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Early Education Oxfordshire BranchEarly Years Inspiration Forum MeetingsProgramme for 2020/21The Early Years Inspiration Forum Meetings provide a local opportunity for all Managers, Head teachers, and Early Years Practitioners working with the Early Years Foundation Stage and Year 1 to hear international, national and well respected expert speakers to enhance personal and staff teams continuing professional development.Speaker – Professor Barry Carpenter – The Recovery Curriculum – Re-igniting Learning post PandemicDate – Thursday 24th September 2020WebinarDr Barry Carpenter is well known both internationally and nationally and was recently appointed to the UK’s first Professorship in Mental Health in Education, at Oxford Brookes University. He has been awarded an OBE and?CBE by the Queen for services to children with Special Needs. His career has spanned over 30 years in Education in both leadership and academic roles. The talk will explore how will it be for early years children when they return to nursery, preschool, and school. What do these very young children need – many of them having experienced separation and loss, social distancing and constant washing of hands? It would be naive to think that they will pick up where they left off on the day their school or setting went into lock down. After analysis it is clear that the loss children have suffered during this time, and the potential anxiety and trauma it may have caused, will have significant impact on their ability to learn effectively.Barry has built the construct of a Recovery Curriculum, enabling schools and settings to consider the processes they will need to put in place to successfully transition children back to school or settings. As the word ‘construct’ suggests, this is a process of building, of co -constructing, a curriculum that is responsive to the needs of children, that harvests their experience and makes sense of it emotionally as well as cognitively. Speaker – Pete Moorhouse – Woodwork in Early Childhood EducationDate – Wednesday 14th October 2020WebinarPete Moorhouse has been successfully introducing woodwork to children in early years education for many years. He is a professional sculpture, public artist and artist educator, with 25 years’ experience of working in schools and early years settings. Pete is an associate trainer for Early Education and delivers continuous professional development (CPD) training and conference presentations. He has had books and journals published about creative woodwork with his most recent book being ‘Learning Through Woodwork’ published by Routledge. You can find out more by checking out the website below. HYPERLINK " – Sarah Lawful – Wholehearted Education through Nature ConnectionDate – Thursday 12th November 2020WebinarSarah Lawful was recently described by a colleague as being someone ‘with leaves in her hair and wood in her veins’, Sarah is an experienced Primary and Early Years teacher, Forest School trainer and lifelong lover of trees.. Through her work with Oxfordshire Forest School Service, as part of the Early Years team, Sarah has supported many settings to bring the transformative, holistic approach of Forest School to their learners. Latterly she was a Programme Tutor and lead Forest School Trainer at Hill End Centre.With Forest School Association colleagues, she wrote the nationally recognised Forest School qualifications and was instrumental in the development of the Endorsed Trainers scheme. Sarah left Hill End to set up her own social enterprise, HYPERLINK " The Fruit Is becoming a Director of the HYPERLINK " School Association, promoting quality Forest School for all, locally, nationally and internationally. Trained as a professional coach she now writes, speaks, trains and coaches about and in nature. She will share her passion for the Forest School pedagogy and thinking from her recent DEFRA funded ‘Paths to Resilience’ training. She believes in using learner led play in nature to develop emotional intelligence, in adults and the children they are working with. HYPERLINK " Speaker – Rose Drury – Supporting bilingual and multilingual children and Families Date – Thursday 4th March 2021May run as a Webinar or as at the Slade Nursery School, OxfordDr Rose Drury is an Early Years Education Consultant and Honorary Associate at The Open University. She has 20 years of experience working with undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students and with practitioners in early years settings. She is frequently asked to speak at conferences on supporting multilingualism in the early years because of her recognised expertise in the field and she has published a book ‘Young bilingual learners at home and at school’ (Trentham). She has also worked with parent groups in a variety of settings.The talk will explore bilingual children use of first language(s) and learning of a new language in the Early Years. The advantages of growing up learning more than one language will be discussed and strategies will be considered for fostering children’s bilingualism and supporting and assessing the learning of English. Speaker – Nicola Burke – Enjoying Music TogetherDate - Wednesday 19th May 2021Followed by the Oxfordshire Branch Early Education AGM.May run as a Webinar or as at the Slade Nursery School, OxfordNicola, a nationally acclaimed speaker and author, will give underpinning knowledge about the importance of music for young children and will increase practitioner confidence for giving music its rightful place as being central to children’s wellbeing, learning, and development. For more information visit: HYPERLINK " HYPERLINK ": In the autumn term the events will be run as webinars with the link to join sent from Early Education Head Office. This will only happen once you are booked through their website.In the spring and summer terms we hope to hold them atSlade Nursery School Headington, Titup Hall Drive, Oxford, OX3 8QQ. But if this is not possible once again it will run as a Webinar. Talk where it is held at The Slade Nursery School will start at: 6.00 – 6.30pm for networking and light refreshmentsTalk or Webinar: - 6.30 – 8.00pmCost:- ?10 Members, ?12 for full-time students; ?15 non-members To book please visit:- HYPERLINK ". There you can register as a supporter or member and this will ensure that you will be kept up to date with future events. Please also check as your school or setting may have a group membership for Early Education and so can log into their membership account. Should you require an invoice, please complete the online booking form and select ‘pay by Purchase Order’ Please direct any booking queries to HYPERLINK "mailto:office@early-.uk"office@early-.uk,If you need to make a last minute decision you are still welcome to turn up and pay by cash or cheque on the door. Please check first before turning up as we may be running the event as a webinarTo see up and coming events and other news you can find us on Facebook. 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