World History

World History

Day 49.1 - African Kingdoms: Early Civilizations in Africa

Goal 2.06, 2.03

Essential Questions

• Why did early civilizations develop?

• How did global civilizations organize and grow?

• How and why do civilizations change overtime?

• What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?


* Sahel

* Savanna

* Griots

* Nok

* Bantu

Starting the Lesson

Students will view the map on p. 282 “Environments of Africa” and answer he following questions:

1. What are the five environmental zones in Africa? (Desert, Dry woodland, Mediterranean, Savanna, Tropical rain forest.)

2. In what vegetation zone was Benin City located? (Tropical rain forest.)

3. How did the location of Benin City affect life there? (It helped the development of Agriculture.)

4. When did iron working begin in Africa? (400 BC)

5. How did the knowledge of iron working spread throughout Africa? (Trade and migration)

Guided Practice/ Independent Practice

Students will trace different maps of Africa onto a large sheet of poster sized paper while it is taped to the wall. (I will project using the projector and overhead.) The first map will be of the African continent only, however others will show areas (in Africa) that need to be labeled onto your map. Students will be able to use maps on pg. 282, 286, 287, 289, and 297.



Students will use the information on Griots in Africa (p.283) to create a poem, song, rap, or story that conveys ideas about the traditions and values in their own families and communities that they would like future generations to remember. CREATE RUBRIC


You are going to be leading an African tour that will go through the different vegetation regions of Africa. You will use the information on these region on p.284 to create a brochure about the different regions. Each section of your brochure should be devoted to the following vegetation regions: the Sahara desert, the Sahel (plains), the savanna, and the tropical rainforests. You should include an illustration for each of these regions; you should also include a short paragraph on each section describing to your tourists what they can expect to see in each region.


Students will complete their classroom “Exit Cards” answering the following questions: “What did I Learn?” “What did I not understand?” “What do I need to review?”

World History

Day 50.1 - African Kingdoms: Early Civilizations in Africa

Goal 2.06, 2.03

Essential Questions

Why did early civilizations develop?

How did global civilizations organize and grow?

How and why do civilizations change overtime?

What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?


* Ezana

* Ge’ez

* Lalibela

* Swahili

Starting the Lesson

Students will read the introduction titled “The Inside Story” on p.288 and answer he following questions:

1. What ancient Egyptian kingdom had fallen into decline by the AD 200’s? Kush

2. What early Ethiopian kingdom was rising in power at the same time? Aksum

3. What decision did the Aksum king Ezana come to? To eliminate the Kush as a rival.

4. What occurred in the year AD 350? The Aksum marched on Kush and delivered a crushing defeat.

5. What was the result of the Aksum defeat of Kush? Aksum became the most powerful kingdom in East Africa.


Students will use Chapter 10, Section 2 of their text Human Legacy to locate and retrieve information about the trading states of East Africa. (textual information on p.288-293)


Guided Practice

Students will begin by researching Fact & Fiction accounts of “The Queen of Sheba.” Questions will follow along with the video.

Independent Practice

With a partner, review the information on the trading states of East Africa (textual information on p.288-293). Use construction or roll paper to plan a timeline for this section. Measure one inch to represent a century. Record significant events horizontally along the bottom of your timeline and significant leaders along the top. Be sure to include illustrations to match the events and leaders included on your time line. The title of your timeline should be “Trading States of East Africa.”


Effort and Participation 25 points

Neatness and Creativity 25 points

Accurate Information 25 points

Illustrations 25 points

Total 100 points


Use the information on p.288-298 to complete a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the kingdom of Aksum with the later kingdom of Ethiopia.


Students will complete their classroom “Exit Cards” answering the following questions: “What did I Learn?” “What did I not understand?” “What do I need to review?”

World History

Day 51 - African Kingdoms: Early Civilizations in Africa

Goal 2.06, 2.03

Essential Questions

• Why did early civilizations develop?

• How did global civilizations organize and grow?

• How and why do civilizations change overtime?

• What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?


* Ezana

* Ge’ez

* Lalibela

* Swahili

Starting the Lesson

Students will read and answer questions on the early African economy.


Students will view the remainder of Queen of Sheba while doing some follow along questions.

Create questions

Independent Practice / Evaluation

Aksum note Poster

Make directions & rubric. Pre- draw poster like I did for Greek Philosophy.


Students will complete their classroom “Exit Cards” answering the following questions: “What did I Learn?” “What did I not understand?” “What do I need to review?”

World History

Day 52 - African Kingdoms: Kingdoms of West Africa

Goal 2.06, 2.03

Essential Questions

Why did early civilizations develop?

How did global civilizations organize and grow?

How and why do civilizations change overtime?

What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?


* Sundiata

* Mansa Musa

* Sunni Ali

* Askia Muhhammad

Starting the Lesson

Students will view a video and answer questions on how Islam came to Timbuktu. MAKE QUESTIONS

Students will finish watching Queen of Sheba video.


Students will use Chapter 10, Section 2 of their text Human Legacy to locate and retrieve information about the kingdoms of West Africa. (textual information on p.295-301)

Students will learn about Mansa Musa. MAKE NOTES BASED OFF Works Document.

Guided Practice/ Independent Practice

Students will create a poster divided into the following four sections: Empire of Ghana, Mali Empire, Empire of Songhai, and Other West African States. Students will identify the main events in the development and decline of these empires and include them on their poster with illustrations.

|Empire of Ghana |Mail Empire |

|Empire of Songhai |Other West African States |


Students will read aloud the quote on p.297 describing the lavish lifestyle of Ghana’s kings. Students will write this quotation on a sheet of white drawing paper and will draw the scene described in the quote. Students will work in pairs to list under their illustrations the advantages of keeping the supply of gold in the hands of the kings.


Students will complete their classroom “Exit Cards” answering the following questions: “What did I Learn?” “What did I not understand?” “What do I need to review?”

World History

Day 53 - African Kingdoms: TEST

Goal 2.06, 2.03

Essential Questions

• Why did early civilizations develop?

• How did global civilizations organize and grow?

• How and why do civilizations change overtime?

• What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?



Starting the Lesson

Students will finish the Queen of Sheba video & questions.

Guided Practice

Students will assemble a study diamond for their personal test study guide.


Students will complete their tests on Chapter 10.


Students will complete their classroom “Exit Cards” answering the following questions: “What did I Learn?” “What did I not understand?” “What do I need to review?”


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