SASE: Socials and Science Experiential

Canada: A People’s History – Episodes 1 and 2

Study Questions

SASE 9 – Spring 2013


When the world began: (15000 BC to 1800 AD)

• Who was Shauna Divot? A red Indian found starving in the woods.

• Why were the Beothuk called the "red Indians"? Because they smeared red ochre on their faces.

• How many languages were spoken in early Canada? Around 50.

• How many people were estimated to live around this time? 15,000,000.

• Who was mostly In charge of agriculture? The women.

• What did the Blackfoot call their creator? Nappi (the old one)

• What relation did the Iroquois and the Huron have? They were enemies.

• What happened If you were captured by a Huron? You were publicly tortured and executed.

Adventurers and Mystics.

• What three diseases did the Europeans being to Huronia? Small pox, measles and influenza.

• Who attacked who in 1649? The Iroquois attacked the Huron.

• Approximately how many Huron were


When the world began

• why were the Beothuk called red Indians (they painted red ocker on there faces)

• what is a common first nations instrument that is played to accompany singing (drums)

• before Europeans arrived about how many first nations were there (over 50)

• did some first nations farm (yes)

• what did the Blackfoot call there god (nappy)

• was nappy and A old man B child C old woman (A)

• how did the Inuit get to north America( they sailed)

• how many Iroquois camps were there (5)

• who were the Huron at war with (Iroquois)

• who conckord Constantinople in 1453 (ottoman Turks)

adventurers and mystics

• which french man set up an alliance with the Huron (Champlain)

• did the Huron practice agriculture (yes)

• who did Etien Brule side with after the English came (the English))

• what happened to Etien Brule (he was tortured to death)

• what religion was created because of the reformation (protestant)

• what 3 diseases wiped out the Huron (smallpox influenza measles)

• how many Huron died of foreign diseases (half)

• what year were the Huron destroyed (1649)

• which french king declared war on the Iroquois (king Luey the 14)

• when did french troops go to Quebec (1665

• what class of people went to new France to populate it (lower class)


Episode 1- When the World Began 

Q. Have these events actually happened? (Yes) 

Q. Who was Shauna Divet? (A "Red Indian" found starving to death in the forest and taken in by an English man, the last known Beothuk.) 

Q. The Beothuk were also called "Red Indians". Why? (They spread red oaker on their faces)

Q. What was the "Great Migration"? (When people travelled from Asia to North America)

Q. How many languages were spoken in now what is called Canada? (Over 50)

Q. Who came first? The Egyptians or the First Nations people of North America? ( The First Nations of North America)

Q. When did the ice bridge start to melt? (15-20 thousand years ago)

Q. What direction did the final migration go in? (North)

Q. Did the Blackfoot First Nations farm? (Yes.)

Q. What was the name of the Blackfoot's First Nations creator? (Napi)

Q. What is a "Vision Quest"? (A boy goes out on his own and becomes a man. He is not to eat until he gets a vision, and finds out who his protector is.)

Q. According to the Inuit, what creates snow storms? ( a giant blowing air on the earth)

Q. What First Nations came first and how did they get there? (The Inuit, and by boat.)

Q. According to Inuit legend, how were the creatures of the north created? (A woman thrown overboard into the frigid waters and her fingers were cut off to prevent her from climbing back on board. Each finger created a new creature.)

Q. True or false; the Iroquois and the Hurons were allies. (False. They were enemies.)

Q. What would happen to you if you were a Huron and you were captured alive by a Iroquois? (You were publicaly tortured.)

Q. How many waring camps did the Iroquois branch into? ( Five)

Q. True or False; the Iroquois people were at war with one another. ( True)

Q. Did the Iroquois ever create an alliance? (Yes)

Q. Who had the first idea of travelling off to different lands? (The Irish pope Brendan)

Q. What year did the Constantinople fall? (1453)

Q. in 1497 John Cabbott sailed across the Atlantic. How long did it take him? (1 month)

Q. Who claimed the land of Canada? (France)

Q. What happens when you get scurvy? ( Your teeth fall out)

Episode 2- Adventurers and Mystics (1540-1670)

Q. What skills did Jewett have that saved his life? (Skills as a blacksmith)

Q. What mineral was found on Baffin Island? (Gold)

Q. In 1578, fifteen ships sailed to Baffin Island. What were they looking for? (Gold)

Q. Was Champlain French or English? (French)

Q. What did Champlains’ men die of? (Scurvy)

Q. The Hurons had two allies. What were the names given to these two allies? (The Algonquins and the Montagnais)

Q. What Frenchman created an alliance with the Huron people? (Champlain)

Q. Etienne Brule was the first frenchman to do what? (Travel to and live with those in Huronia)

Q. What were the Hurons trading for metal? (Beaver skins)

Q. Why is Canada’s national animal a beaver? (Because of the beaver fur trade between the french and the Hurons

Q. Did the Hurons practise agriculture? If so, how? (Yes, they grew corn)

Q. What attribute did the French have that made the Hurons think the French were dumb? (Beards)

Q. How did Brule die? (The Hurons tortured him to death for being a traitor.

Q. What was the difference between the Jesuit Missionaries and Champlain? (The Jesuit Missionaries forced christianity on the Hurons, while Champlain place himself in the Hurons’ religion.

Q. Marie de l’incarnation recieved a vision from god. What did she see? (“New France”)

Q.What was the original reason for Montreal being built? (It was meant to be a holy city)

Q. What were the three diseases that killed off half of the Huron people, not including alcohol?(Measles, small pox and influenza.)

Q.In 1649, what happened between the Hurons and the Iroquois? (The Iroquois attacked the Hurons, killing the Jesuit Missionaries as well.)

Q. King Lois the Fourteenth declares war on whom in 1665? (The Iroquois)

Q. Were the French succesful with their January attack on the Iroquois? Why or why not?(No because their men died of the cold

Q. True or false; Did the Iroquois sign a treaty on the French because they lit a French village on fire? ( False. The French lit set fire to an Iroquois village.

Q.How did the king populate Canada with his own people? (He sent lower class people)

Q. How long was a contract for an engage? (3 Years)

Q, What consequenses were given when a man became involved with a woman under the age of 16? (None, you were paid for it.)

Q. In 1673, what important person died? (Marie de l’incarnation)

Q.What were the French-Canadian settlers called? (Canadiens)


Episode 1- When the World Began

Q. Where was Shana Divitt/Nancy found? (She was found wondering in the forest)

Q. How many languages were spoken in North America? (50 languages)

Q. How many lived in North America over that time period? (15 million people lived there)

Q. Why would the boys run away for a certain amount of days? (The boy would be gone to 3-5 days on there vision quest, finding there protector)

Q. What happens if you got caught alive in war? (The people who caught you would publicly torture the person who was caught)

Q. How many warning camps were there? (Five)

Q. Was there an alliance between the Iroquois? (Yes)

Q. How did Jacques Cartier and his men get scurvy? (He got stuck in the winter and the ice)

Q. How did Champlain’s men die? (They died from scurvy)

Q. Who was the man who allied with the Huron people? (Champlain)

Q. Who were the Huron’s enemies? ( The Iroquois)

Q. How many times did Champlain cross the Atlantic? (20 times)

Episode 2 – adventures and mystics

Q. When did women arrive to Quebec? (1639)

Q. What were the 3 diseases when the French people came? ( Small pox, measles , and the flu)


How the World began

• Why were the Beothuc called “The Red Indians?” (They put red oaker on their face)

• How many languages were spoken in Canada? (50)

• What did the Black Foot call their creator? (Nappy)

• What is the other name for the Wendat? (Huron)

• What happens when you are captured by the Wendat? (They held you captive then tortured you to death)

• How did Hudson’s Bay get its name? (From Captain Hudson who founded it)

• What did Champlain’s men die of? (Scurvey, starvation and hypothermia)

• Who were the huron’s enemies? (Iroquois)

• Who were the huron’s allies? (The French)

• What were the Fist Nations using as weapons? (Bows and spears)

• Who is the French man who set up an alliance with the huron? (Samuel de Champlain)

• Who had the task to convince the huron to trade their beaver skins in Quebec? (Etienne Brule)

• Did the huron practice agriculture? (Yes)

• Who did Etienne Brule trade sides with? (Europe)

Adventures and Mystics

• What three diseases wiped out the Huron? (Small pox, influenza and measles)

• When did the Huron get wiped out? (1649)

• Who declared war on the Iroquois? (


Episodes 1 and 2 - When the World Began and Adventurers and Mystics

• Where did the Beothuk live? (Red Indian Lake)

• Why were the Beothuk called “Red Indians?” (they painted their faces with red ochre)

• What is a common instrument Indians usually accompany with singing? (drums)

• How many languages were spoken in Canada before Europeans arrived? (50)

• What was the mistake the Blackfoots’ god made? (keeping men and women away from each other)

• How did the Inuit arrive to Canada? (by sea after land bridge was gone)

• What happens if you are captured alive? (you are tortured publicly)

• Who were the first women missionaries in Canada (nuns)

• What was Montreal originally designed to be? (a holy city)

• What did the French accidentally bring that almost wiped out the Huron nation? (smallpox, influenza and measles)

• What percentage of the Hurons died? (50%)

• When did the Iroquois attack the Hurons? (1649)

• Who declares war on the Iroquois? (the French)

• In 1665 the French send what? (troops)

• Why did the Iroquois sign a peace treaty in the end of the 17th century? (the French burned everything down)

• Who did the king send to populate Canada? (lower class girls)

• How much were you paid a year if you had 10 children? (300 pounds)

• How many warring camps were the Iroquois split into? (5)

• Was there eventually an alliance between the Iroquois warring camps? (yes)

• When did Constantinople fall to the Turks? a)1453 b) 1500 c) 1443 d) 1391 (a)

• In 1497 _____________ sailed to find the Americas. A) John Cabot b) John Cabbage c) Christopher Columbus (a)

• Who first claimed Canada? (the French)

• Who brought back tobacco from Canada? (Jacques Cartier)

• What did Jacques Cartier and his crew get when they got stuck in the ice? (scurvy)

• Who founded Quebec? (Samuel de Champlain)

• 300 natives and 9 French men set of to fight who? (Iroquois)

• Why did the Iroquois flee from battle? (their chiefs died)

• Who is the French man that set up an alliance with the Hurons? (Champlain)

• What was Etienne Brule tasked with doing? (getting the Hurons to trade their beaver skins)

• Who did Etienne Brule become an ally with after the French? (the English)

• How long did the English own Quebec? (3 years)


Episode 1 – When the World Began

• Why were the Beothuk called “Red Indians?” (they put red paint on their faces)

• What was the main instrument of the Beothuk (the drum)

• How many languages were spoken in Canada before European contact? A) 60 b) 50 c) 800 d) 1 (b)

• Was there ever a land bridge between Asia and America? (yes)

• True or false: Animal hides were used for clothing by native North Americans. (true)

• Were their farming cultures in native North America? (yes)

• What is it that they get on a vision quest? (their protector)

• When did the Inuit arrive in Canada? (after the land bridge disappeared)

• What happened if you were caught alive? (you would have a long and painful death)

• How many camps were there among the Iroquois people? A) 2 b) 5 c) 6 d) 10 (b)

• Was there an alliance among the Iroquois people? (yes)

Episode 2 – Adventurers and Mystics

• In 1639, did women go to Canada? (yes)

• What was Montreal meant to be? A) a holy city b) woodland c) graveyard (a)

• In 1649 did the Huron attack the Iroquois? (no, the Iroquois attacked the Huron)

• Did slaves have rights? (no)


Episode 1 – When the World Began

• Why were the Beothuk called “Red Indians?” (they painted their faces with red ochre)

• How many languages were spoken in Canada before European contact? (50)

• How many days does a boy go without food on his vision quest? (3-5 days)

• Who did the Blackfoot people believe was their creator? (Napi)

• How did the Inuit arrive? (in boats)

• What type of wood did natives make their boats out of? (cedar)

• What happens if you are captured alive? (you are tortured in public)

• How many warring camps of Iroquois were there? A) 5 b) 4 c) 2 d) 6 (a)

• What disease did Jacques Cartier and his crew have? (scurvy)

• When did Hudson sail into the Arctic? (1609)

Episode 2 – Adventurers and Mystics

• What were the Inuit’s canoes made out of? (leather)

• What did Champlain’s men die from? (scurvy)

• Who had an alliance with the Huron people? (Champlain)

• Who were the Huron’s enemies? (the Iroquois)

• How many times did Champlain cross the Atlantic Ocean? A) 10 b) 5 c) 20 d) 15 (c)

• Did Etienne Brule stay in French trade? (no, he betrayed them and sided with the English people)


Episodes 1 and 2 - When the World Began and Adventurers and Mystics

• Who was Columbus’ navigator? (John Cabot)

• What year did Columbus and Cabot start? (1462)

• Where did the name Canada originate? (a native village)

• Why did Jacques Cartier and his men start to die? (scurvy)

• When did Hudson sail to the Arctic? (1604)

• Frobisher was looking for what? (a passage to the Orient)

• Who paddled out to meet Frobisher? (Inuit)

• Did Frobisher find the Northwest strait? (no)

• What was Champlain’s gamble? (moved down further the St. Lawrence river and made another trading post)

• Who controlled the North side of the St. Lawrence River? A) Algonquins b) Huron c) Montagnais d) all of the above (d)

• Why did Champlain help the Huron war campaign? (to help guarantee his trades)

• Who in their party won the upper hand for the Huron? (Champlain and his guns)

• Who is the person almost solely responsible for the French presence in Canada (Champlain)

• In 1639, who arrived to Quebec? (Mari de L’Incarnation)

• What 3 diseases were killing the Huron? (the flu, measles, smallpox)

• In 1649, who destroyed the Huron? (the Iroquois)

• In 1665 French king sends troops to wipe out who? (the Iroquois)

• Instead of continuing war with the French, the Iroquois did what? (signed a peace treaty)

• What was the vision for Canada? (to grow from colony to having provinces resembling France)


Episodes 1 and 2 - When the World Began and Adventurers and Mystics

• Who was Spain at war with? (England)

• Jean Cabot sailed in what year? (1453)

• What did Jacques Cartier and his crew die from? (scurvy)

• What was the reason Frobisher’s men vanished in Inuit territory? (the Inuit people killed them)

• Why did the people turn on Frobisher after they brought back the black ore? (it was fool’s gold)

• Hurons and their allies (Algonquins and Montagnais) have control over what lakes? (the Great Lakes)

• When did the Huron leave to go to war with the Iroquois? (end of June)

• When on e of Champlain’s men shoots down the Iroquois chief, the Iroquois run away. Why? (the were no match for funs for they had bows)

• What was the French man that joined with the Hurons? (Champlain)

• What did Champlain want to trade Etienne Brule for? (another young man of the Hurons)

• What were the Hurons trading for beaver skins? (metals - knives, kettles, cutlery)

• Were the Huron forced or free-willed to trade with the French? (the Huron wanted to trade with the French – it made them more powerful)

• What did the Huron people think about bearded French Christians? (the were not wise)

• What was the “livre” in 17th century France? (money)

• How many Hurons died following French contact? (half)

• Who does Champlain catch the ear of? (Duke du Riduleau)

• In what year did the Iroquois attack the Hurons? (1649)

• Who did Etienne Brule betray and who’s side did he choose? (he betrayed the French and went to the English)

• What were the 3 diseased that spread through the Hurons following French contact? (smallpox, influenza, measles)

• Etienne Brule was tortured to death for his actions by whom? (the Hurons)

• Why did the Iroquois sign a peace treaty with the French? (the French burned their villages)

• Jesuit missionaries bring young French people, Lemoine and Boucher, for what reasons? (servants)

• Marie d l’Incarnation sailed to new Quebec for what reason? (a vision)

• In 1639 they were the first what in North America? (first women missionaries)

• What was Montreal destined to be? (a holy city)

• In 1649 the Iroquois attacked the Hurons because for what advantage? (the Hurons were sick and dying)

• Did the French successfully invade the Iroquois? (no, the French burned the Iroquois villages)

• Men were paid to engage young women. How many pounds were they paid on their wedding day? (20 pounds)

• In the past men were encouraged to marry women 16 years and younger. Today, what would adults be charged with for relations with a person under the age of 16? (rape)

• Marie sent a message to her son when she died in New Quebec. What did it say? (Tell him I carry him in my hear)

• How is the Montreal “Canadiens” hockey team linked to the past and so important for some people? (the name “Canadiens” was used to describe the original French Canadian settlers)


Episodes 1 When the World Began

• Why were the Beothuk called “Red Indians?” (they painted their faces red with ochre)

• Who was Shauna Divett (the last Beothuk or “Red Indian” alive)

• What is a common First Nations musical instrument? (drum)

• What was the “great migration?” (when the people of Asia crossed to Canada)

• How many languages were spoken in Canada at first? (50)

• How did the Iroquois think they were created? (they fell out of the sky onto a giant turtle’s back)

• Which came to North America first – animals or humans? (animals – they were chased by humans)

• When did people get to the East coast? (700 years ago)

• Are the Blackfoot people patriarchal or matriarchal? (matriarchal)

• Who was the Blackfoot people’s creator? (Napi or “old man”)

• What’s a vision quest? (when a boy went on a lonely trip and starved himself until he hallucinated)

• Who were the most warlike first nations of North America? (the Iroquois and Huron)

• What was the Huron’s old name? (Wendat)

• What happens to an individual captured in war? (a public persecution)

• How many Iroquois war camps were there? (5)

• Did the Iroquois alliance together? (yes)

• Who were the first European arrivals to North America? (Irish monks)

• When did people record North America and settle there? (1453)

• Why were the first nations of North America first called “Indians?” (because Columbus believed he was in India)

• What was the kind of fish that was mass caught off the shores of Newfoundland? (cod)

• Who first “conquered” Canada? (The French)

• How was Canada first named Canada? (a first nations village)

• What new device did the Europeans see the first nations using? (a pipe and tobacco)

• What happened to Jacques Cartier’s crew? (they got scurvy)

• Who helped Jacques Cartier’s crew and how? (Donnacona’s sons gave the crew cedar tea)

• When did Henry Hudson go to the Arctic? (1609)

• Who first contacted Hudson’s crew? (a first nations trapper)

• What did Cook trade to the natives? (metal)

• What happened to Cook and his crew? (his crew was killed and Cook became the Nootka’s slave)

• How did Cook think of the Nootka chief? (he accepted that the chief, although he killed his crew, because he took good care of Cook

Episode 2 - Adventurers and Mystics

• When did Frobisher start his expedition to the Orient? (1576)

• Who went to greet Frobisher? (the Inuit)

• What mineral did Frobisher and his crew find in the North? (gold ore)

• How many ships and men set sail to the Arctic? (15 ships and 400 men)

• Were the tonnes of black ore worth anything? (no)

• What else did the English harvest that was actually valuable? (fish)

• Who did John Cabot try to trade with after they settled in Newfoundland? (the Beothuk)

• When was John Cabot sent back to England? (the summer of 1613)

• What was Quebec at first? (a French explorers’ fort)

• What became an expensive and new fashion in France and England? (beaver hats)

• What happened to the French explorer’s crew in the winter? (some of them got scurvy and died)

• How many of Champlains’ exploeres were left after the winter? (8)

• Who controlled the area Northeast of the Great Lakes? (Hurons, Algonquins and Montagnais)

• What was Champain’s trading rule? (always have military with you)

• How many Huron First Nations went with Champlain’s crew? (300)

• How many Iroquois did they fight? (200)

• What did the Iroquois do? (they fled)

• Who did Champlain and the French fight? (the Iroquois)

• How old was the first French man to go into Huronia? (18)

• What was Etienne’s goal with the Hurons? (he wanted to integrate with the Huron)

• What were the Huron trading beavers for? (metals, weapons)

• Why did the Hurons ally with the French? What it their choice? (they became wealthy and powerful and very much wanted this relationship)

• Why did the Hurons think the French were stupid? (because of their religion and beards)

• What were 3 animals used in the fur trade? (beaver, fox, marten, deer, moose)

• What did Etienne do when Quebec was taken? (he allied with the English and the Huron tortured him to death)

• How long did the English hold Quebec? (3 years)

• When did Champlain return to Canada? (in the late 1600s)

• What did the French introduce to first nations? (smallpox, Christianity and booze)

• What did the Jesuits want to do with the Hurons? (they wanted to convert the natives to Christianity and the French way of life)

• How old was Boucher when he was learning the native way of life and their beliefs? (15)

• When did Marie and the first female missionaries arrive in Quebec? (1639)

• What was Montreal supposed to be? (a holy city)

• What were the 3 sicknesses that the French brought to Huronia? (smallpox, flu, measles)

• How many of the Hurons died as a result? (half)

• When did the Iroquois attack the Huron and the Jesuits? (1649)

• How long did it take for the Hurons to be lowered to 1000 people? (40 years)

• How long were the Iroquois raiding the French? (15 years)

• When did Louis XIIII, King of France, invade the Iroquois? (1665)

• What did Louis XIIII decide to do with New France? (create an official colony)

• How many forts did the French build near Lake Champlain? (3)

• Were the French successful on their “sneak attack?” (no)

• Whey did the Iroquois sign a peace treaty? (their villages were burned down)

• What happened to the “king’s daughters,” otherwise known as “les filles du roi?” (they were sent to New France)

• How old were most of the “king’s daughters” when they were forced to marry? (12-16)

• How much was a family paid to have 12 children in New France? (400 pounds per year)

• When did Marie die? (1673)

• Who were the Canadiens? (the first true French settlers in Canada)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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