2003- 2004 - Holy Family School









Language Arts 5

Reading 5

Computer Education 6

Foreign Language 6

Physical Education 6

Health 6

Art 6

Music 7

Mathematics 7

Social Studies 7

Science 7

Library and Computer Rules 7





Activity 9

Grades Eligible 9

CYO Athletics 9

CYO Scholastic/Cultural Events 10



Admissions 11

Transfer Procedure 11





Delays 13

Impending Weather 14


Parent to School 14

School to Parents 15

Parent to Principal 15


Written Warning 16

Detention 17


Suspension Out-of-school 17

Expulsion 18

Search and Seizure 18

Cell Phone/Electronics Policy 18

Drugs/Weapons Policy 18

Positive Reinforcement 19




Report to the parent or guardian of the student involved in acts of bullying 21

Reports to the victim and his/her parent or guardian 21

Teacher report to Principal 21












Trips/Vacations 27

Parent Sign-In and Child Sign-out 27










This manual has been published to acquaint you, our parents and students, with general information and specific policies about Holy Family School. Parents are the primary educators and when parents work together with teachers in harmony, their efforts result in the highest quality of education for our children.

Please read the entire contents of this manual and sign the attached commitment letter (hard copies only). Commitment forms will be sent home to be signed in September. Please keep this manual in a convenient place to consult it for assistance when needed or consult it online.


Rev. Joseph Tobias, MSC, Pastor

Rev. Joseph Kaniema, MSC, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Juan Pablo Romero, MSC, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Frank Danyi

Deacon Tom Ely

Deacon Richard Haddon

Deacon Michael Toolan

Mrs. Christine Bruce, Principal

Holy Family School Board of Specified Jurisdiction

Faculty and staff

Home and School Association

Holy Family Finance Council


Since 1910, Holy Family School has been an anchor in our community, with a devoted staff that sees Christ in every child. Dedicated to empowering students with intellectual growth and faith-filled lives, Holy Family provides a nurturing, disciplined environment and culture of service. In teaching lasting values that involve the whole family, Holy Family instills ideals that embrace academic strength, a deeper relationship with God, and a desire to lead responsible Christian lives.


Holy Family School provides a Catholic centered education based on the love and concern for the child as a total person created by God. The religious and academic natures of our school are irrevocably entwined. In order to foster the spirit of Christ’s love, we recognize each child as an individual and work to meet his or her needs. Holy Family School accepts as our responsibility the goal of academic excellence that is achieved by appropriately challenging each child in the learning process. Although strong academic content is integral to our curriculum, we stress the process of learning in order to prepare our students to be viable members within their church, chosen profession and their community.

• We believe each child is special in the eyes of God and we strive to develop his or her individual gifts while centering the student in a faith community.

• We believe the development of basic skills, critical thinking, decision-making abilities, and creative talents are all components of the educational process.

• We believe individual needs are met through the recognition of differences in developmental rates and learning modalities and adapting curriculum using a variety of techniques and teaching styles to meet those needs.

• We believe students develop best in a safe, comfortable learning environment that provides opportunities to grow in confidence.

• We believe involvement in religious activities, academic achievements, extracurricular and school sponsored social events, and health and physical education activities help students develop a positive self-image.

• We believe that fostering the values of faith, hope, and love, through religion classes, bi-monthly school masses, daily prayer, Para-liturgical services, mission activities, and Catholic Schools Week festivities helps to give our students a solid foundation to meet the world’s challenges and participate in celebrating our love for God and others.

Faith, Discipline, and Responsibility



1. Students attend Religion class daily.

2. Students participate in a class-led Liturgy every other week, where homeroom classes and our student choir assist with the mass. All School Liturgies include Holy Days, and special days for holidays.

3. The school day begins and ends with prayer, calling to mind God’s Love and Presence.

4. Teachers gather to pray each morning in the Chapel.

5. Specific prayers are taught in the different grades in order to enhance the spiritual life of Holy Family students. Pray before and after meals. Pray the rosary in class in October (the month of the rosary) and May (the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

6. Each grade 2nd through 8th participates in a retreat day.

7. Students are prepared for Sacraments as follows:

First Eucharist Grade 2

First Penance Grade 2

Confirmation Grade 7 part I

Grade 8 part II

Children are guided on their spiritual journey. A personal relationship with the Lord is encouraged and nurtured.

Special events: Raising of the flag for new school year, Blessing of the Animals, Living Rosary, Living Stations, May Crowning, Penance Services, and First Friday Eucharistic Adoration.

Language Arts

Writing portfolios are kept for each child and are moved with the child each year from grade to grade beginning in grade 1; one sample per quarter, four for the year, five for the year for grade four. In the primary and intermediate grades, the Language Arts program moderately integrates with the Reading program.


Each class has a weekly Library period for borrowing books and for the study of resources and library skills. Presently we offer Literature I, Literature II, and Introduction to Literature in grades 6-8.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Reading Writing, Speaking & Listening:

1. Foundations of literacy

2. Comprehension

3. Genres and literary craft

4. Writing process, strategies, and skills

5. Technology

6. Grammar

7. Writing mechanics

8. Listening and speaking

9. Research strategies and skills; understanding references and graphics

10. Phonics/Phonemes segmentation

11. Reading skills

Computer Education

• We have a state of the art computer lab.

• Each class grades K-6 is scheduled for one class per week in the lab, 7th and 8th twice weekly

• Each classroom also has at least one computer

• All computers are networked and hooked up to the Internet

• All computers are carefully filtered and monitored

Foreign Language

• Spanish is offered to all grades K through 8

• All classes meet once a week.

Physical Education

By State Law, every student is required to take physical education classes throughout the year. A physician’s note is required for prolonged dispensation. A note from the parent is necessary for a child to be excused due to a sprain, minor injury etc. for one week.

• Children must be dressed in their gym uniform and sneakers to participate in PE class or receive a zero for that class. Specific policies vary from grade to grade.

• Physical Education is offered once a week for each class.


• Health is offered every other week for students in grades Kindergarten through fourth grade and every week for student in grade five through eight.


• Each class attends Art class once weekly.

• Students are also encouraged to participate in various contests during the year.

• Student art work is displayed throughout the school with seasonal themes, art history and art appreciation.

• Curriculum is based on developing the student’s basic artistic skills utilizing a wide variety of materials from recycled paper rolls to oil pastels!

• A spring Art Fair displays student work


• Each class attends a weekly music class.

• All children perform in the Christmas show.

• Children train to sing at church functions and act as cantors.

• Music theory is taught to all grades.

• Instrument lessons are given from the Instrumental Music Company, parents pay for these lessons. There is a junior and an advanced band. They perform to band concerts per year (winter and spring).

• There are two band performances per year, winter and spring.


The state standards for Math are used along with the Diocesan priority list. Grades K-8 utilizes the Sadlier Math, which has a great hands-on approach. Children in grades 1-5 participate in First In Math. Pre-Algebra is offered to some seventh and eighth graders who display the ability and motivation needed to take the course. Algebra is offered to select eighth grade students. Some of these children are tested by the Diocesan High Schools in the spring. If they meet the standards, they will move into Geometry, Honors Geometry, or Algebra II in their freshman year.

Social Studies

In Kindergarten through grade 2, Social Studies is taught with hands-on materials, Scholastic News, and Discovery Education. Grades 3 through 8 use textbooks, projects, current events, and Discovery Education . Technology Integration to enhance Social Studies instruction. Older students enrich the Social Studies curriculum by planning events, ex. Fiesta Day, which involve the entire school.


Most curriculum includes hands-on activities in grade levels K through 2 including Scholastic News and Discovery Education. In grades 3 through 8, students use textbooks, lab experiments, projects, and technology integration.

Library and Computer Rules

1. Be very quiet!

2. The use of Email and Internet chat rooms is strictly prohibited in the library.

3. If you borrow a CD, put it away when you finish.

4. Do not attempt to disable any computer security software.

5. Do not print directly from the Internet. (Copy needed material into Word and print from there)

6. Be gentle with the library book scanners.

7. Do not eat or drink near the computers.

8. Ask if you are confused.

9. Do not touch another student’s computer. Ever!

10. Leave the room as you found it…NEAT!

If you do not follow these rules along with those listed in our acceptable use policy, your privileges will be revoked and depending upon the violation, a warning slip issued, detention scheduled or expulsion if violation is severe.


Primary grades 1 and 2 10-30 minutes

Intermediate grades 3, 4, 5 40-60 minutes

Upper Middle School 6, 7, 8 60-80 minutes

Homework may be given daily. It is most important that a parent supervises homework and provides ample workspace, adequate lighting, and essential tools.

If your child is absent and you would like work sent home, please call in that request at the same time you notify the office of your child’s illness. You may request homework be sent home with another child OR be sent to the office for after school pick up. Work cannot be ready for mid-day pick up. Calls must be made by 9:00 AM to ensure we can get the message to the teacher.

When a child is absent due to illness and returns to school, they have the same amount of time to make-work-up as they were out ill. For example: if your child is out ill 3 days, they have 3 days to make up missed work.


The use of Trimesters as a research based grading is developmentally appropriate for elementary and middle school students. Instead of the 9 weeks that have been used in the past, each trimester is 12 weeks in length, extending the instruction and marking period from 45 to 60 days. The trimesters are August, November and March and report cards are given December, March and June. Progress reports will be distributed in the middle of each trimester. Conferences are planned for the end of October. The scheduling of conferences at this time not only allows an opportunity for schools and students to improve in their efforts, but also provides opportunities for parents and teachers to collaborate by sharing insights into the needs of each child.

Each of the grade levels Kindergarten, First and Second grade, and Third through Eighth grade each have their own grading scale, which is printed on the report card.

Grades sixth through eighth are eligible to be considered for honor roll status. In order to achieve the honor roll, a student must earn a Satisfactory in conduct, effort, and all minor subjects.


|8:00 AM |Beginning of the school Day |

|8:10 AM |Morning Prayer |

|8:15 AM |Classes begin |

|11:30 AM |Lunch period 1 |

|12:00 Noon |Lunch period 2 |

|12:30 PM |Lunch period 3 |

|2:35 PM |Closing Prayer |

|2:40 PM |Dismissal early buses called |

|2:45 PM |Dismissal |


|Activity |Grades Eligible |

|Altar server |4-8 |

|Instrument Lessons |4-8 Extra fee applies |

|Band |4-8 Extra fee applies |

|Student Council |4-8 |

|Creative Writing Club |4-8 |

|Basketball |3-6 |

|Cross Country |K-8 (K-2 w/guardian present) |

|Intramural sports |6-8 |

|Drama Club |1-8 |

|Cherub Choir |K-2 |

|Children’s Choir |3-5 |

|Youth Choir |6-8 |

|Helping Hands Club |All grades |

|Mad Science Enrichment |K-6 |

|Spirit Squad |K-6 |

|STEM Club |6-8 |

|CYO Athletics |

|Basketball |7-8 |

|Track & Field |6-8 |

|Volleyball |5-8 |

|CYO Scholastic/Cultural Events |

|Academic Bowl |7-8 |

|Diocesan Spelling Bee |6-8 |

|Talent Show |K-8 |


Speech Therapy – Intermediate Unit #20

Remedial Services – Reading-Title I Intermediate Unit #20

Mathematics – Act 89-Intermediate Unit #20

Occupational Therapy - when identified through service plan

Hearing – Intermediate Unit #20



Holy Family School accepts students for Kindergarten through Eighth grade. First choice is given to siblings of children currently enrolled in the school or Pre-school, then to children of active Holy Family parishioners. Next, non-Holy Family Catholics and finally to non-Catholics.

Before a child may be registered for school, the family will be ask to register in the parish to be considered for Parishioner admissions. Enrollment of Catholics from other Parishes will be accepted as long as there is space and with written consent from both pastors from both parishes. Any child entering Kindergarten must have reached the age of 5 by October 15 of the current year to enroll. Children who are not able to care for their personal needs (bathroom hygiene) will not be accepted and may be asked to withdraw during the year if a problem occurs. Children entering first grade must be 6 by October 15th.


Transfer Procedure

Notification to the School Office, in writing, is needed when your child is to be transferred from Holy Family School. Include the following information: Name of student, grade and class, age, reason for transfer, name, address, and phone number of receiving school, new home address of student if moving, and last day the child will be attending Holy Family School. A transfer card will be issued to you, which will be required for new school registration. Records between schools are transferred through the mail. Transcripts will NOT be forwarded if you have an outstanding financial balance.


Each full day is composed of two sessions, AM 8:10-11:30 and PM 11:30-2:30.

A child must be present for a minimum of an AM or PM 3-hour session to receive ½ day credit.

Children should arrive at school no earlier than 7:45 am. No supervision is provided before that time. Your child must be in his or her homeroom by 8:10 am or they will be marked tardy/absent. Children arriving late must report to the office for a late slip for admittance to their classroom.


Due to busing safety, parents are not allowed to drive on Convent Ave. Whenever possible, encourage your child to ride the bus. If it is necessary to bring them to school in the A.M., please park in the church parking lot or paved parking lot across the street from the gymnasium. DO NOT PARK IN THE GRAVEL PARKING LOT NEXT TO GYM. Walk your child on the sidewalk to the front door of the school (K-3); older children can walk on the sidewalk to the front of the school without an adult. When necessary, only cross the street where there is a crossing guard, NEVER WALK BETWEEN BUSES.

Any child arriving after 8:10 AM must report to the office for a late slip before going to class. A parent/guardian needs to accompany the child to the office to sign the child in.


At the beginning of each school year, you will be given a form for each child specifying how your child dismisses each day. This form will include all those who are allowed to pick up your child. This form will be given to the child’s homeroom teacher and be referred to as your “dismissal routine paper”. If you are changing your child’s dismissal routine, WRITTEN VERIFICATION MUST BE GIVEN THAT DAY TO THE TEACHER IN THE FORM OF A SIGNED LETTER. INCLUDING THE FULL NAME OF THE AUTHORIZED PERSON WHO WILL PICK UP THE CHILD.

Phone calls changing dismissal procedures are not acceptable. For safety and security, voice verification by a legal and custodial guardian is not foolproof and therefore problematic. Only genuine family emergency situations will warrant changing dismissal procedures such as a car accident or death in the family.

It will remain the principal’s discretion to determine if a situation is a warranted emergency.

Children not picked up from the gym-walkers-line, will remain safely in aftercare until you arrive. If you are unable to pick your child up from the gym, please have a backup plan with a friend, relative or neighbor to ensure your child’s complete safety.

If your child is normally a bus rider and you are unable to meet your child at the bus stop, please have a backup plan with a friend, relative, or neighbor to ensure your child’s complete safety.

Children are not permitted to ride the bus if they are not on that districts paper work. For example, if you are on a Nazareth District bus (or a car) rider and want to go home with an Easton student on their bus, you cannot. If you do ride a Nazareth Bus and would like to ride home with another student on their Nazareth bus, a signed detailed note from a parent or guardian must be given to the Principal that day. It will be signed and given back to the student to give to the bus driver. If you are unsure, call the office for clarification.


Phone call requests regarding dismissal changes will NOT be accepted after 2:15pm (unless it is a family emergency).

WALKERS – Walkers will be dismissed from the gymnasium if permission has been granted in writing and documented by the Office. Parents shall be responsible for their child’s safety after their child leaves the school grounds.

CAR RIDERS – All car rides must be signed out in the sign-out books (arrange alphabetically) in the gymnasium. The adult signing out the child must show their PHOTO ID (driver’s license or otherwise) which will be checked with approved names on the parental consent form. Only adults designated on the parental consent form will be allowed to sign children out.

AFTERCARE – Students report to the gymnasium for After Care. Any student who is not picked up from the gym or who misses their bus will be taken to After Care. After Care charges are per hour or any portion of an hour, maximum 3 hours. There is no After Care on scheduled or unscheduled early dismissal days or on days off.


Children are dismissed from school as follows:

2:40 PM Early buses Bethlehem, Pleasant Valley, Pen Argyl, Bangor, Northampton, Stroudsburg, and Wilson.

2:43 PM Car riders, walkers, and aftercare line up and are walked to the gym and after care room respectively. Children not picked up from the gym will be taken to after care until you arrive.

2:45 PM Gym doors are opened; parents enter through gym doors, sign their children out, show photo ID, and proceed out the side gym exit doors back to the parking lot.

2:45 PM Nazareth and Easton buses are called in order of their arrival. Busses line up along Convent Avenue in front of the building.


It is the parent’s responsibility to make certain the student is present for classes when school is in session. During weather delays and cancellations, Holy Family School follows the Nazareth Area School District broadcasts on the television and radio. The Website will be updated with all the pertinent information.

If Nazareth is showing a one-hour delay, Holy Family will then begin classes at 9:10 AM instead of 8:10 AM, and the buses will and pick up students one hour later. The same would hold true of a cancelled day. Additionally to the above, if your district is on a snow cancellation and you ride their bus, your absence from school is legal, however, every effort should be made to attend classes.

Children are not marked late if they are tardy due to their bus arriving late, but they must stop at the office and give their names to ensure they have been properly marked before proceeding to their classroom.

To further illustrate the busing impact due to cancellations or delays

The district in which you live dictates bussing; your bussing district dictates the bus schedule. Here are the potential scenarios:

If Nazareth district does not close, but your district does: Holy Family is still open but your child will not be marked absent. Parents are encouraged to make alternate arrangements to get their child to school.

If Nazareth district closes and your district does not: Holy Family is closed.

If Nazareth district has a 1 hour delay and your district has a 1 hour delay: Holy Family starts at 9:00 am, all bus schedules will be exactly one hour later than normal.

If Nazareth has a 1 hour delay and your district has a 2 hour delay: Holy Family starts at 9:00 a.m., Nazareth bus schedule is one hour later than normal. Your district will bus students 2 hours later than normal, and students will not be marked absent or tardy. However, parents are encouraged to make alternate arrangements to get their child to school consistent with Holy Family times.

If Nazareth is delayed 2 hours and your district has a 1 hour delay: children dropped off by bus will be supervised; however, it is best to make alternate plans that coincide with Nazareth’s (Holy Family) delay.

Impending Weather

Holy Family Staff may not answer the phones during inclement weather.

We will periodically listen to messages as time allows.

This policy will ensure phone lines are available to: receive district and transportation calls and to make outgoing calls necessary during a weather dismissal. All calls not answered will be forwarded to the answering machine. Only calls that are deemed as genuine emergency calls will be returned immediately.

Please check the Web site often for up to the minute revisions.

Please do not call the school to check on cancellations, delayed openings or early closings. Please use the other public notifications avenues to determine the school’s schedule for the day.

Each family must adhere to the following:

• Check the Web site periodically for district specific updates. Listen to the radio and television stations, 107.5 FM, 1400 AM, 99.9 FM 100.7FM, and Channel 69.

• Log onto .

• Appoint a friend, relative, co-worker, or neighbor as your back up plan if for any reason you will not be able to pick your child up for early dismissal. Each family should have specific alternate plans which take into account your personal constraints i.e. business or pleasure day trips.

• Appoint a friend, relative, co-worker, or neighbor to contact you at work if you are not able to watch television, listen to the radio, log onto .

Any child remaining after an early dismissal will be taken care of individually, and remain safely with faculty and staff until messages have been answered and calls are made.


Parent to School

All notes must be DATED and signed.

Please clearly indicate to whom the note is directed, i.e. Attn: Lunch Money, Attn: Mrs. Fritz, Attn: Gift Certificates, etc.

Always include your child’s name and homeroom on both the envelope and the note.

If you desire to speak with a teacher, please detail your concern in a note. Include the best time to contact you; also specify numbers where you can be reached.

Phone calls cannot be put through to the classrooms at any time during the day. The teachers need their morning prep time before classes and calls will not be transferred during class time. Please resist the urge to discuss your child during lunchtime or at any time you are at the school.

Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled during the first trimester and before the first report card. Conferences are not mandatory, but an option if you feel you have concerns or questions.

After all trimesters, parents may request a conference by sending in a note.

School to Parents

A large Brown (manila) Envelope will be distributed after all of the masses the weekend before school begins for the new school year. Each month, thereafter, a current Brown Envelope will be posted on our school website. Any other information needed to be communicated will be sent home with the youngest child in each family on Thursdays throughout the school year. Additionally, an email blast will be sent each Thursday morning.

Parent to Principal

Please send in a note with the principal’s name in an envelope clearly marked, PRINCIPAL. Please state in the note, if you would like a return call, and list all numbers where you can be reached.

E-mail addresses can be found on the school web site:


A code of conduct is endorsed to assist the student; in developing Christian attitudes and sound character, to promote responsibility and citizenship, to provide for the exercise of self-control, responsible behavior, and respect.

Each student will abide by the rules and regulations set forth in this Handbook. Additionally, students will abide by classroom rules established by individual teachers for maintenance and order in the classroom; students will abide by the regulations and maintain responsible behaviors throughout the building, on school grounds, on all school district vehicles, while at any school function (during or after school) and while attending or participating in any school activity.

The levels of infractions are as follows: verbal warning, written warning, after-school detention, in-school suspension, full suspension and expulsion from school. The following are examples of each level. In every situation, the principal has the full authority to determine the severity of the infraction and the level of discipline that is to be issued. Every effort will be made to discover all the facts of the situation before discipline is determined.

Failure to comply with expected behavior may result in loss of privileges. (i.e. Dances, Field trips, Mission Carnival, Field day, etc.)

Written Warning

Examples of infractions that will result in a written warning are, but not limited to:

• Failure to complete homework assignments or classroom work assignments (at teachers’ discretion).

• Chewing gum or eating in the classroom (other than at designated snack or party times).

• Uncooperative behavior, an immediate written warning is issued.

• Disrespect of School Property, an immediate written warning is issued.

• Tardiness.

• Violation of dress code

• Noncompliance with dress code, after first verbal warning.

• Inappropriate Dress Down clothes (refer to Dress Down section).

• Violation of a lunchroom rule (refer to lunchroom section).

• No container or use of body sprays, colognes, etc. in school (roll-on deodorant is acceptable)

-Warning notices must be signed by parents/guardians and returned to the teacher the next day, or another warning notice will be issued.

-Three warnings for the same offense per quarter will result in a one hour after school detention. Grades one and two will miss five minutes of recess.


The student will remain after school for one hour. Parents receive a notice explaining the reason and the time and place of the detention. This notice MUST be signed and returned to the teacher the following school day, or another WARNING will be issued.

Examples of infractions that will result in a detention are, but not limited to:

• Disrespectful behavior- refusing to obey or mockery

• Cheating/Plagiarism

• Obscene language spoken or written

• Forging a signature

• Defacement of school property

—If a second detention for the same offense occurs per quarter, parents are required to confer with the teacher.

—A third detention for the same offense results in an immediate SUSPENSION.


Formal Suspension is a serious disciplinary action taken by school authorities against a student whose behavior constitutes a major infraction of the rules and regulations contrary to the good order of the school community. Suspension is a step toward possible expulsion from school.

Examples of infractions that may result in a suspension (in school or out of school) but not limited to:

• Physical contact by way of hitting, punching, tripping, or touching in any way

• Bullying as defined by the following examples: verbal abuse such as, teasing, insulting, mocking, threatening, taunting, gossiping, lying, and/or any ridiculing words, Cyber, Emotional, Sexual, Written (see BULLY POLICY)

• If, because of disruptive behavior, it is necessary to remove a student from the classroom for all or part of a day, this will be termed “IN-SCHOOL” suspension. Parents will be informed of such action when it occurs and given the reason for the student’s removal and length of suspension. Students are under the direct supervision of the principal and office staff during “in-school” suspension. During the suspension period, the student must complete all school work during the suspension period. STUDENT MAY BE DENIED PRIVILEGES TO AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES.

• Inappropriate pictures/cellphone policies

• Three detentions per quarter (If student has served 3 detentions for any offense)

Suspension Out-of-school

Examples of Infractions that will result in an immediate out-of-school suspension are, but not limited to:

• Use of obscene or offensive language or action toward a staff member

• Serious damage or defacement of school property

• Possession of, (or participation in) the use of any substance or item that could prove harmful or dangerous

• Leaving school without permission

If, in the judgment of the Principal, the student’s action justifies suspension, parents/guardians will be notified immediately to remove the student from school.

Suspended students will not be readmitted to school or any related function or CYO activities until the following procedures have been implemented:

• A conference is held with parents, student, principal and teacher followed by a written memorandum of understanding governing the future school status of the student.

• Parents must then sign a formal agreement signifying their understanding of the problem and their agreement to assume full responsibility for the student’s future behavior.

• The signed agreement and record of suspension is placed in the student’s personal file.

• Counseling (if recommended) must be fulfilled.

During the suspension period, the student is marked absent and is responsible for all make-up work and all tests. STUDENT WILL BE DENIED PRIVILEDGES TO AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES.


For any reason, deemed serious by the principal, a student may be expelled after a single violation.

Three suspensions deem a student liable for an expulsion.

Search and Seizure

The administrator may search or may deem it necessary to search a student, students’ book bags, desks, lockers, or personal belongings if there is reasonable suspicion that a violation of a school rule has been committed.

Cell Phone/Electronics Policy

Students are not permitted to use the cell phone in class. All cell phones/electronic devices need to be kept in the backpack in the locker on silent; unless approved by nurse/principal for medical reasons. Cell phones/electronic devices will be confiscated by the teacher and sent to the Principal’s office. A parent will have to pick up the cell phone/electronic device at school. Students will be issued a detention for defiance of this policy. All cell phones/electronic devices must remain in the backpack in the locker during school hours.

Drugs/Weapons Policy

Holy Family School will use all available resources in an effort to provide a safe and drug-free environment for all students at all times.

The possession, use and/or distribution of any of the following, but not limited to: narcotic, drug, inhalant, alcohol, cigarettes, cigarette lighters, over the counter medications, or any weapon or facsimile, or object, which could be used as a weapon, is absolutely prohibited in school, on school vehicles and on school grounds.

Violators will be subject to any and or all of the following actions:

1. Immediate school suspension followed by a hearing, which may result in expulsion.

2. Referral to appropriate guidance, and/ or medical, and/or psychological personnel.

3. Referral to law enforcement officials

1. Anyone knowingly aiding, abetting or in any way enabling the possession, usage or distribution of the same noted herein, will also be subject to appropriate disciplinary procedures as detailed above.

2. Any information obtained from witnesses regarding violators of the substance abuse/weapon policy will be treated as confidential and the source protected from exposure.

3. Student possession of legitimately prescribed medications on school property is prohibited unless written authorization on an official “Nazareth Area School District Permission to distribute medication form” (signed by a Doctor) is provided to the principal prior to bringing the medication on school property. Medication must be in original labeled container and the medication will be kept in the Health Room. Please request the form from office well in advance please.

Organized health education programs are used by Holy Family School to educate students to the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and smoking.

Our rules of discipline are guides. Under unusual circumstances or at the Principals discretion, rules may be adapted or modified.

The law was made for man, not man for the law. These rules are meant to be “freeing” and touchstones enabling us to be all that we can be.

Positive Reinforcement

Stressing only the negative with regards to discipline puts attention on the students who refuse to follow school rules. Holy Family School has a much higher percentage of students who follow the rules as outlined. To encourage these behaviors, at the end of each month, all students who showed responsible behaviors as outlined in the Discipline Policy will place their names in a class “reward jar.” One name will be selected to join Mrs. Bruce for a “MAKE YOUR OWN SUNDAE PARTY!” (grades with only one class will select two students).

Grade level teachers are also encouraged to use “Student of the Week” designations for those who exhibit responsible behavior.



Bullying can be defined as intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words or other behavior, such as name-calling, threatening, and/or shunning by one or more individuals against others. Bullying can take various forms and may include, but is not limited to, such actions as described below and on the attached list entitled Possible Bullying Behaviors.

Physical: any unwanted physical contact (hitting, kicking, punching, tripping, pushing, wrestling, and throwing objects)

Verbal: name calling, insults, taunting, teasing, threats

Cyber: occurring in school and or interfering with the educational process

Emotional: social isolation, rumors, and gossip

Sexual: inappropriate unwanted touching, comments, jokes, looking in bathroom stalls

Written: inappropriate notes or any other inappropriate written communication

Such conduct disrupts the educational process and the Christian and spiritual environment; therefore, bullying is unacceptable behavior at Holy Family School.

Incidents of bullying on school property will be addressed as follows:

1. Teachers will go over the definition and consequences of bullying with the students.

2. Teachers will post a definition of bullying and a list of rules regarding bullying for reference in their classrooms (please see attachment for these documents).

3. Parents and students will read and sign an anti-bullying contract.

4. Teachers will formally document bullying incidents on the bullying discipline form.

5. Teachers will follow standard bullying discipline consequences outlined on the discipline form.

6. Teachers and Principal will respond to incidences brought to their attention by student and/or parent.

7. Inappropriate behavior may be handled in a variety of ways on a case by case, age-appropriate basis according to the infraction and number of repeated inappropriate behaviors documented occurring during the school year. Possible student consequences may include but are not limited to: warning by teacher and or principal, loss of recess, loss of privileges, detention, parent/student conference, in-school suspension, suspension, expulsion.

Through this process it is the goal of administration, faculty and staff to have the child achieve redemption, learn, and stop bullying.


Report to the parent or guardian of the student involved in acts of bullying

If after investigation, acts of bullying by a specific student are verified, the principal shall notify the parent or guardian of the student of the finding. If disciplinary consequences are imposed against the student, a description of the discipline shall be included in the notification.

Reports to the victim and his/her parent or guardian

If after investigation, acts of bullying against a specific student are verified, the principal shall notify the parent or guardian of the victim of such a finding. In providing notification, the privacy rights of the person responsible for bullying must be respected. The specified disciplinary consequences imposed on the violator, as reflected in the student’s records shall not be disclosed to the parents or guardian of the victim.

Teacher report to Principal

Teachers will complete a Holy Family School Student Behavior /Bullying Discipline Form (K-8) to report the incident to the Principal.



As a student of Holy Family School, I have read and discussed with my parents and teachers what bullying is and the consequences of such actions.

This year I will enjoy being a good friend and I will be a respectful classmate.

Student name (printed) _______________________________________________

Student signature ___________________________________________________

Date _____________________

As a parent/guardian in the Holy Family School community, I have read and discussed with my child what bullying is and the consequences of such actions as stated in this procedure.

Parent/Guardian name (printed) ____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature ________________________________________________

Date __________________________________


All uniforms, outer clothing and school items should be labeled with your child’s last name in case of loss.

Grades K through 8 wear a uniform. All uniforms are available at the Nazareth Army & Navy store. Items purchased elsewhere must be identical.

All shirts must be kept neat and clean and must be tucked into skirts or slacks.



- Hair must not cover the eyebrow or grow over the top of the ears. Hair should be neatly trimmed one inch above the collar of the shirt.

- No hair dye. No shaven heads, tails, Mohawks or fauxhawks.

- All boys must be clean shaven.

- Good hygiene is expected.


- Simple hair decorations in the following colors: navy blue, light blue, yellow, white, black, brown

- Plaid uniform headband and plaid bows are also acceptable

- Light make up and clear nail polish only. (grades 6-8)

- Makeup or nail polish of any kind is not permitted for grades K-5

- Good hygiene is expected.


MANDATORY October 16 through April 14


- Sweaters: navy blue uniform style; V-neck, buttons, or vest; with HFS logo (sold at Nazareth Army Navy Store). These are to be worn if the student gets cold inside the building.

- Students may wear crew neck navy blue sweatshirt with HFS logo


- Bottoms: uniform navy blue slacks must be worn at the waist (no flares, gathered bottoms, pegged legs, corduroy, or cargo pants)

- Shirt: light blue uniform shirt (short or long sleeves) with HFS logo

- Shoes: brown, black, or navy blue, (no sneakers) and preferably with NO-SKID SOLES

- Belt (Grades 1-8): brown, black, or navy blue

- Socks: white, black, or navy blue ALL SOCKS MUST COVER THE ANKLE

- Sweater or sweatshirt (see above)

- Necklaces with small religious pendants are allowed, no earrings are permitted.


- Grades K-5: uniform jumper, no more than 1” above the knee, with light blue Peter Pan collar blouse

- Grades 6-7: uniform plaid skirt, no more than 1” above the knee, with white or light blue Oxford shirt

- Grade 8: uniform plaid skirt, no more than 1” above the knee, with white or light blue Oxford shirt or banded navy blue polo with HFS logo

- Grades K-8: uniform navy blue slacks with white polo with HFS logo

- Shoes: brown, black, or navy blue (no sneakers, ballet slippers, clogs or open toe shoes), They must be tie shoes or have a strap to stay on the foot. ½”-1” heel

- Belt (Grades 1 -8): brown, black, or navy blue

- Socks: tights or knee socks in white or navy blue with skirt/jumper; white, black, or navy blue with pants **ALL SOCKS MUST COVER THE ANKLE

- Sweater: navy blue cardigan with HFS logo

- Jewelry

o Necklaces – simple religious pendants only

o Earrings – one earring in ear lobes only; flat studs, no hoops

o No earrings worn to gym class (must be removed by student or will be provided with medical tape.)

- White or natural colored bras or undershirts only


OPTIONAL April 15 through October 15


- Tan uniform shorts for boys (no cargo shorts with pockets) and blue uniform polo with HFS logo


- Navy uniform shorts (no higher than two inches above the knee) with the white uniform polo with HFS logo

- Grades K-5 may wear navy uniform skorts (no higher than two inches above the knee) with the white uniform polo with HFS logo


- All students wear plain/no stripes dark navy gym uniform boxer style shorts worn at least fingertip length but no longer than one inch below the knee (April 15 to Oct. 15) and navy sweatpants no longer than to the top of sneakers (Oct. 15 to April 15).

- Dark navy t-shirts and sweatshirts are worn with the Holy Family School logo.

- All P.E. clothing must be stripe free and logo free except for the Holy Family logo available for print at the Nazareth Army Navy store.

- Socks must be white or black without stripes and worn above the ankle.

- All students must wear “athletic/basketball” type sneakers that are at least ¾ white or at least ¾ dark (dark navy blue like the gym uniform, black, or dark gray). These sneakers should be able to flex easily when the foot bends (no fashion, novelty - solid colors only with no prints, such as striped, dotted, leopard, etc., or soccer sneakers). If hi-top sneakers are worn, the top must be within 1 inch of the ankle.



- No bottoms worn below the waist.

- No holes in clothing (accidental or purposeful).

- No revealing clothing. Shirts should cover cleavage and midriff areas. All clothes should fit without accentuating certain features.

- No sleeveless apparel.

- Leggings, jeggings, and yoga pants must be worn with a top, dress, or skirt no higher than half way between the knee and the hip (mid-thigh).

- Shorts must be no higher than one inch above the knee

- All footwear must have a strap to keep the shoe on the foot. Flip flops are not acceptable.

If you question the outfit, DO NOT WEAR IT. Failure to comply with the Dress Code will warrant an immediate written warning slip and the loss of the following dress down privilege.

School Dress Down rules apply for all school dances.

The administration reserves the right to amend and make final decisions on all dress code matters.


Regular attendance and punctuality promote an attitude of responsibility toward schoolwork, support the student in the learning process, and allow the student to maintain their level of academic achievement. Attendance in school is mandatory for school dances and extracurricular school-sponsored events.

TARDINESS – Students who are tardy 2 times during a quarter will be issued a WARNING SLIP. Students who are tardy 3 times in a quarter will be issued a DETENTION

ABSENTEEISM - In the event it is absolutely necessary for a student to be absent, the following must be followed:

1. Call the school office by 9:00 at 610 759-5642. If you are aware during the morning hours of an illness, you may call and leave a message enabling you and your child to rest.

-State the child’s full name, grade/class and a brief reason for absence.

-State if you want homework sent home with another student (state the name and grade of student) or if you will pick homework up after 2:45 in the office

-----You must call every day of an illness even if the days are consecutive----

2. On the first day the student returns to school, a note signed by the parent/guardian detailing the reason for absence must be given to the homeroom teacher who will keep the notes on file.

3. If a student is absent MORE THAN 3 days due to illness, the parent must obtain a doctor’s note on the fourth day in order for the child to return to school. Failure to provide this note will result in you being called to immediately provide the excuse or pick your child up from school.

4. Students have extra time to make up work missed due to excused absences and illnesses. The numbers of days out are equal to the days a child has to make up missed class work.

Perfect Attendance Award - A student who is not absent for any session, not late, or has not been picked up early more than 2 times during the school year will be awarded a certificate at the end of the school year. (Bus delays do not count against you.)

STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA/COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON AFFIDAVIT-If your child is absent for any reason other than the legally acceptable reasons of illness or emergency, for example vacation etc., you must request a STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA/COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON AFFIDAVIT which must be notarized and returned to the teacher BEFORE your child’s absence.

Students unable to provide acceptable evidence of sickness, urgent reasons for absence or are tardy during the same quarter they have been issued a detention for tardiness will be considered truant and reported to the local Attendance Officer to enforce the State’s compulsory school law provision.


Late arrivals and early dismissals because of doctor or dental appointments are discouraged. When this is unavoidable, please send a note to the teacher THE DAY PRIOR for a late arrival or THE MORNING OF an early dismissal. Students arriving late must report to the office before going to their classrooms for a late slip, those leaving early must await parental pick-up in the office as well.

Early dismissals will be recorded at 2:35. More than 2 early dismissals will result in the student being prohibited from receiving a Perfect Attendance Award.


Taking children out of school for vacations is strongly discouraged. Should you still wish to do so, you must request, two weeks prior, a STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA/COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON AFFIDAVIT which must be notarized and returned to the school office two weeks prior to your child absence or they will be reported to the local Attendance Officer to enforce the State’s compulsory school. Students and parents must assume full responsibility for all work missed. If the teachers are able to have your assignments ready in advance, they may give it to you, BUT do not expect teachers to do so. If the teacher is unable to provide assignments, your child will need to make up class work when they return.

Parent Sign-In and Child Sign-out

All parents and visitors must report to the office when coming to the school for ANY reason. You will be directed where and how to sign in for your visit. Parents and visitors are never to go to the classrooms or gym without first reporting to the office. Cafeteria volunteers may report directly to the gym and see the cafeteria manager to sign in.

When taking your child out of school early for any reason, you must sign a log kept in the office. Children leaving early for appointments will be sent to the office to await your arrival. Please come to the office to sign your child out of the building. No child will be permitted to leave the building unless physically escorted by a parent or guardian.



Health Services

Holy Family provides health services under the guidelines and standing orders of Nazareth Area School District. Holy Family provides a nurse 4 days a week. The fifth day is provided by the Nazareth Area School District. If there are any medical questions or concerns, please call the main office of Holy Family at 610-759-5642 and ask to be transferred to the School Nurse.

Forms for Parent Use

Forms can be found on the website under the tab Forms and then Health.


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Required for entry into school for the first time at the kindergarten or first grade level at public private or parochial schools:

The following immunizations are required for entry into school for the first time at the kindergarten or first grade level at public private or parochial schools in this Commonwealth including special education and home education programs:     


Immunization Requirements 2014-2015


The following immunizations are required for attendance in ALL grades, including public, private, parochial, non-public, vocational, intermediate units, special education, home education and students of cyber and charter schools in the commonwealth:

4 doses of tetanus* (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)

• 4 doses of diphtheria* (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)

• 3 doses of polio

• 2 doses of measles**

• 2 doses of mumps**

• 1 dose of rubella (German measles)**

• 3 doses of hepatitis B

• 2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine or history of disease

Children attending 7th grade in 2014-2015 need the following:

• 1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) (if 5 years has elapsed since last tetanus immunization)

• 1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV)

These requirements allow for medical reasons and religious beliefs. If your child is exempt from immunizations, he/she may be removed from school during an outbreak.

*usually given as DTP or DTaP or DT or Td 

**usually given as MMR

The only exemptions to the school laws for immunizations are: 

        *  medical reasons

        * religious beliefs

If your child is exempt from immunizations, he or she may be removed from school during an outbreak.


Medication in school


Medications will be given in school only in exceptional circumstances when the child's health may be jeopardized without it. A written statement from the prescribing doctor or dentist shall be required. This statement shall include the name of the medication, the dose, the time to be given and possible reaction if any. Please call your school nurse for the required form. Parent signature is also required.

This procedure must be followed for prescription as well as over the counter medications.

The medication must be brought to school in a bottle marked with:

•   Name of students 

•   Name of physician 

•   Name of medication 

•   Time to be given 

•   The dosage

If this procedure is not followed the medication will not be given.

|When should you keep your child home from school??? |

|The following information should be considered a guideline for keeping an ill child home. Of course parents know their child's health |

|status and ability to "tough out" various common childhood illnesses. Parents who have specific questions or concerns should call their |

|school nurse. |

1. Colds - What seems like a mild cold with symptoms such as a runny nose may indeed be allergies. If the child does not have a fever or a severe cough, don't keep the child home. On the other hand colds especially those with a fever can be signs of a more serious problem. These children should stay home.

2. Fever - Any child with a temperature of 100 degrees or above should stay home until the fever is normal for 24 hours. If the fever is accompanied by a sore throat, earache, nausea, listlessness, or a rash the child may be contagious.

3. Diarrhea or Vomiting - Children need to stay home if either occurred during the previous night.

4. Strep Throat or Scarlet Fever - Both are highly contagious. These children need antibiotics and may return to school with a doctor’s permission while they are being treated. Remember to complete the prescribed medication.

5. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) - This can be highly contagious depending on the cause. Children can return to school with the permission of the treating doctor. Practice good hand washing.

6. Ear Infections - If left untreated ear infections can cause hearing loss. They should be treated immediately. Children with pain and or fever should remain at home.

7. Chicken Pox - Children must stay home for at least 6 days after the last crop of vesicles appear. Never give aspirin or Ibuprofen.

8. Lice - Children must be treated before they come to school. Nits must be removed as a part of the treatment. Use an appropriate lice shampoo.

If you are not sure about when to keep a child home or have questions about treatment call your child's doctor or your school nurse.

Absence Reporting Procedures


In an effort to keep track of the causes of student absences, we are asking that the following procedure be followed by all parents/guardians of students. If your child is going to be absent from school, you must:

1) Phone the appropriate school attendance line regarding the student’s absence on the morning of each day of absence.

2) State the reason your child is absent. For example:

· Cold-like symptoms

· Fever

· Flu-like symptoms

· Upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea

· Communicable Disease

· Hospitalization

· Injury

· Death in family


3) When a call to the school is not received and a student is absent, verification of absence will be made by the school personnel by calling the parents/guardian’s home or emergency number to verify the student’s absence and circumstances.


4) Upon returning to school, the absent student shall submit a note, signed by his/her parent/guardian, or physician, stating the date/s and the specific reason for absence/s.


The cafeteria is always in need of volunteers.

A form will come home the first few days of school asking for volunteers. We ask parents and grandparents, if possible, to commit to one day a week or every other week as your choice for VOLUNTEER ANGEL POINTS to assist in the cafeteria. Finally, behavior in the cafeteria follows that of the classroom. The same respect and good manners is expected from each student. The Faculty/Staff members who witness offensive student conduct will issue warning slips. Three Cafeteria warning slips will result in an in-house suspension.


• Children must remain at their own tables and not get out of their seat without permission.

• Children may not run during lunch time in the gym during lunch time.

• Children may not throw anything from table to table.

• Children should not talk with a mouth full of food.

• There should only be five children on one lunch bench at a time.

• Children must pick up large pieces of trash from the floor before they are dismissed.

• Children will be encouraged to dispose trays to practice responsible behaviors.

• Soda is not permitted in the cafeteria.

• On rainy days when they do not go outside, children should go directly back to their classrooms two by two and walk quietly down the hallway.

• Children should talk respectfully to the volunteers and to each other at all times.

• Parents are NOT allowed to bring a lunch in and eat with their child.

**Bathroom use is restricted to the locker room bathrooms in the hallway leading to the gym. Students may ask only the teacher on duty to use the bathroom.**


• There should be no running or pushing on the playground.

• There is absolutely no playing with or throwing of stones.

• No jumping off swings when you are swinging on them.

• Children may not play football or any other contact game.

• Playground balls should be used with the permission and supervision of a parent volunteer.

• There should be no physical contact with one another (pushing, shoving, and tackling).

• The following areas are off limits: behind fenced tower; trees; shed; van; hill by the baseball field.

• Any child that does not act appropriately on the playground will sit at the picnic table until the adult feels he/she is ready to resume playing.

• Any child fighting (verbal or physical) should be sent to the office immediately.

• If students need to use the bathroom, they must get a buddy and then ask the teacher. They must enter the school through the gym door near Mrs. Hynes’ office. They must report back to the teacher when they return.

Parent volunteers are responsible for watching the grade to which they are assigned.

Failure to abide to Lunch Rules and Playground rules may result in a warning slip.


Use the Convent Avenue front door entrance and ring the bell. The door will then be unlocked. Proceed to the office to fill out your name badge and log in for your “Volunteer Angel” points. You may park at the gym parking lot and enter through the gym doors then see the CAFETERIA MANAGER to sign in.

• Servers wear gloves and ensure your head is covered.

• Floor-helpers assist children to their seats and open straws and milk, cut food, and walk constantly through the tables to keep the peace.

• After each lunch, wipe down tables, clean up spills, and tie shoes.

Please read over the lunchroom rules, if you have any problems with the children or any questions, please refer to the teacher-on-duty. The Principal is also available during all lunch periods as long as she is in the building.

Parents and grandparents: Thank you for volunteering your time…please “mingle” with the children AS THEY EAT…it keeps them orderly and focused on eating!


FIRST Lunch period: Grades 1, 2, 3 - 11:30, THEN RECESS

SECOND Lunch period: Grades 4, 5 - 12:00, THEN RECESS

THIRD Lunch period: Grades K, 6, 7, 8 - 12:30


No one may use Parish or School Property field or pavilion for personal use.

Permission must be granted by the Pastor at the Parish Office and scheduled by the Parish Office if school property is to be used for any activity outside of normal school hours. This includes all Parish buildings.

Athletic activities are managed by an electronic calendar. The school secretary can assist with scheduling an activity in the gym.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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