

Nombre:______________________________________________________________________ Localidad a la que asiste: ___________________________________________________

*Estas tareas deben entregarse a bolígrafo como fecha límite el 22 de Diciembre de 2020 para conseguir el 20% de la calificación final de cada bloque.

1. Usa las palabras de abajo para completar estas oraciones.

eat sleep watch wash cook

We ………………………………………………………….........in the dining room.

You………………………………………………………………….in the bathroom.

I ……………………………………………………………………...in the bedroom.

They………………………………………………………….……….in the kitchen.

We………………………………………………….…………….television in the living room.

2. Completa las oraciones con la forma afirmativa negativa o interrogativa en Presente Simple del verbo entre paréntesis.

1. He ………………………………………..………………………………(work) in a school.

2. They ………………….………………………………………..………….(not start) work at 8.30.

3. We ……………………………………………………………….…….….(stop ) work at 2pm.

4. ……………………you ………..….……………(have) lunch at 2.30?

5. You ……………………………………..… (read) books in the afternoon.

6. ………………………..he……….……………(go ) to bed at 10 o´clock in the evening?

7. I…………………………………………….....(not like) football.

3. Escribe una oración para cada persona como en el ejemplo. Utiliza el adverbio de frecuencia en el orden correcto. Ej. 1. I usually play football on Sunday.

|I |Always |Do |English. |

|Ian |Often |Are |football on Sunday. |

|You |Usually |swim |friends. |

|Mother |Sometimes |play |their homework every day. |

|They |Rarely |speaks |hamburgers. |

|Mary and Tony |Never |listens |to the radio in the morning. |

2. ___________________________________________________________________________.

3. ___________________________________________________________________________.





4. Rodea la opción correcta con this, that, these o those.

1. Give me _____ sandwich. It’s my sandwich!

A that B those C these

2. A: What’s _____?

B: It’s my identity card.

A these B that C those

3. Turn off your phone. _____ is a library!

A This B That C These

4. _____ cars are Japanese.

A This B These C That

5. I like these/ those blue shoes in that shop window.

5. Elije la palabra correcta para completar cada frase.

1. Helen and I like to relax in our/their sofa.

2. Mark and Bradley chase his/their brother.

3.”I am going to show you my/his house and his/my flat”, says Anna.

4.”We want to see what is in his/your head.

6. Rodea la opción correcta.

Rod 1 love / loves / is loving rugby and he watches every rugby game on TV. He 2 want / wants / don’t want to visit a rugby stadium, so he often 3 browses / browse / is browsing the web for a place to visit.

At the moment, he 4 is reading / doesn’t read / reads about the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. The Millenium Stadium 5 has got / is /are seats for 74,500 people. On some days, there aren’t any games and visitors 6 often / right now / every day tour the stadium. 7 Their / They’re / They walk around the 8 players / player / players’ showers and run onto the field. There is a special place for the Queen and 9 she / her / his family to sit. 10 It’s / Its / This the royal box. The 11 visitor’s / visitors’ / visitors can sit there on the tour. Ron is very excited. He 12 has got / is / isn’t at the stadium today, but he hopes to visit soon.

7. Completa las frases con el verbo entre paréntesis. Usa el Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. We ……………………….…………………………….…………… (not cook) vegetables at the moment.

2. Billy … ……………………………………………………………..… (watch) TV every afternoon.

3. Look at that cat. It ….……………..…………………….…… (eat) a mouse.

4. …………………… you ……………………… (like) milk chocolate?

5. Karen ………………………………………..……… (not want) to leave right now.

8. Completa las frases con el adjetivo entre paréntesis en la forma correcta en grado comparativo o superlativo.

1. December is often ………………………………………………...…………….(cold) month of the year.

2. Tigers are ……………… ………………………………………………………..…….(dangerous) mice.

3. What is ………………………… ………………………………………………..………(interesting) tourist attraction?

4. The Alpes in Franced are ……………..………… …………………….………..(high) the Pennines in England.

5. Your idea is……………………………………………………..…….(good) my idea.

9. Completa las preguntas con what/where/when/who. Usa una palabra dos veces.

1……………………………….is your birthday?

2. …………………………….are your parents from?

3. ……………………………..is your favourite singer?

4………………… …………..is your mother´s name?

5……………… ………………are your eyes?

10. Completa las frases con los verbos que aparecen abajo usando la forma correcta afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa en Pasado simple.

not forget run paint wear not feel

1………………………Leonardo da Vinci………………………………the Mona Lisa?

2.He………………….. ……………………………………………………..my birthday this year.

3.They……………………………………………………………………....well after the meal.

4.We…………………………………………………………………….…….very fast but we were late.

5.What……………… ………you…………… …………..at your sister´s wedding?

11. Corrige las siguientes frases.

1. Dave and I were swam in the beach yesterday.

2. The little girl didin´t not cry.

3. Why you went home so early last night?

4. Joe flew to Brazil before two week.

5. I didn´t knew about the test.

12. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase. Example: Turn left here.

Turn to Turn we Turn

1 I’m thirsty. __________ stop at the café.

Let’s Don’t We

2 __________ my pizza!

No eat Don’t eat Eat not

3 Please __________ your car here.

don’t park no park not to park

4 __________ quiet, children!

You Are Be

5 __________ turn the radio on.

Let Let’s Let us to

6 __________ to me.

You are listen Listen Listen you

13. Escribe verdadera (True) o falsa (False) y corrige las frases que sean falsas. [pic]

The man is behind the table.

There are some books in the table.

The policemen are in front of the drawers.

The cup is between the paper and the computer.

14. Completa las frases con el verbo entre paréntesis Usa el Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. While John ……………………… ……..…………… (drive) to work, he ………………………..…. ……….………

(see) an accident.

2. The cat …………..………………………..… (sit) in a tree when I ………… ……………..………….… (rescue) it.

3. We …………………………..………… (not plant) trees at 3.00 because it ………………………………… (rain).

4. ………………..…… Mum ……………………..…… (watch) TV when you ………….…….……….…… (get) home?

5. Mark ………………..…………………………………………… (not get up) so he

………………………………..………….…. (not walk) the dog.

15. Choose the correct answers.

1. There aren’t a lot of / some / much students here today.

2. Are there some / an / any apples on the plate?

3. How many / How much / Any orange juice do you drink?

4. She hasn’t got much / many / some money in the bank.

5. There aren’t much / some / many nuts in my salad.

16. Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.

1. Have you got …………………… notebook?

2. I’m sorry. I haven’t got ……..…………… biscuits.

3. I want ……………..……… sugar in my tea.

4. I eat ……………..……… egg sandwich every morning.

5. There are ……………………… snacks in the kitchen.

17. Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: Sylvia buys many / a lot of fruit. She’s very healthy.

1. He didn’t eat any / no food. He wasn’t hungry.

2. We need some coffee. There’s any / none in the cupboard.

3. How much coffee do you drink? A lot / A lot of.

4. I work very hard so I don’t have much / many free time.

5. Put a few / a little salt in the soup.

6. How much / many glasses of water do you drink?

18. Subraya la sílaba acentuada.

Example: pen|cil

1 um|bre|lla

2 beau|ti|ful

3 a|ttrac|tive

4 sci|ssors

5 ma|ga|zine

19. Completa las frases con have to, has to, o must.

It is a fantastic film, you … …………………………..….see it.

In many countries, men ………………………………. …………..do military service.

Sara is a nurse. Sometimes she ……….. …………………………………..work at weekends.

You can´t park here for nothing. You …………. ……………………..…….pay.

I eat too much chocolate. I really ………………… …………………..stop.

20. Read the text. Then tick the sentences T (true) or F (false).

|Tom and Sue are in town today. They want to do many things. Tom wants to buy some things for school. He wants some |

|pens, pencils and three notebooks. Sue has got some money and she wants to buy a new lamp for her room and a poster for|

|the wall. Then, Tom and Sue want to go swimming. Finally, they want to go to the pet shop and see the rabbits, frogs |

|and fish. Tom also wants to buy a fish for his tank. What a great day! |


1. Tom wants to buy some notebooks. ( (

2. Sue wants to buy three posters. ( (

3. Sue doesn’t want to go swimming. ( (

4. Tom and Sue want to see the animals in the pet shop. ( (


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