serve a fast growing employment area?% employment growthNarrative Response Provided by Applicant (suggested length: 1 to 2 pages)How will this project support local economic development goals or strategies? Consider addressing the project’s design and role in:Strengthening economic prosperity in your project area/community Creating a sense of place and/or increasing perceived safety in the project areaImproving accessibility to job sites and/or educational/training facilitiesReinforcing the economic base of the area, e.g., the agricultural economyOutcome #5: Improve goods movementPerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureDoes the project serve, or connect to, a corridor used by goods movement?Commercial VMT/VMTDoes the project serve an area that is congested for commercial vehicle travel?Commercial CVMT/Commercial VMTDoes the project serve an area with freight-dependent jobs?Percent of freight-dependent jobs Narrative Responses Provided by Applicant (suggested total length for both questions: 1 to 2 pages)How will the project improve freight movement that serves the local economy and/or inter-regional freight flows? Consider addressing: The project’s role in solving first mile/last mile challenges for accessing a key freight destination (e.g., agricultural facility, processing or distribution center, intermodal/transfer center, commercial/industrial facility, etc.) Relationship to the State Freight Network and the FHWA National Highway Freight NetworkHow does the project’s design address freight travel and needs of other transportation users? Consider addressing:Sustainable design features Context-sensitive features to reduce the impacts of increased freight travel on the roadway and the surrounding environment System maintenance Outcome #6: Improve safety and securityPerformance Measures Provided by PPA ToolIndicatorData MeasureDoes the facility have a high rate of collisions?Total collisions per 1 million VMTDoes the facility have a high rate of fatal collisions?% fatality collisionsDoes the facility have a high rate of collisions involving pedestrians or cyclists?% bike/ped collisionsNarrative Response Provided by Applicant (suggested length: 1 to 2 pages)Describe the causes of safety issues in the project area and how the project design addresses them. Consider discussing how the project incorporates safety components to promote safer travel behaviors, such as:Safety countermeasures from the California Local Roadway Safety Manual (available online at )Innovative designs to increase separation between modesCreation of an alternative route parallel to a facility with high collision ratesOutcome #7: Demonstrate state of good repair benefitsSelect one of the two types of projects (roadway or transit) that best relate to your project. Answer both of the narrative questions in the selected project type section.? Roadway Project Performance Measures Provided by PPA ToolRoadway IndicatorData MeasureWhat is the pavement condition of facility?PCI What is the use of the roadway?ADT What level of transportation needs are created by the surrounding land uses in project area?Complete Street index(see PPA documentation for index definition)Narrative Responses Provided by Applicant for Road Projects (suggested total length for both questions: 1 to 2 pages)How are the proposed design elements/treatments the best treatments to preserve and extend the life of the project/transportation system? Consider addressing:Innovative pavement rehabilitation or related treatmentsPreventative maintenance treatmentsPavement management best practicesHow do the proposed design elements/treatments address the transportation needs of existing and future users across the different modes (vehicle, freight, bike, pedestrian, etc.)?? Transit ProjectPerformance Measures Provided by TAM DataTransit IndicatorData MeasureUseful life% of revenue vehicles (by type) that exceed the FTA's default useful life benchmark (years)Condition of vehicles requesting to replaceVehicle mileage, remaining CNG tank lifeFunding strategySecured funding sourcesNarrative Responses Provided by Applicant for Transit Projects (suggested total length for both questions: 1 to 2 pages)How did you define your projected/future vehicle replacement and/or equipment needs and funding request when accounting for the following factors?Your agency’s ridership and trends over the past five yearsPeak fleet usageAnticipated future transit services and/or revisions to servicesService alternatives that some transit agencies are beginning to adopt, such as first-mile/last-mile service, community shuttles, on-demand services, partnerships with TNCs, microtransit, etc. Amount of agency reserves that may be used for capital expenditures, and your intended or planned uses of those reserves.Please note any other information that impacts your anticipated vehicle replacement or equipment needs and proposed purchases, such as: Increased service calls for any vehicles to be replaced compared with the average for all vehicles of that typeSpecific vehicle and/or equipment needs for the transit service you provideCurrent and anticipated spares ratio if request is funded (accounting for other future funded vehicle purchases) ................

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