Appendix V - Westfield, NJ

Girl Scouts of Washington Rock Council, Inc.

201 Grove Street East Westfield, New Jersey 07090

Phone: 908-232-3236 Fax: 908-232-2140

Email: contact@

Troop/Group Money Earning Activity Application

Girl Scout Troops/Groups must submit a request for approval for additional money-earning activities at least eight (8) weeks prior to the activity. It is best to obtain approval for the money-earning activity well before plans and contacts have been made.

Troop/Group # _________, Level ________________requests permission to earn funds for the following purpose(s):

Contact Person's Name: Phone No.

This Troop/Group has/will have participated in the following Council fundraisers within the calendar year prior to the date of this activity: Cookie Sale____________________ Nut Sale_____________ Gift for Girls ________________

(Date) (Date) (Date)

Describe the money earning activity:

Anticipated Date of Activity: _____________________

Anticipated Total Activity Expenses: Anticipated Activity Gross Income:

How have the girls been involved in the planning of the money-earning activity?

I certify that I have read guidelines on Group Planning and Budgeting and Standards 28-33 in Safety-Wise will ahere to Council policy.

Troop/Group Leader Signature : Date:

Service Unit Manager Signature: Date:

Approval Granted Approval Denied

Reason(s) for denial:

Membership Specialist Signature: Date:

(Please See Over) Rev. 8/05

Girl Scouts of Washington Rock Council, Inc.

Troop/Group Money Earning Activity Policy

All money-earning activities should be an experience that gives girls the opportunity to develop self-confidence and to learn multiple skills, such as budgeting, goal setting, customer relations, good business practices and public relations.

The Girl Scout cookie and nut product sales are the primary program events each Girl Scout year. If additional funds are needed after participating in the annual cookie product sale, the nut sale, and in the Gifts for Girls campaign, other money earning activities may be pursued. The GSUSA calendar sale is another approved way for Troops/Groups to earn money. Requests for approval to conduct additional money earning activities must be submitted in writing and be approved by the Membership Department. For all additional money-earning activities, a “Troop/Group Money Earning Activity Application” (see attached) must be submitted at least eight weeks in advance of the planned activity to the Membership Department. No money earning activities will be approved to take place during product sales times.

Troop/Group money earning activities need to be age appropriate, suited to the abilities of the girls, and consistent with the goals and principles of the Girl Scout program. Car washes, garage sales, flea markets, recycling, babysitting, plant sales, home made craft sales, selling refreshments at an event, putting on meals or dances for families, providing gift wrapping services, and Council sponsored product sales are suitable ways of earning funds.

Money earning activities may not be conducted on the Internet. Product demonstration parties, raffles, drawings, games of chance, direct solicitation of cash, and the sale or endorsement of commercial products are examples of inappropriate money earning activities. No community or troop/group money earning activity may be conducted nor material distributed at a Council sponsored money earning event.

Troops/Groups may not take part in any type of fund raising for other organizations. Participation by Girl Scouts in activities for community service organizations shall be limited to service projects such as clean up after an event or staffing rest or water stops during a walkathon or run.

The cost and purpose of money earning activities are to be made known to the girls and their parents. Parents must give written permission for their daughters’ participation in any money earning activity. An adult must be present at all times. Money earning activities may only be done for a specific purpose or trip.

Failure to submit Troop/Group Year End Finance Report may jeopardize your right to sell products and to participate in additional money-earning activities.

If a Troop/Group request for an additional money-earning activity is denied, a review of the decision may be requested by contacting the Fund Development/Public Relations Director. The Fund Development/Public Relations Director will refer the request to the Fund Development Committee to seek a final opinion.

Approved by the Board of Directors: June 6, 2001


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