Name: _____________________ Class:______


DATE DUE:_______


1. Please find an important, INTERESTING (to you) Space Exploration-RELATED article in our world today. This is a current events assignment you are to choose an article that is no more than SIX MONTHS old from when the assignment is given.

2. Read the Rubric at the end of the worksheet to complete all the requirements for this assignment. Answer all questions in full sentence, and paragraph form when indicated.

3. These are the desired outcomes from our Programs of Studies – use them as guiding questions to pick a topic:

• Investigate and describe ways that human understanding of Earth and space has depended on technological development

• Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved

• Identify issues and opportunities arising from the application of space technology, identify alternatives involved, and analyze implications

3. Find your scientific article from one of the following sources:

• The Guardian

• The Globe and Mail

• Discover (magazine)

• National Geographic

• Popular Science

• Scientific American (ADVANCED!)

4. Read the article and fill out the statements or answer the questions below.

Topic of Article: _____________________________________________________________________

Title of Article: ______________________________________________________________________

Source: _____________________________________________________________________________

WHO is this article about? ____________________________________________________________


WHEN did this story take place?


WHERE is this event or issue occurring? (Specify city, country, region, etc.)


WHAT is this story about? List four important facts from your article (in the order that they occur, as you read the article).

1. _________________________________________________________________________________




2. _________________________________________________________________________________




3. _________________________________________________________________________________




4. _________________________________________________________________________________




WHY is this story important to you? How does it impact your life or the life of others? (Paragraph answer)



What is your opinion on this article? What questions are raised by this article? Do you question the facts or lack of facts given? Is the article valid? What about the authors ethics? Is further research required?



CONNECT the article. What does it have to do with you? Can it be connected to anything we learned or are learning about in class or topics you want to learn more about?





Grading will be based on the following rubric and will center on Stem 4 for Science:

4 – Entire Current Event assignment displays the following requirements for each question/statement above:

a. Demonstrates thoughtfulness, preparation, and accuracy.

b. Reflects real understanding of the story and the issues.

c. Follows directions.

d. Is complete, neat, and includes entire article.

e. Asks and answers a provocative (for discussion purposes) question.

3 – Current Event assignment is complete but lacks 2 of the above requirements.

2 – Current Event assignment lacks 3 of the requirements.

1 – Current Event assignment lacks 4 of the requirements.

0 – Current Event assignment is late (excepting all day absence) or lacks 5 or more of the above requirements.

The link to the direct article must be included, or a paper copy attached for this assignment to be considered complete


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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