The PTA fundraising event for March is at Get Air on Wednesday March 11th, 4:00 -10:00.  There is no school on March 12th so kids can stay out late and jump with their friends.  


We sold Gertrude Hawk Chocolates as part of our Fund-Raising program this year.  Orders are expected to arrive the week of March 30th.  Pick up information will be sent out late March.


Discounted Hershey Park tickets are available to purchase through the PTA. Please check your student’s backpack for the order form.  Forms are due in the office by March 16th. If you have any questions, please contact Korryn Bogdan at korrynk@


Planning for the 8th grade send-off party is underway!  Mark your calendar - the date for the party is set for May 29. 


We are currently looking to fill a few committee chair positions for next school year. We need committee chairs for Rams Makes a Difference and Coke Gives.  If you are interested in either of these positions and would like more information, please email cd.middleschool.pta@


We are still accepting donation for Race for Education.  If you have not yet had a chance to donate, or to ask family, friends or coworkers for donations, please use the following link to do so:   Donations can also be made by check, payable to CDMS PTA, and can be sent to the school office anytime. Thank you for supporting the educational and social needs of your children at Central Dauphin Middle School!


Don't forget, you can now follow us on Twitter @CDMSPTA 


Remember to download the Box Tops for Education app.  Once downloaded select Central Dauphin Middle School as your school, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipt. The app will automatically credit CDMS PTA with your Box Tops earning online.  If you do not want to download the app and scan your receipts, you can send your receipts to the office and we will scan them for you.  Some products still contain the physical Box Tops, if you have any Box Tops at home please don't forget to send them to the office. 


If you place an order on  please remember to support our school by using AmazonSmile. On select items, Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to the CDMS PTA. You will need to set your charity to Central Dauphin Middle School PTA. The Central Dauphin Middle School PTA AmazonSmile link is 


The PTA was excited to bring the Scrip Program to our school this year.  It’s an easy way to earn funds for our school while you shop.  Just purchase gift cards to all of your favorite stores at  (our enrollment code is 1B84BE8767L22).  For every gift card you purchase a percentage goes back to the PTA to help our teachers and students.  Take advantage of Scrip Now to instantly receive and print your cards.  The Scrip Wallet app is great to keep all your cards right on your phone! Scrip makes shopping and earning rewards for our school easy and convenient.  Try it today!

This month the PTA will be holding our 5th annual Song Wars to benefit the MS Society in honor of Megan Matzner.  Please remind your students to bring their spare change or bills to lunch on Thursday March 26 and Friday March 27 to vote on their favorite song from this year's musical "Frozen Jr."  Parents, you can cast your votes at each of the four musical performances on Thursday March 26 through Saturday March 28.  All money collected will be donated to Dr. Matzner's MS Walk team, “Team William2". Thank you for your generous support!"

Please join us at our next PTA meeting on Monday March 9th at 6:30 pm in the CDMS cafeteria.  We look forward to seeing you! 


Attention to 6th grade parents- to meet the immunization requirements for 7th grade, your child will need to have proof of two additional immunizations. In 7th grade, all students will need to have a tdap (tetanus) and MCV (meningitis) vaccine or proof that they have had these vaccines. Notices will be sent home closer to the end of the school year as a reminder.

If your child did not pass the vision or hearing screening, you have already received a referral card in the mail. Please return the completed referral card to the school nurse. If you require assistance with getting glasses, please let me know. I have resources available for this.

Any outstanding physicals and dentals should be turned in to the nurse. The school doctor and dentist will be coming in to complete these exams.


Central Dauphin & Linglestown Middle Schools proudly present the musical, FROZEN JR.  Tickets can be purchased online on the school’s website, or at the door.   Please come out and support the cast and crews of this great show!

Thursday, March 26th @ 7:00 p.m. Friday, March 27th @ 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 28th @ 3:00 p.m. Saturday, March 28th @ 7:00 p.m.


The following string students played with the Hershey Symphony on February 14th at the Hershey Theatre.  Carrigan M., Maren B., Julia W., Anna D., and McKenna M.  Congratulations to a good well done.  They got to play along with the Symphony players. 


The Dauphin County Technical School is once again offering its Summer Career Camp from June 9th to the 11th, 2020.  DCTS Career Camp gives students the chance to learn more about various careers as well as career and technical education by rotating through 15 different programs that the school offers. It is a free camp, and breakfast and lunch are provided on all three days.  The camp is very popular and registration is first-come first-served.  Registration is now open and can be found on the DCTS Website at by clicking on the “community” tab, and then on “career camp”.


09 PTA Meeting – CDMS Café @ 6:30PM

12 Parent/Teacher Conferences from 5:00PM – 8:30PM

13 NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences from 8:30AM – 3:30PM

26 Frozen Jr. @ 7:00PM

27 Frozen Jr. @ 7:00PM

28 Frozen Jr. @ 3:00PM & 7:00PM


Green Lightning

Congratulations to our Students of the Month for the month of February -Carly C. and Alex F. These students have exhibited positive behavior, good study habits and choices as well as great class participation.

Reading-We just finished reading our memoir, Enchanted Air.  We learned a lot about Cuba and about Margarita Engles life.  We also learned about figurative language and we found a lot of examples in our novel.  

English- We are rounding out our verb unit with the identifying and correcting inappropriate shift in verb tense. Up next will be looking at writing style, mood, and tone followed by our pronoun unit.   

Science- Students are learning about structure, properties, and interactions of matter.  Classes are currently working on Adopt-an-Element projects and soon we’ll be doing some interactive labs to explore physical and chemical changes.

Social Studies- Room 108 has left Philadelphia and is on our way to Washington D.C.! Did our president really break the law? If the House of Representatives impeached him… Why is he still in office? Who is responsible for that stop sign at the end of our street? Why can’t I attend the school that is right down the street from me? These questions and many more will be answered in this unit.

Math- Express yourself! We have started and will soon finish Chapter 6, Expression and Equations. Variables, constants and Properties will be among many topics expressed or discussed in this chapter. The kids were given two packets. The Pink Packet will be used more this chapter. The White Packet will be more for reinforcement or review.  I hope that finishing up by mid- March.

Silver Storm

Reading - We are finishing the poetic memoir, Enchanted Air.  Student have learned figurative language, connotation, denotation, tone and mood!  One of my favorite activities in February was when students created illustrations to show the imagery of a poem. We will continue reading non-fiction texts in March, and focus on the author's point of view.  This month will go by quickly with conferences (3/11-3/12), in-service (3/13), and Junior Achievement day (3/20)!

English - In English, we wrapped up our verbs unit and have moved on to tone and mood. Students are working to read short passages and identify the author's tone (attitude towards the content) and the author's mood (the atmosphere/emotions the reader feels). The students are currently working on their tone and mood performance task project, which entails selecting a poem or short story, writing a summary, identifying the tone and the mood in the writing while providing text evidence and including a visual to support the tone and mood. Mid-March we will move onto our next unit; Pronouns.  

Math – We just completed Unit 7 on Equations.  We are half way through the next unit on Functions and Inequalities.  These mathematical concepts are the foundation of Pre-Algebra and Algebra.  We will then move into Unit 9 on Statistical Measures.  We will discuss mean, median, and mode in addition to variability, range, and interquartile range. The third marking period is over on March 26.  As always, I am available every day during AE for students to ask me questions or even if they just want to work on their homework in my room. Please encourage your child to use their guided notes when working on the homework. 

Social Studies - In Social Studies, we wrapped up the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and then we studied the three branches of government -- the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. Students are currently wrapping up writing a legislative branch essay and then will be taking a unit 4 test on the three branches of government. Our next unit will be U.S. regions, which we will start next week.

Science - in science class, we just finished our TDA essay on the effects of concussions among youth athletes, and we came up with suggestions on how to prevent future concussions.  We started a new unit called Introduction to Matter.  We are currently learning about physical and chemical properties of matter.  We will be doing some exciting experiments with physical and chemical changes this month.

Green Spartans

Academic Literacy – Students will be finishing the novel The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963. They will complete a performance task to culminate our reading of the novel. In English, we will be focusing on grammar skills for the upcoming PSSA ELA test. In Mr. Dougherty's class, we are learning about the fall of Rome. We are also competing in the Academic Decathlon. The class will sell Roman goods to Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar is very excited to visit Central Dauphin Middle School. In science, class students are learning about how Earth changes over time.  Students will be exploring the theories of Lamarck and Darwin, structural and behavioral adaptations, analyzing evidence and completing numerous labs and hands-on activities.  Students will have an individual project due on Tuesday March 10th.  Please continue to check the Green Spartans homework website for upcoming due dates. Both the Math 7 and Pre-Algebra classes have shifted gears to some geometry concepts, including work with angles, triangles, and parallel lines.  The Pre-Algebra students will also be introduced to the Pythagorean Theorem.  Next, the students will be working with area, perimeter, circumference, volume, and surface area.

Silver Argonauts

The Silver Argonauts would like to congratulate Rachel C. and Aydan A. for being selected as our February students of the month.  The students are learning about Roman culture in World History.  This will be out final unit of study for Rome.  In science, we will be exploring how the world has changed over time.  In Pre-Algebra, students will be doing the unit on Statistics and Probability.  In Math Grade 7, students will be solving problems using Area, Perimeter, Circumference, Volume, and Surface Area formulas.  

During the month of March in English, we will finish our third thematic unit by reading “Red Kayak.”  The Academic Literacy unit for February and March is Voice, Author’s Perspective and Point of View.  Students will become skilled at identifying the differences between each of these concepts critical to comprehension.  Students have read the book Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne to learn about Voice.  Students are reading The Case for Anne Frank: The Simon Wiesenthal Search for the Truth to explore Point of View.

Green Dragons

The Green Dragon’s students of the month are Nguyen N. and Ethan A. In U.S. History class, we are continuing to move westward. Texas is fighting for independence and gold has been discovered in California.   In both Math 8 and Algebra, we will be investigating Systems of Equations both graphically and algebraically. In Science Class, students have just turned in their performance task on severe weather and we have begun our study of Astronomy. In English class, students are almost finished reading Act 1 of “The Diary of Anne Frank.” The story is written as a drama, and students have been having fun acting out some of the scenes and learning how actors move onstage.  In Research and Communications Literacy Class, we have entered the Argumentation and Debate section of the curriculum and students are working with a partner to do research on a particular topic and provide information/evidence to support their side of the subject matter.

Silver Knights

The Students of the Month for the Silver Knights are Lindsay H. and Prince P.

In both Math 8 and Algebra classes, the students are learning how to solve systems of equations. 

In ReComm, we are finishing our unit on reading argumentative writing and presenting an argument. Students will be presenting opposing viewpoints based on their selected essay topics.  We will then begin our next unit on analyzing propaganda techniques, improving argumentative presentations as well as evaluating argumentative presentations.

In science class students are studying humans use of patterns observed in our atmosphere to predict future weather conditions.

In Mrs. Gensimore’s English class, students just finished their reading of The Diary of Anne Frank.  The students will watch the film version for comparison, and then begin to create a blog where they research the causes of genocides that have happened since World War II. Students will end their study of the Holocaust by presenting their research to their class and by making a comparison of our world to that of Anne Frank’s.

Soaring Eagles

The Soaring Eagles have a busy March!  We will be PASA testing for the entire month.  We are very excited to participate in Junior Achievement and Career Day this year.  This is very exciting for our students, as they will be able to integrate with the general education population to rotate through different classrooms to hear about different career opportunities available to them when they graduate.  Miss Wood's class will be joining the other MDS class from CDHS and they will be going to Hershey Story Museum.  Mrs. Moore and Miss Koenecke's classes will be putting their life skills to work and going to the Colonial Park Mall to go see a movie and eat lunch.  They will practice how to purchase a movie ticket and concessions at the movie theater, as well as ordering and purchasing lunch at the food court at the mall.  

We are looking forward to all the fun we will have this month, not to mention the beginning of Spring!!

CDMS now has a twitter page.

Please follow us



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