Recruitment Samples

Clover Kids Toolbox

Section F



… and justice for all

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cathann A. Kress, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.

What Is Clover Kids?

Clover Kids is a FUN youth program specially designed for children in Kindergarten—3rd grade. The focus is on hands-on cooperative learning in small groups. Clover Kids participate in activities, games, and other positive experiences in a supportive, creative, challenging and fun environment.

What Can Your Child Expect To Do In Clover Kids?

• Participate in activities uniquely suited to their development • Have Fun

• Grow and learn in a non-competitive environment • Develop skills

• Participate in hands-on activities • Meet new friends


Clover Kids Leader

The leader for this program is leader name with assistance from 4-H members.


Detach and return bottom portion & reverse side with payment to:

ISU Extension, address, city, IA zip

Registrations accepted on a first come—first serve basis until the class is full


4-H Clover Kids Registration

— Please Print —


Youth Name:______________________________________________________ Grade:________


Address:_________________________________ City: _________________ Zip:_____________


Parent/Guardian Name:___________________________________________


Phones: Home: _____________________ Cell: ___________________

Person & phone number of an individual that could be contacted during Clover Kids

from 3:30-5:00 p.m. _______________________________________________________________


Amount enclosed per child: ___________ $30.00


I would be willing to be a helper to the volunteer leader: ______ YES ______NO


Photo Release Consent

____Yes, photographs of my child may be used for publicity purposes, including the county Extension web page.

____No, do not use photographs of my child.


HEALTH INFORMATION (Circle all that apply)

Does the child have any of the following conditions or a history of any of the following conditions?

Asthma Bronchitis Fainting Spells

Diabetes Ear Infections Heart or cardio-vascular problems/disease

Convulsions/seizure Hay Fever Chronic bone, muscle or joint injuries

Migraine headaches Other condition(s): (Please list)____________________________________

Allergies or reactions: (Circle all that apply)

Aspirin Penicillin Dairy Gluten Peanuts

Insect bites or stings Ivy/oak/sumac toxins Other (list) _________________________________

Is your child currently on any prescribed or over-the counter medication? (If so, please record the condition/ailment, name of medication, dosage, time(s) of day, prescribing physician.) __________________________________________________

Date of last tetanus shot (approximate):______________________


Release Information: Beyond parents, these individuals are authorized to pick up my child from Clover Kids and can be contacted if my child gets sick or needs medical attention. (Note: If there are any changes to this information, please send written notification.)

Name:____________________________ Relationship_______________ Phone(s) __________________


Name:____________________________ Relationship_______________ Phone(s) __________________


Address, City, IA Zip

CONTACT: Name, Extension 4-H County Youth Coordinator

Phone, email:


I give permission for ___________________________________ to participate in the 4-H program. I understand that 4-H project activities/events may involve certain risks of physical activity and possible injury and that Iowa State University and its 4-H program will provide each participant with reasonable care, but that ISU cannot guarantee that my child will remain free of injury. I nonetheless wish to have my child participate in the 4-H program and ASSUME the RISK of participating. I agree to RELEASE from LIABILITY, INDEMNIFY and HOLD HARMLESS the State of Iowa, the Board of Regents of the State of Iowa, ISU and ISU Extension and their officers, employees and agents (hereinafter the RELEASEES) from any and all claim and/or cause of action arising out of and related to any injury, loss, penalties, damage, settlement, costs or other expenses or liabilities that occur as a result of my child’s participation in the 4-H program. This release, however, is not intended to release the above-mentioned RELEASEES from liability arising out of their sole negligence.

Parent or Guardian Signature______________________________________ Date _____________________


The health history for my child is correct and complete to my knowledge. If an injury or other medical condition occurs or arises, I hereby give permission to the ISU Extension staff or volunteer to provide routine health care and seek emergency treatment including x-rays or routine tests. I agree to the release of any record necessary for treatment, referral, billing or insurance purposes. I understand that I am financially responsible for charges and hereby guarantee full payment to the attending physicians or health care unit. In the event of an emergency where I cannot decide for my child, I give permission to the physician/hospital selected by the ISU Extension staff or volunteer to secure and administer treatment for my child, including hospitalization. (*If you cannot sign this section of the form for any reason, contact the County Extension Director regarding a legal waiver in order to attend and participate.)

_________initial __________date


I understand that the following individual behaviors make group activities difficult and I will be asked to pick up my child from Clover Kids if there is a problem.

• Physical harm • Unsafe behavior • Inappropriate language

• Leaving the group without permission • Illness • Refusal to follow the rules

_________initial __________date

Join the

NAME Clover Kids Group


Kindergarten—3rd Grade Students

(Parents are welcome to stay.)


Fun games, Educational Activities, Creative crafts,

Yummy snacks, and Time with friends





Location (include street address)

For Parents:

Clover Kids is a FUN 4-H Youth Development program specially designed for children

in Kindergarten through 3rd grades.

The focus is on hands-on, cooperative learning.

The primary goal is to promote children's healthy development—

mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally.


Please accompany your child(ren) into the meeting to sign-in.


Enrollment information and meeting schedule will be available at the first meeting.


Volunteer Name, Clover Kids Leader, Phone Number, E-mail



Quick and easy (not messy!) activities will get the children to the booth! Show them how to do the activity and let them go at it while you tell them all the wonderful things they will do in…

So, grab the Clover Kids Book Marks and break out the green….some 4-H stickers and 4-H pencils so you can have a great time promoting the BEST program in the world!!!


You will need: scissors, tape, straws, square post it notes (See the Rockets Away Curriculum!)

Cut the open end off a water balloon

Put the hole of the balloon in one end of a drinking straw

Fold the end of the balloon over and tape securely (so air doesn’t leak out)

Cut a post it note diagonally and tape to the straw.

Blow through the straw to inflate the balloon and let go!


Just use any of the clip art from the Clover Kids web page, blow it up and print it off!

Sample on next page




Contact Information:


You will need pipe cleaner or chenille sticks cut in half and clear tri-beads

Put a bead on a pipe cleaner. Bend the end back over the beads so they don’t fall off.

Fill the whole pipe cleaner with beads. Twist another pipe cleaner around the middle of the finished

pipe cleaner. Put beads on it as well. Keep adding pipe cleaners and beads!


You will need 1 inch Styrofoam balls, felt circles, googly eyes glue sticks, chenille sticks

Glue the felt circles to the Styrofoam balls. Then add googly eyes.

Use the chenille stick to add hair and other features

Finally stick a chenille stick in the bottom of both balls and “wear” under your finger.


You will need METAL objects like kitchen utensils or hangers and string

Tie the string to the metal utensil or hanger.

Bang the metal item on the table.

Next, put the string up to your ears and “close your ears with your fingers holding the string.


You will need: washable markers, wet wipes, and paper

Color on your thumb using a WASHABLE marker. Put your thumbprint on the paper.

Keep putting thumbprints on the paper with as many colors you want, making a design or picture with the thumbprints.

Hint: Wipe off your thumb using a wet wipe between colors.


You will need pony beads, 18 inch cording, permanent marker, “star” beads, and scissors

Take a piece of 18 inch cording/string. Fold it in half.

Tie a knot on the bottom of the strings and cut any excess string.

Choose the beads you like and slide them over the loop onto both strings.

Attach the paperclip to the loop.


You will need the Funtivities Kit, markers, labels,

2 inch squares of cardstock paper, and 4x3 pieces of construction paper.


Put the battery in the holder and connect all but one wire to the holder.

Use a pin to poke a small hole in the center of the cardstock.

Place the cardstock on the motor. Make sure it is flat!

Hook up the wires so the motor turns.

GENTLY decorate/draw on the cardstock with the marker as the card stock turns.

Glue the work of art to a background and put a label on!

Hint: If you switch the wires-the motor turns the opposite direction.


You will need: plastic spoons, Dixie cups, yogurt and fruit

Using a plastic spoon, put in a Dixie cup:

2 spoons of yogurt (strawberry is WAY yummy!)

1 spoon of fruit

1 spoon of yogurt

1 spoon of fruit

EAT! Good fruits to use are: apple slices, banana slices, blueberries, strawberries, etc.


You will need: zip lock bags, measuring cups or spoons, Cheerios, raisins,

chocolate chips, M&M’s, peanuts, and other goodies

Put in a baggie:

1 scoop (use different size measuring cups/spoons) of:



Chocolate Chips

Peanuts (Use with discretion due to peanut allergies.)


Whatever else you want to use! (



WHO: Kindergarten through Third grade students

WHERE: (include location name and address)


TIME: (beginning and end time)

COST: (include if there is a fee)

Class size is limited; don’t delay! (include if there is a limited amount of spaces.)


Volunteer Name, Clover Kids Leader, Phone Number, E-mail

This electrifying work of art was made by


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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