Development and Language - WES-DEL HIGH SCHOOL …

Development and Language

Princeton Review

1. The term given to that part of language composed of tones and inflections that add or change meaning without alteration in word usage is

a. syntax

b. grammar

c. phonemics

d. schematics

e. prosody

2. Which of the following would NOT be an example of a two-year-old’s usage of telegraphic speech?

a. “Where ball?”

b. “Boy hurt.”

c. “Milk.”

d. “Mommy give hug.”

e. “Go play group.”

3. Students are given a reasoning task in which they are asked, in sixty-seconds, to come up with as many ways as possible to use a spoon that do not involve eating or preparing food. The number and diversity of responses could most accurately reflect the students’

a. Divergent thinking abilities

b. Convergent thinking abilities

c. Intelligence quotients

d. Working memories

e. Subordinate concepts

4. In neonates, the response to sudden loud noises that involves a splaying out of the limbs is called the

a. Palmar reflex

b. Babinski reflex

c. Orienting reflex

d. Moro reflex

e. Rooting reflex

5. The belief that there is often a discrepancy between a child’s outward cognitive abilities and his or her true cognitive abilities is most closely associated with which of the following theorists?

a. Jean Piaget

b. Lev Vygotsky

c. Leon Festinger

d. Sigmund Freud

e. Julian Rotter

6. According to Erik Erikson, the major developmental task of school age children before puberty is to develop

a. A sense of competence in their efforts

b. The ability to form stable intimate relationships

c. A feeling of trust that their basic needs will be met

d. Control over basic bodily functions

e. A consistent self-view of identity and roles

7. Shyera, approaching the age of five, believes that all things, from people to animals to plants to objects, are alive, but she has trouble understanding circumstances from these other “living” things’ point of view. Piaget’s theory would place Shyera

a. At the sensorimotor stage

b. At the preoperational stage

c. At the concrete operational stage

d. At the formal operational stage

e. At the latency stage

8. Lawrence Kholberg’s theory of moral development posits that a child at the first stage of preconventional morality

a. Is motivated primarily by the evaluation of self-benefit

b. Is motivated primarily by the desire to live up to expectations

c. Is motivated primarily by a belief in balancing individual rights with social contracts

d. Is motivated primarily by the desire to maintain a “just world”

e. Is motivated primarily by the desire to receive reward and avoid punishment

McGraw Hill

9. Phonemes are:

a. The rules of grammar that dictate letter combinations in a language

b. The smallest unit of sound in a language

c. The smallest unit of meaning in a language

d. Semantically the same as morphemes

e. About 100 different words that are common to all languages

10. Because it has all of the features commonly associated with the concept bird, a robin is considered

a. A prototype

b. A schematic

c. An algorithm

d. A phenotype

e. A heuristic

11. Compared to convergent thinkers, to solve a problem divergent thinkers are more likely to:

a. Process information to arrive at a single best answer

b. Think creatively and generate multiple answers

c. Problem solve in a systematic step-by-step fashion

d. Frequently suffer from functional fixedness

e. Use algorithms rather than heuristics to arrive at a solution

12. Unlike B.F. Skinner, Noam Chomsky believes that children

a. Learn to speak by mimicking the sounds around them

b. Speak more quickly if their parents correct their mispronunciation early

c. Are hard-wired for language acquisition

d. Learn language more quickly if positive rewards are given to them

e. Can learn to speak correctly only during a critical age

13. Which of the following is a good example of functional fixedness?

a. Failing to use a dime as a screw driver when you have lost your screwdriver

b. Not being able to solve a physics problem because you apply the same rule you always do

c. Using a blanket as a pillow

d. Adding water to a cake mix when it calls for milk

e. Thinking of an apple first when you are asked to name fruits

14. Having been told that Syd is an engineer and Fran is an elementary school teacher, when Arnold meets the couple for the first time, he assumes that Syd is the husband and Fran is the wife, rather than the opposite, which is the case. This best illustrates:

a. Conformation bias

b. Cognitive illusion

c. The mere exposure effect

d. The anchoring effect

e. The representativeness heuristic

15. Which of the following is a holophrase one-year-old Amanda is likely to say?

a. “Mmmmm”

b. “Gaga”

c. “Eat Apple”

d. “I eated the cookie”

e. “Bottle”

16. Which of the following exemplifies retroactive interference?

a. After suffering a blow to the head, Jean cannot from new memories

b. Elle failed a Spanish test because she studied for her Italian test after studying Spanish

c. Lee cannot remember an important date on the history exam

d. Gene cannot remember his new locker combination but remembers last year’s

e. Jodi remembers the first few items on her school supply list, but can’t remember the rest of them

17. What is the response pattern of securely attached children in the Strange Situation when their mothers return?

a. They tend to ignore their mothers because they are secure about her care

b. Sometimes they run over to their mothers and sometimes they do not; there’s no consistent pattern in their responses

c. They tend to run over to their mothers and beg them not to leave again

d. They tend to go to their mothers for comfort

e. They hit their mothers

18. In the nature versus nurture controversy, “nature” refers to

a. Heredity

b. Plants and animals

c. All living things we interact with

d. Constituents of the problem

e. The environment

19. Researchers were interested in studying the effects pf divorce on children. Their study included 250 4-year-olds. Interviews and family observations were conducted 6 months, 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years after the initial interviews and observations. Which method did the researcher use?

a. Cohort sequential

b. Cross sectional

c. Longitudinal

d. Experimental

e. Quasi-experimental

20. Object permanence is

a. The belief that all objects have life just like humans do

b. The idea that gender does not change by putting on the clothes of the opposite sex

c. The understanding that a tall beaker and a short beaker can hold the same amount of water

d. A belief that all objects in the world, including mountains and streams, are made by people

e. The understanding that things continue to exist even when they are out of sight

21. The rooting reflex is a neonate’s tendency to

a. Open its mouth and turn its head when touched on the cheek

b. Throw out its arms and legs and quickly retract them when startled

c. Explore the world through sucking objects

d. Look longer at round shapes that look like faces than square shapes than do not

e. Grasp nearby objects

22. Dorothy just celebrated her 90th birthday with her close friends, and is excited about a visit from her grandchildren. According to Erikson she has probably most recently achieved?

a. Isolation

b. Integrity

c. Despair

d. Autonomy

e. Industry

23. Mr. Hernandez explains to his son that the speed limit is 55mph. He tells him to stay under the speed limit when driving because it’s the law and will probably prevent accidents. Kholberg’s level of morality illustrated by this example is

a. Preconventional

b. Concrete operational

c. Conventional

d. Egocentric

e. Postconventional

24. A critical period is a stage in development when

a. Specific stimuli have a major effect on development that they do not produce at other times

b. Children are resistant to any kind of discipline by their parents

c. New learning is prevented by older learning

d. Bonding between the child and parent first takes place

e. The child first enters elementary school and needs positive reinforcement

25. Which of the following is a similarity between the cognitive developmental theory of Piaget and the moral developmental theory of Kholberg?

a. Both theories stress the importance of changes in thinking in their stages

b. Both believe personality is formed in the first 5 years

c. Both theories stress the importance of the third stage in the developmental process

d. Both developed a life span theory and had eight stages

e. Both believe that libido fixated in childhood cannot be changed

26. Harlow’s experiment with rhesus monkeys and surrogate mothers emphasized the importance of

a. Contact comfort

b. Feeding

c. Aesthetic needs

d. Incentive theory

e. Gender schema

27. According to Diana Baumrind, which of the following parental styles results in the most socially competent and responsible adults?

a. Authoritarian

b. Authoritative

c. Uninvolved

d. Permissive

e. Indulgent

28. The child was born with widely spaced eyes, a thin upper lip, and a short flat nose. Chances are that we will later suffer from mental retardation. To which teratogen was this child most likely exposed to during the prenatal period?

a. Tobacco

b. German measles

c. Heroin

d. Alcohol

e. Cocaine

29. According to social learning theory, gender identity is

i. A process which occurs when young children unconsciously identify with the same-sex parent

ii. A result of being positively reinforced for acing in ways that conform to male and female roles

iii. Learned through observing and imitation role models like their parents

a. I only

b. II only

c. III only

d. II and III only

e. I, II, and III

30. Which of the following theories best exemplifies continuity?

a. Erikson’s psychosocial theory

b. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory

c. Piaget’s cognitive development theory

d. Kholberg’s theory of mental development

e. Gilligan’s theory of moral development

31. According to Kholberg’s theory, postconventional morality requires thinking at Piaget’s

a. Sensorimotor level

b. Preoperational level

c. Concrete Operational level

d. Formal Operational Level

e. Universal principle level

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32. “Chair,” “freedom,” and “ball” are all

a. Phonemes

b. Heuristics

c. Concepts

d. Telegraphic utterances

e. Prototypes

33. People are more concerned about a medical procedure when told it has a 10 percent death rate than they are when told it has a 90 percent survival rate. This is because of

a. Belief perseverance

b. Insight

c. Intuition

d. Framing

e. Confirmation bias

34. Which of the following illustrates a heuristic?

a. Calculating the are of a rectangle by multiplying the length times the width

b. Recalling published reports of corporate fraud to estimate how much fraud occurs in American business

c. Looking in each room of your home to find your sleeping cat

d. Following a new recipe to bake a cake for your friend

e. Trying every key on your mom’s key ring until you find the one that unlocks the seldom-used store-room in the basement

35. Which of the following represents a prototype for the concept indicated in parentheses?

a. A whale (mammal)

b. An ostrich (bird)

c. A beanbag (chair)

d. An igloo (house)

e. A golden retriever (dog)

36. Who proposed the idea that language development could be explained with the principles of learning?

a. B.F. Skinner

b. Noam Chomsky

c. Steven Pinker

d. Benjamin Lee Whorf

e. Paul Broca

37. The inability to see a problem from a fresh perspective is called

a. Confirmation bias

b. Insight

c. Representativeness

d. Fixation

e. Availability

38. In English, we know to put adjectives before nouns because of

a. Semantics

b. Syntax

c. Statistical learning

d. Algorithms

e. Practice during the babbling stage

39. Mental rehearsal can improve athletic performance because of the effectiveness of thinking in

a. Images

b. Morphemes

c. Telegraphic speech

d. Semantics

e. Phonemes

40. Phonemes are

a. Units of meaning in a language

b. A form of syntax

c. The basis of grammar

d. Units of sound in a language

e. A form of telegraphic speech

41. People often underestimate the amount of time it will take to complete a project because pf

a. Belief perseverance

b. Framing

c. Intuition

d. The availability heuristic

e. Overconfidence

42. According to Robert Sternberg, which of the following is not a component of creativity?

a. A venturesome personality

b. Imaginative thinking skills

c. A creative environment

d. A position of ignorance

e. Intrinsic motivation

43. German students unfamiliar with American geography guessed that San Diego was larger that San Antonio more frequently than American students made this correct identification. The German students were effectively using

a. Framing

b. The representativeness heuristic

c. Intuition

d. Belief perseverance

e. Mental set

44. Which of the following demonstrates the representativeness heuristic?

a. Deciding that a new kid in school is a nerd because he looks like a nerd.

b. Fearing air travel because of memories of plane crashes

c. Checking in every drawer to find some matches because matches are usually in drawers

d. Having the solution to a word problem pop into your head because you have just successfully solved a similar problem

e. Applying for several jobs in several local grocery stores because your best friend just got a job in a grocery store

45. Benjamin Lee Whorf’s linguistic determinism hypotheses relates to the

a. Influence thinking has on language

b. Influence language has on thinking

c. Role of the language acquisition device

d. Importance of critical periods in language development

e. Development of language in nonhuman animals

46. Noam Chomsky believes that we all need to acquire languages is

a. Exposure to language in early childhood

b. Instruction in grammar

c. Reinforcement for babbling and other early verbal behaviors

d. Imitation and drill

e. Linguistic determinism

47. Jean Piaget’s developmental theory focused on how humans ggrow

a. Socially

b. Morally

c. Cognitively

d. Physically

e. Egocentrically

48. The loss of brain cells, the deterioration of neurons that produce acetylcholine, and the formation of plagues at the ends of neuron branches is indicative of

a. The death-deferral phenomenon

b. Alzheimer’s disease

c. Crystallized intelligence

d. Multiple sclerosis

e. Normal aging

49. A time when certain events must take place to facilitate proper development is called the ________ period.

a. Conservation

b. Preoperational

c. Attachment

d. Critical

e. Assimilation

50. Which of the following is true?

a. During old age, many of the brain’s neurons die

b. If we live to be 90 or older, most of us will eventually become senile

c. Older people become less susceptible to short-term illnesses

d. Recognition memory – the ability to identify things previously experienced – declines with age.

e. Life satisfaction peaks in the 50s and then gradually declines after age 65.

51. According to Kholberg, what kind of morality is exhibited with actions are judged “right” because they flow from basic ethical principles?

a. Postconventional

b. Preconventional

c. Conventional

d. Preoperational

e. Formal operational

52. According toe Mary Ainsworth’s research on attachment, what would a child need to become “securely attached”?

a. Sensitive, responsive caregivers

b. The right temperament

c. A terry-cloth wrapped “surrogate” mother

d. An imprinting experience shortly after birth

e. The right diet

53. Temperament refers to an infant’s

a. Susceptibility to infection and disease

b. Emotional reactivity

c. General intelligence

d. Level of anger

e. Ability to learn from situations

54. Fluid intelligence – our ability to reason speedily and abstractly –

a. Decreases slowly with age

b. As not been measured over time

c. Has not been measured over time

d. Does not change until about age 75

e. Remains unchanged if we exercise

55. Once a sperm penetrates the cell wall of an egg and fertilized it, this structure is known as

a. An embryo

b. A fetus

c. Placenta

d. A teratogen

e. A zygote

56. Researchers suggest that infancy’s major social achievement is attachment. Childhood’s major social achievement is developing

a. Basic trust

b. Into a sexually mature person

c. Intimacy

d. A positive sense of self

e. Object permanence

57. Most adolescents can ponder and debate human nature, good and evil, truth and justice. According to Piaget, this is due to the emergence of which stage?

a. Concrete operational

b. Sensorimotor

c. Preoperational

d. Formal Operational

e. Accommodation

58. The sense of when to leave home, get a job, or marry is also referred to as the

a. Social clock

b. Midlife crisis

c. Critical period

d. Life span

e. Theory of mind

59. The more often the stimulus is presented, the weaker the response becomes. Developmental researchers call this decrease in responding with repeated stimulation?

a. Stagnation

b. Attachment

c. Autonomy

d. Imprinting

e. Habituation

60. Eleanor Maccoby’s research found which of the following factors to be the least positively correlated with problem behavior in preschool children?

a. Parent income

b. Parent education level

c. Time spent in day care

d. Child’s temperament

e. Parent Sensitivity

61. According to Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development, the crisis that needs resolution for adolescents involves the search for

a. Trust

b. Identity

c. Autonomy

d. Initiative

e. Worth


62. The person responsible for developing the nativist perspective on language comprehension was

a. William James

b. Noam Chomsky

c. B. F. Skinner

d. Wilhelm Wundt

e. George Miller``

63. Many psychologists consider which level of language to be the most important?

a. Semantic

b. Lexical

c. Syntactic

d. Morphemic

e. Phonemic

64. Which level is considered to represent the smallest unit of sound in a language?

a. Semantic

b. Lexical

c. Morphemic

d. Phonemic

e. Syntactic

65. The mental dictionary is called the

a. Forebrain

b. Temporal section

c. Semantic structure

d. Lexicon

e. Graphemic region

66. Which part of the brain seems to be responsible for language?

a. Temporal lobe

b. Occipital lobe

c. Limbic system

d. Hypothalamus

e. Parietal lobe

67. “Curious blue ideas sleep furiously,” is a famous statement by a linguist to argue that sentences can be proper but still not make sense. At what level is this sentence ambiguous?

a. Semantic

b. Lexical

c. Syntactic

d. Phonemic

e. Morphemic

68. Which linguistic universal suggests that words don’t mean anything until we give them meaning?

a. Semanticity

b. Arbitrariness

c. Vocal-auditory

d. Displacement

e. Uniqueness

69. A child typically says her first word at age

a. 6 months

b. 12 months

c. 16 months

d. 20 months

e. 24 months

70. A child tends to have complete command of most aspects of language by age

a. 1 year

b. 2 years

c. 3 years

d. 4 years

e. 5 years

71. “A child learns language by listening to others and imitating the sounds.” Such a statement might have been made by ___________ on the topic of language acquisition.

a. Chomsky

b. Watson

c. James

d. Freud

e. Skinner

72. English is composed of approximately how many unique sounds?

a. 26-30

b. 20-25

c. 15-20

d. 40-50

e. 60-80

73. The difference between the cognitive and behavioral perspective on language acquisition is

a. The timing of the onset of language

b. The idea that there are differences between boys and girls

c. The time course of language acquisition

d. The source: the environment versus being hardwired.

e. None; both are talking about the same process, using different words

74. The basic sounds of a language are represented at which level?

a. Semantic

b. Lexical

c. Phonemic

d. Morphemic

e. Syntactic

75. What differentiates human language from other forms of communications in the animal world?

a. Human language is more precise.

b. Humans speak; animals gesture.

c. Human language and animal language are the same; there are no differences.

d. Human language uses words.

e. Human language is less precise.

76. A child has learned that the name for the vehicle he drives in is “truck.” One day. He sees a car driving sown the street and says, “Truck.” This child is demonstrating

a. Underextension

b. Overextension

c. Cognitive error

d. Lexical access error

e. Semantic error

77. The concept of displacement means that with human language, we can

a. Talk about things present

b. Talk about things we don’t know about

c. Talk about things that have happened or that will happen

d. Learn about people not present

e. Learn about topics unknown to us

78. Which of the following is a syntactically complex sentence?

a. Bill went to the store.

b. Tony ran out into the street.

c. Fran wanted to buy some coffee, so she went to the store.

d. John was interested in buying a new car for his family.

e. Sue thought that her son was smart.

79. If someone says that we’re making a phonemic mistake when we are speaking, we are probably

a. Confusing subject-verb agreement

b. Speaking in run-on sentences

c. Not saying some words correctly

d. Speaking with an accent

e. Stuttering

80. A 5-year-old child speaks in one-word sentences. This represents

a. The typical situation

b. A language delay

c. A language burst

d. Cognitive complexity

e. Intellectual advancement

81. __________ developed the concept of linguistic universals.

a. Chomsky

b. Hockett

c. Skinner

d. Freud

e. Miller

82. Child development occurs quickly from the fetal stage into the development of a fully formed human. Which of the following developmental milestones occurs first?

a. Fingernails grow

b. Skull fully forms

c. Twins occur

d. A blastocyst forms

e. Implantation happens

83. At which period of prenatal development is it most dangerous for a woman to take in substances that have an impact on a developing fetus?

a. Ninth month

b. First two months

c. Third trimester

d. Second trimester

e. Sixth month

84. The process of culling neuronal connections to improve the efficiency of brain activity is called

a. Trimming

b. Pruning

c. Filling

d. Scoring

e. Firing

85. According to Piaget, the most important process of development is

a. Learning to solve logical problems

b. Learning to speak

c. Adapting to the environment

d. Learning new words

e. Cultivating relationships with one’s parents

86. What task might be beyond the reach of a child in the preoperational stage?

a. Speaking

b. Eating by oneself

c. Walking

d. Conversation

e. Remembering

87. At roughly what age would a child reach the stage of formal operations?

a. 5

b. 2

c. 7

d. Birth

e. 12

88. A child has a dog and refers to this dog as “doggie.” She then sees a kitten for the first time and calls out “doggie!” This process is called

a. Evolution

b. Formalization

c. Spreading activation

d. Accommodation

e. Assimilation

89. The child in question 88 eventually learns that dogs and cats are different creatures, and she can determine the difference between the two. This process is referred to as

a. Evolution

b. Formalization

c. Spreading activation

d. Accommodation

e. Assimilation

90. Which of the following skills makes formal operations different from other stages?

a. Abstract logic

b. Ability to conserve

c. More accommodation than assimilation

d. Adaptation to the environment

e. Learning to speak

91. the process of conservation refers to a child’s ability to

a. remember his name

b. recognize his mother

c. understand a basic law of physics

d. know the structure of language

e. recognize absurdities in language

92. The difference between assimilation and accommodation is that

a. Assimilation refers to our ability to adapt

b. Accommodation refers to our ability to adapt

c. Assimilation is the process of developing new schemas

d. Accommodation is the process of developing new schemas

e. Assimilation happens more when you are younger

93. According to Piaget, basic knowledge structures are called

a. Accommodation

b. Assimilation

c. Equilibrium

d. Schemas

e. Nodes

94. Piaget focused mainly on _________, while Vygotsky focused mostly on _________.

a. Culture; stages of development

b. Assimilation; accommodation

c. Accommodation; assimilation

d. Stages of development; culture

e. Logic; language

95. The gap between the skills that children have the ability to do alone versus that which they can do with support is called

a. Adaptation

b. Zone of proximal development

c. Scaffolding

d. Equilibration

e. Accommodation

96. According to Keating, many college students do not actually reach formal operations, even though Piaget’s theory suggests that they should./ Keating makes this claim because college students couldn’t

a. Answer abstract logical problems

b. Conserve

c. Equilibrate

d. Answer simple math problems

e. Respond to riddles

97. The sensorimotor stage of cognitive development is one during which children do NOT have the ability to

a. Respond to the environment

b. Use simple motor skills

c. Engage in imaginative play

d. Smile

e. Respond to mother’s voice

98. At how many weeks of prenatal development is the sex of a fetus identifiable?

a. 2 weeks

b. 28 weeks

c. 12 weeks

d. 40 weeks

e. 5 weeks

99. The process of fitting into the environment is called, according to Piaget,

a. Equilibration

b. Schema

c. Accommodation

d. Assimilation

e. Adaptation

100. The periodic restructuring of schemas to fit new information into a revised organizational structure is called



b. Schema

c. Accommodation

d. Assimilation

e. Adaptation

101. According to Piaget’s theory, we develop schemas

a. During gestation

b. Through experience

c. Via instinct

d. During adulthood

e. During adolescence

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102. Vinnie is five months old and enjoys playing peek-a-boo mainly because, as Vinnie understands it, the human face is there, then it disappears, then it reappears. According to Piaget, what stage is Vinnie currently in?

a. Preconventional

b. Concrete operational

c. Sensorimotor

d. Preoperational

e. Formal operational

103. Tim is fourteen years old and believes that everyone is as concerned with his looks as he is. What is Tim experiencing?

a. Personal fable

b. Imaginary audience

c. Conservation

d. Identity confusion

e. Thought disorder

104. Keiko drops out of her high school drama club and joins the rugby club instead in an effort to meet new people. According to Erikson’s psychological theory of development, Keiko is currentluy experiencing

a. Trust versus mistrust

b. Initiatve versus guilt

c. Secure sttachment versus insecure attachment

d. Identity versus role confusion

e. Industry versus inferiority

105. Harry Harlow felt that for infant monkeys

a. The need for contact comfort is less important than the reduction of the hunger drive

b. The need for social interaction is clearly overestimated

c. The need for contact comfort is more important than the reduction of the hunger drive

d. Infant monkeys raised in a rich, stimulating environment are more likely to be securely attached

e. There is a critical period during which imprinting must take place

106. Lightly touching an infant’s cheek will result in the movement of the infant’s mouth to whichever side of the face was touched. This is known as what type of reflex?

a. Babinski

b. Moro

c. Palmar

d. Sucking

e. Rooting

107. Students at Bayside High School are amazed by all the knowledge Dr. Jones posseses. Having taken psychology, you know that the professor’s extensive knowledge can likely be attributed to a high level of

a. Fluid intelligence

b. Crystallized intelligence

c. Self-efficacy

d. Wisdom

e. Creativity

108. Maturation refers to

a. Environmental influences that can potentially put the baby at risk for developing a disorder

b. Development that occurs naturally, and without the influence of the environment

c. Development that occurs because of the influence of the environment

d. The adaptation of new objects in an already existing schema

e. The implementation of a new schema to make sense of new information

109. Which of the following correctly represents Elizabeth Kübler-Ross’s theory of death and grief?

a. Denial, anger, fear, bargaining, acceptance

b. Fear, anger, bargaining, denial, acceptance

c. Denial, anger, curiosity, bargaining, acceptance

d. Denial, anger, bargaining depression, acceptance

e. Anger, bargaining, grief, anger, acceptance

110. Brody is contemplating whether to cheat on his upcoming psychology examination. He knows that he needs to get an A on the test. However, he also recognizes that if he gets caught cheating, he will have to accept any punishment he receives. Brody then decides that getting an A on the exam outweighs the risk of getting caught. According to Kohlberg, Brody is currently at what level of morality?

a. Preconventional

b. Operational

c. Post-conventional

d. Concrete

e. Conventional

111. The term used to define any agent that may interfere with development in a human fetus is called

a. Maturation

b. A teratogen

c. Egocentrism

d. The critical period

e. A personal fable

112. According to Baumrind, the type of parenting that would most likely produce a cooperative, caring, and empathetic child is

a. Permissive

b. Avoidant

c. Egocentric

d. Authoritarian

e. Authoritative

113. According to Erikson, the first crisis encountered in human development is

a. Trust versus mistrust

b. Identity versus role confusion

c. Shame versus doubt

d. Generativity versus stagnation

e. Intimacy versus isolation

114. Fluid intelligence _______ with age, while crystallized intelligence _______ with age.

a. Remains the same; remains the same

b. Increases; decreases

c. Decreases; decreases

d. Decreases; increases

e. Increases; increases

115. Tommy, a toddler, is sitting in a room with his mother when a stranger enters, causing Tommy to cling tightly to his mother. His mother reassures Tommy that everything is all right and that he can play with the stranger. According to Mary Ainsworth, Tommy is displaying

a. Insecure attachment

b. Ambivalent/restraint attachment

c. Obstinate attachment

d. Secure attachment

e. Unasserted attachment

116. When asked why the sky is blue, Erin responds, “Because blue is my favorite color!” According to Piaget, Erin is displaying

a. Animism

b. Egocentrism

c. Artificialism

d. Personal fable

e. Industry versus inferiority


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