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Earth Sun and Moon RelationshipName: __________________________________________ Pd: _______EarthSunMoon.co.uk/Begin the website and follow the directions to get to the Earth. You will need to explore the Sun, Moon and Earth before you journey back to the planet Ree.Click the Sun_____________________ (_____________________) the glow around the Sun made up of __________________ and _______________ gas. _____________________ (______________________) are caused by reactions on the Suns surface.____________________ are dark spots you can see when you ________________________________________________.Sun’s temperature is powered by _____________________ ____________________ which release _____________________________.Temperature of the Sun’s surface is ______________.What would happen on Earth if the nuclear reactions stopped?Draw the Sun and Earth to scale.How many Earths would fit in the Sun? _______________What are stars? ________________Click the EarthWhat are 3 things the atmosphere does for us?---___________________ takes 24 hoursDraw a picture of the relationship between the Earth and the Sun showing day and night.___________________ takes 365 ? days___________________ imaginary line from North pole to South pole around which we rotate___________________ imaginary line around the Earth dividing the North Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere.We live in the _____________________ hemisphere.Draw the relationship of the Sun and Earth including and LABELING the AXIS and EQUATOR for summer and winter.Why does the Northern and Southern Hemisphere have opposite seasons? Click the MoonHow are craters formed on the Moon?The moon is ____________ the size of the Earth.The same ______________ of the moon always faces the Earth.Hover the mouse over the Earth. How many days does it take for the Moon to orbit the Earth?Draw the arrangement of the Sun, Moon and Earth for a full moon.What does a full moon look like?Draw the arrangement of the Sun, Moon and Earth for a new moon.What does a new moon look like?Go back to planet Ree and take the quizGame 1 Score ____________Game 2 Score_____________End Test Score ____________Seasons Interactive Web-questBased on what you currently know about the Solar System, what causes the Seasons on Earth? Go to Allow to allow the Adobe. Push start animation.How does the angle of the sun’s rays change between January and March?In January which hemisphere is receiving more sunlight? In June which hemisphere is receiving more sunlight? Go to which hemisphere is Chicago, Illinois located?In which hemisphere is Melbourne, Australia located?Click the continue to interactive button. How far is the Sun from the Earth in January? How far is the Sun from the Earth in July?How do you think the distance affects the temperature? Chicago, ILDaylight HoursTemperature DayJanuaryAprilJulyOctoberMelbourne, AUSDaylight HoursTemperature DayJanuaryAprilJulyOctoberBased on the above data what season is it likely to be in Chicago and Melbourne AUS in the Month of January? (hint they will be different)What about in July?Why do you think that is happening? Change Earth’s Tilt and look at the data for Chicago, IL for a full year. How is this data different from the data in your table? Why do you think that is?Go to and log in: cola156 password: dekalbSearch for the Seasons Video.Fill in the blanks:The earth orbits around the Sun, spinning on its axis. The axis of the spin is tilted by about 23.5 _____________ in relation to the orbit. This tilt makes the ________________ change. Without a tilt in the Earth’s axis, the ________________ would stay the same year round.When the North Pole is tilted __________________ the Sun, the days are longer and hotter in the __________________ Hemisphere. It other words, it’s _________________________. Meanwhile, sunlight is hitting the Southern Hemisphere at an angle. The days are shorter and cooler and it’s _________________ there. Thus, the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are always ________________ of the Northern Hemisphere.Tropical places are located close to the ___________________, the border of the Northern and Southern hemisphere. At the poles there is no ______________________ change of seasons. It goes from summer to winter and winter to summer without fall of spring. gradualsummerwinterdegreesequator seasonsnortherntemperatureoppositetowardsTake the graded quiz at the end of the Seasons video. Write your quiz score here and have your teacher verify the score. Write your score here ______________ Teachers Initials: ___________723900-295275Gravity and Seasons Name______________________ pd400000Gravity and Seasons Name______________________ pdEarth’s Gravity Gravity is the force of attraction between all objects. Gravity keeps the Earth and Moon in their orbits. Earth’s gravity pulls the Moon toward Earth’s center. Without gravity, the Moon would continue moving in a straight line off into space. All objects in the universe have a gravitational attraction to each other. The strength of the force of gravity depends on two things. They aredd the mass of the objects and the distance between them. The greater the objects’ mass, the greater the force of attraction. As the distance between the objects increases, the force of attraction decreases.Earth’s Magnetism The magnetic field has north and south poles. The field extends several thousand kilometers into space. Earth’s magnetic field is created by the movements of molten metal in the outer core. Earth's magnetic field protects the planet from harmful radiation. If you have a large bar magnet, you can hang it from a string. Then watch as it aligns itself in a north-south direction, in response to Earth’s magnetic field. A compass needle also aligns with Earth’s magnetic field. People can navigate by finding magnetic north. Earth's Motions Earth's axis is an imaginary line passing through the North and South Poles. Earth's rotation is its spins on its axis. Rotation is what a top does around its spindle. As Earth spins on its axis, it also orbits around the Sun. This is called Earth's revolution. These motions lead to the cycles we see. Day and night, seasons, and the tides are caused by Earth's motions.Earth’s Rotation In 1851, Léon Foucault, a French scientist, hung a heavy iron weight from a long wire. He pulled the weight to one side and then released it. The weight swung back and forth in a straight line. If Earth did not rotate, the pendulum would not change direction as it was swinging. But it did, or at least it appeared to. The direction of the pendulum appeared to change because Earth rotated beneath it. Earth’s Day and Night How long does it take Earth to spin once on its axis? One rotation is 24 hours. That rotation is the length of a day! Whatever time it is, the side of Earth facing the Sun has daylight. The side facing away from the Sun is dark. If you look at Earth from the North Pole, the planet spins counterclockwise. As the Earth rotates, you see the Sun moving across the sky from east to west. We often say that the Sun is “rising” or “setting.” The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Actually, it is the Earth’s rotation that makes it appear that way. The Moon and the stars at night also seem to rise in the east and set in the west. Earth’s rotation is also responsible for this too. As Earth turns, the Moon and stars change position in the skyEarth’s Seasons The Earth is tilted on its axis. This means that as the Earth rotates, one hemisphere has longer days with shorter nights. At the same time the other hemisphere has shorter days and longer nights. For example, in the Northern hemisphere summer begins on June 21. On this date, the North Pole is pointed directly toward the Sun. This is the longest day and shortest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The South Pole is pointed away from the Sun. This means that the Southern Hemisphere experiences its longest night and shortest day. The hemisphere that is tilted away from the Sun is cooler because it receives less direct rays. As Earth orbits the Sun, the Northern Hemisphere goes from winter to spring, then summer and fall. The Southern Hemisphere does the opposite from summer to fall to winter to spring. When it is winter in the Northern hemisphere, it is summer in the Southern hemisphere, and vice versaEarth’s Revolution Earth’s revolution around the Sun takes 365.24 days. That is equal to one year. The Earth stays in orbit around the Sun because of the Sun's gravity. Earth's orbit is not a circle. It is somewhat elliptical. So as we travel around the Sun, sometimes we are a little farther away from the Sun. Sometimes we are closer to the Sun. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is about 150 million kilometers. Earth revolves around the Sun at an average speed of about 27 kilometers (17 miles) per second. Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun, so they take shorter times to make one orbit. Mercury takes only about 88 Earth days to make one trip around the Sun. All of the other planets take longer amounts of time. The exact amount depends on the planet's distance from the Sun. Saturn takes more than 29 Earth years to make one revolution around the SunUnderline the main idea in each section!What two factors affect the gravitational attraction between two objects.What does a compass have that allows you to tell direction?Describe Earth’s rotation. Describe Earth's revolution.What would happen to Earth-Moon if Earth suddenly shrunk to half its current size? Why do the planets that are furthest from the sun take longer to make one orbit around the sun? Explain your answer.Even though Earth is closest to the Sun in January, people in the Northern hemisphere experience winter weather. Why do you think people in the Northern Hemisphere have winter in January? ................

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