Lesson Subject: _______________________ Week of

Name: Briana Rodgers Lesson Subject: Science and writing Week of: 1/13 – 1/17 Grade Level: 5th

| | | |Instruction | | |

| |Objective/CAS |Motivational Activity |Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration |Assessment |Closure |

| |Application |Engagement | |Evaluation | |

| |GLE: |Engage: Students will be given |Explore: As a pair the students will be asked to highlight key |Assessment: Students will be |Closure: Ask students to recap |

| |Strand 1: 1.C.5- Scope and sequence|a short story to read about |concepts together and decide what parts of the water cycle are |required to fill out a graphic |what steps of the water cycle we|

|F |water cycle and weather. |Walter the Water Molecule and |described. |organizer displaying their ideas |reviewed today and revisit the |

| |a. describe how changes in state |his adventures through the | |before beginning writing, complete|idea of the water cycle not |

| |provide evidence that matter is |water cycle and asked to read |Explain: After reading the article as a class we will discuss what|a rough draft that is edited and |being a perfect circle. |

| |made of particles too small to be |it with a partner. |parts of the water cycle were discussed throughout the story and |revised, and turn in a final draft| |

| |seen. | |add notes to help understand the story. |with correct spelling, sentence | |

| | | | |structure, and layout. | |

| | | |Elaborate: Taking a break from the Walter the Water Molecule story| | |

| | | |the students will create a foldable demonstrating the water cycle | | |

| | | |using pictures, key words, and definitions. | | |

| | | |The students will follow step by step as I demonstrate how to | | |

| | | |create the foldable. As a class we will look in our text books and| | |

| | | |come up with the definitions for each step of the water cycle. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Explain: I will explain to the students that we will be writing | | |

| | | |our own story just like Walter’s. We will go over a format for | | |

| | | |outlining your ideas in a graphic organizer before you write and | | |

| | | |have students complete one on their own after creating a class | | |

| | | |graphic organizer using Walter’s story. | | |


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