Topics in History: The Early United States

[Pages:2]Topics in History: The Early United States

Grade Level: 9-12 Course Number: Length: One Semester Credits: One Diploma: Prerequisite: None

Course Description: This is a one semester course that is designed to familiarize students with historical events and concepts of the pre-Civil War era of American history. Emphasis will be placed on how events in this period laid the foundation for future growth and development of the nation. The development of historical research skills using primary and secondary sources will be emphasized.

Chapter One: The World by 1500 Early Peoples of the Americas Early World-Trading Kingdoms Europe in the Middle Ages The Lure of Trade and Exploration

Standards None

Time 9 days

Chapter Two: Empires of the Americas First Contact Conquest of the Mainland The Spanish Settle the Americas The English in North America


9 Days

Chapter Three: The English Colonies The New England Colonies The Southern Colonies and Slavery The Colonies During the Restoration The Struggle for Land


10 Days

Chapter Four: Independence


The Seeds of Unrest

The Shot Heard Round the World

Independence Declared

An American Victory

12 Days

Chapter Five: From Confederation to Federal Union The Articles of Confederation Drafting and Ratifying the Constitution The Constitution: A Living Document

1.1, 1.2

Chapter Six: A Strong Start for the Nation A Federal Government is Established Dealing with a Dangerous World The Nation Expands War of 1812

1.1, 1.2

Chapter Seven: Nationalism and Economic Growth The Rise of Nationalism The Challenges of Growth The Rise of Jacksonian Democracy Jackson's Policies Define the Era

1.1, 1.2

Chapter Eight: Regional Societies 1.2 The North and the Midwest The Cotton Kingdom The Slave System

Final Exams

12 Days 12 Days 12 Days 12 Days 2 Days


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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