ABDOMIANL PAIN / NAUSEA: Assess pain level, type of pain ...

ABDOMINAL PAIN / NAUSEA: Assess pain level, type of pain, duration, and onset.

Take temperature. Rest / Observe. If febrile or condition persists, notify parent / guardian. May administer medication per standing orders for students in grades 7-12 or private physician orders for grades K-6.

ABRASIONS / CUTS: Cleanse with hydrogen peroxide. Apply triple antibiotic ointment and bandage / dry dressing as needed. For more severe cuts / bleeding: elevate above heart, apply pressure. May use cold compress to slow bleeding. Once bleeding controlled, follow above steps. As applicable, check status of Tetanus immunization.

ASTHMA: Per Asthma Policy

BEE STINGS / INSECT BITES: Observe closely for reaction and if noted, treat per emergency protocol; otherwise remove stinger with a scraping motion. Apply Sting Kill or generic topical anesthetic / ice. May apply anti-itch gel if needed. Epi-Pen by standing order / private physician order.

BURNS: Apply cool compress / submerge in cold water, not ice. May apply burn gel and dry dressing. For severe burns apply dry dressing – do not remove adhered particles of clothing and material. Call parent / guardian / 911. For chemical burns, wash away with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes. Removes any jewelry / clothing covered with chemical after a few minutes of initial flushing.

CHOKING: Ask victim for permission to help. If coughing, allow them to cough up the object. If victim cannot speak, certified personnel to perform Heimlich maneuver.

COLDS / SORE THROAT: Assess temperature. If febrile or symptoms severe, notify parent / guardian. If normal, may have lozenge. May administer meds per standing orders for students in grades 7-12 or private physician orders for grades K-6.

COMMUNICABLE DISEASE: If suspected, exclude. Notify building principal. May return with physician permission.

CONTACT DERMATITIS: Apply anti-itch medication as needed.

DENTAL INJURY: If baby tooth completely dislodged, have student bite down on gauze until bleeding stops. If student loses adult tooth do not handle by the root – rinse tooth with water and place in cup of water or milk. Call parent / guardian to take to dentist.

DYSMENORRHEA: Rest as needed depending on symptoms / severity. Notify parent / guardian as necessary. May administer medication per standing orders for students in grades 7-12 or private physician orders for grades K-6.

EAR ACHE: Assess temperature. If temperature is elevate or infection suspected notify parent / guardian. If draining, may apply cotton to outer ear.

EYE INJURY: Have victim lie still – if “black – eye” develops, apply cold compress to reduce internal bleeding, swelling, and relieve pressure. Apply clean gauze over a cut near the eye. Do not apply direct pressure near the eye to stop bleeding. Notify parent / guardian.

FOREIGN BODY IN EYE: No rubbing of the eye – have student look in all directions; when object located, flush with water and / or lift with clean cloth / cotton tipped applicator.

FAINTING: Lie victim on side with head lower than feet. Loosen tight clothing. Use ammonia inhalant if necessary. If victim does not regain consciousness within a minute, call 911. Notify parent / guardian.

FEVER: Assess symptoms associated with the fever. Notify parent / guardian. Students with a fever = > 100 should be sent home. May administer medication per standing orders for students in grades 7-12 or private physician orders for grades K-6.

HEADACHE: Assess pain level, type of pain, duration and onset. If no temperature, may rest. May administer mediation per standing orders for students in grades 7-12, or private physician orders for grades K-6.

HEAD INJURIES: Evaluate type of injury and cause. If closed wound and victim is conscious, apply ice to area. If superficial open wound and victim is conscious, clean area with hydrogen peroxide, and apply triple antibiotic ointment, dry dressing, ice as needed. Observe for confusion / behavior changes, difficulty arousing, persistent, repeated vomiting, severe / continued headache, stiffness of neck, fever, difficulty with speech, gait, hearing, balance, vision, weakness of extremities, seizures, or bloody / clear fluid from ear / nose. If victim unconscious call 911.

HEAT EMERGENICES: Evaluate for symptoms of heat exhaustion: cool, moist, or hot, red skin, dizziness, nausea, headache, extreme thirst. If any signs are noted, get victim to a cooler place. May apply wet towels to the skin – replenish slowly with 4 oz. of water every 15 minutes.

HUMAN BITES: If skin is not broken, cleanse with soap and water and apply cold compress. If skin is broken cleanse with soap and water, triple anti-biotic ointment and dry dressing if needed. May apply cold compress.

IMPALED OBJECTS: In skin – Keep victim still, stabilize object – do not pull out. Apply light indirect pressure around the object to control bleeding. In Eye – do not remove – place a plastic cup / patch over eye – call 911.

INJESTION OF TOXIC SUBSTANCE: Call poison control center - 1-800-222-1222.

MOUTH / GUM INJURIES: Rinse with cool water. Ice as needed.

MOUTH ULCERS: Apply generic oral pain relief gel.

MUSCLE / JOINT INJURIES: Wrap the injured muscle – apply ice – elevate. Instruct student to re-apply ice every 3-4 hours for the next 24 hours.

NECK / BACK INJURIES: If a spinal injury is suspected, do not move victim. Stabilize the victim by placing hands on either side of the head and hold head as you find it. Call 911.

NOSEBLEEDS: Press bleeding nostril toward midline for 5-10 minutes while sitting down and leaning forward slightly. Apply ice to bridge of nose as needed. If unable to control bleeding, notify parent.

SEIZURE: Keep victim from hurting themselves – remove objects from around the person. Protect the head by placing a thin cushion, towel, or pillow under it. If there is any fluid in the victims mouth, roll victim on one side. Do not restrain or place anything into the victim’s mouth. Notify parent / guardian and call 911 if indicated.

SPLINTER: Clean area with hydrogen peroxide. Attempt to remove if superficial. If unable to remove with tweezers apply icthammol and band aid. Splinters that are large and deeply placed should be treated as a puncture and removed by a physician.

SPRAINS / STRAINS / SUSPECTED FRACTURE OR DISLOCATION: Rest, ice, wrap, elevate. Notify parent / guardian depending on severity.

TOOTACHE: Apply topical analgesic. May administer oral analgesic for grades 7-12 per standing orders or private physician orders for grade K-6. Notify parent or guardian if necessary.

July 1, 2006


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