Darien Early Learning Program (ELP)

Darien Early Learning Program (ELP)2016 - 2017Parent HandbookOx Ridge Elementary SchoolRoyle Elementary School Tokeneke Elementary School Darien Early Learning Program (ELP)Table of ContentsMission Statement3Arrival and Dismissal ProceduresSchool closing, delayed openings, early dismissal4Additional Program Information5School Lunch and Snack Program6Role of Therapists7Health and Safety Information8ELP Curriculum, Philosophy, and Goals10ELP at Ox Ridge Contact InformationArrival and dismissal procedures 13ELP at Royle Contact InformationArrival and dismissal procedures 14ELP at Tokeneke Contact InformationArrival and dismissal procedures 15Helpful Resources16ELP School Calendar17right000Mission Statement The goal of the Early Learning Program is to enhance each child’s cognitive understanding, emotional development, social skills, language usage, and physical motor development through structured and facilitated language and play-based experiences. Children with special needs and children with typically developing skills learn from each other in a nurturing environment. Guiding PrinciplesThe Early Learning Program adheres to the guiding principles outlined in the Connecticut Framework “Preschool Curriculum Framework & Benchmarks for Children in Preschool Programs” which includes the following:Early learning and development are multi-dimensional; developmental domains are highly interrelated.Young children are capable and competent.There are individual differences in rates of development among children.Children will exhibit a range of skills and competencies in any domain of development.Knowledge of child growth and development and consistent expectations are essential to maximizing educational experiences for children and to developing and implementing programs.Young children learn through active exploration of their environment through child-initiated and teacher-selected activities.Arrival & Dismissal ProceduresELP School HoursMonday - Thursday20/16 hour classes8:30 am or 9:30 amArrival 1:30 pmDismissal for all childrenReminder – Arriving at school in a timely fashion ensures that predictable and comfortable routines will be followed. Tardiness disrupts classroom routines and creates the likelihood that your child may not be able to participate fully in an activity due to a shortened timeframe.The Early Learning Program Drop Off and Pick-Up Procedures are different from the elementary school procedures. Please ensure a prompt arrival as well as pick up.Procedure for change in Dismissal Please send in a note with your child as well as send an email to the teacher. Remember that teachers will check email prior to student’s arrival but might not be able to check during school hours. Teacher will reply to emails to confirm that they are aware of the change in dismissal.If you need to make a change in departure during the day, email the teacher and call the teacher. If you do not receive confirmation during the day from the teacher regarding the change in departure please call the School Secretary to ensure the change of departure. School ClosingsSchool closings and 90 minute delayed openings due to snowstorms or other emergencies are announced on local stations as early in the morning as possible, usually after 6:00 am. For quickest response, register for on the Darien Public School ASPEN account which will give you access to School Messenger for email and text alerts related to school closings and changes is school schedules (will replace EdAlert). 4171950503936000Delayed OpeningIf a 90 minute delay is announced by the district, ELP will operate on a 100 minute delay. ELP 8:30 arrivals will arrive at 10:10 and ELP 9:30 arrivals will arrive at 11:10. School will end at 1:30. Emergency or Early DismissalIn the case of an emergency early dismissal, the Early Learning Program children will be dismissed early relase10:00 a.m. OR late release12:00 p.m.Early Dismissal A planned, non-emergency, early dismissal, Early Learning Program will be dismissed at 12:00 p.m. See the ELP calendar for specific dates.Additional Program InformationContacting ClassroomsTeachers are available to respond to emails and phone calls before student arrival at 8:30 am and after student dismissal at 1:30 pm. In the event that you need have an immediate need to speak to classroom staff (e.g. student absence or change in arrival or dismissal) we ask that you call the classroom. This ensures that your information is received, especially in the event that classroom teacher is absent. Contact information for each school can be found at the end of this handbook. 4847590162941000Daily and Monthly Communication Due to a district-wide effort to “go green,” daily and monthly communication sheets will be sent from teachers via electronic communication. Every afternoon, teachers will either email a note or blog posting highlighting some of the day’s activities. For special needs students, teachers and therapists will send home a monthly communication report. For students requiring more frequent communication, arrangements will be made with the child’s teacher for weekly communication reports. During months in which conferences are held (December, March, and May) no monthly communication reports will be sent.ConferencesConferences are held in December, March and end of May. In December, conferences are scheduled with parents of all students. In March, conferences are held for special needs students and for typically developing peers by request. At the end of May, conferences are again scheduled with parents of all students.Parents are requested not to drop in for an unscheduled conference, especially before school when teachers are busy preparing for the day. Please consult the ELP calendar for information regarding conference schedule during which there is no ELP program and early dismissal for ELP during elementary conferences for students in grades K-5 at Ox Ridge, Royle, and Tokeneke Schools.ClothingStudents attending the ELP program should wear clothes appropriate for the preschool setting. Students are strongly encouraged to wear sneakers on a daily basis. Due to the program having a daily motor component, students should wear clothes that are easy to move in. The students will go outside on most days, so please send in appropriate clothes for the weather (i.e. gloves, hats, coats). Pants with elastic waistbands make it easier for the children during toileting activities. Please note that clothes may get soiled during messy art projects. Please send in extra clothing to be stored in school in case of an accidentVolunteeringAll visitors MUST check in at the school office upon arrival. Volunteers may pick-up their name badges from the office to wear during their visits. Volunteering is a great way to join in classroom activities, become a part of the learning, of your child in his/her classroom setting. Opportunities to volunteer in the classroom are made available through your child’s teacher or room parents. ObservationsConsistent with Darien Public School policies, all observations MUST be scheduled in advance through Laura Straiton, Program Director of Early Childhood-SESS. Please contact Laura Straiton via email (lstraiton@) to arrange observations. Room MothersDuties include welcoming new families to the classrooms, setting up classroom snack rotation, assisting in planning special events and classroom parties, as well as contacting parents in the event of early school dismissal. School Lunch and Snack Program384810069786500Lunch Prices Student lunch: $3.55Student Milk: $ .75All Elementary cafeterias use a computerized payment program: Lunch menus for the calendar month are posted on the elementary school web sites HYPERLINK "" Free and Reduced Lunch ProgramSome families may be eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch program. Families who are interested in learning more about this program should speak directly with the ELP program director or ELP psychologist for further information. SnackAs you know, parents in each classroom take turns bringing snack for the children.?(You may opt out of providing snack for the entire class if your child has a restricted diet). Room parents make these arrangements.? Thank you for your help in providing healthy snacks for children in the ELP program.We ask that you follow these suggestions for healthy snack:? Fresh fruit or vegetables, dried fruitsCheese, yogurts, hummus, dipsNut free granola bars, crackers, pretzels, cereals and healthy chips Natural fruit juice. Please note, if you do not want your child drinking juice please contact your child’s teacher. All snacks should be peanut-free and nut-free, regardless of whether or not there is an allergy present in the classroom.? Snacks should also be delivered ready to be eaten (e.g. fruit sliced).?The ELP program will provide paper goods.We are requesting that snacks be delivered on Monday (or the first day of the school week) for the entire week.? We have plenty of refrigerator space available to store them.4436110260985Role of Program TherapistsPreschool Psychologist The preschool team includes a psychologist who will liaison between the preschools in providing pre-referral strategies, and observe and evaluate children referred by the team to determine eligibility for special education services. The psychologist is also available to provide support to parents and teachers regarding behavioral issues. Throughout the school year, the preschool psychologist will conduct monthly workshops for parents. Additionally, the psychologist is available to support families in need of community resources, supports or assistance applying for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. Physical TherapyDarien’s ELP preschool program provides educationally based physical therapy services to those students who have qualified via the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) process. The physical therapist’s role is to improve the student’s safety and independence with gross motor skills within his/her educational setting. The physical therapist works closely with the ELP’s professional and paraprofessional staff to ensure carryover of activities throughout the school day. In addition, the ELP classrooms are structured with motor groups and other motor activities integrated into the classroom schedule.Occupational TherapyDarien’s ELP preschool program provides educationally based occupational therapy services to address the special needs of children determined to be eligible following an evaluation by a Planning and Placement Team. OT works on upper body and trunk strength, hand function and strength, scissor skills, sensory processing, motor planning the playground and/or indoor obstacle courses, self-feeding, managing jackets and shoes as required in the classroom setting, teacher and parent education and training on home/classroom strategies, “sensory diets”, and classroom modifications/accommodations to benefit the child’s development in fine/visual motor skills, attention, upper body strength, sensory processing skill, and self-help skills.66675542988500Speech-Language PathologistThe Early Learning Program speech-language pathologists assume a number of responsibilities. Speech & language pathologists receive referrals for children who may need speech-language services, complete observations in community-based preschools, and provide formal and informal evaluations. In order to meet each child’s specific needs, individual and small group speech-language sessions are provided, as well as large group language sessions within the class, in collaboration with the classroom teachers. Health and Safety InformationAll children in the Darien Public Schools Early Learning Program are required by Connecticut State Law and the Board of Education to have the following in order to attend school:A completed State of Connecticut Early Childhood Assessment Record: a physical exam with primary immunizations completed within 365 days prior to the start of school. All preschool physicals expire one year from the date of the physical. (A reminder will be sent home for those children who have physicals that will expire before the end of the year). A flu shot by December 31st of each new school year (for those ELP students that have never received a flu shot before 2 shots separated by 28 days are required) Parents must complete parental and emergency contact information electronically on ASPEN (a secure, web-based school information management system used by DPS to collect contact and medical emergency information for your children).In case of a serious accident we will stay with your child, call 911 and contact the parents. In order for the school to have the most accurate and up-to-date emergency contact info parents must update the information on ASPEN whenever there are any changes in contact phone numbers and/or addresses.Student Contact & Medical Emergency Information1. ?Create an ASPEN account (if you don’t already have one).? Accounts are issued for your whole family. ?Go to to complete and submit the form to get your account started.? Allow at least 2 weeks for processing.? You will receive your username/password at your registered home address.2. ?When you receive your login information, visit the site and review the contact and emergency medical information for each of your children to assure that it is complete and accurate.? Please fill out all tabs for each child.? Your initials are required on the final tab in order for the information to process.? 3. ?You can update emergency information at any time.? It takes 24 hours for new or updated information to be posted Aspen.? If you have any questions or issues with your Aspen account, please email aspen@This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .4. ?Your Aspen account will give you access to School Messenger for email and text alerts related to school closings and changes is school schedules **In the event a child becomes ill or is injured during the school day, the school nurse will make every attempt to contact the parent before releasing the child to the friend, relative or neighbor listed on the emergency card.**AbsencesPlease call the School Office Attendance Line at your child’s school by 8:15am every day your child is absent. Your message should include: child’s name, date & time, child’s teacher, and reason for absenceOx Ridge 203-655-2579Royle 203-655-0044Tokeneke 203-655-9666Administering MedicationIf your physician orders medication to be administered during school hours, the following procedures must be followed to comply with Connecticut State Law:An authorization from must be completed by the physician and contain specific information about the medication and plan of administration. This form is available from the school nurse and must be signed by both the physician and parent.A parent/guardian is responsible for delivering medication to be administered to the school nurse in the original, pharmacy-prepared container, labeled with the name and strength of the medicine, name of patient, name of physician, date of original prescription, and directions for dispensing. No more than a 45 day supply may be stored at the school.Under NO circumstances is a child to be sent to school carrying medication, either over-the-counter or prescription. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse.General Health InformationThe DPS department of nursing services goal is to assist you and help your child maintain their optimum level of wellness. A sick child is less able to learn effectively or to participate in class in a meaningful way. If your child is not feeling well please exercise your best judgment and do not send them to school ill. Keeping your sick child home prevents the spread of illness in our school community and it allows your child to rest and recover. Please reinforce with your child the importance of frequent hand washing, covering coughs and using tissues for clearing nasal congestion. Please notify the school nurse if your child has a been diagnosed by a physician with a communicable disease such as scarlet fever, strep throat, impetigo, conjunctivitis, chicken pox, influenza (flu), pneumonia, measles, mumps or rubella. Please also notify the school nurse if your child has head lice. When making the decision whether or not to send your child to school, please observe the following guidelines:Fever The child should remain at home with a fever of 100 degrees or greater. The child may return to school after he/she has been fever free, without the use of fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours.Diarrhea/Vomiting A child with diarrhea and/or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom free for at least 24 hours. Conjunctivitis (Pink eye) Following a diagnosis of conjunctivitis, the child may return to school 24 hours after the first dose of prescribed medicine. Rashes A child with a suspicious rash should return to school only after a health care provider has made a diagnosis and authorized the child’s return to school. Please note children with impetigo are not excluded from school if the impetigo lesions are covered. Colds Consider keeping your child at home if they experiencing discomfort from cold symptoms, such as purulent (thick) nasal discharge, nasal congestion and cough. If your child is experiencing additional signs of illness associated with green nasal discharge, including any of the following: fever, earaches, headaches, cough, nasal congestion, productive “barky” cough, persistent cough, please consider having the child seen by your health care provider. Head Lice Children can get head lice any time they are in close contact with others during summer camp, playing at home or school, slumber parties or sports activities.?Current public health standards and research-based recommendations indicate that routine screening by parents and management at home are the key factors to effectively control head lice. It is recommended that parents screen their children once a week throughout the year in order to reduce the spread of this pest within the school, your family and the community. Communication with the school nurse when a student is diagnosed with an active case (even if the child has already been treated) is important. Respect for the privacy of those who may have become infested is always a priority.A video explaining head lice is on the Darien Public School Website and can be located under the Parent Info tab or by following this link can also find additional information about head lice by following these links:? contact your school nurse if you have any questions or concerns.?Early Learning Program Curriculum and GoalsWe are currently using Toni Linder’s Trans-Disciplinary Play-Based Curriculum. This program is literature-based, with play center activities related to storybook modules. Each module lasts approximately 2-3 weeks. We have also adopted a literacy curriculum based upon Literate Days, a published curriculum written by Gretchen Owocki. Below is the district’s literacy philosophy and goals.Statement of Philosophy4330700155321000 “It is through everyday experiences filled with talking, reading, and writing that children gain the oral language they need to be strong readers and learners in the future. In language filled activity and play they learn more words, more concepts and information, and more about books and how print works…It is not enough for children to “pick up” language on their own. It is important that they learn language in structured activities, such as shared reading, and in guided play. Children need time, resources, and ample learning opportunities to develop oral language comprehension skills they need for school. For this to happen, adults need to be planful, purposeful, and playful.” Roskos, K.A., Tabors, P.O., & Lenhart, L.A. (2005)“In achieving literacy, young children need writing to help them learn about reading, they need reading to help them learn about writing, and they need oral language to help them learn about both. Before they go to school, children need to develop oral language comprehension for listening and speaking, vocabulary for building background knowledge, phonological awareness and alphabet knowledge to attend to structure and sounds of language, and print knowledge to develop concepts about books and printed words.”Roskos, K.A., Tabors, P.O., & Lenhart, L.A. (2009)In the early childhood years, children develop strong foundations for the formal learning of reading and writing that will occur as they move through their schooling. Much of this learning occurs within the context of play as children learn the socio-cultural discourses needed to effectively use language (that is oral language, written language, and reading) in a variety of situations. This being said, it’d be a strong misstatement to say that emergent literacy is gained only through the child’s initiation of play. The early childhood educator plays a key role in creating literacy-rich environments in which children engage in well-planned and purposeful exploration of the literate world, be it through play as well as key elements of a balanced literacy classroom such as the read aloud, shared reading, and writing workshop. Effective instruction includes portions of:explicit instruction in the various socio-cultural discourses; time engaged in authentic reading and writing practice;playful exploration of literary themes and real-world literacy practices;and on-going assessment to monitor progress and participation in such instruction and activities.From classroom to classroom, literacy instruction will look different and it will take time to establish all these practices so not all may be present at any given time. However, the following components of well-balanced, developmentally appropriate practices should exist:Real-life literacy opportunities such as signing in and making snack or lunch choices;Environmental print created for, with, and by childrenExplicit instruction in discourse such as how to access the daily scheduleSinging of familiar songsOpportunities for conversations amongst children and adultsShared readingThe read-aloudThe writing workshopThe incorporation of literacy enhanced play centersAnd interactive and shared writing-119380157226000Certainly, preschool-aged children should spend the majority of their time engaged in play. It is how and where they gain insight into real-world literacy practices. However, brief explicit instruction in “thinking like a reader” (Owocki, 2011), various comprehension strategies, and the purposes of writing, for example, are essential in maximizing the benefit of play centers infused with real-life literacy activities. Furthermore, assessment must drive both the explicit and the play-based instruction. Pencil and paper assessments such as letter knowledge will help to drive the instruction of the alphabet lessons, for example, but observation or kidwatching as Owocki has coined it, is an invaluable tool that helps teacher plan purposefully and differentiate instruction. Observation should be used to gather information on the play schemes present in the classroom so they might be enhanced with further real-world literacy play. Observation should be used to monitor how children are engaging with books and how they are progressing in the development of book handling and print knowledge. Observation should be used to gain information about how all learners are participating in the various components of balanced instruction. Assessment information should guide instruction and determine how to scaffold the learning of young students. PROGRAM GOALS: DEVELOPING READERS AND WRITERSThrough the implementation of balanced literacy in preschool, it is the districts goal that students will:Establish literacy habits, including the ability to sustain attention and interest in reading and writing texts and the structure of the workshop model;Develop oral language skills through conversation and vocabulary development; Develop language/story comprehension skills through read-alouds;right6114415Develop awareness of print concepts through interactions with texts in print-rich environments, shared reading and writing, and interactive reading and writing;Develop phonetic and phonemic awareness skills such as rhyming, alliteration, blending and segmenting sounds/words, and letter-sound correspondence;Understand the role of various text media as it exists in real world experiences.It is also the goal that teachers will:Establish daily literacy-based routines within the classroom;Conduct daily interactive read-alouds;Provide explicit instruction in the discourse of literacy-based activities;4599940-18986500Promote oral language development through the interactive read-aloud, conversation during “down times”, vocabulary instruction, and supported play;Enhance play with infused real-world, literacy activities;Incorporate shared reading activities daily;Regularly incorporate shared writing activities into storybook modules or other instruction;Introduce and regularly hold a writing workshop.Connecticut Preschool Assessment Frameworks The Early Learning Program has adapted the CT Preschool Assessment Framework (PAF) as a means of measuring growth in the personal-social, cognitive, creative and physical domains. The PAF was developed as a companion to the CT Preschool Curriculum Framework and Benchmarks for Children in Preschool Programs and is directly aligned with this document. The PAF enables teachers to plan and implement curriculum, activities that address specific learning standards, and to observe and assess children’s progress on these same standards.One of the primary purposes of the CT PAF is to organize and mutually share information between families and program staff, as well as to share information with receiving teachers and to support effective transitions. The CT PAF is administered in the fall and spring of each school year and will be discussed with you during conferences. Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standardsleft56197500Connecticut's Early Learning and Development?Standards (ELDS) were developed through the work of the Connecticut Early Childhood Education Cabinet and its Early Learning Standards Workgroup and published by the Office of Early Childhood. The ELDS are the newest standards preschool standards to be released in CT. The ELDS describes the trajectory of skills that are attained, learned, and demonstrated by children between the ages of birth to five. The ELDS are organized by eight domains: social and emotional, physical health, language and literacy, creative arts, mathematics, science, cognition, and social studies. These learning standards are a guide for adults who support children's growth and development. These standards are aligned with?kindergarten through grade 12 standards.?ELP at Ox Ridge Elementary School School Phone: 203-655-2579ELP Website: StaffTitleEmailLaura Straiton Program Director of Early Childhood-SESS(203)656-7472lstraiton@Karla Vazquez ELP Psychologistkvazquez@Jessica EasterELP Itinerant Teacherjeaster@Caitlin McCawley ELP Speech Therapistcmccawley@Heather RobertsELP Speech Therapisthroberts@ Karen Albro ELP Physical Therapistkalbro@Gina GasparriniELP Occupational Therapistggasparrini@ Karen MaleckiSchool NurseX4603Tara LaneseSue Lattin, Nila Radhakrishna, Jessica RossadoELP TeacherClassroom Paraprofessional TeamX4632tlanese@ Ann Marie AppelMelissa Magoveny, Amy, Rissolo, Jessica RossadoELP TeacherClassroom Paraprofessional TeamX4627aappel@ Drop Off Procedures Please park in a designated spot in the parking lot.8:30 and 9:30 arrivals: Please wait with your child on the sidewalk in front of the side door. ELP staff will meet children here and walk with the children to the classrooms.Please make every effort to arrive on time. If you arrive to school after 9:40 a.m. please go to the main entrance and sign in. Your teacher will be called and a staff member will meet you at the front lobby.Pick-Up Procedures Please park in a designated spot in the parking lot.Proceed to the side door to wait for your child. ELP staff will dismiss students directly to parent or caregiver.If you are more than 10 minutes late please pick up your child in the main office. A staff member will be waiting with them. ELP at Royle Elementary School School Phone: 203-655-0044ELP Website: StaffTitleExtensionLaura Straiton Program Director of Early Childhood-SESS(203)656-7472lstraiton@Karla Vazquez ELP Psychologistkvazquez@Jessica EasterELP Itinerant Teacherjeaster@Samantha Walker ELP Speech TherapistX4849; sawalker@Karen Albro ELP Physical TherapistX4878; kalbro@Genel GranelliELP Occupational TherapistX4878; ggranelli@Robin BuccanfusoSchool NurseX4803Jo-Ann Epstein Wendy Brokaw, Kathy Morsey, Luz PerezELP TeacherClassroom Paraprofessional TeamX4853jepstein@Laurie WigglesworthLucie Ventker, Rocio Stasi, Luz PerezELP TeacherClassroom Paraprofessional TeamX4855lwigglesworth@Linda PhilipcikJen Gould, Whitney Daniels, Luz PerezELP TeacherClassroom Paraprofessional TeamX4856lphilipcik@Drop Off Procedures Enter the rear parking lot for drop off. PLEASE pull your vehicle as far as possible?around the loop beginning at the sign marked "Drop Off / Pick-Up Starts Here". Do not park or?drop-off until your vehicle has passed the first crosswalk (almost to the stairs). Do not block entry to the lot; if the loop is full, you must park in a designated spot in the parking lot.8:30 and 9:30 arrivals: Children should gather in the Kids Zone. ELP staff will meet children here and bring into classrooms.Please make every effort to arrive on time. If you arrive to school after 9:40 a.m. please go to the main entrance and sign in. Your teacher will be called and a staff member will meet you at the front lobby.Pick-Up Procedures Enter the rear parking lot for pick up. PLEASE pull your vehicle as far as possible around the loop beginning at the sign marked "Drop Off / Pick-Up Starts Here". Please do not park your car until it has passed the first crosswalk (almost to the stairs). Do not block entry to the lot; if the loop is full, you must park in a designated spot in the parking lot.Proceed to the Kid Zone to wait for your child. ELP staff will dismiss students directly to parent or caregiver.If you are more than 10 minutes late please pick up your child in the main office. A staff member will be waiting with them. ELP at Tokeneke Contact InformationSchool Phone: 203-655-9666ELP Website: StaffTitleExtensionLaura Straiton Program Director of Early Childhood-SESS(203)656-7472lstraiton@Karla Vazquez ELP PsychologistX4193; kvazquez@Jessica EasterELP Itinerant Teacherjeaster@Lauren TarziaELP Speech TherapistX4188; ltarzia@Jane VorobaELP Speech TherapistX4188; jvoroba@Tania ThompsonELP Occupational TherapistX4152; tthompson@Karen AlbroELP Physical TherapistX4152; kalbro@Maureen KenefickSchool NurseX4103Emily CowenLynette Martinez, Eira EmkeELP TeacherClassroom Paraprofessional TeamX4143; ecowen@ Kristin IorioDonna Bruno, Amanda DavisELP TeacherClassroom Paraprofessional TeamX4191; kiorio@ Whitney Walker MullinsRachel Rieger, Elizabeth Impy, Karen MonroeELP TeacherClassroom Paraprofessional TeamX4153; wwalker@ Drop Off ProceduresELP 8:30 Arrivals: Students’ start time is promptly at 8:30 a.m. Please drive your car through the parent drop off loop. A paraprofessional will meet your child and bring to his/her classroom.ELP 9:30 Arrivals: Students’ start time is promptly at 9:30 a.m. Please park your car in the parking lot, along the sidewalk of the larger parking lot or in the front loop. Please do not park in the fire lane. The bus will park in the fire lane. Please walk your child to the Great Hall. A paraprofessional will greet your child in the Great Hall and walk them to their classrooms. Pick Up ProceduresDismissal will occur in the Great Hall. If you arrive before your children are in the Great Hall please wait for them near the security desk so that the staff can more easily see that all students meet with their parents. ELP staff will bring students to the Great Hall and dismiss parents directly to parent or caregiver.Once you have your child please leave the Great Hall. There are often activities that go on right after ELP dismissal. Since school is still in session during ELP dismissal, the Kindergarten playground is closed to parents and children during the school hours. Helpful Links and ResourcesOther useful links that can be found on the Darien Public Schools website: Early Learning Program website Public Schools Handbook Brochure News Letter of Education Policies State Department of Special Education Guide to Special Education Safeguard in Special Education Notification of the Laws Relating to Seclusion and Restraint in the Public Schools Parent Advisory Center (CPAC) July 1456781112131415181920212225 26272829 August 123458910111215161718192223 24 252629* 30*31 25-26 New Staff Orientation 29-30 Professional Development 31 Teacher Work Day September (21)125678 912131415* 1619202122232627 2829 30 1 ELP Orientation Tokeneke: Sped 12pm-1pm Royle: Sped 1pm to 2pm Peer Models 1:30pm- 2pm Ox Ridge: Sped 2pm-3pm Peer Model 2:30pm-3pm 5 Labor Day-No School6 -8 ELP Special Ed Students only. 8:30/9:30 to 127 Tokeneke Peer models: 11am to 12pm9 Friday Sped services begin12 ALL ELP: SPED and Peer Model: 8:30/9:30 to 1:3015 NO school for ELP(PD ELP)22 Open House October (19)345671011121314 1718*192021242526272831 3 Rosh Hashanah 12 Yom Kippur 18 No ELP (PD Teachers) November (19)12 3478*910111415161718212223|2425282930 8 Professional Development23 Early Dismissal 12PM ELP 24 & 25 Thanksgiving RecessDecember (17) 125678912131415161920212223|2627282930 6 Early Release Conferences 7-9 ELP Conferences No School23 Early Dismissal26-30 Holiday RecessJanuary (19) 2 3* 456 9 10 11121316 17 18192023 24 25262730 31 2 Holiday Recess 3 Professional Development 16 Martin Luther King Jr. DayFebruary (16)123678910*13141516*172021222324272810 NO Friday ELP students Teacher PD 16 NO School Professional Development 17 - 21 February Recess March (23)123678 9 10 1314 151617202122232427282930 31 15-17 No School ELP ELP Parent Conferences April (15) 345671011 12131417181920212425262728 10-14 Spring Recess May (22)123458910111215161718192223242526293031 25,26, & 30 No School Conferences 29 Memorial DayJune (9)12567891213|1415161920212223262728 29 30 13 School ends for students Early Release 12PM ELP 14 Teacher Work Day1647825735647500Note #1: If schools are closed due to weather, additional days will be added to the end of the school year. Code: _| Early Dismissal (11/23, 12/23, 6/13); Early Dismissal for ELP Only 12/6; No School for ELP students only for conferences: 12/7, 12/8, 12/9; 3/15, 3/16, 3/17, 5/25, 5/26, 5/30; * Staff Development Days – No School for Students (9/15, 10/18, 11/8, 1/3, 2/10, 2/16; _ Teacher Work Day; No School for students; ................

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