Early Literacy Resources from NECTAC

Literacy Resources

DB-LINK 04/09

National Centers

Center for Literacy and Disability Studies – University of North Carolina

Early Literacy Resources from NECTAC

CELL – Center for Early Literacy Learning

General Conceptual Works

The Beginning Literacy Framework

The Beginning Literacy Framework: Helping Educators:

• identify, create and modify text for beginning readers

• meet literacy goals of students with multiple disabilities in their earliest

stages of literacy


Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite, CCC-SLP, Ed.D.

Special Communications Consultant

Karen Erickson, Ph.D.

Center for Literacy and Disability Studies, University of North Carolina

Ruth Ziolkowski, OTR/L, MBA

President, Don Johnston Incorporated

State Resources

Supporting Students with Significant Disabilities in Literacy – Assessment

Musselwhite for State of Louisianna

Tools March 2009.pdf

Quality Indicators for Including Literacy in the IEP for Students with Significant Disabilities

QI Jan draft (2).doc

Texas Model and Resources

Teaching Literacy to Students with Significant Disabilities

10 Training Modules created for the Three Low Incidence Disabilities Statewide Leadership Function

Training materials were developed by the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at the University of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill


This is an interesting project

The Early Childhood Literate Community: Supporting Citizenship for Young Children with Significant Disabilities (Pre-K-Kindergarten)

This is their website

Disability, Literacy & Inclusive Education for Young Children

They have a nice research page

Integrated Literacy for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities

Paul Alberto Georgia State University

Maximizing Literacy Outcomes for Students with Cognitive Disabilities: Findings from the First Two Years of a Longitudinal Intervention Study

Project MAXIMIZE –Southern Methodist University

Resources and Publications

Early Literacy Resources and References


Literacy, Learning Media and Functional Vision Assessment

for Deafblind and Visual Impaired: Selected Resources – Overbrook School

Promoting Literacy and Communication for Students with Multiple Disabilities Including Visual Impairments, Blindness and/or Deaf-Blindness – University of North Carolina

Literacy for Students With Severe Developmental Disabilities What Should We Teach and What Should We Hope to Achieve?

Diane Browder Susan Gibbs Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Ginevra R. Courtade West Virginia University

Maryann Mraz Claudia Flowers University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Teaching literacy to students with significant disabilities: strategies for the K-12 inclusive classroom By June Downing

Edition: illustrated

Published by Corwin Press, 2005

ISBN 0761988793, 9780761988793

164 pages

Toward Positive Literacy Outcomes for Students with Significant Disabilities

The Critical Role of Literacy in the Education of Students with Severe Disabilities. 2008 TASH Conference. Nashville, TN. Lucille A. Zeph, Ed.D

Seeing all kids as readers: A new vision for literacy in the inclusive early childhood classroom. Brooks Publishing Company: Baltimore, MD. Kliewer, C. (2008).

Literacy for Students with Severe and Sensory Disabilities Tutorial

National Center on Severe and Sensory Disabilities


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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