Activities - Maine
|Activities |Time Frame |Who is responsible, who are our |Performance Measures |Results/ |
| | |partners | |Outcomes |
| |
|The Executive Committee of SAIEL will meet weekly |9/1/12-6/30/13 |DOE representation |Current membership: |Commissioners designate |1. Findings from statewide early |
|and include no more than six persons, three from | |(3) |DHHS: Kris Michaud, Sheryl |appropriate personnel and |learning projects drive integrations |
|each department. | | |Peavey, Amy Dix |authority based on staff |and systems improvements |
|SAIEL Management Team, which is a larger group | |DHHS representation (3) |DOE: Janine Blatt, Jaci |changes and reconfiguration of| |
|with representation of the major early childhood | | |Holmes, Cindy Brown |responsibilities |2. SAIEL plans and promotes long term |
|programs across both departments, will set up | | |System Level: | |sustainability for integrated ELD |
|meetings with key dept players to share the SAIEL | | |*Preliminary findings from |System Level: |initiatives. |
|workplan and identify areas where their priorities| | |the work of SAIEL and the |*Completion of a resource map | |
|align. | | |Maine Children’s Growth |that is used to inform and | |
|The Executive Committee of SAIEL will review and | | |Council Sustainability |guide priorities, | |
|update the current DHHS/DOE MOU accordingly to | | |Committee that indicate |accountability and | |
|align with the components of this work plan. | | |opportunities for |collaboration | |
| | | |clarification of |* Through partnership with the| |
| | | |function/service and |Children’s Growth Council, | |
| | | |repurposing of funding |SAIEL will coordinate monthly,| |
| | | |# Qualitatively, there are |and will make recommendations | |
| | | |multiple formal points of |to the Commissioners to | |
| | | |entry processes that |integrate and /or reduce the | |
| | | |connect families to |number of points of | |
| | | |programs and services. |entry/connecting processes in | |
| | | | |place shared by both | |
| | | | |departments by December 2013. | |
|SAIEL will review current resource mapping |10/1/12-1/31/13 |DOE representation |RTT-ELC Project Budget and |Revised Reform Agenda Budget |By April 2013, departments issue joint |
|efforts, the work of the MCGC Sustainability | |(2) |State Budget |Maine Early Learning |guidance for funding that offers |
|Committee, and existing funding of the various ELD| |DHHS representation (2) | |Investment Group (MELIG) and |concrete possibilities for communities:|
|programs within each department and make | | | |Institute of Education Science|Pooled funding, Joint funding, New |
|recommendations for the “repurposing” of limited | |MCGC Data Committee; ELD | |grant opportunities |funding |
|State finances. | |Accountability Team | | | |
|B. High Quality Accountable Programs: Increased coordination of Head Start, Early Head Start, Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education, Public Pre-K and Child Care programmatic standards |
|Draft a logic model to articulate program |10/1/12-6/30/13 |DOE representative | |Draft standards for public |Both departments use consistent |
|standards for public pre-k, Early Childhood and | |State CDS IEU staff |QRIS standards |pre-k, CDS contractors* |expectations, definitions and |
|Early Childhood Special Education programs to be | |Child Care Team Leader | | |processes. |
|consistent with DHHS TQRIS strands. | |Child Wellness Liaison |Federal HS standards |*In rule writing process now |Departments have a plan for measureable|
|Increase coordination of Head Start/Early Head | |Head Start Collaboration | | |application of these standards to |
|Start/Public PreK programmatic expectations | |Head Start TA Team |DOE Transition Services | |increase capacity to serve high risk |
|Convene a group of key personnel from DOE and DHHS| |PreK Collaboration Coaches |Laws, Rules, Policies and |Coordination with state |children in quality programs. |
|to discuss interdepartmental and intradepartmental| | |Procedures |longitudinal data system |There are comparable levels of quality |
|transitioning services for children and families. | | | | |across various ELD programs. |
| | | |DHHS Transition Services |As a result of this initial | |
| | | |Laws, Rules, Policies and |meeting with SAIEL, this | |
| | | |Procedures. |stakeholder group will | |
| | | | |consider an interdepartmental | |
| | | |System Level: |Quality Improvement Project in| |
| | | |*As of January 2013 there |collaboration with the DHHS | |
| | | |are 1,315 licensed |Office of Lean Management | |
| | | |providers in the State of |focused on transition services| |
| | | |Maine TQRIS system. |for children and families | |
| | | |*As of January 2013 only |receiving services through DOE| |
| | | |41% of licensed providers |and DHHS in the State of | |
| | | |are at a Step 2 or higher |Maine. | |
| | | |in the TQRIS system. | | |
| | | |*As of January 2013 there |System Level: | |
| | | |are 197 public preschool |*By July 2013, we will | |
| | | |programs. |quantify the number of | |
| | | |*As of January 2013 53 |providers and their | |
| | | |(27%) public preschool |corresponding TQRIS Step Level| |
| | | |programs are required to |who serve children and | |
| | | |participate in the QRS and |families in Head Start, Early | |
| | | |maintain a Step 4 due to |Head Start, Early | |
| | | |partnerships with community|Intervention, Early Childhood | |
| | | |programs. |Special Education, Public | |
| | | | |Pre-K, , and Child Care. | |
| | | | |*By December of 2013 42% of | |
| | | | |providers serving children in | |
| | | | |Head Start, Early Head Start, | |
| | | | |Early Intervention, Early | |
| | | | |Childhood Special Education, | |
| | | | |Public Pre-K, and Child Care | |
| | | | |will assigned a Step 2 or | |
| | | | |higher in the TQRIS system. By| |
| | | | |December 2013 there will be a | |
| | | | |9% increase in programs in | |
| | | | |Steps 2-4 | |
|C. Promoting Early Learning and Development Outcomes: Increase the number of children served in early care settings that incorporate the Early Learning Guidelines |
|1. Complete the revision of the Early Learning |6/2011 - 3/31/13 |ELDS Revision Workgroup (with SAIEL|Domain workgroups in |Completed standards posted |1. ELDS will be available online and |
|and Development standards (ELDS) with contracted | |representation) |process of finalizing for |online by FY14 |clearly show alignment from a birth- |
|support | | |peer review | |grade 3 continuum. |
| | | |System Level: Two sets of |System Level: the two sets of |Across the EC system, the workforce |
| | | |Early |guidelines are revised by |understands what children’s levels of |
| | | |Learning Guidelines are |September 2013 to become two |proficiency are and what they need; |
| | | |currently in use: one for |sets of standards for the |systems understand what professional |
| | | |infants and toddlers and |respective age groups |development/technical assistance/career|
| | | |the other for three to five|*The Early Learning Guidelines|preparation the workforce needs; and |
| | | |year olds. |for children 3-5 will be |child transitions through ELD programs |
| | | |Child Level: *12,550 are |revised by Fall 2013. They |are synchronized with the K-3 system. |
| | | |being served in settings |will be a)linked to the | |
| | | |that incorporate Maine’s |Infant/Toddler Guidelines to |Both departments are better able to |
| | | |Early Learning Guidelines |serve as a continuum of |identify children with special needs |
| | | |from 10/1/11- 9/30/12. |standards, b) posted in a web |and identify learning styles and |
| | | |*4,784 children were served|based format, c) become the |explicit needs of vulnerable children |
| | | |in a public preschool that |shared reference documents |at risk of school failure. |
| | | |incorporate Maine’s Early |used to guide appropriate | |
| | | |Learning Guidelines from |curriculum, practice and | |
| | | |9/1/11-6/30/12 |instruction incorporated into | |
| | | | |a common training network. | |
| | | | |Child Level: An additional | |
| | | | |2,000 children will be served | |
| | | | |in settings that incorporate | |
| | | | |Maine’s Early Learning | |
| | | | |Guidelines from | |
| | | | |10/1/12-9/30/13 | |
|2. Develop an Early learning Comprehensive |Phase 1: FY13-FY14 |SAIEL, ELDS Workgroup, and MCGC |System Level: |*Work with stakeholder | |
|Assessment Framework (CAF) that includes a | |Accountability Teams, and other |*Localized implementation |groups(ELD, HAT,PD | |
|formative assessment protocol to inform | |appropriate interested parties |of screening tools |Accountability Teams of the | |
|kindergarten teachers of the developmental status | | |*Misuse/misinterpretation |MCGC) to develop a working | |
|of entering children. | | |of screening and assessment|framework of CAF components by| |
| | | |*No statewide connection of|August 2013. | |
| | | |screening, formative |*Connect disparate | |
| | | |assessment, data, and |groups/efforts towards | |
| | | |professional development |universal developmental | |
| | | |needs |screening (B-5) by June 2013 –| |
| | | | |Incorporate pilot findings | |
| | | | |from Educare by September 2013| |
| | | | |*Link efforts of the State | |
| | | | |Longitudinal Early Childhood | |
| | | | |pilot to Framework by December| |
| | | | |2013 | |
| | | | |*Link efforts of the MRTQ and | |
| | | | |PD Accountability Team | |
| | | | |*Develop webinar on components| |
| | | | |of Comprehensive Framework by | |
| | | | |December 2013 | |
|D. A Great Early Childhood Education Workforce: Increase the number of professionals trained in Early Learning Guidelines |
|1. Embed the revised ELD Standards into the State|Ongoing |MCGC Professional Development |System Level: |System Level: |Cross-department training that bridges |
|of Maine funded Core Knowledge Training Program | |Committee |Existing Core Knowledge and|Core Knowledge trainings will |disciplines and funding sources |
|and workforce competencies framework. | | |workforce competencies |include resources on the | |
| | | |framework |revised ELDS Standards | |
| | | | |Workforce Level: | |
| | | |Workforce Level: 254 |200 additional professionals | |
| | | |professionals have received|will receive training on the | |
| | | |training on the State of |State of Maine Infant/Toddler | |
| | | |Maine Infant/Toddler or |or Maine Early Learning | |
| | | |Maine Early Learning |guidelines that are employed | |
| | | |guidelines that are |in programs from | |
| | | |employed in 524 programs |10/1/12-9/30/13. | |
| | | |from 10/1/11-9/3012. | | |
| | | | | | |
|SAIEL representation encourage a standing agenda |Ongoing |Early Childhood Higher Education |2011 MRTQ training needs |Annual Interdepartmental Early|Articulation agreements for ELD |
|item with the early childhood higher education | |Committee |assessment; DATA from: 2011|Learning and Development |coursework across public and private |
|committee to consider embedding the revised ELDS | | |professional development |Workforce Strategic Goals are |institutions of higher learning. |
|in both two- and four-year degree programs | | |focus groups; 2011-12 |reflected in both departments’| |
|throughout the state. | | |school readiness forums; |plans | |
|Support increased workforce skill capacity to | | |Maine Professional | | |
|expand and improve family engagement while | | |Development Network (PDN) | | |
|supporting family understanding of child | | |needs assessments. | | |
|development | | | | | |
|E. State Longitudinal Data Systems: Increase the number of early childhood programs that are in the State Longitudinal Data System |
|Develop DOE-DHHS MOU for Early Childhood Data |9/1/12-6/30/13 |DOE Early Childhood Project |State Level State DOE, DHHS, |State Level: |The departments are able to identify |
|Sharing | |Manager (Ted) |and OIT personnel have |*MDOE will have linkages with|trends within local communities and |
|Expansion of DHHS COGNOS frameworks client index | |DOE representatives (Jaci, Janine)|documented requirements for |DHHS early childhood program |regions to better communicate the |
|table by adding linkage with State Student | |Child Care Team Leader |linkage between DHHS and MDOE |data through expansion of |learning needs of children in a |
|Identifier | |Child Wellness Liaison |programs and |DHHS COGNOS Frameworks client|particular demographic area and to |
|Develop/refine the research questions to be | |Head Start Directors Ass’n |progress toward completion of |index table by adding linkage|guide continuous improvement efforts at|
|answered by the REL-NEI project and SLDS | |leadership |COGNOS linkage is ongoing |with State Student Identifier|local, regional and the state level. |
|Examine status of the early childhood linkage | |Educare Leadership | |by May 2013. |Pilots allow evaluation of the |
|pilots to track participation in Early Head Start,| |SLDS Director (Bill) |A Set of research questions |*Head Start and CDS children |effectiveness of early childhood |
|Head Start and Educare. | |Asst. AG (Sarah) |and corresponding data |will have student identifiers|programs in preparing children for |
|Build on the results of the initial pilot to | |Researchers (MEPRI, REL) |elements have been developed. |and DHHS/MDOE data systems |elementary education and provide |
|further link child care data with CDS, 4-Year-Olds| |PTAC Early Learning Data Sharing | |linkage in place by Summer of|outcome reports back to the DHHS |
|and other early childhood programs. | |Workgroup (multiple states) |Pilot project manager has been|2013. |programs. |
| | | |named. | |Early childhood program participation |
|The MDOE will assign a dedicated project | | | | |and dosage data will help inform |
|coordinator to lead the pilot project. | | |Initial pilot programs status | |elementary schools about at-risk |
|Bring CDS into the SLDS | | |examination complete and | |indicators for incoming students. |
| | | |progress toward establishment | | |
| | | |of Headstart student | | |
| | | |identifiers is in progress. | | |
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