Science 8 Chapter 2 - Review Questions Answers

Science 8 Chapter 2 - Review Questions Answers

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Review Questions: Page 52 51 Q’s: 3, 4, 8 & 9

3. The wide flat areas of ocean basins are called abyssal plains.

4. Ocean ridges are the places on the ocean floor where two tectonic plates are moving apart.

8. Water trapped inside volcanic materials was released into the atmosphere as water vapour during eruptions.

9. (a) A ridge is an underwater mountain range formed when two tectonic plates are forced


(b) A trench is a deep rift in the ocean floor that is formed when two tectonic plates

collide and one is forced underneath the other.

Review questions: Page 63 Q’s: 1, 2, 4, 8 & 9

1. The three main causes of an ocean’s surface currents are wind action, Earth’s rotation, and the shape of the continents.

2. (a) North of the equator, winds and currents will be deflected clockwise.

(b) South of the equator, winds and currents will be deflected counter-clockwise.

4. When cold, dense ocean water meets warmer less dense ocean water, the mixing of the two currents creates heavy fog.

8. Surface currents occur up to a depth of 200 m. Surface current movement is caused by wind action, the rotation of the Earth, and the shape of continents. Deep water currents’ movement is caused by the temperature and salinity of the water.

9. Ocean water density changes in different parts of the ocean due to differences in salinity and temperature. Ocean water in tropical areas or at the North and South poles will be denser due to a higher salinity, for example.

Review Questions: Page 77 Q’s: 2, 4, 9 & 11

2. Shorelines are in a constant state of change from waves that erode and redeposit sediments.

4. A tsunami is caused by activity at the ocean floor, such as an earthquake. It

has nothing to do with tides.

9. Headlands extend farther out into the ocean than other parts of the shoreline, so they

receive the main force of the waves.



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Page 78: Q's: 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 21, 23 & 24

Answers below

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1. The ocean floor is not flat because tectonic plates cause ocean ridges and trenches in the

ocean floor.

2. Three factors that affect ocean surface currents are wind action, Earth’s rotation (the

Coriolis effect), and the shape of the continents.

10. The tidal range would probably be smaller, since the gravitational pull from each moon would be in a different direction.

11. The areas of a coastline that erode faster form bays and the areas that resist erosion become the headlands.

12. Spring tides occur when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are all in a line. These tides are the largest. Neap tides occur when the Sun and the Moon are at right angles to each other. These tides are smaller.

21. Scientists can take pictures of the ocean floor by using deep sea photography and videography cameras that are placed in remote-controlled submersibles.

23. An earthquake on the ocean floor could create a tsunami. Tsunamis are so large and travel so fast and far, they can crash against the coastlines of several countries.

24. The lining up of the Sun, Moon, and Earth causes spring tides, which are the largest tides.


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