Publications - Teachers College, Columbia University

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn'sPublicationsNational Center for Children and FamiliesFor reprints please write to:Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Ph.D.National Center for Children and FamiliesTeachers College, Columbia University525 West 120th StreetNew York, NY 10027Or email: sl3995@tc.columbia.eduLast Updated: 03/05/2019BOOKSBrooks-Gunn, J., & Matthews, W. (1979). He and she: How children develop their sex-role identity. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Lewis, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1979). Social cognition and the acquisition of self. New York: Plenum.Furstenberg, F. F., Jr., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Morgan, S. P. (1987). Adolescent mothers in later life. New York: Cambridge University Press.Brooks-Gunn, J., Fuligni, A. S., & Berlin, L. J. (2003). Early child development in the 21st Century: Profiles of current research initiatives. New York: Teachers College Press.Brooks-Gunn, J., Han, W.-J., Waldfogel, J. (2010). First-year maternal employment and child development in the first seven years. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 75. PMCID:?PMC2844643Love, J. M., Chazan-Cohen, R., Raikes, H., Brooks-Gunn, J. (2013) What makes a difference? Early Head Start Evaluation findings in a developmental context. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 78. PMID: 23425422Lerner, R., Petersen, A.C., Silbereisen, R.K., Brooks-Gunn, J. (2013). The developmental science ofadolescence: History through autobiography. New York: Taylor & Francis. EDITED VOLUMES Brooks-Gunn, J., & Petersen, A. C. (Eds.). (1983). Girls at puberty: Biological and psychosocial perspectives. New York: Plenum.Baruch, G. & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1984). Women in midlife. New York: Plenum.Brooks-Gunn, J., Petersen, A. C., & Eichorn, D. (Eds.). (1985). Time of maturation and psychosocial functioning in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Volume 14, Issues 3 & 4.Lerner, R. M., Petersen, A. C., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1991). The encyclopedia of adolescence. New York: Garland.Brooks-Gunn, J., & Petersen, A. C. (Eds.). (1991). The emergence of depression and depressive symptoms during adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Volume 20, Issues 1 & 2.Chase-Lansdale, P. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1995). Escape from poverty: What makes a difference for children? New York: Cambridge University Press.Graber, J. A., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Petersen, A. C. (Eds.). (1996). Transitions through adolescence: Interpersonal domains and context. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Brooks-Gunn, J., Duncan, G. J., & Aber, J. L. (Eds.). (1997). Neighborhood Poverty: Context and consequences for children. (Vol. 1). Policy implications in studying neighborhoods. (Vol. 2). New York: Russell Sage.Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New York: Russell Sage.Cox, M., & Brooks-Gunn J. (Eds.). (1999). Conflict and cohesion in families: Causes and consequences. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Britto, P. R., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (2001). The role of family literacy environments in promoting young children’s emerging literacy skills. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Volume 2001, Issue 92.Garfinkel, I., McLanahan, S., Tienda, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2001). Fragile families and welfare reform. Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 23, Issues 4 & 5.Linver, M. R., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Cabrera, N. (2004). Home observation for measurement of the environment inventory (HOME): Six longitudinal data sets. Parenting: Science and Practice, Volume 4, Issues 2 & 3.Rouse, C. E., Brooks-Gunn, J., & McLanahan, S. (Eds.). (2005). School Readiness: Closing racial and ethnic gaps. The Future of Children, Volume 15, Issue 1. Cabrera, N., Linver, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (2007). New directions in young children’s socio-emotional measures. Infant and Mental Health Journal, Volume 28, Issue 6.Brooks-Gunn, J., & Donahue, E. (Eds.). (2008). Children and electronic media. The Future of Children, Volume 18, Issue 1. . Brooks-Gunn, J., Markman-Pithers, L., & Rouse, C. E. (Eds.). (2016). Starting early: Education from prekindergarten to third grade. The Future of Children, Volume 26, Issue 2. ARTICLES AND CHAPTERS 1. Brooks, J., & Lewis, M. (1974). Attachment behavior in thirteen-month-old, opposite-sex twins. Child Development, 45, 243-247. 2. Brooks, J., & Lewis, M. (1974). The effect of time on attachment as measured in a free play situation. Child Development, 45, 311-316. 3. Lewis, M. & Brooks, J. (1974). Self, other, and fear: Infants' reactions to people. In M. Lewis & L. Rosenblum (Eds.), The origins of fear: The origins of behavior (Vol. 2, pp. 195-227). New York: Wiley. Reprinted version in 1981 also in J. Belsky (Ed.), In the beginning: Readings in infancy (pp. 167-177). New York: Columbia University Press. 4. Lewis, M. & Brooks, J. (1975). Infants' social perception: A constructivist view. In L. Cohen & P. Salapetek (Eds.), Infant perception: From sensation to cognition (Vol. 2, pp. 101-143). New York: Academic Press. 5. Lewis, M., Young, G., Brooks, J., & Michalson, L. (1975). The beginning of friendship. In M. Lewis & L. Rosenblum (Eds.), Friendship and peer relations: The origins of behavior (Vol. 4, pp. 27-66). New York: Wiley. 6. Brooks, J., & Lewis, M. (1976). Infants' responses to strangers: Midget, adult, and child. Child Development, 4, 323-332. 7. Brooks, J., & Weinraub, M. (1976). A history of infant intelligence testing. In M. Lewis (Ed.), Origins of intelligence (pp. 19-58). New York: Plenum. 8. Brooks, J., Ruble, D. N., & Clarke, A. (1977). College women's attitudes and expectations concerning menstrual-related changes. Psychosomatic Medicine, 39, 288-298. 9. Weinraub, M., Brooks, J., & Lewis, M. (1977). The social network: A reconsideration of the concept of attachment. Human Development, 20, 31-47.10. Lewis, M., & Brooks, J. (1978). Self-knowledge and emotional development. In M. Lewis & L. Rosenblum (Eds.), The development of affect: The genesis of behavior (pp. 205-226). New York: Plenum.11. Lewis, M., Brooks, J., & Haviland, J. (1978). Hearts and faces: A study in the measurement of emotion. In M. Lewis & L. Rosenblum (Eds.), The development of affect: The genesis of behavior (pp. 77-123). New York: Plenum.12. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1978). Early social knowledge: The development of knowledge about others. In H. McGurk (Ed.), Childhood social development (pp. 79-106). London: Methuen.13. Ruble, D. N., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1979, June). Menstrual myths. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 110-115.14. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1979). The effect of age and sex on infants' playroom behavior. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 134, 99-105.15. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1979). "Why mama and papa?": The development of social labels. Child Development, 50, 1203-1206.16. Lewis, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1979). The search for the origins of self: Implications for social behavior and intervention. In L. Montada (Ed.), Brennpunkte der entwicklungspsychologie (pp. 157-172). Stuttgart, Germany: W. Kohlhammer.17. Lewis, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1979). Toward a theory of social cognition: The development of self. In I. Uzgiris (Ed.), New directions in child development: Social interaction and communication during infancy (pp. 1-20). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.18. Ruble, D. N., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1979). Menstrual symptoms: A social cognitive analysis. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2, 171-194.19. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Fisch, M. (1980). Psychological androgyny and college students' judgments of mental health. Sex Roles, 6, 575-580.20. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Ruble, D. N. (1980). Menarche: The interaction of physiology, cultural and social factors. In A. J. Dan, E. A. Graham, & C. P. Beecher (Eds.), The menstrual cycle: A synthesis of interdisciplinary research (pp. 141-159). New York: Springer.21. Ruble, D. N., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Clarke, A. (1980). Research on menstrual-related psychological changes: Alternative perspectives. In J. E. Parsons (Ed.), The psychology of sex differences and sex roles (pp. 227-244). Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere.22. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Ruble, D. N. (1980). The menstrual attitude questionnaire. Psychosomatic Medicine, 42, 503-512.23. Lewis, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1981). Visual attention at three months as a predictor of cognitive functioning at two years of age. Intelligence, 5, 131-140.24. Lewis, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1981). Attention and intelligence. Intelligence, 5, 231-238.25. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1981). Assessing young handicapped children: Issues and solutions. Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, 2, 89-95.26. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1981). Mirror-image stimulation and self-recognition in infancy. In L. Steinberg (Ed.), The life span: Readings in human development (pp. 25-41). New York: Columbia University Press.27. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1981). Infant social perception: Responses to pictures of parents and strangers. Developmental Psychology, 17, 647-649.28. Lewis, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1981). "Le developpement de la reconnaissance de soi." In P. Mounoud & A. Vinter (Eds.), Textes de base en psychologie: La reconnaissance de son image chez l'enfant et l'animal (pp. 111-154). Neuchatel, France: Delachaux Et Niesple.29. Lewis, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1982). The self as social knowledge. In M. D. Lynch, A. A. Norem-Hebeisen, & K. Gergen (Eds.), Self-concept: Advances in theory and research (pp. 101-118). Cambridge, MA: Ballinger.30. Ruble, D. N., Boggiano, A., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1982). Men's and women's evaluations of menstrual-related excuses. Sex Roles, 6, 625-638.31. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1982). Methods and models of menstrual research: A sociocultural approach. In A. M. Voda, M. Dinnerstein, & S. R. O'Donnell (Eds.), Changing perspectives on menopause (pp. 203-208). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.32. Ruble, D. N., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1982). Expectations regarding menstrual symptoms: Effects on evaluations and behavior of women. In A. M. Voda, M. Dinnerstein, & S. R. O'Donnell (Eds.), Changing perspectives on menopause (pp. 209-219). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.33. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Ruble, D. N. (1982). Menarche: Fact and fiction. In G. C. Hongtadarum, R. McCorkle, & N. F. Woods (Eds.), The complete book of women's health (pp. 52-58). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.34. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Ruble, D. N. (1982). Developmental processes in the experience of menarche. In A. Baum & J. E. Singer (Eds.), Handbook of psychology and health (Vol. 2, pp. 117-147). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.35. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1982). The development of self-knowledge. In C. Kopp & N. Krokaw (Eds.), The child: Development in social context (pp. 332-389). Reading, MN: Addison-Wesley.36. Brooks-Gunn, J., Kirsh, B., & Merson, E. M. (1982). A principal's eye-view of family-school relationships. National Association of Elementary School Principals.37. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1982). Early visual impairment: Research and assessment. In M. Lewis & L. Taft (Eds.), Developmental disabilities: Theory assessment and intervention (pp. 43-53). New York: S.P. Medical and Scientific Books.38. Ruble, D. N., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1982). A developmental analysis of menstrual distress in adolescence. In R. C. Friedman (Ed.), Behavior and the menstrual cycle (pp. 177-197). New York: Marcel-Dekker.39. Lewis, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1982). Developmental models and assessment issues. In N. Anastasiow, W. Frankenburg, & A. Fandal (Eds.), Identifying the developmentally delayed child (pp. 31-49). Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.40. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1982). Affective exchanges between normal and handicapped infants and their mothers. In T. Field & A. Fogel (Eds.), Emotion and interaction: Normal and high risk infants (pp. 161-188). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.41. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Hearn, R. (1982). Early intervention and developmental dysfunction: Implications for pediatrics. Advances in Pediatrics, 29, 497-527.42. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Ruble, D. N. (1982). Psychological correlates of tampon use in adolescents. Annals of Internal Medicine, 96, 962-965.43. Ruble, D. N., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1982). The experience of menarche. Child Development, 53, 1557-1566.44. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Ruble, D. N. (1982). The development of menstrual-related beliefs and behaviors during early adolescence. Child Development, 53, 1567-1577.45. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1982). Temperament and affective interaction in handicapped infants. Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, 5, 31-41.46. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1982). Development of play behavior in handicapped and normal infants. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 2, 14-27.47. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Weinraub, M. (1983). Origins of infant intelligence testing. In M. Lewis (Ed.), Origins of intelligence (2nd ed., pp. 25-66). New York: Plenum.48. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Ruble, D. N. (1983). The experience of menarche from a developmental perspective. In J. Brooks-Gunn & A. C. Petersen (Eds.), Girls at puberty: Biological and psychosocial perspectives (pp. 155-177). New York: Plenum.49. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Ruble, D. N. (1983). Dysmenorrhea in adolescence. In S. Golub (Ed.), Menarche: The transition from girl to woman (pp. 251-261). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.50. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1983). Screening and diagnosing handicapped infants. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 3, 14-28.51. Matthews, W. S., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1984). Social development in childhood. In A. Meyers & W. E. Craighead (Eds.), Cognitive behavior therapy for children (pp. 19-44). New York: Plenum.52. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1985). Dyadic interchanges in families with at-risk children: An individual difference approach. In W. K. Frankenburg, R. Emde, & J. Sullivan (Eds.), Early identification of children at risk: An international perspective (pp. 103-113). New York: Plenum.53. Lewis, M., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Jaskir, J. (1985). Individual differences in visual self-recognition as a function of mother-infant attachment relationship. Developmental Psychology, 21, 1181-1187.54. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1984). The development of early visual self-recognition. Developmental Review, 4, 215-239.55. Lewis, M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1984). Age and handicapped group differences in infants' visual attention. Child Development, 55, 858-868.56. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1984). Maternal responsivity in interactions with handicapped infants. Child Development, 55, 782-793.57. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Kirsch, B. (1984). Life events and the boundaries of midlife for women. In G. Baruch & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.), Women in midlife (pp. 11-30). New York: Plenum.58. Baruch, G., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1984). The study of women in midlife. In G. Baruch & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.), Women in midlife (pp. 1-8). New York: Plenum.59. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Petersen, A. C. (1984). Problems in studying and defining pubertal events. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 13, 181-196.60. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1984). The psychological significance of different pubertal events to young girls. Journal of Early Adolescence, 4, 315-327.61. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1985). Maternal beliefs about children's sex-typed characteristics as they relate to maternal behavior. In I. Sigel (Ed.), Parental belief systems: The psychological consequences for children (pp. 319-343). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.62. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Luciano, L. (1985). Social competence in young handicapped children: A developmental perspective. In M. Sigman (Ed.), Children with cognitive and emotional disorders: Assessment and treatment of dual disabilities (pp. 3-22). Orlando, FL: Grune and Stratton.63. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1985). The salience and timing of the menstrual flow. Psychosomatic Medicine, 47, 363-371.64. Lewis, M., Sullivan, M. W., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1985). Emotional behavior during the learning of a contingency in early infancy: A developmental study. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 3, 307-316.65. Gaddis, A., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1985). The male experience of pubertal change. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 14, 61-69.66. Hamilton, L. H., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1985). Socio-cultural influences on eating disorders in female professional dancers. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 4, 465-477.67. Brooks-Gunn, J., Petersen, A. C., & Eichorn, D. (1985). The study of maturational timing effects in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 14, 149-161.68. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1985). Measuring physical status and timing in early adolescence: A developmental perspective. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 14, 163-189. An abbreviated version also published as Measuring physical status and timing in early adolescence. (1991). In R. M. Lerner, A. C. Petersen, & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.), The encyclopedia of adolescence (pp. 619-626). New York: Garland.69. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1985). The effects of delayed menarche in different contexts: Dance and non-dance students. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 14, 285-300.70. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1986). The relationship of maternal beliefs about sex typing to maternal and young children's behavior. Sex Roles, 14, 21-35.71. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Ruble, D. N. (1986). Men's and women's attitudes and beliefs about the menstrual cycle. Sex Roles, 14, 287-299.72. Brooks-Gunn, J., Warren, M. P., Samelson, M., & Fox, R. (1986). Physical similarity of and disclosure of menarcheal status to friends: Effects of age and pubertal status. Journal of Early Adolescence, 6, 3-14.73. Brooks-Gunn, J., Gargiulo, J., & Warren, M. P. (1986). The effect of cycle phase upon adolescent swimmers' performance. Physician and Sports Medicine, 14, 182-192.74. Brooks-Gunn, J., Gargiulo, J., & Warren, M. P. (1986). The menstrual cycle and athletic performance. In J. Poole & C. H. Brown (Eds.), Menstrual cycle and physical activity (pp. 13-28). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.75. Furstenberg, F.F., Jr., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1986). Teenage childbearing: Causes, consequences and remedies. In L. Aiken & D. Mechanic (Eds.), Applications of social science to clinical medicine and health policy (pp. 307-334). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. An expanded version also published as Causes and consequences of teenage pregnancy and childbearing. (1989). In M. N. Ozawa, H. Ibe, & S. Kimura (Eds.), Women’s life cycle and economic insecurity: Problems and proposals (pp. 71-100). New York: Greenwood.76. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Furstenberg, F. F., Jr. (1986). The children of adolescent mothers: Physical, academic and psychological outcomes. Developmental Review, 6, 224-251. An expanded version published as Antecedents and consequences of parenting: The case of adolescent motherhood. (1986). In A. Fogel & G. Melson (Eds.), Origins of nurturance: Developmental, biological, and cultural perspectives on care giving (pp. 233-258). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. An abbreviated version also published as Childbearing, adolescent: Effects on children. (1991). In R. M. Lerner, A. C. Petersen, & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.), The encyclopedia of adolescence (pp. 103-106). New York: Garland.77. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1987). Pubertal processes: Their relevance for developmental research. In V. B. Van Hasselt & M. Hersen (Eds.), The handbook of adolescent psychology (111-130). New York: Pergamon. An abbreviated version published as Brooks-Gunn, J. (1989). Pubertal processes and their meaning to the adolescent girl. In H. Tierney (Ed.), The study of women: Views from the sciences (pp. 303-305). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.78. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1986). Editorial: Differentiating premenstrual symptoms and syndromes. Psychosomatic Medicine, 48, 385-387.79. Hamilton, L. H., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1986). Nutritional intake of female dancers: A reflection of eating problems. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 5, 925-934.80. Warren, M. P., Brooks-Gunn, J., Hamilton, L. H., Hamilton, W. G., & Warren, L. F. (1986). Scoliosis and fractures in young ballet dancers: Relation to delayed menarche age and secondary amenorrhea. New England Journal of Medicine, 314, 1348-1353.81. Hamilton, L. H., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1986, July/August). The impact of thinness and dieting on the professional ballet dancer. Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 31-35. An expanded version also published in Medical Problems of Performing Artists. (1987, December), 117-122.82. Lewis, M., Feiring, C., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1988). Young children's social networks as a function of age and dysfunction. Infant Mental Health Journal, 9, 142-157. An expanded version also published as The social networks of children with and without handicaps: A developmental perspective. (1987). In S. Landesman & P. A. Vietze (Eds.), Living environments and mental retardation (pp. 377-400). Washington, D.C.: American Association on Mental Retardation.83. Ruble, D. N., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1987). Perceptions of menstrual and premenstrual symptoms: Self definitional processes at menarche. In B. E. Ginsberg & B. F. Carter (Eds.), Premenstrual syndrome: Ethical and legal implications in a biomedical perspective (pp. 237-251). New York: Plenum.84. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1987). Pubertal processes and girls' psychological adaptation. In R. Lerner & T. T. Foch (Eds.), Biological-psychosocial interactions in early adolescence: A life-span perspective (pp. 123-153). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.85. Attie, I., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1987). Weight concerns as chronic stressor in women. In R. C. Barnett, L. Biener, & G. K. Baruch (Eds.), Gender and stress (pp. 218-254). New York: Free Press.86. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Furstenberg, F. F., Jr. (1987). Continuity and change in the context of poverty: Adolescent mothers and their children. In J. J. Gallagher & C. T. Ramey (Eds.), The malleability of children (pp. 171-188). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.87. Furstenberg, F. F., Jr., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Morgan S. P. (1987). Adolescent mothers and their children in later life. Family Planning Perspectives, 19, 142-151.88. McCormick, M. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Shorter, T., Wallace, C. Y., Holmes, J. H., & Heagarty, M. C. (1987). The planning of pregnancy among low-income women in central Harlem. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 156, 145-149.89. Brooks-Gunn, J., Warren, M. P., Rosso, J., & Gargiulo, J. (1987). Validity of self-report measures of girls' pubertal status. Child Development, 58, 829-841.90. Brooks-Gunn, J., Warren, M. P., & Hamilton, L. H. (1987). The relationship of eating disorders to amenorrhea in ballet dancers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 19, 41-44. An expanded version also published as The relation of eating problems and amenorrhea in ballet dancers. (1988). In Col. J. L. Anderson, F. J. George, R. J. Shephard, J. S. Torg, & E. R. Eichner (Eds.), Yearbook of sports medicine, 1988. Chicago: Year Book Medical.91. Gargiulo, J., Attie, I., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1987). Girls' dating behavior as a function of social context and maturation. Developmental Psychology, 23, 730-737.92. Lee, V., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Schnur, E. (1988). Does Head Start work? A 1-year follow-up comparison of disadvantaged children attending Head Start, no preschool, and other preschool programs. Developmental Psychology, 24, 210-222.93. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1988). Mother-daughter differences in menarcheal age in adolescent girls attending national dance company schools and non-dancers. Annals of Human Biology, 15, 35-43.94. Petersen, A. C., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1988). Puberty and adolescence. In E. A. Bleckman & K. Brownell (Eds.), Behavioral medicine for women (pp. 12-27). New York: Pergamon.95. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1988). Antecedents and consequences of variations in girls' maturational timing. Journal of Adolescent Health Care, 9, 365-373. An expanded version also published as Antecedents and consequences of variations in girls' maturational timing. (1988). In M. Levine & E. R. McAnarney (Eds.), Early adolescent transitions (pp. 101-121). Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath. Abbreviated versions also published as Antecedents of maturational timing variations in adolescent girls and Consequences of maturational timing variations in adolescent girls. (1991). In R. M. Lerner, A. C. Petersen, & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.), The encyclopedia of adolescence (pp. 609-618). New York: Garland.96. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Lewis, M. (1988). The prediction of mental functioning in young handicapped children. In P. M. Vietze & H. G. Vaughn (Eds.), Early identification of infants at risk for mental retardation (pp. 331-355). New York: Grune and Stratton.97. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1988). The psychological significance of secondary sexual characteristics in 9- to 11-year-old girls. Child Development, 59, 1061-1069.98. Brooks-Gunn, J., McCormick, M. C., & Heagarty, M. C. (1988). Preventing infant mortality and morbidity: Developmental perspectives. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 58, 288-296.99. Hamilton, L. H., Brooks-Gunn, J., Warren, M. P., & Hamilton, W. G. (1988). The role of selectivity in the pathogenesis of eating disorders. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 20, 560-565. An abstracted version also published in 1989 in R. J. Shephard & J. L. Anderson (Eds.), The yearbook of sports medicine, 1989. New York: Times Mirrow.100. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1988). Commentary: Developmental issues in the transition to early adolsecence. In M. Gunnar & W. A. Collins (Eds.), Development during transition to adolescence: Minnesota symposia on child psychology (Vol. 21, pp. 189-208). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.101. Brooks-Gunn, J., Burrow, C., & Warren, M. P. (1988). Attitudes toward eating and body weight in different groups of female adolescent athletes. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 7, 749-758.102. Brooks-Gunn, J., Boyer, C. B., & Hein, K. (1988). Preventing HIV infection and AIDS in children and adolescents: Behavioral research and intervention strategies. American Psychologist, 43, 958-964.103. Deutsch, F. M., Ruble, D. N., Fleming, A., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Stangor, C. (1988). Information-seeking and self-definition during the transition to motherhood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55, 420-431.104. McCormick, M. C., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1989). Health care for children and adolescents. In H. Freeman & S. Levine (Eds.), Handbook of medical sociology (pp. 347-380). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.105. Clewell, B. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Benasich, A. A. (1989). Evaluating child-related outcomes of teenage parenting programs. Family Relations, 38, 201-209.106. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1989). Pubertal processes and the early adolescent transition. In W. Damon (Ed.), Child development today and tomorrow (pp. 155-176). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.107. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Furstenberg, F. F., Jr. (1989). Long-term implications of fertility-related behavior and family formation upon adolescent mothers and their children. In K. Kreppner & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Family systems and life-span development (pp. 319-339). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.108. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Zahaykevich, M. (1989). Parent-daughter relationships in early adolescence: A developmental perspective. In K. Kreppner & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Family systems and life-span development (pp. 223-246). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.109. Furstenberg, F. F., Jr., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Chase-Lansdale, L. (1989). Teenaged pregnancy and childbearing. American Psychologist, 44, 313-320. 110. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Furstenberg, F. F., Jr. (1989). Adolescent sexual behavior. American Psychologist, 44, 249-257.111. Brooks-Gunn, J., Rock, D., & Warren, M. P. (1989). Comparability of constructs across the adolescent years. Developmental Psychology, 25, 51-60.112. Warren, M. P., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1989). Mood and behavior at adolescence: Evidence for hormonal factors. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 69, 77-83.113. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1990). Adolescents as daughters and as mothers: A developmental perspective. In I. E. Sigel & G. H. Brody (Eds.), Methods of family research: Biographies of research projects, Normal families (Vol. 1, pp. 213-248). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.114. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1989). Biological and social contributions to negative affect in young adolescent girls. Child Development, 60, 40-55.115. Attie, I., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1989). The development of eating problems in adolescent girls: A longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 25, 70-79.116. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1989). The impact of puberty and sexual activity upon the health and education of adolescent girls and boys. Peabody Journal of Education, 64, 88-112. Also published in 1992 in S. S. Klein (Ed.), Sex equity and sexuality in education (pp. 96-126). New York: State University of New York Press.117. McCormick, M. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Shorter, T., Holmes, J. H., Wallace, C. Y., & Heagarty, M. C. (1989). Outreach as case finding: Its effect on enrollment in prenatal care. Medical Care, 27, 103-111.118. Brooks-Gunn, J., McCormick, M., Gunn, R.W., Shorter, T., Wallace, C. Y., & Heagarty, M. C. (1989). Outreach as case finding: The process of locating low-income pregnant women. Medical Care, 27, 95-102.119. McCormick M. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Shorter, T., Holmes, J. H., & Heagarty, M. C. (1989). Factors associated with maternal rating of infant health in central Harlem. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 10, 139-144.120. Brooks-Gunn, J., Attie, I., Burrow, C., Rosso, J. T., & Warren, M. P. (1989). The impact of puberty on body and eating concerns in different athletic and non-athletic contexts. Journal of Early Adolescence, 9, 269-290.121. Warren, M. P., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1989). Delayed menarche in athletes: The role of low energy intake and eating disorders and their relation to bone density. In C. Laron & A. D. Rogol (Eds.), Hormones and sport (Vol. 55, pp. 41-54). Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press.122. Brooks-Gunn, J., Duke-Duncan, P., Ehrhardt, A., Hein, K., & Shafer, M. (1989). Adolescent HIV infection. In Special Article: Nicholas, S. W., Sondheimer, D. L., Willoughby, A. D. Yaffe, S. J., & Katz, S. L., Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection in childhood, adolescence, & pregnancy: A status report and national research agenda. Pediatrics, 83, 299-301.123. Paikoff, R. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1990). Associations between pubertal hormones and behavioral and affective expression. In C. S. Holmes (Ed.), Psychoneuroendocrinology: Brain, behavior, and hormonal interactions (pp. 205-226). New York: Springer-Verlag. 124. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Reiter, E. O. (1990). The role of pubertal processes in the early adolescent transition. In S. Feldman & G. Elliott (Eds.), At the threshold: The developing adolescent (pp. 16-53). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.125. Frusztajer, N. T., Dhuper, S., Warren, M. P., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Fox, R. P. (1990). Nutrition and the incidence of stress fractures in ballet dancers. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 51, 779-783.126. Ruble, D. N., Brooks-Gunn, J., Fleming, A. S., Fitzmaurice, G., Stangor, C., & Deutsch, F. (1990). Transition to motherhood and the self: Measurement, stability, and change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 450-463.127. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Furstenberg, F. F., Jr. (1990). Coming of age in the era of AIDS: Puberty, sexuality, and contraception. Milbank Quarterly, 68, 59-84.128. McCormick, M. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Shorter, T., Holmes, J. H., Wallace, C. Y., & Heagarty, M. C. (1990). Factors associated with smoking in low-income pregnant women: Relationship to birth weight, stressful life events, social support, health behaviors, and mental distress. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 43, 441-448.129. Lee, V., Brooks-Gunn, J., Schnur, E., & Liaw, T. (1990). Are Head Start effects sustained? A longitudinal follow-up comparison of disadvantaged children attending Head Start, no preschool, and other preschool programs. Child Development, 61, 495-507.130. Furstenberg, F. F., Jr., Levine, J. A., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1990). The children of teenage mothers: Patterns of early childbearing in two generations. Family Planning Perspectives, 22, 54-61.131. Paikoff, R. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1990). Physiological processes: What role do they play during the transition to adolescence? In R. Montemayor, G. Adams, & T. Gullotta (Eds.), Advances in adolescent development: The transition from childhood to adolescence ( Vol. 2, pp. 63-81). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.132. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1990). Identifying the vulnerable young child. In D. E. Rogers & E. Ginzberg (Eds.), Improving the life chances of children at risk (pp. 104-124). Boulder, CO: Westview.133. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1990). Promoting healthy development in young children: What educational interventions work? In D. E. Rogers & E. Ginzberg (Eds.), Improving the life chances of children at risk (pp. 125-145). Boulder, CO: Westview. An abbreviated version published as Brooks-Gunn, J. (1990). Enhancing the development of young children. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 2, 873-877.134. Attie, I., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Petersen, A. C. (1990). A developmental perspective on eating disorders and eating problems. In M. Lewis & S. Miller (Eds.), Handbook of developmental psychopathology (pp. 409-420). New York: Plenum.135. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1990). Overcoming barriers to adolescent research on pubertal and reproductive development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 19, 425-440.136. Dhuper, S., Warren, M. P., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Fox, R. (1990). Effects of hormonal status on bone density in adolescent girls. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 71, 1083-1088.137. The Infant Health and Development Program Staff (Brooks-Gunn as member of Research Steering Committee) (1990). Enhancing the outcomes of low birth weight, premature infants: A multi-site randomized trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 263, 3035-3042.138. Lancelot, C., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1991). A comparison of DSM-III and DSM-IIIR bulimia classifications for psychopathology and other eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 10, 57-66.139. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Petersen, A. C. (1991). Studying the emergence of depression and depressive symptoms during adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 20, 115-119.140. Paikoff, R. L., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Warren, M. P. (1991). Effects of girls' hormonal status on depressive and aggressive symptoms over the course of one year. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 20, 191-215.141. Carlton-Ford, S., Paikoff, R. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). Methodological issues in the study of divergent views of the family. New Directions for Child Development: Shared views in the family during adolescence, 51, 87-102.142. Paikoff, R. L., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Carlton-Ford, S. (1991). Effect of reproductive status changes upon family functioning and well-being of mothers and daughters. Journal of Early Adolescence, 11, 201-220.143. Paikoff, R. L., Buchanan, C. M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). Methodological issues in the study of hormone-behavior links at puberty. In R. M. Lerner, A. C. Petersen, & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.), The encyclopedia of adolescence (pp. 508-512). New York: Garland.144. Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Paikoff, R. L. (1991). Research and programs for adolescent mothers: Missing links and future promises. Family Relations, 40, 396-404. Also published in Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Paikoff, R. L. (1992). Research and programs for adolescent mothers: Missing links and future promises. American Behavioral Scientist, 35, 290-312.145. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). Stress and support during pregnancy: What do they tell us about low birthweight? In H. Berendes, S. Kessel, & S. Yaffe (Eds.), Advances in low birth weight: An international symposium. (pp. 39-57). Washington, D.C.: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.146. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). How stressful is the transition to adolescence for girls? In M. E. Colten & S. Gore (Eds.), Adolescent stress: Causes and consequences (pp. 131-149). Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter.147. Paikoff, R., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). Do parent-child relationships change during puberty? Psychological Bulletin, 110, 47-66.148. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (1991). Children having children: Effects on the family system. Pediatric Annals, 20, 467-481.149. Brooks-Gunn, J., Phelps, E., & Elder, G. H. (1991). Studying lives through time: Secondary data analyses in developmental psychology. Developmental Psychology, 27, 899-910.150. Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Mott, F. L., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Phillips, D. (1991). Children of the NLSY: A unique research opportunity. Developmental Psychology, 27, 918-931.151. Baydar, N., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). Effects of maternal employment and child-care arrangements on preschoolers' cognitive and behavioral outcomes: Evidence from the Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. Developmental Psychology, 27, 932-945.152. Warren, M. P., Brooks-Gunn, J., Fox, R. P., Lancelot, C., Newman, D., & Hamilton, W. G. (1991). Lack of bone accretion and amenorrhea in young dancers: Evidence for a relative osteopenia in weight bearing bones. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 72, 847-853.153. Brooks-Gunn, J., McCarton, C., & Hawley, T. (1994). Effects of in utero drug exposure on children's development. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 148, 33-39. Also published as Robins, L. N., Mills, J. L., Brooks-Gunn, J., & McCarton, C. (1993) Effects of in utero exposure to street drugs. American Journal of Public Health, 83(Suppl.), 1-32.154. McCormick, M. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Shapiro, S., Benasich, A. A., Black, G., & Gross, R. T. (1991). Health care use among young children in day care: Results seen in a randomized trial of early intervention. Journal of the American Medical Association, 265, 2212-2217. Also published in McCormick, M.C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Shapiro, S., Benasich, A. A., Black, G. W., & Gross, R. T. (1997) Use of health services. In R. T. Gross, D. Spiker, & C.W. Haynes (Eds.), Helping low birth weight babies: The Infant Health and Development Program (pp.228-241). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.155. Akella, P., Warren, M. P., Jonnavithula, S., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). Scoliosis in ballet dancers. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 6, 84-86.156. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1992). Growing up female: Stressful events and the transition to adolescence. In T. Field, P. McCabe, & N. Schneiderman (Eds.), Stress and coping in infancy and childhood (pp. 119-145). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.157. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Paikoff, R. L. (1991). Promoting healthy behavior in adolescence: The case of sexuality and pregnancy. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 67, 527-547. See also Brooks-Gunn, J., & Paikoff, R. L. (1993). "Sex is a gamble, kissing is a game": Adolescent sexuality and health promotion. In S. G. Millstein, A. C. Petersen, & E. O. Nightingale (Eds.), Promoting the health of adolescents: New directions for the twenty-first century (pp. 180-208). New York: Oxford University Press. PMC1809859158. O'Sullivan, A., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Schwartz, D. (1991). Adolescents: Improving life chances. In L. Aiken & C. Fagin (Eds.), Charting nursing's future: Agenda for the 1990s (pp. 340-362). New York: Lippincott.159. Myerson, M., Gutin, B., Warren, M. P., May, M., Contento, I., Lee, M., Pi-Sunyer, F. X., Pierson, R. N., Jr., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). Resting metabolic rate and energy balance in amenorrheic and eumenorrheic runners. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 23, 15-22.160. McCormick, M. C., Baker, J., Brooks-Gunn, J., Turner, J., Workman-Daniels, K., & Peckham, G. (1991). Cohort reconstruction: Which infants can be restudied at school age? Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 5, 410-422.161. Gross, R. T., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Spiker, D. (1992). Efficacy of comprehensive early intervention for low birth-weight, premature infants and their families: The Infant Health and Development Program. In S. L. Friedman & M. D. Sigman (Eds.), The psychological development of low-birthweight children: Annual advances in applied developmental psychology (Vol. 6, pp. 411-433). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.162. Furstenberg, F. F., Jr., Hughes, M. E., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1992). The next generation: The children of teenage mothers grow up. In M. K. Rosenheim & M. F. Testa (Eds.), Early parenthood and coming of age in the 1990's (pp. 113-135). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.163. Benasich, A. A., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Clewell, B. C. (1992). How do mothers benefit from early intervention programs? Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 13, 311-362.164. Schnur, E. S., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Shipman, V. (1992). Who attends programs serving poor children?: The case of Head Start attendees and non-attendees. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 13, 405-421.165. Casey, R., Levy, S. E., Brown, K., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1992). Impaired emotional health in children with mild reading disability. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 13, 256-260.166. Attie, I., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1992). Development issues in the study of eating problems and disorders. In J. H. Crowther, D. L. Tennebaum, S. E. Hobfoll, & M. A. P. Stephens (Eds.), The etiology of bulimia nervosa: The individual and familial context (pp. 35-58). Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere.167. Brooks-Gunn, J., Gross, R. T., Kraemer, H. C., Spiker, D., & Shapiro, S. (1992). Enhancing the cognitive outcomes of low-birth-weight, premature infants: For whom is the intervention most effective? Pediatrics, 89, 1209-1215. See also Brooks-Gunn, J., Gross, R. T., Kraemer, H. C., Spiker, D., & Shapiro, S. (1997). Enhancing the cognitive outcomes of low birth weight, premature infants: For whom is the intervention most effective? In R. T. Gross, D. Spiker, & C. W. Haynes (Eds.), Helping low birth weight, premature babies: The Infant Health and Development Program (pp. 181-189). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.168. Brooks-Gunn, J., Liaw, F. R., & Klebanov, P. K. (1992). Effects of early intervention on cognitive function of low birth weight preterm infants. Journal of Pediatrics, 120, 350-359. See also Brooks-Gunn, J., Liaw, F., & Klebanov, P. K. (1997). Effects of early intervention on different domains of cognitive functioning. In R. T. Gross, D. Spiker, & C. W. Haynes (Eds.), Helping low birth weight, premature babies: The Infant Health and Development Program (pp.218-227). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.169. Klebanov, P. K., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1992). Impact of maternal attitudes, girls' adjustment, and cognitive skills in middle school upon academic performance in middle and high school. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2, 81-102.170. McCormick, M. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Workman-Daniels, K., Turner, J., & Peckham, G. (1992). The health and developmental status of very low birth weight children at school age. Journal of the American Medical Association, 267, 2204-2208.171. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1993). Why do young adolescents have difficulty adhering to health regimes? In N. Krasnegor, L. Epstein, S. B. Johnson, & S. J. Yaffe (Eds.), Developmental aspects of health compliance behavior (pp. 125-152). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.172. Paikoff, R. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). Pregnancy, Interventions to Prevent. In R. M. Lerner, A. C. Petersen, & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.), The encyclopedia of adolescence (pp. 808-813). New York: Garland.173. Graber, J. A., Petersen, A. C., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1996). Pubertal processes: Methods, measures and models. In J. A. Graber, J. Brooks-Gunn, & A. C. Petersen (Eds.), Transitions through adolescence: Interpersonal domains and context (pp. 23-53). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.174. Chase-Lansdale, P. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1994). Correlates of adolescent pregnancy and parenthood. In C. B. Fisher & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Applied developmental psychology (pp. 207-236). Cambridge, MA: McGraw-Hill.175. Paikoff, R. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1994). Psychosexual development across the lifespan. In M. Rutter & D. Hay (Eds.), Development through life: A handbook for clinicians (pp. 558-582). Oxford, England: Blackwell Scientific.176. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Paikoff, R. L. (1992). Changes in self feelings during the transition towards adolescence. In H. McGurk (Ed.), Childhood social development: Contemporary perspectives (pp. 63-97). East Sussex, England: Lawrence Erlbaum.177. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Benasich, A. A. (1997). Rationale for selection of measures: Behavioral competence. In R. T. Gross, D. Spiker, & C. W. Haynes (Eds.), Helping low birth weight, premature babies: The Infant Health and Development Program (pp. 84-92). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.178. Petersen, A. C., Compas, B., Brooks-Gunn, J., Stemmler, M., Ely, S., & Grant, K. (1993). Depression in adolescence. American Psychologist, 48, 155-168. See also Petersen, A. C., Compas, B., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1992). Depression in adolescence: Current knowledge, research directions, and implications for programs and policy. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development.179. Graber, J. A., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1995). Biological and maturational factors in development. In V. B. Van Hasselt & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent psychopathology: A guide to diagnosis and treatment (pp.69-101). New York: Lexington.180. McCarton, C. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Tonascia, J. (1994). The cognitive, behavioral and health status of mainland Puerto Rican children in the Infant Health and Development Program. In C. Garcia Coll & G. Lamberty (Eds.), Puerto Rican women and children: Issues in health, growth, and development (pp. 161-189). New York: Plenum.181. Baydar, N., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Furstenberg, F. F., Jr. (1993). Early warning signs of functional illiteracy: Predictors in childhood and adolescence. Child Development, 64, 815-829.182. Brooks-Gunn, J., Klebanov, P. K., Liaw, F. R., & Spiker, D. (1993). Enhancing the development of low birth weight, premature infants: Changes in cognition and behavior over the first three years. Child Development, 64, 736-753. See also (1997) Changes in cognition and behavior from 12 to 36 months. In R. T. Gross, D. Spiker, & C. W. Haynes (Eds.), Helping low birth weight, premature babies: The Infant Health and Development Program. (pp.203-217). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.183. Spiker, D., Ferguson, J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1993). Enhancing maternal interactive behavior and child social competence in low birth weight, premature infants. Child Development, 64, 754-768.184. Liaw, F. R., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1993). Patterns of low birth weight children's cognitive development. Developmental Psychology, 29, 1024-1035.185. Liaw, F. R., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1995). Early experience and human development. In F. E. Weinert (Ed.), International encyclopedia of education (2nd ed., pp. 1636-1643). Oxford: Pergamon.186. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1995). Strategies for altering the outcomes of poor children and their families. In P. L. Chase-Lansdale & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.), Escape from poverty: What makes a difference for children? (pp.87-117). New York: Cambridge University Press.187. Brooks-Gunn, J., Petersen, A. C., & Compas, B. E. (1995). Physiological processes and the development of childhood and adolescent depression. In I. M. Goodyer (Ed.), The depressed child and adolescent: Developmental and clinical perspectives (pp. 81-109). New York: Cambridge University Press.188. McCormick, M. C., Workman-Daniels, K., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Peckham, G. J. (1993). Hospitalization of very low birth weight children at school age. Journal of Pediatrics, 122, 360-365.189. McCormick, M. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Holmes, J. H., Wallace, C. Y., & Heagarty, M. C. (1992). Maternal health status in the year after delivery among low-income women. Journal of Women's Health, 1, 225-230.190. Friedman, S. L., Brooks-Gunn, J., Vandell, D., & Weinraub, M. (1994). Effects of child care on psychological development: Issues and future directions for research. Pediatrics, 94, 1069-1070.191. Brooks-Gunn, J., Newman, D., Holderness, C., & Warren, M. P. (1994). The experience of breast development and girls’ stories about the purchase of a bra. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 23, 539-565.192. Brooks-Gunn, J., Guo, G., & Furstenberg, F. F., Jr. (1993). Who drops out of and who continues beyond high school?: A 20-year follow-up of black urban youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 3, 271-294.193. Duncan, G. J., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Klebanov, P. K. (1994). Economic deprivation and early-childhood development. Child Development, 65, 296-318.194. Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Zamsky, E. S. (1994). Young African-American multigenerational families in poverty: Quality of mothering and grandmothering. Child Development, 65, 373-393.195. Aber, J. L., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Maynard, R. (1995). Effects of welfare reform on teenage parents and their children. The Future of Children, 5, 53-71. See also (1998) In W. S. Barnett & S. S. Boocock (Eds.), Early care and education for children in poverty: Promises, programs, and long-term results (pp. 123-144). New York: State University of New York Press.196. Paikoff, R. L., Carlton-Ford, S., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1993). Mother-daughter dyads view the family: Associations between divergent perceptions and daughter well-being. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 22, 473-492.197. Pope, S. K., Whiteside, L., Brooks-Gunn, J., Keeleher, K. J., Rickert, V. I., Bradley, R. H., & Casey, P. H. (1993). Low-birth-weight infants born to adolescent mothers: Effects of coresidency with grandmother on child development. Journal of the American Medical Association, 269, 1396-1400.198. Brooks-Gunn, J., Duncan, G. J., Klebanov, P. K., & Sealand, N. (1993). Do neighborhoods influence child and adolescent development? American Journal of Sociology, 99, 353-395.199. Brooks-Gunn, J., McCormick, M., Shapiro, S., Benasich, A. A., & Black, G. (1994). The effects of early education intervention on maternal employment, public assistance, and health insurance: The Infant Health and Development Program. American Journal of Public Health, 84, 924-931. PMC1614939200. McCormick, M. C., Workman-Daniels, K., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Peckham, G. J. (1993). When you're only a phone call away: A comparison of the information in telephone and face-to-face interviews. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 14, 250-255.201. McCarton, C., Bennett, F., Donithan, M., Belt, P., Brooks-Gunn, J., Bauer, C., Bernbaum, J. C., Scott, D. T., Yogman, M., Spiker, D., & Tonascia, J. (1997). Neurologic status at 36 months of age. In R. T. Gross, D. Spiker, & C. W. Haynes (Eds.), Helping low birth weight, premature babies: The Infant Health and Development Program (pp. 324-334). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.202. Benasich, A. A., Brooks-Gunn, J., Spiker, D., & Black, G. (1997). Maternal attitudes and knowledge about child development. In R. T. Gross, D. Spiker, & C. W. Haynes (Eds.), Helping low birth weight, premature babies: The Infant Health and Development Program (pp.291-303). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.203. Spiker, D., Ferguson, J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1997). Mother-child interactions. In R. T. Gross, D. Spiker, & C. W. Haynes (Eds.), Helping low birth weight, premature babies: The Infant Health and Development Program (pp. 257-275). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.204. McCormick, M. C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Workman-Daniels, K., & Peckham, G. J. (1993). Maternal rating of child health at school age: Does the vulnerable child syndrome persist? Pediatrics, 92, 380-388.205. Attie, I., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1995). The development of eating regulation across the lifespan. In D. Cicchetti & D. J. Cohen (Eds.), Developmental psychopathology: Risk, disorder, and adaptation (Vol. 2, pp. 332-368). New York: Wiley.206. Warren, M. P., Holderness, C. C., Lesobre, V., Tzen, R., Vossoughian, F., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1994). Hypothalamic amenorrhea and hidden nutritional insults. Journal of Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 1, 84-88.207. Brooks-Gunn, J., Graber, J. A., & Paikoff, R. L. (1994). Studying links between hormones and negative affect: Models and measures. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 4, 469-486.208. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Rotheram-Borus, M. J. (1994). Rights to privacy in research: Adolescents versus parents. Ethics and Behavior, 4, 109-121.209. McCormick, M. C., McCarton, C., Tonascia, J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1993). Early educational intervention for very low birth weight infants: Results from the Infant Health and Development Program. 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Aber (Eds.), Neighborhood poverty: Context and consequences for children (Vol. 1, pp. 119-145). New York: Russell Sage.231. Chase-Lansdale, L., Gordon, R., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Klebanov, P. K. (1997). Neighborhood and family influences on the intellectual and behavioral competence of preschool and early school-age children. In J. Brooks-Gunn, G. Duncan, & J. L. Aber (Eds.), Neighborhood poverty: Context and consequences for children (Vol. 1, pp. 79-118). New York: Russell Sage.232. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Attie, I. (1996). Developmental psychopathology in the context of adolescence. In J. J. Haugaard & M. F. Lenzenweger (Eds.), Frontiers of developmental psychopathology (pp. 148-189). New York: Oxford University Press.233. Brooks-Gunn, J. (1995). Children and families in communities: Risk and intervention in the Bronfenbrenner tradition. In P. Moen, G. H. Elder, & K. Lusher (Eds.), Examining lives in context: Perspective on the ecology of human development (pp. 467-519). 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Brooks-Gunn, J., & Graber, J. A. (1994). Puberty as a biological and social event: Implications for research on pharmacology. Journal of Adolescent Health, 15, 663-671.237. Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Wakschlag, L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1995). A psychological perspective on the development of caring in children and youth: The role of the family. Journal of Adolescence, 18, 515-556.238. Sugland, B. W., Zaslow, M., Smith, J. R., Brooks-Gunn, J., Coates, D., Blumenthal, C., Moore, K. A., Griffin, T., & Bradley, R. (1995). The Early Childhood HOME inventory and HOME-Short Form in differing racial/ethnic groups: Are there differences in underlying structure, internal consistency of subscales, and patterns of prediction? Journal of Family Issues, 16, 632-663.239. Brooks-Gunn, J., & Duncan, G. J. (1994). Poverty and adolescents. In S. Price, P. C. McHenry, & S. M. Gavazzi (Eds.), Visions 2010: Families and adolescents (pp.16-17). Minneapolis, MN: National Council on Family Relations. 240. 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