Immigrant Kids - Mrs. Little's AIG Website

Immigrant Kids

By: Russell Freedman

A Journey



Children in 1906 and 2008

Analyze the photos of the children on the cover and pages 1-2 in Immigrant Kids.

List three things you learned about children in 1906.

1. _________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

Analyze a photo of children you have or find in a recent textbook of kids in the 2000’s.

List three things you learned about children in the 2000’s.

1. _________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

List the similarities and differences of children in 1906 and the 2000’s.







At Work

Read pages 40-53 in Immigrant Kids. After reading the section, choose a job and modify it to make it better.

• Job: _________________________

Give three reasons how you can make this better. Explain each.




Read the following information:

Child labor has a long history in the United States, dating back to the early European settlers. Pioneer children were required to work as the country was being cleared and settled, and some Europeans brought young indentured servants with them to the "New World." Child labor laws were passed in many states during the 1800s, but they were outgrown as industrialization led to increased demand for cheap labor. The 1900 census brought the problem into focus when it reported that 1,750,178 children aged ten to fifteen were working in the continental United States. When the number of younger working children was checked, it was estimated that two million children were working in factories, fields, mills, mines, tenement houses, and on city streets across the country.

In 1904, the National Child Labor Committee was founded to work for

effective national legislation to end child labor. In 1908 it hired

photographer Lewis Hine to document the extent of child labor throughout the country and the children's working conditions in various industries. His photographs are the most enduring images from the crusade against child labor that began in the United States in the early 1900s. Some of the political cartoons inspired by the campaign are included in the following website.

Go to the website and look the following cartoons listed below and answer each question.

Cartoon #1

The children seem to be standing on something.

Using hints from the picture, what could it be? Explain.



Why are they standing on it?



Look at the men in the picture:

What do you notice is on the tall hats of the men in the picture?



How are they dressed?



Cartoon #2

Looking at the old man all the way to the right…

The wording refers to the old man as “Uncle Sam.” What do you think he represents?



The Children:

Describe the children and their father. What do they look like? What stands out to you?



According to the sentences beneath the picture, where are the children going?



According to the sentences beneath the picture, “Uncle Sam” is questioning the father about his children. What does “Uncle Sam” want to know?



What is the father’s response? Explain.



At Play

Read pages 54-67 in Immigrant Kids. After reading the section, choose a game of the 1900s and modify it to play today.

• Game: ___________________

To make it a game children would like to play today, I would modify it by doing the following:



Explain why you made the changes you did.





Read the following about board games in the 1800’s from “Million Minute Family Challenge.”

THE 1800S:

American board games were a lot like real life situations. In the beginning, most of the games had to do with being good and doing the right thing. The first American "board" game was created in 1843 by the W.&S.B. Ives Company. It was called the Mansion of Happiness. In this game, good deeds led children and their playing pieces down the path to "eternal happiness." In 1860, Milton Bradley created The Checkered Game of Life, which rewarded good deeds and punished bad ones. It was a big hit. Many people still play this game today. As traveling became more affordable in the late 1800s, more Americans traveled overseas. Companies created games that appealed to these travelers. When they came back, they could relive their trips by playing travel games such as Around the World, released in 1873, or the McLoughlin Brothers’ Game of Round the World with Nellie Bly, which came out

in 1890. Travel games like these remained popular into the early 1900s.

Now go to the following website to learn more:

1. Click on the timeline link to the left and learn about games in 1902-1916.

2. Then click on the Toys and Games link to the left. Click on Crayons, read the information and answer the questions below.

What is the translation for CRAYOLA?



Choose a new name for the next CRAYOLA crayon and describe what color it would be.



Make the color in the box below.

Click on Teddy Bears, read the information, and answer the following questions.

How is President Roosevelt linked to the teddy bear?



Do you have a teddy bear? ___________

What is/was its name? ___________

Click on inventors, click on Parker Brothers, and read the information.

Click on the quiz and do your best. (Hint: You may surf through the website to find the answers.) Write your score here: ___________(out of 10)

Assessment: What was it like to be an immigrant kid?

Think of a specifically memorable aspect you learned about during our study of immigrant kids. Explain which one you will remember and tell why you were interested in it.













At Home

Read pages 15-27 in Immigrant Kids. After reading the selection, write each living condition in the tenement from good to bad. (…*living in cramped apartments, *using one room for more than one purpose, *windowless bedrooms, *toilet outside the hallway that was used by at least two families, *no running water, *no refrigeration, *no supermarkets, *kitchen sink used to wash dishes, clothes and kids, *sharing bed with three or four people, *taking in strangers as boarders to pay rent, *no privacy.)

1. _____________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________

4. ______________________

5. ______________________

6. ______________________

7. ______________________

8. ______________________

9. ______________________

10. ______________________

11. ______________________

Computer Room Assignment

Visit the following websites to gain more knowledge and understanding of life at home in the tenements.

• tenement/index.html, click on “Urban Log Cabin”, View 1870 tenement and then 1915 tenement.

• cgi-bin/page.cgi/es/ny, click “A Crowded Home and Welcome to the USA”

• cgi-bin/page.cgi/es/ny/museum_1

After viewing the websites above, write a paragraph about the immigrants’ lifestyle in the tenements of the Lower East Side in New York City.
















At School – Computer Room Assignment

Visit the following website to gain more knowledge and understanding of the schools of the early 1900s. Write notes on each.

Begin by clicking on the Timeline and then clicking on the Early 1900s.



Then click on Interviews and click on the Interview with Beth’s Great-Granny, 1910s. Read the questions and answers then click no the microphone and listen to more stories by Beth’s Great-Granny. (#2 parades, #3 hot weather). Which response surprised you? Explain.



Click on Discipline and read about what happened to kids who did not follow the rules. Do you agree with these methods? Explain.



Click on Recess, choose your favorite activity, and explain why you would like to play it.



Click on Lesson Plans and complete #1 at home. (Share your results tomorrow)



At School

Read pages 28-39 in Immigrant Kids. After reading the section, make a comparison of the schools in 1906 and in 2008 using the Venn Diagram.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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