NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development

Guiding Questions by Module (For Use by the EESLPD Mentor/Evaluator and/or Site Administrator)EESLPD Office Mentors and Evaluators and Site Administrators may choose to use the following questions to guide reflective discussion with teachers and to encourage effective application of module content. Teachers are not required to complete and submit responses to the following questions.Module 2: Formative Assessment Tell me about the information you collect to document child learning and growth.How do you use the information your collect?How does this (piece of work/document) tell you about what the child knows and can do?How will you use that to guide your instruction?How do you involve families in the assessment process?Module 3: Promoting Positive Relationships Tell me about what you have done to build a classroom community.What strategies are you using to communicate and partner with families?How do you promote successful relationships that meet the individual needs among your diverse group of learners?What strategies do you use to assess the emotional-social development of the children in your classroom?What are you doing to build positive relationships within your school community?Module 4: Classroom DesignTalk to me about your classroom design and how it is working for you.What strategies do you use to help children access and engage in their learning environment (indoors and outdoors)?How do you involve families in creating the classroom environment?What do you do to encourage children’s ownership of the classroom?How do you think your classroom environment aligns with Foundations and the NC Teaching Standards?Module 5:? Behavior Expectations and Rules Tell me about your classroom expectations/rules? What is your process for developing classroom expectations? How are children involved in determining classroom expectations? How do you communicate and connect classroom expectations to children, families and schools and community? What evidence demonstrates children understand and follow classroom expectations? Module 6:? Schedules and Routines How do you develop transitions that provide learning opportunities? Tell me more about how you provide child directed opportunities? What are some ways you attain balance of both teacher directed child directed learning activities? How do you monitor and/or modify your schedule due to unexpected changes/children’s interests/engagement? What are some strategies that you use to involve families in helping children work independently? ................

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