The Early Americas

The Early Americas

Chapter 14, Section 1


Main Ideas

1. The geography of the Americas is varied with a wide range of ___________.

2. The first people to arrive in the Americas were _____________.

3. The development of ___________ led to early settlement in the Americas.


The Americas are made up of two ___________, North America and South America (it’s like America only South).

These continents have a wide range of ___________.

The first ___________ of the Americas were hunter-gatherers.

They depended on the geography of the land to find _________.

Historians call the cultural region in the southern part of North America ___________.

Mesoamerica extended from the middle of modern-day ________ south to Central America.

The region’s many rain forests and rivers created _____ farmland.

The first farmers in the Americas _______________ plants there.

Recall How does the climate of North America vary from north to south?

Draw Conclusions Why do you think farming in the Americas first developed in Mesoamerica?


No one is _______ how people first arrived in the Americas.

Some scientists believe they came from ___________ some time before 12,000 BC, walking over a land bridge that crossed the Bering Strait.

Other historians think the first Americans arrived by _______.

The earliest ___________ were hunter-gatherers.

These people survived on wild buffalo and other animals, as well as fruits, nuts, & ____.

They moved frequently, depending upon where ___________ was most plentiful.

Some people eventually settled along ___________, fishing and planting different types of seeds to see which would grow best.

This ___________ early American life.

Explain What part do most scientists think climate change played in early migration to the Americas?

Make Generalizations In what ways is migration today similar to early migration to the Americas?


The ___________ with seeds led to farming.

This allowed people to live in one place ___________.

The first farming ___________ were in Mesoamerica.

By 3500 BC Mesoamericans were growing __________, or corn.

Later they learned to grow squash and beans.

As in other areas of the world, once people settled, ______________________ were created.

The population grew and societies began to develop religion, art, and ___________ opportunities.

Historians believe that the ___________ (OHL-mek) were the first Mesoamericans to live in villages.

Some Olmec lived in bigger towns, which were the centers of government and ___________.

The built pyramids and huge stone sculptures of their rulers and ___________.

They developed a large ___________ network.

Archeological evidence suggests the Olmec may have created the first written language in the Americas and designed a _________.

Later civilizations that traded with the Olmec were ___________ by Olmec culture.

Other civilizations developed in South America around ________.

The methods for growing maize ___________ throughout South and North America.

Recall Where and when did farming first develop in the Americas?

Identify Effects How did farming affect life in the Americas?

Evaluate Why are the Olmec important in the history of the Americas?

Recall Where did farming fist develop in South America, and what crop did people grow?

Summarize How did early people in southwestern United States adapt farming to the region?


Lesson Objective: ______________________________



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